Review Article Review Article Review Article: Article Info Article Info Article Info
Review Article Review Article Review Article: Article Info Article Info Article Info
Review Article Review Article Review Article: Article Info Article Info Article Info
ISSN: 0975-833X
*Shifali Thakur, Shailja Choudhary, Isha Kumari, Madhusudan S, Bhawna Walia,
Hemlata Kaurav and Gitika Chaudhary
Shuddhi Ayurveda, Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. Zirakpur 140603, Punjab, India
Article History: Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), also known as "lavang" in Ayurveda, is a most commonly used spice
Received 05th November, 2020 in Indian traditional system. About 80% of the occupants utilize clove as a traditional prescription as
Received in revised form it contains medicinal properties which helps in treating diseases like vomiting, asthma, nausea, liver
20th December, 2020 and stomach disorder. Majorly clove is consumed as a spice in Indian home kitchens. This plant
Accepted 19th January, 2021 contains active constituents that possess anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial, antidiabetic, anti-
Published online 28th February, 2021 platelet, anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antithrombotic, pain-relieving, and insect
repellent properties. This plant serves as the richest source of phenolic compounds such as eugenol,
Key Words: eugenol acetate, and gallic acid which is used in various applications like in agriculture,
Lavang, Rasa Panchak, pharmaceutical, and in various food preservatives.
Eugenol, Gallic Acid,
Anti-inflammatory, Aphrodisiac.
Copyright © 2021, Shifali Thakur et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Shifali Thakur, Shailja Choudhary, Isha Kumari, Madhusudan S, Bhawna Walia, Hemlata Kaurav and Gitika Chaudhary. “Clove (syzygium
aromaticum) – a review based upon its traditional therapeutic uses.”, International Journal of Current Research, 13, (02), 16368-16375.
Cloves (Fig 1) are the sweet-smelling dried buds of a tree
named botanically as Eugenia caryophyllata likewise
A restorative plant is used by individuals for tremendous sometimes Syzgium aromaticum and also used as a spice in
medicinal purposes and to maintain a good health, fight off home kitchens world widely. The term 'Clove' is derived from
infections or advance recuperation from ailment or setback. the French word 'Clou' and the English word 'Clout', both
From the reported plant literature, it is discovered that clove is meaning 'nail'- as similar as flower bud of the Clove tree to a
playing a good role in therapeutics (1). Moreover, the wide headed nail (7). This plant serves as one of the richest
traditional medicines mainly the plant herbs are promoting the sources of phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol
essential healthcare of a greater part of society universally acetate, and gallic acid and possesses great potential for
more than the allopathic medicinal system. Clove or “Laung” pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, agricultural, and for many
is utilized as a food preservative (2). Restorative spices make a other applications (8).
compelling hotspot for traditional and present-day medication.
These plants have given shape to the traditional medicinal
systems like Unani, Siddha, Ayurveda, and Chinese (3,4). In
recent years, herbal plants have been obtaining great
importance due to the concept that these plants being essential
products have fewer side effects and improved adequacy than
the allopathic medicinal system (5). Many plant species are
known to have pharmacological activity because of the
presence of their phytoconstituents such as glycosides,
saponins, flavonoids, steroids, tannins, alkaloids, terpenes (6).
Syzygium aromaticum (clove) is a common spice that has been
Fig. 1. Clove (Syzgium aromaticum)
used for food conservation and has different pharmacological
actions. Botanical distribution: Cloves are member of the genus
comprising of 400-500 types of evergreen trees and herbs. The
*Corresponding author: Shifali Thakur,
Shuddhi Ayuerveda, Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. Zirakpur 140603,
generic name is derived from the Greek word syzygies which
Punjab, India. mean paired.
