D o n a l d X . Va c c a r i n o
Ah, money. There's nothing like the sound of coins clinking in your hands. You vastly
prefer it to the sound of coins clinking in someone else's hands, or the sound of coins
just sitting there in a pile that no-one can quite reach without getting up. Getting up,
that's all behind you now. Life has been good to you. Just ten years ago, you were
tilling your own fields in a simple straw hat. Today, your kingdom stretches from sea to
sea, and your straw hat is the largest the world has ever known. You also have the
world's smallest dog, and a life-size statue of yourself made out of baklava. Sure,
money can't buy happiness, but it can buy envy, anger, and also this kind of blank
feeling. You still have problems - troublesome neighbors that must be conquered. But
this time, you'll conquer them in style.
This is the 4th addition to the game of Dominion. It adds 25 new Kingdom cards to
Dominion, plus 2 new Basic cards that let players keep building up past Gold and
Province. The central theme is wealth: there are treasures with abilities, cards that
interact with treasures, and powerful expensive cards.
Dominion: Prosperity is an expansion, and cannot be played by itself; to play with it,
you need Dominion, or a standalone expansion to Dominion (e.g., Dominion:
Intrigue). Those provide the Basic cards you need to play (Treasure, Victory, and Curse
cards), as well as the full rules for setup and gameplay. Dominion: Prosperity can also
be combined with any other Dominion expansions you have.
We hope you enjoy this expanding world of Dominion!
DomProsperity.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:36 PM Page 3
Prosperity includes 25 randomizer cards (one for each Kingdom card in Prosperity). Players need the
Treasure cards, Victory cards, Curse cards, and Trash card from either Dominion or a standalone
expansion to Dominion (e.g., Dominion: Intrigue) to play with this expansion. As with previous
Dominion games, players must choose 10 sets of Kingdom cards for each game. If players choose the
random approach for choosing sets, they should shuffle the randomizer cards from this expansion
with those of any other Dominion games they choose to play with.
If only Kingdom cards from Prosperity are being used this game, then the Platinum and Colony piles
are added to the Basic cards in the Supply for the game. If a mix of Kingdom cards from Prosperity
and other sets are being used, then the inclusion of Platinum and Colony in the Supply should be
determined randomly, based on the proportion of Prosperity and non-Prosperity cards in use. For
example, choose a random Kingdom card being used - such as the first card dealt out from the
Randomizer deck - and if it is from Prosperity, add Platinum and Colony to the Supply. Platinum
and Colony are not Kingdom cards; when those are included, there are 10 Kingdom cards, plus
Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Estate, Duchy, Province, Colony, and Curse, in the Supply. Use 8
Colonies for a 2-player game, or 12 Colonies for a game with 3 or more players.
This expansion comes with 8 player mats and tokens for use with the Bishop, Goons, and
Monument Kingdom cards. The mat holds a player's pile of tokens collected using those cards.
As mats are not needed at the start of the game, a player takes a mat of his choice as soon as he
needs one. The mats have different images from the Dominion series, but all function the same.
This expansion also comes with Coin tokens which are for use with Trade Route. If Trade Route is in
the game, mark each Victory card pile with a Coin token at the start of the game. When anyone gains
a card from that pile, move the token to the Trade Route mat. The number of tokens on the mat
indicates how many coins Trade Route makes. In games with both Colony and Trade Route, Colony
will get a token.
Tokens are not limited. If more tokens are needed, use a substitute.
9 mats
8: Coins
16: 1 point
15: 5 point
DomProsperity.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:37 PM Page 4
7 Treasure
Illustration: Jason Snair © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Rom
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Action
Illustration: Marco Morte © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Action
Illustration: Matthias Catrein © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Ryan Laukat
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
2 1
+ 1 Buy
+1 Card
+ 2 +1 Action
Trash any number of cards from your
hand. Gain a card with cost exactly
Each other player discards down to
+ 1 Buy ______________________ You may choose an Action card in
your hand. Play it three times.
3 cards in hand.
equal to the total cost in coins of the ______________________ + 2
______________________ While this is in play, when you buy a
When you play this, reveal cards from
your deck until you reveal a Treasure.
trashed cards.
While this is in play, when you buy Victory card, gain a Gold. Discard it or trash it.
You can’t buy this if you have any
a card, +1 . Discard the other cards.
