Compass of Terrestrial Directions 5 - The North
Compass of Terrestrial Directions 5 - The North
Compass of Terrestrial Directions 5 - The North
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Of the five directions of Creation, the North is the Chapter One: Words on the Wind
coldest and wildest. Every year, frigid winds sweep out The book begins with a history of the North. In the
from the Elemental Pole of Air to cover the North in ice ancient past, this direction saw some of Creation’s greatest
and snow. Farming is difficult there except along the coasts wonders—and suffered some of Creation’s greatest disasters.
and in a few sheltered locations, which limits the growth of Civilization slowly rebuilds itself in the North, but it may
civilization. Nevertheless, a number of powerful states have yet all crumble and blow away.
grown in the North—and the barbarian tribes who live by Chapter Two: The Once-Holy City
hunting and gathering have their own points of interest. The city of Whitewall was built long ago as a shrine to
In the Time of Tumult, they all need heroes. the Unconquered Sun, but fell into apostasy and ruin. The
city’s divine rulers, the Syndics, have restored Whitewall
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK as a bastion of safety and civilization in the North, but
The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. V—The powerful, uncanny foes surround Whitewall and seek the
North is a setting book for the Exalted game. It gives play- city’s ruin.
ers and Storytellers an overview of the North’s people and Chapter Three: The City Under the Mountain
places, from the tribes of the icewalker barbarians to the Centuries ago, refugees discovered and settled a lost
fortress-city of Whitewall. If you want to create a character subterranean city. Gethamane supplies food and shelter from
from the North or set a series in this region of wind and all the North’s dangers. Yet, monsters sometimes rise from
frost, this book gives you the background to do so. the tunnels that stretch out beneath the city’s deepest layers.
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The people of Gethamane live on top of horror and danger culture holding greater subtleties than most civilized folk
beyond their imagining. imagine. The North also holds many little city-states and
Chapter Four: Air Boats and Ambition minor tribes… not all of them human.
The Haslanti League began as an alliance of barbarian Chapter Six: Sun and Ice
tribes and has grown into a huge (if sparsely populated) In 10 years, the Solar warlord called the Bull of the
nation. Technological innovations such as air boats and North forged icewalker tribes into an army that defeated
iceships make the League a great military power. As the the Realm and wrested an empire from the North. This
Haslanti seek a middle path between civilization and chapter provides a glimpse of Yurgen Kaneko’s dominion.
barbarism, they feel both the temptations and burdens of The Bull wants to conquer the world and restore the Old
imperial power. Realm—but beyond his drive to conquer, can he and his
Chapter Five: Civilization and Barbarism fellow Solars also rule?
This chapter describes Northern cultures that never Chapter Seven: Gods and Monsters of the North
became great nations, but could if given the chance. The From the great Celestial gods of war to malevolent Wyld
Deshan states, satrapies of the Realm, live in brutal slavery, barbarians, a wide variety of spirits, mortals and monsters
while an equally brutal rebellion builds. Shanarinara finds shape life in the North. The Compass of Celestial Direc-
unexpected challenges to its democratic traditions in wealth tions, Vol. V—The North concludes with a selection of
that attracts a surge of immigrants. Meanwhile, the icewalker people and creatures that may become friends or foes to
barbarians continue to live in small, nomadic bands, their the Exalted.
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The North has always been a land of survival rather One of them, Shanarinara, now rises to prominence. The
than grace. Summers are short; winters are long and cruel. River of Tears runs south from the White Sea to the Yanaze
The North stretches from the Inland Sea to the Elemental River in the Scavenger Lands. Several small city-states cluster
Pole of Air, bounded on the east by the forests of Halta and beside its brackish waters.
on the west by the Great Western Ocean. The mildest areas To the north, the White Sea caps the boundary of what
lie around the Inland Sea, where numerous small kingdoms most would consider the habitable areas of the North. The
and city-states squabble among themselves for a few miles of Great Ice stretches farther beyond that, all howling snow and
territory. Many of them accept the Realm’s yoke. glaciers, to the Elemental Pole of Air itself. And yet, mortal
Mountain ranges slant northeast across the mainland men live in this seemingly barren waste. The iceships of the
from the Inland Sea to the White Sea. The Dehennen Haslanti skim across the frozen surface, and barbarian tribes
Mountains separate the Kunlun Desert from the Inland hunt seals and whales.
Sea littoral. The range ends in the knot of the Black Crag The Realm holds limited sway over the North—in part
Mountains, whose valleys shelter the cities of Whitewall because the Scarlet Dynasty, for many years, did not care
and Fella, while the city of Gethamane burrows into one of enough to conquer the region. Long winters, harsh weather
the Northern peaks. Eastward from the mountains spreads and frozen earth made the land an unpleasant place to live,
a broad region of steppes, evergreen forest, low hills and offering little luxury or riches for the Dynasts. The North
marshy lowlands, with the high tundra of the Ice Plains at does supply large quantities of furs and ivory to other parts
their center. The icewalker barbarians dominate this land, of Creation, however, and lucrative mines of diamonds and
though a number of small countries survive in the interior. blue jade lie beneath the snow. The Far North is also the
Year Event
8 Refugees settle in a valley of hot springs and ruined spas, beginning the town of Inara.
71 Yo-Ping, Luranume and Uvanavu assume the guise of the Syndics and take over the city of Whitewall.
73 The Syndics negotiate the Thousand-Year Pact with the Deathlords, Fair Folk and barbarians.
102 Bethan Redeye and a group of refugees stumble across the remains of the City of the Mountain Gateway
and its gardens. They rename it Gethamane.
146 Bagrash Köl uses the Eye of Autochthon to build a great kingdom in the North, which grows larger than
the Realm of the time.
150 The Guild opens trade with Bagrash Köl.
174 Brem Marst receives an invitation from Köl and visits the sorcerer at his palace. Afterward, the Guild
quietly moves personnel and supplies from Bagrash Köl’s kingdom.
176 Bagrash Köl vanishes, his palace crashing to the earth; the Wyld swallows his kingdom.
366 Icewalker attacks prompt Inara and several other towns to confederate, leading to republic of Shanari-
412 Immaculate monks kill Arvida of the Crescent Eye, goddess of the Haslanti tribes. Haslanti Time of Mad-
ness begins.
433 Icehome founded.
468 Cholistan destroyed by detonation of a long-abandoned manse. The Silent Meadow of Dust shadowland
forms around its ruins.
Deep in the Northern interior, shining walls encircle Unconquered Sun. Its monks and nuns farmed to support
the direction’s largest city. Whitewall exists surrounded by themselves. They made their labor a form of prayer and planted
barbarians, a vast shadowland and a powerful enclave of circular fields as living mandalas to glorify Heaven’s King.
Fair Folk. Despite their environment and hostile neighbors, A Zenith Caste Lawgiver called Righteous Guide founded
however, the people of Whitewall live in greater safety and and led the monastery.
comfort than do most people of Creation. They attribute The religious community outgrew four monasteries, the
much of their good fortune to the three powerful gods who last the size of a town. Righteous Guide proposed to make
rule them. Whitewallers also credit their own hard work, the fifth monastery an entire city, designed as a gigantic
their self-discipline and their eternal vigilance against un- mandala to focus and magnify the prayers of the residents.
canny foes. Most of all, they know their security depends And so it was done.
on the city’s eponymous walls. Not only is the snow-white The new city of Ondar Shambal became one of the
circuit high and thick enough to defeat any barbarian horde, greatest wonders of Creation—not for its size (Creation held
ancient blessings prevent any unholy creature from entering many larger cities), nor for its splendor (though it was beauti-
the city. Yet, very few Whitewallers know the truth behind ful), nor for the technology of its construction (most of the
the miracle they’ve inherited from the First Age. work was actually done by hand). No, the miracle of Ondar
Shambal was that every step of its building was a prayer. The
HISTORY masons who quarried white granite from nearby hills dedicated
Whitewall’s history began shortly after the end of each strike of their chisels to the Unconquered Sun. The
the Primordial War, with a monastery for devotees of the carvers and polishers sang hymns as they worked. Righteous
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Guide himself hallowed each stone as
it was laid. Graven bands of scriptures
and sutras ran along the city’s streets,
and mosaics of precious stone adorned
the walls with images of devotion. The
city’s center held a magnificent temple-
manse to the Unconquered Sun. High,
strong walls bounded Ondar Shambal in
a perfect circle—not for defense, but to
complete the shining city as the image
of the sun. The labor took decades, but
gods and mortals agreed: Creation held
no holier place than Ondar Shambal.
The Unconquered Sun himself blessed
the city at its dedication.
Hundreds of thousands of acolytes
lived in Ondar Shambal, and millions of
pilgrims visited every year. Many folk—
mortals, Exalts and spirits alike—also
made pious gifts to Ondar Shambal, to be
named in the city’s prayers or just to be
part of its holiness. An earth elemental
opened a network of caverns beneath
the city as extra storage space. A goddess
of hot springs created baths for pilgrims.
The Bureau of Seasons tempered the
region’s weather, while agricultural gods
blessed the farmlands. The monastery-
city became far richer and more luxurious
than anyone expected or intended.
Righteous Guide left Ondar Sham-
bal to build a sacred road from the city
to the Inland Sea coast as a private
devotional labor to fill his old age and
retirement from leading the city. In his
absence, the Holy City became worldlier.
The priests, monks and nuns spent less
time praying and working, and more time
arguing theology and administering the
city’s vast wealth. Feasting replaced fast-
ing. The prayer wheels still turned—spun
by pilgrims who paid for the privilege.
When Righteous Guide returned 300
years later along the road built by his
hands alone, he found his monastic city
turned greedy, lazy and impious.
The old Zenith Caste spent a full
month in rage and despair, whipping
himself to the bone in penitential grief
as he prayed for guidance and forgive-
ness. In the end, though, he scourged
the worst of the fallen nuns and monks
from Ondar Shambal before leaving the
city forever. To the Solar Deliberative
in Meru, he condemned Ondar Shambal
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shutters and doors of bronze-bound wood. Architecture varies and clerks who work in Foretown prefer the cheaper lodgings
widely: The tallest buildings date back to the Old Realm, of Midtown. The district also holds the Jewelers’ College and
with elaborate, layered spires. Newer construction ranges the College of Agriculture. Many First Age buildings still
from three to five stories tall, with simpler designs but oc- stand in Midtown, albeit remodeled and repurposed. Butcher
cupying older foundations. The streets no longer follow their shops and bakeries occupy ancient chantries, while monastic
original strict plan of radiating rectangular neighborhoods cells have become apartments.
with broad plazas between them, but Whitewall remains a Whitewall’s tallest building is a Solar temple-manse in
clean, well-constructed city. the exact city center. Its gilded spires and friezes remain un-
defiled, still proclaiming the glory of the Unconquered Sun.
The Dragon-Blooded tried to occupy the heart of Whitewall,
THE POWER OF THE WALL but the manse fought them off, its defenses adapting to each
The city wall has 14L/20B soak and 50/100 new attack. (The Shogunate could have destroyed the manse
health levels (see Exalted, pp. 153–154). The powers but realized that doing so would reduce the region’s economic
of ghosts, demons, Fair Folk and other creatures of value.) The Syndics couldn’t claim the manse either. It ac-
darkness cannot affect them in any way, and these cepts no one but Lawgivers as residents.
creatures cannot cross the wall to enter the city un-
less invited in. For instance, if a nemissary had itself
flung over the wall by catapult (yes, it’s been tried), THE CENTRAL TEMPLE
the corpse it possesses would follow its trajectory and Solar Manse •••••
splat on a street or building, but the ghost would find Whitewall’s central temple-manse caps a level-5
itself ejected from the corpse in midair. Tunneling Solar demesne, but produces only a three-dot hearth-
under the wall doesn’t help, either: The ban extends stone, a Gem of Grace that grants a one-die bonus
below the surface, too. Only a citizen—a person who to all Charisma or Manipulation rolls. Much of the
sincerely considers Whitewall her home—can issue a manse’s power goes to defending itself. Chapter Two
valid invitation of ingress. of The Books of Sorcery, Vol. III—Oadenol’s Codex
explains manse Creation Points and powers.
Game Effects: (Manse’s rating of 5 x 2) + 2 (for
a reduced hearthstone) = 12 Creation Points. It is, of
FORETOWN course, a Temple Manse (3 points). It also has Ability
Whitewallers divide their city based on proximity to the
Enlightenment (Investigation, Larceny, Occult and War
single gate. The southern third, nearest the gate, they call
to analyze intruders and prepare suitable countermea-
Foretown. As the sector that foreign traders first see when
sures; 3 points, since this is a favored power for Solar
they enter Whitewall, Foretown naturally holds the high-
manses). It has Ultra-Deadly Traps (3 points), further
est proportion of shops and markets. Jewelers, swordsmiths
enhanced by a unique Adaptive Defense (+2 points) to
and other artisans congregate in Foretown. So do the city’s
tailor and relocate lethal surprises. A Comfort Zone (1
stables, teahouses and caravansaries. The district also holds
point) supplies warmth, Essence lighting, running water
Whitewall’s college of mining and metallurgy. Very little First
and other amenities in the apartment for the manse’s
Age construction survives in Foretown, with most buildings
owner. Finally, another unique four-point power aug-
there less than five centuries old.
ments the soil’s fertility throughout Whitewall’s valley.
Foretown becomes Whitewall’s busiest district in sum-
The total surpasses the manse’s available Creation
mer, when foreign and local merchants crowd the bazaars.
Points—but this was, after all, one of the greatest
“Market season” exposes Whitewallers to people from
works of the Old Realm, built using techniques that
throughout Creation—and their cuisine as well, thanks to
modern geomancers can scarcely imagine.
the food kiosks scattered between the vendors’ stalls. At
the season’s height, the commercial fair spreads outside the
gate to form a town of tents and wagons. Armed guards and
innumerable torches discourage the Fair Folk and the dead AFTON
from raiding the encampment after the sun sets and the gate The district farthest from the city gate holds the Syn-
shuts. Every year, though, a few furtive merchants slip into dics’ hall and the upper crust of Whitewall society. Wealthy
the night. Whitewall folk prefer not to know what these magnates, the most skilled armorers and jewelers and high-
merchants offer to their uncanny partners, or what they ranking officers of Whitewall’s elite military and police
receive in return. force, the Guardians, live in Afton. A variety of small gods,
supernatural half-breeds and a few outcaste Dragon-Blooded
MIDTOWN join them, as do various ambassadors. The district also holds
Farmers and miners live in the middle third of Whitewall, the Whitewall College of Architecture and the Lotus Mind
as do brewers, carpenters and other tradesmen. Many artisans College of Thaumaturgical Sciences.
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chrysanthemum shrines sets out on the first day of Ascending and for the sake of comfort and safety, Whitewallers accept
Earth (though snow generally still covers the ground) and is some grim necessities.
a major festival in Whitewall.
The constant danger beyond the walls shapes Whitewall’s
At its southern terminus, the Traveler’s Road enters culture in many ways, not all of them obvious. For one thing,
another circuit of white granite walls: Wallport, Whitewall’s Whitewallers place a high value on civility. Good manners
filthy, stunted brother. These walls are only seven yards enable 700,000 people to stay shut in the city through the
high and two yards thick, with a third of the circle cut off long winter without driving each other crazy. Whitewall’s
by the black basalt cliffs of the coast. The Essence-powered law even includes a special class of misdemeanors called
elevators that once moved people and cargo between the “offenses against public civility.” These offenses include just
city and the harbor no longer function. Instead, steps and about anything that could irritate another person, from poor
ramps descend about 20 yards to a lower city built on the hygiene to loud quarreling. Hostile or eccentric behavior can
narrow strip of waterfront. bankrupt a Whitewaller through fines or eventually lead to
Upper Wallport was a wealthy and beautiful town dur- banishment.
ing the First Age, while Lower Wallport was as seedy as any Public intoxication is, of course, an offense against
waterfront in Creation. The old walls remain, but now, both public civility. Virtually all drugs are legal in Whitewall,
halves of the town abound in brothels, saloons and gambling but apart from alcohol, they are so heavily taxed that few
dens. The harbor can accommodate just four large merchant people indulge heavily or often. Smuggling to evade these
ships at a time, which prevents Wallport from growing any import duties is one of the few forms of organized crime to
larger. Many ships have sunk while waiting their turn out in afflict Whitewall. If people want to get drunk or stoned in
the stormy Northern sea. private, though, that’s their own business.
About 2,000 people live in Wallport—mostly stevedores, Privacy is another way that Whitewallers preserve
barkeeps, prostitutes and other people who cater to the ships their precious social stability. Whitewallers prefer not to
that come to trade with distant Whitewall. Men outnumber show strong emotions in public or to ask too closely about
women more than three to one. Most Wallport folk come another person’s private life. They smile more than they
from Whitewall, either willingly or through exile. They are laugh and weep only behind closed doors. Outsiders often
a rough lot, often drunk or drugged when they aren’t work- find Whitewallers a bit stuffy—but very polite.
ing. Every Whitewaller knows that Wallport is a cesspit for In sharp contrast to their strict and sober code of public
dumping malcontents and failures. The town guards ignore conduct, anything goes in the privacy of a Whitewaller’s
most crimes but deal harshly with anyone who threatens home. As long as no one gets hurt (who didn’t want to be)
Whitewall’s commerce. and the city’s defense is not compromised, what happens
The cesspit analogy is more than metaphor, too. Half behind closed doors is no one else’s business. An invitation
a mile west of Wallport, a large pipe spits Whitewall’s sew- to enter a Whitewaller’s home—to come inside her family’s
age into the sea, washed out by the runoff from the baths set of walls—shows that she considers you a trustworthy
and the city water system. The sewage from 700,000 people friend for life. Foreigners who receive this rare privilege are
makes Wallport stink. The Essence converters along the sometimes surprised to find that in contrast to their exteriors
700-mile pipe that once transformed raw sewage to a pure of stark white stone and concrete, Whitewall homes have
and sparkling waterfall have not functioned since the time cheery and colorful interiors, with brightly painted furniture
of the Great Contagion. and patterned rugs on the floors.
Whitewallers do much of their socializing in the city’s
SOCIETY many large teahouses. Local folk prefer to conduct business
Whitewallers know they are luckier than most people meetings at one of these establishments over a meal and, of
in Creation. Most Whitewallers are middle class: not rich course, tea. Whitewallers take their tea hot, with milk and
enough to live in splendor but not worried about starving. butter. If they drink tea with someone they don’t know, they
They can afford life’s decencies, such as shoes, two changes pay close attention to his reaction to this local idiosyncrasy.
of clothes, rugs on the floor and a cast-iron stove to heat a If he shows surprise at these additions to his drink, he might
sturdy, draft-free home. Whitewallers drink clean water and just be a traveler newly arrived in the city… or maybe he’s
walk clean, safe streets. In many parts of Creation, even rich not human at all.
people cannot say as much.
Their love of safety and prosperity does not make THE PUBLIC BATHS
Whitewallers cowardly. They are disciplined, not docile. After their enchanted walls, many Whitewallers would
Every Whitewaller learns at a young age that their security call the city’s public baths its greatest treasure. A spring of
depends on a strictly ordered society that everyone must hot water and steam feeds a large complex of bathing pools.
work to maintain. No one is above this duty or below it… The Syndics endorse cleanliness as an important contributor
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The Syndics give divine blessings to Whitewallers who Logging is a related industry. In addition to construction,
donate large sums to hospitals and schools for the poor, the Whitewallers cut a lot of timber to reinforce mineshafts.
resplendent chrysanthemum shrines and other philanthropic Even more wood goes to make charcoal for smelting ores,
ventures. Conversely, Whitewallers who conspicuously show with pitch and turpentine as by-products. (Impurities in the
that they care more for their own fortune than the good of coal make it unsuitable for metallurgy.)
the city find themselves not enjoying their wealth and not
keeping it very long. They are, after all, ruled by gods who
Whitewall’s abundant and diverse ores make the city
command luck, health and peace… and can deny these
a center for fine metalwork. The constant need for defense
boons if they choose.
gave rise to a large arms industry, producing all manner
MAKING A LIVING of weapons and armor. The smiths produce other preci-
Whitewallers enjoy unusual prosperity for Northern folk. sion metalwork too, including navigational instruments.
They owe the relative comfort of their lives to a great deal The city also has a large and related industry of jewelers,
of hard work and careful exploitation of their resources, as gem cutters and gem engravers, with lens grinding as a
well as the safety provided by their walls. recent spin-off.
Whitewall possesses a significant population of thau-
FARMING maturges, with special emphasis on metallurgical alchemy,
More than half of all Whitewallers engage in some aspect enchantment, warding and exorcism. Between them,
of farming. Many of them live in the city and commute daily Whitewall’s elite artisans and thaumaturges produce a wide
to the nearer fields and orchards. Staple crops include barley, variety of talismans, warding amulets and similar minor
oats, peas and potatoes, but Whitewallers also raise cold- wonders. They also produce many superior weapons and
tolerant root crops such as radishes, turnips and sugar beets. armor, from perfect blades to spears enchanted to wound
Extensive orchards produce apples and cherries, from which ghosts. Their supply of jade and other occult minerals
Whitewallers produce excellent cider and cherry wine. even enables them to produce a small number of daiklaves,
The outermost fields, which are the most difficult to powerbows and other artifact weapons and armor.
tend safely, generally grow alfalfa and hay for livestock. For Such industries require an educated populace.
safety, Whitewallers raise a third of their livestock inside Whitewall has a comprehensive system of public primary
the city walls. This costs more, but some enemy spitefully education. At least 90 percent of the population can read
destroys a sheepfold, cattle barn, henhouse or pigpen every and write, even among the poor—a feat few societies in
year, no matter how well the Whitewallers guard and ward Creation can equal (or want to). Colleges of agriculture,
them. Such difficulties make meat an expensive treat for architecture, mining and metallurgy, lapidary and thau-
many Whitewallers. maturgy supply higher education for Whitewallers who
MINING seek and can afford it. The Syndics (aided by local philan-
Other Whitewallers work in the mines. The hills and thropists) offer scholarships for exceptionally promising
mountains produce abundant iron and silver ore, with lead but poor students, on the explicit grounds that such skills
as a frequent by-product. Coal mines supply Whitewall are a vital strategic asset for the city. Precision metalwork
with fuel. The quarries for white granite dating to the city’s and a literate population incidentally lead to a publishing
construction remain in use. Most importantly, several First industry that prints using movable type. Folk throughout
Age mines still produce white and blue jade. Other mines the North say you can recognize a traveling Whitewaller
produce gemstones or rare ores used to produce high-quality by the book in her saddlebags… and that she thinks you’re
alloys. A few minerals have esoteric uses in alchemy and an ignorant savage.
crafting artifacts, such as pitchblende and realgar. One mine COMMERCE
produces the crystals used to fashion concussive Essence Most of Whitewall’s trade goes South along the
cannons (see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. I—Wonders of Traveler’s Road. The rest goes North along a pass that
the Lost Age, p. 131). Mining is dangerous for Whitewallers leads to Fella and points beyond, notably Gethamane
due to the mines’ distance from the safety of the city, but and Shanarinara. Whitewall barely feeds itself, though it
the profits justify the risks. manages to export limited quantities of farm products—
Some mines date back to the Old Realm. These notably a superior cherry wine much prized in the Realm.
often retain Essence lighting, air conditioning and other Whitewall exports a great deal of metal, though, from raw
conveniences—even maps drawn long ago by elementals, ingots to costly mechanical toys and jewelry. The city even
showing where to find veins of desired minerals. Some of mints its own silver dinars and dirhams, modeled on those
these mines are for minerals whose use Creation has forgot- of the Scavenger Lands. In fact, Whitewall is the chief
ten. The newer mines present the usual hazards of working source of money in the North. (Within the city, though,
in cramped spaces underground, such as firedamp, flooding most Whitewallers buy and sell using paper scrip modeled
and collapse. on that of the Realm.) Jade is certainly Whitewall’s most
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Bureau of Destiny discover their thoroughly illegal rule
of a city in Creation. GOVERNMENT
The Exalted are not the only channelers of Essence in The Syndics act as Whitewall’s ultimate guarantors
Whitewall. The Lotus Mind Academy regularly enlight- of civic order. They ordained the city’s government and
ens the Essence of its graduates. With intense training, wrote its laws, and no one else can legally change them.
Guardians also enlighten their Essence so they can wield All three Syndics must reach consensus to pass a new law.
artifact weapons and armor. A number of renegade small Three people—even three powerful gods—cannot do all
gods and elementals dwell in Whitewall too. the administrative work of running a large city, though,
Despite the hostility between Whitewall and its and the Syndics have other responsibilities elsewhere.
uncanny neighbors, proximity leads to a small but steady Therefore, they delegate most of city governance to a cadre
stream of Ghost-Blooded and Fae-Blooded mortals. Such of judges and a civil service of inspectors. For military
half-breeds have only one real choice in Whitewall: join- power, Whitewall has its professional city guard (prosai-
ing the Guardians. Any half-breed who does not devote cally called the Guardians) and its large militia.
her life to protecting the city is suspected of working for A brief civil charter sets forth the basic laws of
her inhuman parent. Whitewall. Children must memorize the charter by age
12, and failure to do so results in a fine to their parents.
THE THOUSAND-YEAR PACT Outsiders who want to become citizens must memorize
As one of their first acts, the Syndics negotiated a treaty the charter as well. Few Whitewallers find this difficult,
with the ghosts of Marama’s Fell and with the local raksha, for the charter is only a few pages long. In Whitewall, no
called the Winter Folk. By treaty, neither side shall attack one can legitimately plead ignorance of the law.
the other. As token of this agreement, Whitewall yearly
sets out 24 prisoners—a dozen each for the fae and the THE SYNDICS
dead. No one really knows what happens to these sacrifices When in Whitewall, the Syndics reside in a large
in the night, but there’s an awful lot of screaming. Such temple-palace in Afton. This happens to be in the largest
is the price of Whitewall’s continued safety. intact block of Old Realm buildings, which still magnify
the efficacy (and Essence) of prayer to some degree. The
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develop goals and ambitions of its own. Yet, the Syndics the Syndics, Guardians tend to be the most personally
also recognize that Whitewall occupies an exceptionally powerful inhabitants of Whitewall.
dangerous part of Creation. Guardians serve as Whitewall’s police, operating from
The Syndics resolve this dilemma through a two-tier 28 precinct houses (including four in Underton). Like the
military. Every able-bodied adult Whitewaller belongs to militia, they train in squads of five and maniples of 50,
the city’s militia, but this huge force mobilizes only dur- but they have no standing cohorts. Every maniple has a
ing emergencies. The city’s Guardians are highly trained lochagos as a commander; higher ranks include centurion
and superbly equipped, but relatively few in numbers. (commanding two maniples) and dekarch (commanding
What’s more, the Guardians spend most of their time as 10 maniples, equal to a general). Guardians walk their
Whitewall’s police, mingling with the people instead of beats, break up scuffles, hunt for thieves and perform other
set apart from them. law-enforcement functions. A squad of five Guardians
has more than enough power to quell most disturbances.
MILITIA What’s more, they train to question witnesses and gather
From ages 17 to 37, every Whitewaller who can fight,
evidence for the judges, giving Whitewall its reputation
male or female, serves in the city’s militia. Each citizen
as a city of stern-but-fair justice.
receives a number, from 1 to 28. On that day of each
When creatures of darkness rampage through White-
month from Descending Earth through Ascending Air,
wall, the Guardians coordinate the search and battle the
they report to one of the city’s training fields for drill. As
invaders. Maniples can also launch sorties outside the city
their instructors tell them, “If you can swing a hoe, you
to punish barbarians, ghosts or Fair Folk for their attacks
can swing a halberd.” Many citizens train with weapons
on travelers, farmers, miners or other people who lack the
based on the tools they use in their work: picks for min-
safety of the city’s walls. The Guardians never attempt to
ers, axes for woodcutters, bill-hooks for orchardists, and
defeat any of Whitewall’s enemies outright (for that would
so on. Other citizens train with spears or straight swords.
break the Thousand-Year Pact beyond repair), but tit-for-
Militia members also learn to wield a missile weapon such
tat raids show that the city remains vigilant.
as a javelin or bow. They wear breastplates and pot helms,
and may carry shields.
Militia members train and operate in squads of five,
maniples of 50 or cohorts of 1,000, with one additional
The Guardians’ greatest tests come when the
corporal for every squad and a captain (called a lochagos)
Fair Folk shape behemoths in their Wyld zones and
for each maniple. Guardians act as officers and instructors
send them rampaging toward the city or the mining
for the cohorts and maniples. While the members of a
camps. When that happens, the Syndics assemble the
maniple usually come from a single neighborhood, each
most powerful of the Guardians—including sworn
cohort mixes citizens from throughout the city in fine
brotherhoods of outcaste Dragon-Blooded—to battle
disregard for social classes.
the monster. The Syndics also try to recruit any other
Since Whitewall doesn’t fight many wars, the mi-
puissant warriors in town, whatever their origin, from
litia most often acts as backup for the Guardians when
visiting Dynasts to visiting Anathema. So far, they
a creature of darkness invades the city. The one-day-a-
have never needed to try fitting both sorts of Exalted
month warriors cannot realistically fight such foes, but
into the same band of monster hunters.
that day’s militia members can spread through the city
to keep watch and back up Guardians who search from
building to building.
The 6,000 Guardians are highly trained professional Whitewall’s artisans build excellent siege engines,
fighters. In addition to mortal heroes, their ranks include though the city uses such weapons for defense more than
outcaste Dragon-Blooded, spirits, God-Bloods and mor- attack. The walls are just barely wide enough to accom-
tals who had their Essence enlightened by the Syndics. modate a heavy ballista or onager (see Scroll of Kings,
What’s more, Guardians carry high-quality weapons pp. 137–138). An iron track on top of the city wall carries
and armor. Every Guardian carries at least one superior at least 60 of these weapons. Heavy, greased tarps protect
weapon of fine quality, and many of them surpass this the weapons from the weather when they are not in use.
with exceptional weapons, or even perfect weapons or In addition to heavy iron bolts and balls, Whitewallers use
artifacts. Their weapons might also carry sorcerous or catapults to spread iron caltrops when Fair Folk attack or
thaumaturgical enchantments. Armor is of similar qual- to launch bags of salt to discourage ghosts. Flaming balls
ity. As a final benefit, most Guardians carry at least one of straw and pitch often intimidate attacking barbarians.
talisman, potion or spiritual endowment, courtesy of The militia includes a cohort of artillerists who drill with
Whitewall’s thaumaturges and the Syndics. Not counting these wall-mounted weapons.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
tribes sometimes merely seek grain and fodder. Faced The icy cruelty and subtle guile of the Winter Folk
with starvation, tribes will trade even First Age artifacts are exceptional even for the fae. Not only do they stalk
they found (or stole, or killed for) for a fraction of their and kill vulnerable Whitewallers, they regularly dazzle and
true value. deceive mortals into helping them enter the city. This
On occasion, the Syndics hire icewalker tribes as makes the Winter Folk the most hated of Whitewall’s
mercenaries to harry other foes—bandits, Wyld barbar- foes. Whitewall not only equips its own soldiers with iron
ians, marauding hobgoblins and the like. The icewalkers weapons, the city sells fae-killing iron at very reasonable
hate being used in this fashion but many see this as the prices to icewalkers and, indeed, anyone else within several
best of bad options. hundred miles who wants to kill Fair Folk.
Every visit by a tribe includes at least one barbarian
who flies a glider over the city walls, just to show they
The city recently gained a powerful diplomatic advan-
can do this. If the pilot lands in the city, the Guardians
tage. A young Whitewaller named Rune recently Exalted
round him up and throw him out but inflict no further
as an Eclipse Caste. He has a history with the Winter
Folk: The raksha noble Lios seduced Rune into bringing
Rarely, young Whitewallers rebel against the stifling
him into the city. When Rune suffered winter exile as a
safety of their city and try to join an icewalker tribe. The
result of the raksha’s rampage, the raksha mocked and
icewalkers do not encourage this but sometimes accept a
tormented him—and when Rune struck back, he Exalted.
young man or woman who bears excellent weapons and
In the Syndics’ name, Rune walks where mortals dare not.
armor. Many such adventurers die, and the icewalkers keep
It remains to be seen whether he can produce true peace
their stuff. The survivors usually return to Whitewall after
between Whitewall and its neighbors, but he has given
a few months or a year, with exciting stories to tell but
his oath to try.
eager to return to a “boring” life in the city.
Whitewall’s most important relationships, however, Scroll of Kings supplies sample maniples of White-
are with its unholy neighbors. Of course, all sides break wall’s militia and Guardians (see Scroll of Kings, pp.
the Thousand-Year Pact. The raksha and the dead con- 69–70). Whitewall has enough outcaste Terrestrial Exalted
stantly try to sneak into the city for a rampage and attack to field a few sworn brotherhoods (see Scroll of Kings, p.
