Technical Lecture On: Design of Open Foundation

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Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

Technical Lecture
Design of Open Foundation



27 January, 2018

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Lecture-7: Open Foundation Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

1. Introduction
2. Reference IRC & BIS Codes of Design
3. Design : Geotechnical Design
4. Design : Structural Design
4.1 Loads for Foundation Design
4.2 Substructure Types
4.3 Structural Analysis
4.4 Limit State Design
4.5 Actions for Foundation Design
4.6 Material Properties(Concrete & Steel)
4.7 ULS Design for Flexure, Shear & Punching Shear
4.8 SLS Design for Stresses & Crack Width
4.9 General Design Parameters as per IRC:112
4.10 Detailing of Reinforcement
5. Worked Examples

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A foundation is the part constructed under the

pier/abutment and over the underlying soil or rock. It
receives the load from the piers and abutments and
transfers it to the soil.
The loads transmitted by the foundation to the underling
soil must not cause soil shear failure and settlement failure.
Distributes the load over a large bearing area and provide
stability of bridge against settlement and tilting.
Increases stability & prevents overturning
Provided sufficiently deep so that not affected by the
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Foundation Type for Bridge/Structure:



Shallow Foundation: Deep Foundation:
These types of foundations are so They are called deep because
called because they are placed they are embedded very deep
at a shallow depth (relative to (relative to plan dimensions) into
their dimensions) beneath the the soil. They are usually
soil surface. proposed when the top soil layer
have low bearing capacity.

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Choice of Open Foundation:
It is generally provided for small bridges when soil having good
bearing capacity or rocky bed is available at a shallow depth.

Spread Foundation is also a good choice for the case of slab


It is suitable when flow/discharge in stream is less and hence

the scouring effect is less.

Raft or mat foundation is also suitable for small bridges and

culverts with box type structure when SBC of soil is very low as
these distribute the load on larger area.
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All foundations are designed so that the soil safely resists the
actions applied to the structure. Design of any foundation
consists of two components; the geotechnical design and
structural design of foundation itself.

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Reference IRC Codes for Foundation Design

IRC:6-2017 For all direct or indirect loads and their combinations

IRC:78-2014 For specific provisions of foundation design
IRC:112-2011 For structural design and detailing of foundation
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Reference BIS Codes for Foundation Design

IS:6403-1981 For determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundation

IS:8009 (Part-1)-1976 For calculation of settlement of shallow foundation
IS:4090-1967 Criteria for Design of Reinforced Concrete Arches

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Geotechnical Design
SSI and Geotechnical Report:
Geotechnical Investigation report should be
produced for proposed foundation location.
This includes following:
Interpretation of Ground Investigation Report
Geotechnical Recommendations
Characteristic Values of Soil Parameters (c, etc.)
Ground Water Table
Values of Silt Factors in case of water stream/channel
Possibility of Liquefaction of sub-soil during seismic
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Geotechnical Design
Safe Bearing Capacity
Open Foundation resting on Soil :
Bearing capacity from shear strength criteria

Bearing capacity from maximum allowable settlement criteria

Open Foundation resting on Rock :

Bearing capacity from crushing strength of rock

Settlement is generally neglected in case of rock

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Geotechnical Design
Some important IRC Code Stipulations for Open Foundation
For foundations resting on Soil – No Tension in Base Pressure is Allowed
For foundations resting on Rock – Tension is allowed and need to be re-
distributed to check the final base pressure (Refer Cl. 706.3.3.2 of IRC:78)
Allowable base pressure may be Increased in Seismic and Wind Cases
In case of excavation in rock the foundation trenches around the footing
shall be filled up with lean concrete.
The founding level shall be at least 2.0m (for soil) below the scour level. An
embedment of 1.5m (for soft rock) and 0.6m (for hard rock)
If the proposed foundation is close to any existing bridge / structure, the
founding depth should be the existing foundation depth.
Allowable bearing pressure will be determined as minimum from settlement
criteria and shear strength criteria to determine.
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Geotechnical Design of Foundation

