Impact of Climate Change On Landslides Frequency: The Esino River Basin Case Study (Central Italy)
Impact of Climate Change On Landslides Frequency: The Esino River Basin Case Study (Central Italy)
Impact of Climate Change On Landslides Frequency: The Esino River Basin Case Study (Central Italy)
Abstract Researchers have long attempted to determine the amount of rainfall needed to
trigger slope failures, yet relatively little progress has been reported on the effects of
climate change on landslide initiation. Indeed, some relationships between landslides and
climate change have been highlighted, but sign and magnitude of this correlation remain
uncertain and influenced by the spatial and temporal horizon considered. This work makes
use of statistically adjusted high-resolution regional climate model simulations, to study
the expected changes of landslides frequency in the eastern Esino river basin (Central
Italy). Simulated rainfall was used in comparison with rainfall thresholds for landslide
occurrence derived by two observation-based statistical models (1) the cumulative event
rainfall–rainfall duration model, and (2) the Bayesian probabilistic model. Results show an
overall increase in projected landslide occurrence over the twenty-first century. This is
especially confirmed in the high-emission scenario representative concentration pathway
8.5, where according to the first model, the events above rainfall thresholds frequency shift
from * 0.025 to * 0.05 in the mountainous sector of the study area. Moreover, Bayesian
analysis revealed the possible occurrence of landslide-triggering rainfall with a magnitude
never occurred over the historical period. Landslides frequency change signal presents also
considerable seasonal patterns, with summer displaying the steepest positive trend coupled
to the highest inter-model spread. The methodological chain here proposed aims at rep-
resenting a flexible tool for future landslide-hazard assessment, applicable over different
areas and time horizons (e.g., short-term climate projections or seasonal forecasts).
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1 Introduction
Over the next decades, societies will face massive environmental changes potentially able
to substantially alter life styles and priorities (Lenton et al. 2008). Climate change will
possibly be the major driver of such changes. However, if on the one hand the scientific
community unequivocally recognized over these past decades the connection between the
increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration and the increase in global temperature
(Bindoff et al. 2013), on the other hand, changes in the rainfall patterns as a second-order
effect of the increased temperature is connoted by higher uncertainty. Such reservations
concern the magnitude and frequency of extreme events, how they will scale across the
globe in response to the increase in temperature (Seneviratne et al. 2012; Scoccimarro et al.
2013; Drobinski et al. 2016). Notwithstanding these uncertainties, a broad consensus
prevails on the acceleration of the hydrological cycle in a warmer atmosphere (Trenberth
1999; Mariotti et al. 2002; Lorenz and DeWeaver 2007; Volosciuk et al. 2016); acceler-
ation appears strongly affected by the local-scale morphological and orographic pecu-
liarities. (Xoplaki et al. 2004; Walsh et al. 2014).
Rainfall is a major trigger of landslides (e.g., De Vita and Reichenbach 1998; Guzzetti
et al. 2007), one of the most widespread geohydrological hazards over the world, and an
increase in rainfall frequency and intensity may directly affect landslides frequency and
magnitude thus increasing ensuing damages and fatalities. Indeed, good progresses have
been made in linking the amount of rainfall needed to trigger slope failures (e.g., Crozier
1996; Aleotti 2004; Guzzetti et al. 2007; Martinotti et al. 2017), yet the nexus between
climate change and landslide initiation appears more complicated and requires further
study (Dikau and Schrott 1999; McInnes et al. 2007; Crozier 2010; Coe and Godt 2012).
The available literature indicates a relationship between landslides and climate change, but
the sign and strength of this correlation remain uncertain and extremely influenced by the
spatial and temporal horizon considered (Seneviratne et al. 2012; Gariano and Guzzetti
2016). Landslides, strictly depending on geological, geomorphological, and land cover
contexts, represent a category of climate change-related impacts (Pisano et al. 2017),
which understanding and management require specific considerations. Moreover, the
implementation of effective landslide adaptation measures depends on the availability of
plausible multi-scale information about future climate trends. Regional climate model
(RCM) simulations are considered primary tools for climate impact studies focusing on
rainfall and other key climate variables (Giorgi 1990; Giorgi and Mearns 1999; Giorgi
et al. 2009; Hawkins and Sutton 2009; Jacob et al. 2014). However, even the newest
generation of RCM is still affected by systematic errors that can deeply bias impact models
results (Boberg and Christensen 2012). Such errors are mainly due to the imperfections on
physical formulation and unpredictability of future natural variability (Christensen et al.
2008; Boberg and Christensen 2012; Bellprat et al. 2013; Casati et al. 2013). Furthermore,
climate simulations are affected by the representativeness error arising not much from
erroneous physical formulation, but rather from the spatial-scale mismatch between sim-
ulated and observed fields (Casati et al. 2013; Tomozeiu et al. 2013). The combination of
these errors contributes to the different statistical properties shown by climate simulations
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Data collection was carried out in the eastward section of the Esino river catchment area
(Fig. 2), one of the largest and most inhabited watersheds of the Marche Region in central
Italy (National Institute of Statistics—ISTAT 2016). The high exposure to landslides of
this urbanized area, besides making this study salient, provides for abound information of
past events.
