IDF Joc.2208
IDF Joc.2208
IDF Joc.2208
ABSTRACT: Accurate estimates of local changes in extreme precipitation are valuable for informing local policy decisions
and estimating potential impacts on areas such as health, infrastructure, ecosystems and agriculture. To bridge the gap
between the coarse spatial resolution of climate model output and the need for weather and climate information at a higher
resolution, downscaling methods have been developed. This research compares several different downscaling methods in
their ability to simulate rainfall extremes over the Northeastern United States. The methods compared are a bias-correction
and spatial disaggregation technique, the statistical downscaling model (SDSM) and a regional climate model, HadRM3.
Validation was done using generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions of annual maxima and return-period estimates.
All the different techniques simulated reasonable estimates of extreme rainfall across the northeast. However, the agreement
of simulations with observations depended upon the downscaling technique used and the location. The SDSM simulations
matched observed extreme climatology the best. HadRM3 tended to overestimate mean precipitation and gave a GEV
distribution that did not replicate the observed distribution well and, thus, overestimated the extremes.
We then developed high-resolution projections of future changes to rainfall across the Northeast United States, using
IPCC SRES emission scenario A2 combined with these downscaling methods. Future projections based on SDSM indicate
increases in the magnitude of extreme rainfall events by ∼7% through the 2041–2060 period with considerable regional
variation particularly at the higher 50- and 100-year return periods. However, these projected increases rarely fall outside
the 95% confidence intervals based on the observation period from 1961 to 1980. Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological
KEY WORDS statistical downscaling; dynamical downscaling; climate change; regional climate; bias correction; precipitation
Received 23 March 2010; Revised 29 June 2010; Accepted 1 July 2010
There are two main approaches to downscaling: statistical a stochastic model for generating daily series of precip-
and dynamical. Empirical statistical methods derive rela- itation. They found that statistical downscaling is more
tionships between large-scale atmospheric variables (pre- reliable during seasons when the local climate is deter-
dictors) and observed local weather variables (predic- mined by large-scale circulation rather than by local con-
tands). These relationships are then applied to equivalent vective processes. They also found that both techniques
predictors from climate model data (Bárdossy and Plate, performed better in reconstructing the mean climate than
1992; von Storch et al., 1993; Wilby et al., 1998a,b; the extreme events. When predicting changes in future
Zorita and von Storch, 1999; Beckmann and Buishand, climate, the changes predicted by the two models showed
2002). The main criticism of statistical downscaling is significant disparity, emphasizing the existence of consid-
that it assumes that the derived relationships do not erable inter-model uncertainty.
change as the climate is perturbed and they cannot explic- There is little evidence in the literature of any par-
itly describe the physical processes that affect climate. ticular downscaling technique being more skilful than
Therefore, these methods may not always be an appropri- any of the others. Accordingly, previous work has high-
ate tool to examine possible future changes in the climate. lighted advantages in including as many different types
Dynamic downscaling is more complex and uses a of downscaling models as possible when developing pro-
meso-scale, physically based regional climate model jections at the local scale (Haylock et al., 2006; Hessami
(RCM) (Mearns et al., 1995; Christensen et al., 1998; et al., 2008; Hundencha and Bárdossy, 2008; Maurer and
Murphy, 1999). There is no clear evidence that one Hidalgo, 2008). The choice of the most appropriate down-
approach is superior to the other in terms of reproduc- scaling technique depends upon the region, the season,
ing the observed variability of the local climate variables; the variables to be downscaled and the availability of
however, the computationally expensive nature of RCMs daily data (Maurer and Hidalgo, 2008).
means that statistical downscaling has become a more Nonetheless, there is a growing need to be able
widely used approach. In future, advances in computer to reproduce current climate extremes and reasonably
science and improved understanding in atmospheric pro- project future scenarios of precipitation extremes for
cesses may give the necessary resources to resolve these impact studies. This work is, therefore, aimed at testing
smaller scales. In the meantime, practitioners need to different downscaling methods in their ability to recon-
make decisions locally with the best information that can struct extremes of daily precipitation over the Northeast
be provided them with. Accordingly, statistical downscal- United States. As this region has a climate where the
ing is an attractive approach. majority of heavy precipitation events are associated with
There is already a large body of literature available that large-scale circulation features, statistical downscaling
offers comparison between different downscaling meth- may potentially be more reliable than in other regions
ods (Haylock et al., 2006; Schmidli et al., 2007; Tolika where heavy precipitation is associated with isolated con-
et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2008). In most of the previ- vection. This study takes two commonly used statistical
ous work, the focus has been on reproducing the mean downscaling techniques: the bias-correction and spatial
behaviour of the variables and little has been done to disaggregation (BCSD) technique of Wood et al. (2002)
downscale the variables, with emphasis on reproducing and the Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM) Version
the extremes. Studies that have looked at the extremes, 4.2 (Wilby et al., 2002), and implements them in innova-
such as those by Haylock et al. (2006), Frei et al. (2006) tive ways. The estimates from these techniques are then
and Hundecha and Bárdossy (2008), have found that compared with data that have been dynamically down-
most downscaling methods perform better in reconstruct- scaled. The article starts with a brief description of the
ing the mean climate than the extreme events. Haylock study area and the data sets used, followed by a descrip-
et al. (2006) compared six statistical and two dynami- tion of the downscaling techniques implemented. The
cal downscaling models in their ability to replicate seven subsequent section discusses the performance of the tech-
observed indices of heavy precipitation in England. They niques in reproducing precipitation extremes in the cur-
found that models based on non-linear artificial neural rent climate. Future projections of precipitation extremes
networks were the most successful at reproducing the over the Northeast are then examined, followed by con-
inter-annual variability of the indices; however, there cluding remarks and future research directions.
