capacity could grow with Moore’s Law. The consequences downplayed it to avoid customer concerns about what
were great. happened to their logic when power was removed. And
• FPGA architecture could look nothing like a mem- memory dominated the die area.
ory. Design and manufacturing were very different Antifuse devices promised the elimination of the second
than memory. die and elimination of the area penalty of memory-cell
• The logic blocks were smaller. There was no gua- storage, but at the expense of one-time programmability. The
rantee that a single function would fit into one. early antifuse was a single transistor structure; the memory
Therefore, it was difficult to determine ahead of cell switch was six transistors. The area savings of antifuses
time how much logic would fit into the FPGA. over memory cells was inescapable. Actel invented the
• The performance of the FPGA depended on where antifuse and brought it to market [17], and in 1990 the largest
the logic was placed in the FPGA. FPGAs required capacity FPGA was the Actel 1280. Quicklogic and Cross-
placement and routing, so the performance of the point followed Actel and also developed devices based on the
finished design was not easy to predict in advance. advantages of the antifuse process technology.
• Complex EDA software was required to fit a design In the 1980s, Xilinx’s four-input LUT-based architec-
into an FPGA. tures were considered ‘‘coarse-grained’’. Four-input func-
With the elimination of the and-array, FPGA architects tions were observed as a ‘‘sweet spot’’ in logic designs, but
had the freedom to build any logic block and any inter- analysis of netlists showed that many LUT configurations
connect pattern. FPGA architects could define whole new were unused. Further, many LUTs had unused inputs,
logic implementation models, not based on transistors or wasting precious area. Seeking to improve efficiency,
gates, but on custom function units. Delay models need FPGA architects looked to eliminate waste in the logic
not be based on metal wires, but on nodes and switches. block. Several companies implemented finer-grained ar-
This architectural freedom ushered in the first Age of chitectures containing fixed functions to eliminate the
FPGAs, the Age of Invention. logic cell waste. The Algotronix CAL used a fixed-MUX
function implementation for a two-input LUT [24]. Con-
current (later Atmel) and their licensee, IBM, used a
II I. AGE OF I NVE NTION 1 984 –1 99 1 small-cell variant that included two-input nand and xor
The first FPGA, the Xilinx XC2064, contained only 64 logic gates and a register in the CL devices. Pilkington based
blocks, each of which held two three-input Look-Up Tables their architecture on a single nand gate as the logic block
(LUTs) and one register [8]. By today’s counting, this would [23], [34]. They licensed Plessey (ERA family), Toshiba
be about 64 logic cells, less than 1000 gates. Despite its (TC family) and Motorola (MPA family) to use their nand-
small capacity, it was a very large dieVlarger than the cell-based, SRAM-programmed device. The extreme of
commercial microprocessors of the day. The 2.5-micron fine-grained architecture was the Crosspoint CLi FPGA, in
process technology used for the XC2064 was barely able to which individual transistors were connected to one
yield it. In those early years, cost containment was critical another with antifuse-programmable connections [31].
to the success of FPGAs. Early FPGA architects noted that an efficient inter-
‘‘Cost containment was critical to the success of FPGAs.’’ connect architecture should observe the two-dimensionality
A modern reader will accept that statement as some kind of of the integrated circuit. The long, slow wires of PALs were
simplistic statement of the obvious, but this interpretation replaced by short connections between adjacent blocks that
seriously underemphasizes the issue. Die size and cost per could be strung together as needed by programming to form
function were crushingly vital. The XC2064, with only longer routing paths. Initially, simple pass transistors steered
64 user-accessible flip-flops, cost hundreds of dollars because signals through the interconnect segments to adjacent
it was such a large die. Since yield (and hence, cost) is super- blocks. Wiring was efficient because there were no unused
linear for large die, a 5% increase in die size could have fractions of wires. These optimizations greatly shrank the
doubled the cost or, worse, yield could have dropped to zero interconnect area and made FPGAs possible. At the same
leaving the startup company with no product whatsoever. time, though, they increased signal delay and delay
Cost containment was not a question of mere optimization; it uncertainty through FPGA wiring due to large capacitances
was a question of whether or not the product would exist. It and distributed series resistances through the pass transistor
was a question of corporate life or death. In those early years, switch network. Since interconnect wires and switches
cost containment was critical to the success of FPGAs. added size, but not (billable) logic, FPGA architects were
As a result of cost pressure, FPGA architects used their reluctant to add much. Early FPGAs were notoriously
newfound freedom to maximize the efficiency of the difficult to use because they were starved for interconnect.