Fig. 1 Reference methodological framework for the definition of future changes in landslide occurrence.
Modified after Gariano and Guzzetti (2016)
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Fig. 2 Study area within the Esino river basin (Marche Region, Central Italy)
This study area covers about 550 km2 and stretches from the Sub-Apennine hills on the
West to the Adriatic coast on the East (Gentili and Dramis 1997). The outcrop, made of
sedimentary sequences of mainly clay, silt, and sand (Fig. 3), is affected by numerous
shallow landslides. These movements show great variability in size and type (flows and
slides) and affect the transitional layer between the weathered material and the bedrock
(Bisci and Dramis 1991; Cardinali and Guzzetti 2003).
The changing permeability of these terrains plays a very important role in determining
the relationship between landslides and rainfall. Typically, the lithology of this area has
medium–low permeability, allowing moderate rain storage and quick soil saturation. For
this reason, landslide triggering is directly linked to the cumulative values (Peruccacci
et al. 2012) as well as intensity and duration of rainfall (Gioia et al. 2015). Indeed, changes
in the hydrological cycle connected to climate change will plausibly influence landslides
initiation within this considered territory.
Based on the dataset of historical landslides provided by the Marche Region’s Civil
Protection Monitoring and Forecasting Center, the study area was affected by 208 rainfall-
triggered landslides over the period 1990–2012 (Fig. 4). These records mainly consist of
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Fig. 3 Study area sediments divided by lithology. The circles (yellow and red) represent the rain gauge
stations, while the triangles indicate the georeferenced landslides. Red circles denote the stations selected for
providing rainfall observed time series. Finally, the figure shows a representative RCM grid with light blue
stars indicating the nodes providing rainfall simulations
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Fig. 4 Temporal distributions of the landslides triggered in the study area, per month (a) and per year
(b) (1990–2012)
rainfall intensity \ 1 mm/day. Each event initiated a certain number of landslides, from
one to a maximum of 19. Table 2 gives an account of: (a) 5 rainfall events that triggered
more than 10 landslides, (b) 16 rainfall events that triggered from 3 to 9 landslides, (c) 9
rainfall events that triggered 2 landslides, and (d) 38 rainfall events that triggered 1
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Table 1 List of the rain gauge stations available for the study area
For what concerns the climate analysis, we use two daily rainfall datasets: (1) observed
rainfall, and (2) simulated rainfall.
The observed daily cumulative rainfall dataset covers the period 1971–2000, which is
the temporal segment used as calibration period for the statistical adjustment of rainfall
simulations. This dataset is provided by the Marche Region’s Civil Protection Monitoring
and Forecasting Center. The quality of such database was checked according to ‘‘Guide to
Climatological Data’’ (WMO 2007) as performed in Appiotti et al. (2014). Three rain
gauges stations located in Ancona, Jesi 1—named ‘‘Jesi’’ hereafter—and Apiro (Table 1)
have been chosen to represent the three main climate sectors of the eastward section of the
Esino river catchment area, which includes a hilly mountainous area to the West (the
Apennines range) and a coastal area to the East (the Adriatic seaboard) (Fig. 2). Fur-
thermore, these three stations provide the most complete and long observed datasets among
those reported in Table 1. We refer to Ancona as the coast site, Jesi as the hill site, and
Apiro as the mountain site.
The simulated daily cumulative rainfall dataset covers the period 1971–2099, which is
the temporal segment provided by the three RCMs run (Table 3). These three RCMs
represent a subset of the high-resolution RCM ensemble participating to the EURO-
CORDEX initiative (Jacob et al. 2014) within the WRCP Coordinated Regional Down-
scaling Experiment (CORDEX,; Giorgi et al. 2009). A detailed
description of the key features of the three RCMs considered in terms of grid configuration,
physical schemes, and model performance can be found in the references reported in
Table 3.
The simulated rainfall has been extracted from the grid point closest to the above-
mentioned stations of Ancona, Jesi, and Apiro. Figure 3 reports the grid cells (for one
representative RCM) distribution over the study area.
Simulations are forced by two different scenarios of atmospheric GHGs concentration,
the representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 (Moss et al. 2010; Mein-
shausen et al. 2011; Riahi et al. 2011). These two RCPs have been chosen as representative
of a wider set of multi-gas emission scenarios (Meinshausen et al. 2011) and provide two
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Table 2 List of the rainfall events that triggered one or more landslides within the study area during the
period 1990–2012
Rainfall event (ID) Station Landslides D (days) E (mm)
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Table 2 continued
For each rainfall event and rain gauge station, we report the number of triggered landslides, the rainfall
duration (D), and the cumulative event rainfall (E)
Table 3 List of RCMs used in this study. All the RCMs share the same horizontal resolution of 12.5 km
Institute RCM Driving model RCPs References
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contemplated by the RCP 8.5, which considers the absence of climate change mitigation
policies leading to a pathway of high GHGs emission and a subsequent higher radiative
forcing of 8.5 W m-2.
