Splinters of The Wyld PDF
Splinters of The Wyld PDF
Splinters of The Wyld PDF
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Sometimes writers write too much. The Com- Before we knew it, we had a lot of pieces with no
pass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. IIThe home, so we decided to stitch them together into a
Wyld offers many locations, people and creatures crazy quilt of additional game pieces for your Exalted
for Exalted games, but the writers produced quite a series. The result is Splinters of the Wyld, additional
bit more than we expected. It seemed a shame just glimpses of the madness waiting at Creations rim.
to throw the excess material away, though. Then, Strictly speaking you dont need The Wyld to use
over time, other books ended up with little scraps the material within for inspiration, but there are a
and fragments of Wyld lore, and those seemed too lot of references to The Wyld and other books that
cool to leave in the oblivion of a computer trash bin. will help explain some of the concepts within.
the MiddleMarcheS does not provide a reverse path. The vacant nature
of Air has enough affinity with the Void that one
little Mouth can go from Little Mouth to Oblivion, but not
Somewhere in the Northeastern Wyld, near back again.
many other landmarks but rarely visited, stands a Still, traces of the Abysss nature infect the
black granite statue about the size of an elephant. surrounding region. Although the waypoint is deep
It is the bust of an unknown man. This person in the Middlemarches, visitors from Creation suffer
would look handsome if the statue were in the Wyld exposure as though it were the Bordermarches.
proper shape, but it suffers a bizarre deformity. Some of the local beasts also feel the effects, look-
From the lower lip down and from the upper lip to ing more wan or deathly; a few change so far as to
the top hair, it looks fully human. At the mouth, have visible bones in places, though to no ill effect.
however, the mans head bends backward to open Despite the deathly taint, the waypoint is not a
freakishly wide. Ringed by perfect, undistorted shadowland. The connection to Oblivion makes
teeth, the mouth looks like an endless gap in space Little Mouth something much worse.
of undisturbed darkness.
The statues Little Mouth is a direct conduit to the feather StairWay
the Mouth of the Void. A fool who leapt directly In the Northeast, between the driftlands and
into it would fall straight down into Oblivion. the icicle forests farther east, a gigantic diamond
People who exercise greater care can climb along feather thrusts from the ground. Its shaft pierces the
the inside of the mouth and find themselves crawl- frozen earth and ice, and the feathers vanes climb
ing on the lip of the Mouth of the Void. The statue at an angle into the clouds. This is the Feather
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Stairway. Many creatures from the Wyld,
Creation and other places dwell within this
curious waypoint, maintained by a mysteri-
ous landlord.
Treasure hunters should not cut away
the diamond of the stairway, because each
chip taken spawns a snow ghost. These eerie
entities follow thieves of the stair and as-
sault them in the night, re-forming the next
night if they are slain. Once they kill the
thieves (or whoever now owns the chips),
they return the stolen diamond chips to the
stair and repair the damage as if it had never
been done. No thief has ever discovered
the means of ending the pursuitgoing to
the Elemental Pole of Fire. Should a snow
ghost appear there at night to slay a thief,
the enormous heat of the Elemental Pole
would melt it, and it would never return.
See the Creatures of the Wyld section
(pp. 3740) for snow ghost traits.
The actual stairway is inside the rachis,
the hollow shaft of the feather. An open
doorway lets people enter where the rachis
meets the ground. Inside, visitors find a mile-
wide stairway going as far up and down as
anyone can see. The smooth, concave wall
shimmers. Ascending, several hundred yards
of travel reveals the first barbs of the feathers
vanes on both sides of the vast stairway. Each
hollow barb forms an enormous passageway
several miles long and as wide as a half-dozen
city streets. Here, the smooth walls let in
light from outside or glow softly at night.
Occasional decorations adorn the walls,
from paintings and wall-hangings to pieces
of sculpture, running the gamut of quality
from the crudest daubs to masterpieces. Every
half-mile or so, there is a small collection of
furniture and a greater quantity of decora-
tion, including bookcases and rugs.
Where a feathers barb would have a
barbule, there is a landing and a doorway
to an apartment where various creatures
dwell. The apartments bear labels such
as Striking Aspect or Effervescent.
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
themselves to gain it. The raksha of this freehold no one as worthy. Every petitioner is somehow
have few dealings with the Guild. Instead, they inferior to his precious birds, whether in terms of
simply steal victims from anyone who comes within beak hardness, flight speed, talon strength or other
the range of their storms and lures. Of course, very qualities that a petitioner almost certainly lacks.
few people from Creation venture this far into the Wings received from the Father of Birds are the
Wyld. Even the villages and tribes of Wyld-dwelling Wings abomination (Exalted, p. 290). His power
folk move away one by one. The Fair Folk of the is to grant a significant mutation at will.
White Marshes capture fewer victims every year. the flight Zone
Soon they must choose between their indolence Many things in the Northern Wyld can fly.
and their desire for souls upon which to feed. Sometimes the air is so strong, it is hard not to. In
the father of BirdS the Flight Zone, air becomes more buoyant than
From his aerie in the Wyld, the Father of Birds it is in Creation. In the First Age, inexperienced
watches the activity of all Northern winged crea- Exalts came here to practice the flight they could
tures. Although he does not belong to the Celestial achieve through Charms and artifice. Others
Bureaucracy (indeed, he is not a god of any kind), brought their aerial combat or courier corps here
the Father of Birds files reports on all things he sees. for training. Vanileth, the Shogun of Artificial
His endorsements of hunting smaller creatures and Flight, took pleasure in frequent visits to observe
regurgitating nuts are glorifying; his condemnations or advise the trainees. He still occasionally comes
of inter-bird conflict are scathing. here to look upon the region and brood.
