UAN Uhde
UAN Uhde
UAN Uhde
What is UAN?
rea ammonium nitrate (UAN) solu-
solubility isotherms
combine the properties of AN fertilizer with
isoconcs of nitrogen
an extremely high degree of safety.
phase boundaries
Production and costs
Liquid effluents from a fertilizer complex
are often a problem and may cause
increased investment and operating costs
for treatment steps. In a UAN complex
these effluents can be discharged into the
UAN solution without affecting the quality
or safety of the product.
Additionally the investment and mainte-
nance costs of a UAN mixing plant are
much lower than those of a fertilizer gran-
ulation plant. Therefore the total invest-
ment is also lower than for a comparable
solid fertilizer plant.
Fig 2: UAN nutrient makeup Fig 3: Stand-alone block flowsheet for UAN production
and crop availability
nitrate N natural
(25% of total) gas NH3
NH3 urea
time for water
ammoniacal N conversion in
(25% of total) the soil and
crop reception HNO3
water UAN
amide N product
(50% of total) AN UAN
all being available from or through Uhde. For this alternative a total recycle urea vapours without any ammonia surplus, the
Two main flow schemes are realised technology is employed, which makes max- excess condensate from the AN/UAN plant
in UAN production facilities. While the imum use of the ammonia and CO2 feed can be fed to the nitric acid absorption
ammonia and the nitric acid technologies resulting in extremely low effluent figures. tower. Due to the total condensation of the
are independent of the different flow The ammonium nitrate technology is con- process vapours the plant does not emit
schemes, there are significant differences ventional neutralisation technology, such gaseous effluents.
in urea and ammonium nitrate neutralisa- as the Uhde vacuum neutralisation The second scheme (see Fig. 5) refers
tion technologies. process. The flow diagram for this process to an integrated concept. While the ammo-
The first scheme (see Fig. 3) shows a with UAN mixing is shown in Fig. 4. nia and the nitric acid technologies are
stand-alone concept. Ammonia is utilised This flowsheet is advantageous if urea unchanged, the urea plant employs partial
for urea solution and nitric acid production, solution is also used for other purposes recycle technology. This means that the
with the acid and ammonia being feed- like a urea granulation or melamine pro- ammonia-rich dissociation gas after the
stock for the AN neutralisation plant. The duction plant. The ammonium nitrate plant high pressure synthesis loop of the urea
UAN is mixed from the urea solution, the can be of a simple and economical design, plant is not re-compressed and fed back
ammonium nitrate solution and balance without jeopardising safety and environ- to the synthesis, but sent to the ammo-
water (i.e. condensates from the AN solu- mental requirements. As the Uhde neutral- nium nitrate plant where it ser ves as
tion or the urea plant). isation generates extremely clean process ammonia feedstock. A typical composition
1 Neutraliser
2 Vapour separator and scrubber
CW 3 Circulation pump
4 NH3 heater
7 5 UAN mixing tank
6 UAN pump
7 Condenser
8 Process condensate tank
9 Process condensate pump
10 UAN cooler
NH3 gas
AN solution
urea solution
12 CW
into a product, which is not such an impor- with conventional ammonia plants
110 extrapolated
tant commodity. Further, the decrease in
UAN + urea co-production
trade and production of straight ammonium reference plant
nitrate due to safety and security concerns 100
has not occurred to the expected extent, ammonia { single
single/Uhde dual pressure
/ conventional dual line
with less need for UAN solution as a safe
substitute for straight AN.
5500 t/d UAN +
UAN solution does have its advantages, AN: single/dual line
2000 t/d urea-gran.
including at large scale. However, with 80
large granular urea projects continuing to
be realised, and large UAN production
capacities which have recently been added 70
through re-configuration projects, invest- nitric acid UAN
single/dual line complex
ment into large integrated complexes is 60
challenging, but definitely presents an 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000
interesting alternative to the norm. ■ capacity UAN 32% N, t/d
References Fig 9: PDMS model of the nitric acid and UAN plants for MHTL Trinidad
1. IFDC/UNIDO: “Fertilizer Manual” (1998).
2. EFMA: “BAT Booklet 6 of 8: Production of
Ammonium Nitrate and Calcium Ammonium
Nitrate” (April 2000).
3. EFMA: “BAT Booklet 5 of 8: “Production of
Urea and Urea Ammonium Nitrate” (April
4. Erben A. and Kamermann P.: “Mega UAN
Concept – A Step Ahead in the Fertilizer Busi-
ness?”; presented at the Nitrogen 2004
Conference, Munich, Germany (21-24 March
5. “UAN solutions – a growing market?”; Nitro-
gen & Methanol No. 194; (Nov/Dec 1991).
6. Lippmann D., Larsen, J., Hooper C.W.: “A
New Process for Large Scale Ammonia
Plants“, Nitrogen & Methanol No. 253, pp.
41-46 (Sep/Oct 2001).
7. “How will markets absorb the surge in new
capacity?”; Fertilizer International No. 429
(March/April 2009).