We chose 1971–2000 as historical period for calibrating the bias correction and for
computing the climate change signal. This historical segment, different from the period of
documented landslide occurrence (i.e., 1990–2012), has been chosen for the following
1. To properly calibrate the QDM correction function we sought for a 30-year time
segment, needed for encompassing climate variability;
2. To filter out the effect of different radiative forcing assumed by the two RCPs we
calibrate the QDM correction function over a period characterized by the same
observed GHGs concentrations (in fact, the two RCP simulations are forced by
observed GHGs concentration up to 2005);
3. To maximize the time span between historical and future period (2070–2099) and
related changes, since we postulate a time-independent relationship between landslide
occurrence and magnitude of triggering rainfall events.
3 Methods
The simulated rainfall time series have been post-processed according to a QDM technique
presented in Cannon et al. (2015). As explained below, QDM advances the traditional post-
processing technique of quantile mapping (QM) (Boé et al. 2007; Dosio and Paruolo 2011;
Berg et al. 2012; Gudmundsson et al. 2012; Casati et al. 2013; Wilcke et al. 2013; Smith
et al. 2014) originally proposed by Panofsky and Brier (1968). Traditional QM aims at
defining a quantile-specific transfer function computed by the mismatch between the
observed and simulated cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) over a common histor-
ical series (i.e., calibration) generally with length C 30 years. The transfer function is
defined on a set of physical values corresponding to discrete quantiles, and then interpo-
lated to correct all simulated physical values. QM is a valuable technique for bias cor-
rection and for downscaling climate simulations (Piani et al. 2010; Themeßl et al. 2011b;
Berg et al. 2012; Gudmundsson et al. 2012), yet QM is also known to alter original
simulated CCS (Themeßl et al. 2011a; Dosio et al. 2012; Maurer and Pierce 2014; Smith
et al. 2014; Cannon et al. 2015; Switanek et al. 2017; Sangelantoni et al. 2018). The
inflation or deflation of the original CCS could be physically plausible only in the case of a
temporal stationarity of the model bias. Temporal stationarity means that the bias affecting
present climate simulations is assumed unvarying in the future climate (Maraun 2013;
Gaitan 2016; Switanek et al. 2017). Since establishing such a condition is beyond the scope
of this work, we used QDM which represents one solution to circumvent artificial CCS
The first step of QDM consists of a quantile–quantile detrending of the time series that
must be post-processed. It consists in deriving and then removing the quantile-specific
relative change (i.e., trend). A quantile-specific relative change corresponds to the ratio
between a simulated rainfall value at time t associated to a certain quantile (e.g., 95th) in
the future period and the simulated rainfall value associated to the same quantile in the
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historical period. A simulated detrended value is then obtained by scaling the future
rainfall value by its relative change.
In the second step, a traditional QM application is used to correct detrended simulation
mapping of the statistical properties of the observed time series. Figure 5 shows the
original and statistically adjusted simulations reproducing the statistical intensity of the
observed rainfall over the historical temporal segment used as calibration period
(1971–2000). Finally, the trend extracted in the first step is added back to the corrected
time series derived from the second step, thus preserving the changes produced by the
original simulation. Figure 6 shows a comparison between the CCS obtained with the
original and the statistically adjusted simulations over different statistics. For this study,
because landslide-triggering thresholds are derived from observed rainfall, it is important
superimposing simulated trend to a simulation having the same statistical properties of the
observed rainfall climatology. QDM accurately reproduced original CCS affecting the
right tail of distribution of high to extreme rainfall events (potentially landslides). How-
ever, it was also observed an alteration of the original mean CCS. According to the QDM,
this can be due to the multiplicative approach (i.e., correction factors are multiplied to the
original simulation quantiles) in the case of a substantial difference of dry days frequency
between historical and future time segments (Switanek et al. 2017).
We apply the QDM over two different temporal segments (see Sect. 4). First, the entire
simulated period (1971–2099) for the analysis related to the ED model. Then, the QDM
has been applied to the 1971–2000 and to the 2070–2099 temporal segments, for the
analysis related to the Bayesian probabilistic model.
Finally, differently from Cannon et al. (2015), the QDM transfer functions have been
defined on observations at station scale. In this configuration, the post-processing involves
a simulation bias correction and downscaling to the station scale as well, considering the
representativeness error arising from the spatial-scale mismatch between simulations and
observations (Casati et al. 2013).
Fig. 5 Quantile–quantile mismatch between the original (blue) and statistically adjusted (red) simulated
and observed rainfall over a common historical (i.e., calibration) period 1971–2000. This is exemplary
shown for one RCM (RACMO22E) and one reference site (Ancona)
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Fig. 6 Simulated rainfall quantile–quantile comparison between future period (2070–2099) and historical
period (1971–2000), considering original (blue) and statistically adjusted (red) simulations. Text in the
upper-left part of the plot reports CCS (percentage difference between the two periods) related to specific
statistics obtained considering original and adjusted simulations. This is exemplary shown for one RCM
(RACMO22E) and one reference site (Ancona)
The literature in the subject of rainfall threshold for landslide occurrence is wide and
characterized by different scale of analysis and rainfall-based proxies (Guzzetti et al.