Bird-child hybrid servants file everything their Ruins of the First Age accommodations and
father writes in his extensive (perhaps endless) storage units remain. The facilities were reinforced
archival hallway. No one ever gets permission to against Wyld exposure, but even those measures
review the Fathers archives, but someone who eventually failed. Today, only the tips of two styl-
did so illicitly would have access to endless, florid ized wings rise above the hundreds of feet of snow
descriptions of hatching eggs, migrations, wing that cover the ground. Nothing else of the manse
cleanings and other minutiae. where visiting Celestial Exalted once resided re-
The Father of Birds himself is eight feet in mains above the snow.
height, muscular in build and paternal in aspect. He Uncovering the Flight Zones manse now would
wears a white toga much too light for the climate be a tremendous feat, as would be returning it to
and has two great, white wings. When showing off, its original, functional state. One who did it would
he has a 16-foot wingspan. possess a hearthstone (Manse ) that adds two
People receive audiences with the Father of successes to all rolls regarding flight. In the surround-
Birds quite often, whether they request them or not. ing dormitories and equipment sheds, one might
The Father is most known for his ability to bestow find various tools of flight such as jump harnesses
wings upon other creatures, and his penchant for and transcendent phoenix pinions (see The Books
doing so. He thinks that any living thing is better of Sorcery, Vol. IWonders of the Lost Age, pp.
off with wings, even creatures that blatantly dont 5253), as well as treatises on the practice of flight
need them. The Father of Birds has inconvenienced and the theory behind such artifacts.
many snow wyrms by granting wings that only slow Any rolls dealing with the act of flying gain one
their flight. bonus die in this waypoint, and characters suffer
The Father of Birds makes an exception only half normal damage for falling. The higher a person
when people seek him out to ask for wings. Then, flies, the stronger the upward lift gets. Every 1,000
he grows haughty and judgmental. Such people must feet of altitude adds another die to flight actions.
prove themselves worthy of such a blessing before Flying too high here makes it difficult to leave
the Father of Birds will provide it. And he judges the skies. Once the flight bonus becomes greater
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Wyld pocketS and tainted landS logic. They can travel in any direction, but always
eventually lead where the raksha want to go. By
Winding StairS local convention, the rooms are zones of peace, so
Not far from the Neck lies Winding Stairs, a all attempts to charm or delude others must take
freehold of mystery and dreams where the native place on the stairs. Some raksha whisper that the
raksha rarely speak to one another. Each one keeps true ruler of the place is lost on a staircase between
her own mortal captives to drain of dreams and two rooms that were simultaneously destroyed, and
emotions. They attempt to enrapture each other in will not emerge until the original rooms reappear
illusions, caught in a web of endless competition. or are rebuilt.
The inhabitants are not sure themselves who rules Beneath the silver-and-opal palace lies an
Winding Stairs, but proclaim absolute fidelity to ancient deposit of starmetal that struck the ocean
their unknown monarch. While Winding Stairs floor during the Usurpation and was lost from the
falls under Pearl Court hegemony, a number of records of the Sidereals. This starmetal deposit gives
these Fair Folk also follow the Jet Court. The the freehold an unusual force of destiny that the
freehold often serves as a way-stop between the raksha, creatures of chance and whim that they are,
two courts. do not understand. When affairs of the Western
The doorway to Winding Stairs looks like a raksha become tangled with the Exalted or other
huge scallop in the side of a reef. Inside, the palace powerful creatures, Winding Stairs usually sees an
twists in on itself like a whorled shell, with stairways important meeting or confrontation.
leading between the rooms. The stairways follow no
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 1, Soak: 15L/18B (Tough hide, 10L/8B)
Valor 3 Health Levels: -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-
Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 5, Dodge 3, Investi- 2/-2/-4/-4/Incap
gation 3, Larceny 5, Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Dodge DV: 7 Willpower: 8
Others: Seatongue, 4 Western tribal dialects) 2, Essence: 5 Essence Pool: 80
Lore 2, Medicine 4, Martial Arts 3, Melee 4, Occult 3 Other Notes: Swiftfin, Illustrious Waterfang Pirates
(Wyld +2), Performance 5 (Lies +2), Presence 4, javelin, dissolves into seawater the tick after it is
Resistance 4 (Poison +3), Sail 5, Stealth 6, Survival 5, used. After that point, its wielder may reflexively
Thrown 5 (Swiftfin +3), War 2 grasp it out of any body of seawater of sufficient size.
Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Resources N/A When solid, the javelin looks like shimmering, black
Essence Powers: jade with a banner of red silk attached. Illustrious
Illustrious Water InfusionThis power imbues Il- Waterfang Pirate may use it for a defense as long as
lustrious Waterfang Pirates bite with his infamous it is currently at hand.
toxin. It costs eight motes and causes his next bite
attack, be it on a living creature or something in-
animate, to inject the venom. illuStriouS WaterfangS VenoM
Scent of the Fat ManThis ability, combined with Illustrious Waterfang Pirates venom has
everyday research and tracking, enables Illustrious these traits: Damage: 8 Stamina/10 minutes,
Waterfang Pirate to find his prey. He can smell out Toxicity: 4L, Tolerance /, Penalty (5
quantities of already-possessed treasure within 100 Stamina). With each dot of Stamina loss,
miles. He learns the direction, distance to within the victim becomes more translucent and
10 miles, approximate composition (jade, silver, rubbery (like gelatin) until he collapses as a
promissory notes, daiklaves and so on) and value puddle of water. Against inanimate objects
(total Resources rating and highest Artifact rating) (most notably ships), each point of Stamina
of anything with at least a Resources 3 value. This damage reduces the targets soak by two,
power costs 10 motes and one Willpower, and bestows with the object turning completely to water
only immediate knowledge, requiring repeated uses when it has no more soak. Artifact vessels
to track down a target. and equipment resist the poison much like
Tax-takers WishMany treasures Illustrious Water- a human does, using a dice pool equal to
fang Pirate acquires would be ruined in the water, or (Artifact rating x 2). The damage heals
would eventually spoil. Neither event would please as if each dot of Stamina lost were a level of
him. This power, which costs five motes, indefinitely aggravated damage.
preserves an object in good condition, ignoring the Some Charms, such as Hull-Preserving
effects of both time and water. Essence-using savants Technique or Shipwreck-Surviving Stamina,
who know of this ability (very few indeed) are jeal- can help keep a ship from dissolving. At the
ous that the Essence is not committed. Storytellers discretion, Storm-Weathering
Join Battle: 11 Essence Infusion may add two successes to
Attacks: the ships roll against the poison.
