Thermal Spray Coating Process
Thermal Spray Coating Process
Thermal Spray Coating Process
4.10.1 Introduction
Thermal spraying includes a group of coating processes in which metallic and nonmetallic materials are spray deposited as fine
particles in a molten or semimolten condition or even in fully solid state to form a coating. Figure 1 presents the principle of
thermal spray coating process. In the process, a heat source, which can be a combustion flame, an electric arc, or an ionized gas, i.e.,
plasma, is used to melt the feedstock material (powder, wire, stick, suspension/solution) and accelerate the particles toward the
solid surface of the substrate, which is the material or component to be coated. Other thermal or kinetic energy sources used today
are, for instance, laser beams in laser coating and inert gas flow jets in the cold kinetic spray process. The sprayed coatings are formed
from flattened and solidified particles.
Thermal spraying originated a long time ago when Dr M. U. Schoop from Switzerland built his first metal spray gun in about
1910 (1). History says that he got the idea either from the trace that a lead bullet left when impacting on the surface of a stone wall or
from a method to prepare lead powder. Dr Schoop was working for some time in the laboratory of Thomas A. Edison in New Jersey,
where he developed a new manufacturing method for lead powder pigment used in paints. After returning to Switzerland, Schoop
filed a patent application for a method in which molten lead was poured into a fast flowing compressed air jet. After several trials
and experiments, he finished his first commercialized wire spray guns – thermal spraying was actually called during the first years the
Schoop spray method. Just prior to the First World War, he sold the technique to a German company, Metallizator. This equipment
was sold and rented in Europe and in the United States in the early 1920s. A British company, Metallisation Ltd., was established
during these years. The first thermal spray guns in the United States were manufactured by the Metallizing Company of America in
Los Angeles during the great depression, starting in 1929. The company still exists with the name Mogul. In 1931, Schoop’s patent
expired, which was followed by the establishment of other manufacturing companies and coating producers. However, the thermal
spray method was at that time not yet convincing enough, making commercial activities still difficult. One of the new companies
resulting from Mogul in the mid-1930s was Metallizing Engineering Company Inc., later known as Metco. In the beginning of
the1940s, during the Second World War, the US Army successfully started several workshops for repair of heavy military equipment
by thermal spraying in China, Burma, India, and Italy. From those years forward thermal spraying has become a noteworthy coating
technology among the many other processes, although it has been still fairly unknown by lay people. During the past 20 years,
thermal spraying has developed much more than during the whole history of the process before.
Coating materials in thermal spraying include pure metals, metal alloys, hard metals (carbides), oxide ceramics, plastics,
cermets, composites, and blended materials (2). Materials suitable for thermal spraying include practically all materials, except
compounds that decompose irreversibly during melting and the ones that do not have a stable melt state and vaporize excessively in
the spray process. Some materials, e.g., silicon ceramics and magnesia, are difficult to spray thermally. The deposition rate, i.e.,
coating production rate, in thermal spraying is high compared with many other deposition technologies. Depending on the
applications, thermally sprayed coatings have thickness ranging from some micrometers up to several millimeters. Due to the
versatility of thermal spraying regarding coating materials, thermal spray processes, coatings properties and in many case also cost
efficiency, thermally sprayed coatings are industrially used very widely, e.g., in mechanical engineering applications, aviation and
Figure 1 Principle of the thermal spray coating process. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 231
energy technologies, paper and printing industries, infrastructure applications, biomedical applications, electronics, etc. The flex-
ibility of thermal spraying is probably the highest among all different deposition technologies. This is due to several reasons,
particularly because of the following features of the thermal spray technology:
l Very large amounts of different types of spray materials and compositions are available, including pure metals, metal alloys, hard
metals (carbides/cermets), ceramics, polymers, and combinations of these materials.
l Coating properties, for instance, wear resistance, hardness, and adhesion strength are clearly adequate for many industrial
l Various properties and functionalities can be obtained by thermally sprayed coatings.
l The production rate of thermal spraying is remarkably high and is suitable also for large-area surfaces.
l The heat input to the components to be coated by thermal spraying is noticeably low; no metallurgical changes or distortion of
components is present. An obvious exception is the spray and fuse process for self-fluxing alloys.
l Coating manufacturing costs are acceptable for most industrial applications.
l Thermal spraying is regarded as green technology; particularly in comparison with hard chromium plating.
l Novel variations of thermal spray technologies have been developed, e.g., cold kinetic spraying and suspension and solution
spraying, allowing new possibilities in totally new application areas.
