Some Not Seen Some: Drawing Presentation-Isometric, Oblique and Orthogonal

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The document discusses different drawing techniques including isometric, oblique and orthogonal projections as well as freehand sketching.

Freehand sketching is commonly used to provide information from the field, aid communication between designers and trade workers, make sketches for mechanical drawings, and help interpret complex drawings.

The document discusses using horizontal, vertical, inclined and curved lines when doing freehand sketching.

Drawing Presentation-isometric, oblique and orthogonal

This part of the resource package is provided to assist you to understand and recognise
some of the methods used to present objects. The exercises are suitable for completion by
sketching or more formal drawing using instruments. While line work is not seen as an
essential skill needed to complete this resource package, some effort should be made to use
suitable lines to complete the work (that is, construction lines, outlines, centre lines.).

Information is provided covering both formal drawing and sketching. If you are asked to
complete this work by your teacher, discuss and agree on the method to be used.

7B 6B 5B 4B 3B 2B B HB F H 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H
Drawing or sketching should help you understand and recognise common pictorial
presentation ofdrawings. Either method may be useful in your later career. I
Pencil drawing
~I Graphical computation

If you have completed MEC075, "Produce and Interpret Engineering Sketches" you may prefer Layout work
to complete thf53section using formal.drawing methods to increase your skills.
Drawing pencil grades
Instruments; y:ou may need if you. are completing the exercises using formal

• Compss -130mm spring bow type

• Set.5"quare - 45° (300mm'approximately) Wedge shaped Bevel shaped Conical point shape
• Set.5GfUare - 60° - 30° (3DOmm approximately) (line drawings) (use of compass leads) (lettering, line drawing
and sketching)
• Scal~rule - metric with ratio,1:1, 1:2, 1:5, and 1:10 (optional)
• Era5i!:lr - soft pencil type
The correct way to sharpen leads
• EraEiiilrg shield
• Roll arlfadhesive tape
• Penc:il5- - drawing type H, 2H
• Pencillsharper
• Sandpper pad
• Tee sGj!Jare and drawing surface for work outside the classroom.

Equipment rl'mluired if completing the exercises by sketching

• PenciH- HB or Hand 2H
• Rule
• Eraser; - soft pencil type
• PenciHsharpener
• SandlV~per pad

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package "'41 MEC076 - 5-3
December, 1998 53
Freehand sketching
Freehand sketching is drawing by hand without using a ruler or other guiding instruments.
For drawing things such as machines and mechanical structures, conventional standards for
mechanical drawings are usually followed.

What do we use freehand sketching for'?

A wide variety-of purposes. Here are the more important ones.

• To pliovide a means of learning about drawing presentation methods.

• To gjite information from the field or factory to the drawing office. This happens
where:equipment needs repairing or changing.
• Ease: of communication between the designer, draftsperson, and the tradesperson
• To make sketches of the layout and views needed for mechanical drawings
• As aJ base for discussion o
• To giite a picture which will help to interpret a complex orthogonal drawing

It is advisable'to try and keep the sketch in proportion to the object. In the illustration you
will notice the; difference in proportion between the isometric sketch and the orthogonal (2D)
sketch. In the"fil:at sketch (2D), the hole is out of position. The block is too high and the slot
is too narrow'a:lrrd deep. While the sketch should be in proportion, dimensions will provide the
working informll.ltion.

An advantage'<of sketching is that you only need a pencil, paper and an eraser. The drawing
paper is not selrured to the drawing board during sketching, so that the paper can be rotated
to allow the eaSB of line work and blending of lines.

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package
December. 1998
, "ilj
MECQ76 - 5 - 3 I
Freehand sketching - lines Exercise 5-1 (sketching)

Method of sketching Instructions - practice freehand sketching on lines in the position provided.
Left-handers - reverse the instructions on these pages where you need to.

Hold your pencil lightly (don't grab it tightly), and hold it about fifty or sixty millimetres from Parallel lines
the point.

