Spectrophotometric Determination of Tartrazine in Soft Drink Powder and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
Spectrophotometric Determination of Tartrazine in Soft Drink Powder and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
Spectrophotometric Determination of Tartrazine in Soft Drink Powder and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
Ayman A. Ali et.al., J. Bas. & Environ. Sci., 7 (2020) 132–139
completed to the mark with deionized water. The obtained between 10 to 100 µg mL-1 of TAR between 10 to 100 µg
solution kept on the magnetic stirrer for 5 minutes to mL-1 were introduced to adjust the volume 20 mL of 0.2 M
complete the solubility of the dye. sodium hydroxide solution and 100 mL acidic mixture (0.4
2.3. The preparation of tartrazine samples from M) were added. The solution was diluted to the mark with
pharmaceutical drugs and soft drink powder: deionized water. The absorption spectra were recorded
Stock solution of Tartrazine TZ (100 µg mL-1) was between 300 and 650 nm. The spectra of all solutions were
prepared by dissolving an exact weight (10 mg) of TZ in measured against a blank of deionized water with 4 ml of
20 mL deionized water in 100 mL measuring flask on a buffer. The measurements were carried out at 25 ± 0.5 0C.
magnetic stirrer for 5 minutes then completed to the mark For the determination of tartrazine dye, the absorption
with deionized water. The soft drinks were used in this spectra of aqueous solutions of Tartrazine (TZ) were
study such as (Tang Mango 25 g (produced by Mondelez recorded in the wavelength range of 390-630 nm.
Egypt Foods S.A.E), Mountain Dew 330 mL kanz 2.5. The procedure of the standard addition method
(produced by PepsiCo, Egypt) and Miranda Green Apple A typical procedure involves the preparation of several
330 mL kanz (produced by PepsiCo, Egypt). The drug was solutions containing the same amount of unknown and
used in this study such as (Antinal capsules produced by mixed with different amounts of the standard solution of
Amoun Pharmaceutical CO.S.A.E and Oxalepetal tablets Tartrazine in a 10 mL measuring flask. The idea of this
produced by Mash Premiere Badr city). procedure is that the total concentration of the sample is
Accurate weight of powder (Antinal capsule, 2.0 g) the combination of the unknown and the standard and that
dissolved in 15 ml of deionized water on a magnetic stirrer the total concentration varies linearly. The concentration of
for 15 min and diluted to the limited mark in 25 mL unknown determined by the relation between the recording
measuring flask. The obtained solution was filtrated, and absorbance and the concentration of standard tartrazine
the filtrate was considered as the starting sample. The dye.
optimum conditions (pH= 6.54, the volume of the buffer of 2.6. Instrumentation
2.0 mL) for tartrazine dye was applied to the obtained All absorption spectra are made using JASCO V-670
filtrate. The absorbance of the obtained solution was (UV-Visible) Spectrophotometer (JAPAN) with scanning
measured at 427 nm. 3.0 g of Oxalepetal powder dissolved speed (10- 4000 nm/min) and spectral bandwidth (0.1 to
in 25 mL of deionized water on a magnetic stirrer for 15 10 nm) for (UV-Vis region) and equipped with 10 mm
min and diluted to the limited mark in 50 mL measuring matched quartz cells. The pH of all solutions was adjusted
flask. The obtained solution was filtrated, and the filtrate to the required value using pH-Meter type ad1030 Adwa
was considered as the starting sample. The optimum (Romania) and Sigma 3-30 KS Cooling Centrifuge speed
conditions for tartrazine dye were applied to the obtained from (1000-2400 rpm Germany).
filtrate. The absorbance of the obtained solution was 3. Results and discussion
measured at 427 nm.
3.1. Study of the optimum conditions for
Accurate weight of powder (0.5 g of Tang Mango)
determination of tartrazine:
dissolved in 25 mL of deionized water on a magnetic
To estimate the optimum conditions for tartrazine with
stirrer for 15 min then makes dilution to the limited mark
other materials and the effect of different experimental
in 50 mL measuring flask. The obtained solution was
variables were investigated and recorded.
filtrated, and the filtrate was considered as the starting
3.2. The effect of pH
sample. The optimum condition (pH= 6.54, the volume of
For determination of optimum pH for tartrazine, the
the buffer of 2.0 mL) for tartrazine was applied to the
absorbance of the prepared samples measured against the
obtained filtrate. The absorbance of the produced solution
blank within the wavelength range of 800-200 nm. The
was measured at 427 nm. The sample solution prepared by
sample prepared by mixing 1 mL of stock solutions, 4 ml
using different volumes of Miranda green apple varied
of the buffer solution, (universal buffer varies from pH 2
from (1.0 to 8.0 mL) from the bottle, 2.0 mL of buffer
to 12) and completed the solution by deionized water to
(pH= 6.54) and completed with deionized water to the
the limited mark in 10 mL measuring flask. The blank also
mark in 10 mL measuring flask and shake well. The
prepared in the same way without the stock sample
absorbance of the obtained solution was measured at 427
solution. Figure 2(a) shows the absorption spectra of the
nm against the blank. The Mountain dew samples solution
effect of the pH 2.0-12 on the absorption of tartrazine.
was prepared in the same way and similar to Miranda
Figure 2(b) shows the value of absorption of tartrazine
green apple. The absorbance of the obtained solution was
with different pH 2.0-12. Extracted data from Figure 2(b)
measured at 427 nm against the blank.
show that maximum absorption by using buffer solution
2.4. General procedure
with pH 6.54 at λmax= 427 nm and the absorption decreases
In a 10 mL calibrated flask, aliquots of the different
with increasing ph.
reagent stock solutions to obtain final concentration
Ayman A. Ali et.al., J. Bas. & Environ. Sci., 7 (2020) 132–139
Fig (2): Absorption spectra of tartrazine at λmax= 427 nm (a) and the absorption value of tartrazine (b) using a universal
buffer with different pH [pH=2-12].
