Ata 32 L1 Landing Gear

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ATA 32

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ATA 32 GENERAL ............................................................. 1 

LANDING GEAR ................................................................ 8 
LANDING GEAR DOORS ................................................................. 10 
WHEELS AND BRAKES.................................................................... 12 
LANDING GEAR EXTENSION AND RETRACTION .............................. 14 
BRAKING ENHANCED ..................................................................... 16 
BRAKING CLASSIC ......................................................................... 20 
STEERING ..................................................................................... 22 
CONTROL AND INDICATING........................................................... 24 
NOSE WHEEL STEERING ................................................................ 28 
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................................. 32 

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The A320 aircraft family has a LH and RH dual wheel Main Landing
Gear (MLG) and a dual wheel Nose Landing Gear (NLG). The MLG
retracts inboard into the MLG wheel well and the NLG retracts forward
into the NLG wheel well. The Landing Gears (L/Gs) are hydraulically
operated and electrically controlled. Each L/G has hydraulically and
mechanically operated doors. Each L/G has a shock absorber.

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Doors are hydraulically operated and electrically controlled. The
mechanically operated doors are linked to the L/G struts and moves
with the gear.

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The MLG have:
• wheels,
• carbon brakes,
• brake fans (optional),
• Tire Pressure Indicating System (TPIS) sensor (optional),
• gear jacking pad for wheel change. The NLG has:
• a Nose Wheel Steering (N/WS) system,
• a jacking pad for wheel change,
• a TPIS sensor (optional).

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The L/G extension and retraction is controlled from the L/G control
lever located in the cockpit. The gear up and down sequence is
controlled by two computers called Landing Gear Control and Interface
Unit (LGCIU) 1 and 2. Only one LGCIU is in command while the other
LGCIU is in standby. With any up selection the LGCIU in command will
change and control a complete gear cycle. The gear up and down
position and the door close and open position are monitored by
proximity detectors. In case of failure of a LGCIU or a proximity
detector, the other LGCIU will be in command. An interlock mechanism
prevents unsafe retraction by locking the control lever in the down
position when any shock absorber is not extended.
The Nose Wheel (N/W) is automatically centered when the shock
absorber is extended. The L/G is powered by the green hydraulic
system. At high air speed a safety valve cuts hydraulic supply to the
L/G system. In case of failure, the gear can be extended mechanically
from the cockpit by means of a free fall extension handle. During free
fall extension, a cut-out valve will close to cut the L/G hydraulic supply.

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mode must be selected in case of an aborted take-off. Braking starts

BRAKING ENHANCED when the ground spoilers deploy.
There are two braking modes: Depending on the deceleration rate and the A/SKID regulation, the
• normal braking, BSCU regulates the pressure delivered to each brake trough the
normal servo valves. When the aircraft deceleration reaches a given
• alternate braking. value, the DECELerate green light on the L/G panel comes on. In order
The normal braking system is powered by the green hydraulic system. to stop the MLG wheels rotation before entry into the L/G bay, a
The alternate brake system is powered by the yellow hydraulic system programmed brake pressure is sent to the normal brakes during gear
and backed up by a brake accumulator. All braking functions are retraction.
controlled by the Braking/Steering Control Unit (BSCU). The N/Ws are mechanically braked at the end of the gear cycle using
These functions are: brake bands. When there is no bracking order, the servo valve is fully
• normal and alternate braking,
• Anti-Skid (A/SKID) control, ALTERNATE BRAKING
The alternate brake system is powered by the yellow hydraulic system
• auto braking,
and backed up by a brake accumulator. The alternate braking with
• brake temperature indication. A/SKID is electrically controlled by the Alternate Braking Control Unit
(ABCU) via the BSCU. The ABCU becomes active when the normal
NORMAL BRAKING ENHANCED brake system is faulty and/or low hydraulic pressure in the green
In manual normal braking, electrical braking orders are sent by the system. The information comes from the BSCU.
brake pedals to the BSCU. The BSCU energizes the normal brake Braking inputs are given by the brake pedals and transmitted through
selector valve allowing green pressure to supply the brakes trough the the Alternate Brake Pedal Transmitter Unit to the ABCU which will
automatic selector and normal servo valves. Depending on manual control the braking pressure. The braking data are sent to the BSCU
braking orders and A/SKID regulation, the BSCU regulates the pressure for A/SKID protection. The braking pressure is read on the triple
delivered to each brake through the normal servo valves. Wheel indicator. The A/SKID regulation is disconnected, either electrically by
rotating speed from the tachometer, aircraft speed data and braking setting OFF the A/SKID & N/W STeeRinG switch, BSCU failure or
pressure are supplied to the BSCU for braking and A/SKID hydraulic low pressure (brakes being supplied by the brake
computation. accumulator only).
Before landing, the crew can select one of the auto brake modes The pilot must refer to the triple pressure indicator to limit brake
MAXimum, MEDium or LOw, to obtain the optimal deceleration rate pressure in order to avoid locking a wheel (Classic). With the
compatible with the length of the runway. Before take-off, MAXimum accumulator pressure only, a maximum of 7 full brake pedal
applications can be done.

