Chemosh - 1d4chan

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Chemosh was an ancient Near Eastern god, patron of the

city Carchemish and of the Moabites. Chiefly infamous for Chemosh
BTFOing the Omride dynasty as noted in the Moabite
Stone and in 2 Kings / 4 Reigns chapter 3. It's presumed his
worship ended when the Assyrians tanked the whole

Dungeons & Dragons brought Chemosh back, like a lot of

Near Eastern divinities, in the form of a demon god. Here
we must credit Tracy Hickman the Mormon.

In the setting of Dragonlance, Chemosh was the first to join Aliases Aeleth, Chemos Jotun,
Takhisis in rebelling against the High God. The first Dron of the Deep,
necromancer, Chemosh seeks to prey on the mortal races' Khemax, Lifebane, Lord
fear of death and oblivion, luring them into becoming his of Death, Orkrust
servants by embracing undeath. Alignment Neutral Evil
Divine Rank Intermediate Deity
Whilst traditionally forced to work secretly, appealing to
Pantheon Krynn (Gods of Darkness)
the aged and the morbid, after the downfall of Takhisis and
the beginning of the latter half of the Age of Mortals, Portfolio Death, Undead, Murder
Chemosh radically reinvents himself. Seeking to strengthen Domains 3E: Death, Evil, Trickery
his power by appealing to the young and vibrant, Chemosh 5E: Death
presents himself as preserver of life's beauty and delights Home Plane 2E: Lifebane (Abyss)
rather than a mere protector against oblivion, creating - for 3E: The Abyss
a short time - the unliving monsters known as the Beloved Worshippers Necromancers,
of Chemosh. Immortality-Seekers,
Cultists, Murderers
Chemosh has few allies and many enemies. His greatest Favoured Weapon Harvester of Souls
personal enmity is reserved for the God of Enlightenment, (Sickle)
Majere, whose creed is diametrically opposite to his own.

Ironically, despite inventing necromancy, there is no particularly notable relationship between Chemosh and
Nuitari, despite the fact that necromancy is the forte of the latter's Black Robed Wizards.

The world issued from Chaos, who has no purpose or grand plan for it. Mortals have no souls. The flesh is all
that matters. Death is a gate to oblivion. The gods of Good delude their worshippers with promises of life after
death to enslave them. Service to Chemosh is rewarded with true everlasting life.

The deities of Dragonlance

Leader Others
Good Paladine Branchala - Habbakuk - Kiri-Jolith - Majere - Mishakal - Solinari
Neutral Gilean Chislev - Lunitari - Reorx - Shinare - Sirrion - Zivilyn
Evil Takhisis Chemosh - Hiddukel - Morgion - Nuitari - Sargonnas - Zeboim

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