In this chapter, thermal spray technology is reviewed. The presentation includes a review of spray materials, thermal spray
processes, the basics of coating formation, types and properties of coating materials, and industrial applications and a summary of
recent developments in thermal spray technology. For more detailed information about the topic, several good books are also
available for further reading (2–7).
Thermal spray coating- and processing-related chapters are published in such refereed journals as Journal of Thermal Spray
Technology (ASM International), Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier), Surface Engineering (Maney), and several other journals,
and in the proceedings of some scientific conferences such as International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC), RIPT conference,
International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films. Societies such as ASM Thermal Spray Society (ASM/TSS) and
European Thermal Spray Association (ETSA) are both active in promoting thermal spray science and technology worldwide.
Thermal spray coating processes use powder, wire, or rod-shaped feedstock materials for coating manufacturing. All these types are
used and depend highly on the particular thermal spray process equipment. Some of the spray processes, such as plasma, high-
velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF), and powder flame spray systems, use only powder materials, and some processes, e.g., electric
wire arc and wire flame spraying, are based on wire materials as feedstock. Some exceptions to this may exist; also under research
and in the early stages of use are liquid-type feedstock materials, e.g., suspensions, which are liquids containing nanometer- or
micrometer-sized solid particles, and fully liquid materials containing specific chemicals and metallic salts for coating formation.
It is notable that the number of different spray materials is extremely high; several hundreds or even up to the level of one thousand
different materials in different forms of feedstock are available. Thermal spray technology is clearly the most versatile coating
manufacturing technology among all the deposition technologies when the comparison is done according to the availability of
different coating materials and structures and the flexibility of using many of these coating materials in the same particular spray
equipment. Both powder and wire materials show advantages and disadvantages in materials selection for the coating manufac-
turer, as well as the end user and the final application. The main advantage of wires is simple handling, but material variety is
somewhat limited and significantly less than that available as spray powders. Selection of the form of the coating material is usually
determined by the availability of appropriate spray equipment and by the required coating structures and coating properties. Wires
used in thermal spray processes, particularly in electric arc spraying, are usually either thinner (1.6 and 2.5 mm) solid or cored wires
similar to those in arc welding or wires with higher diameter (1.4–4.8 mm) used particularly in the flame spray process. Moreover,
relatively thick, flexible powder-containing filled wires (flexicords) with polymer cover and thick solid ceramic rods or sticks are
used in flame spraying. Particularly for thermal spray powders, powder characteristics and coating properties obtained are
remarkably determined by the powder-production methods. Based on weight, the annual consumption of wires is notably higher
than that of spray powders. However, coatings prepared from powder materials typically result in improved coating properties and
are also used in more demanding industrial applications, e.g., in aerospace, energy, and mechanical engineering applications.
Besides powders and wires, suspensions and even liquids without solid particles are used in thermal spray processes. So far,
suspension and liquid spraying are not yet widely used; instead these types of feedstock materials are in the research and devel-
opment stage in several laboratories. Some evaluations and attempts for industrial use are seen for these types of novel materials. Powders
Thermal spray powders are highly developed products with tailored compositions and carefully adjusted particle sizes and size
distributions. The most important spray powder types and their manufacturing processes are (2,3,7):
l gas and water atomized powders,
l fused and crushed powders,
232 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
For metallic powders, gas and water atomizing process has the highest importance. Inert gas atomizing is more popular for the
production of metal and alloy powders for flame spray, plasma spray, and high-velocity flame spray processes. In the gas atomizing
process, the metal is induction melted and the molten metal is injected as a stream to a vacuum chamber, where the molten material
is spheroidized and collected by separators and cyclones as fine-sized spherical powders. In the water atomizing process, a water jet
is used for the spheroidization. In atomizing processes, it is notable that melting of the raw material can occur under a protective gas
or in air, depending on the tolerated oxygen content of the spray powder produced. The atomizing medium, either inert gas (argon,
nitrogen, etc.) or water, has a significant influence on the gas content (oxygen) as well as the particle shape of the spray powder. Inert
gas-atomized powders are typically highly spherical and have significantly lower gas contents than water-atomized powders.