Common Type of Shallow Foundations used in Bridge Structures :

For Wall Type Rectangular Footing Circular Footing for

Abutments for Piers Piers

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Geotechnical Design of Foundation

Stability Checks
The stability of an
abutment/pier foundation
should be checked for
several modes of failure :
Sliding failure
MR = Resisting Moment
Max. & Min. Base Pressure
MO = Overturning Moment
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Geotechnical Design
Design Base Pressure for Foundation Design

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Structural Design of the Foundation

Durability Requirements:
Being a permanent part of the bridge, foundations will be designed
for a service life of 100 years. §5.8.1 of IRC:112-2011
For all foundations and elements below ground level minimum
cover shall be 75 mm. §14.3.2 (7) of IRC:112-2011
Tensile stresses will be permitted in concrete foundation during its
service life. §12.2.2 of IRC:112-2011

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Foundation Design Loads

Design engineer must first list all the possible loads and their
combinations that governs the design of the substructure and
Permanent Loads:
Dead Load, SIDL, Earth Pressure etc.
Transient Loads:
Live Load, Centrifugal Force, Vehicle Impact, Live Load
Surcharge, Wind Load, Earthquake Load etc.
Deformation and Response Loads:
Creep, Shrinkage, Settlement & Thermal Forces etc..
Buoyancy, Accidental Load.
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Loads for Foundation Design

Seismic Load for Foundation Design:§219.8 of IRC:6-2017
For design of foundation, the seismic force after taking into account of
appropriate R factor should be taken as 1.35 and 1.25 times the forces
transmitted to it by concrete and steel substructure respectively, so as
to provide sufficient margin to cover the possible higher forces
transmitted by substructure arising out of its over strength.
However, these over strength factors are not applicable when R=1.
Also, the dynamic increment of earth pressure due to seismic need not
be enhanced.

When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal seismic

forces, the response reduction factor (R) shall be taken as 1.0 for RCC,
masonry and PCC substructure

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Substructure Types
Abutment: Pier:
As a component of a bridge, Piers provide vertical supports for
abutment provides vertical support spans at intermediate points and
to bridge superstructure at bridge perform two main functions,
ends, connects the bridge with the
transferring superstructure vertical
approach roadway, and retains the
roadway base materials from bridge loads to the foundations and resisting
spans. horizontal forces acting on the bridge.


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Substructure Types
Basic Types of Piers Basic Types of Abutments

Column Piers

Wall Piers

Cantilever Wall Abutment

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Special Substructure Types : Arch Bridge

Multi-Span RCC Arch Bridge with Open Spandrels (Typ.)

Open Spandrel`
Spring Line
Span Span

Arch Bridge Abutment-Foundation Arch Bridge Pier-Foundation

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Structural Analysis
Assumptions for Structural Analysis:
Plane sections remain plane, material is orthotropic and shear deformations
are negligible
Stress and strain compatibility will be satisfied throughout the analysis and
Un-cracked sectional properties will be used for analysis
Specific Considerations for Open Foundation Design:
For rivers & streams, minimum depth of foundation shall not be less than
2.0m below the design normal scour level or protected bed level as per Cl.
705.2.1 of IRC:78-2014
No tension will be allowed under the footing resting on the soil.
In case of the footing resting on the rock, limited tension will be allowed
under the footing as per Clause 706.3.3.2 of IRC:78-2014. In such cases,
footing will be anchored in the soft rock and hard rock by 1.5m and 0.6m
respectively as per Cl. 705.2.2 of IRC:78-2014.
Structural design of open foundation shall be as per IRC:112-2011.
For seismic & accidental cases, allowable bearing pressure shall be enhanced
by 25%.
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Limit State Design

What is Limit State:
Acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before
failure occurs is called a Limit state
IRC : 21-2000 (Obsolete) IRC:112-2011
Working Stress Method Limit State Method
• Factor of safety for yield stress, • Partial safety factor for material ( m)
• Allowable stresses are less than ‘fy’. for yield and ultimate stress.
• Pure elastic approach for analysis of • Working loads are factored
structures under working loads. (increased) as per partial safety factor
f) causing Limit State of strength.