Copper in play.
7 Action
Illustration: Martin Hoffmann © 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Action - Attack
Illustration: Tu Pei-Shu © 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Action
Illustration: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle © 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
7 Action
Illustration: Dennis Lohausen © 2010 Rio Grande Games
3 Treasure
Illustration: Simon Jannerland © 2010 Rio Grande Games
+1 Card
You may reveal a Treasure card + 2 + 2 +3 Cards
+1 Action
from your hand. Gain a copy of it. + 1 ______________________
______________________ ______________________
+ 1 Each other player may discard a Each other player reveals the top
3 cards of his deck, discards the
Curse. If he doesn’t, he gains a Curse
During your Buy phase, this costs While this is in play, Action cards revealed Actions and Treasures, and
When you buy this, trash all Treasures and a Copper.
2 less per Action card you have in cost 2 less, but not less than 0 . puts the rest back on top in any order
you have in play. he chooses.
play, but not less than 0 .
5 Action
Illustration: Kim Feigenbaum © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Julien Delval
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Action - Attack
Illustration: Kieron O`Gorman © 2010 Rio Grande Games
8* Action
Illustration: Joshua Balvin © 2010 Rio Grande Games
4 Treasure
Illustration: Brian Brinlee © 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Action - Attack
Illustration: RC Torres © 2010 Rio Grande Games
+1 Buy
2 1
+ 1 per token on the
Trade Route mat.
+2 Cards
1 Draw until you have 6 cards in hand.
Discard any number of cards.
Trash a card from your hand.
+ 1 per card discarded. When you play this, reveal cards When you gain a card, you may reveal
While this is in play, when you buy from your deck until you reveal a
While this is in play, when you gain Setup: Put a token on each Victory Each other player may discard 2 this from your hand. If you do, either
a card, you may put that card on top of a card costing 4 or less that is not a card Supply pile. When a card is cards. If he does, he draws a card. Treasure. Discard the other cards. trash that card, or put it on top of your
your deck. Victory card, gain a copy of it. gained from that pile, move the token Play that Treasure. deck.
to the Trade Route mat.
5 Treasure
Illustration: Jason Slavin © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Eric J Carter
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Harald Lieske
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Action
Illustration: Alex Drummond © 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
3 Action - Reaction
Illustration: Rick Hershey © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Worker’s Village
24 Basic cards Colony 5 Platinum 5
12 each of
+1 Card
+2 Actions
+ 1 Buy
4 Action 11 Victory 9 Treasure
Illustration: Claus Stephan © 2010 Rio Grande Games
25 Randomizer 1 Blank
cards card
DomProsperity.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:38 PM Page 5
"+X " - The player takes X tokens. He takes them from the pile "+1 " means the player
of unused tokens, not from another player. When a player first takes a 1 token and puts
takes tokens, he takes a player mat to put them on. tokens it on his player mat. The
are not private; anyone can count them. There are 1 and 5 tokens are collected when
tokens; players make change as needed. At the end of the game, playing the Bishop, Goons,
players add the they have from tokens to their regular score. If and Monument cards.
the tokens run out, use something else to track any further tokens;
players are not limited by the number of tokens available.
tokens are used by Bishop, Goons, and Monument.
“In play” cards are those a
“In play” - Action cards and Treasure cards played face-up to a play player has played on his
area are in play until they are moved somewhere else—usually turn. They are not cards
until they are discarded during a Clean-up phase. Only played that are set aside, trashed,
cards are in play; set aside cards, trashed cards, cards in the Supply, or discarded. Nor are they
and cards in hands, decks, and discard piles are not in play. cards in a player’s hand,
Reaction abilities like Watchtower's do not put those cards into deck, or discard pile, or in
play. Duration cards (from Dominion: Seaside), once played, the supply.
remain in play until the turn they are discarded.
Prosperity includes eight Treasure cards with rules on them. They The game includes 8
are in the Supply if selected as one of the 10 Kingdom cards for the
Treasure Kingdom cards,
game; they are not part of the Basic Supply. They are just like
which are played during
normal Treasures, but have special abilities. They are played during
the Buy phase like normal Treasures and are affected by cards that the Buy phase.
refer to Treasures.