was a tendency to under-estimate extremes, likely due to
the model design focussing on the reproduction of daily
mean precipitation. Frei et al. (2006) analysed the pre- 2. Study area and data
cipitation extremes simulated by six RCMs in Europe.
They found RCMs to be a useful approach to down- The study region is the Northeast United States
scaling as they depicted much more realistic structures (Figure 1). Daily cooperative network precipitation data
than the GCMs in connection with the finer scale fea- over the period 1961–2000 from 15 stations were
tures of the topography. Hundecha and Bárdossy (2008) obtained from the Northeast Regional Climate Center
compared two statistical downscaling methods in terms (Table I). The stations were selected and grouped so as
of their ability to simulate indices of extreme of daily pre- to represent five different geographical regions across the
cipitation. They constructed seasonal indices of extremes Northeast (Figure 1). The stations were chosen so as to
of precipitation from large-scale variables and also used represent the diverse extreme precipitation climatology
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Figure 1. Locations of the stations and different groups used in this analysis.
Table I. Stations selected for analysis. the coupled atmosphere-ocean United Kingdom Meteo-
rological Office Hadley Centre Climate Model version 3
Latitude Longitude (HadCM3; Pope et al., 2000) that utilized the IPCC Spe-
cial Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A2 scenario,
Group 1
were available from the Canadian Climate Change Sce-
Rochester, NY 43.12 −77.68
Syracuse, NY 43.11 −76.10
narios Network ( Further HadCM3
State College, PA 40.79 −77.87 output was obtained from the IPCC Data Distribu-
Group 2 tions Centre ( High-resolution
New York City, NY 40.78 −73.97 model output from the Hadley Regional Climate Model
Atlantic City, NJ 39.45 −74.57 3 (HadRM3) that was forced with HadCM3 A2 was
Glenn Dale Bell, MD 38.97 −76.80 obtained from the North American Regional Climate
Group 3 Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP). HadCM3
Caribou, ME 46.87 −68.02 was chosen for this analysis because it was one of two
St. Johnsbury, VT 44.42 −72.02 sets of climate model output provided with SDSM and
Lake Placid, NY 44.24 −73.98 its dynamically downscaled output was also available
Group 4
from NARCCAP. It has been used in other downscaling
Brunswick, ME 43.90 −69.93
studies (Fealy and Sweeney 2007; Williams et al., 2010)
Boston, MA 42.36 −71.01
Eastport, ME 44.91 −66.99 and has been shown to perform adequately in its ability
Group 5 to reproduce precipitation. It should also be noted that
Union Town, PA 39.91 −79.72 the purpose of this article is to compare different down-
Spencer, WV 38.8 −81.36 scaling techniques and not to compare different climate
Winfield Locks, WV 38.53 −81.92 model output. The techniques may perform differently
when using different model data; however, that analysis
is beyond the scope of this article.
across this region (Figure 2). SDSM allows only one
station to be processed at a time, so a limited number 3. The statistical models and methodology
were chosen that were representative of the diversity of
the region. Data for Raleigh, North Carolina, were also 3.1. Bias-corrected spatial disaggregation
obtained as this station was used as a hypothetical ana- The first downscaling method utilized was based on
logue for the future climate of Syracuse, New York, in the BCSD of Wood et al. (2002). The first step in this
one analysis. In addition, data to drive SDSM, large-scale technique was to bias correct the GCM output using
predictor variables derived from the National Centers a quantile-mapping approach (the empirical transforma-
for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) re-analysis data set tion of Panofsky and Brier, 1958). This bias-correction
(Kalnay et al., 1996) and 1961–2099 model output from approach has been used on both daily (Boé et al., 2007)
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Figure 2. Hundred-year return-period climatology across the northeast data obtain from the Northeast Regional Climate Center, 2010.