16369 Shifali Thakur et al. Clove (Syzygium Aromaticum) – a review based upon its traditional therapeutic uses.
Taxonomy of Clove/Laung (Syzgium aromaticum) (9) Geographical Distribution: The clove is highly produced in
Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and
Taxonomical Rank Taxon Tanzania especially the Zanzibar island (13). Clove was first
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Spermatophyta acquainted in India around 1800 AD by the East India
Subphylum Angiospermae organization in its 'flavor garden' in Courtallam, Tamil Nadu
Class Dicotyledonae (14). The significant clove developing areas in India presently
Order Myrtales are Nilgiris, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari, Nagercoil, and
Family Myrtaceae Ramanathapuram regions of Tamil Nadu; Kozhikode,
Genus Syzygium
Species aromaticum Kottayam, Kollam, and Thiruvananthapuram regions of Kerala
Common name Laung and South Kanara region of Karnataka (15). In Brazil, clove is
refined in the upper east area, in the province of Bahia in the
Vernacular Names of Clove (10,11) areas of Valença, Ituberá, Taperoá, Camamu, and Nilo
English Clove Peçanha (16).
Hindi Laung, Laumg, Lavang
Sanskrit Bhadrasriya, Devakusuma, Devapuspa, Haricandana,
Karampu, Lavanga, Lavangaka, Lavangam, Varala. Phytochemicals constituents of clove: The chemical
Malayalam Grampu, Karampu, Karayampu constituents of clove are divided into two parts i.e. volatile and
Marathi Luvang non-volatile.
Kannada Lavanga, Daevakusuma, Krambu
Tamil Kirampu, Ilavankam, Kiraambu, Kirambu,Grambu
Volatile Chemical constituents: Clove yields various kinds
Telugu Devakusumamu, Lavangamu, Lavangalu, Kaaravallu
Bengali Lavanga of volatile oil from leaves, stem, buds and the fruit. 1. Stem
Gujarati Lavang oil: These oils differ extensively in yield and quality. The main
Punjabi Laung extract of the oil is eugenol. The various volatile constituents
Oriya Labanga are: 1) bud oil. The oil contains Eugenol (70–85%), eugenyl
Urdu Laung, Loung
acetic acid (15%), and β-caryophyllene (5–12%), which
Arabic Kabsh qarunfil, Kabsh qaranful, qaranful together constitutes 99% of the oil. The constituents of the oil
Bulgarian Karamfil
likewise incorporate methyl amyl ketone, methyl salicylate, α
Chinese Ding xiang
Dutch Kruidnagel and β-humulene, benzaldehyde, β-ylangene, and chavicol. The
Danish Nellike fragrance of the clove is due to the presence of minor
French Giroflier ,Cloude girofle constituents like methyl amyl ketone, methylsalicylate. Stem
German Gewürznelke , Nelke oil also contains 76.4–84.8% eugenol and 1.5–8.0% eugenyl
Greek Garifalo
acetate. Both bud and stem oil contain 7.3–12.4% β-
Georgian Mikhaki, Mixaki
Hungarian Szegfu caryophyllene and 1.0–1.4% α- humulene (17). There are 36
Indonesian Cengke, Cengkeh compounds extracted from the volatile oil of clove buds (18).
Italian Chiodo di garofano 2) Leaf Oil: Clove leaves yield 3.0–4.8% basic oil. The oil
Japanese Girofla, Choji, Kurobu content during the various phases of leaf development reveals
Korean Jeonghyang
that the eugenol content in the leaves increases from 38.3 to
Latvian Krustnaglinas
Nepalese Lwaang 95.2% with development, while the substance of eugenol
Norwegian Nellik acetic acid derivation (51.2 to 1.5%) and caryophyllene (6.3
Portuguese Cravo de India to0.2%) diminished. Clove bud and leaf oil contain different
Persian Mikhak classes of chemical extract, for example, monoterpenes,
Pashto Kala
Russian Gvosdika, Pazhitnik grecheski, Shambala, Pazhitnik
sesquiterpenes, aldehydes, and ketones (19). 3) Clove Stem
cennoj Oil: Clove stem contains 6% of oil. The stem oil consists of
Spanish Clavo, Clavo de olor light yellow fluid containing 80.2% eugenol and 6.6% β-
Swedish Kryddnejlika, Kryddnejlikor, Nejlikor caryophyllene (20). 4) Fruit Oil: It contains 2% of oil, which
Turkish Carenfil possesses 50–55 % eugenol. Non-Volatile Chemical
Thai Khan plu, Garn ploo
Vietnamese Dhing huong
constituents: Few non-volatiles oils have been isolated from
clove, which include tannins, sterols, triterpenes, and
This is because the leaves and twigs present in few species flavonoids.