Whitewallers caught insufficiently defended. The Guard- 124), and the same write-up could represent elite squads
ians raid the Winter Folk and the ghosts in retaliation. of minor elementals, God-Bloods or enlightened mortal
If either the fae or the dead were better organized, they martial artists, with some reduction in the unit’s Might.
might attempt all-out war. As it is, various factions harass WHITEWALL 14TH COHORT
the city when they do not fight each other. Whitewall’s Description: If Whitewall faces all-out war, the Syn-
cunning diplomats sometimes bribe or dupe one group of dics call up both the militia and the Guardians to form
enemies into attacking another. So far, no leader among cohorts of 1,020 militia members, with 20 Guardians as
the creatures of darkness has attempted a genuine peace lieutenants and a Guardian centurion in command. The
with Whitewall. cohort gains further
The ghosts (and other creatures) of Marama’s Fell tend advantages from divine
to be savage but divided into many small gangs or tribes blessings, thaumaturgy
that battle each other as much as they threaten White- or exploiting the weak-
wall or anyone else. Two Deathlords—the Bishop of the nesses of supernatural
Chalcedony Thurible and the Lover Clad in Raiment of foes—iron against the
Tears—wield some limited influence in the shadowland, Fair Folk, or bags of
and the Syndics made their crucial treaties with them. salt to make barriers
Still, the Fell is largely anarchic. (See The Compass of the dead cannot cross.
Celestial Directions, Vol. IV—The Underworld for a These provide the co-
description of Marama’s Fell, starting on p. 108.) hort with its Might.
The raksha called the Winter Folk are the city’s most Commanding Officer:
organized and persistent foes. These fae operate from a Centurion Raneka
freehold just 50 miles west by northwest of Whitewall, in Armor Color: Bronzed
an extensive Wyld zone. Their coldly beautiful cataphra- steel breastplate over
ctoi, clad in armor of ice and frost, lead hobgoblins with warm woolen garments,
wolfish features or that look like jagged ice-sculptures of pot helm with a raven
misshapen children. The Winter Folk also ride reindeer feather
and use ice weasels as hunting beasts.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Four hundred miles north of Whitewall, some 80,000 a city within a mountain as a trade and diplomatic nexus
people live in the small city of Gethamane. Their subterranean with the Mountain Folk and other strange inhabitants of the
city grants them unmatched protection from the perils of the caverns far below Creation. Indeed, a great deal of contact
North. Living in the heart of a mountain, Gethamanians with the underdwellers took place there. The Deliberative
do not fear winter storms or barbarian attacks. Supernatu- chose the location because of the Celestial Gate to Yu-Shan
ral gardens remove the threat of starvation. Nevertheless, lodged in the underways beneath the mountain. As a bonus,
Gethamanians live in fear. The circling tunnels of their a colony of Pteroks—a winged race of the prehuman Dragon
city connect to an immeasurably vaster, deeper labyrinth Kings—lived on the mountain’s heights. The subterranean
of underways beneath Creation—and from these nighted metropolis was also called Six Gates. In addition to the Ce-
caverns come horror. As much as anyone else in the North, lestial Gate, the city held a black jade portal to the tunnels
Gethamanians require constant vigilance to survive. of the Mountain Folk and four immense doors of jade and
orichalcum steel that led into the mountain from north,
HISTORY south, west and east.
Like many of Creation’s great cities, Gethamane began Nothing exciting happened at Six Gates for more than
in the First Age. Its history, however, is stranger than most. a thousand years. No Solars were in town when the Usurpa-
Perhaps it’s a good thing the Gethamanians don’t know it. tion began. The Dragon-Blooded easily blocked any contact
with the rest of Creation. By the time any loyalists in the
THE FIRST AGE city might have objected, most of the Lawgivers were dead.
Gethamane was originally called the City of the Moun- Only the Pteroks knew what was happening, and they flew
tain Gateway. The Solar Deliberative ostensibly tunneled away and out of history.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Shortly thereafter, the City of the Mountain Gateway the underdwellers, destroying whole cities’ worth of the
died. When the founders of the new Shogunate realized Mountain Folk and other races. When the blood of almost
that their conspirators in the city had not restored contact, 300 Solars fell on Creation’s soil, the Essence-taste of its
a Dragon-Blooded team investigated. They found the city’s progenitor’s killers roused Vodak from slumber.
gates sealed but everyone gone. Not even corpses remained. The Mountain Folk conceived a desperate plan to trap
So, a group of Sidereal Exalted came to Six Gates. Neither the hekatonkhire. As the Dragon-Blooded and Sidereals
Charms, sorcery nor the Loom of Fate gave any clue to what stalked and battled the last of the Lawgivers, the Mountain
happened. The city’s past seemed as thoroughly eradicated Folk captured numerous Solar offspring. They used the Golden
as its inhabitants. Children as bait, luring Vodak to Six Gates. It arrived hungry.
The Shogunate stripped everything valuable and por- While the monster swept through the city like a silver ocean
table from the City of the Mountain Gateway, then sealed of death and madness, the greatest savants and sorcerers of the
it. No one entered for several centuries and the city was Mountain Folk cast their spells and activated potent artifacts.
forgotten. After six days spent devouring the city’s population, body
and soul, Vodak returned to the depths to rest and digest its
THE SECRET PAST meal—and found it could not leave.
Six Gates was a lot more than a trade nexus between the The hekatonkhire now lurks in the deepest caverns be-
Old Realm and the underdwellers. Its true purpose was one low Gethamane, deeper even than the underdwellers know.
of the most closely guarded secrets of the Solar Deliberative. When it sleeps, its dreams call to the underdwellers and fill
The city’s connection to Creation’s underways, however, them with its own hunger, hate and rage. When it wakes,
brought about its doom. By now, discovering the truth would the terror of its presence drives underdwellers to flee the
be extraordinarily difficult. depths into the city. Sometimes it reconstructs past victims
REALITY ENGINES from its own spectral flesh and plays murderous games with
Back in the Old Realm, a perceptive geomancer them. Vodak refrains from invading Gethamane for now,
might observe that the City of the Mountain Gateway’s fearing the possibility of further traps. That may change…
combination of a high peak, a connection to Heaven and especially if Vodak scents Solar blood.
alignments to the cardinal directions appears at one other
location: the Imperial Mountain, the axis of Creation itself.
This was no accident. Deep in the highest-security areas of
the city—areas never shown on any map, hidden with the
The Mountain Folk had few options in binding
help of the Maiden of Secrets herself—the Deliberative
Vodak: They decided that nothing less than a city
emplaced 25 reality engines. These devices, the height of
could distract the hekatonkhire long enough for them
Old Realm magitech, emulate the Elemental Pole of Earth
to cast their spells, and few cities connected to Cre-
by stabilizing reality against the Wyld. If some unimaginable
ation’s underways. Storytellers might decide, however,
catastrophe overwhelmed the Blessed Isle, these engines
that it was no coincidence the Jadeborn sacrificed a
could turn the mountain of Six Gates into a replacement
city stocked with reality engines. Conceivably, the
Elemental Pole of Earth, around which Creation could
Mountain Folk knew about the secret devices, used
regain its stability.
Vodak’s attack as cover to seize them and re-tuned
More than half the population of Six Gates was Dragon-
them to supercharge their spells. Characters who
Blooded or God-Blooded. A great many of them functioned
discover the reality engines and remove them to use
as guards, whatever their official duties were. Neither the
against the Wyld could unwittingly release Vodak
Mountain Folk nor anyone else was supposed to know what
on Creation.
the small city held.
Storytellers might prefer instead that the Moun-
These reality engines still exist in a ring between the
tain Folk did not know about the reality engines. In
Garden District and the underways. The entrances are virtu-
this alternative, if the Mountain Folk had conferred
ally undetectable and open only to a Solar’s anima. Further
with the Solar Deliberative, they could have lured the
defenses protect the vaults of each machine.
hekatonkhire into a trap: Once Vodak was between
THE ULTIMATE HORROR the reality engines, these mighty artifacts would have
The second secret of Gethamane began with the Primor- created a space that was too real for the spectral horror
dial War. When the first Primordial died, its dying Essence to exist. But that didn’t happen, and Six Gates died
and alien ichor generated a new entity: a hekatonkhire, or because of the bitter history between the Jadeborn
ghost-behemoth. Most hekatonkhires dwell in the Under- and the Sun’s Chosen.
world, but the one called Vodak exists simultaneously in Either choice presents opportunities for Storytell-
the Underworld and Creation. Vodak took shelter in the ers. Decide for yourself which (if either) is true.
underways. Every few centuries, Vodak woke to prey upon
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
made the Dole contingent on labor for the city. What’s more, Garden District, with the Gardens themselves at the cen-
she decreed that no one could stay in the city for more than ter. Proximity to the source of the Dole makes the Garden
a month unless a Gethamanian family adopted them and District the most prestigious sector of Gethamane, while the
they entered the Dole’s labor register. Adopted citizens could Upper Ring’s distance renders it the least desirable place to
pay in jade or goods instead of labor, though. The system live in the city.
discouraged Guildsmen from building strong connections
in Gethamane, and the ones who did paid dearly for the
The north and south sides of Gethamane’s mountain
privilege of long-term residence.
hold sets of immense steel doors, a foot thick and gleaming
Bethan Redeye died at age 93, survived by two husbands
the distinctive hues of jade and orichalcum alloys: pale blue
and a dozen children. She trained all her children in ad-
in the north and reddish in the south. They are immune to
ministration, but named her second son Gerath as her heir.
all Shaping effects, whether sorcery, Charms or the powers
The office of Master or Mistress of Gethamane has stayed
of the Fair Folk. Inside, large wheels move stout bars to lock
in Bethan’s line ever since.
or unseal the gates.
TO THE PRESENT Beyond each gate stretches a tunnel 50 yards long, 10
Gethamane grew slowly but steadily. In time, it formed yards wide and 10 yards high. The tunnel ends in a large
relationships with other Northern societies, usually with the antechamber with heavy portcullises of orichalcum-infused
Guild as go-between. In RY 586, this policy drew Gethamane adamant at either end. Guards constantly man these posts.
into a trade war with the nascent Haslanti League. On the They never raise both portcullises at the same time. Cunning
whole, though, Gethamane enjoyed a remarkably placid his- mechanisms, activated from the guard post, are intended
tory. Its people have no desire to conquer others—that would to collapse the entrance tunnels in the event of a breach.
mean leaving the mountain. No one else, not even the Empress, (Obviously, these have never been tested.)
ever found an effective way to attack Gethamane. The antechamber guards record the names and brief
The disappearance of the Empress and the rise of the descriptions of every visitor to Gethamane. Free visitors must
Bull of the North troubles some Gethamanians. The current pay a silver dinar to enter. Slaves pay half a dinar (a conces-
Mistress of Gethamane, Katrin Jadehand, and her advisors sion to the Guild). Visitors short of cash can register to pay
draw up contingency plans for situations ranging from an through labor: Plenty of menial tasks always need doing, such
attack by the Bull to a takeover bid by the Guild. Most as cleaning passages. Slave caravans usually pay for the slaves’
Gethamanians, however, figure that the city can ride out any entrance in this manner. No one enters the city without reg-
crisis the way it always has before: Expel any troublesome istration, though. Guards quickly move in to capture anyone
outsiders, shut the impregnable doors, live off the Gardens who makes a ruckus, while drumbeats signal for reinforcements
and wait a few years. They don’t like to remember that the and a runner races to the Guard’s headquarters.
greatest threat to Gethamane has always come from the About half a mile further up the mountain, a dozen
endless dark tunnels underneath. small tunnels lead from the icy slope to clusters of chambers
and from there to the Temple District and Upper Ring.
GEOGRAPHY These passages are all well camouflaged. Over the centu-
ries, the Gethamanians also installed a variety of locking
Gethamane does not pretend to control any territory
beyond the slopes of its own mountain, but its hunters and cast-iron doors, false tunnels, dropfalls and other traps for
gatherers see most of what happens within the nearest 20 uninvited visitors. The mountainside chambers bear various
miles or so. The hunters sometimes venture farther, out of
the mountains and all the way to the White Sea shore.
Sheltered valleys within the mountains sometimes THE MISSING ENTRANCES
hold patches of taiga that the Gethamanians cultivate and What happened to the eastern and western
harvest with care—a tree can take 50 years to grow 10 feet entrances to the City Under the Mountain? They
high. Tundra covers the lower mountain slopes with hardy still exist. Landslides covered them long ago, but the
lichen, moss and patches of grass and herbs. The icy upper early explorers soon found the passages to them. Some
slopes are nearly barren. This far into the North, in a direct settlers proposed excavating these entrances, but the
line from the Elemental Pole of Air, winter lasts much of the Gethamanians eventually decided to leave them hid-
year and the growing season is just three months long. den. In fact, they walled off the tunnels and plastered
over the walls. Only the Mistress and members of her
THE SUBTERRANEAN CITY advisory Council know about the spare entrances. If
Everything important about Gethamane is underground. something should prevent the Gethamanians from
The city consists of five layers: the Temple District at the using any other exit from the city, they can excavate
top; the Upper Ring below that; the central Guild District; the buried gateways in a matter of days.
the Outer Ring, by far the largest sector of the city; and the
For an Old Realm metropolis, Gethamane shows
Gethamane is one of Creation’s most orderly societies.
a distinct lack of Essence-powered conveniences. The security of the Dole keeps Gethamanians in their city,
Only the light-crystals and the Gardens remain, but organizing the production and distribution of so much
for only they were both durable enough to resist food from a single source requires extensive control of people’s
Vodak’s passage and impossible for the Shogunate lives. Gethamanians register their occupations and record
to remove. (In the centuries when the city was every hour of labor to justify their daily ration of fungus
sealed, creatures from the underways might also from the Gardens. What the clerks don’t know, spies must
have scavenged the city.) discover, for Gethamane cannot afford any disruption. Any
Nevertheless, the city is woven with hidden civil unrest could not only leave people starving, it could
Essence accumulators and conduits, which all still leave the city vulnerable to invasion from below.
function. Of the tens of thousands of jade-alloy plugs Like most societies, Gethamane has its divisions of class,
that once dispensed the Essence, only a few hundred wealth and occupation. It has a literally stratified society.
remain (mostly in the Temple District and Garden The wealthiest Gethamanians live nearest the all-important
District). These can still power any magitech device Gardens in the city’s lowest level. Middle-class citizens
capable of connecting to them, as if each was a one- chiefly dwell in the Outer Ring. The Upper Ring receives
dot hearthstone. Essence-channeling people cannot Gethamane’s poor.
use the plugs: They function only for devices. Six great divisions of labor, based on activities vital
for the city’s survival, provide an alternative set of social
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
The underways are not entirely natural. The
Mountain Folk used to inhabit the upper layers, and
someone familiar with the Jadeborn can recognize the
workmanship of these tunnels and chambers. (Inciden-
tally, this is why the Gethamanians cannot simply wall
off the underways: The City of the Mountain Gateway’s
air circulation system extended to the Mountain Folk
districts of the city. Sealing the tunnels would disrupt
that system, eventually rendering the entire city unin-
habitable. Early Gethamanians learned this the hard
way.) Many of the artifacts found in the underways are
Mountain Folk workmanship.
Races and creatures of which humanity knows al-
most nothing, such as the centipede-like and savagely
bestial cthritae and the eldritch underfolk, shaped other
parts of the underways. Most of these “darkbrood” are
more or less hostile to humans while entities such as
the Leech Gods are utterly malignant. Vodak’s presence
subtly draws the most malevolent of these creatures and
inflames them with hatred of Gethamane; but most of
the gems and ores found by explorers come from mines
initiated by underdwellers. Some of the creatures that
attack Gethamane, however, are underdwellers slain
and reconstructed by Vodak. The hekatonkhire itself
created the soulsteel found in certain underways, as the
intensity of its necrotic Essence transforms veins of iron
ore when it passes.
Scroll of Fallen Races is the principal source of
information about the Mountain Folk. See also Dreams
of the First Age: Book Two—Lords of Creation, pages
118–121 for brief treatments of the Mountain Folk and
underfolk, while The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV—The
Roll of Glorious Divinity I describes the monstrous Leech
Gods on pages 69–70.
classes or interest groups that cut across divisions of income. THE PEOPLE
The farmers maintain the magical Gardens. Hunters and Gethamanians do not look like other Northerners.
gatherers bring additional food and other commodities from At least half the people never go outside, giving their skin
outside. The Guard preserves civic order and defends against an unnatural pallor. Only the hunters and gatherers, who
the monsters of the underways. Artisans fashion the tools must spend much of their time outdoors, show color in their
and implements needed for daily life. Merchants trade with cheeks, roughened skin or other signs of exposure to sun
the Guild and other outsiders. A large administration of and weather.
clerks and bureaucrats keeps everyone else working together A hundred yards of insulating stone and the heat of
efficiently—or at least tries. Gethamanians often follow the 80,000 bodies keep Gethamane warm. Within the city,
same occupation as their parents.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
but they eventually learn to fit in and other Gethamanians The harvest goes to depots where the farmers issue
learn to recognize them. the Dole. Minor administrators check the identity of each
Very few foreigners win adoption into Gethamanian claimant and issue the requisite amount of food for the
society. Families reserve adoption as a reward for outsid- citizen’s family. Several Guards stand watch at every depot.
ers who make themselves truly beloved or who perform These parts of the Garden District stay constantly busy, with
extraordinary services for the city. The Guild has tried for queues of people waiting for the Dole and actors, musicians
centuries to get agents adopted into Gethamane. So far, and other entertainers hoping to make a bit of silver by
the result has been not the subversion of Gethamane but amusing them.
the disgrace of any family the Guild bribed or deluded into The core of the Gardens holds a knot of small, oddly
performing the adoption. shaped caves with a pedestal in the center. The fungi overflow
the trays here to cover the floor and walls, though never the
pedestal. Glyphs engraved on the pedestal make the Garden’s
GUILD AMBITIONS basic operation obvious to anyone who studies them. Back
In case it needs to be said, the Guild wants Getha- in the first Age, a Dragon-Blooded manager of the Gardens
mane. The Guild already uses the city as its hub for wrote these instructions using the Craft Icon Charm (see
commerce in the Far North. The residency rules, how- The Manual of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded,
ever, inhibit factors from building long-term business p. 130). Advanced procedures (involving alchemical treat-
relationships. Over the centuries, many factors have ments, special lighting conditions and the like) enable the
drawn up plans for using the secure location and food Gardens to produce any sort of vegetable matter, but these
supply of Gethamane as the anchor for a commercial are scribed on the walls in ordinary Old Realm script—and
empire in the North. For instance, one plan calls for bioengineering jargon that few people in the Second Age
using troops from Gethamane to secure the bay to the could possibly understand.
North and turn it into a home port for an ice ship fleet Over the centuries, the Gethamanians figured out that
that could contest Haslanti dominance in the White this cave is a powerful manse (Earth ••••), whose power is
Sea. Such plans remain idle fancies, however, unless entirely devoted to fueling the Gardens’ magical fecundity.
the Guild can bend Gethamane to its will. It has no known hearthstone.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
stall where. The Guild naturally has the largest stalls in the RELIGION AND THE SUPERNATURAL
best locations. All stalls are made of wood. Some trading Most Gethamanians are not very religious. They leave
groups arrange to use a stall in shifts as they enter and leave such matters to priestly professionals. Gethamane’s own gods
the city, so they can keep a good location. Some stalls stay make few demands—they haven’t even given their names—
in the same location for decades, which brings considerable and other gods show little interest in the City Under the
respect to their owners. Mountain. Worshipers of other gods can set up shrines in the
TRIBUNAL CAVE Guild District. The city sets aside several rooms for visitors
The most opulent chamber in the Guild District is to dress in whatever temporary temple trappings they want.
reserved for consultations between Guild factors and local Only Immaculate shrines are not allowed—a centuries-old
officials, or any merchants whose wealth or power earn holdover from an encounter with exceptionally high-handed
them the Guild’s respect. Ornate gilded tables, chairs and missionaries that went badly. Shrines are forbidden elsewhere
divans, costly silks and brocades, ornaments of porcelain in the city (though the Guards ignore portable traveler’s
and jade and other fripperies serve to impress visitors shrines unless they want an excuse to harass a visitor). As
with the Guild’s wealth. Costly liquors and exotic drugs long as worshipers do not break Gethamane’s civil laws, the
impair a visitor’s judgment in other ways. The Guild can city government turns a blind eye.
also bring in superb courtesans or anything or anyone else TEMPLES TO UNKNOWN GODS
needed to bedazzle or befuddle a target. Meetings range Gethamane’s temples consist of three spacious rooms near
from staid discussions of tariffs and commercial law to the top of the mountain. Their walls bear jewel-encrusted
wild debauches—with a contract and pen offered at a carvings of mountains and strange flying creatures. (The
strategic moment. decorations include tiny quantities of moonsilver, starmetal,
The Guild uses its own mercenaries to protect Tribunal orichalcum and jade, but extracting a useful amount would
Cave, and keeps the city Guard away as much as possible. take days of very public effort.) Blue-white Essence fires burn
Naturally, the Guard takes every excuse to search Tribunal above the three circular altars.
Cave. Indeed, the Guard takes any chance to ransack Guild People who enter the temples feel an eerie sense of being
quarters in search of incriminating documents or other evi- watched, but no deity has ever manifested. Those who sleep in
dence of misbehavior.
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THE EXALTED AND OTHER ESSENCE WIELDERS to earn their Dole, and minor lawbreakers who pay their debt
Gethamanians do not much like the Terrestrial Exalted, to society as unskilled labor or nursing staff, assist the staff
chiefly because of high-handed Immaculates and Dynasts. They of priests and healers. The hospice sees a constant stream of
also know the danger of showing such dislike. The Dragon- sick and injured poor people from the Upper Ring. The Jade
Blooded rarely stay in Gethamane for long, though. They have Hospice does not have the best-trained staff of Gethamane’s
bad dreams as the maddened gods clumsily try to warn them hospitals, but it currently has the most reliable funding. Its
and, through them, the long-dead Solar Deliberative. director, the matronly Enath Daur, comes from a leading
The people have no experience with other Exalted—that farmer family. She also holds a Council seat, where she works
they know about—so they base their opinions on stories. to improve the lot of Upper Ring folk, or at least make sure
They fear the Lunar Exalted as patrons of the icewalkers and they are not further marginalized.
other barbarians. The Bull of the North is distant but sounds THE JANISSARY VAULT
dangerous. Of course, Gethamanians have no knowledge of Not everyone in Gethamane relies on the Guard for
the Sidereals. Other Exalted are too new for Gethamanians their safety. The Janissary Vault, located in the Outer Ring,
to know about them. Any Exalted who visit Gethamane, supplies warriors, bodyguards and assorted muscle for hire. Its
or Exalt among them, could determine how the people feel owner, the melodramatically named Vaultmaster (and yes,
about their kind for centuries to come. he goes masked) says that his service would never consider
Gethamane’s hunters and gatherers occasionally en- doing anything against the laws of Gethamane. Neverthe-
counter the Fair Folk. The tales of the survivors ensure the less, a sufficiently discreet client can arrange for any sort of
Gethamanians’ thorough hatred and fear of the raksha. For- thuggery short of murder. Many people suspect the Janissary
tunately for Gethamane, the local Fair Folk have no desire to Vault is a front for the Guild (mercenaries being one of the
enter a city that gives them the creeping horrors—not even Guild’s core businesses). The Guild would like to own the
fae who normally might relish such a strange and dramatic Janissary Vault, but the business has stayed independent
emotion. Fair Folk blame this aversion on the city’s jade since it began 50 years ago.
and orichalcum gates, not on quiescent reality engines or The Vault’s mercenaries are about evenly divided
an instinctual sense for Vodak’s presence. between outsiders who managed to wangle adoption into
Demons rarely enter Gethamane—most likely sum- Gethamanian families, and Gethamanians who were expelled
moned or sent there on a mission by a sorcerer or thaumaturge. from the Guard or who found its standards of courage and
Gethamanians abhor demons as much as most people do. discipline too difficult. Janissaries receive little respect, for
Demons also seem to loathe Gethamane, and do not linger they are not duty-bound to run toward monsters. Gethamane’s
even when they have the chance. They feel something im- government does not accept Vault employment as any sort
mensely darker and more dangerous than themselves lurking of service to the city, greatly limiting their Dole ration.
nearby. Gods and elementals avoid the city for the same Mistress Katrin and the Council would like an excuse to
reason, though none of these spirits can find the ultimate shut down the Janissary Vault, or at least force it to register
source of the terrifying Essence. every job and client.
Gethamane’s limited contact with supernatural creatures
means the city has almost no God-Blooded citizens or other THE PHILOSOPHY CELL
half-breed channelers of Essence. Gethamanians rarely try to A collection of public meeting rooms in the Outer Ring
enlighten their own Essence either, due to their cultural isola- hosts an informal club of amateur intellectuals and pseudo-
tion and lack of any institution to encourage this practice. intellectuals. Members range from young people who want
The Guard wants to recruit thaumaturges for the en- to pick up some radical ideas with which to shock their
chantments, talismans and alchemical medicines they can parents, to careful scholars of Gethamane’s many myster-
provide. The city has few skilled thaumaturges, though. ies. In between are unlicensed thaumaturges, drug addicts,
Thaumaturgically proficient outsiders who want to join the devotees of self-created religions and people who just want
Guard can easily wangle adoption into a family with strong to argue. Most members are harmless and frivolous. A few
traditions of Guard membership. regulars are serious and capable savants, varying widely in
their ethics—from Serret of the Bethanites, a painstaking
DISREPUTABLE FOLK amateur historian of the city, to the alchemist Tazar Pellan,
Most Gethamanians like to think of their society as who tests his concoctions on people who want “mystical
prosperous and orderly, controlled and smugly secure. Nev- experiences,” to Damaithe Yarni, a thaumaturge and closet
ertheless, the city has its poor, its discontented and indeed demonologist.
its actively criminal.
THE JADE HOSPICE A gang of juvenile thieves makes its clubhouse in an
Not far from the temples lies Gethamane’s largest charity abandoned, junk-filled storehouse in the eastern sector of
hospital, the Jade Hospice. Citizens who volunteer as a way the Outer Ring. Most of the children come from middle- or
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a mediator between the delegates than as an autocrat (and parties are culpable, as when a quarrel escalates to a public fight
some past Masters and Mistresses became virtual puppets of and no one can prove who started it). Maiming, accidental
powerful Councils). death and rape result in major fining, a long period of hard
Council members hold their posts until they die, resign labor, exile or some combination of the three. Murderers are
or are fired by the city’s Mistress. When a faction loses a condemned to permanent hard labor, exile or execution. A
delegate, senior faction members offer the Mistress a list dead victim’s share of any restitution goes to her family. In
of possible replacements. The Mistress then selects a new cases of homicide, proof of self-defense or extreme provoca-
Council member from the list. Vacancies on the Council tion can reduce a sentence but not eliminate it completely:
result in a frenzy of politicking from the faction in ques- Gethamane cannot tolerate the loss of any citizen’s labor.
tion, from other Council members seeking the appointment
of allies and from the Guild. In the event that all three of
Jade pays for jade: All crimes of theft or other trespass on
a faction’s posts fall vacant, the Mistress can appoint new
another’s goods shall be repaid twofold, once to the victim and
delegates without consultation, as the city most likely faces
once to the city.
an immediate crisis.
This law covers all forms of theft, including forms of fraud
THE ADMINISTRATION such as giving short weight or delivering goods of lower quality
All of Gethamane’s government offices occupy the outer than promised. Damaging a person’s possessions (including
circles of the Garden District. Each location actually consists slaves) also falls under this law. Under the Second Rule, it’s a
of several large rooms and corridors. Here, clerks keep the crime to charge outsiders less than a citizen of Gethamane—
Dole lists and records of visitors to the city. The Council this is stealing from the city’s prosperity as a whole. The city’s
meets in one large chamber, adorned with portraits of past magistrates and accountants measure losses to the last grain
Masters and Mistresses. Citizens can visit the Hall of Records of jade and insist on precise repayment, though transactions
and Hall of Maps to check on property lines. (Outsiders can use the Guild’s silver more often than jade.
consult these records as well, for a small fee.) Magistrates re-
solve civil disputes and try criminal cases in the Courthouse.
What we have, we hold: All crimes of trespass on another’s
Children who receive any education beyond basic literacy
domain shall be paid for by a gift of land in turn, or the Dole shall
and arithmetic go to a school connected to the City Library.
be remitted and the trespasser cast forth to starve.
Bethanites staff many of the government posts but at least a
If people who dislike each other cannot escape each
third of the clerks and officials come from other families.
other’s company, their enmity can escalate to murder.
Even more than the rest of Gethamane, the administra-
Gethamanians, therefore, value privacy as much as life and
tive areas stay busy all the time. Each shift of functionaries
property, and trespass on another family’s territory becomes
simply takes the desks vacated by the shift before them.
a serious crime. Gethamanians treat malicious gossip about
Children attend school in shifts as well, and mobs of chil-
another person’s activities as a form of trespass.
dren surge through the tunnels at each shift change. Only
When two disputing parties share a property line, the
the Council doesn’t work around the clock, though sessions
penalty usually consists of moving that boundary by a foot or
may last for days as members debate especially knotty or
two to give the victim a section of the trespasser’s territory.
contentious issues.
This results in many instances of two families sharing a room,
The Garden District includes the rooms and offices of
with screens set up to give them an illusion of privacy. It can,
Gethamane’s ruler, passed from Master to Mistress for cen-
indeed, be grounds for lawsuit to respond to anything one
turies. It’s a point of pride to change as little as possible from
hears on the other side of such a screen… though noise of a
Bethan Redeye’s original sparse furniture and belongings.
sufficient volume (or sufficiently disturbing nature) that it
LAW AND CRIME cannot be ignored is also an offense. When disputants do not
Gethamane’s law centers on the Three Rules set down share a boundary, the city confiscates part of the trespasser’s
by Bethan Redeye. Both civil disputes and criminal trials property, then allows her family to “buy it back” and pays
often hinge on whether or how one of the Three Rules was the resulting silver to the plaintiff’s family.
broken. Gethamanians are strict about privacy and property,
but not insane. The Guard can go anywhere in pursuit of a
THE FIRST RULE monster from the underways, and people fleeing a monster
Blood pays for blood, but it must serve the city: All crimes likewise have a right to cross another family’s property. (In-
of personal assault shall be paid as debts to Gethamane, and deed, a civic defense crisis trumps all questions of privacy
Gethamane shall reimburse the victim in turn. and territory.) Families usually forgive trespass by children
The First Rule covers all assaults on another person, from when a game of hide-and-seek gets out of hand (though
public brawling to rape or murder. Minor assaults are punished their parents might be notified). Persistent trespass by older
by fining or a period of forced labor. Half the proceeds go to children can result in lawsuit, though, and the child’s family
the victim and half to the city (or all to the city when both suffers significant disgrace.
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his own property, or ordered another person to do so on his ema,” but anyone who can massacre Dynasts—hitherto the
behalf. No one suffers any punishment in such cases, but the city’s standard for powerful, erratic individuals—is a danger
confusion and delay caused by the trial does not help a slave the Gethamanians don’t want to face. Some Council members
caravan’s profits or reputation. believe the city can shut its doors and defy the Bull, just as it
Under the Second Rule, Gethamanians cannot claim has defied every other threat. Others are not so sure, fearing
animals that escape their pens: They must return the beast that the Anathema warlord could break the gates like a paper
to its owner. The Guard, however, seldom chooses to help screen. They all agree that Gethamane must learn more and
owners find slaves who escape in Gethamane. An escaped acquire whatever power and allies it can find.
slave who is adopted into a citizen family also leaves the
Second Rule’s purview, as she becomes a citizen herself. THE GUARD
Gethamane includes a few abolitionists who encourage slaves Gethamane has no army as such, only a Guard that keeps
to escape and come to them for adoption, though the city order and defends against creatures from the underways. At
government does not encourage this practice. 5,000 soldiers, the Guard is quite a formidable force for a
small city—but the Guard has no experience operating in
FOREIGN RELATIONS groups larger than the 20-man platoons. Guards wear red
Gethamane has little direct contact with the rest of lamellar armor and carry target shields blazoned with a white
Creation. Few Gethamanians travel, and few other people mountain on a red field. They favor heavy weapons such as
want to visit this remote bastion of civilization. No one can sledges, great axes and pickaxes—the sort of weapons that can
conquer Gethamane, and Gethamane cannot threaten any- hack, pierce and crush eldritch horrors. When riots erupt in
one else. Most Gethamanians know very little about the rest the Guild District or elsewhere, half the responding Guards
of Creation. Gethamane’s Mistress and Council now believe, carry leather-padded clubs, but the Guard never operates
however, that they must learn a great deal more about their without the threat of lethal force and big damage.
neighbors… particularly the Bull of the North. The Guard’s overall commander occupies a Guardhall in
The Realm never troubled Gethamane. Dynasts oc- the Garden District. Here the Guard trains, gathers to orga-
casionally visited to seek treasure in the underways, and nize hunts for invading monsters and imprisons lawbreakers.
far-traveling legions occasionally bought provisions at Unlike the subdued tones of the rest of Gethamane, bright
Gethamane, but the city never paid tribute. The Empress red pennants mark all entrances to the Guardhall. Doors in
once commissioned her strategoi to evaluate Gethamane for this complex are always high-quality iron.
conquest: These worthies concluded that the feat was possible The current Captain of the Guard, Golden Stag, is of ice-
for the Dynasty but not worth the trouble. Past Masters and walker descent, abandoned by his tribe as a child and adopted
Mistresses did not flaunt their defiance of the Realm, so the by a poor Gethamane family. Every other sentence or so, he
Empress never felt the need to make an example of the city. reminds people how he worked his way up the ranks. Golden
Since the Empress’s disappearance, no one in the Realm pays Stag is now in his 50s, a good leader of soldiers and convinced
much attention to the remote subterranean city. he has plenty of time before he needs to train a successor.
