Wound Guidelines

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National best practice and

evidence based guidelines for

wound management

ISBN 978-1-906218-29-4
© Health Service Executive

October 2009

Health Service Executive,

Dr. Steevens’ Hospital,
Dublin 8

Phone +353 1 6352000

The development of HSE national guidelines for wound management are designed to support the
standardisation of care and encourage best clinical practice. These guidelines constitute a general guide
to be followed, subject to the medical practioners judgement in each individual case.

These guidelines are based upon up to date scientific evidence and expert opinion and will serve to
support consistency of treatment and contribute to improved patient outcomes.

It is estimated that 1.5% of the population are affected by a wound at any one point in time. Wounds
have a major personal, social, and economic impact. Wounds not only impact on the individual and their
quality of life, they also have a significant impact on our health service and our society as a whole. Studies
in the UK indicate that up to 4% of total health care expenditure is spent on the provision of wound
management while in Ireland it is estimated that two thirds of community nursing time is spent on the
provision of wound management.

As part of the HSE efforts to improve healthcare, it is hoped that these national guidelines will assist
all clinicians in the decision making process and help to standardise the management of wounds at
primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The availability of national guidelines will also provide guidance
to policy makers.

Healthcare is an ever changing science and advances and new developments in wound care will continue
to take place. Thus, revision of these guidelines will be necessary as new knowledge is gained.

The HSE wish to sincerely express their gratitude to those who reviewed the guidelines and in particular
to the guidelines development group as this work, for some members, was performed on an honorary
basis and in addition to their usual work commitments.

Dr Barry White
National Director Clinical and Quality Care.

Executive Summary
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Approximately 1.5% of the population will have a wound of some type at any one point in time.
Fortunately, many of these are minor or acute and will heal without incident. The remaining wounds,
the majority of which are chronic ulcers are a significant source of patient morbidity and in some cases
mortality. Chronic wounds affect the individual’s quality of life and reduce their ability to optimise
their contribution to society. The management of wounds is also very costly to the health service with
the largest portion of that cost being nursing time. The protracted course of treatment, potential for
infection, together with the knowledge and skills required for optimal management supports the need
for national guidelines to promote evidence based practice.

The approach to optimal wound management centers on a comprehensive assessment of the patient
and the wound. This should be completed by a person trained in such assessment. The aetiology of the
wound should be determined with referral to appropriate members of the multi-disciplinary team when
further investigation or intervention is required. All aspects of care from initial presentation through to
treatment and evaluation should be documented. Following assessment, treatment goals should be
agreed with the patient and a time frame for their achievement set. Underlying factors which could
influence the potential for wound healing should be addressed. As wound healing is a complex multi-
factorial process, the input of several members of the multi-disciplinary team may be required to achieve
the objectives. Evaluation is an on-going process. Each clinician involved in the provision of care must
work within their Scope of Practice and is accountable for their practice.

When cleansing the wound, potable tap water is suited for chronic wounds and in adults with lacerations.
An aseptic technique is required when the individual is immuno-compromised and/or the wound enters
a sterile body cavity. All dressings used in wound management should be used in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and the integrity of such products must be ensured through proper storage
and use. The choice of dressing is influenced by the type of wound, the amount of exudate, location of
wound, skin condition, presence or absence of infection, condition of the wound bed, the characteristics
of dressings available and treatment goals. Surgical wound dressings should be left dry and untouched
for a minimum of 48 hours post-operatively to allow for re-establishment of the natural bacteria-proof
barrier, unless otherwise clinically indicated.

Patients presenting with lower limb ulceration should have assessment and investigation undertaken
by health care professionals trained in leg ulcer management. All such patients should be screened for
evidence of arterial disease by measurement of ABPI by a person trained in such measurement. ABPI
should be conducted when: an ulcer is deteriorating, is not fully healed by 12 weeks, is recurrent, prior
to commencing compression therapy, when there is sudden increase in wound size, sudden increase
in wound pain, change in colour and/or temperature of the foot or as part of on-going assessment.
Graduated compression therapy with adequate padding, capable of sustaining compression for at least
one week should be the first line of treatment for uncomplicated venous leg ulcers. This should be
applied by a practitioner trained in its application.

Removal of devitalised tissue will promote wound healing. However, in arterial ulcers with dry gangrene
or eschar, debridement should not be performed until arterial flow has been established. Routine use of
antibiotics is unnecessary unless there are signs of infection.

The management of diabetic foot disease centres on identification of the ‘at risk’ limb and prevention
of onset and management of the ulcerated limb. All people with diabetes should be examined at least
once a year for potential foot problems. Patients with demonstrated risk factors should be examined
more often – every 1-6 months. In a high risk patient, callus and nail and skin pathology should be
treated regularly, preferably by a trained foot care specialist. Patients and their family or carer, if they wish,
should be educated on the importance of foot care and regular foot inspection. Infection in a diabetic
foot presents a direct threat to the affected limb and should be treated promptly and actively. Patients
with an ulcer deeper than subcutaneous tissues should be treated intensively and depending on local
resources and infrastructure, hospitalisation must be considered. Ill fitting shoes are a frequent cause of
ulceration and therefore shoes should be examined meticulously in all patients.

Each health care setting should have a pressure ulcer prevention policy in place. This should include
recommendations for the structured approach to risk assessment relevant to the health care setting,
the timing of risk assessment and reassessment, clear recommendations for documentation of risk
assessment and communication to the wider healthcare team.

To assist in documentation of care and evaluation of practice using clinical audit, these guidelines provide
a comprehensive glossary of terms, examples of documentation and assessment tools and an audit form
for use by clinicians in their own working environment.

N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Canadian Wound Management Association

Australian Wound Management Association

Royal College of Nursing, London

International Working Group on Diabetic Foot

European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

Joanna Briggs Institute, Australia

Gillian Mannion, HSE NMPDU Dublin Mid Leinster – for secretarial support.

Dr. Niamh Macey, HSE West, for assistance with development of audit tool.

Ms. Eileen Kelly, RGN, RM, RNT, Dip Nursing Studies, MSc, Director Nurse Education Centre,
Cork University Hospital

Prof Sean Tierney, BSc Mch FRCSI(gen Surg), Prof of Surgical Informatics, RCSI and Consultant Vascular
Surgeon, AMNCH

Prof Jan Apelqvist, MD, PhD, Snr Consultant Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital of Malmo,
Sweden and Assoc. Prof. Division for clinical studies, University of Lund, Sweden

Dr Carol Dealey, Senior Research Fellow. Research & Education - University Hospitals Birmingham NHS
Foundation Trust Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham, B15 2TH

These guidelines have been endorsed by:

N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Foreword 1
Executive Summary 2
Acknowledgements 4
Reviewers 4
Guideline endorsement 5

Section 1
1.0 Background and justification for Guidelines 11-12
Introduction 12
Prevalence 12
Leg ulceration 14
Diabetic foot ulceration 14
Pressure ulcers 15
Impact of wounds 15
- On the individual 16
- On the health service (the financial impact) 16
- On society 17
The need for guidelines 17
Limitations to these guidelines 17

1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Guidelines 18

1.2 Guideline Development Team 18

1.3 Terms of Reference 19

1.4 Layout of Document 19

Section 2 – Methology
2.1 Guideline Development Process 22
Search Strategy 22

2.2 Outline of the grading method used 23

Table 1: Level of Evidence 23
Table 2: Level of Recommendation 23

2.3 Decision Framework in Wound Management 23

Figure 2: Decision framework 24

Section 3 – Clinical Guidelines 25-26
3.1 Corporate and individual responsibilities and accountability 26
Corporate responsibilities 26
Individual responsibilities 26

3.2 Principals of Wound Management 27

Assessment 27
Objectives of wound management 27
Treatment and management 28
Wound cleansing 28
Aseptic technique 28
Clean wound management technique 28
Cleansing solutions 28
Pressure for wound cleansing 28
Wound dressings 29
Documentation/education 29
Evaluation 29

3.3 Guidelines for the management of venous leg ulceration

– key points (level of evidence) 30
Assessment 30
Objectives 30
Treatment 30
Documentation 31
Evaluation 31
Table 3: Patient factors to be recorded at baseline 32
Table 4: Wound factors to be recorded at baseline 32
Table 5: Limb and peri-wound assessment 32

3.4 Guidelines for management of arterial ulcers

– key points (level of evidence) 33
Assessment 33
Objectives 33
Treatment 33
Documentation 34
Evaluation 34

3.5 Guidelines for the prevention and management of Diabetic foot ulcerations 35
Introduction 35
Part A: The non-ulcerated limb 35
Assessment 35
Table 6: Key elements of diabetic foot management
Table 7: History & examination 35
Table 8: Assessing neuropathy 35
Objectives 36
Table 9: Progression of risk categories 36

Treatment 36
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Evaluation and education for patients, family and healthcare provider 36

Table 10: Patient education 37
Appropriate footwear 37

Part B: Active ulceration 37
Assessment 37
Objectives 38
Treatment 38
Evaluation 39
Documentation 39

3.6 Guidelines for the prevention and management of pressure ulcers 40

Introduction 40

3.6.1 Risk assessment 40

Risk assessment practice 40

3.6.2 Skin assessment 41

Skin care 41

3.6.3 Nutrition for pressure ulcer prevention 42

General recommendations 42

3.7 Repositioning for the prevention of pressure ulcers 43
Repositioning frequency 43
Repositioning technique 43
Repositioning the seated individual 44
Repositioning documentation 44
Repositioning education and training 44

3.8 Support Surfaces 45

General statements 45
Mattress and bed use in pressure ulcer prevention 45
The use of support surfaces to prevent heel pressure ulcers 45
Use of support surfaces to prevent pressure ulcers while seated 46
The use of other support surfaces in pressure ulcer prevention 46
Special population: operating room patients 46

Section 4 References and Appendices 47-48
References 48
Bibliography 50

Appendices 51

Appendix 1: Glossary of terms 52

Appendix 2: Wound Assessment Forms 59

Appendix 3: Pressure ulcer risk assessment tools 68

Appendix 4: MUST tool 72

Appendix 5: Diabetic foot screening assessment sheet 78

Appendix 6: Audit tool 79

N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Background and Justification for Guidelines

Section 1: Background and Justification for Guidelines
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Owing to the diversity of wound aetiologies and their associated co-morbidities, a range of health care
professionals across all health settings, each with a varied knowledge base related to wound healing
deliver wound care. In order to standardise care and encourage optimal practice in wound management,
with the goal of improving patient outcomes, there is a need to develop national guidelines for their
management. The background and justification for these guidelines will provide the health professional
with the rationale for their development together with information relating to prevalence, potential
patient outcomes, and resource issues for the health service.

A wound is defined as a break in the continuity of the skin (Schultz et al. 2003). It may arise from an
underlying altered physiological state or be primary in origin. As the largest organ in the body, damage to
the skin and alteration in its functions can have catastrophic consequence for the individual. Reassuringly,
the vast majority of insults to the integrity of the skin heal uneventfully. However, whether it is due to the
nature of the injury, or the health of the individual, some wounds have a delayed and protracted course
of healing (Falanga 2001).

Wounds can be broadly classified as acute or chronic. Acute wounds usually heal in an ordered, timely
fashion, and are typically seen as post-operative wounds, minor lacerations, abrasions, minor burns and
scalds and some trauma wounds (Falanga 2002, Schultz et al. 2003). Conversely, chronic wounds do not
follow this ordered sequence of events and are characterised by delayed healing, cellular senescence,
and recurrent infections (Schultz et al. 2003). Chronic wounds in particular are common across all health
care settings and there is growing evidence that the burden of chronic wounds in Ireland is already high
and likely to increase (O’Brien et al. 2000, McDermott-Scales et al. 2009).

Although it is often assumed that skin breakdown is confined to the frail older person, the problem of
prevalence is seen at both ends of the age spectrum (Voegeli 2007). Critically ill neonates are prone to
skin damage due to intrinsic factors such as having a thinner immature skin (Chung et al. 2002). Older
persons have a thinner epidermis with a flattened interface between the epidermis and dermis, making it
less resistant to shearing forces (Chung et al. 2002). However, the prevalence of chronic wounds is strongly
related to increasing age and forecast trends in Ireland indicate that the number of people with chronic
wounds is likely to increase substantially in the future (Callam et al. 1985, Jeffcoate and Harding 2003,
Moffatt et al. 2004, Vanderwee et al. 2007). The number of persons aged 65 years and above is expected
to increase from 430,000 today (2008) to 811,000 by 2025 (CSO 2002). By that time those aged 65 years
and above will account for 16.7% of the total population compared with 11.3 % today (CSO 2002).

It is estimated that 1 - 1.5% of the population are affected by a wound at any point in time (Gottrup
2004). While there are no Irish figures directly related to all wounds, Hospital In-Patient Enquiry (HIPE)
data for 2003 show that of all diagnosis on discharge from acute hospitals, disorders of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue accounted for 48,466 cases with cellulitis and abscess accounting for 7,806 of
these (ESRI 2007). Wound debridement, wound infection or burns accounted for 7,342 cases and 2,375
cases of skin grafts were registered. There were 313 burns cases referred to the National paediatric burns
service in Our Lady’s Hospital, Crumlin in 2006. Of these 75% were in children under 5 years. In 2003, HIPE

ranked operations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 11th out of the top 20 principal procedures for
all in-patients representing 13,247 cases. Open wounds represented 9,097 of all discharges by principle
diagnosis from acute hospitals in 2003. The average length-of-stay for all patients with an open wound
was 2.4 days, but this increased to 5.5 days in those over 65 years of age (ESRI 2007).

For day procedures, operations on the skin and subcutaneous tissue were ranked third highest accounting
for 33,569 procedures and 9.8% of day-care patients (ESRI 2007). Cellulitis and abscess accounted for
7,806 of all diagnoses and open wounds accounted for 14,119. Neither Out Patient Department nor
Emergency department attendances are recorded on HIPE. As many persons with wounds attend these
departments, the numbers stated are potentially an under representation of the impact of wounds in
acute services.

Few Irish researchers have quantified the prevalence of wounds in the non-acute setting. A prevalence
of 4% was identified in one study on the active caseload of community nurses (McDermott-Scales et
al. 2009). This is in contrast to a Canadian study in which 50% of patients on the active caseload of
community nurses working in a community area had a wound (Hurd et al. 2008). Differences in sampling
methods may account for the wide variation in these figures. Of note in the latter study was that non-
healing surgical wounds accounted for 31-38% of all wounds being managed (Hurd et al. 2008). Point
prevalence of 0.37% with a mean of 1.44 wounds per patient has been reported in health districts
covering both acute and community care (Hurd et al. 2008).

A recent pan-European review of prevalence of wounds has estimated that 3.7 per 1000 population have
at least one wound under treatment (Posnett et al. 2009). Researchers have reported that for patients
with advanced illness 53% of those with cancer and 80% of patients with non-cancer related advanced
illness had a wound, with an average of 2 wounds per patient (Maida et al. 2008).

Chronic wounds are associated with at least one co-morbidity (Olin et al. 1999, Oien et al. 2000). These
co-morbidities are frequently hypertension, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, and neurological disorders.
The risk factors for chronic illnesses are well recognised and include; hypertension, obesity, poor
nutrition, tobacco, alcohol and high cholesterol (DoHC 2007a, DoHC 2007b). Recent Irish researchers
have clearly demonstrated that the prevalence of such risk factors shows no signs of abating (Whelton
et al. 2007, Morgan et al. 2008). This clearly demonstrates that the prevalence of wounds with associated
co-morbidities will be evident into the future.