develop at a similar point. The clove tree is monoecious,
consists of hermaphrodite flowers that are self-pollinating. The Tannins: 10-13% of tannins components are present in non-
tree grows between 8-10 years after the plantation of the tree. volatile oil among which Eugenin and ellagitannin were
Clove tree consists of numerous semi-erect branches. Leaves separated from the plant. Eugenol glucoside gallate, a
are smooth, having several oil glands on the lower surface. chromone C-glycoside, galloyl, and hexahydroxy diphenyl
Clove tree consists of little flowers, possesses cymose esters of 2, 4, 6-trihydroxy acetophenone- 3-glucopyranoside
inflorescence. Every peduncle bears 3-4 stalked flowers were extracted from leaves (21). The two ellagitannins,
toward the terminal region. Clove consists of minute sepals syzyginin A (1, 2, 3-tri-O-galloyl–4, 6-(S) - tergalloyl-βD-
that have four-sided projections. Fruits are olive-shaped, glucoside) and syzyginin B, were also obtained from the clove
single-seeded, and known as the 'mother of clove'. Fruits leaves (22).
develop roughly 9 months after flowering and are develop
when the excerpt changes into ruddy purple. The vast majority Triterpenes: Cloves have about 2% of the triterpene and
of the plant's parts are fragranced (leaves, flowers, and bark). oleanolic acid. Maslinic acid and 2 α-hydroxyoleanolic acids
The earthy coloured, dried, unopened flower buds are called were also extracted from clove buds (23,24).
cloves, a name derived from the French "clou" which means
nail (12). Sterols: Sterols extracted from clove include sitosterol,
stigmasterol, and campesterol (25).
16370 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 13 Issue, 02, pp.16368-16375, February, 2021
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16371 Shifali Thakur et al. Clove (Syzygium Aromaticum) – a review based upon its traditional therapeutic uses.
Flavonoids: A chromone C-glucoside, isobiflorin (5, 7- It exhibits properties like Deepana (Appitizer), Pachana
dihydroxy-2- methoxychromone-8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside), (Digestion), Ruchya (Appitizer), Chakshushya (improves site),
and biflorin were isoated from the ethanolic extract of cloves. Kapha-Pittaghana properties. It is used in Trishna (Thirst)
The seed of the clove possesses various ailments viz., apigenin Chhardi (Vomiting), Aadhmana (Bloating), Shoola (Pain),
6-C-(β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→2″)- β-Dgalactopyranoside)-7-O- Kasa (Cough), Shwasa (Respiratory problem), Hikka
β-D-glucopyranoside and apigenin-6-C-(β-D-xylopyranosyl- (Hiccups), Kshaya (generalise weakness) that are named
(1→ 2″)-β-Dgalactopyranoside)-7-O-β-D-(6-O-pcoumaryl diseases. According to Ayurveda, it causes lysis of gathered
glucopyranoside) (26, 27). The chemical structures of some Kapha. Which is considered as a Dosha among Tridosha (65).
major chemical constituents are shown in table no. 1
Properties of Laung: Sansthanik karma Baham (सं थानीक
Folk Use: About 80% of the world's population depend on कम बI ): It is used in the perfume industry. It inhibits the bad
traditional medicines because of their fewer side effects and smell and odor.
good results (61). Traditionally, cloves have been utilized
quite for a long time in the treatment of vomiting, flatulence, Table 2. Ras Panchak (Properties) of Clove as per Ayurveda
nausea, liver, bowel, and stomach disorders, and as a stimulant
for the nerves. In tropical Asia, cloves have been used to Sanskrit/English Sanskrit/English
restrain various microorganisms as scabies, cholera, malaria, Virya/Potency Sheeta/Cold
Vipak/Metabolic property Kattu/Pungent
and tuberculosis. Also in America, clove has been traditionally Guna/Physical property Laghu/small, Sanigadh/oily
used in repressing food-borne microbes to treat infections, Rasa/Taste Tikta/Bitter, Kattu/Pungent
worms, candida, and diverse bacterial and protozoan
contaminations (62).
