Report Envisioning Pathways To 2030 Studyportals 2018
Report Envisioning Pathways To 2030 Studyportals 2018
Report Envisioning Pathways To 2030 Studyportals 2018
Rahul Choudaha
Edwin van Rest
A decade ago, the world was not prepared for the widespread impact of the global financial recession. Gradually, the operating focus of higher
education sector in many high-income countries around shifted, causing budget-cuts to become a recurring and dominant theme. Yet, at the
same time, the expanding middle-class in emerging countries were keen to gain international experience – thus fueling student mobility.
Now, we are on the cusp of another major transformation. The acceleration of external megatrends - including technological and societal
changes - are expected to push higher education institutions (especially in high-income countries) towards offering more relevant, affordable,
and flexible academic programmes. As a result, universities have an opportunity to overcome enrolment challenges by maximising the potential
of engaging new population through including adult learners (lifelong and online learning) and international students (recruitment and
transnational education).
In this report, we address following broad questions: What are the megatrends shaping the world? How are these megatrends transforming the
future of global higher ed? What are the implications for international student mobility and global engagement strategies?
We articulate our vision for the future of global higher education by synthesising various external reports and data with the perspectives of
higher education leaders from around the world. We propose conceptual frameworks for institutional archetypes of success and for their
global engagement strategies leading up to 2030.
This report is designed for higher education professionals in high-income countries many of whom are facing enrolment growth challenges. We
recognise the diversity within the higher education landscape across and within countries, and, hence, do not claim to offer predictive and
prescriptive findings. The purpose and approach of this report is to encourage higher education institutions to reflect, assess, and discover
alternative pathways for the future leading up to 2030.
Suggested Citation for this report: Choudaha, Rahul & Van Rest, Edwin (2018). Envisioning pathways to 2030:
Megatrends shaping the future of global higher education and international student mobility. Studyportals.
Executive Summary >> go to this section
Part One
Part Two
Megatrends Shaping the World Around Us >> go to this section
Part Three
Implications for Institutional Strategies >> go to this section
Conceptual frameworks and perspectives from global higher education leaders
Megatrends Impact on Global Higher Ed Impact on Int’l Student Mobility
- Globally by 2030, higher education enrolment will grow in diverse ways within and across countries1
- Megatrends will compel institutions (especially in high-income countries 2) to offer more relevant, affordable, and flexible
academic programmes to catch up with the quantitative growth, and qualitative shift, in the demand
- Lower- and middle-income countries will see the higher education demand from the traditional college-age population
grow larger relative to the supply of institutions
- High-income countries will face stagnant enrolment unless they expand their pool to include the non-traditional
domestic population (age over 24) through lifelong, online, or blended learning
- High-income countries are also capable of reaching underserved (or unserved) students in lower- and middle-income
countries. Some strategies include: transnational education, and recruiting international students to campuses
- Institutional archetypes of success and global engagement strategies proposed in this report offer alternative pathways
for institutions leading up to 2030
1. For example, while overall U.S. population for 2030 is projected to increase, population under 18 will decrease by
2 percent. By 2030, Texas and Florida will experience much higher growth than Illinois and Maine. (US Census)
2. Income classification by World Bank
By 2030, an estimated increase of nearly 120 million students in higher
education and 2.3 million internationally mobile students
World Population
Higher Education Enrolment International Student Enrolment
7,383,009 6,869
Change Change
1,168,190 or 16% 2,331 or
119,571 or 56%
4.3 million
A one percent annual increase number of non-traditional students
(age over 24) between 2015-2030 will translate into 4.3 m. more
enrolled students in 15 high-income countries
Source: Authors’ analysis based on data of 15 high-income countries—United States, United Kingdom, Australia,
France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Korea, Switzerland, New Zealand, Spain
— in the order of number of international student enrolment. Total enrolment in these 15 countries grew by 1%
between 2014 and 2015. They enrol 63% of all globally mobile students and contribute to 55% of world’s GDP.
International student enrolment potential in high-income countries
A one percent annual increase in international student
enrolment between 2015-2030 will translate to 412,000 more
students in 15 high-income countries
Source: Authors’ analysis based on data of 15 high-income countries—United States, United Kingdom, Australia,
France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Korea, Switzerland, New Zealand, Spain
— in the order of number of international student enrolment. Total enrolment in these 15 countries grew by 1%
between 2014 and 2015. They enrol 63% of all globally mobile students and contribute to 55% of world’s GDP.