While these guidelines can apply to all wounds, particular emphasis in this document is on categories of
wounds most commonly encountered in routine clinical practice and which provide many challenges to
practitioners. These include venous ulceration, arterial ulceration, diabetic foot ulceration and pressure

Leg ulceration
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Leg ulcer is defined as a breakdown of the epidermal and dermal tissue below the knee on the leg
or foot, due to any cause, which fails to heal (Moffatt and Harper 1997). Leg ulceration has multiple
causes, the most common being venous disease accounting for 37% - 81% of all cases depending on the
methods used for diagnosis (Briggs and Closs 2003). Other causes include rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes,
arterial disease, trauma and malignancy. Importantly, patients can have leg ulcers with a single aetiology
or with multiple causes (Briggs and Closs 2003).

Irish studies have reported a leg ulceration prevalence of 0.12% in the adult population increasing to
1.03% in those over 70 years of age (O’Brien et al. 2000). These results are supported by some international
research as the prevalence of patients with open leg ulcers receiving treatment from health professionals
ranged from 0.11% -3.6% (Graham et al. 2003). However, the range in prevalence rates might have been
due to the variety of methodologies and in particular the inclusion criteria used (O’Brien et al. 2000, Briggs
and Closs 2003, Graham et al. 2003, Moffatt et al. 2004). Age specific prevalence rates are comparable
between the sexes but women predominate in the older age group with higher standardised prevalence
rates (Callam et al. 1985, Graham et al. 2003).

True prevalence is arguably higher as people of working age are under represented in the published
studies, because they are more likely to be self-caring (Nelzen et al. 1996). Of note it was reported in many
studies that while prevalence increases with age, the age of onset was below 65 years for approximately
half of the populations under consideration (Moffatt et al. 1992, Moffatt et al. 2004).

Based on reported prevalence rates to date and the current Irish population of 4,000,000 it can be
estimated that 4,800 persons in Ireland may suffer from active open ulceration at any one point in time.
The true prevalence rates are even higher if one is cognisant of the proposal that only 20-25% of venous
ulcers are open at any point in time (Nelzen et al. 1996). Thus it is likely that 24,000 persons in Ireland are
affected by leg ulceration. It is estimated that 490,000 to 1.3 million EU citizens have an open lower-limb
ulcer at any one time (Posnett et al. 2009).

The chronicity of lower limb ulceration is manifested by the high recurrence rates, protracted courses
of treatment with a mean of only 50% of those in receipt of compression therapy for venous ulceration
healing after 12 weeks of therapy (Moffatt and Dorman 1995, Peters 1998, Gethin and Cowman 2009).
Duration of ulceration is a cause for concern with studies frequently reporting open ulceration for more
than one year while there are reports of ulceration spanning 60 years (Clarke-Moloney et al. 2006, Gethin
and Cowman 2009, McDermott-Scales et al. 2009).

There is evidence of a change in trend in ulcer aetiology and that prevalence of more chronic mixed
aetiology ulcers and arterial ulcers is increasing (Moffatt et al. 2004). Increased life expectancy and increased
prevalence of arterial disease in the population may account for these results (Moffatt et al. 2004).

Diabetic Foot Ulceration

While information on specific wound types cannot be extrapolated from the HIPE system, diabetes
accounted for 36,642 of all listed total discharges by principal diagnosis in 2003 (ESRI 2007). It is estimated
that one in every seven persons with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer (Boulton et al. 2005, IWGDF 2007);
therefore, potentially 5234 cases of diabetic foot ulceration were treated in Irish hospitals in 2003.

The number of adults diagnosed with diabetes in Ireland has been estimated at 141,063 in 2006 (Balanda
et al. 2005). Prevalence rates among children were estimated at 0.2% or 2,229 persons (Balanda et al.
2005). Additionally, it is estimated that for every person with diabetes there is another as yet undiagnosed
(Balanda et al. 2005, Boulton et al. 2005, IWGDF 2007).

Foot ulceration is a frequent complication of diabetes and based on international research prevalence
data (Wraight et al. 2004, IWGDF 2007)it can be estimated that there are 20,470 – 41, 020 cases of diabetic
foot ulceration in Ireland. Persons with diabetes are fifteen times more likely to have an amputation than
those without and 85% of all such amputations are preceeded by ulceration (Boulton et al. 2005, IWGDF
2007). It has been reported that once an individual has undergone an amputation there is a 50% risk of
an amputation of the remaining limb within 5 years (Boulton et al. 2005, IWGDF 2007). Many individuals
still do not receive optimal preventative care and the number of patients with diabetes who required
admission for treatment of acute foot pathology remains high (Wraight et al. 2004).

Pressure ulcers
A pressure ulcer is defined as an area of localised damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by
pressure or shear or a combination of these (EPUAP 2002). Depth of ulceration is documented using a
classification system, Category 1 through to Category 4. Category 1 represents superficial skin damage
without a break in the continuity of the skin, commonly referred to as non-blanchable erythema. Category
4 indicates extensive destruction, tissue necrosis or damage to muscle, bone or supporting structures
with or without full thickness skin loss (EPUAP 2002). The prevalence of these wounds in the Irish acute
setting is consistent with international studies ranging from 12-38% (Moore and Pitman 2000, Gethin
et al. 2005, Gallagher et al. 2008). A trans-European survey identified that one in every 5 hospitalised
patients had a pressure ulcer, while 50% of patients were at risk (EPUAP 2002). Similar to other studies,
the higher prevalence in Irish studies was recorded in spinal injury units and intensive care units (Sheerin
et al. 2005, deLaat et al. 2006).

Pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence among hip fracture patients in five European countries reported
that 10% had a pressure ulcer on arrival to the hospital while 22% had one on discharge (Lindholm et
al. 2008). The majority were category one with no category four ulcers (Lindholm et al. 2008). In Ireland,
fractured neck of femur is one of the most common reasons for hospital admission in the elderly with
3,585 such patients over 65 years of age admitted to Irish hospitals in 2002 (ESRI 2007). Worldwide,
elderly people represent the fastest growing age-group and the yearly number of fractures is likely to
rise substantially with continued ageing of the population (Sambrook and Cooper 2006). Therefore, there
is a potential for increase in the incidence of pressure ulceration in this group.

Prevalence in the non-acute sector is harder to quantify due to the diversity of care settings. However,
researchers have reported that pressure ulcers were the wound most frequently encountered by
community nurses with prevalence rates of 4 % (McDermott-Scales et al. 2009). Prevalence rates increased
significantly with the age of the individual, as 75% of pressure ulcers occurred in those over 60 years of
age (McDermott-Scales et al. 2009).

Impact of wounds
The impact of wounds, and in particular chronic wounds, on patient health and well being, and the
substantial burden wound care places on health care staff, organisations and resources provides an
opportunity to improve prevention and management strategies (Posnett et al. 2009). Wounds do not
have a one-dimensional impact but rather can impact under three domains; that is, to the individual, the
health service and to society.

On the individual
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Quality of life studies have clearly demonstrated that persons with wounds have lower quality-of-life
scores than their age and sex-matched counterparts (Price and Harding 1996, Price and Harding 1997,
Rich and McLachlan 2003). Wounds cause pain, suffering, sepsis, infection, nausea, fatigue, depression,
psychological disturbances, loss of function, loss of mobility and personal financial cost (Price and Harding
1996, Price and Harding 1997, Rich and McLachlan 2003). In some cases wounds may lead to amputation
and even death. For many patients wounds are a significant and preventable barrier to the successful
recovery or management of, a wide range of medical conditions (RCN 2006). These range from, routine
surgical interventions to chronic conditions such as diabetes. Pain is frequently associated with wounds,
with some patients describing it as horrible or excruciating and it may be associated with the wound
aetiology, dressing change or infection (Price and Harding 1997, Rich and McLachlan 2003).

On the health service (the financial impact)

Wound care is very labour intensive and up to 66% of community nursing time is spent on the provision
of wound care with patients receiving an average of 2.4 dressing changes per week (Clarke-Moloney et al.
2006, O’Keeffe 2006, Clarke-Moloney et al. 2008). In the United Kingdom it was reported that up to 4% of
total health care expenditure is spent on the provision of wound care (Bennett et al. 2004, Gottrup 2004,
Drew et al. 2007, Posnett and Franks 2007, Hurd et al 2008. Developments such as the establishment of leg
ulcer clinics has resulted in improved outcomes for patients with lower limb ulceration and in particular
venous ulcers (Clarke-Moloney et al. 2008). Nurse led leg ulcer clinics have improved the management of
venous ulcers with more assessments taking place in the community versus the hospital setting (Clarke-
Moloney et al. 2008). A reduction in dressing change frequency, particularly in the home, is significant
given the high percentage of nursing visits that involve wound care and the travel time required (Clarke-
Moloney et al. 2008, Hurd et al. 2008).

The appointment of tissue viability Clinical Nurse Specialists has raised the profile of wound management
with 14 such posts in Ireland (www.ncnm.ie). However, to date only two of these are in primary care with
the majority in acute care setting.

Recent Irish researchers have reported that the cost of treating one patient with 3 grade 4 pressure ulcers
in 2003 was €119,000 for a period of 129 days (Gethin et al. 2005). Researchers itemised all costs of care
and the patient was discharged with a healed wound. This was a positive outcome in a relatively short
period, but such is not always the case. Indeed, such costs are potentially much higher today due to
inflationary price increases. It is easy to focus on dressings and other materials as being the major cost
factor in wound care. However, this component accounts for only 10-15% of costs with nursing time
and hospitalisation being the main drivers of cost (Carr et al. 1999, Posnett and Franks 2007). A recent UK
audit covering a population of 590,000 persons revealed that 3% of total local health budget, 151,000
nursing hours and the equivalent of 52-87 acute bed beds were spent annually specifically on wound
care (Hurd et al. 2008).

The implications for health care in Ireland are particularly significant whether individuals are cared for in
the primary or secondary care setting. Community care providers are attempting to deliver services to
an ageing population facing a growing prevalence of chronic disease and disability. Most community
care organisations in Ireland face challenges as acute care facilities attempt to reduce the length-of -stays
in hospital and are relying more heavily on community services. Overall community care services must
cater for patients who are older, with more serious and complex health issues and therefore at greater
risk of wounds.

On Society
The loss to society due to individuals being unable to engage in their normal activities is hard to quantify.
Loss of time from work for the individual and their carer can have financial implications. Feelings of
social isolation, anxiety and depression have potential to reduce the contribution the individual makes to
society, whether is at a local or national level. It has been reported that problematic wounds frequently
result in a loss of productivity; extended hospital stays and increased expenditure (Zhan and Miller, 2003;
Tennevall et al., 2005).

The need for guidelines

Clinical practice guidelines have been broadly defined as ”providing guidance in decision making at
each level of interaction; between health professional and consumer, between purchaser and provider, and
between ‘funder’ and ‘purchaser’’. (http://www.nzgg.org.nz). There are five different types of guidelines
but those related to best practice are defined as ‘systematically developed statements to assist practitioner
and consumer decisions about appropriate health or disability care for specific circumstances, taking into
account evidence for effectiveness and competing claims, and form a fundamental basis for planning’ (NZGG
2001). The HSE hopes that these National wound management guidelines will assist professionals in the
decision making process as they are based on the most current and best available evidence and aim to
bring consistency to the provision of wound care in Ireland.

The provision of wound care falls within the remit of a wide range of disciplines. The knowledge, skills,
and understanding of each of these disciplines can vary, and may depend on the type and frequency
of the wound aetiology encountered and the level of expertise available. There is a growing body of
evidence that a structured, organised and planned approach to wound management whether for
specific wound aetiologies or for wounds in general improves patient outcomes and is cost effective for
the health service.

It is anticipated that these guidelines will promote and enhance evidence based practice in wound care
in Ireland. In addition, the provision of an audit tool should help to provide evidence to support the
use of the guidelines as services and professionals can assess wound care management practices and
patient outcomes against defined standards of care.

Limitations of these guidelines

These guidelines have been developed following systematic search of the literature together with a
review of current published guidelines using the AGREE guidelines review tool. They represent best
practice as it relates to current knowledge. It is anticipated that as new information becomes available
that some aspects of these guidelines will no longer be valid and will require updating.

Some specific wound aetiologies such as burns and malignant wounds are frequently managed in
specialist centres and thus are not included here.

1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Guidelines
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

These guidelines have been developed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in collaboration with
academic institutions and professional organisations involved in wound management in Ireland. The
aim of these guidelines is to progress towards achieving the HSE’s commitment to delivering better
services for the individual through the provision of evidenced based practice (HSE 2007). The guidelines
are applicable to all professionals involved in wound management.

1.2 Guideline Development Team

Table 1: Guideline Development Team (alphabetical order)
Ms. Eithne Cusack (Co-chairperson) Director, Nursing & Midwifery Planning &
Development, HSE

Dr. Davida DelaHarpe (Co-chair) Assistant National Director, Population Health, HSE

Dr. Georgina Gethin (lead researcher) Lecturer /Research co-ordinator, Research Centre,
Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI (WMAOI)

Ms. Maura Belton Assistant Direct of Public Health Nursing representing
Dublin Mid Leinster PCCC

Ms. Caroline Connolly Irish Nursing Homes Association (replaced by

Sinead Fitzpatrick)

Ms. Brigid Considine Asst Director of Public Health Nursing representing

Dublin North East PCCC

Ms. Gerardine Craig CNS Tissue Viability, Drogheda representing Tissue

Viability Nurses Association of Ireland

Ms. Sinead Fitzpatrick Representing Nursing Homes Association

Ms. Ann Higgins Director of Infection Control, Mater Private Hospital,

Dublin. Representing Infection Control Nurses

Ms. Brenda Kelly National Hospitals Office, HSE

Ms. Pat McCluskey CNS wound care, CUH: representing WMAOI

Ms. Raphael McMullen Nursing Practice Development Co-ordinator

representing Irish Nursing & Midwifery Practice
Development Assoc. and DATH’s

Ms. Patricia McQuillan Professional Development Co-ordinator for PNs

representing Irish Practice Nurses Ass.

Dr. Zena Moore Lecturer RCSI

Ms. Alice O’Connor CNS St Johns Hospital, Limerick representing NHO

HSE West

Ms. Mary Parker PHN, representing PCCC HSE West

Ms. Martina Rafter CNS Tissue Viability Waterford Regional Hospital

representing NHO HSE South

Ms. Helen Strapp CNS Tissue Viability AMNCH representing Dublin

Academic Teaching Hospitals (DATH’s)

Ms. Catherine Tunney Public Health Nurse representing Institute of

Community Health Nursing

Ms. Eileen Walsh Public Health Nurse: representing HSE Southern area/
Cork & Kerry

1.3 Terms of Reference
● T
 o ensure/facilitate the development of National Wound Management Guidelines which represent
up to date best practice.
● T
 o agree an approach to this work and secure funding as required.

● T
 o provide guidance on a standardised approach to wound management across all care settings
in the interest of best practice and quality patient care.
● T
 o establish and support a guideline development team that is representative geographically and
across care settings.
● T
 o develop content and format of Wound Management Guidelines.

● T
 o liaise and work with approved research support.

● T
 o recommend a process for dissemination, implementation and evaluation of these Guidelines.

● T
 o support the dissemination of these Guidelines.

1.4 Layout of Document

This document has been divided into four sections:

Section One deals with the administrative and corporate issues related to their development and
intended use.

Section Two outlines the search strategies which lead to the guidelines and the levels of evidence
associated with guideline statements. This section also presents a decision framework to guide the
clinician in the necessary steps to optimise best practice in wound management.

