Speaking Practise

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Assalamualaikum and good evening to madam and my fellow friend, So today I would like

to present my topic which is important of internet equipped gadgets for students. Internet

is a social village that invented by human. Internet allows us to access any information we

want and needed. I have 3 points of view.

My first point is internet can help student on their studies enormously. The Internet makes

research quick, simple and easy, but more importantly, it makes it enjoyable. We know that

young people love to use computers due to the interactivity it provides. They can use Web

pages that are much more up-to-date than old text books, not only the information is

mostly accurate, but it is also designed to engage students in a way that they find

entertaining. For example, they can use Google or Youtube to make their research and


My second point is Internet will help student in making presentation especially for

university student that need make a lot of presentation. It is because internet will help

them to make a good presentation to avoid audience boring and feel sleepy when they

presenting. Other than that, internet also will help students improve their design skills by

using an online presentation. For instance, they can use Slidesgo, Canva and other online


last but not least, the internet also allows a new level of socialising for student. It means

that student can get in touch with friends or teacher at any time of day or night and interact

with social networking application such as Whatsapp and Telegram. For group meeting they

can use Google Meet, Zoom and Webex.

As a conclusion, I strongly believe that Internet are the most important equipped gadget for

student nowadays IF under control by their parents. It is because if student can use the
internet for a good thing THEN they will achieve a better result. That’s all from me Thank


Assalamualaikum and good afternoon everyone, today we are going to discuss about group

of people utilities internet equipped gadget the most and how these device benefit them. So

first of all, I personally think that student are people who really need the internet. As we

know that we live in pandemic era which is we required to use internet to attend class and

make our research. So, my point is student need internet because it will help on their

studies enormously. It is because internet makes research quick, simple and easy, but most

importantly enjoyable. For example they can use Google and youtube.

How about you candidate B?

May I interrupt for a moment? I agree with your opinion, but I will give my point why

student really need internet equipped gadget. I think that students especially university

student need internet because it will help them to make an interesting presentation to

avoid audience boring and feel sleepy. It also will improve their design skills which is very

good for them in the future. For instance they can use slidesgo, canva and other online


Candidate B can you give your own opinion

Sorry for interrupting that’s a good point from candidate but I still think the internet is

needed by student. It because internet allows a new level of socialising for student. It means

that student can get in touch with friends or teacher at any time of day or night and interact

with social networking application such as Whatsapp and Telegram. For group meeting they

can use Google Meet, Zoom and Webex.

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