Whitewall is the closest that Gethamane comes to an Beneath Golden Stag are the North Gate and South
ally. Neither city has many other neighbors (that are hu- Gate Captains. The South Gate Captain, Mindros Yami,
man, at least). Gethamane’s leaders cultivate merchants stands out for his refusal to accept bribes from merchants.
from Whitewall just to remind the Guild that they can be The North Gate Captain, Gavne Wheelright, came from an
replaced; and it’s often cheaper to buy Whitewall’s metalwork artisan family but joined the Guards to avenge the death of
directly than through Guild intermediaries. his wife at the claws of underdwellers. A traveling Immaculate
Gethamane has an unfortunate history with the Haslanti monk also converted Gavne. He lobbies (though not loudly)
League, and Guildsmen still disparage the Haslanti. Never- for the Council to permit an Immaculate shrine. These three
theless, the Mistress and Council now seek better relations officers command various district and shift lieutenants, and
with the League as another alternative to the Guild. Guard posts are spread throughout the city.
Every year or two, an icewalker tribe follows a mammoth Each Guard post has a large drum mounted on the wall.
or reindeer herd through Gethamane’s territory. Gethamane’s In any disturbance, one soldier beats a signal on the drum to
hunters pick off straggling beasts, which the icewalkers do not alert other posts of the nature and location of the trouble,
like. On the other hand, Gethamanians sometimes trade with and to call for backup if this seems prudent. In the case of
icewalkers for meat, furs, hides, horn and ivory; but much of major disturbances such as monsters from the underways,
this trade goes through the Guild. (The walrus-hunters along riots or rampaging Exalts, a runner is additionally sent to the
the coast form a notable exception. Gethamane’s hunters Guardhall with a report and a request for full mobilization.
trade with these barbarians directly.) A few hundred Guards bunk in the Guardhouse at all times,
Even the isolationist Gethamanians hear stories about ready to go wherever they are needed.
the Bull of the North, and what they hear frightens the city’s Despite the high death rate that Guards suffer in monster
leaders. They don’t credit Realm propaganda about “Anath- attacks, the organization never lacks for recruits. In part, this
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No one in the North can survive alone. To the tribes 412. The shock of losing their deity plunged the Haslan
that formed the Haslanti League, however, rule by distant tribes into chaos and despair. Chiefs, shamans and whole
lords and impersonal laws meant slavery. Their confedera- bands sold themselves to the Fair Folk, to small gods or to
tion seeks a balance between the power of a unified state other Exalted, destroyed themselves in senseless vendettas or
and the intimacy and immediacy of tribal life. After 200 surrendered to the madness of the Wyld. Some believe the
years of improvisation and muddling through, the League savage, mute barbarians called the hushed ones (see p. XX)
has solidified and grown enough to become a major power descend from one such Wyld-maddened band.
in the North.
HISTORY Eventually, some bands settled in the comparatively
warm and fertile valleys called greenfields, and built villages
Four centuries ago, the Haslanti people consisted of
three related tribes of nomads that lived around the eastern (though they called them “camps” to avoid the lingering stig-
end of the White Sea. The Haslanesh bands followed the ma of town-dwelling). Tuskstad, Windcreche, Fort Bear and
herds of mammoth that they hunted. The Haslanahsa herded Icehome—known collectively as the Four Camps—emerged
reindeer. The Haslanosha herded elk. They all worshiped as centers of trade between tribes, bands and foreigners.
the Bear Woman, Arvida of the Crescent Eye, Goddess of The Guild encouraged this trend. These merchants
99 Forms, who forbade them to build towns. traded steel weapons, tools and foreign luxuries for ivory,
The goddess of the Haslan tribes was actually an old timber, woolen cloth, furs and leather. They taught the
and powerful Lunar Exalt. In RY 404, the Immaculate Order greenfield settlers to farm as well as graze their herds. They
began a Wyld Hunt that ended with Arvida’s death in RY also bade the Haslan to mine the North for gems and metals.
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to a long-forbidden cave on the north shore of the White
SECRET HISTORY Sea. There, the explorers found a wonder: a First Age ship
The most ancient Haslanti legends say their on metal runners, built to skate on ice. The tribe copied the
ancestors came from a land even further north, where design. Iceboats carried the rebellion throughout the Haslan
they lived on an island in the sky. The legends are true: tribes until the Guild was secure only in the Four Camps.
Their ancestors came from the flying city of Tzatli, a In RY 580, talking eagles visited the chiefs and shamans
wonder of the Old Realm. Tzatli crashed during the of 40 Haslan bands. The eagles called them to an ancient and
Usurpation, and the survivors steadily moved south broken beacon of the First Age that overlooked the White Sea.
during the Shogunate period until they reached the At the Lighthouse of Twisted Stone, the leaders found Gerd
White Sea. They owed their survival through the Marrow-Eater, a Lunar of the No Moon Caste. He challenged,
Great Contagion and Fair Folk invasion to Arvida. fought and defeated the greatest champions of the Haslan,
She also kept them from following the arch-sorcerer but killed none. He took only the tip of each warrior’s little
Bagrash Köl, who still haunts Haslanti folktales as a finger on the left hand as token of his victory.
mad, demonic tyrant. Having established his credentials, Gerd called the
See The Manual of Exalted Power—The chiefs to a conclave. He pointed out that the Haslan people
Lunars, Chapter Two, for more about Arvida and outnumbered the Guildsmen more than 100 to one. Why
subsequent Lunar efforts to shape Haslanti culture. should they not rule their own lands? If the tribes fought as
one, they could defeat any invader. Then Gerd delivered a
final astonishment by refusing the chiefs who hailed him as
their king and god. He would not rule them. Three times
Whenever the Haslan balked at such a change to their he would lead them in battle, but the final victory would be
livelihood, the Guild brought in slaves… or mercenaries. their own. The Haslan would seize their own destiny and
Trade became tribute. Guild factors bought the favor of live as they chose, taking whatever elements they wanted
chiefs and set tribes warring against each other from civilization and tribal life. In three days of spirited
to take slaves. argument, the chiefs forged a covenant to unite the
The Haslan hated their masters and three Haslan tribes into one Haslanti nation.
learned to fight back. They could not defeat As Gerd promised, he led them three
the Guild’s mercenaries, but they could times to conquer Tuskstad, Fort Bear
launch guerilla raids. More importantly and Windcreche. By RY 583, the
perhaps, they could simply retreat into Haslanti were ready to attack Ice-
the Northern wilderness where home. Gerd helped the chiefs devise
the Guild could not find them. a battle-plan but departed be-
The tundra and taiga fore the attack. TThe
he Haslanti
were theirs. Soon, so took Icehome after 12
was the Great Ice be- days of fierce fighting,
yond the White Sea. and 12 chiefs died in
A shaman’s dream- commanding the
quest called a Haslanti horde.
group of Haslan The surviving,
victorious chiefs
found Gerd wait-
ing for them atop
the Guild’s fortress.
The Lunar spoke:
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villages and small towns. The town usually occupies a hill Tribes of the Haslanti (though the actual number exceeds
or a cliff that overlooks both the valley and the nearby sea. 150). The herdfolk move throughout Haslanti territory, and
Most towns have stone walls, though Kaet’s Landing, east of they know the land better than anyone else.
Icehome, is actually cut into the valley’s cliff face. On the League’s southern border, the tundra gives way
to taiga of dwarf willows and evergreens. Herdfolk often
EMERALDS drive (or follow) their animals into this transitional zone
From hard experience, the Haslanti know that Northern
during winter. Here, they encounter icewalkers. The division
gales can strip away soil and blow entire farms away. Dozens of
between icewalker and Outwall tribe is as ill-defined as the
greenfields lie bare and ruined across the North. Sometimes,
border itself, for the tribes intermarry a good deal.
however, the soil collects in a pocket or sheltered location.
The Haslanti call these little patches of soil “emeralds.” THE GREAT ICE
Emeralds range in size from tiny plots that can support The White Sea stays frozen much of the year. Ice covers
only a farmstead or two, to a few that are large enough to its northern shore year round. The ice cap beyond the sea
sustain small towns. A dozen families, however, are a typi- goes on for thousands of miles, split by huge peninsulas of
cal population for an emerald. Most emeralds last just a few the Wyld. The Great Ice seems barren at first sight, but the
decades before the wind carries the soil away once more. The Haslanti wring a living from even this hostile realm. Fish
Haslanti learned how to break the wind using stone walls and seals, walrus and whales inhabit the White Sea, acces-
or trees, though, and how to plant ground cover that binds sible in the summer months or by cracking the ice with huge
the soil. Through careful husbandry, some emeralds have catapult-like machines of strong timbers and tension bands
now lasted 100 years. of mammoth sinew. Rocky coasts and skerries hold oysters,
Settling an emerald requires enormous labor. Before mussels and other shellfish. Where the Wyld has blown,
winter comes, the settlers must build windbreaks, walls and oyster harvesters sometimes discover opals and diamonds
a house, transplant small trees from a greenfield, and sow that grew like pearls.
fast-growing grasses. If they’re lucky, they manage this in time Mining is possible in the Great Ice as well. Rocky islets
to bring in a few sheep or goats. Settlers must then defend in the White Sea yield amethyst, amber, turquoise and to-
their new homestead against wild animals, hostile barbarians paz. Diamond Hearth takes its name not from glittering ice
and even the Fair Folk. Too many people and animals can crystals but actual deposits of diamonds.
overuse the land so the denuded soil blows away; too few Strangest of all, silt and wind-blown seeds can collect in
settlers leave the emerald vulnerable to incursion. a crevasse to form an emerald, albeit one consisting of tundra
Small as they are, emeralds play a vital role in the Haslanti moss and lichen rather than crops and trees. The Haslanti
League. The population rises; but the greenfields don’t get graze small herds of reindeer in these icebound oases. The
any larger. A steady stream of younger sons and daughters emeralds become refuges and supply depots for people who
with no land to inherit fan out in search of emeralds they live and work on the glaciers.
can claim as their own. Emeralds also serve as way stations
on trade routes and fortresses against invaders. HASLANTI HOUSING
The human geography of the League features many forms
of housing. Some Haslanti live in the same longhouses of
GREEN MEN AND SOIL-STEALERS logs and sod found throughout the North. Others, especially
Emeralds give rise to two unique Haslanti profes- among Outwall tribes, favor the aghar, a dome-shaped tent
sions. Green men collect mosses, grasses, insects and made of animal hide stretched on frameworks of bone or
other small plants and animals to distribute between willow. Villages feature L-shaped homes with the barn for
emeralds, helping each little patch of land’s ecosystem the animals built in. Two (or sometimes four) such houses
become more robust and diverse. Soil-stealers raid typically share a courtyard. A significant fraction of the
smaller emeralds to enslave the settlers, steal their League’s population now lives in barges called iceholts that
animals and cart away topsoil. In Haslanti tales, these spend summers on the Great Ice and then migrate south in
villains often work for bandits who occupy large and winter to visit the League’s cities. Fisher-folk build clusters
secret emeralds. of huts on rocky islands in the White Sea during the runs of
salmon and tuna, or for gathering shellfish.
Haslanti yeomen often have two homes. In summer,
THE OUTWALL they live in a rural steading where they engage in farming,
Haslanti farmers call the tundra beyond their greenfields goat-ranching, mining or some other resource-producing
and emeralds the Outwall. Thick brambles, hardy grasses, activity. In winter, the Haslanti move to a home in a town
moss and lichen cover this land; trees are stunted to mere or city. Affluent families might own an extensive home in
shrubs. Herds of reindeer, elk, musk ox and mammoth browse the city, but many Haslanti spend the winter in crowded
the tundra, though, and these animals support the Hundred townhouses or apartments.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
the building. The public can visit the galleries of official
archives and museums full of trophies and mementos of NATIONAL HEROES
League victories. Other sections, definitely not public, hold Gerd and his Lunar allies pressured the Haslanti’s
the League’s central bank reserve and emergency fund: 100 leading gods to enchant the nine Tholoi. Any song
talents of jade and 12,000 silver talents, plus miscellaneous or tale of an interred hero’s deeds performed in one
loot. No single person is supposed to know every secret of Tholos echoes in the other eight. The gods have
the Treasury’s vaults and defenses. changed but the enchantment remains. The Tholoi
The Pantheon of the Ennead stands at the northernmost remind the Haslanti that the glory of the League rests
point of the Citadel. Gold, silver, precious stones, costly im- in the triumphs and tragedies of individuals; but also
ported silk and brocade hangings adorn the League’s national that the Haslanti are one people, with equal claim
temple. Niches hold military trophies as well as relics such on the deeds of all their heroes.
as one of Gerd Marrow-Eater’s feathers and the preserved
head of an Immaculate monk. Having a memento of one’s
deeds placed in the Pantheon is a much greater honor than OTHER CITIES
an exhibit in the Treasury. The other eight Haslanti cities vary in their wealth,
The Tholos stands next to the Treasury. This smaller favored industries and attitudes toward membership in the
building resembles an oversized aghar wrought in marble. League. Their varied histories and characters can only be
(The League’s eight other cities hold similar domed shrines.) suggested here.
A symbolic national hearth flame burns in each Tholos.
Stone plaques bear the names of Haslanti heroes and their CRYSTAL
bodies rest in crypts below the floor. A secret adytum holds The League’s only non-walled city began just 46 years
the Twisted Stone Covenant, a complex net of knots, shells, ago, in a greenfield accessible only by air boat. So far north
beads and bones that encodes the Haslanti constitution. and nearly surrounded by the Great Ice, even greenfields
Whereas the Pantheon honors the gods and the rest of the produce little more than moss and dwarf willows as forage
Citadel honors the state, the Tholos honors the national for reindeer and goats; Crystal must import much of its food.
history, tradition and character. Fifteen thousand Haslanti live in town and another 15,000
in villages.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
The yearly festival of the Fort Bear Assembly attracts berm 20 feet high, topped with wooden stakes. Only the
more than 40 Outwall tribes, adding almost 20,000 tempo- two gatehouses, the Tholos and the longhouse of the city-
rary residents. The influx also brings foreign and Haslanti state’s leader are built of stone; the rest of Tuskstad consists
merchants for a huge, three-week trade fair. (The Haltans of wooden buildings and aghar tents. In summer, Tuskstad
and Linowans always fight; the Saltspire merchants act like reeks of tanning mammoth-hides, seal skins and drying fish
they’ve done everyone a favor just by showing up.) Fort Bear and meat. There’s money in Tuskstad, though, from mam-
challenges Icehome’s commercial dominance as well as its moth and walrus ivory.
status as the spiritual center of the League. The Laughing Winds tribe has dominated Tuskstad’s
small greenfield for more than 80 years. The woman Bel-
IRONFALL lowing Mammoth occupies the city longhouse as ruler of the
The Haslanti League’s chief industrial center occupies
city, even as her husband rules the tribe as its chief. Tuskstad
its second-largest greenfield. Fully 100,000 Haslanti live in
remains extremely tribal, with no clear division between the
the greenfield, its surrounding emeralds and Outwall. They
Haslanti clans and other tribes of herders and hunters.
support 65,000 townsfolk, of whom 20,000 are slaves. Iron
and feathersteel mines riddle the greenfield’s cliffs. The city WINDCRECHE
itself is built on the greenfield cliffs to exploit water power This city-state occupies a narrow valley—a half-drowned
from the cataracts of the Breakstone River. A pall of black greenfield—at the northeast corner of the White Sea. It
smoke rises from the city. Black slag from the foundries paves has an excellent, ever-frozen harbor for iceships: Dozens
the streets and is mixed with clay for building-bricks. The of iceholt barges can lodge at Windcreche’s wharves. The
clang of hammers on metal and ore resounds day and night, large central square doubles as the town’s main market and
for the mill-wheels do not rest. a landing point for air boats.
Ironfall’s people tend to be dour, conservative and Agriculture doesn’t work well this close to the Great Ice.
hidebound. While they consider themselves loyal Haslanti, Instead, the city-state concentrates on herding reindeer and
they suspect Outwall folk of stealing metalwork and of hunting seal and walrus. It is also the League’s chief whal-
hating Ironfall for its settled prosperity. (Outwall folk do ing port. By gathering sedge grass during the brief summer,
want the metal, but think the city is dirty, smelly and dull.) however, Windcreche maintains a dairy industry. The dwarf
Instead of tumultuous chiefs and duels of honor, Ironfall has cattle of Windcreche stand just three feet high but give
a mayor and a town council of wealthy master-smiths and the sweetest milk in Creation. Tycoons of the Scavenger
merchants. A yearly assembly authorizes every decision the Lands and the Realm pay enormous sums for Windcreche’s
council makes. butter-cheese.
Only 9,000 people live in Windcreche proper, in a
SHIELD jumble of tightly packed stone buildings behind rough-
The city-state of Shield occupies a large but damaged
hewn city walls. Plaster mixed with walrus blood covers
greenfield with low, eroding cliffs and thin soil. Only 5,000
Windcreche walls; the red-brown color makes them easier
people live in the town of Shield, behind a low and badly built
to spot and follow during snowstorms. The town is full of
city wall. Twenty thousand live in the rest of the greenfield
rendering plants turning whale and walrus blubber into fuel
and 100,000 live in the Outwall as herders, emerald-farmers,
oil for air boats and domestic lamps. Many other businesses
fishers or miners. Mines in the nearby hills yield tin and
likewise service air boats or produce parts for the League’s
copper, but the bronze industry declines as mines play out
most famous vehicles.
one by one. The largest and tallest structure in Shield is
the Guild’s three-story caravansary, two miles outside the
city. The League’s fleets of air boats and iceships both use
From the Great Ice to the greenfields, the Haslanti live
Shield as a home port, but the crews do not mingle much
in a tremendously varied environment and make their liv-
with the Shieldings. The outer reaches of the city-state suf-
ing in equally varied ways. Haslanti individuals range from
fer frequent attacks from both icewalkers and the terrifying,
illiterate nomads to suave diplomats. A number of common
death-worshiping barbarians of the Tear Eater tribes.
threads, however, bind the Haslanti together.
Despite the relative poverty of Shield, the inhabitants
consider themselves fortunate in their freedom and solidarity. COMPETITION AND COOPERATION
Shieldings move easily between greenfield, emerald and Out- The harsh and hungry North easily leads people to view
wall—not to mention the fishing boats, shellfish-harvesting outsiders as a threat—or as prey. Yet, a community survives
stations and mining camps—and most clans have members only through shared labor and loyalty. Both forces, coopera-
scattered throughout environments and occupations. tion and competition, work powerfully in Haslanti culture
TUSKSTAD to pull the League together and drive it apart.
Haslanti mammoth-hunters now concentrate around In all the vast League, no single community has every-
this western city-state. The town of 15,000 has an earthen thing it needs. The townsfolk need the meat from Outwall
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
carefully.) They have 29 traditional forms of bread, from GODS AND WORSHIP
flat bread to honeyed puffballs. Other common items of Several times in Haslanti history, Immaculate mis-
diet include potatoes, turnips, beets and other root veg- sionaries tried to convert the Haslanti by destroying or
etables, milk, yogurt, apples, walnuts, honey, porridge, spicy humiliating their gods. They failed to kill Gerd Marrow-Eat-
pickled cabbage and fish transformed into a gelatinous, er as they slew his predecessor Arvida. Several decades ago,
evil-smelling mass through preservation with lye. Even the Immaculate Order launched a series of four crusades.
Haslanti require copious libations of beer, mead or hard The monks called out the people’s gods by threatening their
cider in order to eat it, but no feast is complete without shrines, festivals and worshipers—and then they beat the
this test of gastronomic fortitude. tar out of the gods. Some gods submitted; others hid. Few
STRANGERS emerged unscathed. The Immaculates broke the people’s
The Haslanti do not show such extravagance to people faith in many of their gods, but that didn’t convince the
they do not know well. While strangers in a Haslanti Haslanti to accept Immaculate doctrine.
community can usually count on a roof, a bed and a meal, Instead, the Haslanti turned to gods who managed to
they won’t receive the best bed or a feast. avoid or outmaneuver the monks. The result was a new
The visitors also will be put to work. All Haslanti national pantheon, the Ennead, composed of three divine
believe in hard work: They need to, to survive. Able hands triads: the gods of ice, fate and dream (fully described in
do not stay idle. Even the sick can knit or carve ivory. Chapter Seven). The Haslanti still make token offerings
A foreign visitor who does not know Northern ways can and prayers to formerly prominent gods of hunting, fishing,
still haul in nets, chop wood or shoo the gulls from a rack fertility, war and the like, but without much reverence.
of drying fish. Older Haslanti view the defeated gods with indulgent pity,
as if the gods were once-great warriors now enfeebled by
RELIGION AND THE SUPERNATURAL age. The young have started telling jokes. Only the Outwall
The Haslanti do not consider themselves a “spiritual” tribes retain much interest in petty local spirits, and only
people. They do not care about abstruse doctrines or mys- because they still must deal with these erratic powers.
tical enlightenment. No, they take the same hardheaded, Loss of reverence for local Terrestrial gods also leads
practical approach to the supernatural as they do with to interest in the great Celestial gods. The Haslanti re-
everything else. The Haslanti know their friends, their foes gard Luna as too great to hear mortal prayers, but many
and what’s useful. still honor her. Voharun and Nasamara, the twin gods
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
the Scriptorium of the Northern Sky. (See The Manual of
Exalted Power—The Sidereals, pp. 76–77, for a descrip- EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULES
tion of this arcane academy.) The Haslanti government Not every city-state follows this plan. Fair Isle
welcomes foreign thaumaturges who are willing to pledge and Diamond Hearth have no Outwall. As a result,
their loyalty to the League. Fair Isle alternates its assemblies between the town
and ad hoc gatherings of fishers, whalers and miners
GOVERNMENT on the Great Ice. Diamond Hearth holds all its as-
The Haslanti League is a federal state—more than a semblies in town, and they’re shams anyway.
confederation, for a central government wields significant
authority, but the nine city-states retain major powers of
their own. The Haslanti jerry-rigged the system from tribal
put the matter to the Oligarchs. This council also oversees
custom and bits of political and legal theory that filtered
the League’s military in defending the League, the diplomatic
north from the Scavenger Lands and Cherak. The result
corps in dealing with other nations, and the treasury in coin-
incorporates tribal chiefs and constitutional law, democratic
ing the League’s money.
assemblies and divine fiat.
An Oligarch must be native-born Haslanti, over the
THE CITY-STATES age of 45, with a record of at least 10 successful arbitrations
To people from points south, most of the League’s cit- in disputes where at least a talent of silver was at stake (or
ies look more like towns. Nevertheless, each member city goods of equivalent value; this includes capital criminal
has title to a section of Outwall that could be a good-sized cases). Her city-state’s four assemblies must then elect her to
country anywhere else. Borders are wiggly, fuzzy and shift- the post. Since each segment of Haslanti society wants one
ing, as city-states hash out who owns a particular emerald, of its own in the job, choosing an Oligarch can take years in
salmon stream or deposit of ore. some cases. The haphazard electoral process usually begins
Each city-state also receives any islands off its coast and a three years before a current Oligarch runs out her 18-year
section of the White Sea’s northern coast for about 100 miles term. No Oligarch can serve two terms.
inland. Everything beyond that is open territory, available Most Haslanti city-states hold one seat each on the
to whoever wants to stake a claim, in whatever quantity he Council of Oligarchs. Icehome and Ironfall each receive two
can hold. The White Sea itself is common to all fishers and seats, due to their greater population. The 12th Oligarch,
whalers, as well. No city-state can forbid travel through its who serves as the council’s president, is elected by a special
territory. The nomad herdfolk and Great Ice prospectors insist process. The other 11 Oligarchs submit a list of seven nomi-
on the right of all Haslanti to go anywhere in the League, as nees to a special college of Dreamseers. The Dreamseers go
long as they do not take the resources of its owners. to Twisted Stone, where they meet the gods. These gods
For a legislature, each city-state has four district as- then select the 12th Oligarch.
semblies per year, according to the formula: “One for the Many Haslanti know that the committee of gods includes
greenfield, one for the sea and two for the Outwall.” One the Haslanti Ennead and a number of totem animal avatars.
assembly meets in the city itself, one among the people of Very few mortals know that Lunar Exalted also attend.
the Great Ice and two among the emerald-dwellers and POLITICAL PARTIES
nomads. Every sector of Haslanti society thus receives due Three factions emerged among the Oligarchs and
representation. Any citizen can attend, speak and vote, though among politically minded Haslanti in general.
tribe or clan chiefs, shamans, wealthy merchants and other The Deft Hands resist central authority, foreign trade
community leaders dominate the proceedings. and urbanization, supporting tribal authority and tradi-
Provincial assemblies can pass any law that does not tion instead. While members of this party could hardly be
contradict the League’s constitution, the Twisted Stone Ac- called pacifists (they generally support dueling and tribal
cords. No law becomes valid, however, until greenfield, Great rights to vendetta), they oppose aggression against the
Ice and Outwall assemblies all pass the law by majority vote. League’s tribal neighbors. In assemblies and the Council,
After all, what’s good for greenfield folk might not be good the Deft Hands try to steer more wealth from the cities and
for an iceholt or a wandering tribe of mammoth-hunters. wealthy landholders to the Outwall tribes and emeralds.
The Haslanti do not pass new laws quickly. They view wealth as belonging to the community, the
way a whole tribe owns and manages a herd of reindeer
THE COUNCIL OF OLIGARCHS or mammoth, rather than something individuals amass
The supreme authority in League government shows
and keep for themselves.
legislative and executive aspects, but it fundamentally acts
Ivory Smile, the current President of the Council,
as a high court for the Haslanti city-states, towns and tribes.
also leads the Deft Hands faction among the Oligarchs.
When someone claims that a law of her district violates the
She is 86 years old, with bright black eyes in a wrinkled
Twisted Stone Accords, or two city-states have a dispute, they
brown face. Her hair remains dark (thanks to dye) and
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
In her travels, the Archon presides over 18–20 hand-to-hand weapons, the Haslanti prefer swords (es-
provincial assemblies a year. While the Archon cannot pecially great swords), spears and axes. Most Haslanti
openly support or oppose laws, she can influence League can use a bow as well. They prefer long bows, but the
governance through the laws she chooses to forward from Fyrd equips itself with crossbows as fast as the League
assembly to assembly or province to province. The mere can manufacture them.
fact that an Archon reports on the laws debated by another General Bjorn Varjnison holds overall command of
city-state’s assemblies suggest that the issue is important the Fyrd and the local militias, with the full confidence
to the League as a whole. of the Oligarchs and all the provincial assemblies. This
broad-shouldered, brown-bearded son of an Ironfall farmer
THE LEAGUE’S MILITARY looks somewhat eccentric as he stalks about, smoking a
Most Haslanti know how to fight. When wolves or long white clay pipe and muttering to himself, but he
bandits attack, a farmer or nomad must deal with the situ- single-handedly killed a snow lion and possesses a keen
ation himself. Anyone might need to fight a duel too. strategic mind. He is also the grandson of one of the
Every Haslanti, therefore, is potentially part of the Lunars in the Twisted Stone Conclave, and regularly
national militia. Most young men and women also spend confers with that body as well as the Haslanti government.
tours of duty as full-time soldiers in their community’s local General Varjnison lobbies to build the League’s military
militia. (The usual tour consists of two months a year, for still further. Powerful as it is, thanks to its remarkable
at least four years between the ages of 16 and 25.) A vil- mobility, he fears it could not save the League from the
lage or tribe might muster several dozen soldiers mounted Bull of the North or a mass assault from the necromantic
on elk or reindeer and a half-dozen glider-borne scouts. Tear Eater tribes.
A greenfield’s militia numbers in the hundreds to 1,000
full-time soldiers (even more for Icehome). Greenfield THE ICE SQUADRON
militias also include a few iceships and a few dozen glider For a sea that stays frozen most of the year, the
pilots. Of course, any militia can easily call up many more Haslanti navy sails iceships. The Ice Squadron includes
people from the community—most Haslanti consider a small number of ordinary sailing ships and galleys for
themselves militia reservists. use in summer, when the southern reaches of the White
Local militias, however, cannot fight real wars. To Sea break into pack ice and open water, but the League’s
this end, the League created three distinct military forces: naval power is much reduced for this season. The iceships
the Fyrd, the Ice Squadron and the Wind Fleet. These go into dry-dock or head to ports on the Great Ice. For the
three forces serve the Council of Oligarchs rather than rest of the year, the League owns the White Sea. Not so
the city-states. Though small, they make a formidable many people realize that iceships can leave the frozen sea
combination. Until the Bull of the North’s rise, no one in to sail up frozen rivers, or across ice-covered tundra—until
the North could surpass the League at projecting military a Haslanti battle group sails up to their camp or fortress,
power at a distance. perhaps 100 miles inland. Haslanti iceships also sail across
the smoother portions of the Great Ice.
THE FYRD The Ice Squadron has nine cruisers: two outfitted
Each city-state donates troops to a full-time army for as troop transports (each can carry a dragon of Fyrd
the entire League. On average, each city-state sends about soldiers), seven equipped with artillery that ranges from
1,000 soldiers, who serve two-year hitches. The Fyrd’s ballistae to concussive Essence cannon. They are named
officer corps consists of another 1,000 or so full-time, for the nine city-states of the League. Nine smaller ships
professional soldiers. called coasters can each carry a talon of fully equipped
The Fyrd operates in 500-man dragons, 250-man wings troops, while another 27 patrol coasters each carry a pair
or 125-man talons, as needed. Fyrd units police greenfields of heavy ballistae.
in partnership with the local militia, chase bandits and All sailors in the Ice Squadron are volunteers who
battle invading barbarians, hobgoblins and other enemies. already served in their local militias. The captains and
In a crisis, the Fyrd can draft all local militias. officers are career military men and women. Each captain
Most Fyrd members can ride elk or reindeer, though runs an independent command, with no division of the
they typically dismount for battle; the League has little fleet into battle groups. When a mission calls for more than
real cavalry. Many soldiers also know how to use skis or one ship, the Ice Squadron’s admiral, Blue Dragonfish,
snowshoes. The Council of Oligarchs would like all Fyrd orders the captains to work together—most likely with
troops to receive glider and parachute training, but that the admiral himself in overall command. Blue Dragonfish,
day is far off. For now, the League trains only a few dragons a Haslanti-born outcaste Terrestrial Exalt, stays in the
of such elite troops. field whenever possible. If the Oligarchs manage to trap
Fyrd soldiers often wear chain shirts or hauberks; him behind his desk, one of his vice-admirals commands
any Haslanti soldier wears at least a buff jacket. For the battle group.
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The first branch of the Ears operates in “fists” of five
agents or “double fists” of 10. Blooded Hawks conduct raids
(often by glider) to destroy enemy supplies, kill commanders
and otherwise impair an enemy’s readiness to fight. Some
agents also act as infiltrators and military advisors, plant-
ing themselves within Guild caravans, tribes or villages
as needed. They guide and assist leaders friendly to the
Haslanti and make trouble for the League’s foes.
The Blooded Hawks number about 200, and have
six air boats second class for rapid transportation. Several
dozen stay on call for immediate deployment. Another few
dozen are on extended missions throughout the League’s
sphere of interest.
The analytical branch of the Ears strives to figure out
what the League’s enemies are doing or planning, and
to conceal the League’s intentions from those enemies.
Their numbers include code-breakers and code-makers,
linguists, Dreamseers and thaumaturges, as well as experts
on a wide variety of other topics. Information sources
range from military documents captured by the Blooded
Hawks to court gossip heard by the Soothing Speakers.
The Cunning Dancers know quite a bit about events and
personalities around the League’s margins. The analysts
work especially hard to keep tabs on the Guild, though
the Bull of the North recently eclipsed that old foe as a
topic of concern.