Section Three is dedicated to the clinical aspects of wound management. This section contains 5
- general principles in wound management;
- venous ulceration;
- arterial ulceration;
- diabetic foot;
- pressure ulceration.

Section Four contains audit tool, references, bibliography details, and appendices relevant to
the document.

A glossary of terms used throughout the document is provided for the reader.

A Quick Reference Guide is provided at the end of this document.

The term ‘clinician’ is used throughout to denote any professional involved in wound management.

N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t


Section 2: Methodology
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

2.1 Guideline Development Process.

Following recommendations to the HSE from individual hospitals, tissue viability nurses, and wound
management organisations in Ireland, a guideline development group was formed by the HSE to oversee
the development of guidelines for wound management in Ireland. This group invited representatives from
professional bodies, academic institutions, and representatives of National Hospitals Office, Population
Health, Primary Community and Continuing Care (PCCC), voluntary hospitals, private healthcare providers
and wound management organisations to participate in the process.

From its inception, it was agreed that the proposed guidelines would be multi-disciplinary in nature and
applicable to all professionals involved in the management of wounds. Following a literature search to
guide the process of guideline development the framework as set out by the New Zealand Guideline
Group (www.nzgg.org) was deemed the most appropriate to meet the objectives of this document.
(NZGG 2001).

The guidelines are divided into sections which include general principles of wound management,
management of chronic wounds including venous ulcers, arterial ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and
pressure ulcers. The search strategy is set out in this section. When guidelines were sourced that met
the search criteria, they were appraised by the group using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research
and Evaluation tool (AGREE) (www.agreecollaboration.org) (NZGG 2001). This tool assesses both the
quality of the reporting and the quality of some aspects of recommendations. It provides an assessment
of the likelihood that the guidelines will achieve their intended outcome.

Once guidelines were identified and appraised, having achieved a standard suited for implementation in
the Irish setting, they were adapted for use here. The process involved printing in draft format, review by
the guideline development group, redrafting, review by professionals outside of the group, editing, and
finally endorsement by national and international professional groups and organisations.

Search strategy
The New Zealand Guideline Group recommends a specific process for guideline development (NZGG
2001). The process recommends identifying the need for guidelines and then conducting an extensive
search of relevant databases for any pre-existing guidelines.

All existing guidelines related to wound management published in the years 2001-2007 were identified.
This search was restricted to the English language and to guidelines which were compiled by multi-
disciplinary or uni-disciplinary groups which were independent of any ‘for-profit’ organisations. During
the course of the guideline development process other guidelines became available and these were
later evaluated.

Previous guidelines both local and national, the Cochrane database of systematic reviews, PubMed,
Clinical Evidence, TRIP, National Guidelines Clearing House, NICE, RCN, CREST, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL
were also searched. In addition international wound management organisations for current guidelines
including those in European, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and USA were aslo contacted.

2.2 Outline of the grading method used
The grading systems related to strength of evidence and levels of recommendation are presented in
Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1 : Level of Evidence

Level Definition
The evidence consists of results from studies of strong
Level 1
design for answering the question addressed

Either based on a single acceptable study, or a weak

Level 2
or inconsistent finding in multiple, acceptable studies

Limited scientific evidence that does not meet all the

criteria of acceptable studies or absence of directly
Level 3
applicable studies of good quality. This includes
published or unpublished, expert opinion

Table 2: Level of Recommendation

Level Definition
Level A Strongly recommended/likely to be of benefit

Level B Recommended

Level C Recommended but not essential

Level D NOT recommended

2.3 Decision Framework in wound management

This framework was developed by the guideline development group and forms the basis for the structure
and layout of the guidelines.

Figure 1: Decision Framework
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t


Assess the patient

Assess wound specific factors e.g. pain, slough

Diagnose the aetiology of the wound

Identify modifiable risk factors for poor healing potential

Identify and agree short and long-term
management / prevention objectives.

Treat the
underlying wound

Address Treat the

modifiable wound specific
factors factors

Support patient and

carer through health
promotion and education.

Evaluate objectives/Assess outcomes/

Plan prevention strategies

Clinical Guidelines

Section 3: Clinical Guidelines
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

3.1 Corporate and individual responsibilities and accountability

Corporate Responsibilities
● A collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to wound management is recognised as the
optimal approach in the prevention and management of wounds.
● Clinical practice in wound management should comply with, and respect; legislation, codes of
practice, scope of practice, clinical practice guidelines, and organisational policies.
● Compliance with the above ensures the safety and facilitates the wound healing potential of the

Individual Responsibilities
● The clinician will ensure optimal wound healing is facilitated by an ongoing process of clinical
decision making in order to determine the risk of wounding, the wound aetiology, and wound
healing responses.
● The clinician will acknowledge the need for a partnership in practice between interdisciplinary
team members in all aspects of the wound management process.
● Documentation in the individuals’ notes must facilitate communication and continuity of care
between interdisciplinary team members and fulfil legal requirements. The clinician must ensure
that all relevant documentation is maintained.
● The clinician is accountable for his/her clinical practice.

● The clinician will endeavour to implement wound management practices based on valid research
findings or best practice.
● The clinician must execute his/her responsibilities according to their scope of practice.

3.2 Principles of Wound Management
● The individual will be informed of the need and options for comprehensive and multidisciplinary
● The individual will receive a comprehensive assessment that reflects the intrinsic and extrinsic
factors which have the potential to impact on wound healing or potential wounding.
● The individual should be provided with information relating to proposed assessment and planned
care options in a manner that is considerate of their age and cognitive status and which will
facilitate their understanding and informed consent to assessment and planned care.
● Patient assessment should include at a minimum:

● Past medical history

● Current and past drug therapies

● Identification of factors which have the potential to increase the risk of wounding; increase the
risk of non-healing or delayed healing; promote wound healing. This may include for example
pressure ulcer risk assessment (see examples of risk assessment tools in appendix) and
nutrition screening tool (see examples of validated nutrition screening tools in appendix).
● Wound bed assessment should include at a minimum:

● Type of wound and aetiology of wounding

● Location of wound

● Size of wound

● Condition of the wound bed.

● Description of exudate

● Presence of infection, pain, malodour or foreign body.

● State of surrounding skin and alterations in sensation.

● Ongoing assessment should be performed and provide evidence of wound healing or

deterioration in wound healing.
● The timing of on-going assessment should be based on the wound type and patient factors.

● On-going assessment should include assessment of nutritional status through the use of a
nutritional screening tool (see appendix).
● The individual and their carer, if they permit, will be informed of the outcomes of the assessment
and will be supported in the decision making for potential management options.

Objectives of wound management

● The wound should be allowed to heal in a moist environment, unless the clinical goal is to
maintain eschar in a dry and non-infected condition.

Treatment and Management
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● The patient should be actively involved and supported in setting treatment goals.

● Treatment and management regimes should address the issues raised in the assessment
process e.g. poor mobility, poor nutrition status, pressure re-distributing devices.
● Routine use of antibiotics is unnecessary unless there are signs of infection. (level 2).

● All wounds are potentially painful. An approach to pain management should address the
cause of pain and implementation of local, regional or systemic patient factors to control it.
(Level 3)

Wound Cleansing
The primary objective of wound cleansing is to remove foreign materials and reduce the bioburden,
in the hope of treating or preventing wound infection, preparing the wound for grafting and reducing
exudate and odour.

Aseptic Technique
● An aseptic wound technique should be used when:

● The individual is immuno-compromised,

● The wound enters a sterile body cavity (i.e nephrostomy or central venous line),

● Irrigation
with single use sachets or pods of normal saline stored at room temperature is the
method of choice for wounds when aseptic technique is considered appropriate.

Clean wound management technique

● A clean wound management technique i.e. washing or showering of wounds, may be implemented
when the criterion for aseptic technique is not demonstrated or when policies and procedures
● Wounds should not be cleansed with products that potentially leaves fibres in the wound e.g.
cotton wool or cotton wool containing products.

Cleansing Solutions
● For adults with lacerations, potable tap water is effective (level 1).

● Potable tap water is suitable for adults with chronic wounds (Level 2).

● When using a clean wound management technique, potable tap water or normal saline may be
used for irrigation.
● For patients with chronic wounds such as venous leg ulcers, immersion of the limb in a bucket
lined with disposable plastic bag and filled with potable tap water or showering is acceptable.

Pressure for wound cleansing

● Cleansing solutions must be delivered with sufficient volume and force to loosen and wash away
microorganisms and debris but caution must be exercised as excessive force may drive loosened
material into viable tissue.

Wound Dressings
● The integrity of wound management products and devices must be ensured through proper
storage and use.
● Productsand devices must be used in accordance with licensing acts and/or regulatory bodies
and manufacturers guidelines
● The choice of dressing will be influenced by type of wound, amount of exudate, location of the
wound, skin condition of the patient, presence/absence of infection, condition of wound bed,
characteristics of dressings available and treatment goals.
● Surgical wound dressings should be left dry and untouched for a minimum of 48 hrs post-op
to allow for re-establishment of the natural bacteria-proof barrier, unless otherwise clinically

Documentation / Education
● Documentation in the individuals’ notes must facilitate communication and continuity of care
between interdisciplinary team members and fulfil legal requirements.
● The clinician should provide relevant information to individuals for the prevention of wounding
and promotion of healing.
● The clinician should maximise opportunities for teaching and learning for the individual and /or
their carer.

● On-going evaluation of wound healing should be performed through comprehensive wound
assessment and documentation of findings.
● Patients should be referred to members of the multi-disciplinary team or for more detailed
diagnostic assessment based on the findings of the initial assessment process or following
evaluation of response to current management strategies.
Wound healing is a dynamic process, and it is anticipated that wound management practices will change,
as new scientific evidence becomes available.

3.3 Guidelines for the management of venous leg ulceration- key Points
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

(Level of evidence)
● Patients presenting with leg ulceration should have assessment and investigation undertaken by
a health care professional trained in leg ulcer management. (Level 3).
● All patients presenting with either a new or recurrent ulceration should have a complete clinical
history and physical examination which includes the factors outlined in Table 3 conducted and
assessment should be on-going thereafter. (Level 3).
● The assessor should be aware that leg ulcers may be due completely or in part to arterial disease,
Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, malignancy or other conditions. Practitioners
should record any unusual presentation of the ulcer and if there is any doubt or concern about
the aetiology the patient should be referred for specialist medical assessment. (level 3).
● All patients presenting with leg ulceration should be screened for evidence of arterial disease
by measurement of Ankle Bracial Pressure Index (ABPI). This should be conducted by a person
trained in such measurement. (level 1).
● ABPI should be conducted when: an ulcer is deteriorating, is not fully healed by 12 weeks, is
recurrent, prior to recommencing compression therapy, when there is a sudden increase in
wound size, sudden increase in wound pain, change in colour and /or temperature of the foot, as
part of ongoing assessment (three monthly). (Level 2).
● Factors associated with failure of wound to heal within 24 weeks as outlined in Table 4 should be
recorded at baseline. (Level 2).
● Condition of the limb and peri-wound area as outlined in Table 5 will aid in differential diagnosis
and provides information for evaluating treatment outcomes and should be recorded at baseline
and weekly thereafter. (Level 3).
● Routine bacteriological swabbing is unnecessary unless there is evidence of infection. (Level 2).

● Formal assessment of ulcer size should be recorded at baseline and at least monthly thereafter.
(Level 3).

● Discuss and agree a treatment plan with the patient and/or carer if they wish. This should include
management of co-morbidities and factors which may delay healing.
● Identify short and long term treatment goals and provide a time frame to review these goals.

● Graduated multi-layer high compression systems (including short stretch regimes), with adequate
padding, capable of sustaining compression for at least one week should be the first line of
treatment for uncomplicated venous leg ulcers (APBI ≥ 0.8) in all settings. (Level 1).
● The most important aspect of treatment for uncomplicated venous ulcers is the application of
high compression. The compression therapy should be applied by a practitioner trained in its
application. (Level 1).
● Irrigation of the ulcer when necessary, with warmed potable tap water or saline is usually sufficient.
Strict asepsis is unnecessary. (Level 2).

● Removal of devitalised tissue can aid wound healing. The method chosen is dependent on patient
and wound treatment goals and will be influenced by the resources, skills and knowledge of the
clinician, and condition of the wound bed. (Level 2).
● Pentoxifylline may be a cost-effective adjunvct to compression bandaging for treating venous
ulcers, and may be considered for prescription in appropriate clinical circumstances. (Level 1).
● Dressings for uncomplicated venous ulcers should be simple, low adherent, cost-effective, able to
maintain a moist wound environment and acceptable to the patient. (Level 1).
● Cellulitis surrounding the venous ulcer should be treated with systemic antibiotics. (Level 2).

● Minimize the tissue level of bacteria, preferably to ≤ 105 CFU/g of tissue, with no beta haemolytic
streptococci in the venous ulcer before attempting surgical closure by skin graft, skin equivalent,
pedicled or free flap. (Level 2).
● Routine use of antibiotics is unnecessary unless there are signs of infection. (level 2).

● All wounds are potentially painful. An approach to pain management should address the cause
of pain and implementation of local, regional or systemic patient factors to control it. (Level 3)
● Less extensive surgery on the venous system such as superficial venous ablation, endovenous
laser ablation, or valvuloplasty, especially when combined with compression therapy, can be
useful in decreasing the recurrence of venous ulcer. (Level 1).

● All aspects of care, including assessment, treatment plan, implementation and evaluation should
be documented clearly, comprehensively and meet legal requirements and local policies and/or
● An example of a documentation format is attached as a wound assessment inventory in appendices.
This may be copied and used in your clinical practice.

● Regular monitoring of pain associated with venous ulceration is recommended. (Level 2).

● Use of compression stocking reduces venous ulcer recurrence rates and is cost-effective. Patients
should be encouraged to wear the highest level of compression they will tolerate, unless
contraindicated (Level 1).
● Venous ulcers that have been open continuously without signs of healing for 3 months or that do
not demonstrate any response to treatment after 6 weeks should be reassessed and a biopsy for
histological diagnosis considered. (Level 3).

Table 3: Patient factors to be recorded at baseline
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Record the following at initial assessment:

Family history of leg ulceration, venous or non-venous.

Varicose veins (record whether or not treated, type of treatment and year)

History of DVT in the affected leg. State whether proven, not proven or suspected.

History of phlebitis in the affected leg (diagnosed by a clinician).

History of surgery/fractures to the leg

History of episodes of chest pain, haemoptosis, or pulmonary embolus.

History of heart disease, stroke, transient ischaemia attach, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular
disease/intermittent claudication, cigarette smoking (current or past), rheumatoid arthritis.

Nutrition status.

Table 4: Wound factors to be recorded at baseline

Baseline wound factors to be recorded:
Year of first ulcer

Site of ulcer and any previous episodes

Number of previous episodes of ulceration

Time to healing in previous episodes of ulceration

Time free of ulcers

Past treatment methods – both successful and unsuccessful

Previous operations on venous system

Previous and current use of compression

Table 5: Limb and peri-wound assessment

Condition of peri-wound skin – factors to consider:
Oedema – note if bilateral or unilateral


Ankle flare


Varicose veins


Atrophie blanche

Depth of ulcer (note if shallow or ‘punch out’ in appearance).

Note whether feet are cold, pale or blue

Is skin shiny and taut

Assess for blackened or gangrenous toes.