• • • • • • • • •


Horizontal lines
When You are drawing horizontal lines, your hand slides
along the left to right. Measure the distance between the
to established points with your eyes. Short joining lines • • • • • • • • •
may provide an acceptable finish especially for longer lines.

• • • • • • • • •
Vertical lines
Use a wrist movement from top to bottom when you draw a
vertical line.

Sloping lines
When you are drawing a line from upper left to lower right,
make the movement with your wrist, holding your hands . .. . ... . . ••••••••
above the line.

Draw lines from lower left to upper right by sliding your

whole hand • 0 0

• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
When drawing lines from upper right to lower left, use your • • •
wrist. Your hand will always be below the line. 0

• •
• •

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package fi " iI 'II I MEC076 - 5 - 4 I
December, 1998 55
Freehand sketching - circles Large diameter circles (method 2)

Small diameter circles - up to 10mm diameter

Draw light horizontal and vertical centre lines. The

Draw.light horizontal, vertical and slanting
Step 1 point where they where they cross will be the Step 1
lines as shown.

From the centre, where the lines cross, mark off

Step 2

Step 3
the radii and draw a box.

Join the points with a smooth, even curve.

* Mark the estimated radius on all lines and

Step 2
join the pOints with a smooth even curve.

Medium diameter circles - from 10mm to 30mm diameter

Step 1 The same as for small circles Circles and arcs

When drawing circles and arcs, move your wrist and fingers as shown.

Step 2 The same as for small circles

Step 3
Draw diagonals and mark off the radii. Join the
points with a smooth even curve c'
Large diameter circles (method 1)
Hold your pencil as shown in the picture below, and Practice these methods on scrap paper.
keep the tip of your little finger firmly on the paper
as a centre. Then, holding your hand still, rotate
the paper.

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1-

Resource Package fi"'J:rI I MEC076 - 5 - 5 I
December, 1998 56
Freehand sketching
;" minor axis \12 major axis
L __~=_~~~=~=--==!J
Scrap paper or cardboard

i -
K.:Gi>.----~ Line up marks

I, fhe three 'isometric circles'

, fhe three 'oblique circles'

, Elipse
\'\. --,·,-1
Circle Draw centre lines first ~--_-+'_--- Large
_Centre line



'- Major axis



Practice these on scrap paper.

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package fi " iI j I MEC076 - 5 - 6 I
December, 1998 57
Exercise 5-2
Freehand sketching

Squares, rectangles, arcs and circles

Copy the sketches to the same proportions, in the space beside each sketch. Use the
freehand sketching techniques shown previously.

/ '/ " 1\
\K ./V

~ *11-
~ J

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package ""U'I I MEC076 - 5 -7 I
December. 1998 58
Ruling equipment and its uses Uses of a tee square

Setting up a drawing sheet and using drawing instruments

1. The tee square is used to draw horizontal lines -
0 OJ
2. The stock of the tee square should be hard against the edge of the board. I

3. Vertical lines are drawn with a set square on the tee square. Horizontal 90° or vertical and 45°

4. Set squares are used for drawing inclined lines at 15°,30°,45°,60° and 75° angles.

5. The tee square and set squares can be used to drawing parallel lines at right angles to
the tee square.

Always watch the point of the pencil when drawing a straight line. Try to keep your lines
of even thickness for any particular type of line. If you are using a conical point pencil, 30°.60° and vertical
rotate it while you draw to help keep an even line thickness.

~, r-
u I 0/

15° and 75° Parallel to a line at any angle

Lines should be firm and even

Not coarse and wooly

To be kept _ _-+
in position
Nor double and broken

Drawing parallel lines using set squares Set square angles

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package • If' iii J [MEC076 - 5 - 8
December, 1998 59

The use of a compass To draw an arc of specific radius, the compass is set from a rule to the size specified then
The compass is used for drawing circles and arcs. An extension fitted to one leg enables transferred to the corner, fillet or application.
circles of large diameter to be drawn. For best results a spring bow type is recommended. R
(Not a friction joint type)
The lead is sharpened to a bevel point and must be of a grade suitable for producing lines of
the same quality as ruled pencil lines. As it is difficult to pres hard using the compass, a soft
grade of lead is recommended for outline work.

