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Outline the personal protective equipment (PPE) to be worn for the engineering
activities undertaken (such as correctly fitting overalls, safety shoes, eye protection, ear
[K18] Describe the correct use of any equipment used to protect the health and safety
of yourself and your colleagues
[K19] Outline the planning and preparation needed to carry out the engineering activity
(such as obtaining the appropriate drawings/documentation to be used, determining
the materials required, determining the tools and equipment required, determining a
suitable sequence of operations, determining the quality checks to be made and
equipment to be used)
[K20] Outline the procedure for ensuring that all documentation relating to the work
being carried out is available, prior to starting the activity
[K21] Define the procedure for ensuring that all tools and equipment are available prior
to undertaking the activity
[K22] Outline the checks to be carried out to ensure that tools and equipment are in full
working order, prior to undertaking the activity
[K23] Outline the checks to be carried out to ensure that all materials required are
correct and complete, prior to undertaking the activity
[K24] Explain how to deal effectively with problems that could arise with areas such as
quality, safety, people, drawings and other documentation, tools and equipment or if
material are incomplete or do not meet the requirements of the activity and the action
that should be taken
[K25] Outline their role in helping to develop their own skills and knowledge (such as
checking with your supervisor about the work they are expected to carry out and the
standard you need to achieve; the safety points to be aware of and the skills and
knowledge you will need to develop)
[K26] Describe the benefits of continuous personal development, and the training
opportunities that are available in the workplace
[K27] Explain the importance of reviewing their training and development with trainers
and supervisors, of comparing the skills, setting objectives to overcome any shortfall or
address any development needs
[K28] Outline their responsibilities for providing evidence of your performance and
progress (such as submitting work for assessment or the completion of assignments or
[K29] Explain the importance of maintaining effective working relationships within the
workplace (such as listening attentively to instructions from their supervisor, making
sure they ask for help and advice in a polite and courteous manner, responding
positively to requests for help from others)
[K30] Explain the reason for informing others of their activities which may have impact
on their work (such as the need to temporarily disconnect a shared resource like
electricity or compressed air supply; making undue noise or creating sparks, fumes or
arc flashes from welding)
[K31] Describe how to deal with disagreements with others in ways which will help to
resolve difficulties and maintain long term relationships
[K32] Outline the organisational procedures to deal with and report any problems that
can affect working relationships
[K33] Outline the difficulties that can occur in working relationships, and how to resolve
[K34] Identify the regulations that affect how individuals should be treated at work (such
as Equal Opportunities and Equal Pay, Race Relations and Sex Discrimination, Working
Time Directive, Disabled Persons Acts)
[K35] Explain the need to dispose of waste materials and consumables (such as oils and
chemicals) in a safe and environmentally friendly way
[K36] Identify where tools and equipment should be stored and located, and the
importance of returning all tools and documentation to their designated area on
completion of your work activities
[K37] Explain when to act on their own initiative and when to seek help and advice from
[K38] Explain the importance of leaving the work area in a safe condition on completion
of your activities (such as equipment correctly isolated, cleaning the work area and
removing and disposing of waste)

K1] Outline the safe working practices and procedures to be followed whilst preparing
and tidying up your work area
The safe working practices and procedures that need to be followed while preparing and tidying up
the work area are to firstly before you start, you should check that your work area is clean, nothing
should be left lying around that can cause a risk, you should also check that your work station is neat
and that everything is accounted for. Any waste material should be disposed of into the correct bins
allocated for the specific waste you’re disposing. You should check for any contamination on work
tops if work was to be performed on them as it could affect the task, then also check for any slips or
trip hazards such as spillages and they should be cleaned up. Make sure all equipment is safe to use
and has the correct torque setting. Also return equipment you used to correct area when finished
[K2] Explain the importance of applying the appropriate behaviours in the workplace
and the implications for both the apprentice and the business if these are not adhered
It is important to apply the appropriate behaviours in the workplace as it is the base for building a
good working relationship with others in your team. It also helps your workplace function smoothly
with no issues. You will be more respected by colleagues in the workplace if you apply appropriate
behaviour at work, doing this in turn helps you form a good relationship. It also provides a good
impression to others and any visitors to the site too. Which improves the reputation of the business,
and it may even improve their relationship with customers. Hence with good workplace behaviour
you in turn help the business secure more customers. If the appropriate behaviours are not applied
this can lead to consequences such as the business looking unprofessional and unreliable. It can also
lead to disciplinary procedures and can lead to a loss of job.