2007, 2008; Segoni et al. 2018). A threshold is a mathematical relationship generally
defined as ‘‘the minimum or maximum level of some quantity needed for a process to take
place or a state to change’’ (White et al. 1996). For rainfall-induced landslides, a threshold
may represent the limit (lower, midst, or upper) of the hydrological condition in which
landslides are likely to occur (Reichenbach et al. 1998).
Among the most used techniques to determine the amount of rainfall needed to trigger
landslides are the statistical rainfall threshold models, which assess the correlation between
rainfall proxies and landslides through statistical analysis of historical records (Guzzetti
et al. 2008). Indeed, the hydrogeological conditions in which our dataset of shallow
landslides has occurred can be reasonably simplified by the statistical rainfall threshold
models because their small dimensions allow to consider such landslides as a point, with
relatively uniform characteristics, on a large scale (Cervi et al. 2010). In the statistical
models, the threshold between rainfall and landslides that happened in the past is assumed
to be also the threshold of future landslides (Martelloni et al. 2011).
In this study, for the definition of statistical rainfall thresholds across the selected study
area, we consider four rainfall proxies [cumulative event rainfall (E), rainfall duration (D),
daily rainfall (R), and 5-day antecedent rainfall (A5)] applied to two different models: (1)
the cumulative event rainfall–rainfall duration model (E–D proxies), and (2) the Bayesian
probabilistic model (E–A5 proxies).
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The cumulative event rainfall–rainfall duration (ED) model (Innes 1983; Sengupta et al.
2010; Vennari et al. 2014; Brunetti et al. 2015; Gariano et al. 2015) assumes that the
threshold curve is a power law:
E ¼ aDb ð1Þ
where E is the cumulative event rainfall measured from the beginning to the end of the
rainfall event in which one or more landslides were activated (mm), D is the duration of the
rainfall event (day), and a and b are constants which control the shape of the curve.
Data of cumulative event rainfall and duration have been computed for the 68 rainfall
events that triggered the 208 landslides considered (Fig. 7). Then, a technique suggested by
Guzzetti et al. (2007) has been adopted to portray percentile estimates of the rainfall ED
conditions. The purpose is to approximate the values at the empty data (i.e., bins) and to
minimize the effect of clustering at specific duration. In fact, the ED chart reveals a bias in
the database, especially for rainfall duration ranging from six to eleven days, possibly due
to the unequal distribution of landslides throughout the analyzed period. Starting from the
minimum value of D and up to the maximum, a sliding window of 11 bins has been
isolated among the rainfall events. Therefore, at the nth duration value, a range of 11 data
centered in the nth value (i.e., five bins to the left and five bins to the right of the central
bin) has been considered. The 10th, 50th, and 95th percentiles of the cumulative rainfall for
the selected events have been computed and attributed to the central point of the 11-bins
moving window along the duration axis. Percentile lines are then drawn by joining equal
percentile points (Fig. 7). Starting from these lines, the 10, 50, and 95% rainfall thresholds
were computed in the form of power law regressions (Fig. 7). Such curves represent,
respectively, the 10, 50, and 95% probability of landslide initiation (10p, 50p, and 95p,
respectively) with determined ED conditions.
Fig. 7 Relation between cumulated rainfall and duration of the 68 rainfall events (blue circles) that
triggered landslides in the study area. Dashed lines portray 10th (green), 50th (orange), and 95th (red)
percentile estimates of rainfall ED conditions, while solid lines represent the 10% (green), 50% (orange),
and 95% (red) probabilistic rainfall thresholds
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In this study, the three landslides probability curves, produced by the observation-based
statistical model, act as the reference thresholds to assess, over the period 1971–2099, the
temporal evolution of the rainfall events with the 10, 50, and 95% probability of landslides
initiation within the study area.
The statistically based probabilistic models are mathematical models that use historical
records of landslide occurrence to predict the probability of future landslides (Coe et al.
2004). These models incorporate variability and uncertainty, providing a quantitative
assessment of threshold reliability (Bean 2009). One of the most applied approaches is the
statistical Bayesian inference, firstly proposed by Guzzetti et al. (2005). In this work, the
Bayesian probabilistic model is used adopting a two-dimensional application, as proposed
in Berti et al. (2012):
PðL _ R; A5 Þ ¼ ðPðR; A5 Þ _ LÞ PðLÞ=PðR; A5 Þ ð2Þ
where the probability P(L|R, A5) is the conditional probability of occurrence of at least one
landslide (L) given a rainfall event of a fixed range of values of daily rainfall (R) and 5-day
antecedent rainfall (A5). P(R, A5|L) is the conditional probability of observing a rainfall
event of magnitude (R, A5) when a landslide occurs. P(L) is the probability that at least one
landslide occurs independently of the rainfall event. Finally, P(R, A5) is the probability of
observing a rainfall event of magnitude (R, A5) independently of the occurrence of a
This method is performed in terms of relative frequencies and returns a value of
landslide probability (from 0 to 1) for each combination of the described parameters (R and
A5). To assess P(L|R, A5), we use 3 classes corresponding to 3 level of landslide probability
that could be comparable to the ED thresholds: (1) 0–0.50 for low probability, (2)
0.51–0.95 for medium probability, and (3) [ 0.95 for high probability.