A player may play his Treasure cards in any order and may choose Players play their Treasure
not to play some (or even all) of the Treasure cards he has in his cards in the order they
hand. During the Buy phase, a player must play all of the Treasures choose, which may be
he wishes to play before he buys any cards, even if he has +Buys; important and affect the
he cannot play more Treasures after Buying a card. amount a player has to
spend in the Buy phase.
DomProsperity.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:39 PM Page 6
Zach has a hand of all Treasures at the start of his turn: Contraband, Copper, Gold, Hoard, and
3 Contraband 3 2 Hoard 2 1 Venture 1 1 Venture 1
3 2
______________________ 1 1
+ 1 Buy When you play this, reveal cards
While this is in play, when you buy a When you play this, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a
When you play this, the player to from your deck until you reveal a
your left names a card. Victory card, gain a Gold. Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Treasure. Discard the other cards. Play that Treasure.
You can’t buy that card this turn. Play that Treasure.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games 5 Treasure 5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
draw pile
He skips his Action phase because he doesn't have any Action cards in his hand. During his Buy
phase, Zach does not just lay down all of his Treasures at once because the order is important.
First Zach plays the Contraband and waits for Anna (the player to his left) to tell him what card
he cannot buy. Anna can only guess at how many coins Zach will have to spend since she has not
seen the rest of his Treasure cards, so she names Colony—just in case he might have enough.
3 Contraband 3 2 Hoard 2 1 Venture 1 1 Venture 1
3 2
______________________ 1 1
+ 1 Buy When you play this, reveal cards
While this is in play, when you buy a When you play this, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a
When you play this, the player to from your deck until you reveal a
your left names a card. Victory card, gain a Gold. Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Treasure. Discard the other cards. Play that Treasure.
You can’t buy that card this turn. Play that Treasure.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games 5 Treasure 5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
+ 1 Buy
When you play this, the player to
your left names a card.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
Next Zach plays his Gold and then Hoard. He decides not to play his Copper because he might
want to buy a Grand Market (which cannot be bought if you have Copper in play). Zach saves his
Venture to play last because he knows that he has Bank in his deck and he wants it to be worth
as much as possible if it is revealed.
2 Hoard 2 1 Venture 1 1 Venture 1
______________________ 1 1
When you play this, reveal cards
While this is in play, when you buy a When you play this, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a
from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Victory card, gain a Gold. Treasure. Discard the other cards. Play that Treasure.
Play that Treasure.
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games 5 Treasure 5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
+ 1 Buy
While this is in play, when you buy a
When you play this, the player to Victory card, gain a Gold.
your left names a card.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
5 Treasure 6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: RC Torres © 2010 Rio Grande Games
After playing Venture, Zach reveals a Bank (after Colony and Estate) so it is worth 5 coins (because
the Contraband, Hoard, Gold, and Venture are already in play and the Bank also counts itself). If
Zach had played his Venture first and revealed Bank, it would have only been worth 2 coins.
1 Venture 1 1 Venture 1
1 1
When you play this, reveal cards
When you play this, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a
from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Treasure. Discard the other cards. Play that Treasure.
Play that Treasure.
5 Treasure 5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
discard non-
per Treasure card you have in play
(counting this).
11 Victory
7 Treasure
treasure cards
Illustration: Jason Snair © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Zach counts up his available coins and finds that he has 14 coins. He can buy two cards, since
Contraband gave him +1 Buy.
DomProsperity.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:35 PM Page 1
He buys a Grand Market (6 coins) and a Province (8 coins). He takes those cards from the Supply
and put them in his Discard pile.
Grand Market
+1 Card
+1 Action
+ 1 Buy
+ 2
You can’t buy this if you have any
Copper in play.
6 Action
Illustration: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle © 2010 Rio Grande Games
1 Venture 1
10 1
When you play this, reveal cards
from your deck until you reveal a
Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Play that Treasure.
5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
11 Victory
+ 1 Buy
When you play this, reveal cards
When you play this, it’s worth 1
per Treasure card you have in play
(counting this).
While this is in play, when you buy a from your deck until you reveal a
When you play this, the player to
your left names a card. Victory card, gain a Gold. Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Play that Treasure.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Treasure 7 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games Illustration: Jason Snair © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Because he bought a Victory card (the Province), the Hoard causes him to gain a Gold, which he
also takes from the Supply and adds to his Discard pile.