• Yielding or buckling never occurs at • Post buckling and post yielding plays
working loads important role in estimating capacity
of structural elements at Limit State.
• Deformations are evaluated at
• Deformations are evaluated at working loads.
working loads.

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Limit State Design

Serviceability Limit States: (For the comfort of the users)
States that correspond to conditions beyond which specified service
requirements for a structure or structural member are no longer met
The structural behavior in the SLS shall be analyzed with regard to
Stress limitations;
Crack widths;
Both short-term and long-term design situations shall be considered.

Ultimate Limit States: (for the safety of structure & people)

States associated with collapse or with other similar forms of structural
Structural behavior in the ULS shall be analyzed with regard to:
Safety against structural failure;
Static equilibrium of the whole structure;

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Limit State Design

Action can be permanent (persistent) or variable (transient),
accidental, or seismic
Persistent actions can be either favourable or unfavourable.
Transient actions are always considered as unfavourable.

Design Situations:
Persistent/Basic Design Situations, which refer to the conditions of
normal use
Transient/Temporary Design Situations, which refer to temporary
conditions applicable to the structure, e. g. during execution or repair
Accidental Design Situations, which refer to exceptional conditions
applicable to the structure or to its exposure, e. g. to fire, explosion,
impact or the consequences of localised failure
Seismic Design Situations, which refer to conditions applicable to the
structure when subjected to seismic events.

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Limit State Design

Characteristic Value:
Characteristic value of an action is generally the main representative
value, which can be based upon the statistical distribution of
magnitudes of action
Partial Safety Factors:
Partial factor associated with the uncertainty of the action which takes
account of the possibility of unfavourable deviations of the action
values from the representative/characteristic values
/ Combinational Values

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Combination of Loads : Limit State Design

COMBINATION OF LOADS: §Annex-B to Cl.202.3 of IRC:6-2017
For Limit State Design Approach, load combination as shown in Annex B
shall be adopted. The combination factors taking into account the
probability of simultaneous occurrence of loads.
Combination Principle:
While working out combinations, only one variable load shall be
considered as leading load at a time. All other variable loads shall
be considered as accompanying loads. In case if the variable loads
produce favourable effect (relieving effect) the same shall be ignored.
Combination of Loads under ULS: (For Checking Equilibrium & Structural Strength)
Basic Combination
Accidental Combination
Seismic Combination
Combination of Loads under SLS: (To satisfy the serviceability requirements)
Rare Combination: for checking the stress limit.
Frequent Combination : for checking the deflection, vibration
Quasi-Permanent Combination : for checking the crack width
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Combination of Loads : Limit State Design

Combination for Design of Foundation:§Annex-B to Cl.202.3 of IRC:6-2017
For checking the base pressure under foundation and to estimate
the structural strength which includes the geotechnical loads, the
partial safety factor for loads for 3 combinations shown in Table B.4
shall be used.
The material safety factor for the soil parameters, resistance factor and
the allowable bearing pressure for these combinations shall be as per
relevant code (?)
Note-8 under Table B.4 of Annex.B of IRC:6-2017
At present the combination of loads shown in Table B.4 shall be
used for structural design of foundation only. For checking the base
pressure under foundation, load combination given in IRC:78 shall
be used. Table B.4 shall be used for checking of base pressure under
foundation only when relevant material safety factor and resistance
factor are introduced in IRC:78

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Actions for Foundation Design

General Forces for Abutment Foundation Design

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Actions for Foundation Design

General Forces for Pier Foundation Design

Column Pier Wall Pier

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Actions for Foundation Design