Most of the time, Cunning Dancers stay in the
League’s cities, where they also work as traders, interpret-
ers, savants or other diverse occupations. Individuals may
go on field missions, though, when other agents need an
expert on hand.
The third branch of the Ears pulls double duty as
crafters of cunning devices and crafters of disinformation.
The two fields sometimes overlap, as when the Ears of the
North want to fake a troop movement. The Shapers of
Form invented the folding glider, the miniature crossbow,
the fire mine and many other wondrous devices. Important
subsidiary groups at Windcreche and Ironfall study First
Age devices and try to duplicate their effects with Second
Age materials and techniques.
Whereas the Blooded Hawk may kill as part of com-
mando raids, assassination is the principal duty of the
Shadow Knives. These agents know a wide variety of
methods for killing the League’s enemies, from bludgeons
to poisoned cups. They are also skilled at breaking and
entering, disguise, social graces and whatever else they
need to approach a target. Most of them know a craft or
form of entertainment to use as part of a cover identity.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
grenades or other unpleasantness on the enemy while the weapons; plus two second-class air boats and 12 gliders. Only
Fyrd engages on the ground. This could be treated as two half the troops carry bows or crossbows.
combat units acting together—or the air support could Overall Quality: Good
be treated as special equipment appended to the larger Magnitude: 7
ground force, increasing its Might. Drill: 2
The League might send a Joint Task Force such as Close Combat Attack: 3
this one to besiege an entire city or a barbarian horde. Close Combat Damage: 3
The task force consists of a dragon of Fyrd troops supple- Ranged Attack: 2
mented by another dragon’s worth of local militia and two Ranged Damage: 1
second-class air boats, themselves capable of launching a Endurance: 5 Might: 1
dozen gliders. Armor: 2 (-3 mobility penalty) Morale: 3
Commanding Officer: Colonel Swantje Ennesdottir Formation: Use of great swords, axes and other weapons
Armor Color: Mottled gray and white surcoat with various that require a lot of space prevents the troops from fighting
heraldic images in close formation; they usually stick to relaxed formation.
Motto: “Victory for the League” Colonel Ennesdottir has seven relays (including one on each
General Makeup: 2,000 mixed infantry with equal num- air boat) who send messages by waving colored flags. The air
bers wearing chain hauberks or buff jackets, with slotted or boats also carry two of her five heroes, and two artillerists
pot helms; armed with great swords, axes, spears and other who function as sorcerers. Her remaining three heroes each
command dragons of ground troops.
The North holds many societies besides the three most two of these satrapies, a coalition of patrician families owns
well known to outsiders: Whitewall, Gethamane and the a third, and the Thousand Scales owns the fourth. And,
Haslanti League. Some of these societies’ folk are civilized, “owns” is the correct word—not “administers,” “exploits” or
in that they build cities. Others are barbarians, living only in even “rules”—for virtually everyone in these four satrapies is
villages or as nomads. A few are not human. Some struggle to a slave. In the four Deshan satrapies, slaves even own other
become something new and greater; others struggle to hold slaves… but a tiny class of people from the Realm owns
what they have and cling to the past. None of them escape them all. Although they cover only small portions of the
the Time of Tumult. Deshan, they give the region its other name among Realm
inhabitants: the Slave Coast.
DESHAN: THE COASTAL The Realm values the Deshan satrapies quite highly.
They are not the richest of the Realm’s possessions in the
SLAVE STATES Threshold. They do not produce the jade of Harborhead or
The north coast of the Inland Sea is sometimes called the silk of An-Teng, while the little province of the Lap
the Deshan. It holds a multitude of little kingdoms and surpasses the agricultural output of all four satrapies put
city-states, all more or less influenced by the Realm. Aside together. Nevertheless, the Deshan’s vegetables, grain and
from Cherak (which effectively is part of the Realm), the meat help to feed the Realm and keep food prices low, and
largest and richest of these provinces are four satrapies of the the Realm will not give them up lightly. The Realm might
Realm—though they remain small and poor compared to not have much choice, though, for all four satrapies currently
most prefectures on the Blessed Isle. Dynastic families own move toward rebellion.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
a reward. Immediately east of Wallport, the satrapy of Serrat triumvirate representing the Ambrim, Jesk and Therusa
functions under the direct administration of the Thousand families descended from the three ministers. No triumvir
Scales but also has strong loyalty to House Ragara. House serves for more than 10 years, though, so no family has a
Peleps owns and rules Amber River, the largest and most chance to dominate through the longevity of a Dragon-
prosperous of the four states, not far from Cherak. Blooded representative. The Empress gave the Thousand
Huge commercial farms called latifundiae cover most Scales the privilege of appointing its own satrap to Serrat…
of the four satrapies. A latifundia has a population ranging except the political infighting among the various bureau
between 300 and 3,000. Each province also has a capital city chiefs meant they always needed her to break their deadlocks
that shares its name, with a population of 60,000 to 100,000, when choosing one.
and one to three lesser cities with populations of 10,000 to
30,000. There are no towns, villages or small farms, for the A DRUGGED POPULACE
provincial overlords fear that rebellious slaves could too Legally defining everyone as property does not itself
easily overwhelm such settlements. suffice to render hundreds of thousands of people powerless.
The “Deshan System” would not function without the fact
NATIONS OF SLAVES that opium and marijuana can grow in the coastal North.
Although hundreds of miles separate the Deshan The quality is not high, but the consumers do not care. The
provinces, all four resemble each other a great deal. In each provinces also pay the Guild to import prodigious quantities
satrapy, only a few thousand inhabitants are free. Within of qat, cocaine and other drugs.
their number, a few dozen free and exceptionally wealthy In the hundreds of latifundiae, the landowners (or more
citizens—mostly Realm patricians, with a few Dynasts and likely, their slave estate managers) issue the field hands a
Dragon-Blooded “lost eggs” from the North—own the rest daily ration of opium. The slave-owners also reward especially
of the population. Slaves work the fields of the latifundiae. diligent slaves with cocaine, hashish or qat.
More than that, though, all the scribes and clerks, merchants, The Slave Coast overlords see the problems caused by
artisans and managers are slaves too. A single Dynast or drug use on such a massive scale. Scholars associated with the
patrician might own an entire town, from the wealthiest Thousand Scales calculate that agricultural production would
merchant to the lowliest kitchen cleaner. rise significantly if the labor force were not drugged. Yet, they
In these lands, slaves can own other slaves. A Dynast or also calculate that slave revolts would counter any profits from
patrician can own thousands of agricultural slaves directly, as removing the drugs. As it stands, most of the slaves become
well as latifundia managers, senior merchants and artisans. docile laborers who eagerly await their daily drug ration and
In turn, the shopkeepers and artisans own their apprentices, work to earn extra intoxicants. Slave revolts still occur, but
assistants and servants, while estate managers own their over- they rarely spread beyond a single latifundia or a single district
seers. Apart from the agricultural slaves, the higher a slave’s of a city. Most of the slaves are simply too apathetic to pick up
status is, the fewer owners he has. In the provincial cities, arms against their masters. Most of the field hands and urban
skilled and educated slaves are generally owned directly. In laborers happily spend their meager free time in a drug-induced
contrast, the poorest and least skilled servants might have stupor. Few have the energy or desire to plot against their
three or even four owners. For instance, a kitchen slave might masters. At least, that’s what the owners hope.
belong to an apprentice clerk in a business, who belongs to a Of course, owners can also discipline their slaves through
senior accountant, who belongs to a merchant factor, who is their control of the drug supply. If productivity drops,
owned directly by a Dynast or patrician overlord. they end the drug ration and let withdrawal provide the
In some ways, universal slavery makes management incentive to work harder. Cutting the drug supply doesn’t
of the satrapies exceptionally simple because the actual always end a slave revolt, but the owners know where the
citizenry numbers just a few thousand. The Realm’s satrap slaves will go: to the warehouses filled with crates of the
rules directly, rather than through a native figurehead. She drugs they crave.
governs the free populace. The slaves merely obey orders. The aspect of the Deshan System the Realm’s lead-
A slave can request things of his master but has no rights ers most dislike, indeed, is the influence it confers on the
and no power at all. Guild. In return for not contesting the Realm’s control of
what drugs it permits on the Blessed Isle, House Cynis and
THE SATRAPS House Peleps both granted the Guild a monopoly on foreign
The four provinces are also unusual in that the Empress
drug supplies to the Slave Coast. The two Dynastic Houses
pledged the post of satrap to particular groups. The satrap
make certain that the Deshan overlords do not buy their
of Dehenna always comes from the Pechenga household of
drugs from anyone else.
the Great House of Ledaal. That lineage owns Dehenna.
House Peleps owns Amber River, and while it does not get AGRICULTURAL SLAVES AND URBAN LABOR
to choose the satraps, the Empress would appoint a satrap Every morning, half-drugged slaves shuffle out of dor-
only from that House. Inahjal has a collective satrapy, a mitories that are locked and guarded at night. These slaves
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
harming a member of the ruling and owning class would set maculate leaders know that the slaves’ anger and despair leads
a bad precedent. It might give other slaves ideas… them into heresy, while drugging them to stupor prevents
slaves from proper performance of the Diligent Practices.
RAW FORCE Privately, many monks feel deep misgivings at the Deshan
The Deshan overlords do not rely only on drugs to keep System. The Scarlet Dynasty ordains it, though, so no abo-
their slave nations in line. The Eighth Legion of the Scarlet litionist movement has arisen… yet.
Empire garrisons all four provinces. Each satrap can call on
at least one dragon of troops in the province’s capital city,
while each latifundia hosts at least one scale of troops. These FAITH OF SLAVERS
well-armed and well-trained soldiers prevent most slaves Since the Deshan satrapies are wholly owned
from open revolt through their mere presence. On seasonal subsidiaries of the Scarlet Empire, the Immaculate
holidays, the local troops assemble and parade through the Doctrine is the only legal faith. As usual, the monks
streets to reassure the masters and to intimidate the slaves. conduct rites to honor cooperative gods. Much to
Every city also has a native militia of slave-soldiers, called the distaste of some, that includes Rabszolga, God
mamluks. The mamluks do not receive the high-quality arms of Slaves (see pp. 58–60 of The Books of Sorcery,
and training of Realm legionnaires. They train to massacre Vol. IV—The Roll of Glorious Divinity I); Burning
rioters, not to fight battles against other soldiers. When a slave Feather, Lady of Intoxicants (see pp. 49–50 ibid.); and
state faces attack from outside its borders, though, the Eighth Golden Reverie, God of Euphoria (see pp. 138–139
drafts the mamluks as arrow fodder to throw at the enemy while of The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. III—
the legionnaires maneuver to strike a decisive blow. Satraps Yu-Shan). The three gods like the Deshan provinces
also find the mamluks useful when they want to stun enemies very much and have even told certain members of the
through horrors, such as by impaling everyone in a village, Immaculate Order and the Scarlet Dynasty that they
right down to the children. Given the right doses of the right will retaliate against any attempt to end the Deshan
drugs, mamluks will commit any atrocity—and enjoy it. System. The patricians and Dynasts who own the
JACKALS provinces also like the system very much and demand
Specially trained slave hunters, colloquially called that their local Immaculates conduct appropriate
jackals, help keep slaves in line. Of all the slaves in the ceremonies to honor the three divine patrons.
Deshan, the jackals hold the highest rank. They are also
the most hated people in the satrapies. They take the job
in full knowledge that every other slave would kill them if BUILDING FOR SECURITY
they had the chance. The rural villas on the latifundiae are all built like for-
They are also the only slaves who can legally earn their tresses, with thick stone walls and narrow, barred windows.
freedom. (Masters can free any slaves they choose, but no Soldiers patrol them, inside and outside, day and night.
law obligates them to do so no matter what a slave’s achieve- During the night, the soldiers lock the field hands in large
ments.) Slave hunters earn their freedom after they work at barracoons with bars on the windows and guards stationed
the job for at least 15 years and capture a sufficient number outside. What’s more, animal trainers release large, fierce dogs
of slaves. While a handful of slave hunters occasionally let or other lethal pets at night (for instance, a Dynast might set
a small number of slaves who touch their hearts go free, her simhata on guard). These beasts roam the fields and open
most jackals are grim, merciless and indeed sadistic pursuers. spaces, attacking anyone they find out late at night except for
Jackals readily track escaped slaves to the ends of Creation, Dynasts and a few servants whom the beasts have been trained
in the knowledge that the more slaves they capture, the to spare. Runaway agricultural slaves who do not manage to
sooner they go free. leave the fields of the latifundia far behind before nightfall
are often mauled or devoured by these animals.
THE IMMACULATE ORDER The cities of the slave states are equally secure. Each is
The Wyld Hunt remains strong in the four slave prov- divided into walled districts: as few as nine or as many as 100
inces. Immaculate leaders fear that a slave will draw a foul (for the city of Amber River). The walls between districts are
Second Breath as one of the Anathema, or that one of the usually four yards high and at least two yards thick, made of
Anathema will see an opportunity to turn a country’s mass stone or brick. Each district has just one or two main streets
of slaves into his own private and horrifically loyal army. that pass through gateways between districts. At night,
Naturally, the local Immaculate monks spend much of Realm soldiers close and lock heavy gates of ironbound wood
their time enforcing religious purity among the slaves. The between the districts. City guards man small doorways next
civil and religious leaders punish the worship of Anathema, to the gates, for citizens and slaves with special passes that
demons, Deathlords or Fair Folk as severely as they punish permit travel at night.
slave revolts: Every captured cultist dies as a public example In the event of a riot, plague or some other major distur-
to other slaves. Nevertheless, such cults keep appearing. Im- bance, the soldiers close and lock all the doors and gates to
Despite all the drugs and harsh punishments, slave revolts
steadily increase in the Deshan satrapies. Betwee
Between the disap-
pearance of the Empress and the Bull of the North
North’s victories,
the Scarlet Empire no longer looks invincible. D Dehenna and
Amber River both saw large revolts in the last year
year, and rumors
speak of an even larger revolt building in Serrat
Most revolts are mere riots. One slave snaps an
and lashes out
in rage. Other slaves join in. The authorities usual
usually quell such
riots within hours or, at most, days. Planned rebell
rebellions happen
less often but become much more difficult to qu quell.
Slaves who join in a spontaneous riot have a chance to
live if they immediately surrender when the milmilitia appears.
Most rioters suffer nothing worse than flogging. Otherwise,
the militia kills them all.
Slaves who deliberately rebel know that th they will most
likely all die. Burning an entire district alive is only one
of the horrific punishments that await slaves who revolt.
Other common fates include mass impalemen
impalement, death by
flogging and grotesquely elaborate executions that do not
bear description.
Knowing what awaits them, rebel slaves ty typically fight
to the death. They also exact terrible vengea
vengeance on any
slave owners they capture: torture (likely includ
including rape for
women), mutilation and eventual death. In most cases, rebel-
lious slaves only manage to capture privileged, h high-ranking
slaves and a few mortal patricians. Only a large, ex
well-trained and fanatical band of slaves could capture one
of the Terrestrial Exalted. More likely, the Drag
either win free of their attackers—or go down figfighting, since
they know what the slaves will do to them.
A slave has only two ways to survive part
participation in
a revolt. The first way is to surrender in the m
middle of the
revolt and betray fellow slaves to their capture and death.
Slaves who do this usually lose status. For the n
next decade,
a traitor also cannot hold any job where he ccould find a
chance to harm his master. Such slaves are
not otherwise punished. Yet, slaves who
inform their masters about an up-
comingg slave revolt
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
They then do their best to free others slaves and, whenever
WHEN THE LOWEST KILL THE HIGHEST possible, add them to their numbers. The rebels also kill
Slaves have successfully killed Dynasts only a or terrorize slave owners. They are especially hard on the
few times in the three centuries since the inception wealthy, privileged slaves who own other slaves. Although
of the grand Deshan experiment—in half the cases, all of these rebels dream of killing a patrician or even one of
killing them in their sleep—but these events become the Dragon-Blooded, most of them know that they have little
legends passed down through generations of slaves. chance of doing so. Even if they did, the Realm would hunt
Just showing that one knows such stories can result them even more intensively than it does now. Therefore,
in a slave having her tongue cut out. they settle for killing the enemies they can reach.
With tales of Solar Anathema appearing through- With each villa burned, each storehouse looted or
out the Threshold, though, even the doughtiest slave-owner slain, the rebels leave the mark of a handprint in
Dynasts now watch their slaves with dread. When will blood. Patricians and especially the wealthier, slave-owning
one of them draw a foul Second Breath as Anathema? slaves now fear that mark as the sign of an organized rebel
Or, when will one of the Anathema come to the Slave movement within all four satrapies.
Coast and suddenly transform legions of drug-fuddled In reality, the Bloody Hand rebels consist of dozens of
slaves into skilled and terrible warriors? So far, rumors small and completely separate bands. The few dozen rebels
of Anathema activity usually turn out to be nothing in each band try to fight the slave owners in their region.
more than drunken tales, scare stories or wishful They heard stories about other rebels using the Bloody Hand
thinking on the part of slaves. So far… mark and thought it sounded like a good idea.
Some of these bands would like to contact other rebels.
Most of their attempts end in disaster. They find a slave who
receive luxuries and higher status positions. If the informer says she knows another Bloody Hand group but actually leads
averts a major revolt, the satrap might even free him. the rebels into a trap. The local militia and legionnaires then
Naturally, the incentives to treachery make planning a hunt down and destroy the rebel village.
slave revolt an exercise in paranoia. Who can a leader trust? Within their own area, though, the most skilled of these
rebels can sow terror. They deliver a few dozen slaves a year
FLIGHT TO FREEDOM from bondage. Sometimes, they even make the most fear-
The other way to survive a slave revolt is to escape into
ful slave owners a bit more reluctant to abuse their slaves.
territory beyond the Realm’s reach. Even without revolts,
Although slaves face death if they display the symbol, many
hundreds of slaves break and run for freedom every year.
Deshanites dream of the Bloody Hand. They feel a thrill
If slaves stay on the Inland Sea coast, however, jackals
of hope whenever they see it boldly emblazoned on the
usually find them sooner or later. Slaves who head into
doorway of a wealthy and cruel slave, who now lies dead in
the Northern interior must contend with a harsh climate,
her private garden, while her personal slaves race across the
fierce beasts and barbarians with scarcely more pity—for
border to freedom.
a start. If a slave is very lucky, she finds a community that
takes her in. UNDEAD TROUBLES
Slaves from Inahjal and Serrat usually head for White- The slave states face an additional problem aside from
wall. If they reach it before jackals catch them, the Syndics slave revolts. Tortured and murdered slaves regularly leave
take them in. Slaves from other satrapies face greater dif- behind ghosts—hungry or otherwise. Exorcists from the
ficulty but sometimes find a haven in other Northern cities, Realm try to bind slaves in death as they were in life, bury-
towns or tribes. They strive only to make a living and a life ing them behind lines of salt and thaumaturgical wards.
in freedom… and to avoid the jackals. Rebellious slaves often try to evade these rules. Some slaves
hope to create ghosts to attack their masters. Others simply
REBEL POCKETS want their departed relatives and loved ones to rest in free
Some escaped slaves do not believe they can find a
earth and not a graveyard specially designed as a prison for
refuge. Others feel too much hatred to abandon the Slave
slaves. Of course, the Dynasts are not foolish enough to
Coast completely, or they feel called to help other slaves
teach thaumaturgy to even the most trusted slaves. The
escape. These escaped slaves build small, hidden villages in
Realm instead employs several hundred thaumaturges from
the hills. Here, they subsist on stolen food, whatever they
the Blessed Isle.
can hunt or gather, and the meager supplies that a few of
the braver slaves slip to them in secret. FELL NEIGHBOR
They don’t just survive, though. They fight back. The Slave States all guard their borders with watchtowers,
fences and patrols of dogs and slave-soldiers. At the northern
THE BLOODY HAND border of Serrat, however, the border guards do not go out after
Escaped slaves who return to the satrapies steal weap-
dark—for Serrat lies due south of the immense and terrible
ons from militia barracks or from Realm soldiers they kill.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Drill: 1 and burn until soldiers move in to kill ththem, or they find
Close Combat Attack: k: 3 the collective good sense to run. Their rag
rage, however, gives
Close Combat Damage: age: 3 them a semblance of courage.
Ranged Attack: 1 Commanding Officer: None
Ranged Attack Damage: age: 2 Armor Color: None
Endurance: 4 Might: ght: 0 Motto: Incoherent shouting
Armor: 1 (-1 mobility)ty) Morale: 2 General Makeup: 30 to 60 furious men an and women with no
Formation: Mamluks ks don’t want to get armor, carrying knives, improvised clubs an
and other weapons
too far from each other,
her, but lack the of convenience.
training to fight effectively
tively in close Overall Quality: Poor
formation. They alwaysways fight in Magnitude: 2
relaxed formation, whenen they aren’t Drill: 0
milling about in confusion.
sion. Talon- Close Combat Attack: 2
lord Nyla might have three slave Close Combat Damag
Damage: 2
scalelords as heroes, but
ut no relays Ranged Attack: 1
and definitely no sorcerers.
cerers. Ranged Attack Damag
Damage: 1
Endurance: 4 Might: 0
SLAVE RIOTERS Armor: 0 Morale: 4
Description: Thehe most
Formation: Unordered. The
common combat unit nit
rioters hhave no special
in the Slave Coast is
simply a mob of slaves
that exploded in rage.
The slaves kill, loott
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
the city into blocks, each block is a maze of courtyards and also choose a small council of officials—the Selectmen—to
narrow passages. Urban homes keep their doors facing a carry out the results of these votes and to handle relations
courtyard. Only shops, factories and other places of business with the national government.
ever face the street. Shanarinara’s growing cities continue this pattern. Large
Nowadays, more than a dozen mines of tin (and lesser settlements are divided into wards of about 5,000 inhabitants
quantities of lead and silver) dot the hills of Shanarinara. The who mostly live and work together. These residents vote on
country’s single jade mine is not very large—Whitewall has all major issues, just like the inhabitants of smaller towns. In
six larger jade mines—but the royalties paid by the Guild for addition, the Selectmen they elect have the additional duty of
the jade alone are more money than older Shanari imagined working with the councils of the other wards. The assembled
could exist in the world. ward councils of a city form that city’s central government.
Unfortunately, none of the ore deposits turned out to be In both small towns and large cities, the town or ward
as large as the Shanari or the Guild thought. Two tin mines council democratically elects a single Selectman to travel to
have already played out, and the mining savants estimate that Inara to sit on the national Senate. Every urban ward, town
the others will be exhausted within another 50 years. The and group of villages in the nation has a delegate. Every
jade mine will likely play out sooner. No one can guess the month, the Senate elects a new Secretary—the closest the
extent of the soulsteel deposit, and the miners from Gradafes nation comes to a head of state.
remove the metal slowly. Prospectors have already found The large and often raucous Shanarinara Senate governs
hints of additional ores—some tin, also iron, copper and a the entire nation. This form of government usually results in
little silver—beyond the nation’s borders. The icewalkers, slow decisions and extensive compromise. When the interests
however, still control these territories. of the various Senators all line up, though, they can act with
unexpected speed and with full confidence that their constitu-
GOVERNMENT ents will back their actions. Indeed, national crises sometimes
Direct democracy endures as the standard form of
stampede the Senators into decisions they later regret.
government for every community of less than 5,000. The
inhabitants of towns and villages gather together and vote on COMMUNICATION
every important issue. Every year, immediately after Calibra- In the last 50 years, the national government has used
tion, the inhabitants of every town and collection of villages its new wealth to build a heliograph network between every
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
lived in towns or cities. Today, that number has risen to brawls. Hundreds of immigrants are beaten each year. Now
one in seven. Inara, the nation’s largest metropolis, has a and then, angry young men burn down a shop owned by
population of 250,000 and growing. The government also successful immigrants.
finds the manpower to embark on large public works, such Yet, only native Shanari can vote. There have been
as trading roads meant to connect Inara to Fella, Gethamane several proposals to expand voting rights to everyone born in
and White Ribs—none completed yet. Shanarinara, but the conservative inhabitants of the nation’s
A fraction of these immigrants are highly skilled and small farming towns strongly oppose these measures. This
well paid experts such as thaumaturges, doctors, artisans and gives immigrants grounds for resentment in return.
engineers. These experts have become an exotic upper class.
They remain distinct from Shanarinara’s native upper class
Most wards and immigrant ghettos act like invisible
of landowners, merchants, priests and local artisans. Many
barriers. The Nexus folk just don’t mix with the Calinti
of these wealthy new residents intend to stay only a decade
much, and none of the Scavenger Lands immigrants have
or so before they return to their homelands. If they intend to
much good to say about the Haslanti—some of them live
stay, they often make an effort to fit in. They do not much
in tents. One small neighborhood, however, surrounds itself
threaten the existing social order. The position of the poorer
with high brick walls. Here dwell a few thousand rather pale
immigrants is far less secure.
people from Gradafes… and no one else. The Lover Clad
Most immigrants are semi-skilled laborers who toil in
in the Raiment of Tears sent them to work in the soulsteel
the workshops and factories of the growing cities or in the
mine. The miners work in shifts, two weeks on and six weeks
mines. Most of them come from the Scavenger Lands and
off. They spend their off period in Inara. First, only men
speak Riverspeak, not Skytongue. They live in their own
came. As the years passed, though, the miners sent for their
urban neighborhoods.
wives and children.
Some members of the local lower class resent the jobs
The largest building in the Gradafes Ward is a temple
that these laborers supposedly take away from them. Crime
of the dead, following that country’s version of the ancestor
has risen since the old days, too. The most common source
cult. The second-largest building is the Gradafes embassy.
of local dissatisfaction, though, is simply that the immigrants
Neither one looks very fancy, or obviously ominous, but few
are not part of Shanari culture. Everything from their food
Shanari would want to step into either of them.
to their faiths is radically different. Many older Shanari fear
As part of her embassy, the Lover sent a few dozen
their country will lose its native culture under the influx
Ghost-Blooded exorcists. These exorcists perform certain
of foreigners and their alien cultures. These conservative
special functions in mining the soulsteel. They also help
residents view the spread of foreign restaurants and foreign
keep Shanarinara free from the restless dead. The country’s
entertainment with a mixture of alarm and disgust.
border lies more than 100 miles from Marama’s Fell, but that
INARA isn’t enough to prevent all incursions.
The capital of Shanarinara used to be a small and quiet Older Shanari abhor the idea of dealing with the dead
city with a population of only 50,000. People still enjoyed and their allies. The inhabitants on the country’s southwestern
the hot springs. The city was also a center for the manu- margin, however, fear the restless dead of the Fell. Although
facture of distinctive Shanarinaran pottery. Today, Inara is many of these farmers and herders feel uncomfortable with
the most cosmopolitan city in a nation that is profoundly the Gradafesese, they also feel grateful for the wardings that
not used to being cosmopolitan. Almost a fifth of Inara’s keep their towns free from spectral invasions. Debate about
population is foreign born—this, in the capital itself! Here, the risks and desirability of dealing with Gradafes and its
the disruptions to Shanarinaran life show themselves at mysterious mistress forms a subject of discussions and argu-
their most extreme. ments in the homes, taverns and Senate of Shanarinara.
The Guild leases a full district of the city covering
more than a square mile in area. Inara is the primary point FOREIGN RELATIONS AND THE FUTURE
of trade between Shanarinara and the Guild, as well as the Shanarinara has tasted wealth and power for the first
center for the influx and adoption of foreign luxuries by time, and many inhabitants wish to expand and stabilize
the local populace. Wealthy Shanarinarans living in Inara their gains. Unfortunately, the nation’s population is
now regularly own silks and clocks from the Realm, exotic relatively small and not well equipped for war. Knowing
Haltan woodwork and occasionally even glasswork imported this, the Senate seeks allies. Gethamane and Fella seem
from the South. like the nearest and safest allies, but also the least useful.
To many older or rural residents of Shanarinara, Inara Whitewall expresses interest in increasing trade, though,
has become a symbol of the foreign corruption that has in- while seeming distant enough not to become a threat. The
vaded this land. Young working-class Shanari who come to Haslanti League also makes overtures, but the Shanari
Inara often resent the many foreign workers who live here. suspect the aggressive Haslanti see their rich little country
They show their resentment through petty vandalism and as a plum to pluck.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Shanarinara, a Magnitude 4 Domain
Military: 2 Culture: 2 Government: 3
Abilities: Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 2, Craft 3, Integrity 3 (Tight-Knit Heritage +2), Investigation 1, Occult 1,
Performance 2 (Rousing Rhetoric +1), Presence 1, Stealth 1, War 3 (Slash and Burn Tactics +1)
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 3
Limit Break: Temperance Current Limit: 2
Willpower: 9
Bonus Points: 20 External Bonus Points: 6
Notes: Shanarinara is a growing and expansionist state. Its own bonus points are invested in two dots of Will-
power, a dot of War and its two specialties. Its six external bonus points come from its (so far) very loose alliance
with Gradafes and the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears, as well as the Guild. These points go to another dot of
Willpower. In Limit Break, Shanarinara sends its armies and hordes of settlers out to claim nearby lands and fight
the icewalkers and anyone else who gets in their way.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
designed for raiding and exploration, these tribes also use
slow, wide iceships that carry all of their possessions, includ-
TOTEM COMPANIONS ing their dogs and other domestic animals. When the tribe
Once in a while, special totem animals become
comes to a good campsite, they anchor their iceships and
the companions of truly heroic icewalkers. When a
set up camp.
hero does a great service to the totem animal or the
Icewalkers also manufacture both one- and two-person
animal avatar (for instance, saving a reindeer herd
gliders and use them for scouting and various forms of aerial
from a pack of predators), the avatar sometimes sends
attacks. Anywhere they find cliffs or glacial edges near settle-
this hero a companion animal. Totem companions
ments or caravan routes that icewalkers wish to raid, they
have human intelligence. They can speak and under-
launch their cunningly made gliders of willow, hide and bone.
stand mortal speech. Instead of being a prey animal,
After scouting their target, the icewalkers launch their best
it becomes a member of the tribe. Anyone with such
warriors to glide down to the target, jump free of the glider
a companion is almost certainly either a tribal chief
as it lands and attack. Above them, younger warriors in two-
or shaman. Chiefs with such companions will never
person gliders carry skilled archers and javelin throwers. The
be deposed, unless they offend their companions or
pilot steers the glider, while the archer or javelineer rains
their animal avatars. In such cases, their animals
death on their enemies. Even the most skillful pilot, however,
repudiate them and might attempt to kill them.
cannot keep a glider aloft for more than a few hours.
In rules terms, totem companions have Intel-
ligence and Willpower equal to that of a heroic
mortal, and Physical and Social Attributes one
higher than normal for their kind. They heal and ICEWALKER TRAVEL
resist disease, infection and bleeding as well as one Travel Type Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly
of the Exalted and add half their Stamina to their Cargo Dog Sled 6 30 150 350
lethal soak. Totem companions are always purchased
Fast Dog Sled 10 50 250 600
as allies and not familiars or followers.
The greatest totem companions are the avatar’s Iceship 6 125 800 2,400
God-Blooded children, who have enlightened Es- Glider 25 — — —
sence and can learn spirit Charms. These mighty
creatures only become the companions of the greatest
God-Blooded or Exalted icewalkers.
Icewalkers cannot own more than they can carry, but they
All icewalker tribes use sleds, sleighs and sledges. The do not consider themselves poor. Due to their arrangement
latter vehicle resembles a sled or sleigh but has flat runners, with their totems, the tribes rarely lack for food. They risk
like skis. A sledge can travel on smooth ground such as peat- starvation only in the depths of winter, when the animals
bog or tundra, though they work better on snow. Icewalkers themselves risk death, or through the action of spirits—an
who ride horses, ponies, elk or reindeer also harness these offended Animal Master or perhaps a god that seeks to extort
animals to their vehicles, but dogs are more common. Many worship. The Winter Folk also work to freeze and starve their
clans of icewalkers follow their sacred herds by riding on chief mortal foes.
large dogsleds designed to carry tents, the young, the elderly A tribe’s quest for food and other necessary materials
and all of the necessities of life. Hunters and scouts use also leaves plenty of time for other activities. For instance,
lightweight one- or two-person dogsleds to travel on ahead, old icewalkers can teach the tribe’s epics to the young while
swiftly searching out both dangers and sources of additional they gather berries, or a team of duck hunters can plan daring
food. Icewalkers also use these two-person dogsleds in battle, raids while they trek to a distant lake. What’s more, large
with one icewalker driving and the other throwing javelins meat animals can feed a family for several days, leaving time
or shooting a bow. (See pp. 147–148 of Scroll of Kings for for other activities. During festivals, icewalkers enjoy berry
descriptions and traits of dogsleds and sleighs; sledges use wine, spruce beer and fermented milk as well as a variety of
the same traits.) hallucinogens. Icewalker tribes also hold elaborate storytelling
Farther north, some icewalkers use iceships. These ves- contests, recounting both traditional epics and recent deeds.
sels are smaller than Haslanti iceships (no larger than small Many icewalkers can sing as well as play bone flutes, small
coasters—see Scroll of Kings, p. 146) and slower, since they drums or fiddles. When several tribes meet on friendly terms,
generally use stone, bone or ivory runners instead of high- the resulting festival can last for several days.
grade steel. Still, they travel as much as 125 miles a day. A Regardless of what animal they follow, all icewalkers stay
few of the larger and wealthier tribes near the White Sea highly mobile. Some totem animals spend several months in
now travel primarily by iceship. In addition to small skiffs one location to breed or take refuge from the cold, but this
An icewalker tribe has two leaders, a chief and a shaman.
