Antioxidant Coating Composed of Sic On Carbon Fibers by Chemical Vapor Reaction

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J. Ceram. Sci. Technol.

, 09 [4] 465-470 (2018)

DOI: 10.4416/JCST2018-00033
available online at:
© 2018 Göller Verlag

Short Communication
Antioxidant Coating Composed of SiC on Carbon
Fibers by Chemical Vapor Reaction
J. Hao 1, 2, J. Li *1, 2, W. Shi 1, 2, 3, Y. Tan 1, 2, X. Ding 3
Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams (Dalian
University of Technology), Ministry of Education, Dalian 116024, China
2School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
3School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China
received April 7, 2018; received in revised form April 26, 2018; accepted May 29, 2018

A silicon carbide (SiC) coating was prepared on the surface of carbon fibers by means of chemical vapor reaction
(CVR) at different temperature. The phase, microstructure and oxidation behavior of the SiC coating prepared from
1 723 to 1 923 K were investigated. The SiC coating becomes thicker and the SiC grains grow with the increase in
reaction temperature. The oxidation resistance of carbon fibers can be improved significantly by the SiC coating,
and the oxidation resistance of the carbon fibers increases as the reaction temperature increases. The initial oxidation
temperature of the SiC-coated carbon fibers prepared at 1 923 K is about 90 K higher than that of the uncoated carbon
fibers. The apparent activation energy for the synthesis of the SiC coating by means of CVR is calculated based on the
thickness of the SiC coating, which is about 118.06 KJ/mol.
Keywords: Carbon fibers, SiC, coating, oxidation behavior

I. Introduction ence of the reaction temperature on the morphology and

Advanced resin-based and carbon-based composites microstructure of carbon fibers with SiC coating was dis-
have been widely applied in numerous areas, due to their cussed. In addition, the oxidation behavior and the reac-
high specific strength, modulus, good chemical stability tion kinetics for the synthesis of the SiC coating were also
and low thermal expansion coefficient. Carbon fibers are investigated and analyzed.
the crucial reinforcement in these composites 1, 2. How-
II. Experimental
ever, their sensitivity to oxidation at high temperature
restricts the application of carbon fibers in the above- (1) The preparation process of SiC coating
mentioned composite materials. To prevent the oxidation
The carbon fibers used as substrates were commercial
of carbon fibers, a SiC coating has been prepared on the
fibers (PAN carbon fibers, T300, Toray Company, Japan).
carbon fibers and the effectiveness of the oxidation resis-
The assembly for the CVR method is shown in Fig. 1. A
tance of the SiC coating has been investigated 3 – 5.
graphite crucible was used as a container for Si evapora-
Up to now, many methods have been used to coat SiC
tion. The Si sheet (industrial reagent, > 99.9 %) was put on
on the surface of carbon fibers, such as precursor infil-
the bottom of the graphite crucible, and the carbon fiber
tration and pyrolysis (PIP) 6, carbothermal reduction 7 as
was placed above the Si sheet. The Si vapor was generated
well as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) 8,9. However,
when the temperature exceeded 1 687 K. After that, the Si
these processes are complicated and costly, limiting their
vapor reacts with the carbon on the fibers’ surface to syn-
application in practical production. In recent years, in or-
thesize the SiC coating. The experiments were conduct-
der to further reduce the preparation cost for SiC coatings,
ed under vacuum conditions and the holding time for the
chemical vapor reaction (CVR) 10 has been developed as a
experiments was 20 min, followed by natural cooling to
novel method. Chemical vapor reaction method is a sim-
room temperature.
ple, feasible and low-cost method for preparing SiC coat-
ings, which is based on the direct reaction of matrix carbon (2) Characterization of the carbon fibers
and silicon vapor to synthesize SiC.
The phases of the samples were analyzed by means of X-
In this paper, a silicon carbide coating was prepared on
ray diffraction (XRD) performed on a Bruker D8 Focus
the surface of carbon fibers in the CVR process. The influ-
with CuKa monochromatic radiation (k =0.15406 nm).
The surface composition of carbon fibers was analyzed
* Corresponding author: with an X-ray photoelectron diffraction spectrometer
466 Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology —J. Hao et al. Vol. 9, No. 4