and monthly time scales (Wood et al., 2004), and on vari- climatological distribution for January. The January pre-
ables varying from satellite soil moisture (Reichle and cipitation value corresponding to the 30th percentile in
Koster, 2004) to GCM/RCM estimates of precipitation the observed climatology replaces the GCM value. Ini-
and temperature (Wood et al., 2004; Déqué, 2007). This tially, a gamma distribution was fit to the GCM data;
method has advantages over other simple bias-correction however, when the GCM percentiles fell above or below
methods, such as the ‘delta method’ or ‘the unbiasing the range of empirical percentiles (equal to 1/(N + 1)
method’ as it does not assume that variability in the cli- and N /(N + 1), where N is the number of values from
mate is unchanged or that the variability in the model which the probability distribution is estimated), theoret-
is without error. Differences between simulated current ical probability distributions were instead fit to the data
and future climate conditions from a GCM are added to extend the empirical distributions (Wood et al., 2002).
to an observed time series of climate variables. The For high percentiles, an extreme value type III (Weibull)
delta change method assumes that GCMs simulate rel- function was used and for low percentiles an extreme
ative changes more reliably than absolute values. The value type I (Gumbel) distribution was used. It should be
variability is the same as observed. The mean error in noted that this technique was applied assuming that the
GCM simulations is corrected by examining the climato- GCM bias in the future climate will be the same as in the
present day climate. This is consistent with other simi-
logical differences between the observations and a con-
lar studies (Déqué, 2007). The result of bias correction
trol simulation. This method assumes the variability is
is an adjusted GCM data set that is statistically consis-
well simulated by the GCM. Here, the bias correction is
tent with observations during the bias-correction overlap
applied at the monthly level for each station location. This
period (i.e. 1961–1980 in this application). Beyond the
type of bias correction assumes that the model is able to
bias-correction period, the GCM reflects the same rel-
correctly predict the ranked categories of precipitation, ative changes in mean, variance (and other statistical
but not the actual values for this variable (Déqué, 2007). moments) as projected by the GCM between the unad-
For example, in a particular HadCM3 grid box, a pre- justed GCM’s twentieth and twenty-first century simula-
cipitation amount of 150 mm may correspond to a high tions, but mapped onto observational variance.
rainfall month, yet in the observed record a high monthly Typically, when BCSD is used, the model output is
precipitation value may be 200 mm. The bias correction spatially downscaled on to a fine-mesh grid following
allows the model values to be transformed into what the bias correction. In this study, the utilization of station
observed values show to be realistic amounts. time series means that this step is not required. To create
More specifically, the bias correction is done for the a daily time series, the bias-corrected modelled monthly
1981–2000 period by replacing GCM monthly precipita- precipitation percent change relative to the base monthly
tion totals with values from the observed monthly clima- precipitation mean is applied to a historical data set, so
tology that have the same percentiles as the GCM values that the mean and variability are reproduced by the model
have with respect to the GCM monthly climatology. For output. To form a daily time series, a random year from
example, suppose that the GCM precipitation for January the observed 20-year climatology period (1961–1980)
1981 is associated with the 30th percentile in the GCM was selected (e.g. 1965) for each month. The same
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
randomly selected sequence of years and months was across the region (Hayhoe et al., 2006). The BCSD
used at each location. For the selected year and month technique was used to examine whether the past pre-
(e.g. 1965, February), the observed daily values of cipitation of each station (1961–1980) could be used
precipitation are scaled so that their monthly total is equal to simulate more recent rainfall (1980–2000). This
to the projected model total precipitation for that month method is referred to as BSCD-Station. The monthly
in some future year. These scaled values become the rainfall at Syracuse from 1981 to 2000 was taken to
simulated daily precipitation series. For further detail on be equivalent to bias-corrected model output; there-
this method, see Wood et al. (2002; 2004). fore, no quantile mapping was deemed necessary. A
The method has previously been used in several cli- daily time series was generated by scaling the data
mate change studies, including Payne et al. (2004), Chris- from the earlier climatological period (1961–1980)
tensen et al. (2004), Maurer and Hidalgo (2008), Chris- based on the 1981–2000 monthly means at Syra-
tensen and Lettenmaier (2006), and Hayhoe et al. (2006, cuse. This downscaled 1981–2000 daily precipitation
2008) as part of the Northeast Climate Impacts Assess- series was compared against the actual 1981–2000
ment (NECIA). Hayhoe et al. (2006, 2008) applied both observations.