The chief bears principle responsibility for hunting, raiding FAILED SHAMANS
and resolving conflicts based on pride and honor. The sha- A would-be shaman had best accept her Animal
man deals with spiritual issues, from interceding with the Master’s rejection humbly and gracefully. Icewalker
tribe’s totem-god to resolving hidden grudges, grief and other legends tell of many embittered would-be shamans
emotional problems that are not easily faced head-on. who turned to the Fair Folk, the dead or the Wyld
and became monstrous villains. A tribe watches a
CHIEFS rejected candidate closely for signs of such debase-
An icewalker tribe chooses its chief by acclamation.
ment and drives her out on the least suspicion. Of
The chief is, by definition, the most respected and trusted
course, such hostile expectations easily become self-
individual in the tribe. The tribe follows him (chiefs are usu-
fulfilling prophecies.
ally male) because they trust and respect him. He has proven
Would-be shamans can also turn to chiminage.
himself repeatedly through successful hunts and battles. His
This practice involves selling oneself to a spirit: not just
own prestige makes him the arbiter of prestige and honor for
worshiping it, but directly working its will, providing
other tribal members. It helps if the chief also has a ready
outrageous sacrifices and even allowing it to possess
wit and force of personality.
one’s body. Icewalkers consider chiminage a debased
There are no formal elections for chief. Chiefs continue
practice, and their Animal Masters never demand it.
in their office until they step down, often after some serious
Other barbarian tribes sometimes have chiminage
failure, or when a challenger wins the approval of most of the
shamans, though. Chiminage is not intrinsically
tribe. Challenging a popular or successful chief is considered
evil, but it violates the laws of Heaven, so spirits
both foolish and wrong. Anyone who attempts to challenge a
who demand chiminage rarely do so for benevolent
chief’s position and fails to become the new chief is mocked
reasons. Of course, the icewalkers are also most likely
and derided as both overconfident and disrespectful.
to come into conflict with chiminage shamans who
SHAMANS serve the most hostile and demanding of Northern
The chief forms the apex of a system of prestige based on spirits. Icewalkers, therefore, often assume that any
strength, skill and charisma. They are admired and envied. chiminage shaman must be the demented slave of a
Every tribe has several warriors who hope to become chiefs malignant master.
themselves. It’s a common ambition for the young.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
The Animal Master becomes the shaman’s patron and LEADERSHIP DISPUTES
helps her deal with other spirits. Small gods and elementals Ideally, both the chief and the shaman approve every
do not want to anger powerful totem-gods by showing dis- major decision made in an icewalker tribe. In any immediate
respect to shamans… at least, that’s the threat the shaman crisis, the chief can override the commands of the shaman.
makes to recalcitrant spirits. Once the crisis is over, though, the dispute must be resolved
Icewalker shamans also study thaumaturgy. They favor in front of the entire tribe. If the two leaders cannot reach an
the Art of Spirit Beckoning for wheedling or extorting favors agreement, then the members of the tribe hear both positions
from small gods, or the Art of Elemental Summoning for treat- and choose the leader to follow by acclaim.
ing with that class of spirits. The Art of Husbandry enables a The tribe often determines whom to follow based upon
shaman to call prey animals, repel dangerous beasts, heal and some combination of the leader’s popularity and rhetorical
assist the tribe’s totem animal—and has darker uses, such as skill. That often means the tribe sides with the already-popular
beckoning enemies into danger. Of all paths, however, the chief. If, however, the shaman acts on the direct request of
icewalkers most value the Art of Warding and Exorcism for the the tribe’s Animal Master and the chief disagrees, the tribe
protection it gives against hostile spirits and malign forces. almost always ignores the chief and follows its shaman. Chiefs
Most of all, the shaman leads the tribe in worship of who do not acknowledge that they overstepped their author-
its Animal Master and delivering suitable honors to other ity by going against the wishes of the tribe’s totem spirit are
totem-gods as needed. The shaman propounds and enforces expected to step down at once.
the rules for proper treatment of the tribe’s totem animal. If
the tribe breaks its covenant, the shaman must perform suit- DIVIDING A TRIBE
able sacrifices: usually the bodies of animals that prey upon or When severe and lasting enmities disrupt a tribe, the
compete with the totem animal or, on rare occasion, the lives icewalkers have two options.
of the tribe members or outsiders who offended the Animal Sometimes, disputes arise from a single individual or a
Master through deliberate cruelty or needless slaughter of its handful of individuals whom no one else follows or agrees
totem animal. Angering the totem-god results in harsh and with. Such troublemakers can try to find another tribe to
immediate penalties ranging from prevention of successful take them in, or they can be driven out to survive as best as
hunts, to striking the shaman down where she stands. they can. If the troublemakers seem violent or dangerous,
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Of course, respected outsiders can fight. Yet, icewalk- icewalkers as dangerous savages because icewalkers so often
ers believe that conflicts with respected outsiders should decide that other folk are weak enough to rob—and therefore
not last long and neither side should hold a grudge. After deserve no respect. Icewalkers regularly trade with large cit-
all, people do what they must for survival and for honor. ies such as Whitewall, or with the Guild’s largest caravans,
Once the cause of a dispute is removed—say, by one tribe because they sensibly realize that they cannot possibly win
defeating the other in battle and claiming a patch of graz- a fight with such people.
ing land—then both sides can go about their presumably During lean years or exceptionally long or harsh winters,
honorable ways. icewalkers become fierce bandits who lay siege to villages
As a result, icewalkers allow respected outsiders to retreat and demand much of their foodstuffs, leaving only the ab-
or to conditionally, and honorably, surrender. Attempting solute minimum necessary for survival. (They leave that
to deprive a respected outsider of his honor or freedom is much only because they fear that a village of people who
considered a debased act—no better than cannibalism. Ice- starve to death filled with hate could become a shadowland
walkers general avoid stealing from respected outsiders. They or some similar horror. Their legends tell of villages giving
expect that other icewalkers and similar groups can defend themselves to Deathlords, demons or the Fair Folk to obtain
their own goods and suitably punish the thieves. revenge.) Villages and towns who comply with the icewalk-
ers’ demands are left unharmed, if hungry and destitute. The
icewalkers massacre townsfolk who try to fight back, however.
Icewalkers lack all compassion for lesser outsiders who fight
NON-ALIGNED ICEWALKERS AND THE BULL back but fail to defeat them. The fiercest and most brutal
OF THE NORTH icewalker tribes sometimes kill all of a town’s inhabitants
Icewalkers had legends of a great leader who would and pile their severed heads in a pyramid in the middle of
unite the tribes, but they imagined something like a the town square.
brief, heroic campaign to exterminate Wyld barbarians If townspeople defend themselves against an icewalker
once and for all or to loot all the soft city dwellers— attack but then surrender, most icewalkers only kill individuals
not to found an empire! Then the Bull of the North who actually killed one or more icewalkers. If the icewalkers
appeared and attracted scores of tribes to his banner. instead defeat and capture their foes, or if the townspeople
Many of the tribes not under the Bull’s influence attacked the icewalkers preemptively, the barbarians become
believe that he has made his followers into something far more liberal in their definition of whom they treat as a
other than icewalkers. Icewalkers do not band together threat. They may well kill all adults, adopt any children into
in vast numbers under a single leader. Instead, each their tribe and offer adolescents a choice between death or
tribe is effectively a large family that survives on its joining their ranks. Other tribes take adult survivors captive
own. Icewalkers who do not currently follow the Bull and sell them as slaves to the Guild or to the Haslanti. Since
of the North grow increasingly wary of his influence. lesser outsiders are already weak, servile and, in a sense, sub-
While no icewalker is foolish or desperate enough to human, icewalkers see no dishonor in enslaving them.
attack him, many chiefs and shamans counsel their Many small or isolated Northern settlements simply
tribes to stay out of the Bull’s alliance. The most pay off icewalker tribes who visit them. The icewalkers take
strident voices say the tribes that follow the Bull have care never to leave these towns completely destitute. They
become just as servile as the coastal peoples who bow leave the town the bare minimum it needs to survive, so the
their necks to the Realm. tribe can harvest them again. Icewalkers also see no honor
in killing lesser outsiders without need. It’s no crime, but it’s
nothing to brag about either.
LESSER OUTSIDERS Icewalkers sometimes present their demand for trib-
Most people—especially most townsfolk and farm- ute as payment to protect the town from rival tribes or
ers—fall into the icewalkers’ category of lesser outsiders. other marauders. In reality, this payment is little more than
Icewalkers believe that such folk are seriously deficient extortion—the town or village pays the icewalker tribe not
in honor, strength and overall worth. Lesser outsiders are to attack them. Still, the payment really might protect the
weak, however, not abhorrent. People who live as slaves or community from other icewalker tribes. The extorting tribe
servants or who otherwise let a powerful central authority gives the settlement a large and colorful banner signifying
push them around deserve pity at best, contempt at worst. which tribe the town has paid. Other icewalker tribes, and
So does anyone in good health who cannot survive out in in fact other barbarians, then know that attacking the vil-
the wilderness. lage would show serious disrespect to the other tribe… and
Icewalkers see nothing wrong with robbing lesser outsid- the tribe would have to fight them or lose face. Wise village
ers whenever the need and the opportunity presents itself. leaders try to avoid paying smaller or weaker icewalker tribes,
They trade with lesser outsiders, however, if doing so seems since larger and more powerful tribes typically ignore such
safer or easier. Most civilized people in the North see the banners and extort their own tribute.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
also result in large numbers of dead icewalkers. The leaders armor, and armed with chopping swords and bows or spears
of Whitewall, Cherak and other Northern states resist calls and javelins.
to exterminate marauding icewalker tribes. Aside from the Overall Quality: Good
likelihood that any such attempt could result in the attackers’ Magnitude: 3
being declared debased outsiders—and thus attracting more Drill: 2
icewalkers—the leaders of these nations remind their people Close Combat Attack: 4 Close Combat Damage: 3
that the icewalkers help to destroy much worse threats to Ranged Attack: 3 Ranged Damage: 2
Northern mortals. The Haslanti even pay small bounties to Endurance: 6 Might: 1 Armor: 2 (-1 mobility)
icewalkers who arrive bearing recent remains of monsters Morale: 3
they have killed. While no civilized people other than the Formation: Icewalkers excel at ambushes, but when battle
Haslanti have anything positive to say about the icewalkers, begins, they throw javelins, fire bows and then all charge into
almost everyone prefers them to the walking dead, the savage battle in skirmish formation. Chief Largent is an extraordi-
Varajtul cannibals or similar inhuman creatures. nary warrior—near the limit of what mortals can achieve
without Essence—and also rides an intelligent mammoth
MAMMOTH TOTEM RAIDING PARTY companion into battle.
Description: This band consists of 90 savage icewalker
warriors. The tribe’s chief often leads such a major raiding
party. Most bands also include a shaman who provides the
In addition to powerful or widespread cultures such as
best warriors with various talismans. A major raiding party
Whitewall, the Haslanti or the icewalkers, the North holds
also likely includes a dozen or two warriors who have trained
a multitude of small, localized cultures. These folk do not
to use two-person gliders for reconnaissance, surprise attacks
shift the course of empires. At least, they never have yet…
and aerial bombardment. The glider-born commandos, more
In the Time of Tumult, however, who can say what modest
than the limited supply of talismans or other thaumaturgical
town or tribe might rise to power or become crucial to the
equipment, accounts for the unit’s Might.
ambitions of people mightier than themselves?
Commanding Officer: Chief Largent Terrorslayer
Armor Color: Widely varied scavenged and stolen armor FELLA
Motto: “Mammoth! Mammoth! Mammoth!” In the First Age, the city of Fellara was famous for
General Makeup: 90 savage barbarians wearing a mixture its medical school, the precision machinery created in its
of buff jackets, breastplates and stolen Imperial lamellar factories and its traditional of democratic self-government.
This skill in medicine persisted through the Low First Age.
The medical school grew into a great university, and Fellara
grew into one of the leading cities of the North. That medical
skill served Fellara well during the Great Contagion. Slightly
more than a quarter of Fellara’s population survived due to
the tireless efforts of its physicians. Unfortunately, the city’s
prominence made it an attractive target for the Fair Folk and,
consequently, for the Empress’s counterattack.
No one really knows who or what damaged the Essence
flows around Fellara. Some Fellans believe the Fair Folk cursed
their city so that it could never be rebuilt. Others say that,
when the Realm Defense Grid destroyed a powerful Earth
manse and the city’s factory-cathedrals, the local Essence
flows were corrupted. Whatever the reason, all of Fellara’s
buildings were utterly destroyed, and Fellara became the City
of Broken Walls. To this day, no stone will rest on another for
more than an hour. After this time, any walls—even simple
piles of stone—inevitably topple and scatter.
Between the Great Contagion, the Fair Folk invasion and
the Empress’s counterattack, very few Fellarans survived into
the Second Age. Their numbers included a few dozen physi-
cians, though, who vowed to keep their knowledge alive. They
and their assistants built a large hospital complex half a mile
outside the old city’s boundaries, in an area where stone build-
ings were still possible. Other survivors refused to leave their
city and adapted to the new rules that governed their home.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
attackers. These injuries or diseases are usually life threaten- Divinity I) to assess the likelihood of their repeating an at-
ing (if they weren’t, they wouldn’t need research), and Jerva tempt to rob or harm the hospital, or attempt revenge. Those
makes no effort to reduce the pain or horror of the process. whom she feels certain will flee and never return, she sets
Then she turns the now badly injured or desperately ill free as a warning to others. The rest she sends back to the
criminals over to her staff for treatment. All but the newest doctors with a new illness or injury. Few who survive two
and most naïve doctors know the source of these “patients,” rounds of these medical horrors want to do anything other
but they also understand the value of keeping their hospital than beg to be freed and then leave Fella forever.
and its patients safe. The doctors do their best to save the The system works so well that the city of Fella now
injured or diseased criminals, giving them excellent care, remands all capital offenders—murderers, rapists, arson-
while also learning from treating these injuries or illnesses. ists and the like—to Fella Hospital for treatment of their
The fact that almost half of these criminals survive their criminality. Jerva looks forward to a golden age of medical
ordeal is a testament to the skill and dedication of the doc- research for the benefit of Creation. Her close friend Ragara
tors of Fella. Bhagwei, Dominie of the Heptagram and the Realm’s most
Jerva then interviews criminals who survive. She uses accomplished Dragon-Blooded physician, plans to visit Fella
Foretell the Future and Memory Mirror (see pp. 148–149 of Hospital for his own research. He intends to seek a cure for
The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV—The Roll of Glorious nothing less than the Great Contagion.
THE ZALVENESH DIVERS toward what is now Haslanti territory… and then, in the
The mighty peninsula between the Inland Sea and immense back-splash, carried it back again. The sea floor
the White Sea ends in a rugged cape—a mixture of bar- around the mouth of the White Sea is thus littered with
ren, rocky hills, tundra and sheltered pockets of stunted fragments of the Old Realm.
spruce, larch and willow. Here the White Sea gives way ZALVENESH LIFE
to the Great Western Ocean. Ice covers the sea only in The Zalvenesh live in villages whose population rarely
winter, and that ice consists of floes and pack ice rather exceeds 1,000. They surround the villages with dry-stone
than a solid sheet. walls to protect them against the Varajtul barbarians, who
A hardy folk called the Zalvenesh live on this coast. threaten the Zalvenesh at all times and roam unchecked
They make their livelihood by fishing and hunting whales, in winter. The Zalvenesh build their houses, however,
narwhales and seals. These people also supplement their from whalebone tightly bound with leather thongs. Each
diets with shellfish and the edible roots and berries found town consists of dozens of these bone longhouses along
in the sheltered upland dells. with tanning huts, smokehouses, a smithy and other build-
Perhaps the most important aspect of this region, ings. The Zalvenesh lack sufficient wood for building, so
however, lies beneath the waves. What is now the narrow they make their fishing longboats from bone and leather
neck of the White Sea once held the Spidersilk Dam, a as well. Similarly, every Zalven wears waterproof clothing
great wonder of the Old Realm. At the time, the White Sea stitched from sealskin.
was dry land and densely populated. When the Spidersilk A council of retired longboat captains rules each vil-
Dam broke, a wall of water annihilated the glittering cities lage. This council deals with most civil matters, making
of the White Valley, sweeping their shattered wreckage decisions based on custom and arguments from everyone
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
return, the merchants acquire baleen, bone and blubber, DOLPHIN HELPERS
expertly tanned whale and seal leather, narwhale and walrus As a final curiosity of the Zalvenesh, tame dolphins
ivory and other goods from the sea. What they really want, aid the divers and fishers. Most of these dolphins are as
though, are First Age artifacts. Even scrap of orichalcum smart and capable of understanding speech as a four-year-
is a minor treasure, and the divers occasionally make in- old child. They are also easy to train and become valued
credible finds. Therefore, traders come regularly from the companions to divers and fishers. A few of the dolphins
Guild, Coral, the Haslanti League and the Blessed Isle to possess fully human intelligence. Together, dolphins and
see what the divers have brought out of the sea. Zalvenesh can catch more fish than either could alone, and
A village’s patron god always gets first choice of the dolphins regard searching for artifacts as a fun game.
whatever the divers salvage, so working artifacts usually The dolphins arise from a final blessing of the gods.
go to the Zal-Kelementi instead of the merchants. Yet, a The Zal-Kelementi taught their children a thaumaturgical
god might decide that she wants a trader’s bolt of finest Procedure for transmigrating human souls into animals.
Chiaroscuran brocade to drape about her temple more Devotees of Voharun, the Northern War God, occasionally
than she wants a powerbow. use this Procedure to transmigrate into ravens when they
CREATIVE RECYCLING die in battle (as described on p. 61 of Scroll of Kings).
Sometimes, the Zalvenesh find their own uses for When Zalvenesh leaders believe they shall soon die, they
salvaged items. Most notably, divers sometimes find large may ask a priest to place their soul into the body of a young
and nearly indestructible pieces of First Age vehicles and dolphin. The Zalven thus gains a second life in the sea.
shipping containers. The Zalvenesh incorporate such frag- Their offspring somehow inherit intelligence closer to
ments into their boats. For instance, divers have found that of a human than that of an animal. For this reason,
dozens of large ovoid shipping containers that snap apart the Zalvenesh view all the dolphins as part of their tribe,
into a pair of curving shells. Each shell easily becomes a and killing a dolphin is considered murder.
nearly indestructible dory, though a god must first pierce Such transmigrations violate the laws of Heaven, but
the gleaming shell to permit installation of rowlocks or Heaven has larger concerns than the customs of an obscure
a mast. tribe at the edge of Creation. What’s more, a Zalven who
attains a second life as a dolphin nevertheless re-enters the
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
When Rajtali choose to trade, they offer narwhal ivory,
baleen, ambergris and the amber that they sometimes find
in the streams of their islands. The elkmen supply minor
talismans as trade items too, and the other human cultures
of the islands rely on Rajtali middlemen for their com-
merce. Rajtali talismans made from carved whale teeth
are much esteemed in the North and West. (The elkmen
do good work.) In return, Rajtali traders seek metalwork,
cloth, spices and wine. Thanks to the influence of the
elkmen, Rajtali sailors would rather trade than fight, but
both humans and elkmen fight with terrible fury when they
must. Ports and people who make enemies of the Rajtali
suffer pirate attacks from them for years to come.
The Rajtali consider the interiors of their own islands
to be far more dangerous than the open sea. If they must
venture inland for more than a few hours at a time—say,
to mine ore or gather foodstuffs in bulk—they go in large
numbers, armed to the teeth and with every magical
protection the elkmen can provide. At that, they still
might suffer losses from Varajtul and Fair Folk attacks.
The Rajtali much prefer to gain inland commodities from
people who already live there and know the dangers. At
sea, they consider the Kaigani berg riders (see pp. 153–154
of The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. II—The
West) to be their greatest foes. As greater numbers of these
malevolent Wyld barbarians sail out of the Far North, the
Rajtali might face the first true war that forces them to
act as one people. as well as functioning as sorcerers in the mass combat sys-
RAJTALI PIRATE RAIDING PARTY tem) and two heroes. The elkmen defer to Captain Herak
Description: This raiding party consists of a band of because of his greater combat experience and strategic
42 mortal Rajtali sailors and four elkmen. They sail in a expertise, but the human sailors readily follow the elkman
longship with sails and oars. Such a party might venture out heroes if Captain Herak falls.
to attack and rob a community that treated Rajtali sailors
badly in the past, or to hunt a camp of Wyld barbarians or HORRORS OUT OF TIME
hobgoblins. The soldiers all carry minor talismans, while Whitewall and Gethamane are only the most promi-
the elkman sorcerers have conjured a water or air elemental nent examples of Northern states that survive with the
to assist and protect the crew. (The elemental functions as help of relics from the Old Realm. Not every wonder of
special equipment rather than a direct combatant.) the lost age is useful or desirable, though. In fact, some
Commanding Officer: Captain Herak are deadly dangerous.
Armor Color: Black and Green LIRIEL-ANNETH
Motto: “For Glory and for Home.” The Zalvenesh find very few large or powerful artifacts,
General Makeup: 40 mortals in buff jackets armed with but they occasionally pull genuine wonders from the sea.
axes and javelins, plus four elkmen wearing buff jackets One such artifact now provides a cautionary tale to all of
and carrying great axes. the coastal peoples.
Overall Quality: Good The Zalvenesh once had a city. The port of Liriel-
Magnitude: 2 Anneth was neither a very large city, nor a place of
Drill: 2 wonders. The Shogunate built it of plain local stone,
Close Combat Attack: 3 Close Combat Damage: 3 with no Essence devices. Liriel-Anneth also showed the
Ranged Attack: 3 Ranged Attack Damage: 2 damage inflicted by centuries of residents with minimal
Endurance: 6 Might: 2 Armor: 1 (-1 mobil- skill at masonry. Still, it was their city, where their chiefs
ity) Morale: 3 gathered to honor their gods and where ships from far
Formation: The sailors fight in skirmish or relaxed for- lands dropped anchor.
mation. In addition to Captain Herak, the band has four Ninety years ago, a Zalvenesh diver found a large,
special characters, all elkmen: two sorcerers (real sorcerers, intact artifact several dozen miles offshore. The strangely
shaped mass of metal and crystal was the size of a small hut. The inhabitants of Liriel-Anneth have the eyes and
A team of divers pulled it to the surface using dozens of skins of serpents and can see in the dark as well as cats.
large, air-filled bladders. They brought it to Liriel-Anneth. Fortunately, these twisted mortals never stray beyond
The Guild kept a scavenger-savant in residence. She the reach of the Liriel-Anneth mechanism. The golden
pronounced the device intact and probably functional; at serpents cannot leave the city, since they would fade to
least, the three sockets in the device still held Essence- nothingness the instant they ventured beyond the device’s
producing hearthstones. Still, it seemed to need extra area of affect. The Zalvenesh and other inhabitants of the
Essence to start it up. The scavenger thought it looked Northwest coast avoid Liriel-Anneth. Sailors have been
somewhat like drawings she had seen of one of the Old known to let their leaking boats sink, so they die in the
Realm’s greatest wonders, a reality engine—a device to freezing waters, rather than land near the cursed town.
fix reality and repel the Wyld. She and a God-Blooded
priest finally managed to start it up. THE INVISIBLE FORTRESS
The scavenger was almost right. The divers found an The North holds many mysteries and dangers. One of
experimental device meant to turn reality malleable over the greatest is also one of the least known—a perilous relic
a wide area, duplicating the power of an unshaped raksha of the Old Realm that waits to ensnare and destroy the
and then congeal reality again into a new form: not a Exalted. Ironically, this trap began as a place of refuge.
reality engine, but a reality-altering engine. Perhaps the TALE OF THE FORTRESS
ancient Lawgivers intended it for exotic entertainments. Most of Creation’s truly powerful manses date back to
Perhaps it was a weapon. the Old Realm. Of all the savant-architects of that glori-
The Liriel-Anneth device might have suffered damage ous Age, none surpassed the Twilight Caste called Kal
the scavenger lord could not detect. Certainly, the power- Bax. The Usurpation did not take this Copper Spider by
ful device was never meant for operation by mere mortals. surprise. He and his 11 cronies vanished before the eyes
Whatever the reason, the activated device covered the of the assassins sent to kill them. Only decades later did
entire city with a warped and terrible dream. the Sidereal called the Green Lady produce convincing
During the day, shadows blanket an area three miles evidence of their deaths.
wide—the entire city of Liriel-Anneth and then some. On The 12 Solars did not really die, of course. The para-
the brightest sunny days, the region stays only as light as noid Kal Bax had prepared a secret hideaway: a fortress
early twilight, and the interiors of buildings never become in a remote location, built by demons and hidden by
brighter than nights of the full moon. The Liriel-Anneth powerful magic so that even the Loom of Fate could not
mechanism also created dozens of intelligent and hungry find it. The 12 chose to wait out the fighting in his Invis-
golden-bodied serpents, each of them as thick as a man’s ible Fortress. They expected that the other Solars would
leg and 15 feet long. quash the rebellion or that they themselves would make
Several hundred people of Liriel-Anneth could not a triumphant return to lead the new generation of Solar
escape in time and suffered a terrible transformation. They Exalted to victory. Only, the Solars lost the civil war and
come out only at night, for even the dimmed daylight of their Exaltations did not take new hosts. Years of hiding
the city causes them pain. They are completely insane turned to decades, then centuries… The betrayed demon
and worship these serpents as their gods. These wretches laborers bred to become an army the Solars no longer had
attempt to capture any intruders and feed them to the the power to defeat.
serpents. The inhabitants of the cursed town also feed on Trapped together, not daring to leave their refuge,
captives that the serpents seem slow to devour. the 12 Solars died one by one. Kal Bax died first, of old
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
age. As cabin fever, despair and the Great Curse took Kal Bax summoned to build the Invisible Fortress still live
their toll, the Solars murdered each other one by one, or in this area, bound by his magic. The demons have built
killed themselves. Three hundred years after the Usurpa- their own village, an eldritch bit of Malfeas in Creation that
tion, Bax’s apprentice Ozandus Pal died of starvation, they call Gate. Although the demons despise all Exalted,
mad and alone. they might make a deal with one who promised to find and
And the Fortress waited for new occupants to claim destroy the runestone that binds them to Creation. As a
and to kill. further peril, the demons’ ruler, Corr’dal the Slug Mother
(see p. XX), has bred with local fauna to produce entire
NEARBY TERRITORIES races of devil beasts, the ice eaters (described on pp. 59–60
Absolutely no one knows the current location of
of The Manual of Exalted Power—The Infernals). Ice
the Invisible Fortress. Bax didn’t tell his cronies, and
eaters often wander away from the Demonlands to menace
the Fair Folk invasion moved the Fortress thousands of
other regions of the North.
miles from its original location. Larquen Quen, the Solar
The demons are the last entities in Creation who
who became the Mask of Winters, lived and died in the
know what the Invisible Fortress contains. Even they do
Invisible Fortress, but he thinks it was lost to the Wyld.
not know everything, but they know that other Exalted
The Fortress currently occupies a barren valley amidst a
have found the Fortress over the centuries, and none who
rugged mountain range, somewhere northeast of Linowan
entered ever came out again.
territory. The nearest human community is the town of
Wangler’s Knob, located on a side-road to a First Age THE FORTRESS ITSELF
highway called the Road to the End of the World. The Invisible Fortress is a massive stone mansion (as
From Wangler’s Knob, an explorer would have to tra- well as a powerful manse) half-sunk into a cliff face. It has
verse at least 200 miles of arctic forest and icy mountains four stories, counting the attic and cellar. By standards
holding perils such as the voiceless cannibals called hushed of the Old Realm, it was a rustic lodge. Most folk of the
ones, the gigantic predators called great-terrors and the Threshold, however, would find it grand and luxurious,
sly, savage yetis (all described in Chapter Seven). what with its Essence lighting, hot and cold running water
The area of mountain and tundra within 50 miles of and a cunning system of speaking tubes between chambers.
the Invisible Fortress are the Demonlands. The demons that The amenities and furniture are worn and scarred from
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
side of the mirrors within the Invisible Fortress. This The Guardian has many powers of its own. It sees
Elsewhere zone has no reality outside the manse and the and hears everything that happens in the manse. Only
consciousness of the Guardian. the Final Retreat is beyond the Guardian’s awareness
• Outside Worlds Within (5 points): Over the cen- or power. It can implant dreams in sleeping minds, at-
turies, the resident Solars used powerful Charms to create tack within dreams or attempt to drive a person mad
pocket realities within the Invisible Fortress. through massive psychic assault. It controls all the
• Sentient (5 points): The Guardian arises from the manse’s defenses and automaton servants; it can even
Essence of the Invisible Fortress itself. Destroying the possess the servitor-spirits, forcing them to attack visitors
current Guardian does not remove the manse’s capacity or feed them lies without the servants’ awareness. The
for sentience. It merely forces the Invisible Fortress to Guardian can materialize small objects or animate and
draft one of the servant spirits as the new vehicle for its control parts of the manse; for instance, animating the
consciousness, and a new personality. orichalcum-threaded, ornamental bronze vines that run
Total: 52 creation points. through the manse and using them to slash at visitors with
The hearthstone of the Invisible Fortress enables its razor-edged leaves. It has even learned to manipulate the
bearer to suppress his anima banner. When determining manse’s own Essence, tithing a share of any Essence that
whether the character’s anima becomes active, divide the visitors use within the structure or adjusting the Essence
number of motes of Peripheral Essence she has spent by that an attuned person can gain from the manse. When
two and apply that number to the Anima Banner chart. it wants to attract nearby Exalted, it briefly deactivates
the Veil of Shadows to send a massive Essence-flare,
THE GUARDIAN showing them the way.
The Solars gave the Invisible Fortress a sophisticated
The Guardian is a deceiver and manipulator of great
artificial intelligence as a majordomo. Perhaps they erred
subtlety, piling lie on lie to set visitors against each other.
in its construction; perhaps they built it too well. Over
All the while, it acts like a solicitous, slightly befuddled
the centuries, the Guardian learned from the example of
old fussbudget of a servant who scolds Exalted visitors
its creators. It learned to manipulate and to kill. Over the
if they step outside without warm coats and galoshes.
centuries, a few Exalted did find the Invisible Fortress.
It seems eager to serve Exalted masters once more,
The Guardian lured them in, set them quarreling and
especially Lawgivers, but this wonder of the lost age is
either killed them or drove them to kill each other. As
utterly evil.
its “guests” fought and died, the Guardian fed on their
Essence and grew stronger.
Northern seers have long prophesied the coming of At the heart of the empire, beyond the hills and rivers
a warlord who would unite the icewalker tribes and bring and taiga, rises the sweeping emptiness of the ice plains. The
the entire North beneath his heel. Now, at long last, Bull’s icewalker subjects call this high tundra home. They
that prophecy stands on the brink of fulfillment. Yurgen spend their summers on the plains, following the great herds
Kaneko, the Bull of the North, has gathered the tribes. that they hunt and worship.
With the aid of his Solar circle, he has begun the work of Most of the empire’s population, however, clusters along
carving out an empire. By definition, however, an empire the shores of Malice Bay and the northern stretches of the
encompasses many peoples with diverse cultures, histories River of Tears. A dozen small city-states have fallen to the
and ambitions. Yurgen Kaneko has his empire: It remains Bull’s armies, along with countless villages and towns. He has,
to be seen whether he can keep it against opposition from as yet, avoided direct confrontation with the Haslanti League,
without and within. but such a conflict seems like only a matter of time.
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While they raid the occasional village or town, walled cit-
STORYTELLING: FUTURE PATHS ies lie beyond their reach, for they lack the technology to
build artillery and the food reserves to manage a siege. Most
importantly, they lack a formal chain of command. A skilled
Every other country in Creation that appears in
war chief names experienced men as his officers and assigns
the Compass of Terrestrial Directions series has no
them specific tasks before a battle or signals them amid the
accompanying Storyteller advice, on the presump-
fray by horn or banner. If the chief falls, the tribe retreats in
tion that Storytellers can figure out for themselves
disarray, and if his tribe joins forces with another, each war
what to do with the settings provided. The Bull of the
chief chooses his own strategy.