[K3] State how to present themselves in the workplace suitably dressed for the activities
to be undertaken (such as being neat, clean and dressed in clothes appropriate to the
area of activity)
You should be prepared for the type of activity you’re undertaking at work or any task your expected
to perform by wearing the correct PPE such as overalls, safety boots, goggles etc No jewellery should
be worn as they can get stuck in equipment long hair must tied back if its seen as a hazard in some
areas. Uniform in the engineering field is usually there to keep you the employee safe. You should
always consider and respect the people you are working with by being neat and using good hygiene
habits. If you aren’t suitably dressed for work, you either make the business look unprofessional and
you will not be allowed to work until you have the correct uniform for the activity. you must
understand what work you are going to do and then wear clothing that is appropriate for that work

[K4] Explain the importance of reporting to work on time and returning from breaks on
time and the potential consequences if this is not adhered to
It’s important to report to work and return from breaks on time as it firstly shows that you are
diligent and dependable so your employer and colleagues will have more trust in you as you are
seen as reliable. It also sets a good example of working for employees and shows that you have
respect for other people and shows that you are professional. It helps you stand out to your
employer and who knows it may even lead to a promotion. The potential consequences if not
adhered to could lead to disciplinary procedures and further monitoring and if you still not follow
these rules this could lead to a loss of a job.

[K5] Outline the types of attitudes and behaviours that are likely to create conflict or
negative responses
The attitudes that are likely to create problems at work are negative attitudes towards people and
starting arguments by not respecting other people and their opinions. Not being able to take an
opinion with an open mind is what leads to a poor relationship with collgues.Behaviours that may
start a conflict are demanding requests that place someone under a lot of stress. Also raising your
voice is also a negative attitude that pulls colleagues away from you as it makes you look
unreasonable. If you arrive to work with a negative attitude then you are bound to receive negative
responses, you should always respect everyone and treat people the way you want to be treated.

[K6] Explain the benefits of team working and understanding of team objectives

The benefits of working in a team and understanding team objectives is that it helps people get to
know each other and it helps them practice their teamwork skills which can then be put to use later
on when work is short staff. Working in a team also helps workflow move at a quicker pace. When
working in a team you are able to generate more and better ideas as multiple people can come
together for different approaches towards a task and creativity in how to approach it and complete
it. A variety of ideas can be discussed to debate their uses and downfalls to each idea. Also the
cluster of different brains helps in contributing to produce a solution and avoiding any mistakes
because no one thinks the same as someone else. Another benefit of team working is that it helps
boost morale as they are interacting with each other it also builds a more relaxed environment
because the room for ideas is infinite. Working in a team also gives support for those who were
struggling with the task, helping employees feel at ease helps keep employees stay committed to
work and increases employee retention.

[K7] Outline the roles of individual team members and the strengths they bring to the
There are nine different types of team role behaviours that have been identified by Belbin that when
all of these contribute it can lead to a successful team. These roles are the Resource Investigator,
Who is someone who develops contacts and opportunities by being enthusiastic and outgoing. The
team worker who is versatile and identifies the work to complete for the team and they are
someone who keeps the team together because they are very cooperative. The coordinator who
focuses on the objectives and delegates work so this clarifies the goals and can organise the team.
The plant who is free thinking and creative, They are usually good at solving problems as they think
outside the box. The monitor is someone who judges a problem and provides a clear logical
approach. The specialist who provides in depth knowledge of a key area to the team. The shaper is a
challenging never give up type of person who helps the team keep momentum. The implementer
who plans out strategies and implements them to turn ideas into actions. The completer wis
someone who polishes the work out for mistakes as a quality control standard

[K8] Explain the importance of clear communication both oral and written, using
appropriate language and format

Clear oral and written communication is critical since the more time lost due to insufficient or wrong
information being communicated between co-workers, the more money a company may lose.
Furthermore, when delivering information, it must be clear in order to ensure that the correct
directions are given to finish the task, otherwise, mistakes may occur, with big implications. Poor
written or verbal communication can lead to not only a misrepresentation of the facts but also to
interpretation, hence it's critical that it's written or spoken properly to avoid this. Furthermore, the
clearer and more succinct your communication is in a professional setting, the more confident and
professional you appear.

