Evaluation of Substance Abuse Among In-School and Out-of-School Youths in Sokoto State, Northwestern Nigeria

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Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23(September, 2020);361- 365

Research Article
Evaluation of Substance Abuse Among In-School and Out-of-
School Youths in Sokoto State, Northwestern Nigeria
Sarkingobir Y.1, Dikko M.2, Namalam F.3 , Umar A.I.4, Ashafa N.A1
Department of Biology, Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Sokoto state, Nigeria.
Department of Pharmacy, Sultan Abdurrahman College of Health Technology Gwadabawa, Sokoto state, Nigeria.
Director Health Planning, Research and Statistics, and Program Manager State Emergency Routine
Immunization Coordination Center, SSPHDA
Department of Biochemistry Sokoto State University, Sokoto state, Nigeria

The objective of this study was to investigate Substance abuse among in school and Out-of-school youth in Sokoto State,
northwestern Nigeria, the commonly use substances, causes, effects, and protection. Cross-sectional descriptive survey was used
to cover some selected schools and Out-of-school groups, key informants and selling points in Sokoto. The obtained data was
analyzed using content analysis. The results of the study show that, most of the respondents are males (93%), only few are
females (6.7%). All the respondents are Muslims. Most of the Out-of-School Youth (OSY) are married (80%) and only 6.7% are
married among in school youth (ISY).The respondent’s age was within 18-22 years in most cases. Most (80%) of ISY are at
senior secondary classes, 46.7% of OSY left school after primary education, 26.7% never attended school. Most of the
respondents have more than 2 kids (93.3%), only 6.7% have about 10 kids. Commonly submitted drugs/substances are: cigarette,
cannabis, alcohol, inhalants, tranquilizers, opiates, and hallucinogens. Therein, reasons for substance abuse were: social/ peer
pressure, rebellion, overwork/learning, shyness, fear, parental influence, fun and lack of role model. It also revealed that ISY st
arted drug use earlier than the OSY. Friends, drug pushers, curiosity introduced youth to drugs. There are several effects of
substance abuse on the individual, friends, and Community. At individual level there are: bad temper, disturbed sleep, ill-health,
depression, anxiety, tiredness, disrespect, failure at workplace/school. At family level the effects include: disgrace, breakdown
of relationship, loss of confidence in child, and ill-health. At friend’s level, the effects include: breakdown of relationship, fear,
anxiety. And at community or society levels, the effects listed were: crime, reduced productivity, violence, ill-health, high cost
of treatment, accidents. To protect youth from substance abuse, the following measures were submitted by the respondents:
parents should not expose children to drugs, parents should give them confidence and proper knowledge to make decisions, peer
group educators should work, and there should be national campaign against drugs. Key informants (KIs) submitted similar
assertions like the youth respondents. During observation of sell outlets, mostly, youth (18-25 years) patronize the sell outlets in
Sokoto. The inhabitants exhibits calmness and peace during their transactions and it mostly occur in the night and it become peak
during rainy seasons. Diverse efforts and interventions are required to prevent substance abuse in youth.

Keywords: Substance abuse, drug, Out-of-school youth, in-school youth, key informants, public health
*Author for correspondence: Email:superoxidedismutase594@gmail.com,dikko.malami@gmail.com;Tel:+2349096266980
Received: March, 2019; Accepted: December, 2020
Abstracted by:
Bioline International, African Journals online (AJOL), Index Copernicus, African Index Medicus (WHO), Excerptamedica
(EMBASE), CAB Abstracts, SCOPUS, Global Health Abstracts, Asian Science Index, Index Veterinarius

INTRODUCTION subsequently leading to frequent and serious problems. These

problems can affect performance at school, work or home. In
Drugs/substances are helpful when they are properly utilized many instances, relationships with friends, parents, and
and destructive when they are misused or abused, but the households fade because of substance abuse (Nasiru et al.,
abuse of substances or drugs is traversing the youth in large 2019a).
sense across the globe. Substance abuse is a harmful pattern Substance abuse can also be defined as the harmful or
of use of any substance (drug) for mood purposes, and hazardous use of substances, including alcohol and other illicit
Evaluation of substance abuse among youths in Sokoto