3.4 Guidelines for management of arterial ulcers – Key Points (level of evidence)
● All patients with lower extremity ulcers should be assessed by a person trained in leg ulcer
assessment (level 1).
● Patients presenting with rest pain or gangrene should be promptly referred to a vascular specialist
(level 1).
● An arterial ulcer is a component of a pool of diseases. It is paramount to evaluate the patient as
a whole, identifying and addressing the causes of tissue damage. This includes observation and
assessment of systemic diseases and medications, nutrition, tissue perfusion and oxygenation
(level 2).
● Patients presenting with risk factors for atherosclerosis (smoking, diabetes, hypertension,
hypercholesterolemia, advanced age, obesity, hypothyroidism) and who have ulcers, are more
likely to have arterial disease ulcers and should be carefully and broadly evaluated (level 1).
● In arterial ulcers, evaluate for contributing factors other than atherosclerosis that involve the
arterial system (microvascular vs. macrovascular) such as thromboangiitis, vasculitis, Raynauds,
pyoderma gangrenosum, thalassemia, or sickle cell disease (level 1).

● Discuss the outcome of assessment with the patient. Identify and agree short and long term
treatment objectives.
● Refer as appropriate to members of the multi-disciplinary team for assessments and appropriate
● Identify a time frame to review the objectives.

● In the presence of an arterial ulceration, adjuvant therapies may improve healing of the ulcer
but do not correct the underlying vascular disease. They cannot replace revascularisation.
Revascularisation is not always successful and durable. Thus adjuvant therapy may improve the
outcome if combined with revascularisation (level 2).
● In general, removal of all necrotic or devitalised tissue by sharp, enzymatic, mechanical, biological,
or autolytic debridement leads to a more normal wound –healing process (level 2). In arterial
ulcers with dry gangrene or eschar, however, debridement should not be used until
arterial inflow has been established (level 3).
● Routine use of antibiotics is unnecessary unless there are signs of infection. (level 2)

● Wound healing potential is enhanced and infection potential is reduced in a wound environment
that is adequately oxygenated (level 1).
● Compression therapy may be beneficial in ulcers of mixed aetiology but should only be undertaken
with close supervision by an individual trained in management of patients with arterial leg ulcers.
(level 3).

● In arterial ulcers with sufficient arterial inflow to support healing, use a dressing that will maintain
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

a moist wound-healing environment (level 2). Dry gangrene or eschar is best left dry until
revascularisation is successful (level 2).
● Select a dressing that is cost effective and appropriate to the ulcer aetiology. (level 2).

● Arterialulcers are painful, and an approach to control pain in patients with arterial ulceration
should address the cause and use local, regional, or/and systemic measures. (level 3).

● All aspects of care, including assessment, treatment plan, implementation and evaluation should
be documented clearly, comprehensively and meet legal requirements and local policies and/or

● Evaluate and re-assess treatment objectives at the agreed time frame according to the initial
assessment. Patient re-assessment and new treatment objectives may need to be set and agreed
with the patient following evaluation.
● Exercise to increase blood flow has been demonstrated to be helpful in long-term maintenance
and arterial ulcer prevention (level 1).
● Riskfactor reduction is the most significant issue to be addressed. It includes cigarette smoking
cessation, control of diabetes mellitus, control of elevated homocysteine levels, control of
hyperlipidaemia and hypertension. (level 1).

3.5 Guidelines for the prevention and management of Diabetic foot ulceration
The basic principles of prevention and management of diabetic foot ulceration described here are based
on the International Consensus and Practical Guidelines on the management and prevention of
the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF 2007). They are aimed at health care workers involved in the care of people
with diabetes. It should be noted that the full set of guidelines are available through the International
Working Group on Diabetic Foot (www.iwgdf.org).

This section is divided into two distinct parts:

Part A deals with the non-ulcerated limb
Part B deals with the ulcerated limb

This consensus identifies 5 key elements which underpin foot management:

Table 6: Key elements in DF management

1 Regular inspection and examination of the at-risk foot

2 Identification of the at-risk foot

3 Education of patient, family and healthcare providers

4 Appropriate footwear

5 Treatment of non-ulcerative pathology

Part A: the non-ulcerated limb

All people with diabetes should be examined at least once a year for potential foot problems. Patients
with demonstrated risk factor(s) should be examined more often – every 1 -6 months (see tables 7,8,9).
The patient’s feet should be examined with the patient lying down and standing up, and their shoes and
socks should be inspected.

History and Examination should include items in table 7:

Table 7: History and Examination

Previous ulcer/amputation, previous foot education, social isolation, poor access to
healthcare, bare-foot walking

Neuropathy Symptoms, such as tingling or pain in the lower limb, especially at night

Vascular status Claudication, rest pain, pedal pulses

Skin Colour, temperature, oedema

Bone/Joint Deformities (eg claw toes, hammer toes) or bony prominences

Footwear / socks Assessment of both inside and outside

Sensory loss. Sensory loss due to diabetic polyneuropathy can be assessed using the techniques set out
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

in table 8:

Table 8: Assessing neuropathy

Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. The risk of
Pressure perception future ulceration can be determined with a 10g

Vibration perception 128 Hz tuning fork (hallux)

Pin prick (dorsum of foot, without penetrating

the skin

Tactile sensation Cotton wool (dorsum of foot)

Reflexes Achilles tendon reflexes

● Identify the at-risk foot

● Following examination of the foot, each patient can be assigned to a risk category, which should
guide subsequent management. Table 9 identifies the progression of risk categories.

Table 9: Progression of risk categories:

Sensory neuropathy and/or foot deformities or bony prominences and/or signs of peripheral
ischaemia and /or previous ulcer or amputation

Sensory neuropathy

Non-sensory neuropathy

In a high-risk patient, callus, and nail and skin pathology should be treated regularly, preferably by a
trained foot care specialist.

Evaluation and education for patients, family and healthcare providers

Education, presented in a structured and organised manner, plays an important role in the prevention
of foot problems. Healthcare professionals involved in the management of diabetic foot disease
should receive periodic education to improve care for high-risk individuals.

Items which should be addressed when instructing the high-risk patient are set out in table 10:

Table 10: Patient Education
Inspect feet daily, including areas between the toes

Emphasise the need for another person with appropriate skills to inspect feet, should the individual
with diabetes be unable to do so.

Regular washing of feet with careful drying, especially between the toes is recommended.

Water temperature – always below 370 for washing.

Using a heater or hot-water bottle to warm feet is not recommended.

Avoidance of barefoot walking indoor or outdoor and of wearing shoes without socks should
be promoted

Chemical agents or plasters to remove corn and calluses- should not be used.

Recommend daily inspection and palpation of the inside of the shoes.

Tight shoes or shoes with rough edges and uneven seams should not be worn.

Lubricating oils or creams for dry skin may be used - but not between the toes.

Socks should be changed daily.

Wearing of stocking with seams inside our or preferably without any seams is most appropriate.

Tight or knee-high socks should be avoided.

Nails should be cut straight across

Corns and calluses – should be cut by a healthcare provider trained in such procedures

Promote patient awareness of the need to ensure that feet are examined regularly by a healthcare

Recommend that the healthcare provider should be notified at once if a blister, cut, scratch or sore
has developed.

Appropriate footwear
Inappropriate footwear is a major cause of ulceration. Specific guidelines on foot wear and off-loading
are available in the international consensus document. The main points are:
● Appropriate footwear should be used both indoors and outdoors, and should be adapted to the
altered biomechanics and deformities- essential for prevention.
● Patients without loss of protective sensation can select off-the-shelf foot wear.

● In patients with neuropathy and/or ischaemia, extra care must be taken when fitting footwear –
particularly when foot deformities are also present.
● The inside of the shoe should be 1-2cm longer than the foot itself. The internal width should be
equal to the width of the foot at the site of the metatarsal phalangeal joints, and height should
allow enough room for the toes.

Part B: Active ulceration

There are four core principles which guide management of active ulceration:
1. Treatment of any associated infections
2. Revascularisation if possible and feasible
3. Off-loading in order to minimise trauma to the ulcer site
4. Management of the wound and wound bed in order to promote healing.

Principles of wound and wound bed management are:
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● Regular inspection

● Cleansing

● Removal of surface debris

● Protection of the regenerating tissue from the environment.

● The risk of osteomyeltitis should be determined. After initial debridement, if it is possible to touch
bone with a sterile probe, it is likely that the underlying bone is infected.
● Comprehensive assessment of the patient including the wound bed should be conducted by
persons trained in such assessment. It is recognised that such assessment will require knowledge
and skills of more than one professional discipline.
● Most ulcers can be classified as neuropathic, ischaemic or neuro-ischaemic. This will guide further
therapy. Assessment of the vascular tree is essential in the management of a foot ulcer.

● Discuss the outcome of assessment with the patient, identify, and agree short and long term
treatment objectives.
● Identify a time frame to review the objectives.

● The wound should be cleansed regularly with clean water or saline.

● Exudate should be controlled in order to maintain a moist wound environment.

● In addition to regular debridement with a scalpel, other agents may be used in an attempt to
clean the wound bed. The best evidence supports the use of hydrogels although contraindication
should be considered, such as infection, excessive exudate, or critical limb ischaemia but other
debriding agents may also be effective.
● Plantar neuropathic ulcers which do not heal readily with appropriate off-loading can be
considered (provided the arterial blood supply is adequate) for management by excision of the
whole ulcer bed and (if indicated to reduce abnormal pressure loading) of underlying bone.
● Neuropathic ulcers should be debrided as soon as possible by a person trained in debridement.
This debridement should not be performed in ischaemic or neuro-ischaemic ulcers without signs
of infection.
● Infection in a diabetic foot presents a direct threat to the affected limb and should be
treated promptly and actively. Signs and/or symptoms of infection, such as fever, pain or
increased white cell count, increased ESR is often absent.
● Patientswith an ulcer deeper than subcutaneous tissues should be treated intensively and
depending on local resources and infrastructure, hospitalisation must be considered.

● If one or more pedal pulses are absent or if an ulcer does not improve despite optimal treatment,
more extensive vascular evaluation should be performed. As a first step, the ABPI can be measured.
ABPI may be falsely elevated due to calcification of the arteries. Preferably other tests such as
measurement of the toes pressure or transcutaneous pressure of oxygen should be used.
● Ill
fitting shoes are a frequent cause of ulceration and therefore shoes should be examined
meticulously in all patients.

All aspects of care, including assessment, treatment plan, implementation and evaluation should
be documented clearly, comprehensively and meet legal requirements and local policies and/or

3.6 Guidelines for the prevention of pressure ulcers
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

The guidelines for prevention of pressure ulceration are adapted from the joint NPUAP/EPUAP guidelines
published in 2009 and are reproduced with kind permission of EPUAP. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory
Panel and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: quick
reference guide for clinicians. Washington DC: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; 2009.

We are providing a summary of these guidelines in the form of a quick reference guide and the complete
set of guidelines are available at www.epuap.org. The format of this section is adapted from that of
NPUAP/EPUAP and differs slightly from previous sections.

A Recommendation supported by direct scientific evidence from properly designed & implemented
controlled trials on PU in humans providing statistical results that consistently support the
guideline statement. (Level I studies)
B Recommendation supported by direct scientific evidence from properly designed & implemented
clinical series on PU in humans providing statistical results that consistently support the
recommendation. (Level II, III, IV, V studies)
C The recommendation is supported by expert opinion or indirect evidence (e.g. studies in animal
models & other types of chronic wounds).

3.6.1 Risk Assessment

Examples of risk assessment tools are available in appendices.

● Establish a risk assessment policy in all health care settings. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Educate healthcare professionals on how to achieve an accurate and reliable risk assessment.
(Strength of Evidence = B.)
● Document all risk assessments. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Risk Assessment Practice

● Use a structured approach to risk assessment to identify individuals at risk of pressure ulcer
development. (Strength of Evidence = C.)
A structured approach may be achieved through the use of a risk assessment scale in conjunction with a
comprehensive skin assessment and clinical judgment. Evidence suggests that their introduction in conjunction
with the establishment of skin care teams, education programs and care protocols can reduce the incidence
of pressure ulcers.
● Use a structured approach to risk assessment which includes assessment of activity and mobility.
(Strength of evidence = C.)
● Consider individuals who are bedfast and/or chairfast to be at risk of pressure ulcer
● Use a structured approach to risk assessment which includes a comprehensive skin assessment
including alterations to intact skin. (Strength of evidence = C.)
● Consider individuals with alterations to intact skin to be at risk of pressure ulcer development.

● Alteration in skin condition includes dry skin, erythema and other alterations. The presence of
non-blanching erythema also increases the risk of further pressure ulcer development.
● Use a structured approach to risk assessment which is refined by using clinical judgment
informed by knowledge of key risk factors. (Strength of Evidence = C.)
● Considerthe impact of the following risk factors on an individual’s risk of pressure ulcer

a) Nutritional indicators
Nutritional indicators include haemoglobin, anaemia, and serum albumin, measures of nutritional
intake, and weight.
b) Factors affecting perfusion and oxygenation
c) Skin moisture
d) Increased age

● Consider the potential impact of the following risk factors on an individual’s risk of pressure ulcer

a) Friction and shear (Subscale Braden Scale)

b) Sensory perception (Subscale Braden Scale)
c) General health status
d) Body temperature

● Conduct a structured risk assessment on admission, and repeat as regularly and as frequently
as required by patient acuity. Reassessment should also be undertaken if there is any change in
patient condition. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Develop and implement a prevention plan when individuals have been identified as being at risk
of pressure ulcer development. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Riskfactors identified in a risk assessment should lead to an individualized plan of care to

minimize the impact or risk factors.

3.6.2 Skin Assessment

● Ensure that a complete skin assessment is included in the risk assessment screening policy in
place in all health care settings. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Educate the professional on how to undertake a comprehensive skin assessment that includes the
techniques in identifying blanching response, localized heat, oedema and induration (hardness).
(Strength of Evidence = B.)

These additional assessment techniques can be used for all individuals. However, there is evidence that
Category I pressure ulcers are under-detected in individuals with darkly pigmented skin because areas
of redness are not as easily seen.

● Inspect skin regularly for signs of redness in individuals identified as being at risk of pressure
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

ulceration. The frequency of inspection may need to be increased in response to any deterioration
in overall condition. (Strength of Evidence = B.)

● Skin inspection should include assessment for localized heat, oedema or induration (hardness),
especially in individuals with darkly pigmented skin. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Localized heat, oedema and induration have all been identified as warning signs for pressure ulcer
development. As it is not always possible to see signs of redness on darkly pigmented skin these
additional signs should be used for assessment.

● Ask individuals to identify any areas of discomfort or pain that could be attributed to pressure
damage. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

In several studies there is also some indication that pain over the site was a precursor to tissue

● Observe the skin for pressure damage due to medical devices. (Strength of Evidence =C.)

● Document all skin assessments including details of any pain possibly related to pressure damage.
(Strength of Evidence = C.)

Skin Care
● Do not turn the individual onto a body surface that is still reddened from a previous episode of
pressure loading whenever possible. (Strength of Evidence =C.)
● Do not use massage for pressure ulcer prevention (Strength of Evidence = B.)

● Do not vigorously rub skin at risk for pressure ulceration. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

As well as being painful, rubbing the skin can also cause mild tissue destruction or provoke an
inflammatory reaction, particularly in the frail elderly.
● Use skin emollients to hydrate dry skin in order to reduce risk of skin damage. (Strength of Evidence
= B.)
● Protect the skin from exposure to excessive moisture with a barrier product in order to reduce the
risk of pressure damage. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

3.6.3 Nutrition For Pressure Ulcer Prevention

● Screen and assess nutritional status for every individual at risk of pressure ulcers in each health
care setting (see examples in appendices).