the BCSD and dynamical downscaling methods to GCM (3) This method was implemented in a third way. Often,
output. They found that both techniques were able to climate change projections are illustrated by compar-
improve the simulation of spatial and temporal vari- ing past and future climates to present day geograph-
ability in precipitation across the Northeast. They found ical climate differences. For instance, upstate New
the dynamical approach superior in capturing both light- York might be compared to North Carolina (NECIA,
rainfall as well as extreme rainfall days; however, the 2007). This notion provides a stringent test for assess-
simulation of fine spatial scale heavy precipitation still ing the ability of the BCSD techniques to replicate
involved large uncertainties regardless of the down- precipitation given rather large changes in back-
scaling method used. A major drawback of the BCSD ground climate. This method is referred to as BSCD-
method when applied to monthly mean precipitation is Raleigh. In this implementation of the technique, a
that changes in sub-monthly variability are not modelled, new daily time series for Syracuse, New York, was
and daily sequences are taken by sampling the historical created by scaling observed Syracuse data from 1961
record. In particular, this means that the overall frequency to 1980 using the monthly data from Raleigh, North
of wet and dry days is unchanged in the climate change Carolina (1981–2000). The station data for Raleigh
projection. In addition, this method can only be applied (1981–2000) were taken to be equivalent to bias-
when equivalent observational data and model output data corrected model output and the data from Syracuse
exist. However, key advantages of this approach are the were used in a typical way that observations are
ease/speed of application and the direct scaling of the used in this technique. In this way, Syracuse becomes
scenario in line with changes suggested by the climate more like Raleigh. This series was validated by com-
model. paring the 1981–2000 observed Raleigh data with the
The ability of the BCSD technique to simulate precip- modified Syracuse series.
itation extremes was tested in the following ways:
3.2. The statistical downscaling model
(1) This method was used to downscale large-scale The second approach used was the Statistical Down-
output from HadCM3 at each station location across Scaling Model6 Version 4.2 (available for download at
the Northeast. This method is referred to as BCSD- of Wilby et al. (2002, 1999).
HadCM3. Three quantile maps were created from SDSM is described as a hybrid of a stochastic weather
the following monthly mean time series: simulated generator and regression-based methods. Large-scale cir-
and observed 1961–1980 and simulated 1981–2099. culation pattern features, such as wind and pressure fields,
Then the 1961–1980 HadCM3 time series was are used as predictors to linearly condition local-scale
mapped to the observations. Following this step, the weather generator parameters (e.g. precipitation occur-
1981–2009 HadCM3 time series was bias-corrected rence and intensity) for the predictand series. SDSM has
using the differences in the two simulated quantile been applied to the host of meteorological and hydro-
maps. After bias correction, a daily data set was logical assessments in a range of geographical contexts
created from the monthly time series as described (Hassan et al., 1998; Wilby et al., 1999; Hay et al., 2000;
above. Ideally, a longer time period of observed Coulibaly et al., 2005; Harpham and Wilby, 2005; Khan
data would have been used to drive the simulation; et al., 2006; Wetterhall et al., 2006). This approach is
however, this was not possible due to constraints potentially better for estimating extremes as it attempts
associated with data availability (e.g. SDSM and to bridge the gap between dynamical and statistical down-
observational data) and the need to ensure a common scaling. This is an empirical technique that directly links
time period that could be used for validation and the large-scale weather processes with the precipitation
comparison of the different downscaling techniques. output. Therefore, if the conditions that produce heavy
(2) The precipitation climatology of the Northeast has rain become more frequent or more conductive to heav-
varied a great deal over the past century. In partic- ier rain, it is possible to get changes in variability, unlike
ular, increases in precipitation have been observed the previously described technique.
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
For this study, SDSM was calibrated and applied at Table II. The SDSM predictors used for each group of stations.
