3592 Cartridges and Drives Compatibility
3592 Cartridges and Drives Compatibility
3592 Cartridges and Drives Compatibility
There are currently six(6) generations of the 3592(Jaguar) tape drives. They are 3592 J1A, TS1120, TS1130, TS1140, TS1150, and TS1155.
Below are 4 tables that list the densities each drive supports (Table 1), the cartridge read/write compatibility with the different drives (Table 2) ,the cartridge capacities
(Table 3) and tape drive and cartridge compatibility (Table 4).
Note 1 - FMT3592AxE cartridges have the same density and *FMT3592Ax cartridges, only they are cartridges that were encrypted using hardware encryption
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3/5/2018 3592 Cartridges and Drives compatibility on IBM i
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