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User Experience Research Report

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User Experience Research Report:

Heuristic Evaluation
Created by Sana Indap
Executive Summary

This report will document my heuristics evaluation of Coursera’s Introduction to User

Experience Principles and Processes course. Heuristics assessment is a quick and easy to
use ease of use building strategy planned by Jakob Nielsen in 1994 to discover
convenience issues in UI structures. For the most part, the procedure begins with a
gathering of all evaluators to concede to the extent of the undertaking. Evaluators at that
point perform singular examination of every one of the ten heuristics and track the
adherence and infringement of each. These heuristics spread points, for example,
criticism, perceivability, client control, client productivity, help, mistake taking care of,
blunder avoidance and utilization of illustrations that coordinate this present reality. It has
been resolved through the examination that various evaluators find various heuristics, in
this manner, every evaluator plays out a total heuristics assessment independently. Each
finding is given a seriousness rating from 0 (not a convenience issue) to 4 (ease of use
calamity) and doled out a suggestion.

Findings and Recommendations:

Finding 1: ​The instructions are not clear for an assignment.

Severity: 3/4
Heuristic Violated: #10 ​Help and Documentation

The instructions for what one is supposed to do in the discussion section are pretty
unclear, and tell the user to do many different things that don’t make sense. There is no
option for a new thread and one cannot submit a post without putting anything in the box.

Recommendation: ​The instructions should be made simpler and more clear, for example
removing going to the discussion board or making a new thread before submitting the
post. Removing those two options alone would help users understand their task more.
Finding 2: ​Unknown icon in the “add a post” screen
Severity: 2/4
Heuristic Violated: #2 ​Match between System and the Real World, #​ 8 ​Aesthetic and
Minimalist Design

There is an icon next to the chain icon which is unclickable. Users may not be sure when
to use it or how. It appears to be an unlink symbol but it is hard to tell when it will be
able to use.

Recommendations: ​Let the user hover over it and the system will tell them what it does
and when to use it. This could be done for other icons as well.

Finding 3: ​Upvotes
Severity: 2/4
Heuristic Violated: #8 ​Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

If the system has upvotes, they should serve some meaning. Instead, comments are placed
in chronological order so there’s no point of upvotes.

Recommendations: ​If the system were to use upvotes, comments should be placed based
on which has the most upvotes. Otherwise they should remove the upvote option entirely
as it serves no purpose.
Finding 4: ​Submitting a peer review to coursera
Severity: 2/4
Heuristic Violated: #8 ​Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

Submitting an assignment to Coursera is pretty hard and the first time a user tries to
submit it might take them a few tries to do it. The buttons on the bottom keep changing
which is hard to keep track of. Users may not know that they have to click on “preview”
before they can submit.

Recommendation: ​Instead of having the preview button change to a submit button, just
put three buttons.

Finding 5: ​Unclear what “almost completed” means

Severity: 1/4
Heuristics Violated: #2 ​Match between System and the Real World

When hovering over someone’s profile, the words “almost completed” show up and the
user will not know what it means.
Recommendations: ​If it means the amount of the course, then maybe show the
percentage or delete entirely as the user doesn’t have to know how far along someone
else is.

Finding 6: ​Adding a link

Severity: 3/4
Heuristics Violated: #3 ​User Control and Freedom

When the user wants to cancel a link, the process doesn’t let them exit out immediately
and instead shows a pop up telling them to cancel again.
Recommendation: ​To make the process simpler, let them exit out the first time and
don’t show a pop up both times.

Finding 7: ​Resizing images

Heuristics Violated: #3 ​User Control and Freedom, #​ 7 ​Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

The user is not able to resize images after placing them in the discussion box, and they
take up a lot of space.

Recommendation: ​Allow users to resize images so they don’t take up as much space.
Finding 8: ​No visible undo button
Severity: 2/4
Heuristics Violated: #3 ​User Control and Freedom

There is no visible undo button, and although ctrl z can be used, some users would not
know to use it on their first try.

Recommendation: ​add an undo button.

Finding 9: ​Invalid Links

Severity: 3/4
Heuristics Violated: #5 ​Error Prevention, #​ 9 ​Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and
Recover from Errors

When entering a link, the user can enter an invalid link and the system will not notify
them if the link is invalid.
Recommendation: ​Notify the user if the link is invalid with a pop up box or text.

Finding 10: ​Confusing pop up tab

Severity: 1/4
Heuristics Violated: #2 ​Match between System and the Real World, #​ 8 ​Aesthetic and
Minimalist Design

There is a tab that comes up after the user enters a link to put in a “short and accessible
description” which may be confusing to users. The description does not even show up
after the link is placed in the discussion box.

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