the daily time scale using daily station precipitation
observations from each group of stations, rather than Predictors Group Group Group Group Group
each station individually. The stations were grouped 1 2 3 4 5
together with other stations in the region that have
a similar climate (e.g. coastal stations together). Each Surface airflow X X X
station was grouped together in one predictor file for use strength
in the model. The predictor variables were derived from Surface zonal velocity X
the NCEP re-analyses. A set of 26 potential predictor Surface meridional X
variables was available including mean sea level pressure, velocity
500 and 850 hPa geopotential height, relative and specific Surface vorticity X X X
humidity and zonal and meridional velocity components. 500 hPa airflow X X
Selection of the best subset of predictors was an iterative strength
process based on backward stepwise regression (McCuen, 500 hPa zonal X X
2003). Backward stepwise regression starts with all the velocity
500 hPa meridional X X X
terms in the model and removes the least significant terms
until all the remaining terms are statistically significant. 500 hPa vorticity X X
Predictors that were significant in each of the four seasons 500 hPa divergence X X
were used in the final model. The predictors used are 850 hPa airflow X X X
listed in Table II. The vorticity (850 hPa) was the only strength
variable selected for all the groups. However, either 850 hPa zonal X X
specific or relative humidity was also a common predictor velocity
across the groups as was the 500 hPa zonal velocity 850 hPa meridional X
component favoured in the two western groups (Groups velocity
1 and 5) and the meridional velocity component used in 850 hPa vorticity X X X X X
the three eastern groups (Groups 2–4). These predictors 850 hPa geopotential X X X
represent the physical large-scale processes associated
850 hPa divergence X
with rainfall – the rotation, moisture availability and
500 hPa relative X X
direction of the storm systems (for the western groups humidity
these systems predominantly come from the west and for 850 hPa relative X X
the eastern groups they often track along the east coast humidity
of the continent). Surface specific X X X
SDSM was implemented so that precipitation was humidity
modelled as a conditional process. In a conditional Surface relative X X X X
process, there is an intermediate process between the humidity
regional forcing and local weather (e.g. local precipitation
amounts depend on the occurrence of wet days, which
in turn depend on regional-scale predictors such as variance and high variance, with different levels of bias
humidity and pressure). A transformation of the fourth correction. Each time an ensemble of 20 simulations was
root was applied to account for the skewed nature of created. From these experiments, the alteration of the
the precipitation distribution. For precipitation, SDSM variance and the bias did not significantly improve the
artificially inflates the variance of the downscaled series downscaled estimates of return periods in the Northeast.
using a stochastic component, in order to overcome the However, it is acknowledged that the use of these
problem of underestimated variance. It also is possible parameters may be appropriate at other locations. For
to alter the variance applied to the model estimates this study, it was decided to use the default variance and
of the local process in SDSM for leptokurtic (peaked) no bias correction.
and platykuric (flat) distributions and to bias correct the Before settling on a final approach, a number of
output in order to compensate for any tendency to over- experiments were run based on events over 25.4 and
or under-estimate. The variance is altered by using a 12.7 mm. Depending upon the experiment, days that
random scaling factor φ (with a mean of 1) that is used received less than this amount were counted as no rain
to change the variance around the mean to better agree days. By doing this, it was expected that the mechanisms
with observations ( Hay et al., 1991). To assess the effect that are responsible for extremes could be better linked
that altering these parameters had on the precipitation to those days with large rainfall amounts. Unfortunately,
extremes, SDSM was run with different adjustments these experiments were not successful in generating
made to the variance and different bias corrections (not meaningful results. Consequently, it was decided to use
shown). When using a model transformation of the fourth all the daily data in our experiences.
root, changes in the variance also affect changes in the In the approach presented in this article, the model was
mean estimate. The different combinations of simulations seasonal and was fit to the first half of the observed data
ranged from no variance, low variance, normal (default) 1961–1980. The second half of the data was used for
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
validation. A separate statistical model was built for each value in each year from 1981 to 2000 (current climate)
station grouping (with different predictors and regression and 2041 to 2060 (future climate). (Note: The approach
coefficients; see Table II for a list of the predictors used used for the BCSD-Station technique meant that a
for each group); however, the basic form of the model future extreme value series could not be generated.)
was the same. The model output was downscaled for Generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions were fit
each station individually using the regionally developed to each extreme value series using the fgev routine
models and the grid box corresponding to the station in the evd library of the R statistical package. This
location. One set of stations (Atlantic City and New York routine uses the maximum likelihood (ML) method as
City) were in the same grid box and the same group. described in Kharin and Zwiers (2005). It should be
SDSM was run separately to create different results for noted that the ML method’s performance for the GEV
each station. distribution may be erratic for small sample sizes (e.g.
20), in which case it may occasionally result in rather
3.3. Dynamical downscaling unrealistic parameter estimates (Martins and Stedinger,
Dynamical downscaling is based on physical and dynam- 2000). This was an issue for some of the return-period
ical links between the large-scale climate and processes at estimates generated (Section 4). Despite this, the ML
smaller scales. This can be achieved by using RCMs. To method is a powerful and useful technique for estimating
compare the statistical downscaling techniques described distributional parameters.
in previous sections with dynamical downscaling, RCM The GEV distribution is controlled by three param-
output was obtained from NARCCAP. NARCCAP is a eters: the location parameter (µ) represents the overall
program that aims at producing high-resolution climate position of the distribution, the scale parameter (σ ) char-
change simulations for use in impacts research. The out- acterizes the spread of the distribution and the shape
put is available from a set of RCMs that has been driven parameter (κ) determines the type of extreme value distri-
by a set of AOGCMs over a domain covering the con- bution. Using this approach, the extremes are expressed
terminous United States and most of Canada. The RCMs in terms of average return-period values (2-, 50- and
are nested within the AOGCMs for the current period 100-year) derived from the GEV distribution of the
1971–2000 and for the future period 2041–2070. For extreme value series. The return values are the thresh-
this study, the output from HadRM2 was utilized so as olds exceeded by annual extremes in any given year with
to be compared to the statistically downscaled series. probability 1/T , where T is the return period in years.