General Forces for Arch Foundation Design (Abutment Pier)
Dead Load
Superimposed Dead Load
Weight of Fill in Filled
Spandrel Arches
Live Load
Wind Load
Tractive Force in case of
Open Spandrel Arch Arch foundation base section is made in
Temperature Load such a way that the resultant thrust
Seismic Load under all conditions passes through as
Differential Settlement near the centre of base as possible
Design loads for arch Arch foundations are checked
foundations are mainly direct individually and jointly for block
axial thrust transferred from stability.
arch ribs
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Materials for RCC Open Foundation

Concrete Strength Classes & Properties:§Table 6.5 of IRC:112-2011

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Materials for RCC Open Foundation

fck : Characteristic Cube Strength of concrete at age 28 days
fcm : Mean concrete compressive strength at age 28 days
fctm : Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete at 28 days
Ecm : Secant modulus of elasticity of Concrete
fctk,0.05 : Lower characteristic axial tensile strength of Conc. below
which 5% of test results would be expected to fall for specified Conc.
fctk,0.95 : Upper characteristic axial tensile strength of Conc.
cl: Compressive strain in the concrete at the peak stress
c2 : Compressive strain at peak stress for Parabolic-Rectangle Stress Distribution
cu2 : Ultimate compressive strain for Parabolic-Rectangle Stress Distribution
c3 : Compressive strain at peak stress for Rectangle Stress Distribution
cu3 : Ultimate compressive strain for Rectangle Stress Distribution

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Materials for RCC Open Foundation

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Materials for RCC Open Foundation

Reinforcing Steel (Table 18.1 of IRC:112-2011)
Mild Steel : Grade-I –
IS:432 (Part1)-1982
HYSD Steel : Fe415,
Fe500 & Fe500D
conforming to IS:1786-
For seismic zones Ill, IV
& V; HYSD steel bars
having minimum
elongation of 14.5% and
conforming to other
requirements of IS
1786:2008 shall be

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ULS Flexure : Concrete Stress-Strain Relations

Parabolic-Rectangle Stress Distribution (Theoretical)

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ULS Flexure : Concrete Stress-Strain Relations

Rectangular Stress Distribution : (Simplified)

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ULS Shear : Principles of Shear Control

Until a certain shear force
(VRd,c), no calculated
shear reinforcement is
If the design shear force is
larger than value (VRd,c),
shear reinforcement is
necessary for the full
design Shear Force

Shear reinforcement is calculated with the variable inclination truss analogy.

With this reason, strut inclination may be chosen between two values
(recommended range 1 cot 2,5)
Shear reinforcement may not exceed a defined maximum value to ensure
yielding of the shear reinforcement.
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ULS Shear : Principles of Shear Control

Advantage of Variable Angle Truss Analogy for Shear

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ULS Shear : Principles of Shear Control

Condition for No Shear Reinforcement :
§10.3.2 of IRC:112-2011
Shear design value under which no shear reinforcement is
necessary in elements (general limit)

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Design for Punching Shear §10.4.4 of IRC:112-2011

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Design for SLS Condition

Stress Limitation in Concrete: §12.2.1 of IRC:112-2011
For Rare Combination : Compressive Stress < 0.48 x fck
(in order to keep longitudinal cracks, micro cracks or creep within acceptable limits)

For Q-P Combination (for linear Creep): Compressive Stress < 0.36 x fck
(In case compressive stress exceeds 0.36 fck, non-linear creep shall be
Considered. Generally avoided)
Stress Limitation in Reinforcement (Steel): §12.2.2
of IRC:112-2011
of IRC:112-2011
Under Rare/Q-P Combination : Tensile Stress < 0. 8 x fyk