1 Venture 1
Grand Market
10 +1 Card
When you play this, reveal cards
from your deck until you reveal a
Treasure. Discard the other cards.
+1 Treasure.
Play that Action
+ 1 Buy
+ 2
5 ______________________
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
You can’t buy this if you have any
11 VictoryCopper in play.
6 Action
Illustration: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle © 2010 Rio Grande Games
+ 1 Buy
When you play this, reveal cards
When you play this, it’s worth 1
per Treasure card you have in play
(counting this).
While this is in play, when you buy a from your deck until you reveal a
When you play this, the player to
your left names a card. Victory card, gain a Gold. Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Play that Treasure.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Treasure 7 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games Illustration: Jason Snair © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Remember that Zach could not buy a Colony because of Anna’s choice to his Contraband played
earlier. He discards the cards he played, the Copper in his hand, and draws 5 cards to end his turn.
3 Contraband 3 Forge
Grand Market
+ 1 Buy hand. Gain a card with cost exactly
equal to the total cost in coins of the
When you play this, the player to
trashed cards.
your left names a card.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
7 Action
Illustration: Martin Hoffmann © 2010 Rio Grande Games +1 Card
+1 Action
+ 1 Buy
+ 2
You can’t buy this if you have any
11 VictoryCopper in play.
6 Action
Illustration: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle © 2010 Rio Grande Games
+ 1 Buy
When you play this, reveal cards
When you play this, it’s worth 1
per Treasure card you have in play
(counting this).
While this is in play, when you buy a from your deck until you reveal a
When you play this, the player to
your left names a card. Victory card, gain a Gold. Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Play that Treasure.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Treasure
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
5 Treasure 7 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games Illustration: Jason Snair © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Zach’s turn is over and he will begin his next turn with the hand shown below (assuming Anna
does nothing on her turn to alter his hand).
Forge 3 Contraband 3
?3 Contraband 3 1
Venture ?
1 Bank
2 Colony
Hoard 2
Grand Market
hand. Gain a card with cost exactly + 1 Buy
equal to the total cost in coins of the
trashed cards. When you play this, the player to
your left names a card.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
7 5
Action Treasure
When you play this, it’s worth 1
Illustration: Martin Hoffmann © 2010 Rio Grande Games Illustration: RC Torres © 2010 Rio Grande Games
per Treasure+card
+11 Buy
you have in play
When you play this, reveal cards
from +1
play this). player to
until you reveal a
your left+names
Treasure. a card.
Buy the other cards.
Youthis is buy
can’t in play,
thatwhen youturn.
buy a
Play that
card, +gain2a Gold.
5 You can’tTreasure
this if you have any
11 67 5Victory
Copper in play.
Illustration: RC Torres
Illustration: Jason Snair
Illustration: Lee Smith
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
© 2010 Rio
© Grande Games
2010 Rio Grande Games
6 Action
Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
draw pile
Prosperityinfo.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:44 PM Page 2
Bank - This is a Treasure worth a variable amount. When you play Bank, it ? Bank ?
is worth per Treasure you have in play, counting itself. Remember, you
choose what order to play Treasure cards. If you play Bank with no other
Treasures in play, it is worth . If you play two copies of Bank in a row,
When you play this, it`s worth 1
the one you play second will be worth more than the first one. Bank per Treasure card you have in play
(counting this).
produces money right when you play it; things that happen later in the 7
Illustration: Jason Snair
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
turn will not change how much money you got from it.
Bishop - See the Additional Rules section for rules on tokens. Trashing a
card is optional for the other players but mandatory for you. If players care Bishop
about the order things happen for this, you trash a card first, then each
other player may trash a card, in turn order. Only the player who played
Bishop can get tokens from it. in costs is ignored, for example if you + 1
+ 1
Trash a card from your hand.
+ equal to half its cost in coins,
trash Golem (from Dominion: Alchemy), which costs , you get 3 rounded down.