HadRM2 is a hydrostatic model with 19-hybrid vertical To gauge the reliability of the return-period estimates,
model levels. HadRM2 contains the same representa- the 95% confidence intervals for the return values at
tions of atmospheric dynamical and physical processes each station were obtained by a ‘bootstrap’ technique in
as in a global model. It was run at a 50-km resolution which random samples of annual extremes were gener-
and is driven at the boundary of the domain by time ated through re-sampling from the original sample. One
series of variables (such as temperature and winds) from thousand new samples were created and used to estimate
the HadCM3 projections. Sea surface temperatures and new GEV distribution parameters and the correspond-
sea-ice extents are also prescribed from HadCM3 since ing return values. The use of a 20-year period of record
HadRM3 (like most RCMs) does not include an interac- meant that some of the confidence intervals calculated
tive ocean component. The purpose of using an RCM is were much larger than could reasonably be expected.
to provide a high-resolution climate projection with real- This occurred at Caribou, St. Johnsbury, Salisbury, and
istic detail at finer scales that is consistent with its driving Atlantic City. To gauge the effect of using the shorter
GCM projection. This is the ‘downscaling’ process. time series, the confidence intervals were also calculated
Often when comparing station data to gridded model using longer periods of record (30 and 40 years) at all
output, it is appropriate to apply a simple bias correc- the stations. Overall the confidence intervals were signif-
tion, such as an areal reduction factor (ARF; Allen and icantly reduced when the longer periods of record were
DeGaetano, 2005) to the observational data. ARFs trans- used. The exception was for Atlantic City; the confidence
form point rainfall measurements to an equivalent rainfall intervals were reduced, but were still large in compari-
depth over an area. This is particularly appropriate when son to the other stations. This is due to the Atlantic City
using GCM output that typically under-estimates rainfall record being skewed by one extremely large event where
amounts. Theoretically, the same idea should be equally there was a rain fall of 282 mm on 20 August 1997.
applicable for RCMs. However, in this study, it was
decided not to apply an ARF factor because HadRM3
occasionally overestimated the rainfall. If an ARF was 4. Results
applied, HadRM3 would overestimate the rainfall by an
even larger magnitude. 4.1. Current climate
To assess the potential of these techniques for translating
3.4. Statistical analysis AOGCM output into the high-resolution output needed
The simulated daily data sets were used to create an to assess regional-scale climate change impacts, several
extreme value series using the maximum precipitation characteristics of the simulated daily precipitation time
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
series were examined. The simulated mean annual pre- of the techniques was compared with the observations
cipitation from 1981 to 2000 for a selection of stations over 1981–2000 (Figure 4). For example, at Rochester,
is contrasted with that from the observations shown in the observed mean number of events was 4.7 and the
Figure 3. Overall, all the downscaling techniques per- simulated values were SDSM 4.5, BCSD-HadCM3 4.6,
formed adequately in assessing the mean rainfall. Typi- BCSD-Station 4.5 and HadRM3 5.5 (Figure 4(a)). At
cally, there was great variation among the locations with Atlantic City, the observed mean number of events was
both over- and under-estimates of the rainfall. For the 9.6 and the simulated values were SDSM 11.2, BCSD-
BCSD techniques and SDSM, these errors were <±10%. HadCM3 9.4, BCSD-Station 10.9 and HadRM3 10.4
HadRM3 was the weakest performer, with a tendency to (Figure 4(b)). These results showed that downscaling
overestimate this variable on the order of +20%. It is techniques perform well in reproducing the correct mean
worth noting that even if the downscaling is perfect, the and variance of these types of events. The notable excep-
model’s internal variability, which does not correspond to tion was HadRM3, which significantly overestimated the
natural climate variability, means that the observed and mean number of events at Lake Placid (not shown).
simulated values will not necessarily be similar. As the At this location, the number of observed events per
purpose of this article is to examine the extremes of the year was 5.9 and the simulated values were SDSM 4.3,
rainfall distribution, the other metrics we have chosen to BCSD-HadCM3 4.4, BCSD-Station 4.0 and HadRM3
test the downscaling techniques represent those values, 16.9. Second, the simulated GEV distributions of the
rather than focussing on the mean or annual precipitation annual maxima were compared with those from the obser-
values. vations. The simulated distributions agreed fairly well
First, the number of events per year with simulated with the observations. The BCSD techniques often nar-
precipitation over 25.4 mm at each location for each rowed the distribution and shifted it to the left. The two
Figure 3. Mean annual rainfall from 1981 to 2000 at Caribou, Glenn Dale Bell, Rochester, Syracuse and Union Town.