FPGA, turning to any advantage in process technology and
architecture. Although static memory-based FPGAs were
re-programmable, they required an external PROM to IV. AGE OF INVENTION IN RETROSPECT
store the programming when power was off. Reprogramm- In the Age of Invention, FPGAs were small, so the design
ability was not considered to be an asset, and Xilinx problem was small. Though they were desirable, synthesis
since equivalent capacity expansion could be had without the network of nands with inverters. Since a LUT implements
attendant complexity and performance loss by merely any of the 22 combinations of its inputs, a complete library
waiting for the next process generation. The survivors in would have been enormous. ASIC technology mappers did
the FPGA business were those that leveraged process a poor job on LUT-based FPGAs. But by the mid-1990s,
technology advancement to enable automation. Altera was targeted LUT mappers exploited the simplicity of mapping
first, bringing the long-distance connections of their CPLDs arbitrary functions into LUTs [9].
to the Altera FLEX architecture. FLEX was more automatable The LUT has hidden efficiencies. A LUT is a memory,
than other FPGAs of the period that were dominated by short and memories lay out efficiently in silicon. The LUT also
wires. It achieved quick success. In the mid-1990s, AT&T/ saves interconnect. FPGA programmable interconnect is
Lucent released ORCA [26] and Xilinx scaled up its XC4000 expensive in area and delay. Rather than a simple metal
interconnect in number and length as it built larger devices. wire as in an ASIC, FPGA interconnect contains buffers,
The Age of Expansion was firmly established. routing multiplexers and the memory cells to control them.
Therefore, much more of the cost of the logic is actually in
C. Emergence of SRAM as Technology of Choice the interconnect [15]. Since a LUT implements any func-
One aspect of the rapid progress of Moore’s Law was the tion of its inputs, automation tools need only route the
need to be on the forefront of process technology. The easiest desired signals together at a LUT in order to retire the
way to double the capacity and halve the cost for logic was to function of those inputs. There was no need to make mul-
target the next process technology node. This pressured tiple levels of LUTs just to create the desired function of a
FPGA vendors to adopt leading-edge process technology. small set of inputs. LUT input pins are arbitrarily swappa-
FPGA companies using technologies that could not be easily ble, so the router need not target a specific pin. As a result,
implemented on a new process were at a structural LUT-based logic reduced the amount of interconnect re-
disadvantage. This was the case with nonvolatile program- quired to implement a function. With good synthesis, the
mable technologies such as EPROM, Flash and antifuse. waste from unused LUT functionality was less than the
When a new process technology becomes available, the first savings from the reduced interconnect requirement.
components that are available are transistors and wires, the Distributed-memory-cell programming permitted archi-
essential components of electronics. A static-memory-based tectural freedom and gave FPGA vendors nearly universal
device could use a new, denser process immediately. access to process technology. LUTs for logic implementation
Antifuse devices were accurately promoted as being more eased the burden on interconnect. Xilinx-derived LUT-based
efficient on a particular technology node, but it took months architectures appeared at Xilinx second sources: Monolithic
or years to qualify the antifuse on the new node. By the time Memories, AMD and AT&T. In the Age of Expansion, other
the antifuse was proven, SRAM FPGAs were already starting companies, notably Altera, and AT&T/Lucent, adopted
to deliver on the next node. Antifuse technologies could not memory cell and LUT architectures as well.
keep pace with technology, so they needed to be twice as
efficient as SRAM just to maintain product parity.
Antifuse devices suffered a second disadvantage: lack VII. INTERLUDE: FPGA CAPACITY
of reprogrammability. As customers grew accustomed to BELL CURVE
‘‘volatile’’ SRAM FPGAs, they began to appreciate the ad- The bell curve in Fig. 8 represents the histogram of distri-
vantages of in-system programmability and field-updating bution of sizes of ASIC applications. FPGA capacity at
of hardware. In contrast, a one-time-programmable device some time is a point on the X-axis, shown by a vertical bar.
needed to be physically handled to be updated or to re- All the applications to the left of the bar are those that can
medy design errors. The alternative for antifuse devices be addressed by FPGAs, so the addressable market for
was an extensive ASIC-like verification phase, which un- FPGAs is the shaded area under the curve to the left of the
dermined the value of the FPGA.
The rapid pace of Moore’s Law in the Age of Expansion
relegated antifuse and flash FPGAs to niche products.
