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EM 1110-1-4009

23 Jun 00


1-1. Introduction.

a. USACE conducts OE response actions consistent with the Comprehensive Environmental

Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the National Oil and Hazardous
Substance Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). While USACE prefers to use Engineering
Evaluation/Cost Analyses (EE/CA) to evaluate OE sites, other types of investigations may be
implemented at particular sites. Regardless of the type of investigation implemented, the guidance
provided in this EM applies to all USACE OE response actions.

b. This EM guides a project team through the engineering and design requirements that
should be addressed while planning an OE response project. This EM is subdivided into chapters
representing the major components of an OE project that require project team consideration.
Following each chapter, checklists are provided to assist the project team in assuring that all
necessary items have been considered.

c. The engineering considerations presented in this EM primarily address the actions taken
to reduce the safety risks to human health and the environment from OE. For additional
information on the procedures for USACE personnel to follow when planning and executing an OE
response action, contact the OE MCX.

1-2. Project Team Members.

a. The project team responsible for the OE project design process is normally composed of
the following members:

(1) Design Center Point of Contact. The Design Center Point of Contact (POC) is the single
POC responsible for coordination between the Project Manager (PM), the project team and the OE
Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX). The Design Center POC is responsible for the overall
interdisciplinary coordination, definition and development of project requirements.

(2) OE Safety Specialist. The OE Safety Specialist is located within the USACE element
executing the OE response project. The functions of the OE Safety Specialist include:

(a) Provide on-site safety support for OE activities.

(b) Verify unexploded ordnance (UXO) qualifications of contractor employees.

(c) Advise the contractor on safety procedures.

(d) Coordinate exclusion zone activities with and advise the PM, Design Center POC, and
the OE Safety Manager in the OE Design Center.
EM 1110-1-4009
23 Jun 00

(e) Facilitate military Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) response, when needed.

(f) Provide technical OE safety support to USACE districts and contractors.

(g) Conduct government quality assurance inspections of completed work.

(h) If located at a district, the OE Safety Specialist will assist with the review of Statements
of Work (SOW), Work Plans, Site Safety and Health Plans (SSHP) and, if required, Explosives
Safety Submissions (ESS). If located at an OE Design Center, the OE Safety Specialist will assist
with the execution and approval of SOWs, Work Plans, SSHPs and ESSs (if required).

(3) Project Engineers. The project engineers are responsible for the technical aspects of the
design and execution of OE projects in their respective areas of expertise.

b. The project team members are responsible for executing the functions discussed in this
document. For additional information on the roles and responsibilities of USACE personnel
during an OE response project, refer to Engineer Regulation (ER) 1110-1-8153, OE Response.

1-3. Safety. Safety is a critical component of all USACE activities and operations. Not all safety
requirements for OE response projects are addressed in this document, but are discussed in detail
in other USACE guidance documents. The OE MCX may also be contacted for assistance.

1-4. Data Quality Objectives.

a. Data Quality Objectives (DQO) are qualitative and quantitative statements developed to
clarify study objectives, define the type of data needed, and specify the tolerable levels of
potential decision errors. DQOs are used as the basis for establishing the type, quality and
quantity of data needed to support the decisions that will be made.

b. While planning the engineering and design elements of an OE response project, the
project team should develop DQOs. Where applicable, this document provides guidance on the
DQOs that are relevant to a specific task of an OE response project. For additional information on
the development and application of DQOs, contact the OE MCX.


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