For this model we use the same landslides and rainfall datasets previously described.
Given the importance of non-triggering rainfall events in a probabilistic study, we attempt
to overcome the issue of probability underestimation by visualizing results only for the
years in which at least one landslide has been reported. Furthermore, we interpolate rainfall
data for the entire study area instead of using the punctual information deriving from the
rain gauges. Despite the well-known resulting problems of data flattering, such decision
allows us to consider the totality of landslides in a single analysis thus increasing statistical
reliability. Table 4 shows the results of the interpolation for the landslides-triggering
rainfall events, which are recognizable by the same ID used in Table 2.
Values of P(L|R, A5) have been plotted in a (R, A5) plane delimited by intervals of
0–19.9 mm, 20.0–39.9 mm, 40.0–59.9 mm, and C 60.0 mm (Fig. 8). For example, the
lower-left box of the figure represents the probability of initiating at least one landslide,
given a rainfall event of 0 B R B 19.9 mm and 0 B A5 B 19.9 mm. The colors of the
histograms correspond to levels of landslide probability: low (green), medium (orange),
and high (red). The ‘‘not applicable’’ boxes (NA, gray) indicate rainfall conditions that
never occurred in the study area during the considered period.
In this study, the above-described landslide probability classes (LPCs), assigned to each
combination of (R, A5), have been used to compare the variation in landslide occurrence
over the periods 1971–2000 and 2070–2099.
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Table 4 Results of the interpolation for the rainfall events that triggered at least one landslide within the
study area
Rainfall event (ID) Landslides Date (yyyy/mm/dd) R (mm) A5 (mm)
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Table 4 continued
For each rainfall event, we report the number of triggered landslides, the daily rainfall (R), and the 5-days
antecedent rainfall (A5)
Fig. 8 Histograms of landslide probability for different combinations of (R, A5). Colors represent the
corresponding LPC: low (green), medium (orange), high (red), and NA (gray)
4 Analyses
The landslide initiation models and the rainfall simulations explained above were com-
bined to perform two different analyses to highlight future annual and seasonal changes in
landslides occurrence (autumn: October, November, December; winter: January, February,
March; spring: April, May, June; summer: July, August, September).
The first analysis considers the temporal evolution (1971–2099) of the events above
rainfall thresholds (EARTh) for landslide initiation, which represent rainfall events
(rainfall event C 1 mm and duration C 1 day) above the three thresholds derived from the
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ED statistical model. The annual (or seasonal) number of EARTh has been normalized to
the total number of annual (or seasonal) rainfall events. In this way, we derive the relative
frequency of potential landslide initiation events. Trends are evaluated applying a linear
regression model to the annual (or seasonal) EARTh time series. The statistical signifi-
cance of these trends is verified with the Mann–Kendall test (Wilks 2006). A further
complementary analysis addresses the change in rainfall probability distribution functions
(PDFs) between the historical (1971–2000) and the future (2070–2099) temporal segments.
Differently from the previous, this complementary analysis considers also smaller rainfall
events not exceeding the landslide initiation thresholds. Rainfall events have been clustered
in equal-sized bins, representing rainfall of a certain cumulative and duration class.
Rainfall events placed above the 10p, 50p, and 95p thresholds signify the PDF of the
EARTh. These results are accessible in the enclosed supplementary materials (Figs. SM
The second analysis compares the variation in landslide occurrence between the his-
torical (1971–2000) and future (2070–2099) temporal segments. The number of expected
rainfall events belonging to each LPC derived from the Bayesian model has been computed
for both temporal segments. Finally, seven landslide variation classes (LVCs), from - 3 to
? 3, have been defined to evaluate the increment or decrease in expected landslide
movements (Table 5).
The EARTh trends over the three reference sites chosen for the Esino basin are shown in
Figs. 9, 10 and 11. Each subplot includes results from three RCMs forced by the RCP 4.5
(dashed lines) and RCP 8.5 (solid lines), highlighting possible effects of different GHGs
concentration over landslide-triggering rainfall. Here, we discuss the annual and the sea-
sonal trends during winter and summer. The trends for autumn and spring are available in
the supplementary materials (Fig. SM 1).
The trend of every EARTh and their statistical significance are summarized in the
matrix of Table 6. To rate the p values, we use the following symbols: p values C 0.05 not
statistically significant (blank/no asterisk); p values \ 0.05 statistically significant (*);
p values \ 0.01 moderately statistically significant (**); p values \ 0.001 highly statisti-
cally significant (***).