Specified size

Lead •

Specified size

To draw lines parallel to any given line the compass must be set to the distance the lines
should be apart. Close to the extremities of the line draw arcs. With a rule draw a line to
touch the crest (tangent) of both arcs.

To draw a circle of specified diameter, the compass is set from a rule to a radius which
corresponds to half the diameter.

Compass setting Specified circle

(radius) (diameter)


~___ Compass centre

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package hf1i1J I MEC076 - 5 - 9 I
December, 1998 60
Exercise 5-3 Using a tee square and set squares construct the following angles from Point A.
Use of tee and set squares
CopY the following parallel and oblique lines using tee and set squares




Hatching lines


Hidden details
Construction lines

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package , "ij:n MEC076 - 5 - 10
December, 1998 61
Step 3 Raise the vertical lines from pOints A and B.
Isometric drawing (sketching or instruments)

In isometric drawing three sides of the item are shown, all in dimensional proportion, but none
is shown as a true shape with 90° corners. C

Isometric box
The best way to do an isometric drawing is to imagine a box which would exactly hold the item
Complete the box by projecting from points A, Band C. Make sure that each line is
you want to draw. Draw the box, using light construction lines, to show the height, length and
width of the item. Then draw the item inside the box.
Step 4
parallel to its corresponding line in the basic 0
Example: an isometric sketch of an angle bracket.

Step 1 Start with a 0. The two lower angles are 30° to the horizontal.
120 0
I r-
30 0 ..... 1
~ L _":...... .....____-=-_J I
~_l._-:.. __-_"':..-_-:..-_-_ __-_-_ _ -_-_-_-_-:!:-_-:.: Step 5 Plot the specific dimensions of the item on the correct faces of the box, then draw
....... V ~~~---- ------------- -""\--------------:_--,
I-.... /'
a light outline of the item.
:-.... / ' / ' 120 0 :\ \
l_~ \
Construction of Graph paper :..-------------:..---:..-_-:..-------------------------_"':1l
angles layout of angles Isometric axis
Tee square / set square

Step 2 Plot the overall length, width and height, in proportion, on the appropriate arms, to
locate points A, Band C.
Step 6 Darken the outline of the item and rub out your light construction lines.


MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

" , iiI:j
Resource Package
December. 1998 62
I MEC076 - 5 - 11 I
Exercise 5-4 (sketching or instruments)

Example freehand isometric pictorial (sketching or formal drawing using instruments) Study the example shown on the left before you try the sample exercises. When you have done
that, study the samples and reproduce the items on the right of the grid in the same length,
An isometric drawing of a bracket showing Step 1 Draw your box showing length, width height and width.
the proportions of length, height and width and height.
Step 2 Sketch the outline of the bracket
Step 3 Darken the bracket outline
Step 4 Rub out your box

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package
December, 1998
h" iI #I
I MEC076 - 5 - 12 I
Exercise 5-5 (sketching or instruments)

Isometric pictorial

Draw freehand or with instruments, the isometric sketches of the brackets to the same
length, width and height proportions in the spaces provided, where the start point has been

[jJ T
A 13

Step 1 Step II

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package • if' ~ 'II I MEC076 - 5 - 13 I
December, 1998 64
Oblique cabinet drawing (sketching or instruments)
Example: An oblique drawing of an angular bracket.
Using the oblique drawing method, it is easier to sketch objects with curved or irregular true shapes,
such as cylinders, that are not easily drawn with the isometric method. This is because one face of
the drawing will be a true shape of the object and therefore easier to draw, that is a circle. (This only
applies for circles on the front faces)

Again you can draw the object inside a box with the same overall dimensions as the object. The length
and height of the true shape are in proportion, with the width drawn in half proportion to keep the
drawing in perspective.
/ True shape of a section

Step 1 Draw a rectangle to the overall length and height of one side of the object to be drawn. We
generally choose a side in which the true shape of the object is seen.
Step 4 From the four points plotted, complete the box, making sure each line is parallel to its
corresponding line in the original rectangle.