Institutional archetypes of success
1. Niche Research Institute: Knowledge and curriculum generator; a focus on being ‘the world’s best’ in a particular
discipline, ideally tied to industry hubs
2. Elite, Comprehensive University: Interdisciplinary knowledge generator. Shrinking opportunities for these
institutions in the world; have increasingly had to specialise and become a sub-set of (1)
4. Scalable Digital University: Curriculum consumer – focus on flexibility, learning platforms, (automated) support,
improved access
5. Professional Learning Institute: Curriculum consumer – focus on career advancement value, strong ties with
The Pyramid of Higher Ed: Market diversifying and segmenting due
to multi-dimensional barriers to access
The Future Pyramid of Higher Ed will expand
access via new models of learning
213 million
332 million
projected enrolment
Larger participation
rate, larger middle
~1 billion class, lifelong learning
people with
no access (yet)
Opportunity for new
models/modes of learning to
increase access beyond
traditional thresholds
Conceptual framework of
institutional global engagement
strategies mapping solutions Challengers Innovators
with needs
English-taught programmes Lifelong learning,
- Defenders: Familiar
in Asia/Europe unbundling and networks
programmes delivered in
English-speaking countries
Regional mobility
through student mobility Programme innovation
- Adapters: Familiar
programmes delivered
through new capabilities of
online, blended, and
transnational models
Defenders Adapters
- Innovators: New Programmes in English- Online, blended, and
programmes delivered speaking countries transnational education
through new capabilities of
lifelong learning, Programme mobility
Student mobility
unbundling and networks
- Challengers: Familiar
English-taught programmes Familiar New
delivered in new
destinations in Asia/Europe
David Finegold
Fernando León Garcia Wendy Purcell Rahul Choudaha
President Emeritus President & VC EVP of Global Engagement
Chatham University
CETYS University Plymouth University Studyportals
The Innovation Imperative for a Globally
Relevant and Impactful University
Ann Buller
Ashish K. Vaidya Elizabeth J. Stroble Rahul Choudaha
Interim President President EVP of Global Engagement
Centennial College
St. Cloud State Webster University Studyportals
Studyportals at a Glance
Mission: Empowering the world to choose education
9 Portals
28+ million 150,000 programmes 370,000 international 3,050+ 180+ employees
unique users from institutions in student enrolments Participating 35 nationalities
last 12 months 120 countries (2017) institutions
Boston | Bucharest | Chicago | Colombo | Eindhoven (HQ) | Manchester | Melbourne | San Francisco | Stockholm
Rahul Choudaha is Executive Vice President of Global
Edwin van Rest is the CEO and co-founder of
Engagement, Research and Intelligence at
Studyportals. He is a grateful benefactor of international
Studyportals. Operating out of San Francisco Bay
education and is driven by the mission of making
Area, Choudaha advances Studyportals’ strategic
education choice transparent, globally. As a co-founder,
engagement with higher education institutions,
he has led Studyportals to an organisation of nearly 200
professional associations and government bodies on
professionals around the world, serving 30m student
the foundations of research and intelligence. He has
users annually and with 3,050+ participating universities.
presented over 100 sessions at professional
He is an elected member of the General Council of EAIE:
conferences and has been frequently quoted in global
European Association for International Education. Edwin
media on international higher education trends with a
earned Industrial Engineering and Management Science
focus on student mobility and enrolment strategies.
from Eindhoven University of Technology. As part of his
Choudaha holds a doctorate in higher education
master´s degree he spent one year at Osaka University in
administration from University of Denver.
Part One
Context of
Global Higher
<<go back
Growth in
- 207 million students enrolled in higher education in 2014
tertiary - Between 2000 and 2014:
- Higher education enrolment more than doubled, rising from 100 million to 207 million
- Global gross enrolment ratio increased from 19% to 34%
- 30% of all global higher education enrolments in private institutions
• Nearly three-quarters of internationally-mobile
students are studying in “developed” countries*
Concentration by
- International students account for 5.6% of total tertiary institution enrolment:
field of studies
- About one-third in STEM fields of study
- 28% in business, administration and law
Franchised programme
Joint Degree
‘Top-up’ programme
Physical presence
Branch campus
Study centre
24 Source: HEGlobal (2016) The Scale and Scope of UK Higher Education Transnational
Growth of English-taught Programmes in non-English speaking countries
Rise in promoting - Governments and universities have incorporated the logic of
World-class University competitive advantage within their higher education and research
landscapes. For example, Japan, Russia, Vietnam, France, China and
ambitions in emerging over 30 other countries have pursued excellence initiatives.