Results show a general increase in the EARTh frequencies over time. Similarly, all the
significant trends show increasing slopes. The RCP 8.5 scenarios produced a larger number
of increasing and significant trends in both the annual and seasonal analyses. However, the
sensitivity to the different GHG emission scenarios varies according to the RCM
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Fig. 9 Temporal evolution (5-year running mean), with the linear regression, of annual events above
rainfall thresholds (EARTh) relative frequency. EARTh are computed in respect to the three thresholds for
each of the three reference sites of the Esino basin (a for Ancona, b for Jesi, and c for Apiro). Each subplot
includes results of three RCMs run with two different radiative forcing represented by the RCP 4.5 (dashed
lines) and RCP 8.5 (solid lines)
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Fig. 9 continued
considered. For instance, considering annual analysis, RACMO displays the larger sensi-
tivity to the different RCP considered, because many negative trends in the RCP 4.5
became positive in the RCP 8.5 (Table 6). On the other hand, RCA4 and CCLM reveal a
more comparable RCP-sensitivity because driven by the same global climate model
(GCM; i.e., CNRM-CM5).
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Fig. 9 continued
The analysis of the annual 10p-EARTh (i.e., rainfall events that exceed the 10%
probability to initiate a landslide) highlights relative frequencies lower than 0.3 for the
coast site (Fig. 9a) and lower than 0.4 for the mountain site (Fig. 9c). Increasing trends
with similar magnitude are visible both in the RCMs and on the studied sites. Moreover,
such trends appear of comparable magnitude toward the end of twenty-first century tallying
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Table 6 Table shows, for each temporal base (Annual (Ann)–Winter (Win)–Summer (Sum)), reference
station, RCM, and RCP, the trend of every ELTEs and their statistical significance
The colors indicate upward (light blue), null (gray), or backward (orange) trends. The asterisk rating system
indicates p values C 0.05 not statistically significant (blank), p values \ 0.05 statistically significant (*),
p values \ 0.01 statistically moderately significant (**), p values \ 0.001 statistically highly significant
frequency of * 0.3 in the coastal and * 0.4 in mountain sites. However, the results of the
Mann–Kendall test (Table 6) for the RCP 8.5 scenario simulations show larger number of
significant trends compared to those of the RCP 4.5 scenario. The analysis of the annual
50p-EARTh (moving to more intense rainfall events) displays larger differences between
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the RCMs and studied sites. Higher EARTh frequency can be observed in the mountain
site, approximately doubling the coast and hill sites frequency (Fig. 9a, b, respectively).
However, too larger frequency in the mountain site do not correspond to increasing trend in
that same site. Comparable to the 10p-EARTh also the 50p rainfall threshold shows steeper
significant trends with the RCP 8.5-forced simulations when compared to the RCP 4.5
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Fig. 10 continued
scenario. The relative frequency increases from * 0.1 to * 0.15 in the mountain refer-
ence site. The analysis of the annual 95p-EARTh (ranging from severe-to-extreme rainfall)
reveals abundant statistically significant trends (Table 6). The signal is joined by large
discrepancies between the two RCPs. This result indicates larger sensitivity in the 95p-
EARTh to a different GHGs concentration. Another important aspect to stress is the
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Fig. 10 continued
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Regardless of the considered rainfall threshold (10p, 50p, or 95p), the evolution of the
EARTh appears strongly influenced by seasonal patterns. In winter, we obtained the
smallest absolute number of EARTh especially with the 95p threshold, both in the coast
and hill sites (Fig. 10a, b, respectively). Concerning the temporal evolution, most of the
resulting trends are not significant, except for some instances in the 10p- and 50p-EARTh
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Fig. 11 continued
obtained in the RCP 4.5 scenario in the mountain site of Apiro (Fig. 10c and Table 6). The
same site also projects larger 95p EARTh frequency toward the end of the twenty-first
century (* 0.025). In addition, we notice homogeneous increasing trends in the three
RCMs and no evident alterations of the trends’ magnitude connected to the expected
changes in GHGs concentration considered in scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5.
Nat Hazards
Fig. 11 continued
Winter rainfall in our area of study is mainly driven by Mediterranean cyclones and
rarely triggered landslides. Changes may be expected in the future, since climate model
projections indicate that Mediterranean cyclones will decrease in frequency but increase in
intensity (Zappa et al. 2014; Scoccimarro et al. 2016). Nevertheless, according to the
Nat Hazards
RCMs considered, these expected changes in rainfall do not entail significant alterations of
landslide-triggering events frequency.
Summer rainfall (Fig. 11), on the contrary, shows the largest relative frequency of
EARTh regardless of the threshold considered. Noticeably, this season is also the most
uncertain in terms of change signal discrepancies among the different thresholds, RCMs,
RCPs, and studied sites. Furthermore, can be observed how summer EARTh trends are
characterized by a large inter-annual variability, particularly over the 95p threshold.
In this context, the RCA4 and CCLM RCP 8.5 scenarios show a substantial increase in
the 95p EARTh, mainly over the coastal and mountainous sites (Fig. 11a, c, respectively)
compared to the hill one (Fig. 11b). In these sites, a relative frequency of * 0.1 (* 10%
of events will exceed the 95p threshold) by the end of the twenty-first century is expected
according to the CCLM RCM. However, consistent 95p EARTh increase is visible only in
the two RCMs forced by the same driving GCM. In fact, much flatter trends result in the
three thresholds for the RACMO RCM.