Figure 2 presents some state-of-the-art inert gas-atomized powders for flame spray and HVOF thermal spray processes.
Fusing or sintering with subsequent crushing has been used traditionally for production of several different type of materials,
including hard metals, metals, and oxide ceramic powders. These powder-production technologies are still in use, particularly for
the production of ceramic powders for plasma spraying. Other powder manufacturing techniques, e.g., spray drying and sintering,
are gathering more use, particularly in the production of multicomponent composite powders based on hard metals and mixed
oxides. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate examples of sintered and crushed WC–10%Co–4%Cr powder for HVOF and spraying and fused
and crushed ceramic oxide powders for different plasma spray processes, respectively. Sintered or fused and subsequently
mechanically crushed powders show dense microstructures and blocky morphologies.
Agglomeration by the spray drying process with a subsequent sintering step is one of the most modern production methods for
spray powders, particularly for hard metal and oxide ceramic spray powders. The production process is usually followed by sintering
in furnaces or spheroidizing by plasma treatment in order to compact and densify the powder. The spray drying process readily
results in spherical particles and the sintering step then prevents the agglomerated powder from being destroyed during powder
transport from the feeder to the spray gun, or in the combustion flame or plasma used to melt the material. The main benefits of
spray dried and sintered powders are the spherical particle morphology ensuring excellent powder flowability from the powder
feeder to the thermal spray gun and good homogeneity of various elemental components in the powder particles. In hard metal
Figure 2 Morphologies of gas-atomized powders for different thermal spray processes: (a) coarse NiCrBSi powder for flame spray and fusing
process and (b) fine-sized stainless steel AISI 316 powder for HVOF spray process. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 3 Morphology (a) and cross-sectional microstructure (b) of sintered and crushed WC–10%Co–4%Cr powder for HVOF spraying.
Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 233
Figure 4 Morphologies of fused- and crushed-type ceramic spray powders for plasma spraying: (a) ZrO2-based thermal barrier coating (TBC)
powder, (b) very coarse Cr2O3 powder for water-stabilized plasma spray process. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
powders, such as WC–Co(Cr) and Cr3C2–NiCr, good control of carbon content allows production of microstructures in which small
micrometer- or even nanometer-sized hard carbides (WC) are embedded uniformly in the soft metallic binder phase. Figure 5 shows
the morphology and cross-sectional microstructure of an agglomerated and sintered WC–10%Co–4%Cr powder for HVOF spraying.
Spray drying and sintering is also a widely used powder manufacturing method for micrometer- and nanometer-sized multicom-
ponent ceramic oxide powders, such as various Cr2O3–25%TiO2, ZrO2–8%Y2O3, and Al2O3–(3–40)%TiO2 compositions.
There exist also other useful powder manufacturing technologies, which are widely used due to their capabilities of producing
specific powder compositions and properties. Clad powder is one important example. In clad powders, coating of the so-called
primary grains with fine secondary grains and an additional organic binder is the method for producing such composite powders.
Also, relatively rough primary grains can be electroplated with nickel or cobalt. Nickel/graphite is typical for this group of materials,
which are used as abradable coatings in gas turbine applications. In such powders, the core of the powder particle is graphite, which
is then protected from burning during spraying by a nickel cladding layer. Powder production by mixing two or more different
powder types and compositions is one more possibility for widening the technical applications of thermal spray coatings; such types
of powder blends are still widely used and some examples of compositions are, for instance, WC/NiCrBSi and Mo/NiCrBSi blends.
