Titanicus Strats
Titanicus Strats
Titanicus Strats
Iron Resolve (1)- Play when a Titan fails a command check during the Strategy Phase or when a Knight Banner
fails a command check to see if they become Shaken in any phase. That check is instead passed. This can be purchased
multiple times. S&I
Concealment Barrage (1)- Play during any Strategy phase. Place the 5” template anywhere on the battlefield. Any
part of the battlefield underneath the template blocks line of sight. Remove the Blast marker at the end of the round.
This can be purchased multiple times. S&I
Blind Barrage (1)- Once per battle, play this during the Strategy phase. Pick a unit on the battlefield. Any attacks
that target it or are made by it suffer a -2 To Hit penalty for the duration of the round. Core
Strafing Run (2)- Play this during each Strategy phase. A squadron of fighter bombers scream across the
battlefield, attacking everything in their path. Choose one of the four edges of the battlefield and pick a point on that
edge. Then pick a point on any other edge of the battlefield and draw an imaginary line between the two. Any unit under
this line, or within 2" of it, takes D3 Strength 5 hits. DoM
A Quick Kill (1)- Play this in the End phase of the first or second round. If at least one enemy Titan with Scale 8 or
greater has been destroyed, score 5 Victory points. DoM
Thermal Mines (2)- Play this Stratagem immediately after an enemy unit finishes moving or making a turn. That unit
suffers D3 Strength 10 hits to its legs. Shield saves cannot be made against the hits. Core
Enhanced Coolant (2)- Play this stratagem during any strategy phase. The player chooses one of their Titans; for the
remainder of the game roll a d6 each time that titan would increase its reactor level. On a 5+, increase the reactor one
less hole than normal to a minimum of zero holes. If an effect results in multiple increases such as maximal fire, roll
individually for each increase. DoR
Venerable Machine Spirit (2)- Play this Stratagem in the first Strategy phase of the battle. The player chooses one of
their Titans that is not a Titan of Legend or Psi Titan; for the remainder of the battle that Titans increases its WS and BS
values by +1 to a maximum of 2+. Also, it may be issued Emergency Repair or Charge orders without the need for a
command check. However, reduce the Titan's command characteristic by -3. If a command check is failed the Belligerent
result is applied with no roll. WD
Ablative Amour (1)- Play this Stratagem in any Strategy phase. The player chooses one of their Titans and places this
card next to its Command Terminal. The first Direct, Devastating or Critical Hit suffered by the Titan is ignored. Then
discard this card. DoM
Titan Hunter Infantry (2)- This Stratagem can be played once in each Strategy phase of the game. When this
Stratagem is played, place two markers anywhere on the table wholly within a piece of terrain (this does not need to be
the same piece of terrain). Instead of activating a Titan or Knight Banner, a player may fire with these markers as if they
were units, following all of the rules for making attacks and using the profile below. If more than one player has this
Stratagem, players take turns when placing their markers, beginning with the First Player. If two opposing markers are
placed in the same piece of terrain, immediately remove both markers. BS/WS: 5+. Firing Arc: 360 degrees. Range: S 6"
(+1), L12" (-). Dice: 4. Strength: 5. Traits: -. DoM
Command Bastion (1)- A command bastion allows the owning player to issue one more order after they fail a Command
check when issuing orders in the Strategy phase. The order must be issued to a unit within 18" of the command bastion.
Note that this does not allow more than one order to be issued to a unit. Core
The Long Retreat (1)- Play this Stratagem in any Strategy phase. For the duration of this round, the player's Titans do
not halve their Speed when moving outside of their Front arc. DoM
Wages of Betrayal (2)- Play this Stratagem in any Strategy phase. For the duration of the round, enemy Titans suffer a
-2 penalty to Command checks. The enemy Princeps Seniores suffers a -3 penalty to Command checks instead. DoM