It is noteworthy that the RCA and CCLM positive trends obtained with the RCP 8.5
scenario are in contrast whit the much flatter trends resulting from the RCP 4.5. This
suggests that, subjected to a larger warming, the atmosphere can hold amounts of moisture
sustaining more intense landslide-triggering rainfall events (Pall et al. 2007; Giorgi et al.
2011; Drobinski et al. 2016; Volosciuk et al. 2016). At the same time, results of summer
season shed light on how the representation of summer intense rainfall events, generally
originated by convective processes, strongly depends on the RCM and RCP considered.
The variation in landslide occurrence, between the historical (1971–2000) and the future
(2070–2099) temporal segments considered in this study, is derived from the Bayesian
model. Figure 12 shows results of the analyses on annual and seasonal (winter-summer)
basis and for all the considered stations (Ancona, Jesi, and Apiro).
The graphs display for every LPC (horizontal axis) the corresponding LVC (vertical
axis), both for RCP 4.5 (blue) and RCP 8.5 (red) scenarios. The number of expected
rainfall events belonging to each (R, A5) combination and the percentage of variation
between the historical and the future periods are highlighted. The plot of each LPC shows
the cumulative minimum, maximum, and median values of the corresponding LVCs
according to all the three RCMs. Figure 12 represents the aggregate projection of increase
or decrease in landslide initiation for each probability class.
Overall, results of the comparison between historical and future periods show a general
increase in the landslide-triggering rainfall events. In fact, as it can be noticed the median
of the cumulative number of rainfall events is expected to increase especially for the
medium and high LPCs and the RCP 8.5. This translates into an intensification of the
rainfall that are most likely to trigger landslides in the study area. Such outcomes are
comparable with the general results of the EARTh analysis and with those of other similar
studies (Jakob and Lambert 2009; Melchiorre and Frattini 2012; Turkington et al. 2016).
Interestingly, this consideration is valid also for the NA class, thus indicating the possible
occurrence of extreme rainfall with a magnitude never occurred during the historical period
of the Bayesian model. Furthermore, the figure shows the most scattered values (highest
spread between the minimum and maximum values) in the coastal site both on annual and
seasonal basis and regardless of the LPC, witnessing the most uncertain change signal. This
result is different from what obtained in the EARTh trends analysis, which did not present
substantial differences across the studied sites.
Nat Hazards
Fig. 12 Cumulative data scattering (minimum, maximum, and median values) of the LVCs (vertical axis)
relative to each LPC (horizontal axis), measured as the percentage difference of the number of expected
rainfall events in the future (2070–2099) and in the historical (1971–2000) periods. The subplots display the
annual and seasonal analyses of all the stations and for both RCP 4.5 (blue) and RCP 8.5 (red)
Considering the annual analysis, it is readily noticeable that almost all the median and
maximum values of LVCs are positive, while the minima are equally distributed between
negative and zero values. This indicates an overall increment of the rainfall events among
all the considered LPCs. Moreover, the dispersion in the low probability class is identical
for all the stations and RCPs. Differently, in the medium and high probability classes, the
mountain station shows the least data scattering and the highest median change values.
Specifically, the medians of the second LPC are in class 3 (LVC [ 100%) for all stations,
except for Ancona, which presents negative minima. In the third LPC, the coast-hill-
mountain increasing discrepancies are even more emphasized. Such outcomes suggest an
exacerbation of the rainfall events over the future thirty-year period, particularly the
extreme ones which are more likely to trigger one or more landslides, especially in the
mountain area. This result is consistent with the EARTh trends analysis.
The Bayesian probabilistic model points out also a significant seasonal pattern analo-
gous to that found with trends analysis. Results for the winter season show the lowest
spread. This is evident for the second, the third, and the NA probability classes, particularly
in the hill and mountain stations. In most of these cases, the LVCs values coincide with
class 3, thus indicating that all RCMs agree on the [ 100% increase in the rainfall events
with medium–high-extreme probability of landslide initiation. This is in line with the work
of Ciabatta et al. (2016) in Umbria and Gariano et al. (2017) in Calabria (Southern Italy). It
Nat Hazards
is also noteworthy to clarify that the blank spots represent the cases in which the variation
could not be calculated; no rainfall event showed such (R, A5) characteristics over the
historical or future period. Indeed, the winter rainfall regime is characterized by frontal
systems connected to large-scale circulations, generally producing rainfall spread over
prolonged times. These systems should be subjected to minor changes in the future, as
previously mentioned in Sect. 4.1.
Differently from the winter season, summer shows the highest variability over the
LVCs, the LPCs, and across the three stations. The elevated dispersion of data is related to
the uncertainty of the climate models’ outcomes for such season. Interestingly, and dif-
ferently from the other results, summer presents also major differences between RCP 4.5
and RCP 8.5. In fact, most of the minimum and median values of LVCs changes with the
emission scenario; in general, the RCP 8.5 shows higher values than the RCP 4.5 except for
the coastal site of Ancona. This confirms the results of the EARTh trend analysis and the
uncertainty associated to the RCM results in the coastal area (Déqué et al. 2007; Zollo et al.