When selecting spray materials, attention should be paid to the fact that the properties of sprayed coatings can be completely
different from the properties of cast or wrought corresponding materials. Not only density and porosity but also internal stresses
and oxide content of sprayed coatings differ significantly from bulk materials. Tables 1–3 summarize the importance of powder
properties on sprayability and coating properties, characterization techniques for thermal spray powders, and typical appropriate
particle sizes for different thermal spray processes, respectively. It is obvious that the size distribution and shape of powders
determines such important requirements as good flowability and melting behavior in specific spray processes. A wide range of
compositions of thermal spray powders is standardized and presented, e.g., in EN 1274 and other standards. For highly demanding
industrial applications, significantly more strict powder specifications are prepared by powder manufacturers and advanced thermal
spray coating suppliers and manufacturers.
Figure 5 Morphology (a) and cross-sectional microstructure (b) of agglomerated (spray dried) and sintered WC–10%Co–4%Cr powder for HVOF
spraying. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
234 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Characteristic Consequence
Chemical composition All relevant analytical methods, including spectroscopic 12%Co, 3.8%C, max. 2%Fe, bal. W, also light
techniques and X-ray fluorescence elements and impurities
Particle size and size distribution Sieve analysis; techniques based on X-ray 90 þ 45 mm
absorption and laser scattering
Production method/particle shape SEM or optical micrographs Fused, crushed/blocky
Apparent density Scott method, EN 23923-2 6.8 g cm3
Hall flow behavior Hall test, EN ISO 4490 14 s 50 g1
Porosity Mercury porosimeter. Nitrogen absorption –
Microstructure Cross-sectional specimen from powder particles SEM images
Phase structure and composition X-ray diffraction analysis, microprobe Phase structure: WC, W2C, Co–W–C mixed phases
Melting behavior (powder for Differential thermal analysis –
spray and fuse process)
SEM, scanning electron microscope.
Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Table 3 Typical particle sizes of powders used in different thermal spray processes
are the processes that use only wire materials. The wires are either solid wires or tubular wires containing various additives
inside, called cored wires, see Figure 6. Solid wires are manufactured by drawing from materials that will enable such a wire
manufacturing process. The use of cored wires has become more common in recent years. These wires can be made of highly
alloyed iron-, nickel-, or cobalt-based alloys. The principle is that a thin and ductile metal, e.g., stainless-steel strip, is used to
prepare the tubular wire and this metallic tube is packed with alloying elements and/or with hard particles, such as WC or other
carbides, and the strip is then processed to a cored wire. Table 4 shows a summary of the different types of thermal spraying wires
for wear protection. Wire-type feedstock materials are standardized, for example, in EN 14919. Wires for thermal spray processes,
such as wire flame spray and electric arc spraying, are basically based on the following material groups:
l zinc and its alloys (pure Zn, Zn–15%Al);
l aluminum and its alloys (Al 99.0%, Al–5%Mg, Al–12%Si);
l lead alloys (Pb–12.5%Sb–9.2%Sn–0.5%Cu);
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 235
Figure 6 Different types of thermal spray wires and production method of cored wires. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Mild steels, low alloyed, Excellent materials to be coated, prevent oxidation by avoiding heating above 150 C
and steel alloys
Hardened steels Can be coated, high substrate hardness lowers efficiency of grit blasting, for steels <50 HRC
Stainless steels, nickel-based alloys Can be thermally spray coated, high thermal expansion coefficient must be noted, preheat to max. 100 C
Copper and Cu alloys Can be coated, high thermal expansion coefficient must be noted, no preheating due to oxidation sensitivity
Aluminum and Al alloys Can be coated, high thermal expansion coefficient must be noted, no preheating due to oxidation sensitivity
Titanium and magnesium Can be coated, no preheating
Polymers and polymer composites Can be coated but requires low heat input, low temperature resistance, low bond strength,
buffer/intermediate layers recommended
Source: Tampere University of Technology.
