FM Unit I Two Marks

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Two marks question and ans wers:
1. Define Fluids.
Fluid may be defined as a substance which is capable of flowing. It has no definite shape of its
won, but confirms to the shape of the containing vessel.
2. Classify the different type of fluids.
Fluids are classified as follows.
(i) Ideal and real fluids.
(ii) Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.
3. What are the properties of ideal fluids?
Ideal fluids have following properties
(i) It is incompressible.
(ii) It has zero viscosity.
(iii) Shear force is zero, when it is in motion.
4. Distinguish between ideal and real fluids.
The fluid which is having the following properties is known as real fluids.
a. It is compressible.
b. They are viscous in nature.
c. Some resistance is always offered by the fluid when it is in motion.
d. Shear stress always exists in such fluids.
The fluids which obey the Newton’s law of viscosity are called as ideal fluids.
5. What are Nan-Newtonian fluids?
In Non-Newtonian fluids, there is a non- linear relationship between the magnitudes of shear stress
and the rate of deformation.
6. Define the term density.
Density is defined as the mass per unit volume i.e., mass of the fluid contained in unit volume.
It is also called mass density.
Mass m
Debsity , p  
Volume V
7. Define the term specific volume.
Specific volume is defined as the volume of fluid occupied by unit mass.
Volume V
SpecificVo lume , v  
Mass m

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mechanical Departme nt.

8. Define specific weight.
Specific weight is defined as the weight possessed per unit volume. It varies from place to place
because of change in acceleration due to gravity.
Weight W
Specificwe ight , w  
Volume V
9. Distinguish between mass density and specific weight.
S.No Mass density Specific weight
1 It is mass per unit volume. It is weight possesses per unit volume.
2 Unit is kg/m3 Unit is N/m3
3 It does not vary place to It varies from place to place because of acceleration due to
place. gravity.
10. What is specific gravity? How is it related to density?
It is the ratio of specific weight of fluid to specific weight of standard fluid. It can also be defined
as the ratio of mass density of fluid to mass density of standard fluid.
Specificgravity, S 
11. Define the term pressure. What are its units?
Pressure may be defined as the force exerted on a unit area. It may be called as intensity of
pressure. If F is the total force exerted over an area A, the pressure at any point is given
mathematically as
P The unit of pressure in S.I. unit is N/m2 or Pascal.
12. What is the diffe rence between gauge pressure and absolute pressure?
Gauge pressure (pg ): It is the pressure recorded by the pressure gauge when the pressure
gauges read ‘zero’ pressure at atmospheric level. Hence, they actually measure the difference
between fluid and atmospheric pressure.
13. Define compressibility and viscosity of a fluid.
Compressibility is defined as the ratio of the change in pressure to the rate of change in pressure to
the rate of change of volume due to the change in pressure.
Bulk modulus, K 
ChangeinVolum eperunitvolum e
Viscosity is the property of a liquid which determines the amount of resistance to a shearing stress.
It can also be defined as the property of a fluid due to which it offers resistance to the movement of
one layer of fluid over another adjacent layer.
N s kg
Theunitis  or
m2 ms

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mechanical Departme nt.

14. State the Newton’s law of viscosity.
According to Newton’s law of viscosity, the sheer force F acting between two layers of fluid is
proportional to the difference in their velocities du and area A of the plate and inversely
proportional to the distance between them.
15. State Bernoulli’s Theore m as applicable to fluid flow.
Bernoulli’s equation states that an ideal incompressible fluid when the flow is steady and
continuous, the sum of pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential energy is constant along the
 P r essureenergy
P v2 v2
  z Cons tant  Kineticenerygy
g 2 g 2g
z  Potentialenergy
16. What are the three major assumptions made in the derivation of the Bernoulli’s equation?
a) The liquid is ideal and incompressible.
b) The flow is steady and continuous.
c) The velocity is uniform over the cross section and is equal to mean velocity.
d) The only forces acting on the fluids are the gravity force and the pressure force.
e) All the frictional losses are negligible.
17. Mention any three applications of Bernoulli’s theore m.
1. Venturimeter
2. Orifice meter
3. Pitot tube
18. What is Venturimeter? And explain its basic principles.
A Venturimeter is a device, which is used for measuring the rate of flow of fluid through pipes.
The basic principle of Venturimeter is that by reducing the cross sectional area along the pipe, a
pressure difference is created from the pressure difference we can calculate the discharge through
the pipe.
19. What are the various parts in Venturimeter?
1. Inlet section followed by convergent portion.
2. Throat part.
3. Divergent cone followed by outlet section.
20. What are cavitations in Venturimeter?
Due to reduction in area the velocity of fluids increased and pressure decreased. When pressure
comes below that of vapour pressure of the flowing fluid then the liquid will be vapourized. This
phenomenon is called cavitations.

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mechanical Departme nt.

21. What are the advantages of Venturimeter?
a) Loss of head is small and hence high Cd value and it may approach unity .
b) No wear and tear.
c) Less likelihood of becoming clogged with sediment.
d) Well-established characteristics.
e) Suitable for large flow of water, process fluids, wastes gases and suspended solids.
22. What are the disadvantages of Venturimeter?
1. Long laying length.
2. More space requirement.
3. Quit expense in installation and replacement.
4. Possibility of cavitations.
23. What is orifice meter and me ntion its basic principle?
An orifice meter also a device used for measuring the discharge through pipes. The basic principle
of orifice meter is that by reducing the cross sectional area of the pipe, a pressure difference is
created from the pressure difference. We can calculate the discharge through the pipes.
24. What are the advantages of orifice meter?
a) Low initial cost.
b) Ease of installation and replacement.
c) Requires less space as compared with Venturimeter.
d) Can be used in wide range of pipe sizes (0.01m to 1.5m)
25. What are the disadvantages of orifice meter?
1. High loss of head.
2. Co-efficient of discharge has a law value.
3. Susceptible to in accuracies resulting from erosion, corrosion and scaling.
26. What is co-efficient velocity?
It is the ratio of actual velocity of fluid to theoretical velocity.
 Vact 
Co-efficient of velocity, Cv =  
 Vth 
27. Define Co-efficient of contraction.
It is the ratio of area at vena contraction area to orifice area of the pipe
Co  efficientofcontraction 
28. Classify the losses in pipes.
The loss of energy in pipe mainly classified into two types
1. Major losses
2. Minor losses
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mechanical Departme nt.
29. What are the losses experienced by a fluid when it is passing through a pipe?
1. Loss of energy due to sudden enlargement.
2. Loss of head due to sudden contraction.
3. Loss of energy at the exit from the pipe.
4. Loss of energy due to gradual contraction or enlargement.
5. Loss of energy due to an obstruction in pipe.
6. Loss of energy at the entrance to a pipe.
7. Loss of energy in bends.
8. Loss of energy in various pipe fittings.
30. What are eddies and vena contracta in pipe minor losses?
Due to sudden contraction, the streamline coverage to a minimum cross section is called vena
contracta. In between vena-contracta and wall of the pipe, a lot of eddies are formed. These eddies
cause a considerable dissipation of energy.
31. What are pipes in series?
It is defined as the pipe consisting of several pipes of varying diameters and length may be
replaced by a pipe of uniform diameter, which is known as equivalent pipe.
32. What is equivalent pipe?
A compound pipe consisting of several pipes of varying diameters and length may be replaced by a
pipe of uniform diameter, which is known as equivalent pipe.
33. What do you mean by flow through parallel pipes?
When a main pipeline divides into two or more parallel pipes, which again join together to form a
single pipe and continue as a main line. These pipes are said to be pipes in parallel.

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Mechanical Departme nt.

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