Abhiyantar- Nadisansathan (अIभया र- नाडी सं थान) It is
useful in the nervous system.
Clove/Laung in Ayurveda: Clove, also known as Lavang in
Ayurveda, is normally used as a cooking spice. This fragrant,
Take 1/2 teaspoon of clove powder with 1 teaspoon of Brahmi
delightful flavor contains an abundance of healing potential
powder and put a touch of ginger powder. Mix these spices in
and has been yearly used for treating many medical issues
1/2 cup of warm water and take them multiple times every day
(63). Ras panchak i.e. properties of clove according to
traditional ayuervedic system is given in Table no. 2 after every meal. Pachan: Sansathan (पाचन- सं थान): It helps in
indigestion. After every diet take 1 teaspoon of clove powder
in 1 teaspoon of nectar. For more potency, include 1/2
Laung is a spice that balances the three fundamental doshas of teaspoon of Trikatu Churna (avoid Pitta) and increase the
human body i.e. Vata (Space and Air component), Pitta (Fire quantity of nectar to 1-1/2 teaspoons (66).
and water component), and Kapha (Water and earth
component). Although it will build Pitta (heat) when taken in
16372 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 13 Issue, 02, pp.16368-16375, February, 2021
Rakatvah: sansathan (र वह सं थान): It possesses heart- Dhvajbhang (Erectile Dysfunction) – Oil application on the
healing properties. It is useful in regulating blood circulation. penis for aphrodisiac action Aamplapitta (Hyperacidity)–
Take 1/2 teaspoon of clove powder with 1/2 teaspoon of Aampachan, Agnideepan (appetizer) Pitta vidah Shanti
cinnamon and an enormous spot of ginger powder. This can (Reducing Burning Sensation) Aruchi (Anorexia) Agnimandya
either be taken in 1 cup of warm water or with 1 to 2 teaspoons (Loss of appetite) Chhardi(Vomiting) Trushna (Excessive
of nectar (or both). Take this twice every day. thirst)
Sawashan: Sansathan (शवासन- सं थान): It reduces Kapha and Modern View on Clove/Laung: Modern formulations
helps in respiratory problems. (remodelled herbal medications) represents the induced
modifications on the already existed forms of the herbal
preparations either by changing the chain compositions,
Mutaravha: Sansathan (मु वह- सं थान): It helps in the
administration route or preparation methods. This is the reason
urination process.
behind association of severe adverse impacts and toxicity of
these drugs. (67). Pollutants are affecting the modern herbal
Tawacha (तवचा- सं थान): It helps in curing skin problem. drug formulations at various processing stages. Furthermore,
Taapkram (तIप म- सं थान): It maintains the body intentional adulteration of the natural ingredients with
equilibrium i.e. homeostasis. Saatmbhikaran (सतमी-करण ) It inorganic chemicals or something is more harmful (68,69,70).
reduces the toxic effects and adaptivity produces in our body. The contamination and replacement of natural medicines is the
Shirshooljanyapratishyay (sinusitis induced headache)- Local main issue in the herbal industry as its causing a significant
application of lepa (paste) on the forehead. impact on the business and utilization of natural products (71).
Eugenol, major chemical constituent of clove, is used widely
Other Properties: It is also known to cure various problems as a flavouring agent and in topical herbal formulations to treat
Mukharoga,kantharoga (dental disorder) – Chewing of clove toothache. This herbal drug is a best ayervedic alternative for
gives relief in toothache treating toothache topically instead of using allopathic
Aamvata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) medications as there is no associated side effects with herbal
Katishool (Backache) formulation as in case of analgesics mainly non-steroidal anti-
Grudhrasi (Sciatica) inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
Dantshool (Toothache)- Cotton plug of lavang tail
16373 Shifali Thakur et al. Clove (Syzygium Aromaticum) – a review based upon its traditional therapeutic uses.
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