BS 1243 - 1978

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BS 1243 :1978

UDC 69.022.322: 691.88

Specification for
a- Metal ties for cavity
wall construction

Spécification des spatés métalliques pour les murs creux

Spezifikation für metallische Anker für Hohlmauerbau

British Standards Institution
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards
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BSI B S * L 2 4 3 78 L b 2 4 b b 7 0003437 L

BS 1243 : 1978

Page Page
Foreword Inside front cover Tables
Cooperating organizations Back cover 1 . Butterfly type of wall t i e 2
2. Double-triangletype of wall t i e 3
Specification 3. Vertical-twist type of wall tie 4
1. Scope
2. References Figures
3. Materials
1. Butterfly type of wall t i e 2
4. Classification 2. Double-triangletype of wall t i e 3
5. Protective coatings 3. Vertical-twist type of wall tie 4
6. Requirements
7. Marking
8. Testing

A. Method of determining t h e effectiveness of
the stress relieving of cold formed copper
alloy wall ties 4

This British Standard is a revision of BS 1243 : 1972. Recent investigations of the condition of ties in cavity walls
The technical requirements are similar to those of the have indicated that corrosion of galvanized steel in this
1972 edition with the following alterations and additions. location, specifically in the outer leaf, occurs a t a higher
The specification for stainless steel wire has been updated rate than previously assumed. The corrosion of galvanized
and a new specification for stainless steel strip has been ties is a gradual process so that any possible structural
added for the vertical-twist type of wall tie. weakening of the wall will occur slowly. With vertical-twist
There i$a growing demand for a standard wall t i e for use ties the consequence of corrosion will often be observed by
in structures which incorporate a cavity between a cracking of the mortar joints, and in extreme cases, by
structural timber frame and a brick veneer outer skin. distortion of the brickwork, For the wire tie, visible
However, the committee revising the standard felt that external indication of corrosion may not be seen.
there was insufficient evidence of performance in use to Deterioration of galvanized ties appears to occur with
justify including guidance in the present edition of normal mortars for masonry and is not restricted to
BS 1243. Instead, a separate Draft for Development is to those mortars regarded as particularly corrosive, such as
be published as soon as possible. Users and manufacturers black ash mortar, or to specific localities such as marine
will be invited to comment on this draft, with a view to locations where increased corrosion may have been
incorporating material from it in future editions of the expected. The higher corrosion rate observed on
standard. galvanized steel ties will reduce the anticipated life Qf
ties manufactured in accordance with the previously
Consideration was given to wall ties made from plastics accepted requirements; Amendment No. 1 therefore
materials and zinc die cast alloys but, but because of amends the specification for galvanized ties to increase
insufficient evidence of their performance in use, they the anticipated life.
are not included.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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British Standard Specification for