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 8B, Parry
DV 11 (6), Rate 3
Bite: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 8B, Parry DV ,
Queen of the loSt
Rate 1
A lost goddess lies in these waters, having
slipped into madness as the Wyld and the waters
Parry DV 12 (6), Rate 1
devoured her former lands. In the First Age she
* Swiftfin can inflict lethal or bashing damage at
was Soanthe-of-the-Waves, protective goddess of
Illustrious Waterfang Pirates whim.
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Luna spends most of her time riding the hot winds taught them that to visit another place is an invita-
of the Steam Tides in her spirit shape, that of an tion to be eaten. It makes them very welcoming of
albatrossand using powerful Charms against the strangers. They treat visiting characters very well
heat. Rather than seeking a treasure, she stores until the feast. When their guests run or fight,
valuables of her own within the volcano. Among the islanders believe it is just part of the guest gift
her fellow Lunars, Ukari has a reputation for know- to bestow a hunt and combat. Visitors may roam
ing the best places to hide things, including people. between islands at will, because the Island People
She currently spends time alone, contemplating inhabit them all. The only thing visitors may not
the hidden connection between Solar and Abyssal do is leave.
Exalted and allowing her reputation to grow through The Island People are tall and dark, and usually
her absence. Someone who wishes to explore the wear only breechcloths. Their society is so haphazard
volcano for its treasure or contact Ukari had better that children sometimes rule over entire factions
have a trick up his sleeve to get there. of them. Nothing they do really matters as long as
the Whale iSlandS their island stays floating in the air. On the topmost
A traveler can see the Whale Islands from quite island lives the current guardian of the islands and
far off. They hang hundreds of yards in the air, sup- his or her many wives and husbands. The guardian
ported only by the unending spouts of water from supposedly oversees the defense of the Whale Is-
the blowholes of enormous whales. lands, but exercises little real command. Really, the
These huge black whales swim slowly through guardian family is a dynastic legacy in the middle of
the waters of the Middlemarches with their mouths near anarchy, set up by an unknown entity centuries
open. In this manner, they gather water to sup- ago to protect a magical artifact. By this point, the
port the islands and collect food for themselves. guardian family has forgotten everything except that
Meanwhile, they live out a life cycle of their own, it should live on the oldest and highest island.
communicating with each other through a series of The Whale People do not eat strangers. It is
low moans and producing young that also grow to their way to eat what the Sky People drop or discard
support an island. from their bountiful gardens and orchards. From this,
Younger whales propel water with less force, so they learned that anything that comes from above
they support only the smaller islands, which hang is food, including Sky People who once descended
lower in the sky and provide easier access for visi- to meet their neighbors. Now, Sky People do not
tors from Creation. Getting up to the lowest islands come down anymore. Not on purpose.
is a minor feat, as they are no more than 100 feet The Whale People insist that each of them is
in the air. Moving from there to the higher places the transitive spirit of a great whale. When a new
requires patience and some ingenuity. The islands whale is born, one of the Whale People must leap
always hover above their respective whales, which into the new whales mouth to give it a soul. If the
swim about each other as they feed and interact, so whale dies anyway (as many of them do), the spirit
travelers must time their ascent carefully and prepare was not strong enough or pure enough. Families
to scale at least 100 feet to each successive island. that produce unworthy spirits lose standing in the
Two cultures live in the Whale Islands. They community. Inside each whale that lives, they say,
each speak a separate dialect of Seatongue, and each is the seed of a soul that, if swallowed, can ease a
calls itself simply the People. The people who live persons worst suffering.
on the whales backs call the islanders the Sky People. Whale People mix their food with blubber they
The people who live on the islands call the folk who cut from the creatures they ride. Their unique diges-
dwell on the whales the Whale People. tion cannot subsist on solely whale blubber or the
The Sky People have ropes and readily help food that drops from the sky; they must consume
visitors climb up to their islands. The Whale People both. Their careful butchery trims excess fat from
the quick-healing whales, ensuring that the whales
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
What song one hears depends on both time baked, reduces to a chalky orange paste that, when
and place, and the songs shift in a pattern that is mixed with the juice of certain summer fruits, be-
hard but not impossible to predict. This is a form comes an elixir of health equal to seven bounties
of vision-questing (see The Compass of Celestial paste (Exalted, p. 378).
Directions, Vol. IIThe Wyld, pp. 139141), but the fire door
the time interval is only days rather than months, The Fire Door stands in nearly a dozen places
and limited to finding particular songs. Storytellers across the Southern Middlemarches. Its shape varies.
can apply a bonus or penalty of up to three dice to It might look like a standard door set into a wall, a
the players (Perception + Occult) roll, depending trapdoor in the floor or grand double doors in the
on the generality or specificity of the knowledge the unexplored recesses of the Marching Sands. In every
character seeks. For instance, seeking songs from case, however, the door is completely ablaze, a door
the Old Realm could give the player a +3 bonus, made entirely of flame.
because the request is so general. Seeking songs With proper protection (such as sturdy fireproof
that Silur might have made up as she developed her gloves), an explorer can open the Fire Door. Through
theory of magic would impose a -3 penalty because it, one can see an entire flaming landscapenot a
its so specific and assumes that the arch-sorceress far cry from what can be found many other places
put her thoughts to melody as she worked. in the Southern Wyld. Stepping through the door
the MiddleMarcheS reveals the difference: That one step changes the
traveler from a being of Creation into an entity of
the Baking duneS living flame. The metamorphosis does not harm the
People sometimes speak of baking sands, but person, and allows him to explore the fiery world
only these dunes of the far Southwest actually live on the other side in relative safety. Characters who
up to that description. The desert here steams, giv- proof themselves against such shaping effects, such as
ing the dunes the appearance of baking bread, as the Solars using Integrity-Protecting Prana or tattooed
fire of the South meets the water of the West. The Lunar Exalted, do not become flame, which has the
locations name has a deeper meaning, though. Food unfortunate effect of not protecting the character
is the fuel of life, and the Baking Dunes are edible. against the eternal fires on the other side of the
The sands taste like spiced sugar. Beneath them lies door. Such a person would be wise to have powerful
a layer of moist clay with the texture of dough. If a protections against the heat and fire before passing
lump of said clay is separated and buried in the steam- through the Fire Door.
