Event Planning Checklist

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The document outlines a comprehensive event planning checklist covering programming, facilities and logistics, promotions, and finance and administration.

The checklist covers four main areas of event planning - programming, facilities and logistics, promotions, and finance and administration. Each area contains important tasks and considerations.

The checklist notes that it is important to review site facilities and locations for needs, check availability and accessibility, assess parking and transit access, explore costs, learn permit requirements, and create a site plan.


The following check list contains general categories and tasks material related to
planning a special event divided into four areas: Programming, Facilities & Logistics,
Promotions, and Finance & Administration.

This general Event Planning Checklist covers many, but not necessarily all, of the key
items that need to be considered when organizing an event.

1. Program
Brainstorm/Develop Activities:
o Refreshments (use environmental friendly materials) , Alcohol
o Entertainment / Games
o Ceremonies
o Amusements
o Vendors
Contests & Prizes
o Prizes secured, delivered
Is there fun for everyone?
o Pre-schoolers, children
o Teens, adults
o Seniors, disabled
Rainy day alternatives
Volunteer and staff requirements
o recruitment, training, uniforms, badges
Equipment and supply requirements
o Tables, chairs, stage, tents, sound system, etc.
Performer/participant requirements
Prepare a detailed schedule of events
Design feedback/participant survey

Event Day
Station volunteers, staff
Signage, permits, maps and schedules posted
Run/supervise activities
Info/registration booth set up
Equipment at proper places
PA system, 2-way radios, megaphones
Prizes (awards, ribbons, etc.)

Clean-up for each area
Return equipment
Thank you’s to all involved
Evaluation survey analysis

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2. Facilities & Logistics
Review all site facilities/locations meeting needs
Check availability
Check accessibility
Assess parking capability and transit access
Explore costs
Learn permit requirements and conditions
Create site plan
Book facilities, rain-day facility
Identify public service needs (police, fire, EMS, traffic services, etc)
Identify volunteer and staff requirements

Permits /Planning
Location: Street Event permits, Parks permit, City Squares permit, private
property permission
Food & Beverage: Public Health Temporary Food Vendors, Special Occasions
Permit (Alcohol)
Building permits for temporary structures
Sign permits
Noise (amplified music) permission
Raffle or lottery permit
Waste Management Plan
Risk Management Assessment/Emergency Plan
Traffic Management Plan

Facilities Amenities / Equipment / Logistics

Refreshments areas
Toilets and hand-washing stations
Lost and found area
First Aid station(s)
Stage(s), structures, tents,
Plan for electricity, water, phone line, sound equipment, generators
Order tables, chairs and linens
Order sound system
Order 2-way radios, cellular phones
Order golf carts
Order/set up extra garbage bins, recycling stations, dumpsters
Order bike racks
Signage, barricades, traffic cones, safety equipment

Event Day
Set up event site
Reserve parking for officials, participants, exhibitors
Put up signage
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Safety inspections and checks
Set up waste receptacles

Clean-up for each area
Return equipment
Thank you’s to all involved
Evaluation survey analysis

3. Promotions

Establish Identity
Letterhead, logos
Info kits prepared and distributed
Orientation workshop for:
o Staff
o Community leaders/groups
o Media
o Displayers, volunteers

Determine design and distribution of promotional materials
Website creation, social media accounts
Develop and distribute promotional material to local businesses,
neighbourhoods, participating organizations, schools, city departments, elected
Calendars of events
Posters, flyers
Restaurant placements
Bridge banners and Hydro pole banners
Prepare newsletter for participating organizations, staff and volunteers
Secure permission to display at other events, malls, etc.
Prepare buttons, ribbons, T-shirts, entry forms etc.

Prepare media kits, media releases
Publicize rainy day alternatives
Prepare public service announcements for radio, the press, television
Distribution to the media
Arrange interview between key participants and media
Submit feature articles on event
Contact media celebrities to participate in event (hosting, contests, challenges)
Increase promotions two weeks prior to event
Book photographer and videographers for event for feature shots

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Day of Event
Media Kits - news release, information, photos, biographies
Media meeting location – media passes
Provide an interview area

Send final media release to let sponsors, participants know what happened
Send thank you’s to all media
Gather all articles, photos for final report
Post event follow up: How did event go?
Prepare a final report with recommendations and ideas for next year

4. Finance & Administration

Prepare budget
Establish financial protocols/signing authority, accounts, etc.
Obtain event liability insurance
Identify fundraising, grants and sponsorship opportunities
Solicit "in-kind" goods and services donations in lieu of money
Prepare an equipment needs inventory – obtain quotes
Arrange all payments well in advance.
Apply for petty cash and floats for the day of the event

Day of Event
Ensure all vendors have small change
Ensure all cheque payments are available for entertainers, sound equipment etc.
Ensure there is a secure cash box in place for any activity which costs money
Ensure money is picked up where there is incoming money.
Account for all money spent and received
Allocate funds or food vouchers for volunteers

Audit funds
Review budget estimates and actual amounts
Review unexpected expenses
Obtain receipts for value of donated goods and services
Send thank you’s to sponsors

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