● Refer individuals with nutritional risk and pressure ulcer risk to a registered dietician and also, if
needed to a multidisciplinary nutritional team including a registered dietician, a nurse specialized
in nutrition, physician, speech & language therapist, occupational therapist and/or dentist.

3.7 Repositioning for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
● Repositioning should be undertaken to reduce the duration and magnitude of pressure over
vulnerable areas of the body. (Strength of Evidence = A.)

● The use of repositioning as a prevention strategy must take into consideration the condition of
the patient and the support surface in use. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Repositioning Frequency
● Repositioning frequency will be influenced by the individual (Strength of Evidence = C.) and the
support surface in use (Strength of Evidence = A.).

● Repositioning frequency will be determined by the individual’s tissue tolerance, their level of
activity and mobility, their general medical condition, the overall treatment objectives and an
assessment of the individual’s skin condition. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Assess the individual’s skin and general comfort. If the individual is not responding as expected
to the repositioning regime, reconsider the frequency and method of repositioning. (Strength
of Evidence = C.)

● Repositioning frequenc y will be influenced by the suppor t sur face used.

(Strength of Evidence = A.)

Repositioning Technique
● Repositioning will maintain the individual’s comfor t, dignity and functional ability.
(Strength of Evidence = C)

● Reposition the individual in such a way that pressure is relieved or redistributed. (Strength of
Evidence = C.)

● Avoid subjecting the skin to pressure and shear forces. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Use transfer aids to reduce friction and shear. Lift, don’t drag the individual while repositioning.
(Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Avoid positioning the individual directly onto medical devices, such as tubes or drainage
systems. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Avoid positioning the individual on bony prominences with existing non-blanchable

erythema. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Repositioning should be undertaken using the 30 degree semi Fowler position or the prone
position and the 30 degree-tilted side lying position (alternately right side, back, left side) if
the individual can tolerate this position and the medical condition allows. Avoid postures that
increase pressure, such as the Fowler’s over 30 degree or the 90 degree side lying position, or
the semi-recumbent position. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● If sitting in bed is necessary, avoid head of bed elevation and a slouched position that places
pressure and shear on the sacrum and coccyx. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Repositioning the seated individual
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● Position the individual so as to maintain their full range of activities. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Selecta posture that is acceptable for the individual and minimizes the pressures and shear
exerted on the skin and soft tissues. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Place the feet of the individual on a foot stool or foot rest when the feet do not reach the floor.
(Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Limit the time an individual spends seated in a chair without pressure relief. (Strength of
Evidence = B)

Repositioning Documentation
● Record repositioning regimes, specifying the frequency, position adopted and the evaluation of
the outcome of the repositioning regime. (Strength of Evidence = C)

Repositioning Education and Training

● Education in the role of repositioning in pressure ulcer prevention should be offered to all persons
involved in the care of individuals at risk of pressure ulcer development, including the individual
and significant others (where possible). (Strength of Evidence = C)

● Training in the correct methods of repositioning and use of equipment should be offered to all
persons involved in the care of individuals at risk of pressure ulcer development, including the
individual and significant others (where possible and appropriate). (Strength of Evidence = C.)

3.8 Support Surfaces
General Statements
● Prevention in individuals at risk should be provided on a continuous basis during the time that
they are at risk. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Do not base the selection of a support surface solely on the perceived level of risk or the Category/
Stage of pressure ulcer. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Selection of an appropriate support surface should also take into consideration factors such
as the individual’s level of mobility within the bed, comfort, need for microclimate control and
the place and circumstances of care provision.

● Choose a support surface compatible with the care setting. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Examine the appropriateness and functionality of the support surfaces on every encounter.
(Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Verify that the support surface is within its functional life span, through the specific manufacturer’s
recommended test method (or other industry recognized test method) before use of the support
surface. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Mattress and Bed Use in Pressure Ulcer Prevention

● At a minimum a higher specification foam mattresses rather than standard hospital foam
mattresses should be used for all individuals assessed as at risk for pressure ulcer development.
(Strength of Evidence = A.)
● There is no evidence of the superiority of one high specification foam mattress over alternative
high specification foam mattresses. (Strength of Evidence = A.)

● Use an active support surface (overlay or mattress) for patients at higher risk of pressure ulcer
development which is appropriate with the clinical assessment of the risk status of the patient.

● Overlay or mattress replacement alternating pressure active support surfaces have a similar
efficacy in terms of pressure ulcer incidence. (Strength of Evidence =A.)

● Continue to turn and reposition where possible all individuals at risk of pressure ulcers. (Strength
of Evidence = C.)

The use of support surfaces to prevent heel pressure ulcers

● Ensure that heels are free of the surface of the bed. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Heel protection devices should elevate the heel completely (off load) in such a way as to distribute
the weight of the leg along the calf without putting pressure on the Achilles tendon. The knee
should be in slight flexion. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Hyperextension of the knee may cause obstruction of the popliteal vein and this could predispose to
deep vein thrombosis.

● Use a pillow under the calves to elevate the heels (floating heels). (Strength of Evidence = B.)
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● Inspect the skin of the heels regularly. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

Use of support surfaces to prevent pressure ulcers while seated

● Use a pressure-redistributing seat cushion for individuals sitting in a chair whose mobility is
reduced and who are thus at risk of pressure ulcer development. (Strength of Evidence = B.)

● Limit the time an individual spends seated in a chair without pressure relief (Strength of
Evidence = B.)

● Give special attention to individuals with spinal cord injury. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

The use of other support surfaces in pressure ulcer prevention

● Avoid use of synthetic sheepskin; cut-out, ring or doughnut type devices; and water-filled gloves.
(Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Natural sheepskin might assist the prevention of pressure ulcers. (Strength of Evidence = B.)

Special Population: Operating Room Patients

● Refine risk assessment of individuals undergoing surgery by examining other factors which are
likely to occur and will increase risk of pressure ulcer development including:

a) Length of the operation

b) Increased hypotensive episodes intra-operatively
c) Low core temperature during surgery
d) Reduced mobility on day 1 post-operatively

● Use a pressure-redistributing mattress on the operating table for all individuals identified as being
at risk of pressure ulcer development. (Strength of Evidence = B).

● Position the patient in such a way as to reduce the risk of pressure ulcer development during
surgery. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Elevate the heel completely (off load) in such a way as to distribute the weight of the leg along
the calf without putting all the pressure on the Achilles tendon. The knee should be in slight
flexion. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Elevate the individual’s heels during surgery to reduce the risk of pressure ulcer occurrence on the
heel. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Pay attention to pressure redistribution prior to and after surgery. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

● Place individuals on a pressure-redistributing mattress both prior to and after surgery. (Strength
of Evidence = C.)

● Position the individual in a different posture preoperatively and postoperatively to the posture
during surgery. (Strength of Evidence = C.)

References and Appendices

Section 4: References and Appendices
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

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Bennett, G., Dealy, C. & Posnett, J. (2004) The cost of pressure ulcers in the UK. Age and Ageing, 33(3),
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Lindholm, C., Sterner, E., Romanelli, M., Pina, E., Torra-Y-Bou, J., Hietanen, H., Livanainen, A., Gunningberg, L.,
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The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
Crest 1998
NHS Quality Improvement.
European Pressure Ulcer Advisory panel
North eastern Health Board Wound Management Guidelines, 2004.
Northern Health & Social Services Board Wound management Manual, 2005.
Sligo General Hospital Wound Management Guidelines, 2001.
Oxford Medical Dictionary
Balliers Nurse Dictionary
file;//E/pdf/addendum-glossary-all.html (1van 4) 1-6-2007 17.10.59
A-Z Dictionary of Wound Care, 2002, Collins, Hampton, White editors, Mark Allen Publishing, London.

1. Glossary of Terms
2. Assessment Tools.
3. Braden Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool.
4. Waterlow Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool.
5. MUST – Nutritional screening tool.
6. Screening assessment sheet for clinical examination of diabetic foot.
7. Audit Tool

Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● Abrasion: Produced by a rough surface striking the body tangentially removing part of the outer
layer of skin.
● Abscess: A collection of purulent material.

● Aerobes: Organisms requiring oxygen for survival.

● Aetiology: Cause.

● Amputation: Resection of a terminal part of a limb.

● Anaerobes: Organisms that do not require oxygen for survival.

● Angiogenesis: This occurs during the proliferative phase of healing when new blood vessels
infiltrate the wound and endothelial budding forms capillaries.
● Angiography: method to visualise blood vessels.

● Angioplasty: Re- establishment of an arterial lumen by percutaneous transluminal

● Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI): The ratio of ankle to brachial systolic blood pressure and
assesses lower extremity arterial perfusion. Measurement can be performed with a hand-held
Doppler ultrasound.
● Ankle-flare: The presence of small thread like venules particularly in the medial aspect of the
ankle signifying valve incompetence of the perforator veins.
● Antibiotic: A chemical substance produced by a micro-organism which has the capacity to dilute
solutions, to inhibit selectively the growth (static) of micro-organisms or to kill (cidal) them.
● Apoptosis: Programmed self destruction of cells or cell death which is part of the normal process
of growth control.
● Arthritis: Inflammation of a joint.

● Asepsis: Without pathogens, infections, or toxins.

● Aseptic Technique: Absence of micro-organisms in the surgical environment to reduce the risk
of infection.
● Athletes foot: Fungal infection between the toes.

● Atrophie Blanche: A smooth ivory white plaque of sclerosis stippled with telangiectasis and
surrounded by hyper-pigmentation occurring on the lower limb.
● Autolysis: Natural, spontaneous process of devitalised tissue being separated from viable
tissue. Together with proteolytic enzymes, macrophage activity is thought to be responsible for
● Biosurgery: Removal of slough or debridement of necrotic tissue by larval (maggot) therapy.

● Blanchable erythema: Reddened areas on the skin that temporarily turn white or pale when
pressure is applied with a fingertip. It is usually due to a normal reactive hyperaemia.
● Bottoming out: Expression used to describe inadequate support from a mattress or seat cushion
as determined by a hand check. If, when a fist is pressed into the surface of a mattress or seat
cushion the supporting base can be felt the item is said to have ‘bottomed out’ and is no longer
able to provide pressure relief.
●  ridging: Epithelial tissue forms a bridge from one side of wound to the other with a cavity
underneath. Usually seen in an infected cavity wound.

● Bulla/Bullae: Another term for blisters. Circumscribed, elevated, palpable mass >0.5 cm,
containing serous fluid.
●  urger’s test: In the presence of critical arterial disease where the A.B.P.I is < 0.5 or the perfusion
pressure of the lower limb is severely impaired, Burger’s test can be demonstrated. The patient lies
supine and the limb is elevated to about 45 degrees for a period of not less than 2 minutes. The
foot may go pale with no demonstrable capillary return and the presence of venous guttering in
the foot can be seen. To complete a positive test the patient then sits with the leg dependent over
the edge of the bed and after a further 1-2 minutes an intense dusky red hyperaemic response is
● Callus: A build up of keratinised skin. This is a reaction to persistent pressure.
● Cellulitis: A spreading non-suppurative infection of the soft tissue. Inflammation and infection of
the skin and subcutaneous tissue most commonly due to streptococci or staphylococci.
● Charcot-foot: Non-infectious destruction of bone and joint associated with neuropathy, neuro-
●  hronic Venous Disease (CVD): Defined as ambulatory venous hypertension with an abnormally
high pressure in the superficial lower leg veins, generated by standing or walking. The fundamental
mechanism is damage to vein valves rendering them incompetent particularly the perforator
veins. Clinical signs of C.V.D. include oedema, pigmentation, eczema, lipodermatosclerosis,
atrophie blanche and ulceration.
● Chronic Wound: A wound that has failed to proceed through an orderly and timely reparative
process to produce anatomic and functional integrity or that has proceeded through the repair
process without establishing a sustained anatomic and functional result.
● Claudication: Severe pain in the legs associated with spasm of the arteries.
● Clean technique: Modified aseptic technique performed by one person where sterile gloves are
not required and potable tap water or shower can be used for cleansing.
● Co morbidity: The presence of co-existing or additional disease with reference to either an initial
diagnosis or to the index condition that is the subject of study. Co-morbidity may affect the ability
of affected individuals to function and their survival. It may be used as a prognostic indicator for
length of hospital stay, cost factors and outcome or survival.
● Colonisation: Micro-organisms present in or on a host, without host interference or interaction
and without eliciting symptoms in the host.
●  ontact Dermatitis: Is an exogenous eczema caused by external factors that have either irritated
the skin or caused an allergic reaction. The eczema normally occurs in areas of direct contact but if
sufficiently severe the eczema may become generalised. Researchers have observed that patients
with eczema around their leg ulcers have more allergies than those without.
● Contamination: Presence of micro-organisms but without multiplication.
● Contraction: A function of the healing process in granulating wounds whereby the edges of the
wound are drawn towards each other in wounds healing by secondary intention.
● Contusion: Rupture of small blood vessels sustained from a blow with a blunt instrument and
causing localised bleeding into the tissue.
●  ritical colonisation: Delayed healing with malodour, raised levels of exudate and slough
present in the wound but without clinical infection and surrounding cellulites.
● Cytokine: A chemical messenger. See also growth factors.

● Cytotoxic: Chemical that is directly toxic to cells preventing their reproduction or growth.

● Debridement: The removal of devitalised or contaminated tissue.
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● Deep infection: Evidence of abscess, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis or septic tenosnovitis.

● Dehiscence: The breaking down of surgically closed wound.

● Demarcation: When devitalised tissue begins to separate from the viable wound tissue and the
wound bed becomes apparent.
● Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin, either due to direct contact with an irritating substance, or
to an allergic reaction.
● Devitalised: Tissue that is no longer viable.

● Diabetic foot: Infection, ulceration and/or destruction of deep tissue associated with neurological
abnormalities and various degrees of peripheral vascular disease in the lower limb in a person
with diabetes.
● Diabetic neuropathy: Presence of symptoms and/or signs of peripheral nerve dysfunction in
people with diabetes after exclusion of other causes.
● DoHC: Department of Health and Children.

● Doppler: A machine that can detect the movement of blood cells within the blood vessel and
measure blood flow. Used to measure the ABPI.
● Epithelium or Epithelial tissue: The tissue that migrates across the wound in the final stage of
wound healing. These epidermal cells are pink/white in colour at the wound edges or in islands
over granulation tissue.
● EPUAP: European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel.

● Erythema: A redness of the skin caused by congestion of capillaries due to injury, infection,
inflammation or hyperaemia.
● Eschar: Hard necrotic tissue. It often appears black and leathery.

● Excoriation: Stripping of the skin.

● Exudate: Serous fluid which has passed through the walls of a damaged or overextended vein.
Contains growth factors in the acute wound and may contain bacteria, dead white cells, and
chronic inflammatory cytokines if the wound is chronic.
● Fissures: Cracks, splits and small cuts.

● Fistula: An abnormal passage that has formed between two organs e.g. bowel and skin. Fistulas
may be congenital or caused by injury, infection or the spread of malignant disease.
● Foot deformity: Structural deformities in the foot such as presence of hammertoes, claw- toes,
hallux valgus, prominent metatarsal heads, status after neuro-osteoarthropathy, amputation or
other foot surgery.
● Foot lesion: Blister, erosion, minor cut or ulcer on the foot.

● Formulary: A wound dressing formulary consists of an agreed, regularly revised, limited list of
dressings by a group of practitioners.
● Friable: Easily damaged- wound bleeds easily when touched.

● Fulminant: Fast spread of a disease.

● Gaiter Area: the area of the lower limb in which most venous ulcers occur. Extends from the
lower third of the lower limb to the ankle.
● Gangrene: Death of tissue generally associated with loss of vascular supply and followed by
bacterial invasion and putrefaction.