Metal ties for cavity wall construction

1. Scope 3.7 Austenitic stainless steel strip complying with the

requirements of BS 1449 : Part 2 and BS 970 : Part 4,
This British Standard specifies requirements for metal
minimum 1818 composition and excluding free
wall ties manufactured from wire or strip and suitable
machining specifications,
for cavity walls.
The types of wall t i e specified are those considered most 4. Classification
suitable for buildings generally, and the requirements
The wall ties shall be of the following types.
0 provide a minimum specification suitable for such work.
T h e lengths of the larger ties are adequate to tie together (a) Butterfly wall tie fabricated from wire
(see figure 1).
two leaves across the largest cavity likely t o occur in
walls constructed to dimensionally coordinated sizes. (b) Double-trianglewall tie fabricated from wire
(see figure 2).
2. References (c) Vertical-twist wall t i e fabricated from strip
The titles of the standards publications referred to in this (see figure 3).
standard are listed on the inside back cover.
5. Protective coatings
3. Materials 5.1 Low carbon steel wall t i e s shall be coated in
3.1 The wall ties shall be manufactured according to the accordance with 5.2, 5.3 or 5.4.
requirements of clause 6 from one of the materials 5.2 If manufactured from zinc coated wire, the zinc
specified in 3.2 to 3.7. coating shall comply with the requirements of BS 443 with
3.2 Low carbon steel strip complying with the require- the exception that the Preece test shall be carried out in
ments of BS 1449 : Part 1 and capable of accepting accordance with BS 729. The mass of coating shall be not
galvanizing in accordance with 5.4. less than 940 g/mZ and shall be determined, if required, by
3.3 Low carbon steeL wire complyinq with the require- the method specified in BS 443. In the case of butterfly
ments of BS 1052 and capable of accepting galvanizing in ties, this shall be done after cutting out the central twisted
accordance wrth 5.2, 5.3 or 5.4, as appropriate. portion and using the remaining two pieces of bent wire
only for the test.
3.4 'Copper having a minimum copper content of 99.85 %.
@ NOTE. Copper complying with the requirements o f the following
standards is suitable:
5.3 lf manufactured from plastics coated zinc coated wire,
the zinc coating shall be not less than 260 g/m2 and shall
BS 1036, BS 1037, BS 1038and BS 1172. be determined, if required, by the method specified in
BS 443 after removal of the plastics coating. In the case of
3.5 Copper alloys having a minimum copper content of butterfly ties, this shall be done after cutting out the
56 %. Except for phosphor bronze complying with the central twisted portion and using the remaining two pieces
requirements o f BS 2870, BS 2873 or BS 2874, this of bent wire only for the test.
material shall be formed either by bending a t dull red
The plastics coating shall comply with the requirements in
heat and allowing to cool in s t i l l air, or by cold forming,
BS 4102 for plastics covering of wire and the coated wire
when it shall subsequently be stress-relief annealed a t
shall have a minimum thickness of 4 mm for butterfly t i e s
250 O C t o 300 OC for 30 min to 1 h. The effectiveness
of the stress relieving of cold formed copper alloy wall and 5.5 mm for double-triangleties. The plasticizers used
ties shall be tested, if required, by the method of t e s t shall be of the special polymeric type that do not migrate
when in contact with expanded polystyrene.
set out in appendix A.
5.4 If galvanized after manufacture, the zinc coating shall
3.6 Stainless steel wire complying with the requirements comply with the requirements of BS 729. The mass of
of BS 1554 for austenitic stainless steel, minimum 18/8 coating shali be not less than 940 g/mZ and shall be
composition and excluding free machining specifications. determined, if required, by the method specified in BS 729.
1 In the case of vertical-twist ties, only the middle portion o f
the t i e shall be used for the t e s t after cutting off the two
split ends of the tie.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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B S I BSmL243 78 Lb2Llbb9 0 0 0 3 4 3 9 5
BS 1243 : 1978

6. Requirements 7. Marking
Wall t i e s shall be made from the materials and t o the Wall ties shall be despatched in consignments bearing a
shapes, dimensions and deviations given in figures 1, label certifying that they comply with the requirements
2 and 3 and tables 1, 2 and 3. The diameter of the of this standard. All such labels shall state the number or
wire specified in 3.3 is t o be measured over the zinc weight of wall ties to which they relate, together with the
coating or galvanizing. name of the manufacturer or supplier and the number of
this British Standard, ¡.e. BS 1243. The labels for copper
NOTE 1. Where wall ties are to be used in black ash mortar or alloy ties, except for those of phosphor bronze complying
with marine aggregates, additional precautions should be taken,
such as coating with bitumen, preferably on site.
with the requirements of BS 2870,BS 2873 and BS 2874,
shall indicate whether they have been hot or cold formed.
NOTE 2. For further guidance on the selection and use of wall ties,
reference should be made to CP 121.

Both wires turned through-

36 O'm in .

NOTE. Twist may be left hand or right hand.
Figure 1. Butterfly type of wall tie

Table 1. Butterfly type of wall tie

Material as Minimum Dimensions and permissible deviations

specified tensile
in clause strength
of Wire L B r X Y z
material diameter (min.) (min.) (max.) (max.)

N/mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
3.3 370
3.15 f 0.08
3.4 280 150f 5 *
75 5 8 x wire 3 x wire
or or 13 diameter diameter
3.5 530 200f 5 100 f 5
2.60 f 0.08
3.6 460

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and2 Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
8. Testing tested. I f any of these further samples fail to comply with
The tests specified in appendix A and in other quoted the appropriate requirement, the whole batch represented
British Standards shall be carried out a t the option of the thereby shall be deemed not to comply with the require-
purchaser. The tests shall be conducted on samples forming ments of this standard.
not less than 0.1 % and not more than 0.5 % of the batch Ties galvanized after manufacture that do not comply with
represented. Should any of these samples fail to comply the provisions of this clause may, at t h e option of the
with the requirements of the appropriate tests, further manufacturer, be recoated with zinc and be resubmitted
samples to the extent of twice the original number shall be for testing.

c 1 c 3

Figure 2. Double-triangle type of wall tie

Table 2. Double-triangletype of wall tie

Material as
I Dimensions and permissible deviations
in clause strength
of 8 r Y
I diameter I (min.)

mm mm mm mm
@ 3.3
4.5 * 0.08
3.4 150t: 5
or 65*5 8 50 f 5
3.5 200i:5
4.0 f 0.08
3.6 460

,- ,

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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BSI BSm12'43 78 m 1 b 2 4 b b 7 0 0 0 3 4 4 1 3 m
BS 1243 : 1978

I l

Figure 3. Vertical-twist type of wall tie

Table 3. Vertical-twist type of wall tie

Material as Minimum Dimensions and permissible deviations

specified tensile -
in clause strength
of t b L B Y Z S
material (rnax.) (min.)
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
3.2 430

Not less Not less Split ends

than 3.00 150f 5 than 30 shall not
and not 20 200 5 * and not 50 5 be out of
more than f1 255 f 5 more than plane by
4.83 305f 5 50 more than 5

Appendix A.

