A Transformerless Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Based On Power Units With Unipolar and Bipolar Structure For MVDC Interconnection
A Transformerless Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Based On Power Units With Unipolar and Bipolar Structure For MVDC Interconnection
A Transformerless Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Based On Power Units With Unipolar and Bipolar Structure For MVDC Interconnection
Abstract — In this paper, a novel bidirectional DC-DC converter (MMC) can be applied in MVDC connection
converter based on series-connected power units (BPUC) for applications [5]. However, they share some disadvantages:
unipolar and bipolar MVDC interconnection is proposed. 1) Transformers are required. Their required
Compared with traditional grid-connecting converters,⎯ the transformer having adequate isolation and high-frequency
proposed converter has a transformerless structure to reduce operation is difficult to manufacture and faces some
size, cost, and power loss, being more suitable for MVDC technical drawbacks. Furthermore, the weight, parasitic
systems emphasizing on efficiency, small volume, and low cost.
In addition, the proposed converter can be applied as both a
capacitance, losses, and cost associated with transformers
unipolar and a bipolar converter in MVDC networks, which add to the system complexity.
greatly extends its scope of application and improves its 2) The topology and control strategy are highly
transmission efficiency. Its control system can realized complex. In the DAB and the MMC, a large number of
precise power interaction between DC grids. Simulations of switches need to be controlled and cooperate to
the 4-level unipolar BPUC and bipolar BPUC were accomplish voltage conversion.
implemented, and a 1 kW experimental implementation of With the development of switched-capacitor (SC)
the 4-level unipolar BPUC was developed to verify the circuits, novel DC-DC converters with high conversion
converter effectiveness. ratio have emerged by combining SC and boost circuits [6].
Index Terms—unipolar,bipolar, bidirectional, multilevel
A typical example is the MBC mentioned in [7]. However,
the MBC cannot be applied to connect different MVDC
I. INTRODUCTION systems due to its inherent defects: 1) the power flow
Owing to the increasing installation of DC transmission cannot reverse; 2) The SC circuit is not suitable for high-
lines, DC-DC converters for DC grid-connection power applications, since the required charging current of
applications will play a decisive role in future energy grids. capacitors would be excessively large. 3) It is difficult to
In recent years, the increasing amount of renewable energy realize bipolar conversion.
sources stimulates the development of medium-voltage DC In this paper we present a novel kind of bidirectional
(MVDC) transmission lines[1]. It has been shown that power-unit-based DC-DC converters with unipolar and
large renewable energy sources, such as windfarms and bipolar structure for MVDC connection applications,
named the BPUC. Topologies of both unipolar and bipolar
photovoltaic (PV) power plants, operate more efciently
BPUCs are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2 and excels with the
when connected to an MVDC grid instead of an AC grid [2]
following characteristics:
and All these renewable energy systems that provide
1) Simple structure and smaller size. The proposed
different voltage DC levels, can be efficiently integrated
BPUC is a transformerless topology. Thus, the weight,
using DC conversion in MVDC lines [3]. In order to parasitic capacitance, losses, and cost associated to
establish MVDC networks and efficiently transfer power transformers, which add to the system complexity, are
between unipolar and bipolar MVDC systems, many removed. In addition, since issues related to transformers
researches have focused on the medium-voltage (MV) DC- such as cooling and insulation are avoided, the overall size
DC converter, used as an interface between MVDC of the device is reduced.
systems [4]. 2) Realizing bipolar DC conversion. There is evidence
Some researchers propose that the dual-active bridge that bipolar MVDC systems are advantageous due to
(DAB) converter and the face-to-face modular multilevel higher reliability and increased power transmission
capability if compared with unipolar MVDC systems.The
This work was supported by the National Research Program of China BPUC can be applied as a bipolar DC-DC converter.
(973 Program) under project 2015CB251001 and the National High
3) More intelligent control system. By applying a
hierarchical and local control system, the control system
Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) not only enhances converter’s dynamic performance and
2015AA050606 control flexibility, but also improves the accuracy of power
interaction between connected MVDC systems.