ing sands for an hour, this clay becomes a delicious Beyond the Fire Door, a traveler finds Seared
confection very similar to sugared bread. Creation. It looks like a replica of some other part of
Some property of the Baking Dunes gives things Creation, rendered in solid and liquid flame. Through
baked there nutritious properties. Eating two hand- the space-bending properties of the Wyld, Seared
fuls of baked clay makes a single decent meal, and Creation stays perfectly to scale. Sidereal Exalted
anything buried and baked there becomes similarly who visit the realm beyond the door wonder how
worth eating. You could bury a disease-ridden hu- this waypoint manages to remain true to its source.
man brain or a hunk of granite and take it out safe Some posit a mysterious connection to the Loom of
and delicious, though the rock would be too hard Fate. However it happens, it happens. As far as any
for most humans to bite. visitor can tell, every mountain, stream, forest and
Even farther down, a layer of magma flows slowly building in Creation has a flaming duplicate.
toward the ocean-Wyld farther west (where it creates The people of Seared Creation have a human
oceans of steam, in which certain creatures swim). shape and nature, if not composition, just like peo-
This is one of the heat sources that bakes anything ple outside the Wyld. Some are friendly, some cruel
buried in the dunes (though the sun contributes and all try to get along and get ahead in the world.
as well). A glob of magma, buried in the sand and
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
gives their true nature away. Even the small pool the mammoths head and back, where it falls to the
itself is made of liquid jade. The oasiss promise to ground or blows away. It sometimes picks up vast
travelers is not entirely false. All of it, though jade, stones from the earth, which look like small pimples
can serve its seeming purpose. The grass is comfort- on its immensity until they come crashing to the
able. Travelers can crack the white jade coconuts ground months later.
and sup upon the white jade milk and meat. Most Complex tunnel systems thread through the
importantly, people can drink the jade water. All Marching Sands form, averaging four yards wide.
these things are as healthful and nutritious as their They are surprisingly stable and solid for a giant
true counterparts would be in Creation as long as creature made of shifting sand. Tunnels open all
one stays within the Jade Oasis. over the monsters bulk. Openings in the feet provide
Taking anything away from the Jade Oasis access to the Marching Sands interior, and others
changes its nature. The farther they go from their in the head or tusks let people reach the mammoths
source, the more like stone they become. Blades of greatest heights. Occasionally, disasters close tunnels
grass become hard and brittle, and liquids thicken. or open new ones. Although the Marching Sands
In Creation, they become nothing but jadegood constantly absorbs and shed its substance, the tunnels
for a merchant, but terrible for someone who needs are relatively constantsomething placed in them
that drink of water. could stay there through the turning of an Age.
It doesnt help that the consumables remain so Inside the Marching Sands lives Master
for three scenes after a traveler leaves the Jade Oasis. Garudo, one of the Lunar Exalted whose Exalta-
If, by that time, a character who partook has not tion dates from the end of the Low First Age. Long
eliminated this food and drink, she feels the pains of ago, Garudo drew mortal followers from Southern
having jade embedded within her system. A character Creation and created his own small society within
immediately suffers two unsoakable dice of lethal the beast. He has developed and taught thauma-
damage if she took a drink, four if she ate, six if she turgic techniques that ward off the Wylds effects
did both. These wounds are internal and cannot be a little. He hopes eventually to develop a strain
healed until surgery removes them. At least the cost of human that resists mutation.
of the surgery is paid by the blockages. Master Garudos Sandmen, as they call them-
Last of the Jade Oasiss qualities is that it is never selves, travel in groups for safety and hunt at night
far for travelers in the Southern Middlemarches, but when the desert is cool. They have developed books
neither is it easy to reach. It can connect to nearly full of tactics for dealing with the fantastic threats of
all other waypoints that far in the Wyld; only some the Middlemarches. They are generally friendly to
dangerous places and raksha strongholds are sepa- explorers they meet, but the Sandmen are not averse
rated from it. Explorers could come upon it at any to consuming human flesh in times of famine.
time, as long as they do not actively seek it. For this When the Wyld is strong and surges nearer Cre-
reason, usually only explorers who have never heard ation, the Sandmen occasionally leave the safety of
of it can find the Jade Oasis, because all others wish the Marching Sands and communicate and trade with
for it in their times of need. people of Gem and other nearby societies. Garudo
the Marching SandS encourages them to return with wives or husbands
This waypoint wanders the Southern Middle- for fresh blood, and he occasionally introduces new
marches in the form of a colossal mammoth. Twenty populations to mingle with his people.
miles long and nearly as high, the sand-creature Even after several centuries, Garudo and his
marches slowly and aimlessly, accidentally devastat- Sandmen have not fully explored the Marching
ing Wyld cultures and acting much like a natural Sands interior. Master Garudo has found many
disaster. Sand constantly rises upward through its secrets, treasures and monsters in the March-
body, lifted from the deserts it crosses until it reaches ing Sands, and has no doubt that many more
await discovery.
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
the MiddleMarcheS the Wyld, though. Something that looks like solid
steel or bronze might actually be as brittle as glass.
cutting WoodS Any impact that damages a tree in a Cutting
The Eastern Middlemarches hold many forests Wood causes slicing, piercing shards to rain down
of glass, metal, ice or gemstone. Ice forests also grow on everyone within three to seven yards of the
in the North, and mineral forests in the South. Some tree, depending on the trees size. The cutting rain
of these forests retain the resilience of wood, but generally deals half as many dice of damage as the
others are dangerously brittle. Any impact might attack on the tree, to a maximum of 6L. The rain of
send down a shower of razor-edged leaves and twigs shards cannot be parried without a stunt, but it can
as sharp as arrowheads. High winds can turn the be dodged. Give the rain of shards a dice pool of (6
entire forest into a killing zone. + the number of levels of damage the rain inflicts),
Forests of ice and glass are the most fragile. Twigs and compare the results of the attack roll to the
and branches have no soak at all, and even the tree Dodge DV of everyone in the area.
trunks have no more than 1L/2B soak. Any branch A windstorm in a Cutting Wood is best treated
thinner than a grown mans wrist breaks when it as an environmental effect. A supernatural ice
suffers even a single level of damage, while trunks storm (Exalted, p. 131) makes a good analogue to
take only one level to damage and seven to destroy. such a peril.
