MS For Protection of Existing Services (Utility Works)
MS For Protection of Existing Services (Utility Works)
MS For Protection of Existing Services (Utility Works)
Technical Envelope
Section_Technical Offer
Document - Method Statement for Protection of Existing
Services (Utility Works)
3 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS........................................................................................4
6 SEQUENCE OF WORKS.............................................................................................5
7 DETAILED PROCEDURE............................................................................................6
7.1 Preparation.................................................................................................................................. 6
7.2 Exposing and Protecting Existing Services...................................................................................7
7.3 Backfilling after Protection of Services......................................................................................... 8
9 EMERGENCY ARRANGEMENTS...............................................................................9
We at “AL SAHRAA GENERAL TRANSPORT & CLEARANCE (ASGTC)” are pleased to submit our
Method Statement for Protection of Existing Services (Utility Works) for “Upgrading of Roads and
Infrastructure Works in Old Shabiats, Phase – 2” Project to “Alain Municipality - ADM” under the
supervision of M/s Aecom middle East along with the Tender Programme for your consideration. We
have developed this Method Statement having reviewed all Tender documents including Tender
Bulletins, site visits and discussions with trade subcontractors. This document has been complied to
compliment the information contained in the Tender Programme Schedule and provides an overview
and explanatory notes necessary to amplify our proposal and demonstrate our consideration of all
Tender information.
The project needs to be completed in within the duration as mentioned in the Tender documents. To
this end within ASGTC we have a large directly-employed multidisciplinary workforce in the UAE, and
more than adequate capacity for executing the works. In addition, we have all the systems, process,
accommodation, transport and staff to manage this workforce. The resources required for the project
will be selected for the various disciplines on the basis of their experience to ensure performance in
This This document details the methods and quality controls to be implemented in carrying out the
protection of all utility works in the project.
2.1 Definitions
QA Quality Assurance
2.2 Abbreviations
maintain a required level of quality or reliability. This includes auditing the system’s
operation and related controls to assure that they are being executed properly and
SITE means the place, designated by Client for further development, where the
construction activities shall be carried out by Contractor.
4.1 Materials
Wheel Loaders
Tipper Trucks
Car Crane
Flat-bed Truck & Trailer
Concrete Trucks
Small Vehicles
Concrete Vibrators
Surveying Instruments
Prior Activities;
Laying and protection works
Inspection and Testing;
7.1 Preparation
Ensure that all required NOC’s have been obtained from the relevant Service Authority
for the locating of the services to be protected, and that the means of protection has
been approved by them and the Client.
Ensure that a ‘Permit to Dig’ has been raised by the concerned foreman, and
approved by the Construction Manager or Utilities Coordinator prior to any
excavation works.
Ensure to perform a daily tool box briefing on all personnel and work-force involved
in the activity and make sure that they fully understand.
Toolbox talk to be given to the workers involved.
Install traffic diversion in accordance with the approved Traffic Management Plan, if
required for the works to be carried out.
Excavation for the utility to be protected shall be carried out preferably by hand;
Excavator / JCB shall be used with toothless buckets, if acceptable with the utility
owner, once the depth of the service is identified from the trial trench. The excavation
using equipment will be carried out up to 50 cm from the top of the service.
The works shall be planned according to the type of service. If the utility requires be
surrounding by concrete, and therefore fully exposing, then any pipeline can only be
protected in small sections so that the integrity of the line is not at risk, depending on
the diameter and length of the pipe between flexible joints. Cable works can be
carried out in greater lengths.
Excavated materials from the utility trench shall not be stockpiled such that the toe of
the stockpile is closer than 1.5m away from the free edge of the trench. All materials
shall be stockpiled such that the side slopes are no steeper than the natural angle of
repose of the material, and shall be no higher than 1.2m.
Trench excavations which are required to be deeper than 1.2m shall be benched
properly at 1.0m intervals, unless the excavation will encroach in to an area which
cannot be disturbed. In this case support to the excavation shall be provided by
means of trench sheeting and waling/struts, properly designed with shop drawings
submitted for review and approval by the Client prior to commencing the works.
Backfilling of the trenches after the protection of the services shall be carried out in
layers of not more than 150mm.
In very confined areas between the side of the excavations and the concrete
protection, the void shall be filled with dune sand and hydraulically compacting the
backfilling and compaction, and any layers not complying with the specification shall
be reworked and re-compacted prior to re-testing.
Traffic Signs, Safgety Cones and barriers shall be in place as per safety requirements
before commencement of work in traffic movement.
Safe Access for the vehicles, plant and persons shall be provided.
Appropriate Personnel Protective Equipments (PPE) to be provided to the working
resources (Safety Helmet, Safety Boots, Gloves, Masks and High Visibility vests).
Adequate space and sufficient time shall be allocated for the work.
Staff and workers directly involved with the work are permitted within the works area.
Tool box talks to all workers shall be carried out before conmmencing the work.
The site emergency arrangements are detailed in the Project EHS Plan.
Actions to be taken in the event of an emergency are also posted on the site notice
Hazards that will be encountered during the works listed in the Risks Assessment
explained in HSE Plan.