Sacrebleu v2 PDF
Sacrebleu v2 PDF
Sacrebleu v2 PDF
2. Old Road
Jungles Farmlands
3. Goblin Burrow
This is a system
agnostic adventure,
designed to work with
your favourite Old-
School RPG, such as
Sharp Swords &
Sinister Spells
Travelling in EREWHON
(SS&SS). Below you’ll
The party may cover up to three hexes in a day when travelling on the
find monster
road, farmlands and beaches.
conversion advice.
Common animals are
Travelling is halved if crossing swamps, jungle and mountains.
not listed here.
Monsters: For the weekly weather, roll 1d8:
1 and 2 – Clear skies: regular travelling;
Giant Cockroach:
3 and 4 – Light rain: minus 1 hex/day travelling, torches and open fires
equivalent to giant
are exhausted in a roll of 1 in a d6;
rat or dire rat. Has 1
HD. 4 and 5 – Heavy rain: minus 2 hex/day travelling, torches and open fires
are exhausted in a roll of 1-3 in a d6; plenty of mud and bad mood;
Goblins: your run-of- 6 – Storm: travelling reduced to 0,5 hex/day, torches and open fires are
the-mill goblins, but exhausted, and flooding of low areas.
ours speak french! 7 – Cyclone: like storm but travelling is impossible. Roll 1d8: in 1-3 all
Man-eating black lion characters in the open suffer 1d4 damage;
tamarin: treat as 8 – It’s raining frogs! Like heavy rain, but with frogs pummeling the
kobolds, but characters. Everyone in the open suffer 1d4+1 damage, and the island is
ravenous. 1d4 Hit covered in dead frogs. Tamarin overpopulation during the week: double
points though. the number of man-eating black lion tamarins encountered.
Istraxareles, the
joker: Young black
dragon, between 7 and In EREWHON the goblins have guns, but the inhabitants (and players!)
10 HD. are not aware of that. We suggest the following rules for a quick and
dirty adaptation:
Berthier Mle 1907 Rifle: deals 1d12 exploding dice (on a roll of 12,
roll again). Carries 3 rounds in a clip. May equip bayonet, working as
a medium weapon (1d6 damage in SS&SS).
Machine Rifle 1915 CSRG, AKA “Chauchat”: same damage as the rifle but
may hit up to three close targets in a burst. Makes three bursts before
reloading, or 20 shots in semi-auto. Has a 20-round magazine.
Revolver model 1892 “St. Etienne”: deals 1d6 exploding dice. 6 shots
before reloading.
F-1 Grenade: same as arcane blast (SS&SS) or fireball but requires an
agility (SS&SS) or ranged attack roll to hit. Deals 3d6. Save for half
General guidelines
When entering and/or spending the night in a hex, roll 1d4:
1 - 2: nothing special: birds (parakeets, canaries, jabirus and hummingbirds), tiny lizards and
trees (guapeba, juçara, ipê-amarelo, leopard tree, guatambu and red jequitibá).
3: Things (roll on Table 1)
4: Creatures (roll on Table 2)
Not applicable to the following hexes: swamps, beaches, cultivated farmlands, Fairmead
Village, Hill Temple and Goblin Burrow.
To the
Attack layout
Machine Gun Crew Goblin Rifle
3 goblin gunners Squad
and 1 machine 6 goblins with 3
gun with full rifles, laying
ammo, accompanied prone on a small
by a goblin hill, 50 feet away
sergeant with a from the bridge,
+1 vs. plants concealed in the
goblin machete vegetation
(short sword).
They also carry
Sitting 75 feet knives, steel
away from the Adrian helmets
bridge, under and 2 grenades.
heavy vegetation,
they have -1 They will start
penalty to their firing as soon as
Goblin tactics
attacks, that the characters
begin after the get to the middle
The Old Road stone bridge sits above a dry riverbed, supported by
rifle squad first of the bridge.
two thick ten feet arches. The bridge is very solid, product of
dwarven craftmanship, and should not collapse with the attack.
Characters jumping from the bridge fall over on waist-high thick
foliage that softens their drop.
If the characters attempt to hide behind the bridge’s crenellated
parapets, the goblins will attack with two grenades before
retreating (don’t forget to make their attack rolls!)
Groups that manage to engage the goblins in melee combat, will find
the goblins unarmed, except for those wielding rifles and bayonets.