For No
No Check
Check for
for Fatigue
Fatigue :: Tensile
Tensile Stress
Stress <
< 300
300 MPa
Crack Width Limitation in Concrete: §12.2.3 & Table 12.1 of IRC:112-2011
Under Moderate Exposure Condition : Crack Width < 0.3 mm
Under Severe Exposure Condition : Crack Width < 0.3 mm
Under Very Severe & Extreme Exposure Condition : Crack Width < 0.2 mm
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Design for SLS Condition

Max. Bar Diameters for Crack Control:§Table 12.2 of IRC:112

Max. Bar Spacing for Crack Control:§Table 12.3 of IRC:112

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General Design Parameters: Refer IRC:112-2011

Modulus of Elasticity Steel Reinf. : Es = 200 KN/mm2 (Cl.6.2.2)
Material safety factor ( s) for Steel for Basic & Seismic Combination =1.15
For Material safety factor ( s) for Steel for Accidental Combination =1.0
Poisson's ratio for Un-cracked Concrete = 0.2 (Cl.
Poisson's ratio for Cracked Concrete = 0.0 (Cl.
For long term effect, value of Ecm (Secant Modulus of elasticity of Conc.)
will be modified by a factor (1/1+ ) accounting for long term creep
effects where is the creep co-efficient defined by Eq. 6.9 & Table 6.9
for Relative Humidity of Area
For foundation & element below ground level, minimum cover shall be 75mm.
Bridge open foundation will be designed remain elastic under design
seismic action and hence do not require any special ductile detailing of
reinforcement. (Cl. 17.3.1)
Minimum shear reinforcement may be omitted in members such as slabs where
transverse redistribution of loads is possible. (Cl.10.2.1)
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Reinforcement Detailing in Open Foundation

Reinforcement detailing is considered as the outcome of the
detailed structural design. It shows the size and location of
reinforcement on the working drawings for execution.
Detailing involves communication of design engineer with
the construction engineer working on execution at site.
Good detailing ensures that reinforcement and concrete
interact efficiently to provide satisfactory behaviour of
structure under complete range of loading.
Detailing requirements of a reinforcement bar depend on
the reasons for its inclusion in the structure to control
flexural cracking, shear, tension, compression, confinement
and finally imparting strength and ductility to structure.

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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Detailing of Reinforcement - General Rules
Bar spacing, Minimum bend diameter, Anchorage of
Reinforcement, Lapping of bars
Clear horizontal and vertical distance (s) Old Criteria as per IRC:21
Max. of { , (dg+10mm), 20mm} Clear horizontal distance
{Cl. 15.2.1(2) of IRC:112} (s) Max. of { ,
dg : Max. Size of Aggregate Clear vertical distance (s)
: Reinforcement Diameter Max. of { , dg, 12mm}
For separate horizontal layers the bars in each layer should be located
vertically above each other. There should be room (50mm) to allow access
for vibrators and good compaction of concrete
The spacing of bars shall be such that the concrete can be placed and
compacted satisfactorily for the development of adequate bond.
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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Minimum Mandrel Diameter ( m) for Bent Bars (Cl. 15.2.2)
Minimum Mandrel Diameter: (i) To avoid bending cracks in the bar
(ii) To avoid failure of concrete inside the bent
Old Criteria (IRC:21-
(a) > 20 for
Fe415& Fe500
(b) > 15 for Fe240

Old Criteria
(a) > 6 for
(b) > 4 for
Fe240 Bars

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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Bond Condition Favourable and unfavourable bond
(Cl. 15.2.3) conditions
Old Criteria

Favourable thickness
was 300mm

Concrete Grade was

restricted to M40
only upto Fe500
steel reinforcement.
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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Anchorage of Reinforcement (Cl.15.2.3) , (fbd)
Ult. Bond Stress
In favourable
bond conditions,
the design
values for the
ultimate bond
stress (fbd) are
given in (Table
Ultimate bond
strength shall be
sufficient to
prevent bond