drugs. Drug substances use can lead to dependence syndrome, Target population: Targeted population in this study was the
a cluster of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological youths (age range of 18-25) who use substances in Sokoto
phenomena that develops after repeated substance use and that state. The study was carried when they are calm. Selected key
typically includes a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties informants were interviewed using questionnaire and sell
in controlling its use, persistence in its use despite harmful outlets were visually inspected.
consequences (Lawal and Aliyu, 2020). All the organs of the
body are prone to damages due Substance abuse. It causes Sample size: The sample size in this study was 60 youth
respiratory, digestive, heart, liver and nervous diseases drawn (30 in school youth, and 30 Out-of-school youth) from
(Abubakar and Nasiru, 2019). Circa, quarter of a billion the three senatorial zones of the state. 10 key informants and
people, or around 5 per cent of the global adult population, use 10 drug sellers were enrolled (MacDougall and Fudge,2001;
drugs at least once, more worrisome is the fact that about 29.5 Hodgeet al., 2011; Sarkingobir and Abbas, 2017).
million of those drug users, or 0.6 per cent of the global adult
population, suffer from drug use problems leading to deaths Data collection methods and tools and management
and injuries. Substance abuse is a major universal health A questionnaire was used to collect data with the help of
problem. It exposes the individuals to major socio-economic voluntary research assistants after a pilot study. The data was
and health problems, and serves as a predisposing factor for analyzed using content analysis. The questionnaire utilized in
crime in a society (Namadi and Haruna, 2019). this study was derived from Nasiru (2015), Nasiru et al.,
Youths are very vital for growth and development of any (2018), Nasiru et al., (2019) and other literatures. The
society. They are the greatest assets any nation can use to questionnaire sought to determine the followings (among
achieve development and economic growth. They remain the others): Demographic characteristics of the respondents
leaders of tomorrow. The youths are a particular portion of the (Sokoto youths), reasons for substance use among youths in
national population that is meant to be sensitive, energetic, and the state, how youths get into substance use?, ways of
active and the most productive among the citizens. The youths convincing youths to drugs, effects of substance abuse on
are also most volatile and yet the most vulnerable segment of individuals, friends, families, and communities, types of
the population (Nasiru et al., 2019a). Substance abuse have substances used by the youths.
been reported to cause a diverse array of negative
consequences such as health problems on primary users and RESULTS
secondary users, academic failure, increase in crime rate,
reduced productivity, and increase healthcare cost among Demographics data: (28) 93% of the respondents were male,
others (Nasiru et al., 2019a). No comprehensive data is 0nly 2(6.7%) were females. 26(43.33%) of the respondents
available on the estimated number of use of drug substances were 18-21,22(36.7%) were 17-22, whereas 2(3.3%) failed to
in Nigeria or in Sokoto which was drawn from large and indicate their age. Out-of-school respondents (OSR) had
diverse actors (in school youth, Out-of-school youth, key 24(80%) are single, 12(40%) are leaving together, and
informants, sellers). Most of the studies are hospital- based 2(6.7%) were divorced. In school respondents (ISR) 18 were
and retrospective, making prediction of trends rather difficult single, 2 were married and 2 did not indicate their status. All
and to curtail this problem there is need to comprehend the 60 respondents were Muslims. ISR, there were 24(80%) in SS,
cause, effect and source of these drugs to individuals, family, 2in JSS 2 in primary,2 not indicated. OSR,14(46.7%) were
and community (Fareo, 2012; Nasiru, 2015; Lawal and Aliyu, primary school leavers, 4(13%) left school at SSS, 2 left
2020). The objective of this study was to investigate substance school at JSS,8(26.7%) never attended school. Commonly
abuse among in school and Out-of-school youth in Sokoto used drugs are cigarette, tranquilizers, cannabis, volatile
State, northwestern Nigeria, the commonly use substances, inhalants, hallucinogens and opiates.
causes, effects, and protection.
Frequency of reasons for substance use among youths in
MATERIALS AND METHODS Sokoto and how they get substances: ISR, social/peer
pressure (28), then rebellion (16), overwork/learning (14),
Research design and location: Cross-sectional, descriptive parental influence was the least (2). OSR, social/ peer pressure
survey was used to cover some selected schools and Out-of- (26), rebellion, parental influence, lack of role model in
school groups, key informants and selling points in Sokoto, school/society, and for fun; scored (4). The least was shyness
Nigeria. Purposive, snowballing, and convenience sampling and fear. Most of OSR started drugs at 13-18 (26), few started
methods were used. at 19-21(4). ISR, mostly started at (20)10-15. Others at 16-20.
Nigeria as a nation in Africa lies between 50oN equator and ISR echoed that Drug use is practiced at home (22), school
30 and 40OEast of the green which meridian. Nigeria
(14), or both. OSR indicated that it was practiced both at home
composed of 36 states, with federal capital territory Abuja. or school (24), then home (6). Who introduced youth to drugs?
There are seven hundred and seventy-four local government OSR said friends (38). ISR said drug pushers (22), then friends
areas. Sokoto is one of the 36 states of the federal Republic of (16), and the least was curiosity.
Nigeria, with a total population of 4,427,760 based on 2006 On how people relate with drug abusers and drug addicts, 32
census report. Sokoto is located in the northwest part of the OSY said they mostly had bad interaction with people. 6 of
country; it formed boarders with Kebbi, Zamfara, and Niger them felt they experience fair relationship. Whereas, 2 think
republic (Sarkingobir and Abbas, 2017). they had very good relationship with people. From ISY, 24
experienced fair relations with people, 12 said people relates
362 Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23, No.3 (September) 2020 Sarkingobir et al
Evaluation of substance abuse among youths in Sokoto