B. Moore’s Law cost of using the devices [29], [40]. Post-Dennard scaling
Classical Dennard scaling, with simultaneous improve- processing technology failed to deliver the huge concur-
ments in cost, capacity, power and performance, ended in rent benefits in cost, capacity, performance, power and
the mid-2000s [5], [18]. Subsequent technology genera- reliability that new process technology had delivered in
tions still gave improvements in capacity and cost. Power preceding decades. Of particular concern was the demand
continued to improve also, but with a clear tradeoff against for tradeoffs between power and performance. Now what?
performance. Performance gains from one technology node
to the next were modest and were traded off against power A. Applications
savings. This effect is evident in the slowdown of perfor- During the Age of Accumulation, the ASIC companies
mance growth in the 2000s in Fig. 1. These tradeoffs also that brought custom devices to market in the 1980s were
drove the accumulation of functions, because simple re- quietly disappearing. Custom socket-specific ASIC devices
liance on process technology scaling, as in the Age of still existed, of course, but only for designs with very large
Expansion, was not sufficient to improve power and per- volume or extreme operating requirements. Did FPGAs
formance. Hardening the logic provided the needed defeat them? Well, partially. In the 2000s, ASIC NRE
improvements. charges simply grew too large for most applications. This
can be seen in Fig. 13 where development cost in millions
We are now well into the next Age of FPGAs. of dollars is plotted against technology node. The devel-
What is this next age? opment cost of a custom device reached tens, then hun-
dreds of millions of dollars. A company that invests 20% of
income on research and development requires half a bil-
lion dollars revenue from sales of a chip to justify one
XI II. CURRENT AGE: NO L ONGE R hundred million dollars development cost. The FPGA
PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC crossover point reached millions of units. There are very
By the end of the Age of Accumulation, FPGAs were not few chips that sell in that volume: notably microproces-
arrays of gates, but collections of accumulated blocks in- sors, memories and cell phone processors. Coupled with
tegrated with the programmable logic. They were still tight financial controls in the wake of another recession,
programmable but were not restricted to programmable the sales uncertainty and long lead time to revenue for new
logic. The additional dimensions of programmability products, the result was inescapable: if the application re-
acquired in the Age of Accumulation added design burden. quirements could be met by a programmable device, prog-
Design effort, an advantage for FPGAs in their competition rammable logic was the preferred solution. The FPGA
with ASIC, was a disadvantage in competition with newly advantage from the very earliest days was still operating:
arrived multi-core processors and GPUs. lower overall cost by sharing development cost.
Pressures continued to mount on FPGA developers. ASICs did not die. ASICs survived and expanded by
The economic slowdown beginning in 2008 continued to adding programmability in the form of application specific
drive the desire for lower cost. This pressure is exhibited standard product (ASSP) system-on-chip (SoC) devices. An
not only in the demand for lower price for functionality, SoC combines a collection of fixed function blocks along
but also in lower power consumption, which reflects the with a microprocessor subsystem. The function blocks are
typically chosen for a specific application domain, such as In the Age of Expansion, riding Moore’s Law was the most
image processing or networking. The microprocessor con- successful way to address an ever-growing fraction of the
trols the flow of data and allows customization through market. As FPGAs grew to become systems components,
programming as well as field updates. The SoC gave a struc- they were required to address those standards, and the dot-
ture to the hardware solution, and programming the com bust required them to provide those interfaces at a
microprocessors was easier than designing hardware. Lev- much lower price. The FPGA industry has relied on
eraging the FPGA advantages, programmable ASSP devices process technology scaling to meet many of these
served a broader market, amortizing their development costs requirements.
more broadly. Companies building ASSP SoCs became Since the end of Dennard scaling, process technology
fabless semiconductor vendors in their own right, able to has limited performance gains to meet power goals. Each
meet sales targets required by high development costs. process node has delivered less density improvement as
Following the ASIC migration to SoC, programmable well. The growth in the number of transistors in each new
logic vendors developed programmable SoCs [12]. This is node slowed as complex processes became more expen-
decidedly not the data-throughput engine so popular in the sive. Some predictions claim the cost per transistor will
data communications domain and also not an array of rise. The FPGA industry, like the semiconductor industry
gates. The Programmable System FPGA is a full prog- as a whole, has relied on technology scaling to deliver
rammable system-on-a-chip, containing memory, micro- improved products. If improvements no longer come from
processors, analog interfaces, an on-chip network and a technology scaling, where do they come from?
