The Developement of Mature Gait
The Developement of Mature Gait
The Developement of Mature Gait
Review Paper
The development of mature gait
D. Sutherland *
Motion Analysis Laboratory, Childrens Hospital, San Diego, CA 92123 -4282, USA
Received 5 July 1997; received in revised form 4 August 1997; accepted 5 August 1997
We must understand the natural history of immature walking in order to define and interpret pathological gait in young
children. Step length, cadence and walking velocity show evidence of both central nervous system maturation and growth until
approximately 4 years of age. Until 4 years-of-age the step factor (step length divided by leg length) increases, but thereafter the
step factor remains constant and adult-like. After 4 years-of-age the changes in velocity, cadence, step length in normal children
are appropriately attributed to changes in limb length. Dynamic joint angle measurements indicate stabilization of gait by 312 to
4 years-of-age. However, there is greater inter-subject and intra-subject variability of gait in children of all ages than of adults.
Force plate measurements of subjects 2 to 7 years-of-age show an increasing definition of the mid-stance trough in the vertical
force curve. The second peak of the vertical force curve is deficient, by adult standards, particularly in the younger age groups.
Moment and power curves of hip, knee and ankle in subjects 4 years and older show patterns not unlike those of adult subjects.
There are differences in magnitude, suggesting that the youngest children use their hip flexor and extensor muscles more than their
ankle plantar flexors for power generation. A study from another center shows no age-related differences in hip, knee and ankle
powers in children 5–16 years of age. All of the studies reported are very helpful in understanding gait maturation but researchers
are needed to address remaining questions. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
2. Time-distance parameters
3.1.1. Ankle
Initial heel strike, absent in 1 year old subjects, is
only slightly developed in 1.5 year olds. The ankle
plantar/dorsiflexion curve is notable at age 1 year, by
absence of plantar flexion movement after initial foot
Fig. 7. Duration of right, single-limb stance as percentage of gait vs. contact. There is also less dorsiflexion in swing at age 1
age (n=420). Reproduced with permission [12].
year, which can be observed as a relative drop-foot [12].
this method masks the maturation process. The geo- 3.1.2. Knee
metric scaling process, advocated by Hof and Zilstra, is The primary change in the knee flexion/extension
simpler, but it should only be applied for children who curve by age is gradual development of an initial knee
are 4 years and older and thus beyond the age of flexion wave. For those unfamiliar with the term initial
normal maturation. Both growth and a maturation knee flexion wave, it is used to describe the flexion of
process influence time-distance parameters between 1 the knee during loading response and subsequent exten-
and 4 years of age. sion during mid stance. This initial knee flexion wave is
brought about by an external knee flexion moment
2.3. Percent of single stance controlled by an eccentric contraction of the quadriceps
muscle. Its purpose is to act as a shock absorber,
The percent of single stance is another useful mea- producing a more gradual elevation of the body’s cen-
surement in the evaluation of walking maturity. The ter of mass and reducing the energy requirement for
ability to balance on one lower extremity is the hall- walking [6]. The wave is present early, but not well
mark of human bipedal gait. By definition, the time of developed until 4 years of age [12]. The second, and
single limb stance and the time of opposite swing are much stronger, flexion wave begins well before toe-off
identical. A normal single stance time is an indication and prepares the limb for advancement. There is very
of stability and an insurance of adequate time for little difference in swing phase knee flexion across the
swing. The percent of time in single limb support is ages 1 to 7 years of age [12]. Peak knee flexion occurs
restricted for the young child. A gradual increase in the early in swing phase. The mean peak knee flexion of
percent of single limb support occurs until a level near 415 subjects is 72°. A slight reduction in peak knee
that of a normal adult is reached, by 3.5 – 4 years of age flexion (65°) can be observed in the 1 year old subjects
(Fig. 7) [12]. [12].
3.1.3. Hip
3. Kinematics The changes in dynamic hip flexion/extension with
age are also minimal. The dynamic range in ages 1, 1.5,
Kinematics is defined as the study of movements and 2 years are about 9° less than ages 2.5–7 years of
without respect to the forces producing them. Kinetics age [12].
is the study of forces producing movements. It should
be obvious that accurate measurement of movements is 3.2. Coronal plane mo6ements
required to provide a foundation on which to build the
super-structure of kinetic analysis. Joint angles are Pelvic obliquity is quite abnormal until 3 years of age
widely used to show the rotational changes between [12]. Until 3 years of age, there is less elevation in
limb segments. We can use the changes in dynamic joint stance of the ipsilateral anterior superior iliac spine.
angles as one method of assessing gait maturity. A brief The children up to that age also show less adduction of
description of the most important changes in joint the hip during stance phase. The wide base of support
D. Sutherland / Gait and Posture 6 (1997) 163–170 167
of the younger children is linked with these changes. O. unpuu et al. [18] collected and analyzed kinematic
Narrowing of the base of support accompanies the and kinetic data of 31 normal children at the Newing-
maturational changes in these movements. ton Children’s Hospital Gait Analysis Laboratory. The
age range of their subjects was 5 to 16 years. They
3.3. Trans6erse plane mo6ements concluded that the pediatric data were similar to that of
normal adults.
3.3.1. Pel6ic rotation
The dynamic range of pelvic rotation varies only 3.6. Variability of kinematic data
slightly across the ages from 1 to 7 years. There is a
trend toward a lower dynamic range over the age of 3 Children have greater inter-subject variability than
years [12]. adults [12,19]. Extensive data showing prediction re-
gions for dynamic joint motion for children 1–7 years
of age, prepared with a boot strapping technique, have
3.3.2. Hip rotation
been published [12]. These data show decreasing vari-
The curve pattern for hip rotation is remarkably
ability with age. A related subject is that of repeatabil-
similar for ages 1 through 7 years, but there is a clear
ity. In a study of normal children between 5 and 16
external rotation bias in the magnitude of external
years of age, Gorton et al. [20] found that, although the
rotation at ages 1 and 1.5 years. This increase in
pattern of walking was unchanged, the day to day
external rotation correlates with the changes seen in the
repeatability was lower for the younger children.
passive range of motion of the hip [12].
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[16] Hof AL, Zijlstra W. Comment on ‘normalization of temporal-
lynn Wyatt, provided energy, enthusiasm and multidis- distance parameters in pediatric gait’. J Biomech 1997;30(3):299.
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