Figure 4. The number of events over 25.4 mm each year from 1981 to 2000 at (a) Rochester and (b) Atlantic City.
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Figure 5. Comparison of the GEV distributions for the annual maxima series from 1981 to 2000 for (a) State College and (b) Boston.
Figure 6. The return period amounts at each station for 1981–2000. The grey boxes indicate the 95% confidence intervals from 1981 to 2000
and the position of the symbols indicate the amount of the return period. The hashed boxes represent the confidence intervals for a 40-year
period of record (1961–2000).
stations shown in Figure 5 represent the spread of results To evaluate the simulated return-period estimates more
obtained. State College was one of the least accurately closely, the average percent difference between the
replicated stations (Figure 5(a)). None of the techniques 1981 and 2000 return periods for the downscaling tech-
were able to replicate the long tail of that particular dis- niques and for the observations is compared in Table III.
tribution. However, other stations, such as Boston, were The simulations contained a range of over- and under-
much more accurately simulated (Figure 5(b)). estimates. The BCSD techniques were the weakest with
Third, return period estimates for the 2-, 50- and 100- errors reaching 56%. With the exceptions of Group 2 for
year storms were obtained from the downscaled simu- SDSM and Group 3 for HadRM3, these techniques give
lations for the validation period, 1981–2000 (Figure 6). errors of a more acceptable range (∼10%). The down-
The estimates were fairly clustered and mostly fell within scaled simulations, except for HadRM3, significantly
the observed 95% confidence intervals (Figure 6). To underestimated group 2. This may be due to large changes
some extent, SDSM performed better than the other tech- in the return periods for the observations in this group
niques in this comparison. For the 45 rainfall estimates between the climatological period (1961–1980) and the
obtained from SDSM, only two fell outside the confi- validation period (1981–2000). Other studies have noted
dence intervals. that recent changes in the occurrence of extreme rainfall
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Table III. Average percent difference between the return-period have found that changes in extreme rainfall have mostly
estimates from the downscaling techniques for 1981–2000 and been associated with changes in the location parame-
the observations from 1981 to 2000. ter (DeGaetano, 2009). To see whether the estimates of
the return periods could be improved upon, the location
Group Group Group Group Group
parameter was left to vary, while scale and shape were
1 2 3 4 5
held constant (not shown). The shape and scale param-
2 year eters were taken from the climatological time period,
SDSM −1.8 −3.3 −4.9 7.5 −3.0 1961–1980. This analysis was similar to that shown in
BCSD-Station 1.3 −8.9 0.8 18.0 0.7 Figure 6 and was completed for every data set expect
BCSD-HadCM3 14.9 −4.1 0.9 4.0 10.3 HadRM3 as model output was not available for the earlier
HadRM3 34.7 33.6 −3.1 1.1 19.9 time period. The results from this analysis gave sim-
50 year ilar results to those previously described regardless of
SDSM −11.7 −31.6 7.3 −9.6 6.1 whether the shape or both the shape and scale parameters
BCSD-Station 39.3 −35.8 13.8 19.5 4.7 were held constant.
BCSD-HadCM3 35.6 −30.9 27.7 −32.9 12.7
The other way in which the BCSD technique was tested
HadRM3 9.9 9.9 22.4 10.2 19.9
100 year
was to use Raleigh, North Carolina, data as a surrogate
SDSM −13.8 −37.4 12.6 −13.5 7.7 to simulate the hypothetical future climate of Syracuse,
BCSD-Station 55.5 −40.7 24.7 20.1 5.2 New York (Figures 8 and 9). Rather than using climate
BCSD-HadCM3 47.3 −39.9 43.2 −38.7 13.1 model output or the same station record, this approach
HadRM3 4.3 5.4 33.7 13.2 1.2 used Raleigh as a climate analogue to represent the future
climate of Syracuse. Using this approach inflates the
past climate record of Syracuse to make it more like
events appear to have influenced the magnitude of pre- that of Raleigh. The motivation for the inclusion of this
cipitation associated with different return periods and section of analysis was the notion that if a downscaling
that these changes are most pronounced in the North- technique is particularly robust, it should be able to shift
east (DeGaetano, 2009). For example, the 100-year return one station’s climate to another. The translation between
periods for 1961–1980 for Caribou, St. Johnsbury and the climates of Syracuse and Raleigh is illustrated by the
Lake Placid were 124, 113 and 84 mm, respectively. For GEV distributions in Figure 8.