Step 2 From each corner of the rectangle project light lines at 45°. These lines can be either to
the left or right depending on how the details will be shown most clearly.

Step 5 Plot the true shape of the object on the correct faces of the box.

Step 3 On the 45° lines plot half the proportional width of the object. Step 6 Darken the outline of the object and remove the light construction lines.

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package 1 MEC076 - 5 - 14 1
December, 1998 65
Oblique drawing (sketching or instruments) Study all the examples before you attempt exercise 5-6, duplicating the object in length, width and
height proportions. (It may be sketched or drawn with instruments)

V V l\. I; I"
/1 ./ / 1\

/ 1/ ,

.... "- I '\ / ""

, !/
I---- 1\

I ' 1/
, l\. /

" VI/
1..1 1/
!- f..I
, V I/i

V J ! \. 1/ 1..1 1/ I VI l/ V
I I 1.1 (,1 ~~;: I I I T1/ 1~
1'/ I I tAJ Y" I V 1.1
I'~ 1/ 1/
1 1 V LI


An oblique view of a Construction lines
The figures above are oblique drawings of a pipe saddle former. The width of the former in the right assist in laying out
guard indicating the
item is drawn half the true distance, so that you get as little distortion as possible, and so you get circles in freehand
better proportion. This is called cabinet oblique draWing. proportions of length,
height and width.
Exercise 5-6
Remember: All curves are part of a circle. (sketching or instruments)

-' I"\,

1/ /' "- V / I
VI lI: I"\, 1/ /
I J 1/


MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
December, 1998
fi " iI 'II
I MEC076 - 5 - 15 I
Exercise 5-7 (sketching or instruments)
Oblique drawing
Using the skills you have already learnt;, sketch or draw oblique drawings of the brackets on this page
1:;0 the same length, width and height proportions as shown.

7 7 7
IV /
V IV /
Iv / /
1..1 IV V
f/ L

V V 7,:::'
17 V / I

II II. ...I

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package h,1iJj
1 MEC076 - 5 - 16 1
December. 1998 67
Exercise 5-8 (sketching or instruments)
On the right hand side of this sheet, sketch or draw an isometric and oblique drawing of the object
below. Draw to full scale.

If necessary ask your teacher to help you visualise the shape from the orthogonal views shown,
referring to the relevant explanations in this section of the resource book.


Machined block

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package hlSi! 'II 1 MEC076 - 5 - 17 1
December, 1998 68
Exercise 5-9 (sketching or instruments)
On the right hand side of this sheet, sketch or draw an isometric and oblique drawing of the object
below. Draw to full scale.

If necessary ask your teacher to help you visualise the shape from the orthogonal views shown,
referring to the relevant explanations in this section of the resource book.


Cast block

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
, ,,:1:0 1 MEC076 - 5 - 18 1
December. 1998 69
Exe rc ise 5-1 0 (sketching or instruments)

On the right hand side of this sheet, sketch or draw an isometric and oblique drawing of the object
below. Draw to full scale.

If necessary ask your teacher to help you visualise the shape from the orthogonal views shown,
referring to the relevant explanations in this section of the module.

/ '\ -@)-E}

I '" I

iI I I I
i I I
i I



Machined block

I MEC076 - 5 - ~
MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1
Resource Package k " if 'II
December, 1998 70
Exercise 5-11 (sketching or instruments)
On the right hand side of this sheet, sketch or draw an isometric and oblique drawing of the object
below. Draw to full scale.

If necessary ask your teacher to help you visualise the shape from the orthogonal views shown,
referring to the relevant explanations in this section of the resource book.



