Additional Activities:: Perdev - Performance Task 3

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Olifernes, Gwynneth A.


Additional Activities:
1. My Life Mission, Self-Improvement,

Finances, Mental Health, Healthy

Relationships, & Quality Time w/ My

Family & Friends.

2. Setting Achievable & Realistic Goals.

3. By following my SMART rule. (Simple,

Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, &


4. Yes, Everyone has a particular objective

in mind, and there are several paths to

achieving that goal.

What are our options for locating a


- Our objective should be something

that we desire, and we should not pick a

goal based on what others have

accomplished, & Our goal should be

something we want to achieve so that we

can work hard to achieve it.

What is the best way to attain a goal?

- We may motivate ourselves to reach a

goal. To achieve a goal, you must put in a lot of

effort. We'll create minor targets to achieve a

larger aim, & We can realize our aim if we stay


5. Yes, By this Methods: Watch and Learn, Have

a Positive Attitude, Accept Constructive

Criticism, Connect to Other People, & Take

Care of Yourself.

6. Yes. No, I can’t achieve them on my own, I

need the help of my family and friends for me to

achieve my goals.

7. Yes.
Reflection: How do you see
yourself in the future?
Essay Form
In ten years, I envision myself as a strong,

independent, healthy, and, most importantly, happy

person. Lady and I are well aware that I'm the only

one who can get me, thereby putting in the effort. I

put my heart, soul, and dedication into whatever I

do. I once heard a pretty funny line in the movie

Shrek II. After overcoming his foe, Arthur uttered

something that changed his life. "The only person

who can help you is you." "The biggest impediment I

have to overcome is myself." As the statement

implies, I am confident that I will be able to

overcome my concerns and weaknesses. As with

many accomplishments, houses, vacations, and

people I meet, I honestly feel that life is measured by

the moments that steal your breath away. As a

result, my purpose in the journey God has allowed

me to go through will not be solely materialistic.

Happiness will be the cause for my life, and I think

that with an open heart and a strong intellect,

nothing will be able to prevent it from being a part

of me.

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