Each other player may trash a card
from his hand.
total (counting the 1 you always get from Bishop). If you have no cards 4
Illustration: Rom
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
City - You draw a card and can play two more Actions no matter what. If
there is just one empty pile in the Supply, you also draw another card. If
there are two or more empty piles, you both draw another card, and get City
to spend and an extra Buy to use in the Buy phase. There are no further
bonuses if three or more piles are empty. This only checks how many piles
are empty when you play it; if piles become empty later in the turn, you do + 1 Card
+2 Actions
not go back and get the bonuses. If a pile stops being empty due to cards If there are one or more empty Supply
piles, +1 Card. If there are two or more,
+ 1 and +1 Buy.
being returned to it, such as with the Dominion: Seaside card Ambassador, 5
Illustration: Marco Morte
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
Cities played after that will not count that pile as empty. An empty trash
pile does not count for this.
Colony - This is not a Kingdom card. You do not use it every game; see the
Preparation section. It is a Victory card worth 10 .
11 Victory
Contraband - This is a Treasure worth , like Gold. When you play it, you
get +1 Buy, the player to your left names a card, and you cannot buy the
named card this turn. This does not stop you from gaining the card in ways
other than buying it (such as via Hoard). He does not have to name a card 3 Contraband 3
in the Supply. If you play multiple Contrabands in one turn, the player to
your left names a card each time; if he names different cards, you cannot
buy any of the named cards this turn. You can play Treasures in any order, 3
and you resolve this ability right when you play it, before playing any + 1 Buy
When you play this, the player to
your left names a card.
You can’t buy that card this turn.
further Treasure cards. Note that once you buy a card in the Buy phase, you 5
Illustration: RC Torres
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
cannot play more Treasures. The number of cards left in a player's hand is
public information; you can ask whenever you want to know it (for
example, when that player plays Contraband).
Counting House - This card lets you look through your discard pile, Counting House
something you normally are not allowed to do. You only get to look
through your discard pile when you play this. You do not have to show the
other players your entire discard pile, just the Coppers you take out. After Look through your discard pile, reveal
any number of Copper cards from it,
you take out the Coppers, you can leave the cards in your discard pile in and put them into your hand.
Prosperityinfo.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:44 PM Page 3
Expand - This is not in your hand after you play it, so you cannot trash it as Expand
the card trashed. The card you gain can cost up to more than the
trashed card, but it can also cost any smaller amount, even less than the
cost of the trashed card. You can trash a card and gain a copy of the same Trash a card from your hand.
card. If you have no card in hand to trash, you do not gain a card. The card Gain a card costing up to 3
more than the trashed card.
you gain comes from the Supply and is put into your discard pile. 7
Illustration: Ryan Laukat
© 2010 Rio Grande Games
Forge - "Any number" includes zero. If you trash no cards, you have to gain
a card costing if you can. This is different from how cards like Expand Forge
work if you do not trash anything, because Forge looks at the total, not at
any one card's cost. If there is no card at the required cost, you do not gain
a card. The card you gain comes from the Supply and is put into your Trash any number of cards from your
hand. Gain a card with cost exactly
discard pile. symbols (on cards from Dominion: Alchemy) are not added, equal to the total cost in coins of the
trashed cards.
and the card you gain cannot have a symbol in its cost. 7 Action
Illustration: Martin Hoffmann © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Goons - See the Additional Rules section for rules on tokens. You get Goons
1 for each card you buy, but do not get a for gaining a card some
other way. Multiple copies of Goons are cumulative; if you have two Goons
+ 1 Buy
in play and buy a Silver, you get 2 . However if you King's Court a Goons, + 2
Each other player discards down to
3 cards in hand.
despite having played the card 3 times, there is still only one copy of it in While this is in play, when you buy
a card, +1 .
play, so buying Silver would only get you 1 . Action - Attack
Illustration: Tu Pei-Shu © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Grand Market - You do not have to play all of the Treasures in your hand in
your Buy phase. Coppers in your hand do not stop you from buying Grand
Grand Market
Market - only Coppers in play do. Coppers that were in play earlier in the
turn but are not anymore also don't stop you; if you have 11 Coppers in
play and 2 Buys, you could buy a Mint, trash all of your played Treasures, +1 Card
+1 Action
and then buy a Grand Market. You can gain Grand Market other ways - for + 1 Buy
+ 2
You can’t buy this if you have any
example with Expand - whether or not you have Coppers in play. Treasures 6
Copper in play.
Illustration: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle © 2010 Rio Grande Games
other than Copper do not prevent you from buying Grand Market, even if
they are worth (such as Loan).