1981–2000, these estimates were calculated to be 171, The return-period estimates were obtained by keeping
181 and 161 mm. These large changes meant that this the scale and shape parameters constant (Figure 9). The
underestimation was likely for the techniques that used simulated return periods for Syracuse where all the GEV
the historical record (i.e. BCSD). This highlights the chal- parameters were allowed to vary were all outside the
lenge of choosing an appropriate period of record to fit confidence intervals based on the observed Raleigh data.
the statistical models to and the advantages of dynami- When the shape and scale parameters were allowed to
cal downscaling where physical mechanisms that drive vary, the estimates for the 50- and 100-year storms
the changes in extremes are accounted for. A longer improved; however, it made little difference to the 2-year
period of record for training the downscaling would better storm. Overall the best estimates were obtained by
sample the natural variability in the model and observa- keeping the shape parameter constant.
Generally, the lower probability events were associated 4.2. Future climate
with the largest percentage differences from the observa-
tions. If we examine the different events individually, The final step in the analysis was to apply the downscal-
there are some notable differences between techniques. ing techniques to future projections. The results from the
SDSM performed the best overall with plausible esti- analysis of future return periods are shown in Figure 10.
mates of all the return periods. HadRM3 performed the The average percentage differences between the return-
worst in terms of estimating the 2-year return periods, period estimates for 2041–2060 and the observations
mostly overestimating them. Yet, it was clearly the one from 1981 to 2000 are listed in Table IV. There was
of the better techniques when it came to the 50- and 100- a lot of variation among the regions, with both large
year storm events. The BCSD gave adequate estimates increases and decreases projected. Yet, the different tech-
for the 2-year events, but had large errors for the lower niques were fairly consistent in the direction of change
probability events. projected for the different groups. Groups 2 and 4 tend
Next, the differences between the GEV distribution towards decreases in the rarer events and Groups 1, 3
parameters for the different techniques and the obser- and 5 towards overall projected increases. This is fairly
vations from 1981 to 2000 were compared (Figure 7). consistent with other projections of changes in precipita-
The location parameters were either close to the observed tion within the Northeast (Hayhoe et al., 2008). Hayhoe
values or showed a tendency to be overestimated (partic- et al. (2008) also found large regional variations across
ularly with HadRM3), while the shape and scale param- the Northeast and the potential for the northern part of the
eters showed little consistency in bias across the dif- Northeast to dry out and the southern part of the northeast
ferent stations or the different techniques. Other studies to receive more rainfall; however, there were significant
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Figure 7. Differences between the GEV distribution parameters for the downscaling techniques and the observations: (a) shape, (b) scale and
(c) location.
differences in spatial distribution of changes depending the intensity of precipitation associated with differ-
upon the downscaling approach used. This region is well ent return periods over the northeast. HadRM3 sug-
known for disagreement among the climate models in gested the largest increases in the 2-, 50- and 100-
terms of likely changes to precipitation and this needs to year events (on average 22, 24 and 29%), followed by
be kept in mind during the interpretation of any down- SDSM (8, 6 and 7%) and BCSD-HadCM3 (4, −0.6 and
scaled projections (Christensen et al., 2007). 0.6%). It should be noted that most of the projected
On average the projections from all the techniques changes do not fall outside the historical confidence
used in this article indicate an overall increase in intervals.
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Copyright 2010 Royal Meteorological Society Int. J. Climatol. 31: 1975–1989 (2011)
Figure 10. The return period amounts at each station for 2041–2060. The grey boxes indicate the 95% confidence intervals and the symbols
indicate the amount of the return period.
Table IV. Average percent difference between return-period estimates for the different techniques (2041–2060) and the
observations (1981–2000).
2 year
SDSM 8.3 3.7 4.5 17.1 4.0 7.5
BCSD-HadCM3 8.7 −7.6 −3.5 10.4 10.8 3.8
HadRM3 31.7 39.5 −3.5 13.2 28.8 22.0
50 year
SDSM 2.9 −25.6 31.2 4.8 15.4 5.7
BCSD-HadCM3 8.1 −12.8 12.6 −12.1 1.2 −0.6
HadRM3 37.2 −5.1 22.8 −19.0 84.2 24.0
100 year
SDSM 1.7 −31.3 42.1 3.3 18.4 6.8
BCSD-HadCM3 8.2 −11.9 22.8 −15.1 −1.3 0.6
HadRM3 45.8 −13.7 27.6 −24.5 110.1 29.1
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