- The importance of growing the number of international students and
bolstering 'excellence' in global research centres are key parts of
government policy; the correlation of these factors alongside global
rankings has not been accidental.
Source: Hazelkorn E (2017) Global science, national research, and the question
of university rankings,
Summary - Globally, higher education enrolment has seen a growing trajectory. However, the
bulk of this growth is driven by middle-income countries. In the past few years, high-
countries, by contrast, have experienced a decline/stagnancy in enrolment.
- The number of internationally-mobile students has been growing steadily, but still
forms a smaller proportion of total enrolment within tertiary programs. A majority of
internationally-mobile students are enrolled in high-income countries. In general,
international students more likely come from Asia, enrolling in Master’s- and doctorate-
level, career-oriented fields (STEM, business, administration and law).
Megatrends Shaping
the World Around
<<go back
Megatrend: a long-term, transformational process with
global reach, broad scope, and a dramatic impact
( John Naisbitt, 1982)
8 Megatrends 1 - Aging world: finding new opportunities of education and employment
3 - Skills mismatch: gap between what employers demand vs. what education provides
4 - Rapid urbanisation: shift towards cities in search of jobs and career advancement
Eighty-two percent of growth in population between 2015-2030 will be driven by people aged 35 and over
2030 2015
Midpoint automation
Source: McKinsey (2017) What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages
Skills mismatch: gap between what employers demand
vs. what education provides
people are currently in jobs where
the future of their career,
profession, or industry is
Source: Pearson and Nesta (2017) The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030
Rapid urbanisation: demographic shift towards cities
in search of jobs and career advancement
Megacities of 10 million or more
417 CITIES Large cities of 5 to 10 million
731 CITIES Medium-sized cities of 1 to 5 million
Cities of 500 000 to 1 million
2014 2030
Stricter immigration policies: more barriers for mobility to high-income destinations
1995 2015
100.000bn 2030
Budget pressures: higher education is facing
decline in public funding
Tertiary Education
% of GDP
OECD average
8 Megatrends While there are a few other external forces in play, we identify eight megatrends which are likely to interact in
a manner to transform the future of global higher education and international student mobility.
The world is getting older which will encourage institutions to find new ways to educating and employing the
aging population throughout their career and beyond. Increasing pace of automation and skills mismatch will
create new expectations for market-relevant skills and retraining of talent. Rapid urbanisation will result in more
people moving towards cities which in turn will drive demand for accessible and flexible learning models. Despite
demographic challenges, stricter immigration policies in high-income countries may make it more difficult for
finding migration pathways. Economic growth in emerging markets will drive demand for expanding access to
higher education. It will also fuel aspirations and capacities to afford studying abroad. Imbalance in demand for
higher education among youth population in emerging economies and large supply of institutions in high-income
economies will provide opportunities for engaging through international recruitment and transnational
education. Public defunding of higher education will continue with increasing expectations of self-funding
In sum, these megatrends will disrupt the higher education sector (especially in high-income countries) as well
as international student mobility patterns. Next, we present perspectives of higher education leaders, along with
our conceptual framework of institutional archetypes of success and their global engagement strategies for
Implications for
<<go back
By 2030, an estimated increase of nearly 120 million students in higher
education and 2.3 million internationally mobile students
World Population
Higher Education Enrolment International Student Enrolment
7,383,009 6,869
Change Change
1,168,190 or 16% 2,331 or
119,571 or 56%
Source: OECD (2015) How is the global talent pool changing (2013, 2030)
Growth in tertiary degree attainment to
be driven by emerging countries
Share of 25-34 year-olds with a tertiary degree across OECD and G20 countries (2013, 2030)
2013 2030
137 million 300 million
25-34 year-olds with tertiary education 25-34 year-olds with tertiary education
of the global STEM graduates will be in
BRIICS countries, compared to 8% in the US
and 4% in Europe by 2030
Lifelong learning
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an inter-governmental
gains traction
commitment and “a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.”
4.3 million
A one percent annual increase number of non-traditional students
(age over 24) between 2015-2030 will translate into 4.3 m. more
enrolled students in 15 high-income countries
Source: Authors’ analysis based on data of 15 high-income countries—United States, United Kingdom, Australia,
France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Korea, Switzerland, New Zealand, Spain
— in the order of number of international student enrolment. Total enrolment in these 15 countries grew by 1%
between 2014 and 2015. They enrol 63% of all globally mobile students and contribute to 55% of world’s GDP.