(XPS, ESCALAB™ 250Xi). The morphology of the SiC- (2) XPS characterization
coated carbon fibers was characterized by means of field
As shown in Fig. 3, the chemical changes on the surface
emission scanning electron microscopy (ZEISS SUPRA
of carbon fibers were also analyzed in X-ray photoelec-
55). The oxidation behavior of carbon fibers with or with-
tron spectroscopy spectra (XPS) with the binding energy
out SiC coating was studied with thermogravimetric anal-
ysis (DSC822/TGA, SDTA851, America). About 8 mg of ranging from 0 to 1 000 eV. For the uncoated carbon fibers,
carbon fibers were heated to 1 373 K in alumina crucibles. only two peaks for C1s (283.54 eV) and O1s (531.8 eV) are
The oxidation agent was air and the heating rate of the detected, which can be attributed to the oxidation of car-
temperature was about 10 K/min. bon fibers. After the CVR reaction, as shown in Fig. 3(b),
two new peaks appear at 153.0 eV and 101.5 eV in the XPS
spectra, correspond to the Si2s and Si2p, respectively. Fur-
thermore, the increasing intensity of O1s peak indicates
that the oxygen content is larger on the surface of the SiC-
coated carbon fibers than that of the carbon fibers. Dur-
ing the preparation process for the SiC coating, an amor-
phous SiO 2 film is easily produced on the SiC coating sur-
face, which can prevent carbon fibers from further oxida-
tion in air. Fig. 3(c) and Fig. 3(d) show narrow scan spec-
tra of the C1s and Si2p region of the SiC-coated carbon
fibers. Particularly, the C1s spectrum on the surface of the
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the CVR process. carbon fibers can be divided into four components. The
major components at 283.54 eV and 284.94 eV have been
corresponded to carbon atoms in the C-Si bond and C-C
III. Results and Discussion bond 13 – 16, indicating the SiC phase was coated on carbon
(1) Phase analysis by XRD fibers surface by CVR reaction. This result is consistent
As shown in the XRD pattern (Fig. 2), the phase com- with the Si2p core-level spectrum. The other two peaks at
posites of fibers treated at different reaction temperature 286.12 eV and at 288.91 eV indicated the existence of a C-O
(1 723 K, 1 823 K and 923 K) were observed. The major bond and the functional groups -COOH. Moreover, the
peaks at approximately 26.4 and 43.0 and 53.6 deg corre- Si2p peaks can be divided into two peaks in the XPS spec-
spond to the peaks of carbon 11. Compared to the uncoat- trum, as shown in Fig. 3(d). The main peak at 101.46 eV is
ed carbon fibers, the additional weak diffraction peaks ap- attributed to the silicon atoms in the Si-C bond, the other
pearing at 35.8, 41.3, 60.0, and 72.0 deg are attributed to higher binding energy peak at 103.69 eV has been corre-
cubic SiC phase (b-SiC) 12, which agrees with the standard sponded to silicon atoms in Si-O bond 13, 14, 17, 18, which
JCPDS Card for b-SiC (No. 0029 – 1129). With increasing confirms the formation of SiO 2 film on the SiC surface
reaction temperature, the intensity of the b-SiC peaks in- during the CVR process.
creases, as shown in the inset for a magnified peak of b-
SiC at 35.8 deg, and the peak intensity of the carbon phase
decreases, which indicates that the Si vapor reacts direct- (3) Morphology of the carbon fibers
ly with carbon from the carbon fibers and the SiC coating The surface SEM images of the carbon fibers are shown
can be prepared on the fiber surface at a high temperature
in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 (a) shows the surface of the uncoated car-
during the process of chemical vapor reaction.
bon fibers, and it can be observed that the uncoated carbon
fibers are clean with many strips or grooves on the sur-
face and it conforms to the characteristics of PAN-based
carbon fibers 19. Fig 4 (b), (c), and (d) present the surface
morphologies of the carbon fibers treated under the tem-
perature of 1 723 K, 1 823 K, and 1 923 K, respectively. A
uniform coating is obtained on carbon fibers with CVR
treatment. Base on the combination of SEM analysis with
XRD and XPS analysis, it can be concluded that the coat-
ing material is b-SiC. The SiC coating becomes coarse and
some large SiC grains from 360 nm to 580 nm in size can
be found on the fibers’ surface, corresponding to the tem-
perature from 1 723 K to 1 923 K respectively. Meanwhile,
the coating surface is not continuous, and pores can be ob-
tained on the SiC coating when the reaction temperature is
above 1 823 K, which should be attributed to the growth of
Fig. 2: XRD pattern of the carbon fibers. SiC crystalline. The diameters of the pores measure about
200 to 700 nm.
December 2018 Antioxidant Coating Composed of SiC on Carbon Fibers by Chemical Vapor Reaction 467