● Granulation: During the proliferative phase of healing, this is the bright red tissue formed from
new capillary loops which are red/deep pink and moist. They have a granular appearance.
● Growth Factors: Peptides which are a sub-set of cytokines vital for cell proliferation.

● Haematoma: A bruise or collection of blood in tissues.

● Haemostasis: The arrest of bleeding either by the physiological properties of vasoconstriction,

coagulation or by surgical means.
● Hallux Valgus: Deformity of the big toe.

● HSE: Health Service Executive

● Hydrophobic: Water repellent.

● Hydrophyllic: Can readily absorb water.

● Hyperaemia: The presence of excess blood in the vessels supplying part of the body.

● Hyperglycaemia: Elevated serum glucose levels.

● Hypergranulation: Overgranulation- excessive laying down of new blood vessels creating

a bulge of highly vascular tissue which bleeds easily. The tissue forms beyond the level of the
surface level of the wound and prevents epithelialisation from occurring.
● Hyperkeratosis: thickening of the epidermis.
● Hypertension: High blood pressure.

● Hypertrophic scar: Develops soon after injury as a result of a wounding from for example,
vaccination, acne or surgery. More common in large scars such as burns and unlike keloid these
scars do not invade the skin beyond the wound margins.
● Hypoglycaemia: Low serum glucose levels.

● Induration: Hard (indurated) pigmented skin (lipodermatosclerosis) may be suggestive of

venous disease.
● Infection: Condition in which the host interacts physiologically and immunologically with a
micro-organism. Clinical evidence of redness, heat and pain are prominent. See also surgical site
● Inflammation: Defensive reaction to tissue injury; involves increased blood flow and capillary
permeability and facilitates physiologic cleanup of the wound; accompanied by increased heat,
redness, swelling and pain in the affected area.
● Insulation: Maintenance of wound temperature close to body temperature.

● I ntermittent Claudication: Pain experienced in the calf, thigh, or buttock muscles after walking
for a distance and which disappears following a few minutes rest. By implication arterial disease
should be suspected and investigated.
● Intertriginous: An area where apposing skin surfaces are in prolonged contact such as in the groin
or axilla and under the breasts; friction and moisture entrapment are common complications.
● Intertrigo: A mild inflammatory process that occurs on apposing skin surfaces because of friction
and moisture; characterised by erythema, superficial linear erosions at the base of the skin fold, or
circular erosion between the buttocks.
● I schaemia: Deficiency of blood caused by functional constriction or obstruction of a
blood vessel.
● Keloid: A thick proturberance of scar tissue. This out-growth of excessive collagen continues to
grow for a considerable time, in some cases years and can invade the healthy peri-wound skin.

● Ketoacidosis: A subsequent build up of acids (keto bodies) in the blood, resulting in a condition
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

of acidosis and associated with hyperglycaemia.

● Laceration: Produced when a blunt object strikes the skin with sufficient force to stretch and tear
it. A crushing injury ensues and the margins of the wound may be ragged, abraded and bruised.
● Lesion: A broad term referring to abnormalities in tissues, may be visible as tissue injury, sores
or ulcers.
● Maceration: A softening or sogginess of the tissue owing to retention of excessive moisture.
Usually presents as moist red/white and wrinkled.
● Macrophage: Blood cells which destroy bacteria and devitalised tissue and produce a variety of
growth factors.
● Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): Staphylococcus aureus bacterium
that is not succeptible to extended-penicillin antibiotic formulas, such as Methicillin, oxacillin
or nafcillin.
● MMP Matrix metalloproteinase: enzymatic compound capable of connective tissue
degradation; classified as collagenases, gelatinases and stromelysins.
● MVTR: Moisture vapour transmission rate; measured in units of weight of moisture vapour per
area of material per time period.
● Necrosis: The local death of tissue. This tissue is often black/brown in colour and leathery in
● Neuro-ischaemic: The combination of diabetic neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease.

● Neuropathy: Nerve damage leading to numb or sometimes painful feet.

● NPUAP: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel.

● Onychauxis: Thickening of the nails.

● Onychocryptosis: Nail deformities such as ingrown toenails.

● Onychogryphosis: Deformities of the nails.

● Orthosis: An appliance which controls, corrects or accommodates a structural or functional

● Osteomyelitis: Inflammation of bone and marrow usually caused by pathogens that enter the
bone during an injury or surgery.
● Overgranulation: See Hypergranulation.

● Pathogen: Any disease- producing agent or micro-organism.

● Pemphigus: A group of serious diseases of the skin characterises by the appearance of bullae
(blisters) of various sizes on apparently normal skin and mucous membrane. It is thought to be an
autoimmune disease and occurs in men and women in middle and late adulthood.
● Pemphigus: An uncommon chronic intra-epidermal blistering disease characterised by thin
walled bullae.
● Perfusion: Blood flow to the skin.

● Perioperative: Literally, around (the time of ) surgery. More specifically, the period of time
extending from when the patient goes into the hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office for surgery until
the time the patient is discharged home.
●  eripheral arterial disease (PAD): Disease of mostly small blood vessels in the extremities
(hands and feet), as narrowing of arteries.

● Periwound: The area immediately around the wound.
● Phlebitis: Inflammation of a vein.

● Potable: water of sufficient quality to be served as drinking water.

● Pressure Ulcer: Area of localised tissue damage caused by ischaemia due to pressure, friction,
or shear.
● PSI: Pounds per square inch. A measure used to determine pressure applied to a wound when
various wound cleansing techniques are used.
● Purpura: Bleeding beneath the skin or mucous membranes; it causes black and blue spots
(ecchymosis) or pinpoint bleeding.
● Pus: Thick fluid indicative of infection containing leukocytes, bacteria and cellular debris.
● Pyogenic: Producing pus.
● Reactive hyperaemia: Extra blood in vessels occurring in response to a period of blocked
blood flow.
● Revascularisation: Improving blood supply through vascular surgery. A bypass graft will be
inserted into the blocked or narrowed blood vessel.
●  enescent cells: An age-related decrease in the proliferation potential in dermal fibroblasts; an
occurrence observed in chronic wounds in which fibroblasts have an impaired responsiveness to
growth hormone; a response that may be due to the increased number of senescent cells.
●  hear: Trauma caused by tissue layers sliding against each other; results in disruption or angulation
of blood vessels.
●  inus: Course or pathway that can extend in any direction from the wound surface; results in
dead space with potential for abscess formation.
● Slough: The term used to describe the thick yellow layer which often covers the wound and
is strongly adherent to it. Its presence can be related to the end of the inflammatory stage of
healing when dead cells have accumulated in the exudate.
● Stasis: Stagnation of blood caused by venous congestion.
● Stemmer sign: Thickened skin fold at the base of the second toe or second finger that is an early
diagnostic sign of lymphoedema. A positive result occurs when this tissue cannot be lifted only
grasped as a lump of tissue. In a negative result it is possible to lift the tissue normally.
●  trike- through: Evidence of wound exudate appearing on the outer surface of the wound
dressing, indicating a need for dressing change. Exudate saturating non-occlusive dressing which
does not have a bacterial barrier is believed to act as a portal for the entrance of pathogens.
● Surgical Site Infection: classed according to the Centre for Disease Control (www.cdc.org)
classification. That is, only skin and subcutaneous tissue (superficial incisional SSI), and those
involving deeper soft tissues of the incision (deep incisional SSI).
● Tenosynovitis: Inflammation of the tendon sheath.

● Theraputic footwear: Footwear designed to relieve biochemical stress on an ulcer and which
can accommodate dressings.
● Thrombosis: Intravascular formation of a blood clot (thrombus)

● Tinea pedis: Fungal infection of the foot.

● Transcutaneous: Through the skin.

● Trophic: Thinning of skin and ridging of nails.

● Ulcer: Open sore.
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

● Undermine: Tissue destruction to underlying intact skin along wound margins.

● Unstageable pressure ulcer: Covered with eschar or slough which prohibits complete
assessment of the wound.
● Varicosities: dilated tortuous superficial veins.

● Vasculitis: Inflammation of small arteries or veins with resulting fibrosis and thrombi formation.
It is usually associated with rheumatoid disease.
● Vasoconstriction: Constriction of the blood vessels.

● Vasodilation: Dilation of blood vessels especially small arteries and arterioles.

●  enous Insufficiency: Deep or superficial veins become incompetent permitting reverse flow
and resulting in raised pressure in the superficial veins during ambulation.
● Venous: Pertaining to veins.
● Verruca: Small hard benign growths on the skin: warts.

● Vesicle: Circumscribed, elevated, palpable mass < 0.5 cm, containing serous fluid..
● Virulence: degree of pathogenicity of an organism.

● Wound Bed Preparation (WBP): is the global management of the wound to accelerate
endogenous healing or to facilitate the effectiveness of other therapeutic measures.
● Wound: A cut or break in the continuity of the skin caused by injury or operation.

Appendix 2: Examples of Wound Assessment Forms

Wound Assessment

Name Address

PCN D.O.B. Phone Number

Consultant Nurse GP

Contact Details

Medications (current and recent)

Past Medical History Allergies

Peripheral Vascular Disease _________ Do you have any known allergies to :

Myocardial Infarction _________ Dressings _________

C.O.A.D. _________ Medication _________

C.V.A. _________ Other _________

Hypertension _________

Osteroartritis _________

Rheumatoid Arthritis _________

Diabetes Type 1 _________ Type 2 _________

Random Blood Sugar _________

Phlebitis _________

D.V.T. _________

Injury to ankle or leg _________

Varicose Veins _________

V.V. injections or surgery __________

Appetite Poor ___ Fair ___ Good ___

Smoking Yes ___ No ___

Appendix 2: Examples of Wound Assessment Forms
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t


Name PCN


Wound Size
(in cm2)

Measurement of
slough; % of wound
it covers

Wound Bed (indicate if present or absent)





Exudate levels




Very high

Did last dressing

hold exudate?




On dressing change

All the time

Peri wound area





Dry /scaling

Healthy / Intact

Pain Score (0-5) Assess prior to

dressing change using visual
analogue score
Indicate if wound
swabs were taken

Dressing applied


Appendix 2: Examples of Wound Assessment Forms
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t


Date of Review

Right Left Wound Aetiology

1. Venous Ulcer
Patients Blood Pressure 2. Mixed Venous/ arterial
Limb Assessment 3. Arterial
Stasis Oedema 4. Pressure Ulcer
5. Pretibial laceration
Eczema 6. Surgical wound
Brown Pigmentation 7. Burn
8. Diabetic neuropathic
Atrophe Blanche
9. Diabetic ischaemic
Visible Varicose Veins 10. Neuro-ischaemic
Induration/ 11. Trauma
Lipodermatosclerosis 12. Other_____________
Ankle Flare
Ankle Pulses
Palpable please state
Reduced ________________________

Wound History
Ankle Circumference Recurrence
Calf Circumference
Ankle Movements Length of time since previous
Full/ limited/ fixed ulcer
Doppler Assessment
Right Left
Number of occurrences
Bracial Systolic
Central Bracial Systolic
Duration of wound
Dorsalis Pedis Pulse
Posterior Tibialis
Highest Ankle Systolic Size at assessment
Current dressing regime

Frequency of dressing changes.

Anatomical chart

Please mark the area of lower limb ulceration on chart.

Appendix 2: Wound Assessment Forms from AMNCH Tallaght
N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t

Name: ....................................................................................

Address: ..................................................................................

THE ADELAIDE & MEATH M.R.N.: ......................................... D.O.B.: ..........................

HOSPITAL, DUBLIN Phone No.: ..............................................................................
THE NATIONAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Consultant: .............................................................................


Type of Wound: ..............................................................................................................................................................

Duration of Wound: ........................................................................................................................................................

Location of Wound: ........................................................................................................................................................

Nutrition: Poor / Adequate / Good ...................................... Referred to Nutritionalist: Yes / No ..........................



Autoimmune Diseases DRUGS

Diabetes Mellitus Steroids

Cardiac Disease N.S.A.I.D.S

Anaemia Cytotoxics

Reduced Tissue Perfusion Immunosuppresents

Chronic Breathing Difficulties Anticoagulants

Malabsorption Syndrome Smoker

Wound Infection Present Other

Foreign Body




B.P. ................................................................. Urinalysis: ....................................................................................


Blood Sugar: Yes ■ No ■ Result: ..........................................................................................

Ankle Brachial Index Performed: Yes ■ No ■

RESULT: Right......................................................... Left.....................................................................................

Compiled developed by Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialists AMNCH & SJH. & Area 4 Community R520

Surname: ................................................................................

Forenames: .............................................................................
Address: ..................................................................................

THE ADELAIDE & MEATH ................................................................................................

HOSPITAL, DUBLIN Hospital No.: ................................ D.O.B.: ..........................
THE NATIONAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Consultant: .............................................................................


To be completed at each dressing change/measure weekly


Max. length mm.

Max. width mm.

Depth mm.

Undermining mm.

E S T I M AT E I N %
Necrotic (black)

Sloughy (yellow)

Granulating (red)

Epithelialising (pink)


High / Moderate / Low

Condition of
surrounding skin






Pain in wound:

At Dressing


Yes / No
Wound swab taken



*VRS= Verbal Rating Scale

Appendix 2: Wound Assessment Forms from AMNCH Tallaght (continued)
N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t

Surname: ................................................................................

Forenames: .............................................................................
Address: ..................................................................................

THE ADELAIDE & MEATH ................................................................................................

HOSPITAL, DUBLIN Hospital No.: ................................ D.O.B.: ..........................
THE NATIONAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Consultant: .............................................................................


Only re-write if plan changes


Treatment Objective

Type of cleansing

Treatment of
surrounding skin

Type of primary

Type of secondary

Method of securing

Type of compression

Frequency of
dressing change

Patient Education

Removal of:
Sutures / Staples


Wound healed ■ Discharged ■ Did not continue to attend ■
G.P. ■ P. H.N. ■ OPD ■ A&E ■ Day Hosp. ■ Other ■

Signature: ........................................................................................................ Date: .................................................................................................................

Surname: ................................................................................

Forenames: .............................................................................
Address: ..................................................................................

THE ADELAIDE & MEATH ................................................................................................

HOSPITAL, DUBLIN Hospital No.: ................................ D.O.B.: ..........................
THE NATIONAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Consultant: .............................................................................