North’s empire, however, presents a unique case. In no
other country in Creation can the players’ characters HOW THEY HAVE CHANGED
interact with a powerful, established circle of Solar As a Dawn Caste Solar, Yurgen Kaneko grasps the
Exalted. What’s more, the Bull’s decision of what to principles of war to an extent impossible for mortal men. He
do next cannot help but have a tremendous impact saw the military weaknesses of the icewalker system—the
on an Exalted series set in the North. As such, it rests system into which he was born—with instinctive clarity. A
with each Storyteller to determine the Bull’s course well-educated and charismatic mortal general might forge
of action and his ultimate goals. a group of icewalker tribes into an army over a generation.
A Storyteller with no special role planned for the The Bull is no longer a mortal. Backed by the power of his
Bull should leave him in the background so he doesn’t Charms, he took a little over a year.
steal the thunder from the players’ characters. Entangle The Blackwater Mammoth tribe, which adopted the
him in opposing some major threat to Creation that Bull after his Exaltation, forms the core of his army. Months
stands apart from the players’ current troubles, such of steady training backed by Solar War Charms honed their
as a Fair Folk incursion or a Deathlord’s scheme. A skills and taught them to fight as one. These warriors formed
circle seeking support from the Bull must first aid him the cadre that trained the rest of the icewalker horde. Endless
in his own efforts. military drills have ingrained new ways of fighting into the
The Bull also makes an excellent adversary, ca- most stubborn icewalkers. They fight in close formation when
pable of crushing incautious Terrestrials or standing the situation warrants, follow a strict chain of command,
up to a circle of Celestial Exalts. Perhaps the players’ and ignore the old divisions and rivalries between the tribes.
characters’ homeland stands in his war machine’s path, Where a member of an Elk tribe might once have attacked a
or he brooks no opposition to his empire and forces Musk Ox tribesman on sight, now they fight side by side.
all other Exalts to follow him or die. The icewalker tribes have changed in far broader and
Lastly, the Bull’s might makes him an excellent deeper ways than mere tactical considerations, as well. The
target to demonstrate a villain’s power. The demise Bull’s efforts reshaped their entire society. War dominates their
of the world’s foremost Solar warlord at the hands of mental and social sphere. Training starts at birth: Children
a Deathlord, elder Lunar or Infernal Exalt could fulfill learn to hold toy swords and spears before they can walk or
many functions. It would remove a potential ally whose speak. Their oral culture remains, but the old tales of hunting
power would overshadow the players’ characters, it and beast spirits give way to stories of war and the Unconquered
would play up his killer’s strength, and it would create a Sun. The young absorb a broader education than the icewalk-
dynamic power vacuum in the North where ambitious ers ever needed or knew before, training them to become part
characters can pick up the pieces. of an advanced military machine. Their curriculum includes
history, foreign cultures, languages and mathematics.
The decade of upheaval tears deep rifts through icewalker
culture. While icewalker elders still adhere to the old ways
THE BULL’S ICEWALKERS as best they can, the younger generation views the world
In just 10 years, the icewalker tribes that follow Yurgen through a lens of war and conquest, and those in their 20s lie
Kaneko have seen tremendous changes in their society. He uncomfortably between ways of thinking. The herds lose their
took a score of extended families of herders and hunters, their powerful spiritual significance to the tribes, becoming little
individualistic nature only loosely reined in by a system of more than sources of meat on the hoof. Hostility between
face and respect for age, and welded them into a fighting force tribes with rival animal totems has been suppressed. All agree
capable of facing Realm legions on an equal footing. in public on the unity of the beast totems, but elders seethe
WHAT THEY WERE and mutter to one another in their tents, while some parents
Traditional icewalkers have little experience of organized teach their children a quiet and secret hate.
warfare. They own no settlements and raise no fortifications. GOVERNANCE
They bring their herds with them, or follow wherever the The Bull’s icewalkers retain their old tribal structure.
animals go, so they have no understanding of supply lines. Few of the old chiefs remain, though. Those hostile to the
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Folk and incited them to attack an enemy. Lastly, the Bull’s an (Intelligence + Lore) roll, the designer may move the time
scouts keep careful track of every behemoth within range to detonation on the Essence Buildup chart up or down one
of his empire. If circumstances warrant, he or a circlemate level. Most importantly, perhaps, the designer can include a
wrangle a behemoth and send it stampeding toward a luck- switch—a single log pushed into place, a canal gate opened
less enemy army or city. or the like—to initiate the Essence accumulation, enabling
her to build the rune in advance and then detonate the
Geomancers can accidentally tangle the Essence of a
demesne, causing the Essence to build into a devastating THE BULL’S CIRCLE
explosion. Reckless geomancers can do this on purpose, us- Six Solar Exalts comprise the Bull’s circle. Two of them,
ing the Procedure called the Open-Eyed Dive Meditation the icewalkers Crimson Antler and Fear-Eater, stand watch
(see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. III—Oadenol’s Codex, on the empire’s Eastern territories, maintaining order in
pp. 51–52). Samea found an improved method. the conquered tribes and warding off hostilities from the
Controlled detonation of a demesne requires an enor- Linowan. Two others, Raneth of Diamond Hearth and Nalla
mous contiguous rune to capture and channel the demesne’s Bloodaxe, deal with specific problems within the Northern
Essence. This rune may be formed from shaped blocks of stone, territories. Yurgen and Samea travel about the entire empire,
freshly cut logs, water-filled moats or any other components reinforcing the icewalkers’ devotion and preparing for the
big enough to contain powerful Essence flows. Designing next stage of their conquest.
and building the rune follows the same rules as building a
manse (see Exalted, p. 133), except that Resources costs are SAMPLE COMBAT UNIT: SNOW BLOSSOM
reduced by two and construction time is measured in weeks MUSK OX TRIBE
instead of years. Description: One of many icewalker tribes reformed
Once the rune is complete, Essence accumulates within by the Bull, the Snow Blossom Musk Ox serve as medium
its confines. This follows the rules for Essence buildup (see infantry. All adults in the tribe possess tiger warrior training,
The Books of Sorcery, Vol. III—Oadenol’s Codex, pp. making them among the Bull’s most elite units.
50–51). The rune’s designer may set its configuration to gather Commanding Officer: War Chief Salak
Essence more quickly or slowly. For every three successes on Armor Color: Black with white and gold trim
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
their summers on the plains, following the great herds they passage leading to a great central courtyard. The manse’s
hunt and worship. magic fills it with sunlight and warmth even in the depths of
Although they lack the fertility of warmer climes, the winter. The common areas are richly furnished. In addition
Ice Plains are no desert. Grasses sprout from the chill earth to their native furs and ivories, its residents cram its halls
along with dwarf shrubs, mosses and lichens. Below a few and common chambers with the booty of a dozen plundered
yards, though, the ground stays perpetually frozen. There is city-states.
little precipitation, but the perpetual cold of the long winters The Mother’s Hearth is a three-dot Solar manse with
prevents snow from melting, so even light flurries accumulate the powers Comfort Zone (1 pt.), Magical Conveniences (1
into snowdrifts. The summer thaw softens the land into one pt.), Well-Flavored Aspect (1 pt.) and Temple Manse (3 pts.).
vast swamp dotted with lakes. These lakes freeze over when Both Samea and the Bull of the North have attuned to it,
the cold returns, forming the expanses of ice that give the and Samea holds its hearthstone, a gem of sorcery (see The
plains their name. Books of Sorcery, Vol. III—Oadenol’s Codex, p. 107).
Frigid winds blow steadily across the plains throughout Roughly 100 people inhabit the Mother’s Hearth on
the long Northern winter. Gusts whip the drifts into snow a permanent basis, all of them icewalkers. A few foreign
devils and send travelers stumbling. Shrubs grow with their merchants have petitioned Samea for residency, but she has
branches swept back in the direction of the wind. refused them all. Transient residents range widely in numbers.
Only a few animals endure the harsh conditions of the At quiet times, there might be no more than a dozen pilgrims,
Ice Plains. Fish inhabit the few large lakes that don’t freeze traders or foreign scholars present, while a large gathering of
solid in the depths of winter, while birds and insects migrate tribes swells the settlement’s population into the thousands.
to the marshes in the summer. Squirrels and bears hibernate The manse itself has room for 100 guests to lodge in comfort,
through the cold, emerging only when the weather warms. or up to 500 in cramped conditions. Another 1,000 can cram
A few larger animals inhabit the plains throughout the year. themselves into the domed central courtyard. Any additional
Lemmings and hares provide prey for foxes and owls, while visitors must pitch their tents outdoors.
packs of wolves and snow hunters compete with icewalker
tribes to hunt the great herds of mammoth, caribou, moose,
The Hearth’s handful of permanent inhabitants tends
musk oxen and elk.
toward the aged and sedentary. Some spend their days engaged
THE MOTHER’S HEARTH in handicrafts—painting leather, sewing furs, carving bone
When Samea traveled to the heart of the Ice Plains in and the like—while others devote themselves to prayer. All
search of greater enlightenment, she found a demesne where spend a great deal of time sharing stories, for this is both a
the sun blazed upon the snow in pillars of golden light. When pastime and a responsibility among the icewalker tribes, and
she settled there to meditate upon the Unconquered Sun, the folk of the Hearth come from many different tribes, each
the Mammoth tribes followed, and when the herds moved with their own tales and histories. Music also fills the manse.
on, many tribesmen remained to feed and protect her. After Drums beat, hands clap, and many voices rise together in
she emerged from her contemplation, the icewalkers marked song, their words echoing through the glittering halls.
the place as holy. Her followers raised a shrine to her upon Small gods throng to the Mother’s Hearth, though few
her departure and took pilgrimages there to make offerings stay long or manifest themselves to its residents. A notable
in her name. Others came to trade goods and stories with exception is Tianlang, a lion dog (see The Books of Sorcery,
the pilgrims and with each other. Vol. IV—The Roll of Glorious Divinity I, pp. 45–46).
Both Yurgen and Samea saw the value of a central meeting Unemployed by Heaven for centuries, Tianlang lorded it over
place for the tribes. Once she had mastered Celestial Circle the farmers of a poor Northern village until Samea lectured
sorcery, the Zenith raised a Solar manse wherein visiting him into submission. His sense of honor restored by her words,
tribes could meet and dwell out of the plains’ bitter chill. he guards the manse as a favor to its mistress.
Its rooms and halls slowly filled over the years as artisans, SPIRIT GUESTS
shamans and elders settled there on a permanent or semi- The Hearth’s eight towers are off limits to most of its
permanent basis. Now, almost a decade later, the place forms residents. Each contains a luxurious bedchamber and other
a small self-contained town amidst the ice, where Samea amenities. Samea resides in one. She reserves the others for
rules as priestess-queen. her circlemates and visiting gods. The towers generally stand
THE MANSE empty in her absence, but when she is present, powerful
The great marble dome of the Mother’s Hearth rises Terrestrial gods often seek audience with her. Some wish to
amidst the Ice Plains, its snowy flanks blending in with the bargain with her on their own behalf or on behalf of their
tundra landscape. Eight gold-peaked minarets rise from its worshipers. Others are curious to meet the reborn Solars and
sloping walls. Gates of yellow wood open in each of the learn their motivations.
four directions, and each gate leads into a broad, door-lined Samea’s most persistent guests are the animal avatars.
The Bull has transformed icewalker society, and the avatars
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Travel in the region has its perils, though. Many native PLENILUNE
elementals and lesser gods remain irritable about the salt in- The city of Plenilune has long overflowed its original
fusing their lands, and Immaculate monks capable of keeping island onto both banks of the River of Tears. A tangle of
them in line have been in short supply since the Empress’s city walls from various expansions and imperial periods
disappearance. Mortals who encounter ill-tempered paludal partition the eastern and western sprawls into districts. A
spirits are advised to make offerings of pure water, pumice hereditary baron rules each district and exacts a toll from
and silver—or failing that, to run very fast. all who pass through the district’s gates. In the sprawls, low
HISTORY OF THE RIVER OF TEARS buildings of wood and stone totter over winding streets and
During the High First Age, the River of Tears chan- press together around plazas, bazaars and webs of shadowy
neled water from Frost Lake uphill to the Yanaze. The alleyways. The central island, called the Larkbright, grows
immense Spidersilk Dam, which controlled the flow of upward rather than outward. Its high stone turrets house the
water from the Great Western Ocean into Frost Lake, city’s wealthy, from nobles and merchants to thaumaturges
turned the water fresh and pure. The White Valley between and scavenger lords.
the dam and the River of Tears blossomed into one of the THE PEOPLE OF PLENILUNE
breadbaskets of the Old Realm, and shining cities grew Rather than ethnicity or caste, Plenilunars judge people
along its riverbanks. on the basis of rank and wealth, which are two sides of the same
A Solar Exalt demolished Spidersilk Dam in the Usur- coin in a city wherein almost any office can be bought for a
pation, sweeping away the army raised against him. The high enough price. The city holds a smattering of superhuman
resulting deluge also flooded the White Valley and drowned and inhuman beings—outcaste Dragon-Blooded, beastmen,
millions of innocent people. The surge pressed its way up Demon-Bloods, Wyld mutants and even Fair Folk—but
the River of Tears, smashing city after city until it faded just they fare no better than mortals unless they demonstrate an
short of Sijan. The magics sustaining the river’s flow remained aptitude for business, guile or theft.
unbroken. Its waters settled into their original course, flowing Instead of a standing army, Plenilune’s noble houses hold
past seaweed-draped ruins and fields choked with salt. long-term contract with mercenary bands, most of which have
The Shogunate worked to mend the broken region. served so long their service has become hereditary. Mercenary
Dragon-Blooded engineers raised the Saltspires, five desali- watchmen police the streets on behalf of their lords. Many
nation manses on artificial islands along the river’s upper are prone to violence against the underclass, and almost all
reaches, to extract the salt from its waters so that it might are corrupt. Other mercenaries guard caravans against raids
run fresh and pure again. They seeded the shores with plants and defend the city itself in time of war. Plenilune avoids
such as saltberry and forsake-me-never that drew impurities real military action whenever possible, however. Its lords
from the soil. Civilization slowly returned. Cities grew again, would rather pay tribute to enemies than risk defeat… or
farms spread across flood-carved marshes and cargo vessels worse, disruption of trade.
sailed up and down between the White Sea and the Yanaze. Plenilune’s wealth draws more than its share of avari-
The region nonetheless remained a backwater where civiliza- cious thaumaturges, particularly those adept in alchemy and
tion clung to the riverbanks without making deep inroads enchantment. Sorcerers find their services even more wel-
into the hinterlands. come, while the rare artisan of artifacts can name her price.
When the Great Contagion struck, the River of Tears In the city’s oldest and wealthiest districts, enchanted lamps
suffered less than some parts of the Threshold. Mortals died light the streets and keyed wards guard every manor gate and
by the millions, and the Fair Folk harried the survivors, but treasure vault. Destitute neighborhoods suffer the dark side
the Saltspires held mountains of extracted salt with which of magic. Sorcerers and thaumaturges send demons to seize
to ward off hungry ghosts and salt the shadowlands that orphans and vagrants for their experiments, then discard
sprang up in the Contagion’s wake. When the Contagion their half-formed creations in the same way.
ended, the survivors settled around the Saltspires and built
new cities on their islands and the surrounding riverbanks
Guild caravans visit Plenilune twice a year on their way
to harvest the salt churned out by the manses.
to and from the North, purchasing salt from the city gov-
The Saltspire cities grew rich and powerful, but they
ernment to sell to the people of the Northern interior and
turned against each other instead of confederating, squander-
the teeming cities of the Scavenger Lands. The Guild sells
ing their wealth in incessant petty wars. Their manses fell
foodstuffs, metals and luxury goods in return. In addition, the
into disrepair, leaving the river brackish down to the Yanaze.
Guild both buys and sells slaves. As no citizen of Plenilune
Only the manse at Plenilune, the southernmost Saltspire
may be held in slavery within the city, impoverished citizens
city, remained intact. The other cities finally leagued against
and prisoners are sold at the Far Market, held three miles
Plenilune as it gained the economic upper hand. Matters
outside the city limits. Foreign slaves are fair game, though,
remained so until the Bull came. Plenilune surrendered to
and Guild factors sell them freely inside the city.
his armies and now lives under his protection.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
redirected city funds to his research, funds that the oligarchs arming local garrisons and levies. In a nearby warehouse,
would normally skim off the top. They tired of his intrusions carpenters turn out struts for the growing 300-foot skeleton
into their affairs. Nobles nursed ambitions of autarchy, while of an air boat.
friends and relatives of those executed in the initial purge Raneth also plans to repair the Saltspire League’s four
craved vengeance. Assassins were bought, sent, died. A desalination manses. He intends to start with the two that
second purge followed. seem the least damaged—those belonging to the cities Astra-
Unwilling to remain hostage any longer to the oligarchs’ gal and Porcellana. These plans go against his instructions,
intransigence, Raneth set about reorganizing the city’s govern- however. Restoring those manses would destabilize the region
ment. He stripped the ministerial councils of their authority. both economically and politically and enrage the Plenilunars
Nobles find themselves replaced by handpicked civil officials. by stripping their city of its dominant position. But how can
Soldiers seize the assets of troublesome merchants. Bureaucrats he leave such things broken?
divide consortiums into smaller businesses that are easier to
manage. With power slipping from their grasp, the oligarchs
have little left to lose. PROTOTYPES
When building a prototype of a new or unfamiliar
RANETH’S PERSONAL PROJECTS device, increase the difficulty of the Craft roll by
Although he’s more investigator than artisan, Raneth
five. Prototypes may still be fine or exceptional if
belongs to the Twilight Caste. Craftsmanship is in his blood.
the artisan attains the necessary threshold successes
Moreover, his early life among the Haslanti familiarized him
over and above the increased difficulty.
with his people’s innovations and taught him the military
value of clever machines. He’s never done more than fire
a crossbow and ride an air boat, but his Craft Excellencies
enable him to recall every visible detail of these devices and SAMPLE COMBAT UNIT: PLENILUNE URBAN GUARDS
reconstruct them in his workshop. Raneth has already built Description: These traits represent a scale of Plenilunar
a working crossbow and trained a pair of Plenilunar artisans hereditary mercenary watchmen in service to one of the
in its manufacture. While the weapon is of little use to bow- city’s noble houses.
trained icewalkers, Raneth believes it will be invaluable in Commanding Officer: Varies
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The proud Karnese do not subsist only on these
MALICE BAY sedentary pursuits. When the weather warms, between
Ragged cliffs rise from the shores of Malice Bay. In this sowing and reaping, they set out in their eagle-prowed
realm of struggle, mortals battle the cold, the Wyld and each ships to harry the merchants of the White Sea and the
other. Even the land fights a long, losing battle against the folk of the River of Tears, plundering laden ships and
sea as the waves gnaw endlessly at the receding cliffs and coastal towns alike. They likewise war against those few
pummel the broken rocks at their feet. neighboring kingdoms not yet absorbed by the Haslanti
Rugged terrain typifies the landscape. Deep, ridged League or the Bull of the North. No boy of Karn can be
valleys and fjords pierce the cliff walls that hem in the counted a man until he has spent a summer a-roving and
bay’s icy waters, splitting off thousands of small, high- bloodied his blade in battle.
walled islands from the mainland. The countryside unfurls A thane rules each fastness, commanding his extended
inland like a rumpled quilt, its ridges and great rolling clan and thralls by right of personal strength and the
downs rising above a patchwork of green woods and vales, support of his ancestors. Each thane may call up a peas-
blue lakes and the dull scattered colors of heath, bog and ant levy from his holding’s farmers and fishermen. The
fen. Cities are few and stunted, rarely growing larger than king maintains the only standing army in Karn, consist-
walled towns, and they serve more as fortresses for petty ing of skilled warriors from every clan that have sworn
kings than as centers of culture. Fishing and mining villages themselves to his personal service. This force serves little
predominate. Food is a precious commodity, as is the iron more than a ceremonial purpose for respected kings, while
needed to make war on one’s neighbors, civilized traders unpopular rulers must suppress uprisings among their own
and Wyld-spawn. rebellious thanes.
As with the rest of the northern coast, Malice Bay
has long and bitter winters, while the summers are all too RELIGION AND MAGIC
short. Nonetheless, life abounds. The waters teem with Karn’s people worship their ancestors. Bleak temples
fish: trout, perch, fat blue salmon and ferocious pike as stand on the heights above coastal settlements. Here,
large as a man. Bears and seals dwell by the shore, while priestesses venerate their most ancient forebears, whose
deer, elk, moose and caribou graze inland. Black eagles potent Arcanoi make them like unto gods to their people.
rule the sky, preying on grouse, fox and hare, while gray These mighty ghosts walk the land during Calibration and
wolves and great-terrors hunt the larger beasts of the land, at other times of ill omen. Clothed in phantasmal flesh,
including humans. they utter prophecies, grant boons and punish those who
The peoples of Malice Bay are hardy, truculent folk. transgressed against the traditions of Karn. Some engage in
A score of petty kingdoms brawl over territory, treasure ritual congress with their clergy or lie with their worshipers,
and blood feuds both old and new. Sometimes, a single resulting in Ghost-Blooded offspring. The temples raise
leader can unite several kingdoms for a few generations, but these haunted children, locally called starka. Trained in
these pocket empires inevitably fall apart due to escalating thaumaturgy and history, the starka form a separate class
vendettas or the machinations of ambitious nobles. of witches and savants. Common folk view them as a breed
apart and show them both respect and fear.
KARN Lesser ancestors serve as tutelary spirits. Some lie
The kingdom of Karn stands out from the rest of the buried beneath their homes, bringing good fortune and
Bull’s dominion. It is the most far-flung of his Northern counseling their descendants in dreams. Others remain
territories, lying north and east of the central Ice Plains.
Its people are the fiercest within his dominion, its ships
the most feared. Most curious of all, Karn remains unaware ANCESTRAL TALISMANS
that it has been conquered. The starka learn the Art of Enchantment in
Karn clutches the eastern shore of Malice Bay. The the temples of the dead, and they use the remains
kingdom comprises a dozen modest towns and two-score of the dead to imbue objects with power. Newly
villages and fastnesses, most within a day’s travel of the enchanted weapons or vessels are typically excep-
coast. Fishing ships ply the waters. Farmers sow barley tional (see Exalted, p, 365), while those at least a
for beer and plant parsnips, turnips and other vegetables century old or containing the remains of five ances-
that endure the region’s cold climate. Miners pull iron tors become perfect (see Exalted, p. 366). Homes
and copper from a range of crumbling, heather-capped most typically act as talismans against disease (see
hills that overlook the sea. Traders procure ivory and furs Exalted, p. 379) for their inhabitants. An ancestral
from inland tribes and carry their wares across the water. talisman serves as a Fetter for every ghost whose
Even children do their part, combing the strand for amber remains are bound into it.
and ambergris.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
They return to their families outside of raiding season; each Magnitude: 2
village is home to at least one scale of reavers, while a large Drill: 2
town might muster a full dragon of troops if attacked. Close Combat Attack: 3 Close Combat Damage: 4
Commanding Officer: Varies Ranged Attack: 2 Ranged Damage: 2
Armor Color: Browned iron chain hauberk over warm, Endurance: 5 Might: 1 Armor: 2 (-3 mobility)
brightly colored wool Morale: 4
Motto: “Blood for our ancestors!” Formation: Usually relaxed, though they become unordered
General Makeup: 40 raiders wearing chain hauberks and when they spot easy prey. The band’s three most respected
pot helms, carrying talismanic great axes and longbows with warriors act as heroes, while a single starka thaumaturge
broadhead arrows functions as a sorcerer. All but the commander and sorcerer
Overall Quality: Excellent are extras.
The North is a harsh, lonely place, where only the fit and have done so for as long as anyone in Creation or Yu-
and strong can survive. Gods do not coddle their flock, and Shan can remember.
champions respect only ingenuity and strength. Voharun and Nasamara play no favorites among the
armies and warriors of the North. They prize selfless valor in
GODS OF THE NORTH combat, but rarely intervene in mortal battles. When they
Northerners have a curious relationship with their gods. do, they act to make sure that mortals settle their conflicts
Because worshipers are scarce and death is so near, their gods fairly and that parties foreign to the North keep their dis-
are much more protective. Such “protection” comes with a tance. The gods never offer strategic advice to either side
caveat, however: Most gods do not directly shield mortals in a conflict, though they might aid petitioners who defend
from the many dangers in their lives. To do so would be to Creation against the dead or creatures out of the Wyld.
do them a grave injustice. Their protection usually takes Now and then, they punish particularly annoying, gutless
more abstract form, such as object lessons in proper behavior or (especially) treacherous petitioners.
or tests of fortitude, as mortals are made to survive in the The gods quarrel in a brotherly way about who is older
face of seemingly random destructive events. Rather than (and therefore preeminent) and often observe battles to-
demanding servitude, the gods of the North tend to want to gether. They share their temples, which usually have small
help, as protectors or advisors. separate shrines for each. Legend calls them brothers—twins,
in fact—who represent the glory and tragedy of war. One
THE TWIN GODS OF WAR cannot exist without the other.
The North has two chief war gods, Voharun and Nasa- Nearly all Northern warriors and their families honor
mara, who share equal authority and are worshiped together both Voharun, the Battle Crow, and Nasamara, the Falcon
throughout the North. They preside over all local war gods, of Glory. Their devotees hope to prove their worth through
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
raven avatars with 20-foot wingspans. Voharun invests his by the Exalted. The specific boon is based on the situation
avatars with the Charms necessary for their missions. A raven but usually amounts to additional dots in Strength, Wits,
avatar may also take the form of a flock of 20 normal-sized Valor or Willpower.
ravens, as it suits the god. Costs three motes per avatar. First (Ability) Excellency—Archery, Dodge, Integrity, Martial
Hurry Home—Voharun can transport himself to any site of Arts, Melee, Socialize, Stealth, War
battle in the North. In Yu-Shan he can use this Charm to Second (Ability) Excellency—Archery, Dodge, Integrity,
return to the Raven’s Roost. Martial Arts, Melee, Socialize, Stealth, War
Materialize—Costs 85 motes. Third (Ability) Excellency—Archery, Dodge, Integrity, Martial
Plague of Menaces—Voharun may curse traitors who betray Arts, Melee, Socialize, Stealth, War
their country or the North in general, especially those siding Divine (Ability) Subordination—Stealth, War
with the North’s enemies outside Creation. A raven con- Join Battle: 14
stantly follows a cursed individual. This raven calls attention Attacks:
to him at inopportune times, steals his weapons and food, Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 10B/L, Parry DV 9,
delivers damning evidence to his enemies and otherwise Rate 3
disrupts his life. Mortals recognize the raven as a token of Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 15, Damage 13B/L, Parry DV 7,
divine wrath. The only way to escape this curse is to leave Rate 2
the North entirely (though the raven will be waiting for the Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 17, Damage 10B/L, Parry DV —,
target when he returns). Voharun seldom renounces this Rate 1, Tags P
curse, even when the recipient goes to extraordinary lengths Straight Sword (Raven’s Claw): Speed 4, Accuracy 20,
to make up for his wrongdoing. The Battle Crow might also Damage 13L, Parry DV 10, Rate 2
strengthen his curse by judicial use of the Male- Soak: 18L/23B (Robes of office, 12L/12B)
diction and Scourge Charms. Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-
Shapechange—Voharun can assume 2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
the form of a raven ranging in Dodge DV: 10
size from normal for the breed Willpower: 10
to one that dwarfs even his Essence: 7
enormous avatars. Essence Pool: 160
Touch of Divinity/ Other Notes: Voharun’s
Touch of Eternity— sword, Raven’s
Voharun watches Claw, ignores
the enterprise of war an opponent’s
closely, and rewards non-super-
soldiers who fight natural soak.
bravely and against Voharun
the odds. He is espe- can animate
cially fond of granting a maximum
boons of power to of 35 raven
otherwise normal, non- avatars
powered mortals who at one
display courage and clever- time.
ness in the midst of battle These
and defy certain death creatures can
by attempting feats be invested with
usually accom- Willpower and
plished only Charms, at Vohar-
un’s discretion.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
reserves this Charm for situations when the invading army Essence: 7 Essence Pool: 160
is much more powerful than the defenders. This Charm Other Notes: Nasamara possesses the Jacket of Bronze
costs eight motes and two Willpower per points of Might Feathers, a dapper jacket that looks like it could not possibly
granted. Armies so blessed also suffer no exhaustion penal- provide meaningful defense. Reaching inside it, however,
ties for the battle. Nasamara may draw forth his divine axe or any mundane
First (Ability) Excellency—Archery, Dodge, Integrity, Martial personal weapon he chooses.
Arts, Melee, Stealth, War Nasamara can animate a maximum of 35 falcon avatars at
Second (Ability) Excellency—Archery, Dodge, Integrity, one time. These creatures can be invested with Willpower
Martial Arts, Melee, Stealth, War and Charms, at Nasamara’s discretion.
Third (Ability) Excellency—Archery, Dodge, Integrity, Martial
Arts, Melee, Stealth, War THE HASLANTI ENNEAD
Divine (Ability) Subordination—Melee, War When the Wyld Hunt slew Arvida of the Crescent Eye,
Join Battle: 14 the Realm began centuries of religious upheaval that might
Attacks: not be ended yet. Several times now, the Haslanti have seen
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 12B/L, Parry DV 8, Immaculate monks defeat and humiliate their gods. Some
Rate 3 among the small gods formed triads for mutual protections
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 15, Damage 15B/L, Parry DV 7, and to consolidate their power. Many triads formed, but only
Rate 2 three remain. The three triads of Ice, Fate and Dreams rose
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 19, Damage 12B/L, Parry DV —, to prominence over the past century, as the Haslanti shifted
Rate 1, Tags P their focus from defeated gods to new ones who had avoided
Great Axe (The Falcon’s Beak): Speed 5, Accuracy 20, conflict with the Immaculates. These triads became known
Damage 21L, Parry DV 8, Rate 2 collectively as the Ennead.
Composite Bow: Speed 5, Accuracy 15, Damage 14L, Range 350, The Ennead as a whole respects Haslanti strength and
Rate 3 ingenuity and refrains from heavy-handed control over its
Soak: 26L/36B (Jacket of Bronze Feathers, 20L/25B) worshipers. The League’s secret Lunar patrons, the Twisted
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/- Stone Conclave, convinced the Ennead that people can and
2/-2/-4/Incap must do things for themselves. The Ennead offers guidance
Dodge DV: 11 Willpower: 10 and works to personify and enforce Haslanti social order.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
them back. He/she also provides new things, such as that Soak: 11L/16B (Heavy clothing, 2L/5B, and Vest of Chance,
trusty blade just when you thought you were done for. Au- 6L/6B)
tumn Frost can create or destroy items at up to Power Level Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
3. These items tend to be useful. Autumn Frost creates or Dodge DV: 7 Willpower: 8
removes objects to test someone or even the odds in some Essence: 5 Essence Pool: 90
way, to see how or if they can succeed with or without some Other Notes: Those attacking Autumn Frost often suffer
item. Destroyed items are usually re-created and returned, wildly bad luck thanks to his Vest of Chance. This garment of
though it could be a long wait. woven starmetal resonates with the Loom of Fate to decreases
Call—Autumn Frost can instantly contact any other member the odds of any attack touching the god. It subtracts three
of the Triad of Ice. Costs one mote. successes from attack rolls, and if this removes all successes,
Divine Decree—By spending 10 motes and one Willpower, the roll becomes a botch.
Autumn Frost easily rearranges probability in situations
where odds are clearly defined, such as in games of chance.
Lady Chimney Draft is the goddess of the chill that
He/she can, for instance, change the odds of rolling snake-
comes when a guest enters a house and of the warmth that
eyes on a pair of six-sided dice to 100 percent or make it
comes of trust and companionship. She watches over guest-
virtually impossible for a coin to land on “tails,” changing
host relationships and hospitality between neighbors, friends
it from 1 in 2 to 1 in 1,000. With more effort, he/she can
and strangers. Lady Chimney Draft also oversees marriages,
change the odds of anything at all occurring, making it nigh
divorces and adoptions, none of which can be recognized
on impossible to find the road home or very likely that you
without her priests’ ratification and seal.
come upon a reliable guide. He cannot make anything oc-
The obeisance of the Haslanti delights her, while being
cur directly, though. He can only make events likely or not
inhospitable toward guests or neighbors or failing to honor
likely, to varying degrees.
one’s own marriage vows brings out her chill resentment.