Lifelong learning potential in emerging markets
3.6 million
A one percent annual increase in enrolment of non-traditional
students (age over 24) between 2015-2030 will translate to 3.6 m.
more students in six emerging countries (BRIICS)
International student enrolment potential in high-income countries
A one percent annual increase in international student
enrolment between 2015-2030 will translate to 412,000 more
students in 15 high-income countries
Source: Authors’ analysis based on data of 15 high-income countries—United States, United Kingdom, Australia,
France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Korea, Switzerland, New Zealand, Spain
— in the order of number of international student enrolment. Total enrolment in these 15 countries grew by 1%
between 2014 and 2015. They enrol 63% of all globally mobile students and contribute to 55% of world’s GDP.
International student enrolment potential in emerging countries
A one percent annual increase in international student
enrolment between 2015-2030 will translate to 65,000
more students in six emerging countries by 2030
Institutional archetypes of success
1. Niche Research Institute: Knowledge and curriculum generator; a focus on being ‘the world’s best’ in a particular
discipline, ideally tied to industry hubs
2. Elite, Comprehensive University: Interdisciplinary knowledge generator. Shrinking opportunities for these
institutions in the world; have increasingly had to specialise and become a sub-set of (1)
4. Scalable Digital University: Curriculum consumer – focus on flexibility, learning platforms, (automated) support,
improved access
5. Professional Learning Institute: Curriculum consumer – focus on career advancement value, strong ties with
<<go back
The Future Pyramid of Higher Ed will expand
access via new models of learning
213 million
332 million
projected enrolment
Larger participation
rate, larger middle
~1 billion class, lifelong learning
people with
no access (yet)
Opportunity for new
models/modes of learning to
increase access beyond
traditional thresholds
<<go back
Conceptual framework of
institutional global engagement
strategies mapping solutions Challengers Innovators
with needs
English-taught programmes Lifelong learning,
- Defenders: Familiar
in Asia/Europe unbundling and networks
programmes delivered in
English-speaking countries
Regional mobility
through student mobility Programme innovation
- Adapters: Familiar
programmes delivered
through new capabilities of
online, blended, and
transnational models
Defenders Adapters
- Innovators: New Programmes in English- Online, blended, and
programmes delivered speaking countries transnational education
through new capabilities of
lifelong learning, Programme mobility
Student mobility
unbundling and networks
- Challengers: Familiar
English-taught programmes Familiar New
delivered in new
destinations in Asia/Europe
This section shares viewpoints of higher education leaders from around the world on the future higher education and implications for institutional strategies.
View are personal. Listed in the order of first name.
<<go back
Anant Agarwal
Founder and CEO, edX
Modular online education will break down boundaries and change the
change, and innovative higher education institutions will see a new global
exchanges will also foster lifelong learning habits, keeping our workforce
Bill Barke
Chairman, Studyportals North America Advisory Board
The widening mismatch between what employers demand and what institutions
supply is one of the key megatrends to watch. The mismatch is already disrupting
partnerships in the online programme management space which will also have
Bradley Farnsworth
Vice President, Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement
jobs in urban areas will drive demand for higher education. Rising incomes will
stimulate more demand for conventional international mobility, but they will also
David Finegold
President, Chatham University
intermediate, middle-level skills, we may see some reversal, as technical and skilled
manual work – i.e. electricians, plumbers, chefs – will be among the hardest to
entrepreneurial and resilient, with the ability to continue to learn and reinvent
Elizabeth J. Stroble
President, Webster University
The convergence of external megatrends will require imaginative leadership and new
kinds of partnerships for global higher education to thrive. For example, the combined
effects of economic shifts, the rise of nationalism, capacity imbalance, and budget
solutions that bring education to nations’ and students’ needs and increased barriers
supported solutions hold promise for optimizing the connections between expertise at
Eva Egron-Polak
Former Secretary General, Senior Fellow of International Association of Universities
It is important to note the unknowns in terms of skills needed. For example, what new
positions and jobs are we educating for? Skills are not the sole outcome of university
education. One would argue that knowledge and critical thinking are even more
important. Higher education institutions must ensure this balance. The youth dividend
of Africa will present new opportunities and challenges for future of higher education.