After firing for five rounds, the goblin rifle squad will retreat,
with a last covering burst from the machine gun crew, that will
follow them in sequence. The machine gun crew will only perform
three bursts during the whole encounter, including the last salvo.
Goblin Burrow – DM Notes
The Goblin Burrow on EREWHON is a temple to an ancient Time Deity, worshipped by the
cockroach people that used to live in Rich Man’s Swamp. The entrance is located on the side of
a low hill.
If players fell into the Old Road Ambush, there will be 1d4 goblin scouts armed with bows
and spears outside, alerting the guards as soon as the characters are seen. If the characters
avoided the ambush or vanquished all the goblins, the entrance will be unguarded, and the
front door unlocked.
The goblin warriors in the burrow are led by “Portal Eater”, a very tall grey goblin, whose
real name is Adhafera the Sickle, warrior and father of the twins Algieba and Regulus. After
defeating the dragon Istraxareles, he claimed the island for himself, but was turned into a
goblin by his rebellious children. Desiring revenge, he rose to the rank of goblin warlord, but
was unable to pose a threat until the magical energies of the curse resonated with the
abandoned temple.
Thus, portal was opened and dragged a French WW 1 platoon through space and time. The soldiers
were dazzled by the magical energies and were easily defeated by the goblins.
After eating the brains of the prisoners, the goblins learned how to use their weapons, and
some French words and manneirisms. Taking advantage of his newly armed troops, Adhafera
mounted an attack on Fairmead, but was defeated by Algieba’s poisonous clouds, which triggered
trench warfare flashbacks in the goblin warriors and foiled the assault.
Goblin Burrow part 1
Walls, doors, lighting, statues and traps
The walls are made of roughhewn stone blocks and feature many cylindrical wall
niches (suitable for cockroach people egg cases, now empty). Occasional high-relief on
the walls depict flying cockroaches navigating through stars, and luminous portals.
The doors are a goblin addition, made of white iron wood. The burrow is illuminated
with numerous candles on wooden sconces.
The terracotta statues (marked with ) are cockroach totems. They are man-sized,
studded with human teeth and tamarin fur as hair. Many also carry patinated copper
military forks, that may be removed with some damage to the totems. The goblins see
the destruction of the statues as a sure sign of bad luck.
The two traps marked with “T” are spike pit traps, covered with hinged stone slabs:
2d6 damage, save to avoid.
Goblin tactics
After the failed assault on Fairmead, Adhafera is expecting adventurers
to come and meddle in the island’s affairs, as he once did.
Because of this, he is keeping he burrow on a lockdown, and set the ambush
on the road as a forward defense line.
After an engagement in room 1 or with the goblin scouts outside, most
goblin warriors will be stationed behind the curtains in room 4, and a
combat patrol will be sent within the burrow and in the vicinities. The
patrol is composed by 6 goblins armed with one rifle, one grenade and
While waiting for an attack, the front door will be opened twice a day
to receive supplies from scattered non-combatants in the island.
1. Entrance
Front door: iron-bound wooden doors, locked a with latch. Will be unlocked if the ambush
is avoided.
Encounter: 3 goblins and machine gun with 20 rounds on parapet behind pillar. The sound
of gunfire will alert 2 more goblins armed with spears in rooms 1.A, who engage the
invaders. At least on goblin will try to reach room 8, where the rest of the garrison
stays, who will set up an attack in room 4.
Features: central pillar covered in French military decorations and ribbons. Graffiti
written in charcoal, with patrol duty schedules.
Rooms 1.A: each one is a cockroach people meditation chamber. Insectoid heads made of
obsidian adorn the walls. One of them in the left room is loose, and hides a leather scroll
with arcane runes, written in cockroach people script. Contains a giant-insect only version
of the Summoning Spell (SS&SS) (treat as Monster Summoning I).
2. Tamarin Invasion
Doors: boarded from the outside by the goblins.
Encounter: 8d4 tamarins that invaded the temple through a crack in the wall. The beasts
live in a general state of filth and are found hiding in the wall niches. They will wait
until the whole party is inside their unlit chambers, and then attack. Small characters
may wiggle through and leave the temple through the crack.
Features: tamarin dung, insect husks. Small pouch containing 15 emeralds (600 gp), still
clutched by dead hand. On a goatman skeleton, a +1 morningstar, with rubies for studs. If
magic is used to speak with the dead, he will claim to be Gharbad, of the Flesh Clan.