Signature Signature
Date Time
RGN Student Nurse

N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t

Name: Date of Birth: Room No / Unit:

Waterlow Pressure Ulcer Prevention/Treatment Policy
Ring Scores in Table, Add Total, more than 1 Score/Category Can Be Used
Build/Weight Skin type Sex Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST)
for Height Visual Risk Age Nutrition Vol. 15, No.6 1999-Australia Date Score Signature
Average Healthy 0 Male 1 A – Has Patient Lost B – Weight Loss Score
BMI – 20 – 24.9 0 Tissue Paper 1 Female 2 Weight Recently 0.5 - 5 kg = 1
Above Average Dry 1 Yes - go to B 5 - 10kg = 2
BMI – 25 – 29.9 1 Oedematous 1
14-49 1 No - go to C 10 - 15kg = 3
Obese Clammy, Pyrexia 1 50-64 2 Unsure - go to C >15kg = 4
BMI > 30 2 Discoloured 65-74 3 And score 2 unsure = 2
Below Average Grade 1 2 75-80 4 C – Patient Eating Poorly Nutrition Score
BMI < 20 3 Broken/Spots 81+ 5 Or Lack of Appetite If > 2 refer for Nutrition
BMI= Wt(kg)/Ht(m)2 Grade 2-4 3 ‘No’ = 0; ‘Yes’ Score = 1 assessment / intervention

Continence Mobility Special Risks

Tissue Malnutrition Neurological Deficit
Complete/ Fully 0
0 Diabetes, MS, CVA 4-6
Catherised Restless/Fidgety 1 8 Motor/Sensory 4-6
Terminal Cachexia
Urine incont. 1 Apathetic 2 Paraplegia (Max of 6) 4-6
Multiple Organ Failure 8 Major Surgery or Trauma
Faecel incon. 2 Restricted 3

Bedbound Single Organ Failure

Urinary + Faecel 3 e.g. Traction 4 (Resp, Renal, Cardiac,) 5
Orthopaedic / Spinal 5
Chairbound Peripheral Vascular On Table > 2 hr# 5
e.g. Wheelchair 5 Disease 5
On Table > 6 hr# 8
Anaemia (Hb<8)
# Scores can be
Score discounted after
48 hours provided Smoking 1
10+ At Risk
patient is
Appendix 3: Examples of Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment tools - Waterlow

15+ High Risk recovering

20+ Very High normally.
Medication – Cytotoxics, Long Term/High Dose Steroids
Anti-Inflammatory Max of 4
J Waterlow 1985 Revised 2005* Obtainable from the Nook, Stoke Road, Henlade TAUNTON TA3 5LX
The 2005 revision incorporates the research undertaken by Queensland Health.
Patient••s Name _____________________________________ Evaluator••s Name________________________________ Date of Assessment

SENSORY PERCEPTION 1. Completely Limited 2. Very Limited 3. Slightly Limited 4. No Impairment

Unresponsive (does not moan, Responds only to painful Responds to verbal com- Responds to verbal
ability to respond meaning- flinch, or grasp) to painful stimuli. Cannot communicate mands, but cannot always commands. Has no
fully to pressure-related stimuli, due to diminished level of discomfort except by moaning communicate discomfort or the sensory deficit which would
discomfort con-sciousness or sedation. or restlessness need to be turned. limit ability to feel or voice
OR OR OR pain or discomfort..
limited ability to feel has a sensory impairment which has some sensory impairment
pain over most of body limits the ability to feel pain or which limits ability to feel pain
discomfort over • •of body. or discomfort in 1 or 2 extremities.

MOISTURE 1. Constantly Moist 2. Very Moist 3. Occasionally Moist: 4. Rarely Moist

Skin is kept moist almost Skin is often, but not always moist. Skin is occasionally moist, requiring Skin is usually dry, linen
degree to which skin is constantly by perspiration, urine, Linen must be changed at least an extra linen change approximately only requires changing at
exposed to moisture etc. Dampness is detected once a shift. once a day. routine intervals.
every time patient is moved or

ACTIVITY 1. Bedfast 2. Chairfast 3. Walks Occasionally 4. Walks Frequently

Confined to bed. Ability to walk severely limited or Walks occasionally during day, but Walks outside room at least
degree of physical activity non-existent. Cannot bear own for very short distances, with or twice a day and inside room
weight and/or must be assisted into without assistance. Spends at least once every two
chair or wheelchair. majority of each shift in bed or chair hours during waking hours

MOBILITY 1. Completely Immobile 2. Very Limited 3. Slightly Limited 4. No Limitation

Does not make even slight Makes occasional slight changes in Makes frequent though slight Makes major and frequent
ability to change and control changes in body or extremity body or extremity position but changes in body or extremity changes in position without
body position position without assistance unable to make frequent or position independently. assistance.
significant changes independently.

NUTRITION 1. Very Poor 2. Probably Inadequate 3. Adequate 4. Excellent

Never eats a complete meal. Rarely eats a complete meal and Eats over half of most meals. Eats Eats most of every meal.
usual food intake pattern Rarely eats more than • •of any generally eats only about • •of any a total of 4 servings of protein Never refuses a meal.
food offered. Eats 2 servings or food offered. Protein intake (meat, dairy products per day. Usually eats a total of 4 or
less of protein (meat or dairy includes only 3 servings of meat or Occasionally will refuse a meal, but more servings of meat and
products) per day. Takes fluids dairy products per day. will usually take a supplement when dairy products.
poorly. Does not take a liquid Occasionally will take a dietary offered Occasionally eats between
dietary supplement supplement. OR meals. Does not require
OR OR is on a tube feeding or TPN supplementation.
is NPO and/or maintained on receives less than optimum amount regimen which probably meets
clear liquids or IV••s for more of liquid diet or tube feeding most of nutritional needs
than 5 days.

FRICTION & SHEAR 1. Problem 2. Potential Problem 3. No Apparent Problem

Requires moderate to maximum Moves feebly or requires minimum Moves in bed and in chair
assistance in moving. Complete assistance. During a move skin independently and has sufficient
lifting without sliding against probably slides to some extent muscle strength to lift up
sheets is impossible. Frequently against sheets, chair, restraints or completely during move. Maintains
slides down in bed or chair, other devices. Maintains relatively good position in bed or chair.
requiring frequent repositioning good position in chair or bed most
with maximum assistance. of the time but occasionally slides
Spasticity, contractures or down.
Appendix 3: Examples of Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment tools - Braden Scale

agitation leads to almost

constant friction

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• •Copyright Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom, 1988 All rights reserved Obtain permission for use at www.bradenscale.com/copyright.asp Total Score

Appendix 3: Examples of Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment tools - Braden Scale
N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t

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all reprints of the material (Copyright. Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom, 1988. Reprinted with
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Appendix 4: MUST Tool
N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t

'Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool' (‘MUST’) MAG Malnutrition Advisory Group

A Standing Committee of BAPEN
Advancing Clinical Nutrition BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927 www.bapen.org.uk

‘MUST’ is a five-step screening tool to identify adults, who are malnourished, at risk of malnutrition
(undernutrition), or obese. It also includes management guidelines which can be used to develop
a care plan.

It is for use in hospitals, community and other care settings and can be used
by all care workers.

This guide contains:

A flow chart showing the 5 steps to use for screening and management
BMI chart
Weight loss tables
Alternative measurements when BMI cannot be obtained by measuring weight and height.

The 5 'MUST' Steps

Step 1
Measure height and weight to get a BMI score using chart provided. If unable to obtain
height and weight, use the alternative procedures shown in this guide.

Step 2
Note percentage unplanned weight loss and score using tables provided.

Step 3
Establish acute disease effect and score.

Step 4
Add scores from steps 1, 2 and 3 together to obtain overall risk of malnutrition.

Step 5
Use management guidelines and/or local policy to develop care plan.

Please refer to The ‘MUST’ Explanatory Booklet for more information when weight and height cannot be measured, and
when screening patient groups in which extra care in interpretation is needed (e.g. those with fluid disturbances,
plaster casts, amputations, critical illness and pregnant or lactating women). The booklet can also be used for training.
See The ‘MUST’ Report for supporting evidence. Please note that 'MUST' has not been designed to detect deficiencies
or excessive intakes of vitamins and minerals and is of use only in adults.

'Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool' (‘MUST’) MAG Malnutrition Advisory Group
A Standing Committee of BAPEN
Advancing Clinical Nutrition BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927 www.bapen.org.uk

Step 1 – BMI score (& BMI)

Height (feet and inches)

Weight (stones and pounds)

Weight (kg)

Height (m)
Note : The black lines denote the exact cut off points ( 30,20 and 18.5 kg/m2), figures on the chart have been rounded to the nearest whole number.

Appendix 4: MUST Tool
N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t


'Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool' (‘MUST’) MAG Malnutrition Advisory Group

A Standing Committee of BAPEN
Advancing Clinical Nutrition BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927 www.bapen.org.uk

Step 1 + Step 2 + Step 3

BMI score Weight loss score Acute disease effect score

BMI kg/m 2 Score weight loss in If patient is acutely ill and
>20(>30 Obese) =0 past 3-6 months there has been or is likely
% Score to be no nutritional
18.5 - 20 =1
<5 =0 intake for >5 days
<18.5 =2 5 -10 =1 Score 2
>10 =2

If unable to obtain height and weight,

see reverse for alternative measurements
and use of subjective criteria Step 4
Overall risk of malnutrition
Add Scores together to calculate overall risk of malnutrition
Score 0 Low Risk Score 1 Medium Risk Score 2 or more High Risk

Step 5
Management guidelines

0 1 2 or more
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Routine clinical care Observe Treat*
Repeat screening Document dietary intake Refer to dietitian, Nutritional
for 3 days if subject in Support Team or implement
Hospital – weekly hospital or care home
Care Homes – monthly local policy
Community – annually If improved or adequate Improve and increase
for special groups intake – little clinical overall nutritional intake
e.g. those >75 yrs concern; if no improvement Monitor and review care plan
– clinical concern - follow Hospital – weekly
local policy Care Home – monthly
Repeat screening Community – monthly
Hospital – weekly * Unless detrimental or no benefit
Care Home – at least monthly is expected from nutritional
Community – at least every support e.g. imminent death.
2-3 months

All risk categories:

Treat underlying condition and provide help and
advice on food choices, eating and drinking when Record presence of obesity. For those with
necessary. underlying conditions, these are generally
Record malnutrition risk category. controlled before the treatment of obesity.
Record need for special diets and follow local policy.

Re-assess subjects identified at risk as they move through care settings

See The ‘MUST’ Explanatory Booklet for further details and The ‘MUST’ Report for supporting evidence.

'Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool' (‘MUST’) MAG Malnutrition Advisory Group
A Standing Committee of BAPEN
Advancing Clinical Nutrition BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927 www.bapen.org.uk

Step 2 – Weight loss score


Wt Loss < 5% Wt Loss 5-10% Wt Loss > 10% Wt Loss < 5% Wt Loss 5-10% Wt Loss > 10%
34 kg < 1.70 1.70 – 3.40 >3.40 5st 4lb <4lb 4lb – 7lb >7lb
36 kg < 1.80 1.80 – 3.60 >3.60 5st 7lb <4lb 4lb – 8lb >8lb
38 kg < 1.90 1.90 – 3.80 >3.80 5st 11lb <4lb 4lb – 8lb >8lb
40 kg < 2.00 2.00 – 4.00 >4.00 6st <4lb 4lb – 8lb >8lb
42 kg < 2.10 2.10 – 4.20 >4.20 6st 4lb <4lb 4lb – 9lb >9lb
44 kg < 2.20 2.20 – 4.40 >4.40 6st 7lb <5lb 5lb – 9lb >9lb
46 kg < 2.30 2.30 – 4.60 >4.60 6st 11lb <5lb 5lb – 10lb >10lb
48 kg < 2.40 2.40 – 4.80 >4.80 7st <5lb 5lb – 10lb >10lb
50 kg < 2.50 2.50 – 5.00 >5.00 7st 4lb <5lb 5lb – 10lb >10lb
52 kg < 2.60 2.60 – 5.20 >5.20 7st 7lb <5lb 5lb – 11lb >11lb
54 kg < 2.70 2.70 – 5.40 >5.40 7st 11lb <5lb 5lb – 11lb >11lb
56 kg < 2.80 2.80 – 5.60 >5.60 8st <6lb 6lb – 11lb >11lb
58 kg < 2.90 2.90 – 5.80 >5.80 8st 4lb <6lb 6lb – 12lb >12lb
60 kg < 3.00 3.00 – 6.00 >6.00 8st 7lb <6lb 6lb – 12lb >12lb
62 kg < 3.10 3.10 – 6.20 >6.20 8st 11lb <6lb 6lb – 12lb >12lb
Weight before weight loss (st lb)

64 kg < 3.20 3.20 – 6.40 >6.40 9st <6lb 6lb – 13lb >13lb
Weight before weight loss (kg)

66 kg < 3.30 3.30 – 6.60 >6.60 9st 4lb <7lb 7lb – 13lb >13lb
68 kg < 3.40 3.40 – 6.80 >6.80 9st 7lb <7lb 7lb – 13lb >13lb
70 kg < 3.50 3.50 – 7.00 >7.00 9st 11lb <7lb 7lb – 1st 0lb >1st 0lb
72 kg < 3.60 3.60 – 7.20 >7.20 10st <7lb 7lb – 1st 0lb >1st 0lb
74 kg < 3.70 3.70 – 7.40 >7.40 10st 4lb <7lb 7lb – 1st 0lb >1st 0lb
76 kg <3.80 3.80 – 7.60 >7.60 10st 7lb <7lb 7lb – 1st 1lb >1st 1lb
78 kg <3.90 3.90 – 7.80 >7.80 10st 11lb <8lb 8lb – 1st 1lb >1st 1lb
80 kg <4.00 4.00 – 8.00 >8.00 11st <8lb 8lb – 1st 1lb >1st 1lb
82 kg <4.10 4.10 – 8.20 >8.20 11st 4lb <8lb 8lb – 1st 2lb >1st 2lb
84 kg <4.20 4.20 – 8.40 >8.40 11st 7lb <8lb 8lb – 1st 2lb >1st 2lb
86 kg <4.30 4.30 – 8.60 >8.60 11st 11lb <8lb 8lb – 1st 3lb >1st 3lb
88 kg <4.40 4.40 – 8.80 >8.80 12st <8lb 8lb – 1st 3lb >1st 3lb
90 kg <4.50 4.50 – 9.00 >9.00 12st 4lb <9lb 9lb – 1st 3lb >1st 3lb
92 kg <4.60 4.60 – 9.20 >9.20 12st 7lb <9lb 9lb – 1st 4lb >1st 4lb
94 kg <4.70 4.70 – 9.40 >9.40 12st 11lb <9lb 9lb – 1st 4lb >1st 4lb
96 kg <4.80 4.80 – 9.60 >9.60 13st <9lb 9lb – 1st 4lb >1st 4lb
98 kg <4.90 4.90 – 9.80 >9.80 13st 4lb <9lb 9lb – 1st 5lb >1st 5lb
100 kg <5.00 5.00 – 10.00 >10.00 13st 7lb <9lb 9lb – 1st 5lb >1st 5lb
102 kg <5.10 5.10 – 10.20 >10.20 13st 11lb <10lb 10lb – 1st 5lb >1st 5lb
104 kg <5.20 5.20 – 10.40 >10.40 14st <10lb 10lb – 1st 6lb >1st 6lb
106 kg <5.30 5.30 – 10.60 >10.60 14st 4lb <10lb 10lb – 1st 6lb >1st 6lb
108 kg <5.40 5.40 – 10.80 >10.80 14st 7lb <10lb 10lb – 1st 6lb >1st 6lb
110 kg <5.50 5.50 – 11.00 >11.00 14st 11lb <10lb 10lb – 1st 7lb >1st 7lb
112 kg <5.60 5.60 – 11.20 >11.20 15st <11lb 11lb – 1st 7lb >1st 7lb
114 kg <5.70 5.70 – 11.40 >11.40 15st 4lb <11lb 11lb – 1st 7lb >1st 7lb
116 kg <5.80 5.80 – 11.60 >11.60 15st 7lb <11lb 11lb – 1st 8lb >1st 8lb
118 kg <5.90 5.90 – 11.80 >11.80 15st 11lb <11lb 11lb – 1st 8lb >1st 8lb
120 kg <6.00 6.00 – 12.00 >12.00 16st <11lb 11lb – 1st 8lb >1st 8lb
122 kg <6.10 6.10 – 12.20 >12.20 16st 4lb <11lb 11lb – 1st 9lb >1st 9lb
124 kg <6.20 6.20 – 12.40 >12.40 16st 7lb <12lb 12lb – 1st 9lb >1st 9lb
126 kg <6.30 6.30 – 12.60 >12.60

Appendix 4: MUST Tool
N at i o N a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a N d e v i d e N c e b a s e d g u i d e l i N e s f o r w o u N d m a N a g e m e N t


'Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool' (‘MUST’) MAG Malnutrition Advisory Group

A Standing Committee of BAPEN
Advancing Clinical Nutrition BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927 www.bapen.org.uk

Alternative measurements and considerations

Step 1: BMI (body mass index)
If height cannot be measured
Use recently documented or self-reported height (if reliable and realistic).
If the subject does not know or is unable to report their height, use one of the alternative measurements
to estimate height (ulna, knee height or demispan).

