Gad PB
Gad PB
Gad PB
Name of School : LAWIGAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Annual MOOE and PS: 8,949,000.00
Total GAD Budget: 447,450.00
District: First District
GAD Result
Gender Issue and /or Cause of the Gender Relevant Agency Output Performance Source of Responsible
Statement/ GAD GAD Activity GAD Budget
Gad Mandate Issue MFO/ PAP Indicators and Target Budget Unit/Office
Client- Focused
Empowerment of sustainable acces of students to information, technology, technical assistance and other services.
Establisment of an enabling environment that will ensure the effective implementation of the policies for the protection of children;enhancement of
their access to / utilization of basic social services by means of training, seminars, syposia and linkages with other stakeholders.
Necessary information
Enhancement/ received and enjoyed
Access to information Lack of students' Ensure delivery of
maintaince of school by LNHS sudents
and communication acces to information information to all School/DepEd 200,000.00 PS
library and through the used of
programs and communication students
information system LRC Facilities and
available gadgets
ICT Coordinator,
School Librarian
Create anperformance
awarenes Low achievement Increase students Provisions of support Enhancement/
School/Dep Ed 20,000.00 PS Stakeholders
in NAT students of
among level in NAT performance in NAT resource materials Activities/
Awareness of drugs Increase
results students Students have Symposium
Reproduction onofthe 10,000.00 MOOE DSWD/PNP
drug menace menace in society awareness of drug DOH/DepEd/PDEA/M become aware of the effects of illegal drugs
Preserve culture and Poor modeling at Improve modeling instructional materials Stakeholders/
tradition menace in society at SWDO Guidance
danger of and
illegal drugs Improved
to human beings at
modeling 8,000.00 MOOE
Improve Gender home/ insuffecient home/ increase Community/LGU/Chur counselling/participati home/commendable
Access among to
to Gender Poor gender in
participation Increase Gender
participation in GAD Focal
ch/DepEd/DOH Desirable Gender
on in literary-music Gender and in
participation 15,000.00 MOOE School/ Students
Gender awareness
activities and
that Awareness
activites thatand Persons/MSWDO Awareness and Development
activities that Training
Inadequate acces to
sensitivityamong Increase access
Sensitivity among to DOH/ MSWDO/DepEd Functional Guidance
Sensitivity among Availability
with resource of 20,000.00 PS School/ Students
Development Hygiene gener and guidance Services/Clinic/ First functional guidance
Services behavior in students
Undesirable students students
Improves students MSWDO/GAD FOCAL students
Obsrevance speakers from
Improvement of\First Stakeholders/
School development and services,clinic and persons/Stakeholdres Aid Facilitiesof GMRC services/Clinic/ 10,000.00 MOOE
hygiene in school behavior
learning in school
resource Stakeholders/ students
Aid awareness
for Gender and Inadequate previous Update knowledge Symposium on human Update knowledge Stakeholders/
students/MSWDO/De on the importance of 20,000.00 MOOE
Ethical Values
Preference of children knowledge about about human sexuality and ethical about human Community
Lackof pEd good behavior
especially teenagers humanprivacy
sexuality and Students respect
sexuality and the
ethical School Construction
values of Students/
sexuality and ethical 80,000.00 PS School
especially comport
ethical values privacy
values of others comport rooms/wash Stakeholders
values have the
room in public school area privacy in terms of
gender preferences
Track and strand
Awareness of
of National
Teaching force who High regard and Fun Run/Wellness Highten knowledge Alumni/
DepEd/ School 10,000.00 PS
Womens based
Monthon are aware of and respect for women Activity about National Stakeholders/Learners
Insuffient knowledge Enhance knowlegde of DepEd/Students/Stak Career Enhance Learners/Career
their Gender
Celebration value the role of faculty members Guidance Womens knowledge of
Celebrations 15,000.00 PS
Guidance Program
Improve of
ICTin the K-12
preference the btrack
womens inICT and
the society the track and strands eholders the track knowledge
Enhance and strands Learners/
Insuffient Enhance
strands should enroll should enroll skillsbased
and ICT
on Capacity building Training
Increase on
of how to Most ofenroll
should the students
based on 12,000.00 MOOE
Curriculum and skills knowledge andgender
Skills knowledge activities on ICT improve knowledge on ICT in sports Stakeholders
Involvement in Sports based on their their gender
Lack of Participation in Increase sports Capacity building for involvement in Sports involve
their gender
and activities knowledge and skills and skills in ICT