Goblin Burrow part 2
3. Torture chamber
Doors: closed but unlocked
Encounter: a) Prisoners chained to the wall by their necks. They are: Clément, French
soldier (Warrior 1), 5 Fairmead citizens; b) In a cage: Glycon, a constrictor snake with
the head of a man, blinded by the goblins. All prisoners will plead to be freed.
Clément may teach how to use modern weapons (in French), and Glycon claims to be a
powerless god, whose blood can activate the portal. He will use this knowledge to
negotiate his freedom.
Features: Knifes, hooks and other instruments on walls. No keys.
Room 3.A.: cesspit – depth unknown.
4. Portal Room
Doors: closed but unlocked. The secret door to the south is hidden behind a false plaster wall.
Savvy characters will notice it doesn’t have niches. Behind it there is a large goblin mudbrick
statue, and in front of it a box of 143 rounds of ammunition for rifle/machine gun.
Special: the huge woven tapestries hanging in the south-end are made of woven coconut leaves,
painted with white geometrical motifs. Both are easily lifted.
Encounter: 15 goblins, armed with 4 rifles, 2 grenades, bows and spears, divided in two groups.
They are led by the Portal Eater, armed with a revolver and a steel sickle (in this weakened
state, he fights as a Warrior 1). If at least half of the goblin forces are slain, the Portal
Eater will try to bargain with the characters, revealing his true name. He wishes to destroy
Algieba oand suspects his remaining son didn’t die in the attack. If not on alert, roll 1d6: on
1-2 the goblin patrol (see Goblin Tactics) is present.
Features: The Portal Room is 100 feet long and 50 feet high, with eight copper pillars
supporting the roof. The raised platform at the south is only 5 feet high, and the statue on
it is a copper clepsydra. When any quantity of bodily fluids from a shapechanged creature
(Adhafera, Glycon or Vestia) touches the inside of the upper cone, within 12 minutes the copper
pillars will resonate and open a dimensional portal. Through the next portal due to appear
the enormous antennae of the cockroach Time Deity (10 HD) will probe the room, aging anyone
touched by it in 10d4 years. If attacked, the Deity will release 7d10 giant cockroaches and
Swamp – DM Notes
In the northern wetlands of EREWHON grows the primary source
of wealth in the island: Mycolol the thick pink mold that
covers many of the trees in the swamp. Sought for its analgesic
properties, Mycolol is also very addictive when eaten raw, and
thus, forbidden in many kingdoms. Herbalists and alchemists
pay handsomely those who brave the perils of the swamp and
scrape the dead logs with silver tools – as steel destroys the
healing properties of the mold.
Swamp encounters
Roll 1d6 (entries with ♠ may only be found once. Roll again).
1. A flock of seagulls addicted to Mycolol sit lazily on the trees, all the
fungi in the hex have been eaten. ♠
2. 1d8+2 giant cockroaches hungry and ready to strike.
3. 1d8 giant cockroaches, dozy after consuming Mycolol.
4. Fungal bloom: 1d4+1 22lbs sacks of Mycolol ready for harvest. ♠
5. Bad harvest: enough Mycolol for 1d4-1 22lbs sacks.
6. Fungal infection: the painless spores adhere to the skin and begin
spreading. Unless actively searching for infections, the feet will be swollen
and pink, and the toenails will fall, making walking very difficult.
Constitution or Physique (SS&SS) save to resist.
Hill Temple
Temple - DM Notes
A relatively recent structure
Hill Temple built by recluse monks, allowed to
Walls, doors, lighting inhabit the island after bribing
The walls of the temple are carved from the Regulus with a vast quantity of
hill itself, and very rough. There are no silver.
actual doors, but only tapestries that This angered his twin brother,
separate each room, with images of people Algieba, who killed the head monk
wearing animal skins and emulating their and scattered his followers. Now,
behavior. Apart from room 2, there no light after being wounded in the head,
sources. Apart from the numbered rooms, the Algieba is hiding in the temple,
temple is empty and dusty. searching for means to heal
This content is based on the RPG “Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells” (SS&SS)
by Diogo Nogueira, published by Old Skull Publishing and Editora
Pensamento Coletivo. This is not an official SS&SS product.
Gus L.
Peter V. Dell’Orto
Chris Tamm
Jason Sholtis
Diogo Nogueira