[K9] Identify the need to change communication styles to meet the needs of the target
It is important to change communication styles to meet the need of the target audience as it is key
to transferring information. For example, it would be very unprofessional to transfer information
onto someone who has hearing problems over a call. When transferring information, the way in
which it needs to be communicated may need to be altered depending on the target audience. We
must also be able to interpret information in different ways so you must ensure that you
communicate suiting these in the correct way such as methods like email, verbal or written.

[K10] Describe the need to adhere to timescales set for work, whilst maintaining
appropriate quality standards and the implications if these are not adhered to
It is important to meet timescales and deadlines because if you don’t it makes you seem like a very
unreliable person in a workplace. If you complete tasks on time it makes you an asset to the team.
This also benefits the company as some specific jobs need to be completed on a certain timescale in
order for work and the process to be able to start back up again, for example if a production line was
down every minute It is not running and its going over the timescale this means a loss of income.
You must also make sure that even though you are on a timescale the quality of your work must
always meet the standard, because quality work is always better then rushed work.

[K11] Explain the importance of seeking additional support and guidance when required
It is important to seek additional support and guidance when required as you need to make sure
that the job at hand is completed efficiently and to the best quality. If you are struggling with a
certain aspect of a task, make sure you obtain the support you need so you can complete the task.
Also, it is an opportunity to learn from others around you it helps increase your knowledge and
reduces the chances of mistakes being made. If you don’t ask for help, then tasks will be delayed or
done wrong which will cost the business extra time and money.

[K12] Explain why it is important to be open and honest and admit to any errors and/or
It is important to be honest and admit to mistakes because it can help stop the problem before it
becomes an even bigger more time consuming and expensive problem. It also helps you learn the
methods needed to avoid that mistake next time. If you are honest you will also be more respected
and relied upon in the workplace as you will always give your honest opinion on a subject or task.

[K13] Explain the need to be flexible in their approach to work, responding positively to

changes or amendments required by the business
It is important to be flexible in your approach to work and respond positively to changes or
amendments required by the business as it makes you a more asset to the business because you are
seen as someone who is hard working and someone who is willing to take more responsibilities. This
makes you stand out to your employer because your doing more work then other employees and
you will have more experience then other employees by taking up the extra responsibility and tasks.
It also means that your more respected in your workplace for being able to take on different tasks
and that you always respond positively to any changes.

[K14] Explain the importance of taking an active and positive part in the implementation
of any amendments or changes to work requirements
It is important to have an active and positive part in the implementation of any amendments or
changes as first it shows that you have a willingness attitude to take part in improvements for the
company and always prepared to be involved for any activities. But also keeps you up to date with
changes that are being made so you are not left behind with changes that would put you under
stress if you hadn’t taken part in the implementation process for example if there is a change on
how a job is completed.

[K15] Describe their individual responsibility to work in an ethical manner and the

organisations policies relating to ethical working and behaviours
You must always work in an ethical manner and follow all policies within the company regarding
behaviours as it ensures that you are working in a professional manner and working with the
companies’ best interest at heart following their ethical policies making you an important asset to
them. Also portrays a good image for both as an ethical worker and for the company for working and
adhering to the correct manner. They need to be adhered to because if one of these is broken it
affect you and the business as it may lead to disciplinary procedures. It can also lead to the business
facing the law and sanctions for you not following ethical policies and laws.
[K16] Explain the importance of respecting others, including an awareness of diversity
and inclusion
It is the most important to respect others and treat them the way in which you would like to be
treated yourself, as this is the basis for earing respect from others and being able to build good
relationships with your colleagues. You must always be aware of diversity as everybody you will
come in contact with will be from a different background therefore, they should all be treated
equally and respected and all have the same opportunity in the workplace whether it is to complete
a task or even just giving their opinion on a conversation

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