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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Basic required Anchorage Length, (lb) (Cl.
For unfavourable bond
condition the values
given in Table 15.4
should be multiplied by
factor of 1.43.
For > 32 mm, these
bond lengths should be
increased by multiplying
(100/132- )
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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Design Anchorage Length (lb,net) (Refer Cl.
Straight anchorages or lb,net = a . lb . As,reqd /As,prov lb,min
bends should not be Where:
used to anchor plain As,reqd & As,prov :Area of reinforcement required by
bars of more than 8 mm. design and that actually provided, respectively.
Anchorage for bars in Coeff. a : 1.0 for straight bars & 0.7 for bent bars
compression shall be lb,min: Minimum Anchorage Length
developed by straight lb,min > Max of (0.3lb,rqd, 10 , 100mm) for anchorage in tension
anchorages. Hooks and lb,min > Max of (0.6lb,rqd, 10 , 100mm) for anchorage in compression
bends, shall be deemed
not effective in
providing anchorage in
compression. Value of lb
in compression should
be same as lb in tension.
Use of welded bars for
anchorages is permitted
in IRC:112

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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Anchorage of Links & Shear Reinforcement (Refer Cl.

Anchorage as a whole will be considered satisfactory, if satisfies

either of the following condition:
i. Curve of a hook or bend is extended by a straight length which is not
less than as per Fig. 15.3(a) or 15.3(b).
ii. Welding of transverse bars will be as per Fig. 15.3(c) and Fig. 15.3 (d).
There was no such provision in IRC:21-2000 for Links with welding
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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Splicing of Bars (Refer Cl.15.2.5)
Method of Splicing: Splicing Arrangement:
Lapping Should be staggered
Welding Should be avoided in
Mechanical Couplers areas of high moments
The detailing of splices Placed symmetrically at
between bars shall be such that any section
the transmission of forces from
one bar to the next is assured
Mechanical splices should
and spalling of concrete or be considered where
unacceptable crack widths congestion becomes a
(from durability point of view), problem
do not occur in the
neighbourhood of the splice.

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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Splicing-Lapping of Bars (ls) (Refer Cl.15.2.5)
General Rules for Lapping of Bars
Laps shall be staggered and should not be located in areas of high stress
Arrangement of laps should comply Fig15.4 of IRC:112. Clear space
between two lapped bars in a splice should not be greater than 4 or
All bars in compression & secondary (distribution) reinforcement may be
lapped in one section.
Bars of >32 mm shall be used only in elements whose minimum depth
is not less than 15 times, the diameter of bar.
Where bars are all in one layer, 100% lapping of bars in tension at one
section may be permitted for HYSD bars only. Where bars are in several
layers, percentage should be reduced to 50%.
Transverse reinforcement shall be provided for avoiding spalling or
cracking of concrete.
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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Splicing-Lapping of Bars (ls) (Refer Cl.15.2.5)
ls = 1 . Lb,net ls,min --(Eq. 5.3)
ls : Design Lap Length of Splice
lb,min > Max of (0.3 1 lb, 15 ,

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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Trans. Reinforcement at Laps Bars – Refer Cl.
For Bars in Tensions:
Transverse reinforcement is required in the lap zone to resist
transverse tension forces
Any Transverse reinforcement provided for other reasons will be
sufficient if the lapped bar Ø<20mm or area of lapped bars<25% of
total area of bars at that section.
If the lapped bar Ø
20mm, the transverse
reinforcement should
have a total area, Ast
1,0As of one spliced bar.
It should be placed
between the longitudinal
reinforcement and
concrete surface.
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Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Trans. Reinforcement at Laps Bars – Refer Cl.
For Bars in Compression:
In addition to the rules for bars in tension one bar of the transverse
reinforcement should be placed outside each end of the lap length
Links provided from other considerations can be taken into account
to satisfy this requirement