2014; Ciabatta et al. 2016).
5 Conclusions
In this study, statistically adjusted simulated rainfall was used to assess future landslide
trends in the Esino river basin, Central Italy, through the end of the twenty-first century.
We investigated possible changes in landslide-triggering rainfall patterns by means of three
RCM simulations driven by two different emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5), in
coastal, hilly and mountainous sites (Ancona, Jesi, and Apiro, respectively). Then, we
performed landslide occurrence analysis using two statistical models run on four rainfall
proxies. The first model couples cumulative event rainfall and rainfall duration proxies
(EARTh analysis) to determine the projected temporal evolution of rainfall events
exceeding three chosen landslide-triggering thresholds (10p, 50p, and 95p). The considered
time interval was 1971–2099. The second model calculated the percentage variation in
landslide probability between the historical (1971–2000) and a future (2070–2099) time
periods. The model used four thresholds (low, medium, high, and NA) providing specific
intervals of the daily rainfall and 5-day antecedent rainfall proxies (Bayesian analysis).
Both analyses projected an overall increase in landslides occurrence in the Esino river
basin throughout the twenty-first century. This result was particularly marked for the RCP
8.5 scenario. The EARTh analysis showed that all the significant trends are positive, even
if the sensitivity to the different RCPs varied significantly according to the RCMs con-
sidered. Moreover, the Bayesian analysis displayed positive median and maximum values
of LVCs, thus indicating an overall increment of the rainfall events among all the LPCs.
On an annual basis, both statistical models revealed discrepancies among RCPs and
RCMs in correspondence of the higher thresholds, thus shedding uncertainty over future
landslides trends. However, all analyses indicated a larger increasing number of landslides
in the mountain site in respect to the hill and coast sites. Finally, while the Bayesian
investigation showed higher data scattering in the coastal site, the EARTh analysis did not
present substantial differences in the inter-model spread across the studied sites.
Results also showed considerable differences between the summer and the winter
seasons, in terms of RCMs agreement and change signal magnitude. In winter, both
analyses recognized rather uniform increasing landslide-triggering rainfall trends without
evident sensitivity to the RCP considered. However, results showed moderately dissimilar
Nat Hazards
change signal magnitude between the landslide models. In fact, we obtained flatter and not
statistically significant EARTh trends, but over 100% increase in the rainfall events with
medium–high probability of landslide initiation in the Bayesian analysis. Furthermore, the
latter revealed the possible occurrence of extreme rainfall with a magnitude never occurred
during the historical period. Differently from the winter season, the summer change signals
exhibit very large variability through the different landslide thresholds, RCMs, RCPs, and
study sites. Indeed, the discrepancies of the RCMs found in the EARTh analysis are visible
also in the Bayesian model. Similarly, in both statistical models’ analysis, the RCP 8.5
scenario shows larger change signal compared to those of RCP 4.5. On the other hand,
concerning the spatial patterns, the major increase in summer landslides occurrence is
expected in the coast and mountain sectors (Ancona and Apiro, respectively) with the ED-
model, while is expected in the hill sector (Jesi) with the Bayesian model.
Besides the projected increase in landslide occurrence in the study area, the results of
this study testify the complexity of defining a comprehensive characterization of possible
changes. Three main sources of uncertainty can be identified: (1) the selection and the
number of the climate simulations considered, which should be possibly maximized to get
more comprehensive representation of the potential evolution of the atmosphere; (2) the
statistical post-processing technique used to reduce climate simulation biases, which
should be carefully evaluated in function of the climate information required for the
specific impact considered; (3) the impact model(s), here generally intended as the (sta-
tistical or deterministic) model which is fed or combined to the climatic forcing. On this
last issue, by using two different landslide initiation models we emphasized the concordant
(i.e., robust) and discordant (i.e., uncertainty) aspects of the changes affecting landslides
frequency provided by the two analyses. Consequently, the choice of the statistical model
which translates climate simulations into the expected impacts should be carefully eval-
uated and chosen in function of the climate service required by the end users.
In the end, we are aware that landslides initiation depends not only on climate, but also
on many other variables belonging to both the natural and the anthropic spheres.
Nonetheless, we believe that feeding climate projections into landslide predictive models
represents a proficient tool for decision makers also applicable on different spatial and
temporal scales. In fact, the methodology here applied to long-term climate projections
could be also used with short-term projections and seasonal forecasts over geologically
uniform regions.
Acknowledgements Authors are grateful to the EURO-CORDEX modeling community that produced the
climate simulations used in this paper ( and to the Earth System Grid Feder-
ation for hosting these data ( We also want to thank Cannon
et al. (2015) for making freely available the simulations bias correction technique (
web/packages/MBC/MBC.pdf). Furthermore, we acknowledge the support of the Marche Region’s Civil
Protection Monitoring and Forecasting Center (Department for Integrated Security and Civil Protection
Policies of the Marche Region) for providing the observational rainfall and landslides datasets. Finally, we
would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for the constructive comments that greatly improved the
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