Hoard - This is a Treasure worth , like Silver. When you buy a Victory
card with this in play, you gain a Gold card from the Supply, putting it into
your discard pile. If there are no Golds left, you do not get one. If you have
multiple Hoards in play, you will gain multiple Golds from buying a single 2 Hoard 2
Victory card. If you buy multiple Victory cards, you will get Gold for each
one. So for example if you had two Hoards in play and no other money,
with +1 Buy, you could buy two Estates and gain four Golds. Victory cards 2
While this is in play, when you buy a
include cards that are other types as well, such as Nobles and Harem in Victory card, gain a Gold.
6 Treasure
Dominion: Intrigue. You gain a Gold even if you use Watchtower to Illustration: Colin Throm © 2010 Rio Grande Games
immediately trash the Victory card you gained. Victory cards gained other
than by buying them do not get you Gold.
King's Court - This is similar to Throne Room (from Dominion), but plays
the Action three times rather than twice. You pick another Action card in
your hand, play it, play it again, and play it a third time. This does not use King’s Court
up any extra Actions you were allowed to play due to cards like Worker's
Village - King's Court itself uses up one Action and that is it. You cannot
play any other cards in between resolving the King's Court-ed Action card You may choose an Action card in
your hand. Play it three times.
multiple times, unless that Action card specifically tells you to (such as
7 Action
King's Court itself does). If you King's Court a King's Court, you will play Illustration: Dennis Lohausen © 2010 Rio Grande Games
three different Actions after that, playing each one of them three times -
Prosperityinfo.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:45 PM Page 4
you do not play one Action nine times. If you King's Court a card that gives
you +1 Action, such as Grand Market, you will end up with 3 Actions left
afterwards, not the 1 Action you would have if you just played three Grand
Loan - This is a Treasure worth , like Copper. When you play it, you
reveal cards from the top of your deck until revealing a Treasure card, and 1 Loan 1
then you decide whether to trash that card or discard it. Then you discard
all of the other revealed cards. If you run out of cards before revealing a
Treasure, shuffle your discard pile (but not the revealed cards) to get more; 1
if you still do not find a Treasure, just discard all of the revealed cards. When you play this, reveal cards from
your deck until you reveal a Treasure.
Discard it or trash it.
Discard the other cards.
Remember that you can play Treasures in any order in the Buy phase and 3 Treasure
Illustration: Simon Jannerland © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Mint - When you buy this, you trash all of your Treasure cards in play. You
do not trash Treasure cards in your hand or elsewhere; just the ones in play,
if any. If you buy multiple cards in a turn, trash your Treasures right when
you buy Mint; you still have any leftover coins they produced for spending
on something else. Remember you do not have to play all of the Treasures
from your hand each turn (just all the ones you want producing money for Mint
you). You do not get additional chances to play Treasure cards between buys
in the Buy phase; first you play Treasures, then you buy cards. When you
play Mint, you reveal a Treasure card from your hand and gain a copy of it You may reveal a Treasure card
from your hand. Gain a copy of it.
from the Supply. The gained card goes into your discard pile. The revealed When you buy this, trash all Treasures
you have in play.
card stays in your hand. The Treasure card can also have other types, like 5 Action
Illustration: Kim Feigenbaum © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Harem (from Dominion: Intrigue). If you buy a Mint and use Watchtower
to put it on top of your deck or trash it, you still trash all of your Treasures
from play. However, if you buy a Mint with Royal Seal in play, the Royal Monument
Seal will be gone before you can use it to put Mint on your deck.
Mountebank - This hits the other players in turn order when that matters 4 Action
Illustration: Julien Delval © 2010 Rio Grande Games
(such as when the Curse or Copper pile is low). Each of the other players in
turn chooses whether or not to discard a Curse card from his hand, and if Mountebank
he does not, gains a Curse and a Copper from the Supply, putting them
into his discard pile. If either the Curse or Copper pile is empty, he still
gains the other one. If both are empty, he does not gain either, but can still + 2
Each other player may discard a
discard a Curse if he wants to. A player using Moat (from Dominion) on Curse. If he doesn’t, he gains a Curse
and a Copper.
this may not discard a Curse, and doesn't gain a Curse or Copper - you 5 Action - Attack
Illustration: Kieron O`Gorman © 2010 Rio Grande Games
cannot Moat just part of the attack. A player using Watchtower on this can
use it just to trash the Curse, just to trash the Copper, or to trash both.