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Splicing- By Welding & Mechanical Couplers (Cl.
By Welding: By Mechanical Couplers:
HYSD bars conforming to IS 1786 A mechanical splice including
may be welded after confirming its connecting elements shall
that the equivalent carbon develop in tension or
percentage (CE) in accordance compression at least 125% of
with Cl. of IRC:112 the characteristic strength (fy)
and it should not be more than At location of mechanical splices
0.53%. (CE was 0.4% in IRC:21) reduction in minimum cover may
All bars shall be butt welded be accepted but should not be
except for smaller diameter bars less than 30 mm. (But not
with diameter of less than 20 mm applicable for foundation
which may be lap welded. reinforcement)
Welded joints shall be located not Mechanical splices should be
less than twice the bar diameter considered where congestion
away from a bend becomes a problem.
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Use of Bundled High Strength Deformed Bars (Cl.15.2.7)
In a bundle, all the bars shall be of the same characteristics, type and
grade, and preferably of same dia. Bars of different diameters can be
bundled provided the ratio of diameters does not exceed 1.7.
In design, the bundle is replaced by a notional bar having the same
sectional area and the same centre of gravity as the bundle.
Nos. of the bars in a bundle should be limited to four for vertical bars in
compression and bars in a lapped joint and three for all other cases
Max. dia. of bars which can be bundled are : 32mm & 36mm for 2 bars,
28mm for 3 bars and 25mm for 4 bars.
Lap length calculation & spacing of bars shall be based on equivalent dia
of bundled bars.

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Reinforcement Detailing as per IRC:112-2011

Detailing Comparison between IRC:112 & IRC:21 for Footing Reinf.
Footing Slabs IRC:112 Clause / Values IRC:21 Clause / Values
Main Bars in Tension
As,min (1) & 0.0015 bh for Fe415 & Fe500
0.26 fctm/fykbd 0.0013 bd
As,max (2): 0.025 bd 0.02 bh
Secondary Transverse Bars
As,min (3): 0.0015 bh for Fe415 & Fe500
0.2As for single way slabs
As,max (2): 0.025 bd 0.02 bh
Spacing of Bars
smin 15.2.1(2): dg+10 mm or or dg+10 mm or (Horizontal)
20mm (horizontal & Vertical) dg or 12 mm or (Vertical)
Smax 15.2.1(4): Main & secondary :2h 300mm
main: 2h 250 mm 150 mm for requirement of
secondary: 3h 400 mm crack control
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Concrete Cover to Reinforcement

Clause 14.3.2 and 15.3.1. of IRC:112-2011 have specified
the concrete cover requirement to the reinforcement
Concrete covers are provided to ensure:
Reinforcement and concrete bond near surfaces of concrete
Protection of the reinforcement against corrosion
Concrete cover also gives a protection layer to
reinforcement in the event of fire to some extent to prevent
melting of steel
Minimum Concrete Cover to foundation part, generally buried
under the ground will be 75mm as per Cl. of
IRC:112-2011 under all exposure conditions
This provision is similar to IRC:21-2000 (Obsolete)

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Data Given: Abutment with Fixed Bearing
(For Simply Supported End Span of 28.5m c/c of Bearing)

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Note-8 under Table B.4 of Annex.B of IRC:6-2017

At present the combination of loads shown in Table B.4 shall be used for
structural design of foundation only. For checking the base pressure under
foundation, load combination given in IRC:78 shall be used. Table B.4 shall be used
for checking of base pressure under foundation only when relevant material safety
factor and resistance factor are introduced in IRC:78
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Combination of Loads under SLS: (To satisfy the serviceability requirements)

Rare Combination: for checking the stress limit.
Frequent Combination : for checking the deflection, vibration
Quasi-Permanent Combination : for checking the crack width

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Special Vehicle (SV):§204.5 of IRC:6-2017
Prime Mover with 20 Axle Trailer - GVW = 385 Tonnes

The SV loading shall be considered to ply close to center of

carriageway with a maximum eccentricity of 300 mm for single
carriageway bridges or for dual carriageway bridges
During the passage of SV loading, no other vehicle shall be
considered to ply on the bridge. No wind, seismic, braking force
and dynamic impact on the live load need to be considered as the
SV shall move at a speed not exceeding 5kmph over the bridge
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Considering no
bearing friction in
Seismic Case and
Seismic Force will be
considered at bearing
due to DL+SIDL and
appropriate CWLL.