If height & weight cannot be obtained

Use mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurement to estimate BMI category.

Step 2: Recent unplanned weight loss

If recent weight loss cannot be calculated, use self-reported weight loss (if reliable and realistic).

Subjective criteria
If height, weight or BMI cannot be obtained, the following criteria which relate to them can assist your
professional judgement of the subject’s nutritional risk.

1. BMI
Clinical impression – thin, acceptable weight, overweight. Obvious wasting (very thin) and obesity (very
overweight) can also be noted.

2. Unplanned weight loss

Clothes and/or jewellery have become loose fitting (weight loss).
History of decreased food intake, reduced appetite or swallowing problems over 3-6 months and underlying
disease or psycho-social/physical disabilities likely to cause weight loss.

3. Acute disease effect

No nutritional intake or likelihood of no intake for more than 5 days.

Further details on taking alternative measurements, special circumstances and subjective criteria can be found
in The ‘MUST’ Explanatory Booklet. A copy can be downloaded at www.bapen.org.uk or purchased from the
BAPEN office. The full evidence-base for ‘MUST’ is contained in The ‘MUST’ Report and is also available for
purchase from the BAPEN office.

BAPEN Office, Secure Hold Business Centre, Studley Road, Redditch, Worcs, B98 7LG. Tel: 01527 457 850. Fax: 01527 458 718.
bapen@sovereignconference.co.uk BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927. www.bapen.org.uk

© BAPEN 2003 ISBN 1 899467 85 8 Price £2.00

All rights reserved. This document may be photocopied for dissemination and training purposes as long as the source is credited and recognised.
Copy may be reproduced for the purposes of purposes of publicity and promotion. Written permission must be sought from BAPEN if substantial
reproduction or adaptation is required.

Published November 2003 by MAG the Malnutrition Advisory Group, a Standing Committee of BAPEN. Review date December 2004 and annually thereafter.
‘MUST’ is supported by the British Dietetic Association, the Royal College of Nursing and the Registered Nursing Home Association.

'Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool' (‘MUST’) MAG Malnutrition Advisory Group
A Standing Committee of BAPEN
Advancing Clinical Nutrition BAPEN is registered charity number 1023927 www.bapen.org.uk

Alternative measurements: instructions and tables

If height cannot be obtained, use length of forearm (ulna) to calculate height using tables below.
(See The ‘MUST’ Explanatory Booklet for details of other alternative measurements (knee height and demispan)
that can also be used to estimate height).

Estimating height from ulna length

Measure between the point of the elbow

(olecranon process) and the midpoint of the prominent
bone of the wrist (styloid process) (left side if possible).

Men (<65 years) 1.94 1.93 1.91 1.89 1.87 1.85 1.84 1.82 1.80 1.78 1.76 1.75 1.73 1.71

Men (>65 years) 1.87 1.86 1.84 1.82 1.81 1.79 1.78 1.76 1.75 1.73 1.71 1.70 1.68 1.67
Ulna length (cm) 32.0 31. 5 31.0 30. 5 30.0 29. 5 29.0 28.5 28.0 27.5 27.0 26.5 26.0 25.5

Women (<65 years) 1.84 1.83 1.81 1.80 1.79 1.77 1.76 1.75 1.73 1.72 1.70 1.69 1.68 1.66

Women (>65 years) 1.84 1.83 1.81 1.79 1.78 1.76 1.75 1.73 1.71 1.70 1.68 1.66 1.65 1.63

Men (<65 years) 1.69 1.67 1.66 1.64 1.62 1.60 1.58 1.57 1.55 1.53 1.51 1.49 1.48 1.46

Men (>65 years) 1.65 1.63 1.62 1.60 1.59 1.57 1.56 1.54 1.52 1.51 1.49 1.48 1.46 1.45
Ulna length (cm) 25.0 24.5 24.0 23. 5 23.0 22. 5 22.0 21. 5 2 1.0 20. 5 2 0.0 19. 5 19.0 18.5
Women (<65 years) 1.65 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.56 1.55 1.54 1.52 1.51 1.50 1.48 1.47

Women (>65 years) 1.61 1.60 1.58 1.56 1.55 1.53 1.52 1.50 1.48 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.42 1.40

Estimating BMI category from mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)

The subject’s left arm should be bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle,
with the upper arm held parallel to the side of the body. Measure the
distance between the bony protrusion on the shoulder (acromion) and
the point of the elbow (olecranon process). Mark the mid-point.

Ask the subject to let arm hang loose and measure around
the upper arm at the mid-point, making sure that the tape
measure is snug but not tight.

If MUAC is < 23.5 cm, BMI is likely to be <20 kg/m 2.

If MUAC is > 32.0 cm, BMI is likely to be >30 kg/m 2.

Appendix 5: Diabetic Foot screening assessment sheet for clinical examination
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

The foot is at risk if any of the below are present

Deformity of bony prominence Yes/no
Skin not intact (ulcer) Yes/no
Monofilament undetectable Yes / no
Tuning fork undetectable Yes / no
Cotton wool undetectable Yes / no
Abnormal pressure, callus Yes / no
Loss of joint mobility Yes/ no
Foot pulses
Tibial posterior artery absent Yes/ no
Dorsal pedal artery absent Yes/no
Discolouration on dependency Yes / no
Any others
Previous ulcer Yes / no
Amputation Yes / no
Inappropriate footwear Yes / no


Appendix 6: Clinical Audit Tool



‘Clinical audit is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes
through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the review of change. Aspects of the
structures, process, and outcomes of care are selected and systematically evaluated against explicit
criteria. Where indicated changes are implemented at an individual, team, a service level and further
monitoring is used to confirm improvement in health care delivery’
(Best Practice in Clinical Audit, 2002 www.clinicalauditsupport.com)

Instructions for use

Each statement in the audit tool has been taken from the accompanying national wound management
guidelines. Each care setting can assess to what degree they comply with the statements in their own
area of practice. It is intended that this audit tool will provide each care setting with a baseline tool
through which they can assess their own practice and identify areas which require improvements.
Users of this audit tool are free to add in additional statements, as they deem appropriate and adopt
this tool for use in their own setting.

For further support and information please contact your local clinical audit team or to find out more
information please see:
www.clinicalauditsupport.com www.hiqa.ie

General Principles of Wound Management
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Statement 1
The individual will receive a comprehensive assessment that reflects the intrinsic and extrinsic
factors that have the potential to impact on wound healing or potential wounding.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that decisions and There is evidence of a
interventions are based on documented assessment that
documented clinical findings reflects intrinsic and extrinsic

Comment: There should be evidence that the factors listed for patient assessment and wound assessment
(see page 27) are recorded.

Statement 2
On-going assessment should be performed and provide evidence of wound healing or
deterioration in wound healing.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that any changes in
treatment are based on changes There is documented evidence
in patient factors and/or wound that provides evidence of wound 100%
factors. healing / deterioration?

Comment: On-going assessment should reflect the factors listed for patient assessment and wound
assessment (see page 27).

Statement 3
The individual and carer, if they permit, will be informed of the outcomes of the assessment and
will be supported in the decision making for potential management options.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To promote concordance with
Documented statements that the
treatment regimes the individual
individual (+/- carer) has been
should be assisted to make 100%
informed of the outcomes of the
informed decisions because of the

Comment: See page 27.

Statement 4
Identify short and long term treatment goals and provide a time frame to review these goals.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To measure the outcomes of
wound management, by stating
the short and long term goals.
Healing may not always be
possible and treatment objectives There is evidence of documented
may focus solely on pain and treatment goals.
exudate control. Short-term
goals may have to be reached to
maximise potential for healing, for
example debridement.

Comment: See page 28.

Statement 5
All wounds are potentially painful. An approach to pain management should address the cause
of pain and implementation of local, regional or systemic patient factors to control it.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To promote wound healing, pain
experienced by a patient should
be assessed. Pain assessment
ensures that factors which can There is evidence of documented
identify deterioration of a wound pain assessment. 100%
or aid in diagnosis of wound
aetiology or complications are

Comment: See page 28.

Statement 6
An aseptic wound cleansing technique should be used when a)The individual is immuno-
compromised, b) The wound enters a sterile body cavity.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To minimise the potential for
wound infection in surgical wound There is documented evidence
and for immuno-compromised that an aseptic technique for
individuals an aseptic technique wound cleansing was taken for
for wound cleansing should be these two patient groups.

Comment: See page 28.

N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Statement 7
Patients should be referred to members of the multi-disciplinary team or for more detailed
diagnostic assessment based on the findings of the initial assessment process or following
evaluation of response to current management strategies.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that patients receive
There is documented evidence
optimal opportunity for
of referral for further evaluation 100%
assessment and treatment and
when appropriate.
wound healing in a timely manner.

Comment: See page 30.

Leg Ulceration
Statement 8
Patients presenting with leg ulceration should have an assessment and investigations undertaken
by a health care professional.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that individuals have
Comprehensive leg ulcer
assessments conducted by health 100%
assessments are conducted.

Comment: See table 3, table 4 and table 5 for patient and wound factors that should be recorded
at baseline.

Statement 9
All patients presenting with leg ulceration should be screened for evidence of arterial disease by
measurement of ABPI. This should be conducted by a person trained in such measurement.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that screening for
evidence of arterial disease is ABPI is performed. 100%

Statement 10
Identify short and long term treatment goals and provide a time frame to review these goals.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To measure the outcomes of

wound management, short
and long term goals should be
stated. Healing may not always be
possible and treatment objectives There is evidence of documented
may focus solely on pain and treatment goals.
exudate control. Short-term
goals may have to be reached to
maximise potential for healing, for
example debridement.


Statement 11
Graduated multi-layer compression systems with adequate padding, or alternate forms of
compression therapy, capable of sustaining compression for at least one week should be the first
line of treatment for uncomplicated venous leg ulcers (ABPI >0.8) in all settings.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that compression Compression therapy applied,
therapy is the first line of consistent with patient consent
treatment for uncomplicated agreed treatment goals.
venous leg ulcer (ABPI > 0.8).

Comment: To ensure that all patients considered suitable for compression therapy receive treatment unless
the patient considers it unacceptable or intolerable.

Statement 12
Venous ulcers that have been open continuously without signs of healing for 3 months or that do
not demonstrate any response to treatment after 6 weeks should be reassessed and considered
for biopsy for histological diagnosis.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

There is documented evidence
of reassessment when there
To ensure the underlying factors
are no signs of healing within
which may impede healing or 100%
6weeks which includes, unless
alternative diagnosis are identified.
contraindicated, a biopsy for
histological diagnosis.


Diabetic Foot Disease
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Statement 13
All persons with diabetes should be examined at least once a year for potential foot problems by
health care professionals.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure early detection of
Annual documented foot
individuals ‘at – risk’ for foot 100%


Statement 14
Persons with diabetes who demonstrate risk factors for ulceration should have foot examination
completed every 1-6 months.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

Foot examination is conducted
To ensure close monitoring for
every 1-6 months in persons with
foot changes or early signs of 100%
diabetes and high risk factors for


Statement 15
Identify short and long term treatment goals and provide a time frame to review these goals.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To measure the outcomes of
wound management, short
and long term goals should be
stated. Healing may not always be
possible and treatment objectives There is evidence of documented
may focus solely on pain and treatment goals.
exudate control. Short-term
goals may have to be reached to
maximise potential for healing, for
example debridement.


Statement 16
In persons at high risk for diabetic foot ulceration, callus and nail and skin pathology should be
treated regularly, preferably by a trained foot care specialist.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To promote identification and
reduction of risk factors in persons
at high risk of Diabetic foot Documented evidence of
ulceration the individual should complete foot assessment.
be assessed by a trained foot care


Statement 17
Persons with a diabetic foot ulcer deeper than subcutaneous tissues should be treated intensively
and depending on local resources and infrastructure, hospitalisation should be considered.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To promote the best opportunity
Documented evidence of
for healing intensive therapies
comprehensive wound 100%
should be provided if required.
assessment and treatment.


Statement 18
Ill-fitting shoes are a frequent cause of ulceration in persons with diabetes. Therefore shoes
should be examined meticulously in all patients.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure that risk factors for
ulceration such as worn or ill- Documented evidence that
fitting shoes are identified early in footwear has been examined
persons with diabetes.


Statement 19
N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

All aspects of care, including assessment, treatment plan, implementation and evaluation should
be documented clearly, comprehensively, and meet legal requirements and local policies and/
or guidelines.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure communication
of wound status between
Documentation of assessment,
professionals, accurate and
implementation, and treatment 100%
comprehensive documentation of
regimes in medical notes.
wound assessment and evaluation
must be recorded.

Pressure Ulceration
Statement 20
Inspect skin regularly for signs of redness in individuals identified as being at risk of
pressure ulceration.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure early detection of
individuals ‘at – risk’ for pressure Documented skin assessment 100%

Comment: See page 41 for information relating to skin assessment

Statement 21
Screen and assess nutritional status for every individual at risk of pressure ulcers in each health
care setting.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure early identification and
Documented nutritional
management of under-nutrition is 100%


Statement 22
Conduct a structured risk assessment on admission and repeat as regularly as required by
patient acuity

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To ensure early identification of
patients at risk of pressure damage Documented structured risk
a structured risk assessment assessment (ie using a recognised 100%
should be risk assessment scale).
carried out.

Comment: See page 38 for information on risk assessment practice.

Statement 23
The use of repositioning should be considered for all at risk individuals .

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To reduce the duration and
Documented evidence of
magnitude of pressure over 100%
vulnerable areas of the body.


Statement 24
As a minimum, a higher specification foam mattress rather than standard hospital foam mattress
should be used for all individuals assessed as at risk for pressure ulcer development.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

The mattress should be
To ensure early intervention in appropriate to the clinical status
preventing pressure ulcers. and pressure ulcer risk status of
the individual


Statement 25
Use an active support surface (overlay or mattress) for patients at higher risk of pressure ulcer
development which is appropriate with the clinical assessment of the risk status of the patient.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

The mattress should be
To ensure early intervention in appropriate to the clinical status of
prevention of pressure ulcers. the patient, the pressure ulcer risk
status and the care setting.


Suggestion 26
Limit the time an individual spends in a chair without pressure relief

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

To promote pressure relief ensure
Documented evidence that
seating is limited to a time frame
pressure relief was provided while 100%
consistent with the patient’s
patient was seated
clinical condition.

Comment: See p ( 78)

N at i o n a l b e s t p r a c t i c e a n d e v i d e n c e b a s e d g u i d e l i n e s f o r w o u n d m a n a g e m e n t

Statement 27
Document all skin assessments including details of any pain possibly related to
pressure damage.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

Accurate documentation
is essential to monitor the
progress of the individual and Documented of skin assessment. 100%
to aid communication between


Statement 27
Record reposition regimes, specifying the frequency, position adopted and the evaluation of the
outcomes of the repositioning regime.

Quality Objective Outcome Measure Target

Accurate documentation supports
inter-professional communication Accurate documentation of
and appropriate patient repositioning regimes.



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