Gemstone forests tend to be a little sturdier (add
+1L/1B soak), while metal forests generally offer grandiloQuent garden
at least 1L/2B soak for twigs and branches and the Travelers find this giant-sized garden when
trunks may be solid metal pillars. You never know in they first come upon the enormous wooden fence
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
farmhouse at one corner of the garden, visible from Others: Old Realm) 1, Martial Arts 3, Melee 3, Pres-
anywhere within its boundaries. Farmer generally ence 4, Resistance 4, Survival 2, Thrown 4
enters the garden twice in the lives of each crop: Backgrounds: Resources 2
once to plant and once to pull. (Making wayward Special Abilities:
plants disappear is the exception.) His body, large Immense Vegetable CreatureFarmers enormous size
enough that the fence reaches only to his mid- makes him very easy to hit, but nearly impossible
chest, is made entirely of the crops he has grown to damage (and besides, hes made of vegetables).
over the years. He suffers a -3 penalty to his Dodge DV due to be-
It is Farmers nature and desire to grow ever ing so large. By the same token, though, his huge
larger, which he accomplishes by growing season fists, feet or farm tools have +6 Accuracy against
after season of crops, pulling them and adding human-sized foes.
them to his bulk. From a distance, the colors of the Arrows and similar narrow, piercing weapons (in-
plants blend to make him look rather human, if very cluding firewands and flame pieces) cannot deal more
green. Up close, theres no question that he is the than one level of damage to Farmer unless they are
conglomerate of uncountable vegetables. His voice empowered by Charms, in which case they cannot
is that of all the vegetables of his body speaking deal more than the attackers Essence in damage.
together as one. After rolling for damage against Farmer, no matter
Each time Farmer completes a growing season what the source, cut the number of resulting levels in
(about once every decade), he harvests the crops half, as attacks do little more than mash and knock
and sorts the plants. Most, he eats or smokes. The a few vegetables from his body.
cream of his crops he adds to his own body more ReplenishmentIf Farmer is in his garden, he can
directly, growing in size. He then replants with seeds heal damage to himself by grabbing vegetables and
from his own body. Since he is now larger than he adding them to his body. Doing so is a standard
was, he rebuilds the entire farm to match his new miscellaneous action and heals three levels of any
size before the next seasons crops begin to grow sort of damage (bashing, lethal or aggravated).
from the ground. The plants also grow larger than Join Battle: 7
they did before, remaining proportional to the rest Attacks:
of the farm. Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 16B, Parry
Farmer has no ambition in life other than to DV 8, Rate 3
farm, eat and grow. Still, he fears and hates fire, as Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage 19B, Parry
it once consumed his farm and much of his body, DV 4, Rate 2
reducing him greatly in size. Someone playing on Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 12, Damage 16B, Parry
this fear might be able to manipulate Farmer into DV , Rate 1
assisting various causesat least until its time for Giant Farm Implement (Blunt): Speed 6, Accuracy 12,
the harvest. Damage 22B, Parry DV 6, Rate 1
farMer Giant Farm Implement (Sharp): Speed 6, Accuracy 12,
Motivation: Farm. Eat. Grow. Damage 18L/6, Parry DV 6, Rate 1
Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 3, Stamina 11; Soak: 6L/11B
Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2; Percep- Health Levels: -0x6/-1x12/-2x12/-4x6/Incap
tion 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Dodge DV: 1 Willpower: 8
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Essence: 4
Valor 4 Other Notes: Because of Farmers long arms and
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Craft (Wood) 1 legs, his base Move is 10 yards and his base Dash
(Carpentry +1, Gardening +2), Dodge 1, Integrity 2, is 16. He can kick and stomp opponents within
Investigation 4, Linguistics (Native: Forest-tongue; three yards of himself, and his oversized farm tools
increase his reach to eight yards. He cannot punch
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
contains a unique alcoholic beverage. Many of these According to the tale of a wounded explorer
have been brewed or distilled at some point or time who escaped the area and made her way back to a
in Creation, ranging in quality from the Empresss Realm outpost before she died, Khryal is an ancient
favorite plum wine to the worst wood alcohol that Dragon King citadel located within a Wyld zone
ever made a man blind. The real finds are the drinks about 350 miles southeast of Rathess, on the south
never seen or tasted outside of Sinners Marshthese side of the Vaniwayan River. Some powerful and
are why the real connoisseurs seek it. forgotten magic enables the citadel to resist being
Large and small koi swim lazily in these pools, within a Middlemarch. Its First Age infrastructure
uniquely-colored to highlight the individual spirits remains nearly intact. Even more remarkably, a
hue and translucence. Eating one of these fish curses colony of civilized Dragon Kings still lives in Khryal.
a person with bad luck (three botched rolls, applied They have endured in isolation since the end of the
whenever the Storyteller would find it most humor- First Age and maintain their advanced society to
ous) and taints the pool forever. Barring such a the present day though the explorer found them
terrible event, the pools never dry up. When a pool quite unfriendly.
runs low, a small rain cloud forms above it. The local- Any explorer who makes his way through 20
ized shower washes the pool clean and causes small miles of Middlemarches to Khryal can indeed dis-
trees to grow, whose flowers drip nectar that slowly cover an intact society of about 200 Dragon Kings.
refills the pool with its specific drink. This is also They are of the Raptok breed: lean, scaled human-
how new pools formed when Creations folk devise oids with claws, fanged muzzles, tails and crests of
new drinks, or when Sinners Marsh unpredictably feathers along their heads, spines and forearms. The
creates one of its own. Dragon Kings live peacefully in a small First Age
A dog lives here, a mutt of clearly poor breed- community with working Essence lights, magical
ing. It has no name but is apparently a great lover of plumbing, moving vehicles and all the other ame-
spirits. It welcomes any visitors and is always eager nities that First Age society took for granted. The
to discuss and debate the merits of various drinks. Dragon Kings are hostile to most explorersprobably
The dog refuses to tell others how it manages to live lethally sobut they happily form an alliance with
in a region that seems to produce no food of any any Exalted who come to Khryal. This is especially
nutritious value, perhaps because it prefers company the case for Twilights, No Moons or master crafts-
to cohabitants. men and savants of any caste or aspect.