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Load Cases for Abutment Foundation Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Calculation of Base Pressure Intensity below Footing:
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Stability Check of Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Base Pressure Check of Abutment Foundation
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

ULS Design of Abutment Foundation : For Flexure
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

ULS Design of Abutment Foundation : For Shear
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Service Limit State Design of Abutment Foundation

SLS Moment Check will be carried out for

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Structural Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Abutment Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation


Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Considering no bearing friction in Seismic Case and
Seismic Force will be considered at bearing due to
DL+SIDL and appropriate CWLL.
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Load Cases for Pier Foundation Design

Structural Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Load Cases for Pier Foundation Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Stability Check of Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

ULS Design of Pier Foundation : For Flexure

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

ULS Design of Pier Foundation : For Flexure
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

ULS Design of Pier Foundation : For Flexure

Structural Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

ULS Design of Pier Foundation : For Flexure

Structural Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

ULS Design of Pier Foundation : For Flexure

Structural Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Structural Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

ULS Design of Pier Foundation : For Shear

Structural Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Structural Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Structural Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Service Limit State Design of Pier Foundation

SLS Moment Check will be carried out for

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Structural Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Structural Design

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation

Structural Design
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation on Rock

Special Case when Pier Foundation is resting on Rock
For foundations resting on Rock – Tension is allowed and need to be
re-distributed to check the final base pressure (Refer Cl. 706.3.3.2
of IRC:78). In such cases, footing will be anchored in the soft rock
and hard rock by 1.5m and 0.6m respectively as per Cl. 705.2.2 of

Consider the above Pier Foundation with reduced size of Pier

Foundation of (8.0m x 8.0m) showing tension under the
Footing under Seismic Cases.

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation on Rock

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Worked Example : Pier Foundation on Rock

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Note on Arch Abutment & Pier Foundation

Arch foundations will be designed in accordance with
IS:4090-1967. Arch foundations are checked individually and
jointly for block stability.
Arch foundation base section is made in such a way that the
resultant thrust under all conditions passes through as near
the centre of base as possible
Design loads for arch foundations are mainly direct axial
thrust transferred from arch ribs
Structural Design will be in accordance with IRC:112-2011

Arch Bridge Abutment-Foundation

Arch Bridge Pier-Foundation

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

Limitation for use of Open Foundation

Open foundations are susceptible for differential settlement
when used in case of black cotton sub-soil without suitable
Open foundation should also be avoided in the area with
effect of Liquefaction. Only pile foundation with depth well
below the liquefiable top layers are a good choice for such
For highway structures in urban area with limited working
spaces, open foundation is generally avoided due to its
large plan dimensions and need of space for its construction
If depth of scour at river/stream is appreciable, it will not
be judicious to construct open foundation in such case.

Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design

(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

1. Design of the open foundation using IRC:112 is more realistic as
it covers limit state of collapse along with limit state of
serviceability and based on actual strength of material.
Provisions given in IRC:112 are elaborate and meet all possible
requirements of design and detailing with clarity. However need
to more cautious as almost all the expressions are formulated
with time dependent behaviour of the material.
Generally ULS criteria governs the design and specially punching
shear requirement for pier footing case.
Stability check for foundation is still as per stipulations of IRC:78-
2014 without effect of drained (sandy) and undrained (clay)
condition of sub-soil. May be incorporated in near future.
Seismic effect below the ground has been added in new IRC:6-
2017 varying from Ah to 0.5Ah up to 30m below scour level.
Refresher Course on Bridge Foundation Design
(Lecture on Design of Open Foundation) 27 January, 2018

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