Fig. 3: XPS spectrum of the carbon fibers. (a) Survey XPS spectrum of uncoated carbon fiber; (b) Survey XPS spectrum of SiC carbon fiber
prepared at 1 723 K; (c) C1s spectra of SiC carbon fiber prepared at 1 723 K; (d) Si2p spectra of SiC carbon fiber prepared at 1 723 K.

Fig. 4: The surface SEM images of carbon fibers prepared at different temperature. (a) uncoated carbon fibers; (b) 1 723 K; (c) 1 823 K; (d) 1 923
468 Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology —J. Hao et al. Vol. 9, No. 4

Fig. 5: The cross-section SEM images of carbon fibers prepared at (a) 1 823 K; and (b) 1 723 K; (c) 1 823 K; (d) 1 923 K after oxidization at 1 173
K for 2 h.

Fig. 5(a) presents the cross-section of the carbon fibers that all the carbon has oxidized to volatiles (CO x) and is
treated at 1 823 K. Furthermore, no obvious interfaces removed below 1 100 K. The mass loss rate of the carbon
are found between the carbon fibers and the SiC coating, fibers coated with SiC decreases with the increasing reac-
which indicates the good compatibility and adherence be- tion temperature, which should be attributed to the SiC
tween the matrix and coating. Fig. 5 (b), (c) and (d) show residue after oxidation treatment. Furthermore, the oxi-
the cross-section of the carbon fibers treated at 1 723 K, dation rate should be represented by the slope of the TG
1 823 K and 1 923 K after the oxidation process at 1 173 curve between the initial oxidation temperature and the
K for 2 h. It is observed that the carbon fibers had been
final oxidation temperature, and the value of the oxidation
consumed, leaving only the outer coating. The coating that
rate is also shown in Fig. 6. From the value of the curve
was prepared is continuous and the thickness is uniform. It
is also found that the thickness of the coating and the sizes slope, although the oxidation resistance of the SiC-coated
of the SiC grains increase as the reaction temperature rises. carbon fiber prepared at 1 723 K and 1 823 K is improved
The thickness of the SiC coating is approximately 100 nm owing to the increase of the initial oxidation temperature,
at 1 723 K, 170 nm at 1 823 K and 250 nm at 1 923 K. the increasing oxidation rate between initial oxidation
temperature and final oxidation temperature results in the
(4) The improvement of oxidation behavior reduction of oxidation resistance. Carbon fibers are used
The oxidation behavior of carbon fibers was measured as a carbon source to react with Si and obtain SiC coating
with a thermogravimetric (TG) analyzer with a heating during CVR process, therefore, the surface structures of
rate of 10 K/min under flowing air and the oxidation carbon fibers are damaged. It is known that the oxidation
behavior was analyzed as shown in Fig. 6. As generally behavior of carbon fibers includes two segments, the dif-
known, the improvement of the initial oxidation temper- fusion of oxygen through the SiC layer 3 and the reaction
ature is a significant factor for expanding the application between carbon and oxygen. When the diffusion rate is
fields of carbon fibers. The initial oxidation temperature
greater than the reaction rate, the oxidation rate is decided
of carbon fiber increased from 850 K to 880 K, 910 K and
by the reaction rate. Therefore, the oxygen diffusion is
940 K respectively, correspond to the different reaction
temperature at 1723 K, 1823 K and 1923 K. Compared very fast when the thin SiC coating is obtained at 1 723
to the uncoated carbon fibers, the initial oxidation tem- K and 1 823 K and the oxidation reaction happens easily
perature of the SiC-coated carbon fiber prepared at 1 723 because of the damaged structure. So the oxidation rate is
K, 1 823 K and 1 923 K are increased by 30 K, 60 K and higher than that of the uncoated carbon fibers. When the
90 K respectively, showing that the oxidation resistance reaction temperature is 1 923K, the SiC coating is about
can be improved with the SiC coating. The weight loss of 250 nm, making the diffusion of oxygen difficult, so that
the carbon fibers is about 100 % above 1 100 K, indicating the oxidation rate decreases to 3.7⋅10 -3/K.
December 2018 Antioxidant Coating Composed of SiC on Carbon Fibers by Chemical Vapor Reaction 469