The Dragon Kings eagerly reveal the secret
khryal of Khryals survival to such sages: The bowels of
(An expanded version of the material in Scroll Khryal hold a still-functioning reality engine, one of
of Fallen Races: The Dragon Kings, p. 15.) the devices used by the First Age Solars to convert
Even those in Creation who hear tales of the the Wyld into stable Creation. The Dragon Kings
wonders of Rathess, ancient capital of the Dragon know how to maintain the reality engine, but they
Kings, are often too daunted by the dangers of the lack the technical skill to use it to actually alter
city to mount serious expeditions. Although the the conditions of the surrounding Wyld zone. As
citys location is reasonably well known, savants a result, while Khryal has successfully resisted the
also realize that Rathess has seen repeated scaven- Wyld since the Fair Folk invasion, its inhabitants
ger raids over the last seven centuries. Given the cannot leave without risking destruction or muta-
ruined citys huge and known population of feral tion in the Wyld zone.
stalkersDragon Kings who lost their civilization Or so these Dragon Kings say, at least.
and sentiencethe potential rewards might not seem
worth the risk. Over the last few decades, however, the truth of khryal
rumors of a more lucrative prize made their way back In fact, nearly everything the Dragon Kings
to civilization: the lost outpost of Khryal. reveal to visitors is a lieincluding their identity
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
in Khryal to be erotically stimulating. Only com- than two dots and no weapons at all made of any
pletely different. magical material. The citadel has powerful defenses
Unfortunately for the Fair Folk, while they against the Fair Folk, though they have currently
can maintain the reality engine (at least as long as been circumvented.
they continue to wear the shapes of Dragon Kings), If any raksha reveals his true form within the
they admit defeat in trying to reverse-engineer the confines of Khryal, his player must attempt a Valor
device. Accordingly, they now try to lure in Exalted roll for every six hours spent in the fortress and get
who might master the reality engine, in hopes they at least two successes in order to remain within
can cajole them into revealing the artifacts secrets. half a mile of the citadel. For the purposes of this
In this case, the Fair Folk really have no weapon defense, a raksha reveals his true form when he
except subterfuge. Despite their numbers, the Fair uses any Fair Folk Charms other than Beguile and
Folk are simply not a serious challenge for a circle Undetectable Lie. The defense mechanisms can
of Celestial Exaltedat least not Exalted who pos- also see through any form a raksha takes except
sess the power, experience and knowledge the Fair that of a Dragon King adopted through the special
Folk require. glamour sorcery spell used by the Khryalian Fair
The greatest disadvantages the raksha face are Folk. As a side effect, all of the wonders of the citadel
the nature of their disguises and, concomitantly, cease to function for one month after the anti-
the danger that the citadel itself poses to the raksha Fair Folk defense systems activate, as all available
if those disguises slip. The potent glamour used to power in excess of that used by the reality engine
create these disguises is not dispelled by the touch is redirected to the defenses. At the Storytellers
of cold iron. A character needs a (Perception + Es- discretion, Khryal may have other defenses that
sence) total of at least 9 to have any chance of seeing it can put at the disposal of any characters that
through the glamour. Even then, the disguises still masters the fortress.
function, but the character can see glimpses of the the reality engine
Fair Folks true form out of the corner of her eye if The reality engine was the pinnacle of Old
her player succeeds at a (Perception + Awareness) Realm magitech. They surpass the understanding of
roll at difficulty 4. Twice a month, however, the the most puissant minds of the modern Age. Cur-
Fair Folk must renew the glamour used to create the rently, the engine surrounds Khryal with a stable
disguises. This takes place in a ritual celebration the buffer of pseudo-reality stretching about five miles
Fair Folk call the Two-Moon Festival. Although in every direction from the citadels walls. Beyond
the Dragon Kings try to prevent any guests from that, a Middlemarch extends another 20 miles, with
observing the Two-Moon Festival (during which the a mile of Bordermarch beyond that.
raksha briefly leave the city and resume their true See The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol.
forms), a clever character can use this opportunity IIThe Wyld, pp. 2829 for information about
to discover the truth about them. re-tuning and repairing reality engines. With a few
claiMing khryal weeks of study, a gifted savant could re-tune the
Khryal is essentially a large fort, with six largish engine to create a corridor of stable reality through
buildings contained behind a fortified adamant the Wyld zone, or repair the device and eliminate
wall. The buildings are full of minor artifacts, but the Wyld zone entirely.
most of these do not function outside Khryals Actually reverse-engineering a reality engine
limits. They draw their power from the same manse (as the Fair Folk would like) is completely beyond
that powers the reality engine. Non-Essence wield- the capacity of anyone save a master artisan with
ers can use them, but only within the confines of at least six dots each in Essence, Lore, Occult and
the citadel. There are no transportation artifacts Craft (Magitech). Even if a non-Solar character
within Khryal, no artifact weapons rated higher met the Essence and Ability requirements, building
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
sumes the material at the pole itself). In the absence though. Rather, the surging Essence from the
of disease, success grants the healing of one level of Elemental Pole of Wood makes the person evolve
aggravated damage, three levels of lethal damage into something else.
or all levels of bashing damage. In the First Age, Exalted doctors brewed
Failure means poisoning, as if by arrow frog matchless medicines from leaves, bark, roots and
venomone dose per non-success rolled. flowers harvested from the Elemental Pole of Wood.
A botch means the character incurs an These secrets are now lost, or known only to gods
abomination, or six points of lesser mutations. of medicine in Yu-Shan. Recovering them would
This effect has nothing to do with the Wyld, be a formidable quest all by itself.