with them badly. Whereas, 2 felt that people relate to them friends, accessibility, lack of proper parental care, and lack of
excellently. Among OSY, 32 respondents agreed that drug education.
abuse is increasing, while, 6 OSY were of the view that drug Policies by government (Banning of imports of
abuse is not rising. Moreover, 32 ISY agreed that drug abuse substances), drug education in school,extensive campaign
is not increasing, 8 were of the view that drug abuse is on the against drugs, proper parental care and substance abusers’
rise. treatment through rehabilitation and counseling were all
To protect youth from substance abuse, the following identified as factors that could prevent substance abuse.
submissions were made by the respondents:
Observations on sale outlets: Both males and females
Table 1: patronize their supplies. The buyers are mostly 18-25 years.
Ways of convincing youths to drug abuse Most of the transactions take place in the night and it is peak
Item OSR(f) ISR(f) during rainy season. No security outbreak was observed
Make brilliant 10 32 around the premises of drug outlets. The method of buying is
Happier 24 32 open, direct and money is used.
Stronger 0 2
Work for long 30 4 DISCUSSIONS
Brave 6 2
Confidence 26 2
In this study most of the respondents are male (93%), only few
Boost appetite 2 4
are females (6.7%). This might be because the practice among
females was accorded less attention (Namadi and Haruna,
Key informants’ interview 2019). All the respondents are Muslims. Religion should have
Types of substances and their uses: Generally, they described deterred them. Most of the OSY are married (80%) and only
that substance abuse as the act of taking any drug (substance) 6.7% are married among ISY. Normally, people who go to
which modifies sense without medical advice or behavior of school tend to stay longer before getting married. The
taking intoxicating substances. Common substances asserted respondent’s age was within 18-22 years in most cases. Most
by them include: cough syrup, cannabis, cigarette, tea and (80%) of ISY were at senior secondary classes, 46.7% of OSY
tablets. Most of the key informants (KIs) said substance abuse left school after primary education, 26.7% never attended
is increasing as explained by shops and sell outlets along the school.
streets. Only few of them believed that substance abuse is Most of the respondents have more than 2 kids (93.3%),
decreasing. KIs said youth buy substances from markets, only 6.7% have about 10 kids. Commonly cited drugs are:
home, garage, chemists and vendors. The youth called cigarette, cannabis, alcohol, inhalants, tranquilizers, opiates,
substances with names like medicine, stimulants, and and hallucinogens. Similar to the findings of Fareo (2012) ,
materials. Omage and Omage (2012), Nasiruet al (2019). Therein,
To protect youth from substance abuse there is need to reasons for substance abuse were: social/ peer pressure,
make them knowledgeable, organized, guided, counseled, and rebellion, overwork/learning, shyness, fear, parental
monitored. Causes of substance abuse among youth are: Bad influence, fun and lack of role model. It also revealed that ISY
started drug use earlier than the OSY.

Table 2:
Result showing effects of drug/substance use on individuals/friends/ community as submitted by respondents
Individual(Frequency) Family(frequency) Friends(Frequency) Community(Frequency)
Bad temper (10) Disgrace (12) Breakdown of relationship Crime (12)
Out-of- Disturbed sleep (8) Breakdown of relationship Anxiety/fear (2) Reduce productivity (8)
school (10)
youth Il-health (6) Loss of confidence in child (4) Violence (6)
Depression (2) Ill health (4)
Anxiety (2) High cost of treatment (2)
Breakdown in work (2)
In- Disturbed sleep (22) Breakdown in family Anxiety (26) Crime (34)
school relationship (34) Violence (6)
youth Ill health (10) Disgrace (24) Breakdown in relationship (8) Accidents(2)
Bad temper (10) Ill health (6) High cost of treatment (2)
Bad temper (8) Loss of confidence in child (4)
Tiredness (4)
Depression (4)
Failure to do work/ school (4)
Disrespect (2)

363 Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23, No.3 (September) 2020 Sarkingobir et al
Evaluation of substance abuse among youths in Sokoto

Table 3: education, government interventions, campaign and

Result showing the strategies/interventions that confers protection to rehabilitation prevents drug abuse among youth.
youths against substance abuse Our results show that drug abuse is all pervasive, it is
Strategy/intervention Out-of- In school found both in schooled and Out-of-school youth. Similar to
school youth(f) past reports in the literature (Abdulmalik et al., 2009, Cofie,
2010). Generally, drugs are useful when they are properly
Parents shall not expose children to 38 10
used. So many studies and trials are carried out to establish
drug abuse
their safety. Therein, they are attached with adverse reactions
Parents should give youth 28 32
knowledge and confidence they or effects, let alone when misuse or abuse. They are
needs to make decisions destructive when they are misused or abused, but most youth
Peer group educators 26 4 care not. World over, the use of drug or substances is a major
National campaign 14 44 public health problem characterized with effects on
individuals, friends, families and the communities. The
Table 4: abusers use a diverse array of substances and the menace
Effects of substances on substance users as echoed by key informants requires diverse approaches for curtailments (Nasiru, 2015;
(KIs) Dikkoet al., 2020ab).
Individual Family Community In conclusion, substance abuse in Sokoto is similar among
Dark body Stigmatization Stigmatization in-school and Out-of-school youth. The practice is wide and
Mental problems Lack of relationship Suicides mostly among males who consumed many drug substances. It
Theft Disgrace Political thugs is also associated with several effects on individuals, families,
Untidiness Indiscipline Rise in crime and communities.
Toxicity Academic problems
Rise in lack of REFERENCES
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