Principle of Wound Closure
Principle of Wound Closure
Principle of Wound Closure
Primary intention
Skin edges directly apposed, normally heals well with minimal scar formation.
Secondary intention/healing
FIGURE 1.20. The W-plasty can also be used to break up a long scar that does not lie in the direction of the skin lines.
Reconstructive ladder
Both the Z -plasty and the W-plasty have the additional attribute of breaking up a linear scar into an accordion-like scar that has some degree of elasticity to it. This change permits the skin to be more mobile in its contribution to facial expressions. To their detriment, both techniques more than double the length of the scar. If the W-plasty is employed, the triangles
Demonstrate the fundamental principle in planning closure of a defect from simple to more complex.
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May be used when eversion of the skin edges is desired and cannot be accomplished with simple suture alone.
Obviate the need for external skin suture. Avoid suture marks on the skin and result in the most favorable scar Absorbable/nonabsorbable sutures can be used.
Subcuticular/intradermal suture
Skin staples
As a time saver for long incision/ to position a skin closure or flap temporarily before suturing. Grasping the wound edges to evert before placing the staples to prevent invertion. Less inflammatory reaction than sutures. Must be removed early to prevent skin mark. Large wounds can be closed faster.
Skin staple
Skin tapes
Used after skin sutures are removed to provide added strength.
Skin adhesives
Used in no tension area or where strength of closure has been provided by a layer of buried dermal sutures.
Natural vs synthetic. Absorbable vs nonabsorbable. Braided vs monofilament. Further classification takes into consideration the time until absorption occur, extent of tissue reaction and tensile strength.
intestine Evoke a moderate acute inflammation reaction Tensile strength is rapidly lose within 7 10 days. Chromization (chromic catgut) slightly prolonges. Indications ligation of superficial vessels. - closure of tissue that heal rapidly. - to avoid suture removal as in small children.
Absorbable sutures
Polyglactin (vicryl)/ Dexon synthetis material. Produce minimal tissue reaction. Completely absorbed within 90 days. Tensile strength 60-70% at 2/52, lost at 1/12. Indication intradermal sutures - General soft tissue approximationof skin and ligation
are monofilament and braided. Monofilament (Nylon, prolene, dafilon, dermalon) minimal inflammatory reaction, slide well and easily removed. Prolene maintain its tensile strength longer than nylon which losses appr 15 20% per year. Braided Silk, polyester elicit an acute inflammatory reaction. Indication ligation.
Skin graft
Def skin that is removed from the body is completely devascularized and is replaced in another location. Standard option for closing defects that cannot be closed primarily. Consist of epidermis and some or all of the dermis.
Skin graft
sheet graft
Meshed graft
Surgical flaps
Skin flap has its own blood supply.
Rotational/advancement flap
Pedicled flap
rotation flap
Free flap