The 2018 International Power Electronics Conference
(a). Operation state circuit: State� (t0-t1) (b). Operation state circuit: Stage� (t1-t2) (c). Theoretical waveform in up-conversion mode
Fig. 3. Transferring process of the n-level unipolar BPUC in the boost mode when the power transferred from the CL to C1
B. Capacitor Design
In order to keep the voltage exchange between series
capacitors, the capacitance of CL and Cn should be the same.
The voltage ripple of capacitor CL is expressed as β and
the following equation can be obtained: Fig. 5. General control scheme for the BPUC
The 2018 International Power Electronics Conference
When the BPUC works as a bipolar converter to connect To verify the feasibility of the proposed converter, a
bipolar MVDC networks and perform precise power simulation model based on a 4-level unipolar BPUC was
interaction, bipolar power control is used. Take the bipolar implemented using PSIM. The simulation parameters are
BPUC in down-conversion as an example,and its block given as follows: VHigh=5 kV, VLow=1 kV, f=10 kHz, P=1
diagram is shown in Fig.7. The positive pole of the MW, N=5, α=50%, CL=Ci=1mF, (i=1,2,3,4), Li,
converter works under unipolar power control in buck (i=1,2,3,4)= 25 µH, 33 µH, 50 µH,100 µH
mode and the power unit controller (2n-1) is set to current
A. Simulation for Unipolar Power Control
control loop. The negative pole of the converter works
Fig. 8 shows the simulation waveforms of the 4-level
under unipolar power control in boost mode, and Power
unipolar BPUC for unipolar power control in the boost
unit controller 1 is set to current control loop.
mode (Vin=VLow=1 kV, VO=VHigh=5 kV). It can be seen that
an equal voltage is present in both capacitors (i.e.,
VC1=VC2), with an obtained ripple below 5% and inductor
currents approximately equal to the theoretical values
calculated by (10). Next, the dynamic step response of the
proposed converter was investigated in a simulation of the
converter with unipolar power control in buck mode, whose
outputs are shown in Fig. 9, and a slightly lower damping is
observed during the transient process.
Fig. 8. Simulation of the 4-level unipolar BPUC Fig. 9. Simulation of dynamic step response Fig. 10. Simulation waveform of inductor currents
for unipolar power control in boost mode of the 4-level BPUC for unipolar power control and output voltage of bipolar 4-level BPUC in
(Vin=VLow=1kV, VO=VHigh=4 kV) in buck mode (the load R varies from 2 Ω to 1 Ω) bipolar power control under up-conversion mode
Owing to laboratory conditions, a small-scale (i.e., 1 kW)
4-level prototype of the unipolar BPUC was developed, as
shown in Fig.11. The prototype parameters are: n=4,
P=1kW, VHigh=500V, VLow=100V, f=20kHz. Fig. 12 shows
the the waveforms for inductor currents for unipolar power
control in boost mode. Fig. 13 shows the input and the
output waveform of the prototype. Fig. 14 shows the startup
process of the converter with a slightly lower damping
during this process, until the output voltage finally reaches
Fig. 11. Photograph of the 1 kW 4-level unipolar BPUC prototype
the steady-state rated voltage of 500 V.
Fig.12 inductor currents in power units(2A/1V) Fig.13 Waveform of the input and output (2A/1V) Fig.14 Waveform of automatic starting-up process
The 2018 International Power Electronics Conference
In this paper, a novel bidirectional DC-DC converter
based on series power units for unipolar and bipolar
MVDC connection and its corresponding control strategies
are proposed. Compared with traditional DC grid-
connecting converters, the proposed converter presents the
following improvements:
--Bipolar MVDC connection with simple structure.
--Precise power control between MVDC systems.
Finally, a 1 kW implementation of the 4-level BPUC is
developed. The experiment results validate the operation
principle and feasibility of the proposed converter.
This work was supported by the National Research
Program of China (973 Program) under project
2015CB251001 and the National High Technology
Research and Development Program of China (863
Program) 2015AA050606
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