BGA Breakout Challenges: by Charles Pfeil, Mentor Graphics
BGA Breakout Challenges: by Charles Pfeil, Mentor Graphics
BGA Breakout Challenges: by Charles Pfeil, Mentor Graphics
by Charles Pfeil,
Mentor Graphics
routing methods.
Using a BGA is the most common Figure 1 – Example of a ball grid array breakout
method today for packaging a high
pin-count or very dense ASICs and than 0.8mm, do not present a sig- ture will bring over 2000 pins and
FPGAs. BGAs have been proven to nificant breakout problem and are a 0.8mm pin-pitch.
be a reliable, cost effective package usually routed without a “break-
while at the same time providing out” method. During the past year, a team at
flexibility to address miniaturisa- Mentor Graphics researched the
tion and functional requirements. The BGA breakout challenge starts existing methods for routing large
However, the increasing pin-count with over 1000 pins and 1mm pin- BGAs with the intent of finding
and decreasing pin-pitch creates pitch. The largest FPGA in produc- both interactive and automatic
a significant problem for PCB de- tion today is the Xilinx Virtex-4 and routing solutions for the short-
signers who must minimise layer Virtex-5 FF1760 series with 1760 term and long-term. The methods
count (to reduce fabrication costs) pins and a 1mm pin-pitch. The fu- presented below address the 1760
and fulfil signal integrity require-
ments (to meet the high perform- Figure 2 – Stackup and via model use
ance goals). Most PCB designers
who are using leading edge BGAs
claim that the breakout of the de-
vice is the greatest contributor to
the number of PCB layers. The
term “BGA breakout” means apply-
D E S I G N ,
erence plane), reasonable design as opposed to overwhelming. For mised, resulting in lower fabrica-
rules to reduce crosstalk, and nets purposes of this paper, a specific set tion yields and potential crosstalk
that should be routed as differential of values that work well together problems.
pairs - or worse yet, nets that can for large pin-count BGAs has been
be routed either as single-ended or chosen for these variables.
differential pairs depending on the Laminated versus buildup
performance goals of the circuit.
Stackup and via models Buildup technology, also known as
Along with mathematical solu- High Density Interconnect (HDI),
tions, there are a plethora of pro- The choice of stackup and via mod- has taken over the handheld indus-
posals for spacing and aligning els will have the greatest impact try and is the preferred stackup for
fanout vias. While it is true that the on reducing layer count. Of course all PCBs in the PAC Rim. However,
Figure 5 – Layer 3 with 1-3 fanout
The art of engineering is to appro- micro-vias aligned
priately compromise the myriad of
variables and still have the project
D E S I G N ,
The stackup in Figure 3 is one that For signal integrity purposes, it Signal integrity
worked best with the Mentor team’s is generally desirable to have 50
breakout attempts for the Virtex-4 ohm traces for single-ended nets While creating the breakouts for
and Virtex-5 series with 1760 pins. and 100 ohm traces for differen- the Xilinx Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 se-
In the world of HDI, this stackup is tial pairs. Using the HDI stackup ries FPGAs, the following signal in-
common and cost effective: shown in Figure 3, this can be at- tegrity considerations were made:
tained by using the following de-
• GND is on the outer layers and sign rules (values for English units • Reference planes - Common ref-
each signal layer has a good refer- are rounded off): erence plane for all signals in the
ence plane next to it. Having the same bank. This was addressed by
GND on the outer layers also pro- • Single-ended – width 0.13mm routing all the signals in the same
vides excellent control of EMI. (5th), clearance 0.13mm (5th) bank on the same layer and by pro-
• There are 4 signal layers, which • Differential pairs – width 0.1mm viding a good reference plane for
is enough for the breakout. More (4th), clearance 0.15mm (6th), pair each layer.
signal layers can be added in the to pair clearance 0.3mm (12th) • Differential pairs - Routing the
centre of the stackup if required. • Layer 1-2 micro-via pad 0.25mm pairs as 100 ohm transmission
• The 11-12 and 10-12 vias are not (10th), hole 0.1mm (4th) lines, with similar length, appro-
used for the signal breakouts, but • Layer 1-3 micro-via pad 0.3mm priate compliment spacing, and
may be used for power and ground (12th), hole 0.15mm (6th) sufficient clearance from other dif-
if bypass capacitors are needed. • Layer 2-11 buried-via pad 0.4mm ferential pairs to minimise cross-
Some FPGAs like the Virtex-4 and (16th), hole 0.2mm (8th) talk.
Virtex-5 series have bypass capaci- • Ball pad 0.6mm (24th). • Single-ended nets - Routing
tors in the BGA package, minimis- these nets as 50 ohm transmis-
ing the need for them on the PCB These design rules are also quite sion lines, and providing sufficient
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under the device. good for low fabrication cost since clearance to other traces to mini-
• The signal layers are not paired; most PCB fabricators routinely mise crosstalk.
rather they are separated by GND produce boards with 0.1mm width • Buried via crosstalk - Some con-
planes. The breakout traces on a and clearance. cern has been expressed over the
large BGA usually result in layer- potential for crosstalk between the
to-layer parallelism. Using GND Depending on the fanout and buried vias in the HDI stackup and
centre between the ball pads or in gered as shown in Figures 7 and 8. layers on a very dense BGA will re-
the pad (which increases the fabri- quire contortion of the fanout via
cation costs because the via must Each large pin-count BGA presents patterns simply because there is
be filled and the ball pad smoothed different problems for fanout pat- so little available space and each
prior to assembly). terns and because of this, it is likely area needs to be customised as is
the case with any very dense PCB
Figure 10 – Red = difficult, green = Figure 11 – Alternating via patterns, routing. This is illustrated in the
easy 1-3 versus 1-2 & 2-10 alternating via patterns shown in
Figures 11 thru 12.