Method of determining the effectiveness of the trated nitric acid (A.I.1) for a period not exceeding 30 s.
stress relieving of cold formed copper alloy Then rinse well in cold water. Samples for the mercurous
wall ties (see 3.5) nitrate t e s t should not be marked for identification by
A.l Reagents
A.3 Procedure. Immediately after preparation immerse
A.l .I Nitric acid of a relative density of 1.42.
the sample completely in the mercurous nitrate solution
A.1.2 Mercurous nitrate solution, prepared by dissolving
(A.1.2). Remove after 30 min, rinse well in cold water,
1 % by mass of mercurous nitrate in distilled water, to
carefully wipe and examine immediately.
which 1 ml of concentrated nitric acid (A.I.1) has been
added for each 100 ml of solution. If a sample is found to be cracked, all the wall ties .
A.2 Preparation of samples. Degrease the whole of each submitted for inspection a t the same time should be
sample wall tie in a suitable organic solvent, such as withdrawn but they may be resubmitted for inspection
trichloroethylene, and then remove any surface oxide after stress relieving treatment.
by dipping in a solution of 50 % water and 50 % concenl

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and4 Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
e Standards publications referred to
BS 443 Galvanized coatings OR wire
BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 1035-40,1172-74,1861 Raw copper
BS 1036 Electrolytic tough pitch high conductivity copper
BS 1037 Fire refined tough pitch high conductivity copper
BS 1038 99.85 per cent tough pitch copper
BS 1052 Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip
Part 1 Carbon steel plate, sheet and strip
Part 2 Stainless and heat resisting steel plate, sheet and strip
BS 1554 Rust, acid and heat resisting steel wire
BS 2870 Rolled copper and copper alloys. Sheet, strip and foil
BS 2873 Coppet and copper alloys. Wire
BS 2874 Copper and copper alloys. Rods and sections (other than forging stock)
BS 4102 Steel wire for fences
CP 121 Walling
Part 1 Brick and block masonry

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards

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B S I BS*:3293 7 8 m Lb29bb9 0003493 7 m
BS 1243 : 1978
T h i s British Standard;having been prepared under the direction of Milton Keynes MK14 6LE. The number for telephone enquiries is
the Hardware and Ironmongery Standards Committee, was published 0908 320033 and for telex 825777.
under the authority of the Executive Board on30 June 1978. Contract requirements
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary
@ British Standards Institution, 1978 provisions of a contract. Users of British Standardsare responsible
First published July 1945 for their correct application.
First revision February 1954
Revision of British Standards
Second revision November 1964
British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issue either
Third revision July 1972
of amendments or of revised editions. It is important that users of
Fourth revision June 1978
British Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of
ISBN O 580 10179 7 the latest amendments or editions.
Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in The following BSI references relate to the work on this ctandard:
all BSI publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This
reference ' Draft for 77'1 1422 DC

does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or
grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed to the
Publications Mananer, British Standards Institution, Linford Wood,

Cooperating organizations
The Hardware and Ironmongery Stafidards Committee, under whose Royal Institution o f Chartered Surveyors
direction this British Standard was prepared, consists of representa- Steel Window Association
tives from the following Government departments and scientific Zinc Development Association
and industrial organizations:
The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list,
Aluminium Window Association
together with the following, were directly represented on the
Association of Builders' Hardware Manufacturers
committee entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard:
British Hardware Federation
British Lock Manufacturers' Association Agrément Board
British Plastics Federation Brick Development Association
*Copper Development Association British Non-ferrous Metals Federation
*Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) British Steel Industry (Wire Section)
Department of the Environment (Housing and Construction) Institution of Building Control Officers Ltd.
Grcpter London Council National Building Agency
Guild'of Architectural Ironmongers National Federation of Builders' and Plumbers' Merchants
*Institution of Municipal Engineers National Federation of Building Trades Employers
Metropolitan Police Stainless Steel Fabricators Association of Great Britain
*Royal Institute of British Architects Timber Research end Development Association

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date of issue Text affected

3651 April 1981 Indicated by a line in the margin

4024 July 1982 Indicated by a line in the margin

British Standards Institution 2 Park Street London WIA 2BS Telephone 01-629 9000 Telex 266933

8603-3-0.5k- B
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services

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