Activities activities 10,000.00 MOOE Learners
sports activities ativities involvement sports developments
Organizational Focused
1 2 3 4
Sustainability of GAD Irregular monitoring of Enhanced gender- Program
projects, programs, and GAD PAPs implementation responsive planning, Implementation
activities' implementation, Review
implementation monitoring and
evaluation of all PAPs
1 2 3 4
Monitoring No consolidated data Provided a Employee Welfare
mechanism on the on the special leave systematic
implementation of benefits for men and documentation and
special leave women availed by tracking of various
benefits for men and employees since the interventions
women approval of the
5 6 7 8 9 10
5 6 7 8 9 10
GAD Mandate/ GAD Result Relevant Performance Source of Responsible Unit/
Cause of the Gender Issue Statement/GAD GAD Activity GAD Budget
Gender Issue Agency/MFO/ PAP Indicators and Budget Office
Objective Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sustainability of GAD Irregular monitoring of Enhanced gender- Program Conduct Program Conducted Program 5000 School GAD GFPS
projects, programs, GAD PAPs implementation responsive planning, Implementation Implementation Review Implementation
and activities' implementation, Review on GAD Implementation Review to all Fund
implementation monitoring and members of the
evaluation of all PAPs school GFPS
Higher risk of sexual Learners stayed at home Created reporting Creation of reporting Creation of No fund Barangay
and gender-based due to no face-to-face mechanism of leaners mechanism of leaners on reporting Emergency
violence during classes because of covid- on online exploitation online exploitation mechanism of Response Team
COVID-19 pandemic 19 pandemic and referral system in leaners on online (BERT)
reporting cases related Creation of a referral exploitation
to women and system in reporting cases
vulnerable children related to women and Creation of a referral
abuse during vulnerable children system in reporting
community quarantine abuse during community cases related to
quarantine women and
vulnerable children
abuse during
Insufficient of gender Covid-19 disease became Constructed additional Procurement Construct addtional Purchased 26000 School GAD Supply Officer
health a pandemic just recently handfree handwashing handsfree handwashing construction supply Fund
advocacies,additional area , hygiene & area and procurement of for handwashing,
handfree hand sanitation supplies to hygiene & Sanitation hygiene & sanitation
washing area and the school personel & Supplies (toilet tissue, supplies
measures in Schools clienteles liquid soap, deodorizer,
for COVID-19 disinfectant)
prevention and
health a pandemic just recently handfree handwashing handsfree handwashing construction supply Fund
advocacies,additional area , hygiene & area and procurement of for handwashing,
handfree hand sanitation supplies to hygiene & Sanitation hygiene & sanitation
washing area and the school personel & Supplies (toilet tissue, supplies
measures in Schools clienteles liquid soap, deodorizer,
for COVID-19 disinfectant)
prevention and
GAD Mandate/ GAD Result Relevant Performance Source of Responsible Unit/
Cause of the Gender Issue Statement/GAD GAD Activity GAD Budget
Gender Issue Agency/MFO/ PAP Indicators and Budget Office
Objective Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Observance of Low awareness and Increased awareness Symposia / conference / Conducted National 5000 School GAD GFPS
National Women's understanding of and understanding on wellness/showcase of Women's Month
Month Celebration employees on current women's empowerment talents Celebration Fund
GAD-related programs on
There is a need for women empowerment
stronger and high and updated statistics on
impact GAD advocacy women
on strengthening
women empowerment
Advocacy Campaign to Presence of cases in the Increased awareness of Conference / Discuss/announce during Conducted 5000 School GAD LNHS GFPS
End Violence Against schools and in the School personell on the symposia Management Committee information
Women community on violence signs and appropriate Conference and Flag dissemation/ Fund
against women and actions/interventions on raising ceremony the advocacy campaign
children victims of violence advocacy campaign to on ending violence
against women and end Violence Against against women
children Women
Hang tarpaulins /
advocate anti-VAW byIECA materials on
giving IECA materials Anti-VAW
Moderate level of Low level of awareness on Increased awareness on Conduct School GAD Conducted 10,000 School GAD GFPS
stress experienced by mental health and stress mental health/ work-life Year-End Activity webinars/seminars/t
the personnel In the management balance raining to improve Fund