Dreamscape—Autumn Frost appears to his/her priests, en-
She is proper and well mannered, always following the same
couraging them to trust that all that happens does so for the
rules of hospitality that she demands of mortals. Shows of
greater good. Costs one mote.
reverence make her politely giddy; bad manners provoke
Host of Spirits—Costs three motes per copy.
an icy, but well-spoken, disdain. In addition to demanding
Hoodwink—Autumn Frost keeps many pranks and weird feats
good manners, she is unfailingly critical to those who make
up his sleeve designed specifically to stun and bewilder the
illegal or unreasonable requests of their hosts or guests. She
target into inaction.
has little sympathy for those who make illogical, brazen or
Hurry Home—For five motes, Autumn Frost can return to his
shameless excuses for lack of hospitality.
lodge, to the House of the Nine Hearths or to the location
Haslanti pray to Lady Chimney Draft at harvest time
of any game of chance in the Haslanti League.
and when bringing in a catch, always making sure to save a
Impromptu Messenger—Autumn Frost delights in putting
portion of their stores for neighbors and itinerant strangers
words in people’s mouths. Sometimes, people find themselves
who come to their house. They also pray to her when lighting
tongue-tied, and Autumn Frost provides them with dialogue.
their hearths, that she might keep the chill at bay and not
This can be an apropos explanation, a sorely unfortunate
allow the fires to die. Traders often pay special reverence to
accusation or any other brief statement that makes life
Lady Chimney Draft, as they often find themselves subject
interesting for the target—never when nothing is at stake.
to the hospitality of strangers. Ivrieinen of the Triad of Fate
Costs five motes.
delegates to the other goddess some work regarding suitable
Intrusion-Seeking Method—Autumn Frost can detect when
marriages. While Lady Chimney Draft normally only ratifies
someone finds his forest lodge.
marriages, she does sometimes help to bring suitable couples
Materialize—Costs 65 motes.
together, as per Ivrieinen’s instructions.
Measure the Wind—Autumn Frost naturally likes to know if
Lady Chimney Draft manifests as a middle-aged, hardy
any odds-upsetting people are around. Costs one mote.
woman with white-blonde hair and deep, grandmotherly
Principle of Motion—Autumn Frost keeps eight extra actions
wrinkles around a prim smile. She wears plain clothes com-
mon to Haslanti women and often travels hand-in-hand with
First (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Larceny, Presence
her consort, Master Winter. She is no great fighter, relying
Second (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Larceny, Presence
on Master Winter and Autumn Frost for protection.
Third (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Larceny, Presence
Sanctum: Lady Chimney Draft dwells with Master Winter
Join Battle: 9
in his castle.
Motivation: To safeguard the rules of hospitality.
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 3B, Parry DV 5, Rate 3
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5; Charisma 4,
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 6B, Parry DV 3, Rate 2
Manipulation 6, Appearance 5; Perception 5, Intelligence 5,
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 7, Damage 3B, Parry DV —,
Wits 4
Rate 1
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
(see Exalted, p.152) at the Storyteller’s discretion. This effect environs. Terrible winter storms reign over the region for
cannot heal naturally and cannot be reversed by any spirit miles around, further obscuring its location and discouraging
of less than Essence 4. unwanted visitors. It is a level-4 Air manse as well. Master
Words of Power—Individuals who persistently test Lady Winter also visits the House of the Nine Hearths of Emerald
Chimney Draft’s patience receive a personal visit from the and Silver.
lady, who righteously dresses them down, dealing damage Motivation: To prepare the Haslanti for any and all dan-
as she does so. gers.
First (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Presence, Socialize Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5; Charisma 3,
Second (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Presence, Socialize Manipulation 5, Appearance 5; Perception 5, Intelligence 4,
Third (Ability) Excellency—Awareness Wits 5
Divine (Ability) Subordination—Awareness, Presence Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 5, Temperance 1,
Join Battle: 9 Valor 3
Attacks: Abilities: Awareness 5, Bureaucracy 5, Dodge 3, Integrity 3,
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 3B, Parry DV 4, Rate 3 Investigation 4, Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Others:
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 6B, Parry DV 2, Rate 2 Haslanti Barbarian Tongues, High Realm, Skytongue) 3, Lore 4,
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 3B, Parry DV —, Martial Arts 4, Melee 4 (Cudgel +2), Occult 4, Performance 4,
Rate 1, Tags P Presence 5, Resistance 4, Socialize 4, Survival 5 (The Far
Soak: 13L/15B (Robes of office, 10L/10B) North +4), Thrown 4 (Ice Shuriken +2), War 3
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap Backgrounds: Allies 3, Artifact 4, Backing 3, Contacts 3,
Dodge DV: 6 Willpower: 8 Cult 3, Manse 4, Salary 3, Sanctum 3 (Winter Fastness),
Essence: 4 Essence Pool: 80 Sanctum 4 (House of the Nine Hearths)
Other Notes: None Charms:
Affinity Water Control—Master Winter can freeze water
MASTER WINTER and manipulate it as snow or ice. He cannot manipulate
In the new Haslanti order, Master Winter is the god of
water in liquid form apart from freezing it, however. The
preparedness and settled accounts, of the dangers of winter
environmental hazards he can create are limited to snow,
and the terrible storms it brings. He has no pity for people
sleet and hail storms (and he cannot make them toxic). His
who do not make necessary provision for the future, but he
elemental weapon is expressed by a breath of bitter cold
behaves kindly to sensible, reliable and conscientious folk.
snow and ice.
Winter is the time for hardworking folk to enjoy the fruits
Amethyst Awareness—Costs six motes.
of their labors.
Banish—Master Winter can forcibly remove anyone from
In winter, the god walks throughout Haslanti lands
his castle.
with his tally sticks and account books, recording snowfall
Calculated Order of Immediate Action—Master Winter can
and noting the movements of clouds for his reports to the
create a smaller version of his sanctum anywhere he finds
Bureau of Seasons. During the summer months, he stays in
sufficient ice and snow. To do so requires five invocations of
his castle, patiently crafting snowflakes and frost crystals
the Charm, each costing 10 motes and one Willpower.
with hammer and chisel.
Call—For one mote, Master Winter can instantly contact
Master Winter leads the Triad of Ice, setting their overall
any other member of the Triad of Ice.
agenda and laying preparations against attack from any front,
Elemental Expression—Master Winter can amplify the effects
with thousands of emergency disaster policies committed
of snow, ice and freezing wind as the elemental power.
to memory. As the most formidable of the three, he is also
Essence Bite—Touching or being touched by Master Winter
their protector.
(including attacks using melee weapons) incurs lethal cold
The Haslanti pray to Master Winter for foresight in
damage, at a cost of two motes per die. Master Winter can use
warfare, when planting crops, when making or seeking a
this Charm in concert with Freezing Attack Technique.
loan, and in all cases when planning or preparing for the
Essence Plethora—Master Winter has 10 extra motes of Es-
future. They also speak his name at births, that an infant will
grow up to be industrious and responsible; and at deaths, to
Freezing Attack Technique—For six motes, Master Winter
prepare a spirit for its next journey.
can, with any successful attack, freeze the target in place.
Master Winter is the oldest-looking of the triad, with
This Charm does not affect targets with an Essence higher
a long, icicle beard, cloud-white hair and frost breath. He
than 5. Other targets’ players must roll (Stamina + Resis-
wears blue robes, a cloak of steel snowflakes and warm,
tance) with an external penalty equal to Master Winter’s
furred boots.
Valor (3). Failure means the target is covered in thick ice
Sanctum: Master Winter’s castle, the Winter Fastness, is a
and frost and suffers a -3 penalty to all non-reflexive dice
giant fortress made entirely of ice, hidden among mountains
pools for the duration of the scene or until Master Winter
in the Far North. Many wind spirits guard the castle and its
releases the target.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
that she has rendered her punishment, and she declares the act without first reporting their resentment to the god. In the
vendetta resolved. As with the rest of the Ennead, however, latter case, Carrion Crow uses the dream to deliver a social
Carrion Crow believes that mortals should usually deal with attack through a nightmare about the target’s being punished.
their own problems. She assumes a vendetta only when no The recipients of nightmares do not regain Willpower from
mortal revenge is possible or to punish extraordinary crimes that night’s unquiet sleep.
in humorously horrible ways. Essence Plethora—Carrion Crow has 10 extra motes of
Although the Haslanti people see Carrion Crow as a god Essence.
of nightmare, they do not necessarily fear her. They know Harrow the Mind—Carrion Crow enforces resolved resent-
full well that terrible things happen. While most Haslanti ments with this Charm and uses it to ease people toward
try their best not to anger Carrion Crow, they accept her accepting death. She typically uses this Charm in concert
nightmares and random disasters as a part of life. with Subtle Whisper.
Carrion Crow appears as a naked old woman with pale Hurry Home—For five motes, Carrion Crow can return to
skin, a crow’s head and black feathers on her arms and hands. her nest or to the House of the Nine Hearths.
Her hands are like a crow’s claws. She is the oldest and most Intrusion-Sensing Method—Carrion Crow knows instantly
powerful of the Triad of Dreams, having been a fixture in the when vendettas consecrated to her have been completed or
lives of the Northern tribes for over 1,000 years. if the offended person receives an apology.
Sanctum: Carrion Crow’s nest in Creation is located on an Landscape Hide—When Carrion Crow hibernates through
island cave. It is a giant structure woven from the tightly the winter, she becomes one with her nest.
packed live branches of massive growing trees, with hundreds Loom Stride—Carrion Crow appears and disappears like a
of “rooms” on multiple levels. The area reeks of carrion and dream.
death and is overrun with carrion-eating beasts who feast Malediction of Disease—Carrion Crow carries disease in her
on rotting flesh. body. When Melee or Martial Arts attacks strike her (whether
Motivation: To enforce the proper execution of revenge. she takes damage or not), a noxious cloud engulfs the attacker
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4; Charisma 2, and infects him with Carrion Plague (functionally identical
Manipulation 5, Appearance 5; Perception 4, Intelligence 5, to plague, as described on p. 353 of Exalted, but the victim
Wits 4 stinks of rotting flesh). In addition, the target suffers lethal
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, health level loss, bypassing armor, as per the Essence Bite
Valor 2 Charm. Costs three motes per health level of damage.
Abilities: Athletics 2 (Flying +2), Awareness 5, Bureaucracy 4, Materialize—Costs 55 motes.
Dodge 3 (Flying +2), Integrity 3, Investigation 5, Larceny 4, Principle of Motion—Carrion Crow keeps five extra actions
Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Others: High Realm, Low stored.
Realm, Northern Barbarian Tongues, Skytongue) 4, Lore 4, Spice of Custodial Delectation—Carrion Crow gains Essence
Martial Arts 3, Occult 3, Performance 5, Presence 5, Resis- when worshipers report their resentments through prayer and
tance 3, Socialize 3, War 1 also when they offer her their spoiled food and carrion.
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Backing 2, Contacts 2, Cult 2, Salary 2, Subtle Whisper—Typically used to deliver Harrow the Mind
Sanctum 2 (Carrion Crow’s Nest), Sanctum 4 (House of without it being obvious.
the Nine Hearths) First (Ability) Excellency—Investigation, Performance,
Charms: Presence
Bane Weapon—When acting upon a mortal’s resentment, Second (Ability) Excellency—Investigation, Performance,
Carrion Crow’s claws become weapons that ignore the target’s Presence
soak and hardness. Costs five motes. Third (Ability) Excellency—Investigation, Performance,
Banish—Carrion Crow can eject unwanted guests from her Presence
nest for 12 motes and one Willpower. Divine (Ability) Subordination—Performance, Presence
Calculated Order of Immediate Action—Carrion Crow uses Join Battle: 9
this Charm to accelerate the spread of disease from neglected Attacks:
carrion, spoiled food and other filth. Claw: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 5B, Parry DV 5, Rate 3
Claws of the Crow—Spending 10 motes, Carrion Crow Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 7B, Parry DV 3, Rate 2
transforms her hands into giant crow’s claws, with effects Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 4B, Parry DV —,
similar to the Terrestrial Circle spell Wood Dragon’s Claw Rate 1, Tags P
(see Exalted, p. 254). Soak: 6L/8B (Divine skin, 4L/4B)
Domain Manipulation Scenario—Carrion Crow can cause or Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
quell disease, famine, decay or vendettas. Dodge DV: 6 (7 when flying) Willpower: 7
Dreamscape—Carrion Crow invades the dreams of the Essence: 4 Essence Pool: 85
Haslanti regularly for many reasons, but usually to advise a Other Notes: Carrion Crow can fly at five times her ground
supplicant or to punish mortals who committed some vengeful movement rates.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Impromptu Messenger—For five motes, Owl can speak through need Snowshoe Hare’s favor if they want to send dreams.
his priests. He typically does so only when a public project is Other members of the Ennead can send whatever dreams they
failing or if some high-profile or important job isn’t getting please.) Despite this vast workload, Snowshoe Hare sleeps
done and needs to for the sake of the community’s survival. often. While doing so, he can visit the dreams of anyone
Intrusion-Sensing Method—Owl knows instantly when projects currently sleeping.
consecrated to him have been completed, or if they have Snowshoe Hare manifests as a large white rabbit with
been abandoned for more than one week. enormous ears and feet. Although he constantly moves from
Inspirational Endowment—Owl visits the target in his sleep and one job to another, he never seems hurried or overworked.
fires his imagination, revealing workable solution to difficult Sanctum: Snowshoe Hare sleeps in many deep warrens
or long-standing problems. For one scene in the next day, an throughout the Far North.
attempt by the target to find a solution to a problem receives Motivation: To promote the value of dreams and to provide
two bonus dice. Costs 12 motes, one Willpower. peaceful sleep.
Landscape Travel—Owl can fly at double speed for 4 Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 7, Stamina 5; Charisma 3,
motes. Manipulation 6, Appearance 4; Perception 4, Intelligence 4,
Materialize—Costs 60 motes. Wits 4
Melodious Diagnostic Report—Used to see how the Haslanti Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2,
League and the component city-states and tribes are doing Valor 2
at carrying out their plans. Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 4, Bureaucracy 5, Dodge 8,
Memory Mirror—Owl knows the true minds of his worship- Integrity 2, Investigation 2, Larceny 4, Linguistics (Native:
ers. He can search the memory of anyone who has prayed Old Realm; Others: High Realm, Northern Barbarian Tribes,
to him in the past 30 days. Skytongue) 3, Lore 4 (Dream Symbolism +3), Martial Arts 2,
Principle of Motion—Owl has eight actions stored. Occult 4, Performance 5 (Dream Narratives +3), Presence 4,
First (Ability) Excellency—Investigation, Presence Resistance 4, Socialize 5, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Second (Ability) Excellency—Investigation, Presence Backgrounds: Allies 3, Backing 3, Contacts 3, Cult 3, Sal-
Divine (Ability) Subordination—Investigation ary 3, Sanctum 3 (Dream Warrens), Sanctum 4 (House of
Join Battle: 8 the Nine Hearths)
Attacks: Charms:
Claw: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 6L, Parry DV 5, Rate 3 Banish—Snowshoe Hare can banish sleepers from the
Bite: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 9L, Parry DV —, Rate 2 dreamscape.
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 5B, Parry DV —, Divine Decree—Snowshoe Hare may command lesser spirits
Rate 1, Tags P of sleep and dreams, such as dream flies (see pp. 35–36 of
Soak: 8L/12B (Tough feathers, 5L/7B) The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV—The Roll of Glorious
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap Divinity I).
Dodge DV: 6 (7 if flying) Willpower: 8 Domain Manipulation Scenario—Snowshoe Hare can make
Essence: 4 Essence Pool: 80 wholesale decrees regarding sleep and dreams such as, “The
Other Notes: Without using Charms, Owl from out of the citizens of Tuskstad shall not sleep for seven days.” While
East can fly at five times his ground movement rates. such a declaration seems like a punishment, sometimes such
is necessary in order for people to complete necessary tasks.
SNOWSHOE HARE AMONG BRAMBLES Hare has the power with such a declaration to negate all ill
With the death of the former Haslanti dream god,
effects resulting from lack of sleep.
Snowshoe Hare was promoted to the region’s principle god
Dreamscape—Snowshoe Hare molds the stuff of dreams to
of dreams. He ensures good sleep and pleasant dreams, and
his own specifications and can create as many autonomous
reminds his worshipers that rest and relaxation are neces-
dream-creatures that obey his will, as suits his whim. These
sary for health and a full, meaningful life. Pregnant Haslanti
are usually pleasant dreams.
women also pray to him nightly, as do laborers and hunters.
Endowment—All-Encompassing (but this does not cost
The Haslanti believe that catching sight of him while dream-
extra motes or Willpower, as it deals directly with the core
ing means good luck, but seeing him in the waking world is a
of Snowshoe Hare’s divine duties). Snowshoe Hare can is-
bad omen. Snowshoe Hare’s worshipers keep dream journals
sue endowments while the subject sleeps. A subject dreams
as a religious rite. Even more than most Haslanti, they seek
that he possesses such a gift, and he really does for one scene
visions of their destinies in their dreams.
after he wakes. Snowshoe Hare never spends more than
Snowshoe Hare has many responsibilities. In addition
15 motes on this Charm, though, so he grants only minor
to administering the realm of sleep for the nation, he also
crafts and delivers dreams for many fellow Haslanti gods,
Enter Dream—For five motes, Snowshoe Hare can enter
who rely on his expertise to communicate their wishes and
any sleeping Haslanti’s dream. While doing so, Snowshoe
warnings. (Most of the now-neglected Haslanti gods now
Hare is dematerialized and cannot be harmed physically.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Destiny Sponsorship—Ivrieinen gains extra defenses only Join Battle: 11
when she performs her specific duties with the acquiescence Attacks:
(if not blessing) of the Division of Serenity. Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 4B, Parry DV 6,
Divine Decree—Ivrieinen can arrange for far-flung individuals Rate 3
to meet if she considers them suited for one another. She can Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 7B, Parry DV 4, Rate 2
also decree that two individuals will never meet, or never Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 4B, Parry DV —,
meet again, with some assurance that the Bureau of Destiny Rate 1, Tags P
will not overrule her. Soak: 20L/22B (Celestial vestments, 10L/10B; Destiny
Domain Manipulation Scenario—Ivrieinen can manipulate Sponsorship, 7L/7B)
the bonds of affection on any scale, from couples to nations, Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
either strengthening them or replacing them with anger, Dodge DV: 9 Willpower: 9
jealousy and strife. Essence: 6 Essence Pool: 135
Emergency Prayer Relocation—Ivrieinen often visits mortal Other Notes: None
petitioners, though mortals often do not realize that she has
come in response to their prayers.
The Lady Who Comforts the Living at the Bedside of the
Endowment—Ivrieinen can make her targets attractive or
unattractive without changing their overall appearance.
Kidilos works to help the Haslanti accept the realities of
She may add or remove one or two dots to Appearance or
death. She strives to lessen mortals’ grief and encourage them
increase Abilities to make the target more interesting to a
to make peace with one another before they die. Particularly
potential partner (say, an increase in Craft or Performance)
among the tribes, grief easily slides into an angry desire to
who appreciates the Ability in question. She does not grant
punish someone, anyone, for a death. The Haslanti have too
these boons lightly, however, and usually reserves them for
much work to do to waste time on extravagant mourning or
individuals whose relationship or lack thereof will have wide-
blood feuds. Although she is not an employee of the Division
ranging effects. Costs 15 motes and one Willpower.
of Endings, she often works with that Celestial office.
Essence Plethora (x3)—Ivrieinen has 30 extra motes of Es-
Kidilos may appear briefly to mortals who comfort the
dying, as well as to people who suffer overwhelming grief at
Hand of Destiny—If she must, Ivrieinen lets the Loom of
the death of a loved one. She never stays long in Creation,
Fate itself tell her what actions she and her subordinates
but her blessings and influence remain after she departs.
must take in order to bring about a happy union… or wreck
Most often, Kidilos comforts people through stories.
someone’s life.
She knows the tale of every battle and the name of every
Hurry Home—For five motes, Ivrieinen can transport herself
Haslanti who has died and under what conditions. With a
instantly to the nearest gate to Yu-Shan, to the House of
little effort she can scrutinize people’s minds and reconstruct
the Nine Hearths or to the sanctum of any other god in the
a narrative of a man’s life. This telling of tales is a sacred rite,
never interrupted, that can help or hinder the bereaved, but
Materialize—Costs 75 motes.
always leaves some long-lasting effect.
Measure the Wind—Ivrieinen gauges the power of those she
Every spring, Carrion Crow identifies the dying and
must bless, or those who might oppose her mission.
helps Kidilos plan her overall route for the coming months.
Melodious Diagnostic Report—Difficult as mortals can be,
Snowshoe Hare assists her in sending reassuring dreams to
there is a solution to every problem. By spending 15 motes
the grieving.
and one Willpower, Ivrieinen can meditate upon a particular
Kidilos appears as a youthful woman dressed in the
problem involving her sphere and emerge after a few minutes
cold-weather gear of a Great Ice worker, with layer upon
with the solution.
layer of leather and wool, a fur parka and snow goggles. She
Natural Prognostication—Ivrieinen hints at Destiny’s plans,
swiftly glides along the snow on skis, stopping only as her
especially when a destiny involves personal relationships.
office dictates. Her eyes, should she reveal them to anyone,
Principle of Motion—Ivrieinen has nine actions saved.
are old and sad, containing the grief of centuries.
Shapechange—Ivrieinen often travels incognito in Cre-
Sanctum: Kidilos dwells in the House of the Nine Hearths
of Emerald and Silver.
Touch of Saturn—Can inflict Sickness effects. Cost varies.
Motivation: To console the bereaved and those who comfort
First (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Bureaucracy, Craft,
the dying.
Integrity, Investigation, Performance, Presence
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6; Charisma 5,
Second (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Bureaucracy, Craft,
Manipulation 6, Appearance 5; Perception 5, Intelligence 4,
Integrity, Investigation, Performance, Presence
Wits 6
Third (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Bureaucracy, Craft,
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 3, Temperance 4,
Integrity, Investigation, Performance, Presence
Valor 2
Divine (Ability) Subordination—Awareness, Craft, Integrity
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Sanctum: Spring Snowfall dwells in the House of the Nine
Hearths of Emerald and Silver.
Motivation: To give people occasional respite from labor
and boredom.
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6; Charisma 6,
Manipulation 7, Appearance 5; Perception 6, Intelligence 4,
Wits 6
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 5, Temperance 2,
Valor 2
Abilities: Athletics 1, Awareness 5, Bureaucracy 6, Craft
(Fate) 4, Dodge 5, Integrity 6, Investigation 4, Larceny 4,
Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Others: High Realm, Low
Realm, Northern Barbarian Tribes, Skytongue) 4, Lore 3
(Zany Historical Incidents +3), Martial Arts 2, Melee 5,
Occult 4, Performance 6, Presence 6, Resistance 3, Social-
ize 5, War 1
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Backing 4, Contacts 4, Salary 3,
Sanctum 4 (House of the Nine Hearths)
Amethyst Awareness—Little is hidden from agents of Fate.
Chrysalis of Preservation—Spring Snowfall captures events
that people will overlook or not appreciate at the time, to
release later when they can turn lives upside down.
Creation of Perfection—Spring Snowfall can adjust her cap-
tured events to make them less dangerous and more humorous
or instructive.
Destiny Sponsorship—Spring Snowfall gains extra defenses
only when she performs her specific duties with the acquies-
cence (if not the blessing) of the Division of Journeys.
Domain Manipulation Scenario—Spring Snowfall can provide
minor unexpected fortunes or difficulties. The latter are al-
most never dire or insurmountable, and the former are never
life-changing events. All of them offer a choice, however, an
opportunity to be seized and (usually) a welcome distraction
from backbreaking work.
Dreaded Embrace of Mundanity—Sometimes, failure is good
for the soul, especially for supernatural beings who are ac-
customed to succeeding through their use of Essence.
Emergency Prayer Relocation—Spring Snowfall projects herself
wherever mortals pray for something, anything, to jolt them
out of their current lives.
Hurry Home—Spring Snowfall can transport herself instantly
to the nearest gate to Yu-Shan, to the House of the Nine
Hearths or to the sanctum of any other Ennead member.
Materialize—Costs 75 motes.
Measure the Wind—Spring Snowfall evaluates beings of power,
the better to guide her in disrupting their lives.
Melodious Diagnostic Report—Spring Snowfall can listen to
the world and find places where life has become oppressively
Natural Prognostication—Spring Snowfall hints at Destiny’s
plans, especially when a destiny involves disruptions to a
person’s life.
Principle of Motion—Spring Snowfall has eight extra actions
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Dreamscape—This is now the only way Gethamane’s gods
know how to communicate. Their dreams are powerful despite
their incoherence, as vehicles for social attacks enhanced by
Presence Excellencies.
Essence Bite—If anyone strikes the gods, the gods can send
freezing winds blowing through the person’s bloodstream,
inflicting aggravated damage that bypasses armor. This costs
five motes per level of damage. The gods cannot inflict more
than two levels per attack.
Geas—Priests of these gods are usually under the influence
of this Charm in one way or another.
Hurry Home—The gods can move to any location in Getha-
mane or on its mountain.
Intrusion-Sensing Method—Gethamane’s gods know when
someone has entered one of their temples, or if beings of
power enter the city.
Landscape Hide—Gethamane’s gods are so attuned to their city
that they can subsume themselves within it indefinitely.
Materialize—Costs 65 motes.
Measure the Wind—The gods evaluate the potential threat or
benefit of every creature of power that enters the city.
Mind-Knife Sacrament—The gods use this Charm to ordain
their priests and implant knowledge of their rites. Being in-
sane, the gods are not very good at this, and sometimes drive
mortals insane instead. Reshan sometimes uses this Charm
deliberately to force people out of Gethamane. None of the
gods use it to grant Ability or Virtue dots.
Memory Mirror—While visiting mortal dreams, the gods
tend to search through memories as well.
Principle of Motion—Gethamane’s gods each keep seven
extra actions saved.
Sense Domain—The gods monitor Gethamane’s air flow daily,
seeking the source of any disruptions.
First (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Presence
Second (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Presence
Join Battle: 7
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 3B, Parry DV 5, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 6B, Parry DV 3, Rate 2
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Motivation: Extirpate all supernatural threats to her RANETH OF DIAMOND HEARTH
people. Born at the edge of the world, raised amid the cold
Caste: Zenith lawlessness of Diamond Hearth, Raneth craves civilization
Anima Banner: A blazing white tree with golden leaves. in spite of his own violent nature. His knack for machinery
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4; Charisma 5, lifted him from the drudgery of the mines and the violence
Manipulation 4, Appearance 3; Perception 4, Intelligence 3, of the dockside gangs, and it saved his life in buried Tzatli,
Wits 3 where he Exalted with an ancient Essence weapon in his
Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, hand. Now he wishes to spread civilization to the edges of
Valor 2 Creation, at sword’s point if need be.
Virtue Flaw: Grandmother’s Scorn. When she sees those she Raneth enlisted with the Bull soon after the Second
cares for speak or act in a self-destructive manner (whether Breath. Aghast at the icewalkers’ primitive way of life, he
physically, intellectually or spiritually), roll Samea’s Com- designed their new educational curriculum and established
passion for her to gain Limit. In Limit Break, she confronts civil codes for their governors and garrisons. Despite his
her companions to prevent them from endangering or usefulness and idealism, his patronizing attitude grated on
degrading themselves, using any or all non-lethal means at Yurgen, Samea, Crimson Antler and Fear-Eater. Both as a
her disposal for one full day. When she controls this condi- reward and to get him out of their hair, the Bull sent Raneth
tion so as not to obstruct a greater goal, she confines herself to the empire’s greatest bastion of civilization: Plenilune.
to mercilessly haranguing her companions regarding their Raneth is of middling stature—making him short for a
foibles and flaws. Northerner—with a stocky frame and small, blunt features.
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 1, Craft His black hair and eyes stand out sharply against his ivory-
(Wood) 2, Dodge 3, Integrity 4, Investigation 1, Linguistics pale skin. The pressures of government weigh him down;
(Native: Skytongue; Others: Old Realm, Riverspeak) 2, Lore 1, his expression is generally tight and humorless, and he paces
Martial Arts 4, Medicine 4, Occult 5, Performance 3 (Ora- like a caged beast.
tory +1), Presence 5 (Icewalkers +1), Resistance 4, Ride 1, Motivation: Restore the North to the glories of the First Age.
Socialize 3, Survival 3 (Frozen Wastes +2), War 2 Caste: Twilight
Backgrounds: Artifact 1, Allies 5, Cult 3, Followers 3, Influ- Anima Banner: A dragon scaled in blue and violet, its eyes
ence 4, Manse 3, Resources 4 as red as the setting sun. It exhales great gouts of golden fire
Charms: Ailment-Rectifying Method, Celestial Circle when Raneth is wounded or enraged.
Sorcery, Durability of Oak Meditation, First Martial Arts
Excellency, First Presence Excellency, Flawless Diagnosis
Technique, Infinite Presence Mastery, Iron Kettle Body, Iron
Skin Concentration, Majestic Radiant Presence, Ox-Body
Technique, Second Integrity Excellency, Spirit-Detecting
Glance, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Terrifying Apparition
of Glory, Underling Promoting Touch
Spells: Commanding the Beasts, Demon of the Second
Circle, Flight of the Brilliant Raptor, Incantation of Spiritual
Discretion, Infallible Messenger, Magma Kraken, Summon
Elemental, Swift Spirit of Winged Transportation
Join Battle: 5
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 2B, Parry DV 4, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 5B, Parry DV 2, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 2B, Parry DV —,
Rate 1, Tags P
Soak: 2L/4B
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 5 Willpower: 9
Essence: 4
Personal Essence: 21 Peripheral Essence: 47 (48)
Committed Essence: 1
Other Notes: Samea wears a hearthstone amulet set with
a gem of sorcery (see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. III—
Oadenol’s Codex, p. 107).
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
shoulders and muscular limbs, and he moves with an easy OTHER HEROES
grace. Wavy blond hair frames a broad, tanned face with The North has many heroes besides the Bull’s Circle. The
bright blue eyes and an expressive mouth that conveys his Lunar Exalted wield powerful influence in much of the North,
many moods: from infectious grins and warm smiles to black while outcaste Dragon-Blooded become champions of their
scowls or the teeth-bared grimace of a berserker’s fury. people. Even mortals can become key players in the North
Motivation: To outdo all rivals for feats of daring. through their extraordinary skills and sheer audacity.
Caste: Night
Anima Banner: A ghost-white lion with eyes of warm BLUE DRAGONFISH, HASLANTI ADMIRAL
gold. Admiral Blue Dragonfish has led the Haslanti Ice Squad-
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3; Charisma 4, ron for 60 years. As a Terrestrial Exalt in the prime of life at
Manipulation 2, Appearance 4; Perception 3, Intelligence 2, age 92, he expects to keep his post for another century or two.
Wits 3 This son of an emerald-holder from Shield held the tiller of
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, an iceship while still in his teens, and that’s when he took
Valor 4 the Second Breath. He joined the Ice Squadron in his 20s
Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt and rose rapidly through the ranks to become a scourge to
Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 5 (Daredevil Feats +1), the League’s enemies and a living legend of the North.
Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 1, Dodge 4, Larceny 4, Linguistics Blue Dragonfish loves the chill wind in his hair and the
(Native: Skytongue; Others: Riverspeak) 1, Lore 1, Martial thunder in the hull of an iceship racing over frozen seas, not to
Arts 3, Melee 5, Occult 2, Performance 2, Presence 2, Re- mention the adventure of exploring the Great Ice and battling
sistance 2, Ride 1, Sail 2, Socialize 2, Stealth 3, Survival 2 the League’s foes. He becomes visibly uncomfortable after a
(The Far North +1), Thrown 2, War 3 few hours on land or amidst ordinary folk. The great Admiral
Backgrounds: Artifact 2, Contacts 3, Followers 3, Influence 4, has taken no wife and calls few men his close friends, though
Resources 5 he enjoys the unquestioned loyalty of his fleet. He could be-
Charms: Easily Overlooked Presence Method, Fire and Stones come a political player in the League but abhors politics and
Strike, First Athletics Excellency, First Melee Excellency, the minutia of formal regulations, paperwork and budgetary
First Presence Excellency, First War Excellency, Foe-Vaulting allocations (to the loss of the Ice Squadron’s funding). The
Method, Hungry Tiger Technique, Increasing Strength Ex- Realm itself has invited him to command one of its fleets, but
ercise, Lightning Speed, Monkey Leap Technique, Ox-Body his loyalty remains to his tribe and his nation. The frozen sea
Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion, Shadow Over Water is vast, and while Blue Dragonfish will live long, he will not
Join Battle: 6 live forever, and he hopes to see it all before he dies.
Attacks: The Admiral is a tall, stalwart man, with craggy features,
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 4B, Parry DV 5, Rate 3 skin the color of blue icebergs and a frosty white beard trimmed
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 7B, Parry DV 3, Rate 2 into two short points.
