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Carpentry LP 1

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Pili National High school

Pili – Iraya, Bacacay, Albay

Carpentry – Grade 8

Subject : Technology and Livelihood Economics

Year Level : Grade 8 - Mahogany
No. of students : 50

At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:

a. Read and interpret specifications of a working plan

b. Sketch an orthographic drawing based on the given isometric figure given and
vice versa
c. Appreciate the importance of knowing the how to sketch an orthographic drawing
and isometric figure


A. Topic : Steps in Sketching an Isometric Box
: Steps in Sketching Orthographic Drawing
: Steps in Sketching Isometric Drawing of a given
Orthographic Figure
B. Reference : K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and
Livelihood Education Learning Module Carpentry
pp. 70-73
C. Materials
a. visual aids on the following topics that may include
pictures as well
: Steps in Sketching an Isometric Box
: Steps in Sketching Orthographic Drawing
: Steps in Sketching Isometric Drawing of a given
Orthographic Figure

D. Skill / Valuing
a. Sketch an orthographic drawing based on the given isometric figure
given and vice versa
b. Appreciate the importance of knowing the how to sketch an
orthographic drawing and isometric figure
III. Procedure (Teaching Strategy)

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Routinary Activities
Greetings! Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!
Conducting the prayer (students shall pray)
Arranging of chairs and cleaning up the room (student shall arrange the chairs
and clean up the room)
Checking of attendance (class monitor will report the
absentees for the day)
Recall of prior lesson

Let us recall what you’ve done yesterday.

(students shall raise their hands)
What was the last topic discussed last week?
We had an activity from which the
class was divided into 3 groups.
Each group were asked to paint a
picture of different situations in the
Okay what was the lesson that you learned workplace applying the Personal
from that activity? Protective Equipment in the

B. Motivation We learned that when at work one

must wear the proper PPE and one
Since we have a new topic for this morning, let must know the how to each PPE.
us recall first the alphabet of lines. Can
anybody tell me the different alphabet of lines.
Give me one….
Student shall participate
We will be using some of those lines in our
lesson for today.

Can anyone here tell what is our lesson for this


Student shall raise their hand and

C. Presentation answer.

Class our lesson for this morning is about the

Steps in Sketching an Isometric Box, Steps in
Sketching Orthographic Drawing and Steps in
Sketching Isometric Drawing of a given
Orthographic Figure. Later on you’ll going to
sketch the orthographic drawing of an isometric (Students shall listen to the teacher)
figure and vice versa.

D. Lesson
Steps in Sketching an Isometric Box
Let us define first orthographic projection and
isometric drawing Students shall share their ideas.
Orthographic projection
- A two-dimensional pictorial Students shall listen to the
representation of a three-dimensional discussion
object in which the onject is shown
separately in two or more accurate,
scaled-down views, as from the top,
front, and side: the views are typically
displayed with the top view above and
the side view alongside the front view.

Isometric drawing
- A pictorial representation of an object in
which all three dimensions are drawn at
full scale rather than foreshortening
them to the true projection.

1. Draw a vertical axis

2. Draw left and right axis

3. Determine the width and length of the

box and then draw a vertical line
Students shall listen to the

4. Draw the left and right axis to the

determined height of the box
5. Project aline parallel to the left and right axis

6. Label the box to determine the top, front nd the

right side view.
Students shall listen to the

Steps in Sketching Orthographic Drawing

1. Study the object to be drawn
2. Draw the top view, front view, and the
right side view

3. Draw as simple drawing using block as


Students shall listen to the


Steps in Sketching Isometric Drawing of a

Given Orthographic Figure
1. Study the object to be drawn
2. Draw the isometric drawing
3. Lay out the front view
4. Sketch the top view and side view
5. Finalize the object to complete the
drawing precedent Yes or No

Did you understand class?

f. Activity/ Application

Now, you try to sketch the orthographic

drawing of this isometric figure.

I will be calling somebody to sketch the

answer on the board.
Last thing, is for you to sketch an isometric
drawing of a given orthographic figure.

g. Valuing

Based from the activity that we had and from

the discussion, what can you now conclude? Students shall share their
understanding of the topic.
h. Generalization
Orthographic drawings are another way to
represent 3D objects in 2D space. Top, front
and right views are required to fully describe an
object. Hidden lines show features that cannot
be seen from the current view point. It have
secondary precedence to visible lines
Divide the class into 4/5 groups. Write your answer on the space provided in the answer
sheet. Letter only.

IV. Assignment
1. Bring coupon band and pencil for tomorrow’s activity.

Prepared by:

Mary Jane B. Bataller

(Student Teacher)

Mrs. May M. Barcelona

(Cooperating Teacher)

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