workplace Conduct of the mental and
Conference/symposia webinars/seminars/traini psychosocial
ng to improve the mental wellness of
and psychosocial employees
wellness of employees
GAD Mandate/ GAD Result Relevant Performance Source of Responsible Unit/
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender Issue Statement/GAD Agency/MFO/ PAP GAD Activity Indicators and GAD Budget Budget Office
Objective Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sustainability of GAD Irregular monitoring of Enhanced gender- Program Conduct Program Conducted Program School GAD GFPS
projects, programs, GAD PAPs implementation responsive planning, Implementation Implementation Review Implementation
and activities' implementation, Review on GAD Implementation Review to all Fund
implementation monitoring and members of the
evaluation of all PAPs school GFPS
Higher risk of sexual Learners stayed at home Created reporting Creation of reporting Creation of No fund Barangay
and gender-based due to no face-to-face mechanism of leaners mechanism of leaners on reporting Emergency
violence during classes because of covid- on online exploitation online exploitation mechanism of Response Team
COVID-19 pandemic 19 pandemic and referral system in leaners on online (BERT)
reporting cases related Creation of a referral exploitation
to women and system in reporting cases
vulnerable children related to women and Creation of a referral
abuse during vulnerable children system in reporting
community quarantine abuse during community cases related to
quarantine women and
vulnerable children
abuse during
reporting cases related Creation of a referral exploitation
to women and system in reporting cases
vulnerable children related to women and Creation of a referral
abuse during vulnerable children system in reporting
community quarantine abuse during community cases related to
quarantine women and
vulnerable children
abuse during
Insufficient of gender Covid-19 disease became Constructed additional Procurement Construct addtional Purchased School GAD Supply Officer
health a pandemic just recently handfree handwashing handsfree handwashing construction supply Fund
advocacies,additional area , hygiene & area and procurement of for handwashing,
handfree hand sanitation supplies to hygiene & Sanitation hygiene & sanitation
washing area and the school personel & Supplies (toilet tissue, supplies
measures in Schools clienteles liquid soap, deodorizer,
for COVID-19 disinfectant)
prevention and
GAD Mandate/ GAD Result Relevant Performance Source of Responsible Unit/
Gender Issue Cause of the Gender Issue Statement/GAD Agency/MFO/ PAP GAD Activity Indicators and GAD Budget Budget Office
Objective Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Observance of Low awareness and Increased awareness Symposia / conference / Conducted National School GAD GFPS
National Women's understanding of and understanding on wellness/showcase of Women's Month
Month Celebration employees on current women's empowerment talents Celebration Fund
GAD-related programs on
There is a need for women empowerment
stronger and high and updated statistics on
impact GAD advocacy women
on strengthening
women empowerment
Advocacy Campaign to Presence of cases in the Increased awareness of Conference / Discuss/announce during Conducted School GAD LNHS GFPS
End Violence Against schools and in the School personell on the symposia Management Committee information
Women community on violence signs and appropriate Conference and Flag dissemation/ Fund
against women and actions/interventions on raising ceremony the advocacy campaign
children victims of violence advocacy campaign to on ending violence
against women and end Violence Against against women
children Women
Hang tarpaulins /
advocate anti-VAW by IECA materials on
giving IECA materials Anti-VAW
Moderate level of Low level of awareness on Increased awareness on Conduct School GAD Conducted School GAD GFPS
stress experienced by mental health and stress mental health/ work-life Year-End Activity webinars/seminars/t
the personnel In the management balance raining to improve Fund
workplace Conduct of the mental and
Conference/symposia webinars/seminars/traini psychosocial
ng to improve the mental wellness of
and psychosocial employees
wellness of employees
Moderate level of Low level of awareness on Increased awareness on Conduct School GAD Conducted School GAD GFPS
stress experienced by mental health and stress mental health/ work-life Year-End Activity webinars/seminars/t
the personnel In the management balance raining to improve Fund
workplace Conduct of the mental and
Conference/symposia webinars/seminars/traini psychosocial
ng to improve the mental wellness of
and psychosocial employees
wellness of employees