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 4B, Parry DV —, Motivation: To discover every wonder of the North. And
Rate 1, Tags P if it threatens the League, destroy it.
Axe: Speed 4, Accuracy 11, Damage 9L, Parry DV 4, Rate 2 Aspect: Air
Thrown Axe: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 7L, Rate 2, Anima Banner: Whorls of blue wind.
Range 10 Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3; Charisma 5,
White Jade Grimcleaver: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage Manipulation 4, Appearance 4; Perception 4, Intelligence 3,
16L/4, Parry DV 5, Rate 2, Tags O Wits 4
Composite Bow: Speed 6, Accuracy 7, Damage 6L*, Rate 3, Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 2, Temperance 2,
Range 250 Valor 4
* Uses broadhead arrows. Abilities: Archery 3 (Powerbow +2), Athletics 3 (Movement
Soak: 6L/5B (Fine chain shirt, 4L/2B, fatigue value 1) On Ice +2), Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 1 (Escape Paperwork +2),
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap Dodge 4, Integrity 2, Investigation 3, Linguistics (Native:
Dodge DV: 6 Willpower: 7 Skytongue; Other: Low Realm, Northern Barbarian Tribes) 2,
Essence: 3 Lore 3, Martial Arts 5, Melee 4, Presence 3, Resistance 2, Sail 5,
Personal Essence: 16 Peripheral Essence: 32 (37) Socialize 1, Stealth 2, War 3 (Ice Naval Strategy +2)
Committed Essence: 5 Backgrounds: Allies 4, Artifact 3, Command 5, Connec-
Other Notes: Nalla wields twin axes in combat, one for tions 2, Henchman 3, Manse 2, Reputation 3, Resources 3,
melee and the other for throwing. His grimcleaver, spoils Retainers 2
from the Tepet legions, hangs on the walls of his chambers Charms: Deck-Striding Technique, Dragon-Graced Arrow,
as a trophy. He uses it only in dire straits, for doing so would Elemental Bolt Attack, Feeling-the-Air Technique, Fine
reveal his Exalted nature. Passage Negotiating Style, First Archery Excellency, First
Dodge Excellency, First Martial Arts Excellency, First Me-
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
In return for training, Gerd sends his students on n
training missions of derring-do such as recovering lostt
artifacts, rescuing slaves from Guild caravans, thwartingg
plots by Deathlords, the Fair Folk and other dark powers, s,
and generally strengthening Creation’s defenses. Gerdd
ponders whether the Bull of the North is a fellow defender er
of Creation or one of the threats he must defend against.
If the Bull attacks the Haslanti League, he will make
Gerd his enemy.
Gerd Marrow-Eater can take the shape of an eagle,
wolf, blue whale, bear, elk and reindeer, among many
others. In his human form, he is a tall, surprisingly youthful--
looking man, with a clean-shaven face, dark eyes and long, g,
straight white hair. His war form stands over 10 feet tall, with
white feathers massed at his clawed hands and feet and on his
head like hair and sideburns. He dresses in practical Haslanti
leathers and wool, donning armor if necessary.
Motivation: To build new societies free of the Guild.
Caste: Changing Moon
Anima Banner: Shifting silver and dark blue light reveals als
a soaring eagle.
Spirit Shape: Eagle
Tell: White eagle feathers on his extremities
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4; Charismaa 5
(Lead Troops +2), Manipulation 5 (Inspiring Oratory +2), 2)
Appearance 4; Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 Lodestone Reckoning Manner, Lunar Hero Form, Maintaining
Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, the Pack, Meerkat Alertness Practice, Mirror Sight Dismay,
Valor 5 Moonlight Curtain Drawn, Nature-Reinforcing Allocation,
Virtue Flaw: The Curse of the Raging Bull North Mastery Technique, Ox-Body Technique (x3), Pack
Abilities: Archery 5, Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Craft (Wood) 2 Instinct Affirmation, Rabid Beast Attitude, School Becomes
(+2 Tattooing), Dodge 5, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Lin- Shark Formation, School in the Reeds Technique, Second
guistics (Native: Skytongue; Others: Low Realm, Old Realm, Dexterity Excellency, Second Manipulation Excellency,
Northern Barbarian Tongues) 3, Lore 5, Martial Arts 5, Second Perception Excellency, Sense-Borrowing Method,
Melee 3, Occult 3, Performance 3 (Public Speaking +2), Sharing the Gifts of Luna, Steadfast Yeddim Meditation,
Presence 5, Resistance 5, Sail 3, Socialize 3, Stealth 5, Sur- Third Charisma Excellency, Third Manipulation Excel-
vival 5 (Far North +2), Thrown 3, War 4 lency, Third Perception Excellency, Third Wits Excellency,
Backgrounds: Allies 4 (Twisted Stone Conclave), Artifact 1, Thousand Claw Infliction, Topiary Culture Meditation,
Artifact 2, Backing 4 (Silver Pact), Cult 4, Followers 4, Watchful Spider Stance, Wolf Pack Training Technique,
Heart’s Blood 5, Manse 4, Reputation 4, Resources 3 Wyld-Sensing Instincts
Charms: Bruise-Relief Method, Cat-Face Presentation, Combos:
Charismatic Lunar Trick, Claws of the Silver Moon, Cobra The Eagle Regroups (First Charisma Excellency, First Manipu-
Hypnotic Method, Culling the Pride, Dog-Tongue Method, lation Excellency, Maintaining the Pack, School Becomes
Eagle Eye Advantage, External Hide Perfection, Eye of the Shark Formation, Third Manipulation Excellency)
Cat, False Burrow Pursuit, Finding the Needle’s Eye, First Knacks: Deadly Beastman Transformation*, Devastating Ogre
Charisma Excellency, First Intelligence Excellency, First Enhancement, Humble Mouse Shape, Internal Form Mastery,
Manipulation Excellency, First Stamina Excellency, First Mountainous Spirit Expression, Towering Beast Form
Strength Excellency, First Wits Excellency, Flawless Charisma * In his war form, Gerd receives +2 to his Strength, Dex-
Focus, Flawless Manipulation Focus, Foot-Trapping Counter, terity and Stamina, as well as the positive effects of the
Form-Fixing Method, Grandfather Spider Majesty, Halting the following mutations: Enhanced Senses (Sight), Feathers,
Scarlet Flow, Heightened Sight Method, Herd Reinforcement Glider, Talons.
Stance, Herd-Strengthening Invocation, Hide-Toughening Join Battle: 9
Essence, Instinct-Driven Beast Movement, Instinct Memory Attacks:
Insertion, Instinctive Charisma Unity, Instinctive Manipula- Human:
tion Unity, Instinctive Stamina Unity, Instinctive Strength Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 4B, Parry DV 6,
Unity, Keen Sight Technique, Lessons of the Winter Wolf, Rate 3
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
proper lighting, but many shrouded ones show some telltale
DEMONS AND MONSTERS OF sign of their demonic origin such as small horns, inhuman
THE NORTH eyes or clawed fingers.
Ancient, forgotten demons and creatures touched by For more information on the Demon-Blooded, demon
the Wyld exist just beyond the sight of mortals. These are a pacts and infernal cults, see The Manual of Exalted Power—
few of the most dangerous. The Infernals and (for a demon’s-eye view of cults) The
Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. V—Malfeas.
APHELIOTROPES, THE SHROUDED ONES Motivation: To bring down human civilization.
Derat Khan, a First Age general of the Dawn Caste,
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4; Charisma 3,
came to hate the Unconquered Sun for abandoning the
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3; Perception 3, Intelligence 3,
Solar Exalted to the Usurpation. On the run and at death’s
Wits 3
door, he sold his soul to a Second Circle demon and was
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2,
thus infernally Exalted. From that day, Derat Khan became
Valor 3
a creature of hate, living only for revenge on the Uncon-
Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Dodge 4,
quered Sun, the Terrestrial Exalted and Creation itself. He
Integrity 3, Larceny 3, Linguistics (Native: Old Realm;
carved the abhorrent cavern-state of Keruzat Derat beneath
Others: Skytongue) 1, Lore 3 (Apheliotrope Legend +2),
a Northern mountain. Here, he spawned the spawned the
Martial Arts 3, Medicine 1 (Torture +2), Melee 4, Occult 4,
horrible apheliotropes, or shrouded ones, terrible creatures
Presence 2, Socialize 3, Stealth 4
with the shapes of men but the temperament and will of
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Followers 1–3, Re-
demons, to carry out his vengeance.
sources 1–3
The demon-bought Solar apparently died during the
Charms and Powers:
Shogunate, but his Demon-Blooded progeny lived on. For
Demonic Mutations—A typical shrouded one has no more
centuries, Keruzat Derat was the vilest pit in Creation, a
than a single pox to indicate his or her inhuman heritage,
place of unspeakable tortures and blasphemous debauches—a
but apheliotropes may possess other poxes, blights and afflic-
bit of Hell brought to Creation, or maybe even worse! The
tions, gaining the necessary bonus points through negative
apheliotropes made war on humanity, raiding and destroying
mutations. These mutations owe nothing to the Wyld,
towns and the armies sent against them, dragging their captives
but can be represented through the mutations found on
below to live the rest of their short existences as the shrouded
ones’ playthings. Even the Dragon-Blooded heroes of the
Shogunate could not defeat the Demon-Blooded horde.
Yet, the apheliotropes could not defeat the Great Con-
tagion. The shrouded ones’ decimation by plague and the
Fair Folk weakened their grip on the Far North. Then the
arch-sorcerer Bagrash Köl noticed that he had competition
in the North. The fierce hordes and demon-beasts of the
shrouded ones were no match for Bagrash Köl’s legions,
his sorcery and the omnipotent Eye of Autochthon. The
mountain of Keruzat Derat became a crater lined with glit-
tering crystal.
Since then, the descendants of the few surviving aph-
eliotropes have acted alone or in very small bands. They
move stealthily through human society, taking whatever
chance they find to lead mortals into demon worship. Derat
Khan is but a legend to his descendants, but the shrouded
ones still hope to bring about his final revenge. Just as Derat
Khan fixed demonic power in their blood, so too did he fix
obedience to the Yozis.
The shrouded ones are a hunted people, primarily by the
Haslanti and the icewalkers. Sometimes, apheliotropes attract
bands of lost, angry mortals who blame Creation and the gods
for some perceived wrong done to them. The shrouded ones
take what they can from such confused souls and inevitably
leave them much worse off than they were before.
Apheliotropes appear as strong humans wreathed in a
shroud of darkness. They can often pass for humans in the
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Backgrounds: Cult 2, Followers 1 Corr’dal cannot dematerialize. The binding also limits her
Spirit Charms: powers in other ways. If freed, she would become far more
Amethyst Awareness—Founders perceive structures of Essence powerful and dangerous.
and other intangible things.
Chrysalis of Preservation—Corr’dal can materialize anything
The demon-children of Corr’dal now call themselves the
she can imagine and for which she possesses a relevant
Founders, to distinguish themselves from their mother’s half-
Craft Ability. These imaginings have even less reality than
animal offspring, the ice eaters. Demonology texts of the Old
the fantasies of the Fair Folk, however, for they do nothing
Realm call them the dal’sharr. That name is now forgotten
except remain solid.
in Malfeas as well as Creation, for the Solar architect Kal
Communion of the Spawn—Corr’dal can communicate tele-
Bax summoned the entire race of First Circle demons and
pathically with any of the Founders, at no Essence cost.
bound them to build his Invisible Fortress. Then he didn’t
Creation of Perfection—Corr’dal can shape Fate and Essence
let them return to Malfeas, lest they reveal the secret of his
with incredible skill. It’s how she and her progeny built the
hideaway’s location.
Invisible Fortress for Kal Bax and moved it and the surround-
The dal’sharr deeply dislike all Exalted, especially
ing territory outside Fate.
Essence Bite—Those who strike Corr’dal are momentarily
A Founder has long, chitinous arms and legs attached to
engulfed in a misty green aura emanating from the demon.
a thick, slug-like torso. Their crescent-shaped heads feature
This cloud burns the attacker, dealing one die of lethal dam-
a grotesquely jutting chin and brow, narrow eyes and a wide
age per two motes spent.
mouth that always seems to smile. Founder skin color ranges
Essence Plethora (x3)—Corr’dal has 30 extra motes.
from light gray to pitch-black. These demons stand four and
Harrow the Mind—Corr’dal once could weave thoughts to
six feet tall. They are sexless and sterile. Most importantly,
make mortals believe almost anything. Kal Bax prudently
thought, they are master artisans of fate and Essence as well
crippled her facility with this power. If freed, Corr’dal’s
as stone and fine metalwork.
Manipulation and Presence would rise to the point where
Sanctum: The 500 or so dal’sharr live in a tent city they call
she could control all but the strongest minds.
Gate, in the Demonlands near the Invisible Fortress.
Host of Spirits—Corr’dal can evoke up to 15 copies of herself,
costing three motes each.
Materialize—Costs 60 motes.
Measure the Wind—Corr’dal evaluates anyone she meets who
might have magical powers… especially the Exalted.
Possession—Corr’dal cannot use this Charm until she regains
her power to dematerialize.
Principle of Motion—Corr’dal has nine extra actions
Stoke the Flame—Inspires jealousy and greed.
Touch of Grace—Corr’dal can heal one health level of damage
by spending three motes and one Willpower.
Words of Power—In addition to the base cost of five motes,
Corr’dal must spend one additional Willpower to speak
First (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Craft, Lore, Occult
Second (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Craft, Lore, Oc-
Join Battle: 9
Attacks: None
Soak: 7L/10B (Tough hide, 3L/3B)
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 0 Willpower: 9
Essence: 3 Essence Pool: 105
Other Notes: Corr’dal’s throne emits a miasma of dark Essence
that requires a successful (Perception + Occult) roll to sense,
originating from the various items hidden in its hollow seat.
Attempts to read Corr’dal’s mind (or any Founder’s in the
vicinity of the throne) suffers a -3 external penalty.
Due to the constraints placed on her by Bax’s binding,
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Of course, it is possible to rescue a pack’s captives. Long Bow: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 6L*, Rate 3,
This is best accomplished as soon as possible, for existence Range 200
in a herd pit quickly takes its toll on a victim’s mind and * Uses broadhead arrows
body. People rescued after several weeks of captivity rarely Soak: 5L/8B (Thick skin, 2L/2B)
speak again because of the horrors they have seen. Nor will Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/4/Incap
they easily walk again due to improperly healed bones and Dodge DV: 4 Willpower: 6
injuries sustained fighting the rest of the herd for scraps of Essence: 1
food. What’s more, captives eventually may experience one Other Notes: Hushed ones often hunt in partnership with
or more Wyld mutations (see Exalted, pp. 288–290, The ice hollows (see p. XX). The hushed ones’ Allies Background
Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. II—The Wyld, reflects this cooperation.
pp. 144–151 and pp. 206–210 of The Manual of Exalted
Power—The Lunars).
The Solar temple-manse at the heart of Whitewall
All hushed ones have long black hair on their heads.
may be Creation’s last pristine example of High First Age
Their smooth, white and unblemished skin stays cold to the
religious architecture. The numerous mosaics and bas-reliefs
touch. Their wounds heal quickly and never scar. Hushed
depicting the glory and deeds of the Unconquered Sun in-
ones are incredibly strong and have long sharp claws on their
clude numerous small figures of… mice. Such figures now
fingers. They prefer to use these natural weapons but can
puzzle savants of the Second Age. It has been too long since
use the weapons collected from prey if this gives them some
the Unconquered Sun sent his subtly powerful agents into
tactical advantage. When not in use, they bury their weapons
Creation—the mice of the sun.
in and around their nests. They never wear armor.
These rodents are somewhat larger than ordinary mice
Motivation: Hushed ones live only for the hunt.
but look otherwise ordinary. Only when the light strikes
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6; Charisma 1,
them in the right way does the fur on their backs reflect the
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3; Perception 5, Intelligence 5,
eight-point symbol of their master.
Wits 5
While the mice possess a few supernatural talents,
Virtues: Compassion 0, Conviction 5, Temperance 2,
their real power is to appear when and where a tiny action
Valor 5
could have enormous consequences. They gnaw through the
Abilities: Archery 4, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Dodge 5,
warrior’s shield-strap so it breaks in the middle of a battle.
Integrity 5, Martial Arts 5, Medicine 3, Melee 5, Presence 2,
They guide the lost messenger who bears news of a noble’s
Resistance 2, Stealth 4, Survival 4, War 1 (Coordinate
treachery… or they carry a plague into the town that has
Attacks +3)
fallen into demon worship or other blasphemies.
Backgrounds: Allies 2
In the Old Realm, the mice of the sun occasionally as-
Wyld Mutations and Other Powers: Poxes: Claws, El-
sisted the Lawgivers. After the Usurpation, the supernatural
emental Adaptation (Air), Night Vision; Afflictions: Thick
rodents saw increasing use—especially after the Marama’s
Skin; Deficiencies: Disturbing Voice (Mute); Derangements:
Fell holocaust—to curb the excesses of the Dragon-Blooded
Cannibalism (deformity)
Shogunate. The Unconquered Sun abruptly ceased using
Hive Mind—Hushed ones do not need to speak. They share
his tiny minions after the Great Contagion, and some in
a hive mind that enables all of them to act as one. Whatever
Heaven believe the Deathlords somehow co-opted the mice
one of them knows, the rest of their pack knows as well.
for their own vile ends. With the return of the Lawgivers to
Packs become increasingly dangerous over time, from the
knowledge and experience of everyone in the pack’s history.
Represent this through higher War ratings. Hushed ones
routinely coordinate their attacks, surround opponents so
one of them can attack from behind, and practice similar
Wyld Healing—While in the Bordermarches or deeper in the
Wyld, hushed ones heal one level of lethal damage every 30
minutes or one level of bashing damage every 15 minutes.
Join Battle: 8
Claw: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 7L, Parry DV 5, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 9B, Parry DV 3, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 6B, Parry DV —,
Rate 1
Slashing Sword: Speed 4, Accuracy 10, Damage 9L, Parry
DV 4, Rate 3
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
virtually dooms any attempts at civilization in these places
until Mount Mostath decides that every mountain and glacier
is in its proper place.
Join Battle: 2
Trample: Speed 9, Accuracy 1, Damage Special*, Parry DV 1,
Rate 1
* Anything that doesn’t get out of Mount Mostath’s way is
utterly crushed beneath its bulk or (if indestructible) driven
deep into the ground. Storytellers who need something
more definite can say the trample deals 100 levels (not
dice) of aggravated damage. A similar fate awaits anyone
who somehow manages to kill the behemoth, as it writhes
in its death-agonies.
Trunk: Speed 9, Accuracy 1, Damage 50L, Parry DV 1,
Rate 1
Soak: 50L/100B (Hardness: 50L/50B)
Health Levels: -0x50/-1x100/-2x100/-4x50/Incap
Dodge DV: 1 Willpower: 10
Essence: 8 Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 5, Integrity 2,
Other Notes: Mount Mostath is immune to all cold ef- Linguistics (Native: Unicorn Song; Others: Old Realm,
fects. The creature suffers no visibility penalty itself from Skytongue) 2, Martial Arts 4, Presence 4, Stealth 4, Sur-
the frozen fog. vival 4
UNICORNS Aerial Gallop—In Creation, unicorns can gallop across chasms
These Wyld-spawned creatures resemble pure-white or run a few inches above rough terrain for six motes of commit-
horses with cloven hooves, a lion’s tail, featureless, glowing ted Essence and three additional motes per hour. In Rakshastan,
blue eyes and a yard-long, spiraling horn of translucent opal. they can run from one driftland to another or otherwise charge
Their voices sound like a sublime symphony, and their move- across the sky effortlessly (no Essence cost).
ments show a grace beyond anything possible in nature. A Sacred Mien—The grandeur and majesty of a unicorn’s ap-
unicorn’s otherworldly beauty stuns and entrances mortals pearance stuns would-be attackers. A would-be attacker
who cross their paths in the wilderness. The creatures are cannot even try to attack unless his player first succeeds
very intelligent and can speak. Some unicorns live in small at a Willpower roll for each attack (difficulty 1 for missile
groups, and unicorns who usually live alone may nevertheless weapons, 2 for Melee or Martial Arts combat). No roll is
gather to mate or sing. necessary to defend against an attacking unicorn.
Unicorns defend Bordermarch locations of great beauty Wyld Immunity—Unicorns are immune to Wyld mutation,
or power against anyone who would destroy, damage or shaping effects and works of glamour. Yet, they share the
reshape the land. These creatures can live anywhere in Fair Folk’s vulnerabilities to cold iron and to being bound
Creation, though, without heed to environmental dangers by their oaths.
such as extreme cold or heat and do not require food. Some Join Battle: 6
unicorns enjoy traveling throughout Creation. Attacks:
No power less than Solar Circle sorcery can control a Gore: Speed 3, Accuracy 12, Damage 16L, Parry DV 4,
unicorn’s behavior or even cause one to appear less than Rate 1
perfectly graceful and elegant. A unicorn held captive Kick: Speed 4, Accuracy 10, Damage 12L, Parry DV 4,
sickens and dies within weeks, but is soon reborn out of the Rate 2
Middlemarch ice. Some unicorns ally themselves with select Soak: 12L/16B (Iridescent white perfection, 8L/9B)
raksha nobles, Solar Exalted or truly heroic mortals (Familiar Health Levels: -0x3/-1x3/-2x3/-4/Incap
•••••)—a mark of high status among Fair Folk. Dodge DV: 6 Willpower: 8
Motivation: To guard the Wyld against intruders. Essence: 3 Essence Pool: 30
Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 7; Charisma 4, Other Notes: None
Manipulation 2, Appearance 4; Perception 4, Intelligence 2,
Wits 3 VODAK
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Few beings remember Vodak’s name. Those that do
Valor 4 never speak that name out of fear that doing so will awaken
the horror and cause it to rise once more.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
Pseudopodia: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 30L + corrosion,
Parry DV 4, Rate 4
Soak: 30L/60B (Protean body)
Health Levels: -0x200/Quiescent
Dodge DV: 6 Willpower: 10
Essence: 8 Essence Pool: 800
Other Notes: Vodak does not suffer normal progressive
dice penalties for taking multiple actions. Instead, it loses
one die for every non-reflexive action performed in a flurry
after the first.
Sunlight harms Vodak’s plasm, inflicting one level of aggra-
vated damage per five ticks of exposure. Vodak can take no
actions while exposed to sunlight except to retreat. Direct
sunlight also destroys Vodak’s simulacra, which dissolve into
silvery powder at its touch.
The Primordial that would become Isidoros, the Black
Boar That Twists the Skies, forged the behemoth Vorvin-
Derlin from his own immortal sinew. The Primordial designed
the behemoth as a bizarre war engine that grew in power to
match the forces ranged against it. The greater the army, the
more surely the Slayer of Armies would annihilate it.
During the Primordial War, however, Vorvin-Derlin
could not calibrate its defenses appropriately to defeat Backgrounds: Manse 5 (Conduit to Isidoros restores Essence
the Exalted, whose might far outstretched their number. as a level-5 manse)
Time and again, the Slayer of Armies was destroyed, but Powers:
its dead husk drew fresh life from Creation itself, and it Barbed Surface—Anyone striking Vorvin-Derlin barehanded
rose again. The terms of Isidoros’s exile dictated that suffers 6L damage from its jagged metal flesh.
Vorvin-Derlin follow its master into banishment but Inexhaustible Defense—Vorvin-Derlin’s Defense Values
return when called as if it were a Second Circle demon. are not reduced by the behemoth making attacks (single
An accident during the Usurpation left Vorvin-Derlin or flurries) or other actions. Attackers can never reduce
masterless but buried in the ruined city of Opal Spire, Vorvin-Derlin’s DVs through onslaughts, coordinated at-
where it has waited ever since. tacks, attacking from behind or any other mundane tactic,
Vorvin-Derlin resembles a hollow humanoid cage of either. Charms that reduce a foe’s DV still function against
tarnished brass filigree that extrudes and retracts razor-sharp the Slayer of Armies.
barbs from its body with an insistent rhythm like that of a Gale of Barbs—With a wave of its hand, Vorvin-Derlin can
beating heart. The creature undulates and shifts its shape launch a volley of darts formed from its jagged metal flesh.
constantly as it moves, every step sinewy and hypnotic. It This attack has the same effect as the spell Death of Obsidian
retains this semi-humanoid shape as long as it must but Butterflies (see Exalted, p. 252), with an area of effect 30
prefers to envelop a living host as an exoskeleton. When the feet wide and 10 feet high. The attack roll is (Dexterity +
behemoth takes a host, red flames smolder in the gouged-out Thrown) and the base damage is 1L. Costs 15 motes.
pits of its vessel’s eyes. Verdigris coats every non-magical Mechanism’s Bane—Machines and First Age artifacts react
metal object within one mile of Vorvin-Derlin. unpredictably whenever Vorvin-Derlin comes within five
Motivation: To obey Isidoros and express its purpose by miles of them. The more sophisticated the device, the more
defeating armies and other powerful adversaries. likely it will exhibit some unexpected behavior. Every day,
Attributes: Strength 5*, Dexterity 5*, Stamina 5*; Charisma 1, for each artifact in range, roll a number of dice equal to the
Manipulation 1, Appearance 0; Perception 3*, Intelligence 2*, device’s Artifact rating. (Roll one die for water-mills and
Wits 5* other mundane mechanisms.) The number of successes
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 2*, Temperance 1*, indicates the degree of malfunction. If all dice are successes,
Valor 6 the device becomes inoperable and requires repair. N/A
Abilities: Athletics 10, Awareness 5, Dodge 10*, Martial Artifacts are not affected.
Arts 10*, Melee 10*, Presence 7 (Intimidation +3), Resis- Might of the Slaughterer—By spending five motes following
tance 10*, Stealth 5*, Survival 5*, Thrown 10*, War 10* a successful attack, Vorvin-Derlin draws blood from an
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
city. A cthrita looks like a man-sized centipede carved of have snow-
onyx and black opal, whose massive mandibles drip with white fur.)
quicksilver. These creatures run on stone walls or ceilings as Roughened
easily as the floor—usually in packs of at least a dozen. They paws enable
can chew through rock at a rate of a foot an hour, but only great-terrors
do so if they know prey awaits beyond a barrier—so they will to lope over
chew through a door (they can smell people beyond it) but slippery ice.
will not spend weeks tunneling upwards toward Gethamane. In the dark,
(At least, not unless they are simulacra controlled by Vodak.) their eyes
Cthritae can see in complete darkness. catch any
Cthritae lack human intelligence but possess formidable light with a
instinctive cunning. Their motives are to feed and breed. fiery, orange
They can live on rock and water but prefer organic prey. glow.
Feeding cthritae rip their prey apart and roll in the bloody Male
remains in a sort of frenzy. Breeding cthritae sever a victim’s great-terrors
tendons and force eggs down the prey’s throat. The eggs hatch hunt alone.
within hours and devour their host from within, reaching The females
adult size in a day. gather in
packs of up
GREAT to half a
EAGLES dozen. All
These great-terrors growl, bark and whinny as they chase their
oversized prey. At the kill, a great-terror bays in a way that sounds
eagles hunt like maniacal laughter.
elk and rein- Few dare to hunt great-terrors. Not only are these crea-
deer the way tures fast, wily and extremely hardy, but great-terror meat
normal rap- tastes rotten (though it is harmless) and their oily, pungent
tors hunt pelts are nearly worthless. Big game hunters may seek the
rabbits and glory of slaying the North’s fiercest predator, though only
squirrels. Exalted hunters (such as a number of justly famous Dynasts)
Great eagles have much chance of killing great-terrors.
stand 10–12 A century ago, the Fair Folk raider called White Harper
feet tall with used glamour to enchant a large pack of great-terrors—the
wingspans only known case of anyone taming these beasts. White Harper
reaching 30 feet. Their feathers bear white and gray mark- used his great-terrors to gather slaves, jade and other treasures
ings. Although great eagles are one of the favorite totem as he carved out a sizeable domain. The Wyld Hunt did not
animals of the North, Guild-sponsored sport hunters have kill him directly… but wounded and weakened him enough
hunted them nearly to extinction. Gerd Marrow-Eater cur- that the great-terrors turned on the raksha and slew him.
rently works on restoring the species. He has bred and trained
a legion of them, quite probably the largest population of HORNED SNOW HUNTERS
great eagles left in Creation. Horned snow hunters (also called snow devils) roam the
Great eagles have the same traits as Metagalapan war- tundra and taiga of the Northeast but sometimes venture west
hawks (see The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. along the White Sea. Their blunt-jawed snout resembles that
III—The East, pp. 158 and 160). No one has tamed great of a dog, with sharp, cat-like teeth and fangs. Two horns point
eagles to bear riders, however, and no one could without forward like spears from the top of their long-eared heads.
using Charms. Silky white fur provides excellent camouflage in snow and
ice. Snow devils stand three to four feet at the shoulder and
GREAT-TERRORS can weigh up to 300 pounds. They are brilliant hunters who
These terrifying carnivores are the scourge of the North as display complex tactics of flanking, ambushing, baiting and
they feast on reindeer herds, mammoth and unlucky travelers corralling their prey.
or villagers. No prey smaller than a man is worth their trouble These creatures avoid humans, and attack them only if
to hunt. These gigantic hairy canine creatures grow 10–12 provoked or cornered. Humans do not return the favor. Horned
feet tall and about 16 feet long. A great-terror’s monstrous, snow hunters eat the same sort of animals that humans do.
fang-filled jaws can easily crush a man’s skull. Great-terrors Moreover, the snow devil has sweet and savory meat, luxuri-
have jaggedly striped brown or black pelts, matted into a ously soft and warm fur, strong sinews and tough bones suitable
crest along their backs. (In the extreme North, these beasts
blue flower (order #1639287) 7
an eight-foot wingspan, with sharp, gripping claws and tiny SPAWN OF
serrated teeth. The tips of their wings secrete a viscous bile VODAK
that freezes in the icy air, forming extremely sharp blades T h e
along the wings’ edges. A shard bat attacks by swooping past hekatonkhire
its prey to slash with its wings, but it must take a miscel- Vodak buds off
laneous action between attacks to wheel about for another small copies of
pass. Lacking this option, the bat can bite or claw. itself to sweep
Colonies of dozens of shard bats nest in Northern through Geth-
caves. The bats scour the frozen landscape for prey, using amane. These
echolocation to detect smaller rodents and birds. They usu- copies exist
ally hunt in packs of 10 or more, flying in perfect formation only in the
until they attack. Travelers in groups of four or more have Underworld’s
little to fear from shard bats, but these beasts may attack analogue to
smaller groups. Because shard bats rely heavily on surprise, Gethamane,
however, they usually seek other prey if the fight lasts more where they
than a minute. hunt ghosts.
Echolocation: Like normal bats, shard bats can sense When they de-
their surroundings by sending out pulses of sound too high- stroy a victim,
pitched for humans to hear and listening for the echoes. they return to
This echo sense is quite as accurate as sight. It can still be rejoin their creator and deliver their devoured Essence.
“blinded” by effects that cause deafness, though. Spawn have Essence 3 but no Essence pool. They try to
SNOW grapple victims. A victim takes no Strength-based dam-
LIONS age (for the spawn cannot exert physical force), but suffers
T h e s e environmental damage as if from an acid bath (see Exalted,
hulking preda- p. 131) for every action in which the spawn manages to
tors of the Far continue the clinch. Naturally, spawn of Vodak rely on their
North stand Dexterity for grappling attacks. A spawn of Vodak covers
10 feet at the an area 10 yards wide. It can initiate only one clinch per
shoulder, with action, but it can hold up to six victims at once without
razor-sharp suffering any penalty.
claws and YETI
teeth. Rear- Fierce and
ing upright, a strongly terri-
snow lion can torial, these
attack prey 20 cannibalistic
feet overhead. simians form
Their eyes are troupes of one
a hypnotic pale male and four
blue and their to six females,
coats are white or gray, with pale, mottled markings. plus young, all
Snow lions burrow deep in snowdrifts and lie in wait living in natu-
for prey to approach. Those who accidentally walk over a ral caves or in
snow lion’s burrow may cause it to collapse, falling into the frigid forests of
snow and ice with the snow lion. The victim takes 5B fall- the Northeast.
ing damage and the attentive snow lion can attempt one In addition to
unexpected attack. A snow lion can also attempt an ambush bearing and
by leaping out from a snowbank. Snow lions sometimes fol- rearing the yeti
low those who do not collapse their burrows, tracking prey young, the female yeti haunt the dangerous mountain passes
until they are asleep or some other opportune moment. and quiet woods in their territory, an area usually encompass-
Snow lions usually hunt alone. While they normally hunt ing a few square miles, while the male watches for unexpected
animals ranging from elk to mammoth, they regard humans dangers. Yeti are absolutely immune to cold.
as just more livestock.
blue flower (order #1639287) 7