Fernando León García
President, CETYS University System, Mexico
Economic shifts and capacity imbalances are among the trends most likely to impact
through their own efforts, cross border partnerships, TNE or new models for capacity
building. Rather than a single predominant institutional model, one is likely to observe
a diversity of models, where at one end of the spectrum there will be institutions with
entirely new models responding to new needs and new markets, while at the other
end we will see institutions that will only make slight changes to remain current and
Gordon Slaven
Managing Director, Slaven Consultancy Services Ltd
environment, will always be in high demand. Given the capacity and geographic
imbalance between the demand for this kind of education, and the capacity to deliver
it, as well as continued student mobility, it is likely that will be an increase in remote
variety of local partnerships, and through branch campuses. We are also likely to see
Huntington D. Lambert
Dean of the Division of Continuing Education and University Extension
Harvard University
For higher education institutions which want to survive and thrive, responding to the
to help learners always be ready for their next social, civic or professional challenge. It
is critical that institutions think globally and have our offering available anywhere
anytime at many price points based on human support level included. For all that can
do this and measure every element of their supply chain and outcomes for continuous
Ken Gill
CEO, NCUK- The University Consortium
Increased automation will drive the mismatch of employment skills as the rapid
changes in the workplace will not be matched with the speed at which the
would further undermine the “old west” and a greater flow of students to the
Far East , China in particular. Capacity imbalance would argue for increasing
use of technology and blended learning, creating more TNE joint ventures, and
Steven Kyffin
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Business & Enterprise),
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
emerging world will drive the need for different forms of enabling ‘education’
for all. The Campus of the future will become a creative HUB, where partners
come together. So, not all universities have to be experts in all things.
hosts the total expertise, which becomes available across the Globe according
Trevor Holmes
VP External & Strategic Affairs, Dublin City University
student profile with the HEI choosing to engage with students at particular
Institutions will have to share resources and utilise emerging technologies like
MOOCs in a more creative fashion, utising globally but assessing locally. This
Wendy Purcell
Professor, Harvard University
offer (learning tools, programme offer, skills updating etc.) so that student
choice is informed by clarity about the offer and return on investment that in
the global economy. And, we need to have higher education cultivate thinking,
in- country higher education among those countries that today account for high
levels of mobility will result in more growth for master’s, doctorate, short
How is your - Conduct programme portfolio reviews for cost and revenue
<<go back
Globally, higher education enrolment will grow with wide variations within and across countries. In this report, we have identified a number
of external forces or megatrends that continue to transform the world around us. These megatrends will disrupt the higher education
sector (especially in high-income countries) as well as international student mobility patterns. The fast rate of change, coupled with a high
degree of uncertainty, makes it crucial for institutions to be proactive and adaptive. These megatrends will push institutions, especially in
high-income countries, towards offering more relevant, affordable, and flexible programmes, enabling them to catch up with the
quantitative growth and qualitative shift in the demand.
Perspectives of higher education leaders from around the world, along with our own analysis, confirm that the future of higher education
will look significantly different. Through our conceptual framework of institutional archetypes of success and their global engagement
strategies we offer an opportunity for institutional leaders to reflect, assess, and discover how they would ensure that their institutions
grow and thrive . For example, the continued shift in the demographic, technological, and economic contexts will encourage institutions to
experiment and innovate with new models of blended, online, or lifelong learning. Likewise, institutions need to complement traditional
student mobility with innovation in programme offerings and delivery methods in response to the shifting context of international student
While we recognize that not all institutions will neatly fit into our conceptual frameworks, we offer still alternative pathways for institutions
as they design their future leading up to 2030.
Suggested Citation for this report: Choudaha, Rahul & Van Rest, Edwin (2018). Envisioning pathways to 2030:
Megatrends shaping the future of global higher education and international student mobility. Studyportals.
Growth context of tertiary and international
enrolment in 15 high-income countries
Int'l Enrolment as % of
Tertiary Enrolment 6% 7%
Source: Authors’ analysis based on data of 15 high-income countries—United States, United Kingdom,
Australia, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Korea, Switzerland, New
Zealand, Spain—in the order of number of international student enrolment. They enrol 63% of all globally
mobile students and contribute to 55% of world’s GDP.
<<go back
Additional Bert van der Zwaan (2017). Higher Education in 2040
Resources Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) - University Futures, OECD
CGS and ETS (2017). Graduate Education 2030: Imagining the Future
Diana Laurillard and Eileen Kennedy (2017). The potential of MOOCs for learning at scale in the Global South
Megatrends by E&Y
Megatrends by Euromonitor
Megatrends by PwC
Robert Zemsky, Susan Shaman (2017) The Market Imperative: Segmentation and Change in Higher Education