"" ~

Fabricated block

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
December, 1998
hi';! J
I MEC076 - 5 - 20 I
Multi-view to pictorial sketch or drawing Exercise 5-12 (sketching or instruments)
Note: use isometric techniques

• Name the views in the spaces provided

Len(Jth • Draw or sketch an isometric drawing of the article to similar proportions as the views
1 •
"I ,/
• Draw arrows and title them to show viewing directions, similar to the sample isometric

Top view
Length Width
1 •

{I Front view
I Ri g ht side view
Top view

Front view
Right side view

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package k"it'" [MEC076 - 5 - 21
December, 1998 72
Exe rc ise 5-13 (sketching or instruments)

• Name the views in the spaces provided

• Name the views in the spaces provided
• Draw or sketch an isometric drawing of the article to similar proportions as the views
• Draw or sketch a.cabinet oblique drawing of the folded article to similar proportions as the
• Draw arrows and title them to show viewing directions, similar to the sample isometric views shown (use Y2 the width for 45 0 line)
• Draw arrows and title them to show viewing directions



r 1------

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package , " iiI:n I MEC076-S-22!
December, 1998 73
Orthogonal projection Three principal axes are shown here as part of a pictorial description. These are simply used to aid
identification of the object's orientation or relation to other bodies such as planes.

Therefore. orthogonal projection occurs when:

A plane (a surface on which the image is projected) is positioned perpendicular (at 90°) to one of
these principal axes and parallel to the other two. An image of the object's surface is then
transferred to the plane by parallel projection lines. The image produced is a true shape of what your
eye sees.

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package ", ij:O I MEC076-5-23I
December, 1998 74
A view of each surface may be
required. In this case, their
position will be similar to a
cardboard box being opened out
flat. Here an orderly surface
development is achieved.

... ...
lill" When the box is opened out I .. .. .' .
similar to our cardboard box,
each view is automatically placed in /
its relative position. These relative positions.
remain constant about a nominated or
selected front view. The front view is present
in every orthogonal drawing which has
f r


more than one view. ~ .


Layout of views in Third Angle TOP VIEW


An object can be arranged inside an imaginary

transparent box so that its principal axes are
perpendicular (at 90°) to each side or plane on
the box. By orthogonal projection an image of
each surface can be transferred to the six
planes in turn.


MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package k ,'1 iI 'II 1MEC076 - 5 - 241
December, 1998 75
Angle of projection First angle projection places the object
The two methods of orthogonal projection are THIRD ANGLE and FIRST etwee e viewer and the plane.

As orthogonal drawings can be produced in two angles of projection,

identification of the drawing becomes necessary.

A symbol is used to identify the angle of projection based on a simple frustum

of a cone.

First angle projection


Third angle
projection symbol

To obtain suitable proportions it is recommended the symbol be
drawn to these dimensions. (This is not compulsory)

.016 The Standards Association of Australia currently


L-+-'-.-': - 0- recommends the use of THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION in

the production of multiview drawings. This projection
offers a convenient layout of views. That is, view
represents the near side of the object in the adjacent
i • .016 .1 . .016 .1 view.

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package kl,B 1 MEC076 - 5 - 25 1
December. 1998 76
Views to be drawn

The most common views drawn are the FRONT VIEW, TOP VIEW and RIGHT SIDE VIEW. These are
referred to as the three regular views. Choose any of the six possible views to show information that
would otherwise be hidden.

t: :t

Note: In this case the front, top
and left hand views might
have been chosen to avoid
some hidden lines.
What is needed is to imagine or
visualise each of the views by
rotating the object in the mind .


D D The decision is then made which
views are required on the drawing to
show the details.
- -j

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
December, 1998
, "77iI:n I MEC076 - 5 - 26 I
Note: Each view is given a special name. Practical examples

Rule for third angle projection ( reference to the drawing below). Drawn below are four (4) items showing the application of third angle projection. Without all
the views shown, the correct interpretation of shape and size would not be possible.
1 A view from the left of the front view is drawn on the left (left end view B).

