Modeling The Effect of Dead-Time On The Soft-Switching Characteristic of Variable-Frequency Modulated Series-Resonant DAB Converter
Modeling The Effect of Dead-Time On The Soft-Switching Characteristic of Variable-Frequency Modulated Series-Resonant DAB Converter
Modeling The Effect of Dead-Time On The Soft-Switching Characteristic of Variable-Frequency Modulated Series-Resonant DAB Converter
C S1 CS3 C Q1 C Q3
S 1
S 3 Q 1 Q 3
n:1 L C
V i C p +
s o
+ +
v (t)
v' (t) i (t)
p v (t)
- -
S2 CS4 C Q2 C Q4
S 2 S 4 Q 2
Q 4
L ix C
v′p v′p
v′p vs ᶿ
ix vx
ᶿ ᶿ
ix vs
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. (a) Equivalent circuit of the DAB converter. (b) Phasor representation for hard switching at the primary side of the DAB converter. (c) Phasor
representation for ZVS at both sides of the DAB converter.
capacitor-based energy storage. For validation of the proposed (FCA) is used to analyze and derive the governing equations
modulation scheme, a charging/discharging current variation for DAB converter. In the following FCA, normalized variables
of 4 A to 10 A and voltage variation in super-capacitor of 10 (i.e., per-unit values) are used to generalize the results for
V to 45 V are considered. all power levels. To perform FCA in normalized form, the
This paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses the following base values are used: Vb = Vp , Zb = Po,max and
basic topology of DAB converter based on LC-type series IB = Vb /Zb . Hence, the simplified analytical expressions
resonant tank. Identification of the required conditions for soft- based on fundamental components are given by (1)-(7).
switching, minimum-tank-current operation and dead-time in-
tervals (for complete soft-switching transitions) are discussed
in Section III. To validate the proposed modulation scheme, vp,p.u (t) = sin ωt (1)
simulation and experimental results are presented in Section π
IV. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section V.
II. D ESIGN AND A NALYSIS OF A S ERIES R ESONANT DAB vs,p.u (t) = sin(ωt − θ) (2)
The schematic diagram of a DAB converter based on LC- 4
type series resonant tank and phasor representation of the ix,p.u (t) = (− cos ωt + M cos(ωt − θ)) (3)
tank voltages and current are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3,
respectively. The primary-side switches S1 −S4 are modulated where M = VpV/n s
, θ is the phase shift between vp (t) and vs (t),
to create a square wave vp (t) or secondary-reflected vp (t), n is the transformer’s turn-ratio, and Xp.u = (ωL − ωC 1
)/Zb .
while a phase-shifted square wave vs (t) is generated by the The root-mean-square (rms) value of the resonant tank current
secondary-side switches Q1 − Q4 . The phase shift θ between ix,p.u (t) is derived from (3) by setting its first derivative to
vp (t) and vs (t) determines the direction and magnitude of zero to find the angular position ωp tp at which the peak tank
output power. Fundamental components of bridge voltages √ By substituting ωp tp into (3) and dividing the
current occurs.
and resonant tank current are assumed to be the main source result by 2, the rms value of the tank current is given by
of power flow. Therefore, fundamental component analysis (4).
Fig. 5. Variations of output current Io,p.u with respect to M with soft-
switching conditions and minimum-tank-current operation.
the tank current ix,p.u (t). Both approaches lead to the same
expressions given by (6) and (7). It can be seen from (6)
and (7) that the maximum power and output current can be
achieved when the phase shift θ between vp (t) and vs (t) is
90o .
1 8M
Po,p.u = vp,p.u (t)ix,p.u (t) = sin θ (6)
2π 0 π 2 Xp.u
Io,p.u = sin θ (7)
π 2 Xp.u
Vs ωt
vCQ2 vCQ3 vCQ1 vCQ4
, ,
Vp ωt
Vs θx
Fig. 7. Variation in switching frequency fs to cover the designed range of
θ vs output current Io .
Fig. 9. Simulation results. (a) Discharging (reverse power flow) with Vp =
Fig. 8. Simulation results. (a) Charging (forward power flow) with Vp = 400 V, Vs = 10 V, Ix,rms = 4.53 A, Io = 4 A, fs = 133 kHz, M =
400 V, Vs = 45 V, Ix,rms = 10.8 A, Io = 10 A, fs = 80 kHz, M = 0.94 0.21 and Po = 40 W. (b) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitances to
and Po = 450 W. (b) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitances to achieve ZVS at the primary side of DAB converter with a dead-time interval of
achieve ZVS at the primary side of DAB converter with a dead-time interval of θdp
θdp ω
= 109 ns. (c) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitances to achieve
= 133 ns. (c) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitances to achieve ZVS at the secondary side of DAB converter with a dead-time interval of
ZVS at the secondary side of DAB converter with a dead-time interval of θds
θds ω
= 111.5 ns.
= 150 ns.
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
Fig. 11. Experimental results. (a) Charging (forward power flow) with Fig. 12. Experimental results. (a) Discharging (reverse power flow) with
Vp = 400 V (250 V/div), Vs = 45 V (50 V/div), Ix,rms = 10.6 A Vp = 400 V (250 V/div), Vs = 10 V (25 V/div), Ix,rms = 4.4 A (10
(20 A/div), Io = 10 A, fs = 80.2 kHz, M = 0.94 and Po = 450 W. A/div), Io = 3.99 A, fs = 132.5 kHz, M = 0.21 and Po = 40 W.
(b) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitance CS1 to achieve ZVS at (b) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitance CS1 to achieve ZVS at
the primary-side switch S1 of DAB converter with a dead-time interval of the primary-side switch S1 of DAB converter with a dead-time interval of
θdp θdp
= 155 ns. (c) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitance CQ1 to = 120 ns. (c) Charging/Discharging of parasitic capacitance CQ1 to
achieve ZVS at the secondary-side switch Q1 of DAB converter with a dead- achieve ZVS at the secondary-side switch Q1 of DAB converter with a dead-
time interval of ωds = 170 ns. θ
time interval of ωds = 125 ns.
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