Despite the distance that separates the civilized potential Wyld triBeS
world from the Wyld, the two regions do interact. When designing tribes of Wyld barbarians,
Some people set aside their fear and revulsion of Storytellers can take inspiration from ancient
Wyld-dwellers for the sake of profit. wonder-tales about distant lands and the strange
trading With Wyld BarBarianS folk who live there, such as the Chinese Shan Hai
A few tribes of Wyld barbarians swap treasures Jing (or Classic of Mountains and Seas) and the Ro-
from the Wyld (such as life flowerssee sidebar) man writer Pliny. The ordinary giants and pygmies
for useful goods from Creation. Ordinary barbarians of these stories made it into the Generic Fantasy
seldom trade with Wyld barbarians, but the Guild Warehouse, but the stranger creatures remain vir-
has no such reservations. Young and ambitious tually ignored. These are only a few of the bizarre
Guild representatives can earn riches and status races that people once imagined living in the lands
through expeditions to meet Wyld barbarians if beyond reliable knowledge.
they survive. These same merchants also sometimes Arimaspi: These strong and warlike one-eyed
trade with beastmen or relic races from the First giants (a less familiar version of the famous Cyclops
Age. Sure, most people think the Wyld-dwellers are of Greek myth) battle griffins to take gold from
blasphemous mockeries of the human formbut the the beasts nests. Also known as the yimumin
Guild sees them as profitable blasphemous mockeries. or qizhongmin.
A few Guildsmen even learn to see Wyld-dwellers Asinaga: The Long-Legged People are larger
as people. than ordinary humans in any case, but their greatly
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
they bark like dogs. Most tales call them ferocious
life floWerS cannibals, but Mandevilles Travels describes a nation
These glowing blue orchids grow only in of pious cynocephali who all wear a small silver or
the deep forest of the Far East, where the trees golden image of an ox to represent their god. Also
grow miles tall. During the First Age, these known as quanrong.
were among the most valuable wonders that Danermin: The Pendant-Ear People, or pan-
the tree folk harvested for their masters. They otii, are variously described with oversized ears
are still some of the greatest treasures obtained reaching to their shoulders, to their elbows or all
from the fringe of the Wyld. Merchants who the way to the ground. All versions have exception-
deal fairly with the tree folk can still acquire ally keen hearing. The panotii with the largest ears
life flowers and become extremely wealthy sleep using one ear as a mattress and the other as
from this trade. a blanket, and some stories describe them gliding
When a wounded character eats a life on their extended ears.
flower blossom, she heals wounds three Dinglingmin: The Horse-Legged People, or
times as fast as normal for that day, and is hippopodes, have human bodies but the legs and
cured of all but the direst diseases. An even hooves of horses. They run with great speed and
rarer species of life flower, which glows a soft live as nomads.
purple, cures all known diseases except the Maomin: The Hairy People are pygmies with
Great Contagion. People who consume it bodies covered in short, dense fur like that of a boar.
also heal as much in a day as they would in They live in mountain caves, go naked despite the
a week. The purple life flower grows only in cold, eat millet and train four kinds of birds.
the farthest Eastern Bordermarches, where Sciapodes: The Shadow-Foot people, or
the ground has given way to endless trees. monopods, live in a very hot country. They have
The bonuses from both types of flower apply just one leg and a foot so large they can use it
only to wounds the character incurred before as a sunshade while they rest in the hottest part
he took the life flower. of the day. Sciapodes run (or rather, hop) with
Cost: (blue flower), great speed.
(purple flower) Tenaga: The Long-Armed People are larger
than ordinary humans, with amazingly long arms.
They stand on the shore and snatch fish out of
the water, or grab people from passing boats.
extended legs make them truly gigantic and enable
Also known as changbimin. Asinaga and tenaga
them to run quickly. They live near the seashore
sometimes team up, with each tenaga riding on an
and wade in water too deep for humans. Also known
asinagas shoulders, to combine their height, reach
as changgumin or changjingmin.
and running speed.
Astomi: The Apple-Smellers have no mouths.
Troglodytes: The Hole-Creepers live in caves
Instead, they live off the odors of fruit and flowers,
and cannot speak. Some tales say they eat snakes
especially apples. Bad smells can kill them.
and lizards, or go on all fours. Tales describe other
Blemmyae: The Headless People have their
mute races that communicate by gestures, so perhaps
eyes and mouth on their torsos. Some descriptions
troglodytes do too.
say that blemmyae have golden-hued skin. Other
Yibimin: The One-Arm People are each only
stories say they eat people. Also known as epiphagi
one half of a normal person, with one arm, one leg,
or anthropophagi. The Chinese spirit Hsing-tien
one eye and one nostril. If they want to walk and
has the same appearance.
act normally instead of hopping around, yibimin
Cynocephali: The Dog-Head People have ca-
must strap themselves together in pairs.
nine heads and, some say, fur. Instead of speaking,
Here is an expansion of the Mutations section impossible or even lethal, such as solid rock, flute
in The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. II music or concentrated acid. The basic pox might
The Wyld, pp. 144148. not be obvious, but affliction and blight versions
always include blatant physical changes such as iron
alternate nutriMent grinding-plates for teeth, to chew up pebbles.
The mutant can eat and digest something her A mutant can have the Diet negative mutation
species does not normally consider food, such as as well as Alternate Nutriment, for a creature with
meat-eating rabbits or people who live off sweet truly strange requirements, such as a mutant who
odors. The creature might still eat the normal food can survive only on the smell of apples.
of its species. If not, the alternate nutriment is com-
mon enough that feeding presents no significant extended liMBS
difficulty. One set of the mutants limbs extends to freakish
This pox stacks. Taken once, the mutant can length. Extended arms add one yard to a persons
feed on some substance that at least some natural reach; extended legs add one yard to a persons Move
creature regards as food, such as people who can digest and two yards to Dash actions.
grass and leaves as a cow could. Taken twice as an The basic mutation is a pox, but it can stack.
affliction, the mutant feeds on something bizarre but Taken twice to become an affliction, its effects
harmless, such as ground red ocher or newly fallen double. Taken three times, as a blight, its effects
snow. Taken three times, as a blight, the mutant can quadruple (i.e., +4 yards to reach or +4 yards to
eat and digest something that should be physically Move and +8 yards to Dash).
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
A creature with this abomination lacks a head.
Since this is still a more-or-less positive mutation,
however, the creatures mouth and eyes relocate
to some other part of its body. This abomination
may combine with other mutations. For instance, a
mouth relocated to a headless persons belly could be
a Hideous Maw (The Manual of Exalted Power
The Lunars, p. 208).