Peddler - Most of the time, this costs . During Buy phases, this costs
less per Action card you have in play. This cost applies to all Peddler cards, Peddler
including ones in hands and decks. It never costs less than . If you play
King's Court on Worker's Village, for example, that is just two Action cards
+1 Card
you have in play, even though you played the Worker's Village three times. +1 Action
+ 1
Buying cards using the promotional card Black Market is something that 2
During your Buy phase, this costs
less per Action card you have in
play, but not less than 0 .
8* Action
does not happen during a Buy phase, so Peddler still costs then. Illustration: Joshua Balvin © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Prosperityinfo.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:45 PM Page 5
Platinum - This is not a Kingdom card. You do not use it every game; see 5 Platinum 5
Village in your Action phase, then two Quarries in your Buy phase, Peddler 4 Treasure
Illustration: Brian Brinlee © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Rabble - The other players shuffle if necessary to get 3 cards to reveal, and Rabble
just reveal what they can if they still have fewer than 3 cards. They discard
revealed Treasures and Actions and put the rest back on top in whatever
order they want. Cards with more than one type match all of their types; +3 Cards
Each other player reveals the top
for example if a player reveals Nobles from Dominion: Intrigue, it is an 3 cards of his deck, discards the
revealed Actions and Treasures, and
puts the rest back on top in any order
he chooses.
Action - Victory card, which means it is an Action, so he discards it. 5 Action - Attack
Illustration: RC Torres © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Royal Seal - This is a Treasure worth , like Silver. If you gain multiple
cards with this in play, this applies to each of them - you could put any or
all of them on top of your deck. If you use this ability and there are no 2 Royal Seal 2
cards left in your deck, you do not shuffle; the card you gained becomes
the only card in your deck. Royal Seal applies to all cards you gain while it
is in play, whether bought or gained other ways. If you play the Dominion: 2
Alchemy card Possession, and during the extra turn you have the possessed While this is in play, when you gain
a card, you may put that card on top of
your deck.
player play Royal Seal, he cannot put the card on his deck - he is not 5 Treasure
Illustration: Jason Slavin © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Talisman - This is a Treasure worth like Copper. Each time you buy a
non-Victory card costing or less with this in play, you gain another copy
of the bought card. If there are no copies left, you do not gain one. The
gained card comes from the Supply and goes into your discard pile. If you
have multiple Talismans, you gain an additional copy for each one; if you
buy multiple cards for or less, Talisman applies to each one. For example 1 Talisman 1
if you have two Talismans, four Coppers, and two Buys, you could buy
Silver and Trade Route, gaining two more Silvers and two more Trade
Routes. Talisman only affects buying cards; it does not work on cards 1
gained other ways, such as with Expand. A card is a Victory card if Victory While this is in play, when you buy
a card costing 4 or less that is not a
Victory card, gain a copy of it.
is any of its types; for example Great Hall from Dominion: Intrigue is an 4 Treasure
Illustration: Eric J Carter © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Action - Victory card, so it is a Victory card. Talisman only cares about the
cost of the card when you buy it, not its normal cost; so for example it can
get you a Peddler if you have played two Actions this turn, thus lowering
Peddler’s cost to , or can get you a Grand Market if you played Quarry.
Trade Route - You get an additional Buy to use in your Buy phase. You get
Trade Route
+ per token on the Trade Route mat. Then you trash a card from your
hand. If you have no cards left in hand, you do not trash one. The amount
you get from Trade Route is the same as + per Victory card pile that a +1 Buy
+ 1 per token on the
card has been gained from this game. If Victory cards have been gained Trash
Trade Route mat.
a card from your hand.
Setup: Put a token on each Victory
card Supply pile. When a card is
from outside the Supply piles, for example using the promotional card 3
gained from that pile, move the token
to the Trade Route mat.