programmable logic block. Examples of this new class of Slowing process technology improvement enhances the
FPGA are the Xilinx All-Programmable Zynq, the Altera viability of novel FPGA circuits and architecture: a return
SoC FPGA, and the Actel/Microsemi M1. to the Age of Invention. But it is not as simple as returning
to 1990. These changes must be incorporated without
B. Design Tools degrading the ease-of-use of the FPGA. This new age puts a
These new FPGAs have new design requirements. Most much greater burden on FPGA circuit and applications
importantly, they are software programmable as well as engineers.
hardware programmable. The microprocessor is not the
simple hardware block dropped into the FPGA as was done D. Design Effort
in the Age of Accumulation but includes a full environment Notice how that last section focused on device attri-
with caches, busses, Network-on-Chip and peripherals. butes: cost, capacity, speed, and power. Cost, capacity and
Bundled software includes operating systems, compilers speed were precisely those attributes at which FPGAs were
and middleware: an entire ecosystem, rather than an integ- at a disadvantage to ASIC in the 1980s and 1990s. Yet they
rated function block. Programming software and hardware thrived. A narrow focus on those attributes would be mis-
together adds design complexity. guided, just as the ASIC companies’ narrow focus on them
But this is still the tip of the iceberg. To achieve their in the 1990s led them to underestimate FPGAs. Program-
goal of displacing ASICs or SoCs, FPGAs inherit the system mability gave FPGAs an advantage despite their drawbacks.
requirements of those devices. Modern FPGAs have power That advantage translated into lower risk and easier de-
controls, such as voltage scaling and the Stratix adaptive sign. Those attributes are still valuable, but other technol-
body bias [29]. State-of-the art security is required, includ- ogies offer programmability, too.
ing public-key cryptography in the Xilinx Zynq SoC and Design effort and risk are emerging as critical re-
Microsemi SmartFusion. Complete systems require mixed- quirements in programmable logic. Very large systems are
signal interfaces for real-world interfacing. These also difficult to design correctly and require teams of designers.
monitor voltage and temperature. All these are required The problems of assembling complex compute or data
for the FPGA to be a complete system on a chip, a credible processing systems drive customers to find easier solu-
ASSP SoC device. As a result, FPGAs have grown to the tions. As design cost and time grow, they become as much
point where the logic gate array is typically less than half of a problem for FPGAs as ASIC NRE costs were for ASICs
the area. Along the way, FPGA design tools have grown to in the 1990s [16]. Essentially, large design costs under-
encompass the broad spectrum of design issues. The num- mine the value proposition of the FPGA.
ber of EDA engineers at FPGA companies grew to be Just as customers seeking custom integrated circuits 30
comparable to the number of design engineers. years ago were attracted to FPGAs over the complexity of
ASICs, many are now attracted to multicore processors,
C. Process Technology graphic processing units (GPU) and software-programma-
Although process scaling has continued steadily ble Application Specific Standard Products (ASSPs). These
through the past three decades, the effects of Moore’s alternative solutions provide pre-engineered systems with
Law on FPGA architecture were very different at different software to simplify mapping problems onto them. They
times. To be successful in the Age of Invention, FPGAs sacrifice some of the flexibility, the performance and the
required aggressive architectural and process innovation. power efficiency of programmable logic for ease-of-use. It
is clear that, while there are many FPGA users who need to architectures, exploitation of the process technology, or
exploit the limits of FPGA technology, there are many greater accumulation of fixed blocks? Most likely, just as
others for whom the technological capability is adequate, every previous age was required to contribute to each suc-
but who are daunted by the complexity of using that cessive age, all techniques will be needed to succeed. And
technology. more besides. As with the other Ages, the next Age of
The complexity and capability of devices have driven an FPGAs will only be completely clear in retrospect.
increase in capability of design tools. Modern FPGA tool- Throughout the age, expect to see time-honored good
sets include high-level synthesis compilation from C, Cuda engineering: producing the best products possible from the
and OpenCL to logic or to embedded microprocessors [10], available technology. This good engineering will be
[11], [35]. Vendor-provided libraries of logic and process- accomplished as the available technology and the definition
ing functions defray design costs. Working operating sys- of ‘‘best’’ continuously change.
tems and hypervisors control FPGA SoC operation. Team
design functions, including build control, are built into
FPGA design systems. Some capabilities are built by the XIV. FUTURE AGE OF FPGAS
vendors themselves, others are part of the growing FPGA What of the future? What is the age after this one? I refuse
ecosystem. to speculate, but instead issue a challenge: remember the
Clearly, usability is critical to this next age of FPGAs. words of Alan Kay, ‘‘The best way to predict the future is to
Will that usability be realized through better tools, novel invent it.’’ h
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