3.3. Effect of volume of the buffer: obtained solution completed with deionized water to the
limited mark in 10 mL measuring flask with shaking well.
In this part, the effect of buffer volume was studied on
The blank prepared in the same way without the stock
the absorption of tartrazine by the addition of a constant
solution of tartrazine. The absorbances have been
volume of tartrazine 1 mL to a different volume of buffer
measured versus a blank solution at λmax= 427 nm.
solution (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 mL) with pH 6.54. The
Fig (3): Absorption spectra of tartrazine (a) and the absorption value of tartrazine (b) using various volumes of
universal buffer.
Figure 3(a) shows the absorption spectra of tartrazine tartrazine in the presence of surfactants except Tween 80
with various volumes of buffer solution. Figure 3(b) shows which gives absorbance value near absorbance value of
the relation between the absorption of tartrazine with a solution sample without surfactants.
different value of buffer solution. The extracted data from
Figure 3(b) show that 2 mL gives the maximum absorption
of tartrazine at λmax= 427 nm.
3.4. Effect of surfactants:
In this part, the effect of different types of surfactants
(Triton X-100, CTAB, Tween 80, and SDS) was studied
on the absorption of tartrazine samples. The sample
prepared by mixing 1 mL of tartrazine sample, 2 mL
buffer solution (pH= 6.54) and 1 mL of surfactant (0.5 %).
The obtained solutions were completed by the addition of
deionized water to the limited mark in 10 mL measuring
flask. The blank prepared in the same way without the
sample under study. The absorption of obtained solutions
measured against the blank. Figure (4) shows the effect of
surfactants on the absorption of tartrazine. The data
showed no positive response on the absorption of Fig (4): Absorption spectra of tartrazine without surfactant
and by using different surfactants.
Ayman A. Ali et.al., J. Bas. & Environ. Sci., 7 (2020) 132–139
3.5. Effect of volume of surfactant: prepared in the same way without the tartrazine sample.
From the previous study, the presence of Tween 80 The absorbance measured against the blank for all
surfactant increased the absorption of tartrazine samples. Figure 5(a) shows the absorption spectra of the
comparison with the sample without surfactants at tartrazine sample with different volumes of Tween 80
optimum conditions. In this part, the effect of Tween 80 surfactant. The extracted data from Figure 5(b) show that
volume on the absorbance of tartrazine samples was the addition of 2 mL of Tween 80, producing the best
studied. Sample solution prepared by mixing 1 mL of absorbance of tartrazine. But it was a low absorbance
tartrazine sample, the various volume of Tween 80 (from volume comparison by the sample without surfactants. It is
0.25 to 3 mL) and 2 mL of buffer solution (pH= 6.54). The shown that the presence of various surfactants did not
obtained solution was completed by deionized water to the affect the absorbance value of tartrazine samples.
limited mark in a 10 mL measuring flask. The blank also
Fig (5): Absorption spectra of tartrazine without and with Tween 80 surfactant (a) and the effect of Tween 80 volumes
on the absorbance values of tartrazine (b).
Fig (6): The effect of time on the absorption spectra (a) and the absorbance value with time (b) of tartrazine.
Ayman A. Ali et.al., J. Bas. & Environ. Sci., 7 (2020) 132–139
Ayman A. Ali et.al., J. Bas. & Environ. Sci., 7 (2020) 132–139
Table (3) Evaluation of the accuracy and precision of the proposed method for determination of tartrazine in
pharmaceutical drugs
Parameters Antinal capsule Oxalepetal
Standard deviation (SD) 0.02089 0.03479
Mean value (𝒙
̅) 0.59586 0.410334
Relative standard deviation (RSD %) 3.5 8.478
Standard error of the mean (SEM) 8.528 x 10-3 0.0142
Student t-test 3.045 2.3039
N 6 6
Ayman A. Ali et.al., J. Bas. & Environ. Sci., 7 (2020) 132–139
concentration ranges are determined. Molar absorptivity, the proposed spectrophotometric methods can be applied
Sandell sensitivity, detection, and quantitation limits are routine analysis for determination of the studied materials
calculated. To determine the accuracy and precision of the in pure form, pharmaceutical drugs such as (Antinal
suggested methods, solutions containing different capsule, Oxalepetal 600 mg) which found contain (83.58
concentrations of the studied materials are prepared and and 90.26) µg mL-1, respectively, and food samples such
analyzed in six replicated. The recovery, the relative as (Miranda green apple kanz, Mountain Dew and Tang
standard deviation, the relative error is calculated. mango) also contain about (397.84, 310.56 and 2260.78)
µg mL-1, Respectively. Standard addition method applied
The suggested methods can successfully be applied to to pharmaceutical drugs and food samples and the data
determine the pure material (tartrazine) and their match and near the data from the calibration curve of
pharmaceutical drugs and food samples. The results Beer's law which deduce the validity of the method.
obtained compared to statically by the student's t-test. So
Table (4): Evaluation of the accuracy and precision of the proposed method for determination of tartrazine in food
Parameters Tang mango Mountain dew Miranda green apple
Standard deviation (SD) 0.015355 0.0075 0.0210
Mean value (𝒙
̅) 0.4112 0.25717 0.3435
Relative standard deviation 3.734 2.916 6.1127
(RSD %) -3 -3
Standard error of the mean 6.2686 x 10 3.0618 x 10 8.5732 x 10-3
Student t-test 1.4397 2.5233 1.11988
N 6 6 6
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