2 A view from the right of the front view is drawn on the right (right end view E).

3 A view from the top of the front view is drawn on the top (top view C).
t ~

A view from the underside of the front view is drawn on the underside (bottom view D).

Since this is a simple object, only three views are necessary to show its size and
shape (views A, B, and C or A, E and C).
Top view A
'/~'c D
Top view A
B/~'c r-

Front view B Right end view C

Front view B Right end view C

'.e: ~/

/ I


Top view A C
Top view A B "'C

f~ - -!- -dr-}
Top view C
R ~

~-1---~--j--~ Front view B

Right end view C Front view B
Right end view C
Left end view B Front view A Right end view E

Bottom view D

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
December, 1998
fi " iI ill
MEC076 - 5 -27 I
Projection symbol Exercise 5-14

All drawings that follow the AS 1100 standards must show which projection system Example Example
they use, but instead of writing the whole name we use a symbol. It goes either in the
title block at the top or bottom of the sheet with the other details, or inside the grid
lines, wherever it can be seen easily.
,..-_ _ _.!..!Projection sym bol

r :- - -
j Drawn
~- ~~~~~d ""-/ 1 I
@)G- Left; 5ide view Front view Front view Left; side view

Third angle projection First angle projection

The project symbol is a third view
What projection system What projection system
orthogonal drawing of a solid cone with
is used here? is used here?
the point cut off.
_ _ _ _ angle projection _ _ _ _ angle projection
Label the side view left or right Label the side view left or right


Front view Front view

Side view Side view
First angle projection symbol

Left view is drawn to the right of the

front view
c------ @J What projection system
is used here?
_ _ _ _ angle projection
Draw the missing lines and label the
What projection system
is used here?
_ _ _ _ angle projection
Draw the missing lines and label the

views views ....-----,

Third angle projection symbol

Left view is drawn to the left of the

front view
MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1
Resource Package I MEC076 - 5 - 28 1
December, 1998 79
Exercise 5-15

Select the correct views

~A ~A
2. Which view below is from direction A
1. Which view below is from direction A

~ 2 3

[k ~

2 3
4 5 6

-1- - - - -

-- - - - - - -
- - --

4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12

7 8 9

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
December, 1998
,,180iiI:n MEC076 - 5 -29 I
Exercise 5-15 (continued) B

4. Which view below is from direction A
3. Which view below is from direction A

c c
Exercise 5-15 (continued) B

2. Which view below is from direction I -A---f_ _-1
4. Which view below is from direction A

\0 bd 2 3
-9- I

~ 4
~ 2


EJ I D ~ D
- --
4 5 6
7 8 9

I ~ B B - -- -$-
7 8 9
10 11 12

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package " , if j I MEC076 - 5 -31 I
December. 1998 82
Exercise 5-16 (Sketching or instruments)

Orthogonal projection practice

IN the next three exercises, produce a third angle orthogonal sketch or drawing of the following
component. There are to be three views; a front view looking in the direction of arrow A, a top
view looking in the direction of arrow B and a right side view looking in the direction of arrow C.


Machined block

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation I

Resource Package h if' iI 'II I MEC076 - 5 -32 I
December, 1998 83
Exercise 5-16 (Sketching or instruments)

Orthogonal projection practice

Produce a third angle orthogonal sketch or drawing of the following component. There are to
be three views; a front view looking in the direction of arrow A, a top view looking in the direction
of arrow B and a right side view looking in the direction of arrow C.

Cast block

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package
December, 1998
h" iI ill
I MEC076 - 5 -331
Exercise 5-16 (Sketching or instruments)

Orthogonal projection practice

Produce a third angle orthogonal sketch or drawing of the following component. There are to
be three views; a front view looking in the direction of arrow A, a top view looking in the direction
of arrow B and a right side view looking in the direction of arrow C.

Machined block

MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1

Resource Package " , iI ill 1 MEC076 - 5 -34 1
December, 1998 85

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