MiSSing Body part
A creature with this negative mutation does not
have a sufficient number of a particular anatomi-
cal feature. The One Eye deficiency is an example.
Others include people with only one arm, one leg or
one ear. The mutation is a deficiency if the missing
body part causes minor but easily survivable prob-
lems. For instance, one leg would be a deficiency
if it were centrally placed and strengthened so the
person could hop as fast as he used to run. Taken
repeatedly, the mutation can become a deformity
survival becomes problematic for a person without
arms, say, or legs (unless positive mutations supply
alternate limbs). Intermediate cases, such as a person
who loses a leg to the Wyld but can move using
crutches, are debilities.
This abomination is also the result of taking the
Exalted Healing affliction twice. The Wyld mutant
heals lethal damage at the same rate as an Exalt heals
bashing damage, and aggravated damage at the rate
of lethal damage. Doing so costs the mutant three
motes (if an Essence-channeler) or one Willpower
point per day. Whats more, the mutant grows back
severed limbs, crushed eyeballs and other such dam-
age. For the same three motes or one Willpower, he
can instantly heal any effect short of actual maiming
to which the Crippling keyword applies.
Re-grown body parts, however, grow back wrong.
Serpent scales cover the re-grown hand; the re-grown
eye functions but is made of wood. The character
always carries two points worth of Skin/Hair Color
to represent these harmless but visible and disturbing
deviations from her proper physical form.
Here is an expansion of the Derangements sec- or finish any task that takes more than a scene before
tion in The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. moving on to something else. All penalties hit her
IIThe Wyld, pp. 148-150. at the end of the high. During the low, the player
Manic/depreSSiVe must roll Conviction for the character to initiate
This is an expansion of Mood Swings, Exalted, any new plan or continue it past a scene.
p. 288. In the high times, the character has energy Debility: The character shifts more quickly. Each
enough to do anything and can take on the world. phase of mania and depression lasts five days, with
Hitting her lows, nothing is good enough, nothing only one to 10 days of normalcy between phases.
will help and she might as well lie down and starve Temperance and Conviction rolls are at -1 die, and
to death. The mood swings become more rapid and all tasks suffer a two-die penalty as the character
extreme with greater levels of derangement. itches to drop what hes doing for some other idea
Deficiency: The derangement has a slow pace, (which seems foolproof and utterly brilliant) or
providing about three days of mania and three wants to give up because its all futile. While manic,
days of depression each month, about two weeks the character eats or sleeps only when forced to
separated. During the manic period, the character and tends to babble.
ignores penalties from fatigue and lack of eating, Deformity: Each manic, depressive or equable
drinking or sleeping (though she can still die of phase lasts one to five days. Temperance and
deprivation). The character requires successful Conviction rolls suffer a -2 external penalty, and
Temperance rolls to resist impulses to sing loudly all tasks suffer a four-die penalty. While manic,
when shes happy, start a fight over minor irritations the character tends to rave incoherently because
the ideas and impulses come so quickly. While
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
depressed, the character can hardly get out of bed, like. The character does not remember what
except possibly to drink or drug herself into a stupor. happens when another personality is dominant.
In either phase, the character might additionally Characters who gain additional derangements after
suffer hallucinations. developing Multiple Personalities have a chance
Multiple perSonalitieS that one of the other personalities develops that
More than one person lives in the characters mental dysfunction.
head. Multiple personalities usually develop to The derangement might not be immediately
handle circumstances that the (or an) existing evident to other people. As the derangement grows
personality cannot. A proud and noble character in severity, however, personalities become more
might gain a cowardly personality that can flee a fragmented, specialized and divergent from the
mind-bending Wyld danger. He might gain another characters own.
when only an insidious, lying poisoner will do and Deficiency: At its mildest, the character has
so on. This derangement often accompanies muta- only two personalities. Both are (relatively) sane
tions that give characters multiple heads. and complete. One, his own, is normally dominant.
Typically, the players character is considered When the character encounters the sort of situation
one of the personalities and the others are under in which the secondary personality excels (often
the Storytellers control, but players can control something the character subconsciously wishes to
all personalities, if they and the Storyteller would avoid), his player rolls the characters Temper-
ance. Success prevents the identity from rising;
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8
can learn what sounds attract people to them, from 15 to 30 feet tall and can hatch as many as
such as calls for help. six hatra a day in season. Hatra live on their trees,
guarding the source of future eggs and eating what
creatureS of the eaSt comes near. When a tree becomes overpopulated, a
cat tree flock of hatra migrates away from the tree. Several
The smaller sort of tree in the Cat Forest (not of the creatures bury themselves underground to
to be confused with the great cat-trees) consists become seeds for a new hatra tree.
of many normal-sized cats, crawling up and down Vine WyrM
the mass that somehow keeps its tree-shape as it Vine wyrms resemble nothing so much as a
travels with the forest. Cat trees attack visitors dragons head with an unending neck, but when
only if severely provoked, at which point many quiet and still it is easily mistaken for one of the Easts
small claws whip out of the trunk to tear at the impossibly thick vines, or perhaps a vine-covered
trees attackers. Each attack inflicts only one die of tree. These are deadly mistakes. A vine wyrm can
damage, not adding extra successes on the attack strike quickly and without warning, usually biting
for determining damage. twice. The first bite injects its venom, which slows
hatra the prey and begins the digestion process, and the
These small, gliding carnivorous beasts look second bite often takes its prey whole. Hanging from
like a furless cross between small monkeys, cats and far above, most vine wyrms never need to move
flying squirrels. A single hatra presents little threat in pursuit of prey. If it comes in range for the first
to an experienced traveler, but the flocks of 3060 attack, it should be in range for the second.
in which they attack can kill even large animals. Vine wyrms can grow to be up to 100 feet long
Hatra live throughout the Eastern woodlands and six feet in diameter. They slither like snakes
(which is why they also appear in The Compass through the trees. The wyrms rarely appear outside
of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. IIIThe East). the Eastern Bordermarches and Middlemarches, but
In the Wyld, however, these small creatures hatch sometimes venture into the Southeastern jungles.
from hatra trees. The wide and bush-like trees stand Venom: (8L/action, 3, /, -4).
Jesus Villasevil (order #1731044) 8