Black Market, then this does not count those. Put a coin token on each Illustration: Harald Lieske © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Prosperityinfo.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:46 PM Page 6
Victory card pile at the start of the game. When a card is gained from a
Victory card pile, move its token onto the Trade Route mat. So for example
if this game includes the Dominion: Intrigue card Harem, and so far Harem
and Duchy have been bought, but no-one has bought (or otherwise gained)
Estate or Province or Colony, then Trade Route makes . It does not
matter who gained the cards or how they gained them. You do not get any
extra money if a pile has had multiple cards gained from it or is empty; all
that matters is if at least one card has been gained from it. It does not
matter if cards have been returned to a pile, such as with Ambassador from
Dominion: Seaside; Trade Route only cares if a card was ever gained from
the pile this game. If you are using Black Market and Trade Route is in the
Black Market deck, put tokens on Victory card piles at the start of the
Vault - "Any number" includes zero. You draw cards first; you can discard Vault
the cards you just drew. Each other player chooses whether or not to
discard 2 cards, then discards 2 cards if he chose to, then draws a card if he
did discard 2 cards. If one of the other players has just one card, he can +2 Cards
choose to discard it, but will not draw a card. Another player who discards Discard any number of cards.
+ 1 per card discarded.
Each other player may discard 2
cards. If he does, he draws a card.
but then has no cards left to draw shuffles in the discards before drawing. 5 Action
Illustration: Alex Drummond © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Venture - This is a Treasure card worth , like Copper. When you play it,
you reveal cards from your deck until revealing a Treasure card. If you run
out of cards before revealing a Treasure, shuffle your discard pile (but not 1 Venture 1
the revealed cards) to get more; if you still do not find a Treasure, just
discard all of the revealed cards. If you do find a Treasure, discard the other
cards and play the Treasure. If that Treasure does something when played,
do that something. For example if Venture finds you another Venture, you When you play this, reveal cards
from your deck until you reveal a
Treasure. Discard the other cards.
Play that Treasure.
reveal cards again. Remember that you choose what order to play Treasure 5 Treasure
Illustration: Lee Smith © 2010 Rio Grande Games
cards; for example if you have both Venture and Loan in hand, you can play
either one first.
Watchtower - When you play this, you draw cards one at a time until you
have 6 cards in hand. If you have 6 or more cards in hand already, you do
not draw any cards. When you gain a card, even on someone else's turn,
you may reveal Watchtower from your hand, to either trash the gained card
or put it on top of your deck. You may reveal Watchtower each time you
gain a card; for example if another player plays Mountebank, you may use
Watchtower to trash both the Curse and Copper, or to trash the Curse and Watchtower
put the Copper on top of your deck, or just to trash the Curse, and so on.
You still did gain whatever card you gained; you just immediately trash it.
So if Mountebank gives you a Curse and you trash it, the Curse pile will go Draw until you have 6 cards in hand.
down by one as the Curse gets moved to the trash pile. You may reveal When you gain a card, you may reveal
this from your hand. If you do, either
trash that card, or put it on top of your
Watchtower on your own turn as well, for example when buying a card, or 3 Action - Reaction
Illustration: Rick Hershey © 2010 Rio Grande Games
gaining a card via something like Expand. If you use Watchtower to put a
card on your deck but have no cards left in your deck, you do not shuffle;
the gained card becomes the only card in your deck. Revealing Watchtower
does not take it out of your hand; you could reveal Watchtower on
multiple opponents' turns and still have it on your turn to draw up to 6
with. When cards are gained during a Possession turn (from Dominion:
Alchemy), the player who played Possession is the one who can use
Watchtower, not the player who is being possessed. If a gained card is going
somewhere other than to your discard pile, such as a card gained with
Prosperityinfo.qxd:Puerto rule us 7/15/10 6:43 PM Page 1
Mine (from Dominion), you can still use Watchtower to trash it or put
it on your deck. Worker’s Village
Worker's Village - You draw a card, can play two more Actions this turn,
and can buy one more card in your Buy phase this turn. +1 Card
+2 Actions
+ 1 Buy
4 Action
Illustration: Claus Stephan © 2010 Rio Grande Games
Players can play Dominion with any set of 10 Kingdom cards, but these sets
are intended to highlight some interesting card interactions and game
Prosperity only:
Biggest Money: Bank, Grand Market, Mint, Royal Seal, Venture, Adventurer,
Laboratory, Mine, Moneylender, Spy
The King's Army: Expand, Goons, King's Court, Rabble, Vault, Bureaucrat,
Council Room, Moat, Spy, Village
The Good Life: Contraband, Counting House, Hoard, Monument,
Mountebank, Bureaucrat, Cellar, Chancellor, Gardens, Village