FM Unit I Two Marks
FM Unit I Two Marks
FM Unit I Two Marks
Two marks question and ans wers:
1. Define Fluids.
Fluid may be defined as a substance which is capable of flowing. It has no definite shape of its
won, but confirms to the shape of the containing vessel.
2. Classify the different type of fluids.
Fluids are classified as follows.
(i) Ideal and real fluids.
(ii) Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.
3. What are the properties of ideal fluids?
Ideal fluids have following properties
(i) It is incompressible.
(ii) It has zero viscosity.
(iii) Shear force is zero, when it is in motion.
4. Distinguish between ideal and real fluids.
The fluid which is having the following properties is known as real fluids.
a. It is compressible.
b. They are viscous in nature.
c. Some resistance is always offered by the fluid when it is in motion.
d. Shear stress always exists in such fluids.
The fluids which obey the Newton’s law of viscosity are called as ideal fluids.
5. What are Nan-Newtonian fluids?
In Non-Newtonian fluids, there is a non- linear relationship between the magnitudes of shear stress
and the rate of deformation.
6. Define the term density.
Density is defined as the mass per unit volume i.e., mass of the fluid contained in unit volume.
It is also called mass density.
Mass m
Debsity , p
Volume V
7. Define the term specific volume.
Specific volume is defined as the volume of fluid occupied by unit mass.
Volume V
SpecificVo lume , v
Mass m