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The parking brake system is supplied either by the yellow hydraulic
pressure or by the brake accumulator via the shuttle valves. Putting
ON the parking brake, the other braking modes and the A/SKID
system are deactivated. With the parking brake handle in ON position,
the parking brake control valve is open and the yellow pressure goes
through the parking brake control valve, reaching the dual shuttle
valves. The BSCU will deactivate the other braking modes. The
pressure delivered to the LH and RH brakes as well as the brake
accumulator pressure are indicated on the triple pressure indicator.

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braking pressure. The BSCU ensures the A/SKID regulation by

BRAKING CLASSIC controlling the alternate servo valves. Braking pressure is read on the
triple pressure indicator. The A/SKID regulation is deactivated, either
NORMAL BRAKING CLASSIC electrically by setting OFF the A/SKID & N/W STeeRinG switch, BSCU
In manual normal braking, electrical braking orders are sent by the failure or hydraulic low pressure (brakes being supplied by the brake
brake pedals to the BSCU. The BSCU energizes the normal brake accumulator only). The pilot must refer to the triple pressure indicator
selector valve allowing green pressure to supply the brakes trough the to limit brake pressure in order to avoid locking a wheel. With the
automatic selector and normal servo valves. Depending on manual accumulator pressure only, a maximum of 7 full brake pedal
braking orders and A/SKID regulation, the BSCU regulates the pressure applications can be performed.
delivered to each brake through the normal servo valves. Wheel
rotating speed from the tachometer, aircraft speed data and braking PARKING BRAKE CLASSIC
pressure are supplied to the BSCU for braking and A/SKID The parking brake system is supplied either by the yellow hydraulic
computation. Before landing, the crew can select one of the auto pressure or by the brake accumulator.
brake modes MAXimum, MEDium or LOw, to obtain the optimal
deceleration rate compatible with the length of the runway. Before When the parking brake is activated, all other braking modes become
take-off, MAXimum mode must be selected in case of an aborted take- inoperative. With the parking brake handle in ON position, the parking
off. Braking starts when the ground spoilers deploy. brake control valve is open and the yellow pressure goes through the
parking brake control valve, reaching the dual shuttle valve. The BSCU
Depending on the deceleration rate and the A/SKID regulation, the will deactivate the other braking modes. The dual shuttle valve moves,
BSCU regulates the pressure delivered to each brake trough the allowing yellow pressure to the brakes through the alternate servo
normal servo valves. When the aircraft deceleration reaches a given valves. The pressure delivered to the LH and RH brakes as well as the
value, the DECELerate green light on the L/G panel comes on. In order brake accumulator pressure are indicated on the triple pressure
to stop the MLG wheels rotation before entry into the L/G bay, a indicator.
programmed brake pressure is sent to the normal brakes during gear
retraction. The N/Ws are mechanically braked at the end of the gear
cycle using brake bands.


The alternate braking mode is automatically obtained in case of green
pressure loss, or if a failure occurs on the normal brake system during
operation. The alternate braking circuit is pressurized through the
automatic selector by isolating the normal brake system. Orders are
entered by the pedals and transmitted through an auxiliary low
pressure control system to the dual valve which regulates the yellow

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The steering system uses the yellow hydraulic system to operate a
steering actuating cylinder, which changes the direction of the NLG
The steering system is controlled by the BSCU, which receives order
• the steering hand wheels (orders added algebraically),
• the rudder pedals,
• the autopilot.
The BSCU transforms the orders into N/WS angle.
That angle has the following limits:
• Ruder pedals: max 6 degrees,
• Hand wheels: max 74 degrees.
The steering system receives hydraulic pressure in the following
• A/SKID & N/W STeeRinG switch in ON,
• towing control lever in normal position,
• at least one ENG MASTER switch ON,
• aircraft is on ground.

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This section will highlight the control panels and indications for the
landing gear system.


Cockpit panel location:
• L/G control lever,
• L/G gravity extension handle,
• L/G panel which includes:
• L/G position indication panel,
• auto brake mode selection panel,
• brake fan indication/selection panel, and
• A/SKID & N/W STeeRinG selector.
• ECAM WHEEL page.

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Cockpit panel location:
• triple pressure indicator for brake accumulator pressure and
alternate/parking brake pressure,
• parking brake selector,
• rudder/brake pedals.

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N/WS control:
• rudder/steering pedals,
• N/WS hand wheels.

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The L/G computers are located in the forward avionics bay. Note that
the Tire Pressure Indication Unit (TPIU) is an option. On the enhanced
versions, an ABCU is added and the BSCU is replaced.

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When you work on the L/G system, make sure that you obey all the
AMM safety procedures. This will prevent injury to persons and/or
damage to the aircraft. Here is an overview of main safety precautions
relative to the L/G system.
When you perform any maintenance task, make sure that all circuits
are isolated. Unwanted electrical or hydraulic power can be dangerous.
Make sure that the L/G ground safety locks are installed. Let the
brakes and the wheels become cool before you go near the L/G.
Do not apply a liquid or gas fire extinguisher directly on a hot wheel or
brake unit. This could cause an explosion. Use only nitrogen for tire
inflation. If the brakes overheat, other gases can cause an explosion.
During L/G servicing, do not let high pressure gas get in contact with
your skin. Gas bubbles in your blood can kill you.
Make sure that the controls agree with the position of the items they
operate before you pressurize a hydraulic system.

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