ume and mass during the reaction process can be described

as Eq. (2) and Eq. (3).
VC (2)
mSiC = m (3)
MC c
where V SiC and m SiC are the volume and mass of the SiC
generated, V C and m c are the volume and mass of the
carbon fiber consumed, M SiC and M C are the molecular
weight of SiC and carbon, q SiC and q C are the density of
SiC(3.22 g/cm 3) and carbon fiber (1.76 g/cm 3). m SiC is the
residual mass after the oxidation reaction at 1 173 K for 2 h.
Then, after chemical vapor reaction treatment, the volume
Fig. 6: Thermogravimetric curves of the oxidation with treatment at
different reaction temperatures (a) uncoated carbon fibers; (b) 1 723
of the residual carbon fiber can be described as follows:
K; (c) 1 823 K; (d) 1 923 K. m-mSiC πd2 L
VRC = = (4)
ρC 4
(5) Apparent activation energy for the formation of the where V RC is the volume of the residual carbon fiber after
SiC coating chemical vapor reaction treatment, m is the total mass of
As generally known, the apparent activation energy for the SiC coating and the residual carbon fiber after chem-
the formation of the SiC coating can be deduced from the ical vapor reaction treatment. Then we can use Eq. (4) to
deposition rate based on the law of Arrhenius 20. The de- derive the relationship between d and d ′. The volume of
position rate can be calculated from the average thickness the carbon fiber consumed and the volume of the SiC gen-
of SiC coating, which can be calculated from the change of
erated can be described as Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) with L.
mass after the oxidation process. Therefore, a geometrical
model of the SiC-coated carbon fiber is built for calculat- πd2 L- πd2 L
VC = (5)
ing the average thickness of the SiC coating as shown in 4
Fig. 7, where d is the diameter of the carbon fiber (7 lm), d’ πD2 L-πd2 L
VSiC = (D = d + 2t) (6)
is the residual diameter of the carbon fiber after CVR treat- 4
ment, D is the diameter of the SiC-coated carbon fiber, t is
the thickness of the SiC coating. Table 1: Deposition rate of SiC coating at different reac-
tion temperature

Treatment The thickness of the Deposition rate

tempera- SiC coating(/nm) of the SiC coat-
ture(/K) ing(nm/s)
1 723 97 0.081
1 823 172 0.144
1 923 226 0.189

According to Eq. (2), (5), and (6), we can calculate the av-
erage thickness of the SiC coating (t), as shown in Table 1.
The calculated results agree with the measured thickness
in Fig. 5(a), (b) and (c). The relationship of deposition rate
with reaction temperature may comply with the law of Ar-
rhenius, as shown in Eq. (7).
k = Aexp(-E a/RT) (7)
Fig. 7: Geometrical model of the SiC-coated carbon fiber.
where k is the deposition rate of the SiC coating, A is a
In the process of calculation, it is assumed that the carbon constant, E a is the apparent activation energy, R is the gas
fibers have a uniform diameter and their total length is L. constant, and T is the deposition temperature. Fig. 8 shows
Reaction (1) is considered in the chemical vapor reaction. the Arrhenius plot of the relationship of logarithm of de-
Si(g) + C(s) → SiC(s) (1) position rate versus reciprocal temperature. The activation
According to Reaction (1), for preparation of 1 mol SiC, energy can be determined based on the slope. In this case,
1 mol Si and 1 mol C are consumed. The change of the vol- it is found to be about 118.06 KJ/mol.
470 Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology —J. Hao et al. Vol. 9, No. 4

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