The suspensions are liquids including fine solid particles, which may be nanosized or up to a few micrometers. Both water- and
alcohol-based suspensions are used. Suspensions contain also additives such as plasticizer, as well as dispersing agents. Commonly
used suspension-sprayed coating materials are, for example, Al2O3, TiO2, ZrO2, Cr2O3, and other ceramic materials (8). Also,
WC–12%Co nanostructured coatings have been prepared from suspensions (13). So far, suspension and liquid spraying are not
widely used industrially; instead these types of feedstock materials are undergoing much research and development in several
laboratories. Some evaluations and attempts for industrial use are seen for these types of novel materials.
Thermal spray technology involves several different deposition processes that all use concentrated heat sources to melt the feedstock
materials and to project the melted particles at different levels of kinetic energies toward the surface to be coated. Thermal spray
processes can be based on thermal energies obtained from burning of combustible gases, such as hydrocarbons or hydrogen, or
liquid fuels or can be obtained from electric discharges. Besides actual thermal spray processes, such as flame spray with powder or
wire material, electric arc spraying, plasma arc spraying, and HVOF spraying, processes entirely based on deposition by kinetic
energies are also classified under the general term thermal spray processes. In the following sections, each of the thermal spray
processes will be presented in more detail after a more general classification and comparison of these processes. Thermal spray-
related processes such as plasma transferred arc (PTA) surfacing, laser spraying or laser cladding, and melt spraying are excluded
from this chapter and readers are recommended to read about these techniques from elsewhere, e.g., Refs. (14–16).
Figure 7 Classification of thermal spray coating processes according to the type of energy source used in the process. Source: Tampere University
of Technology.
Spray Temperature Particle velocity Adhesion Oxide content Porosity Spray rate Relative cost d, Typical coating
method ( C)a (m s1) (MPa)b (%)c (%) (kg h1) low ¼ 1 high ¼ 5 thickness (mm)
The temperature of the heat source is important; refractory materials, i.e., high-melting-point ceramics and refractory metals can be
melted only by plasma spray-based processes. Easily oxidizing metals may require spray atmospheres in which oxygen has been
eliminated, i.e., inert gas shroud or low-pressure plasma spray (LPPS) or vacuum plasma spray (VPS) processes. Cold spraying may
be a clear exception, because in this process the powder material does not melt at all, and therefore can be processed to coatings
even in air atmosphere. Particle velocities in different spray processes will clearly have an impact on the coating properties, such as
adhesion to the substrate (bond strength), coating density, and other technical properties including hardness, wear, and corrosion
resistance. The residual porosity in thermal spray coatings is usually lowest in the high-velocity spray processes. Such features as
238 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 8 Overview of particle temperatures and velocities for different spray processes; process names from TopGun to K2 refer to various HVOF
systems. Source: H.C. Starck GmbH.
spray rate may act as economic factors influencing the cost of the process and coated part. Investment and operation costs of
different processes definitely have a large influence on the possibility of using such a process in the specific application; other surface
treatments and coating methods may in such cases be more economical. Some industrial applications may allow the use of only
very conventional spray processes, such as flame spraying, due to cost level limitations. Maximum coating thickness available in
different processes may also recommend some techniques instead of others. Some thermal spray processes are more ideal for spray-
specific coating materials. The high-velocity flame spray processes (HVOF, high-velocity air-fuel spraying (HVAF), and detonation
spraying) are more suitable for spraying hard metal powders, such as WC–Co(Cr) and Cr3C2–NiCr, due to their high particle
velocities and more suitable lower flame temperatures. Different thermal spray processes can also be located to specific characteristic
places in the process temperature vs particle velocity charts or maps, as is done in Figure 8. The arrow indicates development trends
in which process temperatures are continuously decreased, while particle velocities show simultaneous increase is a general trend in
the development of novel thermal spray processes, particularly for manufacturing dense and/or hard coatings with improved
mechanical and corrosion properties. The following chapters describing different thermal spray processes in more detail will give
further information about their applicability. The formation of thermally sprayed coatings, examples of coating materials, their
microstructures and properties, and areas of applications are presented in the following chapters.
Powder is fed into flame spray torches in one of two ways: by carrier gas or by gravity. Gravity-fed devices have powder canisters
or bottles mounted directly to, and on top of, the torch. Powder feed rate is controlled by a pinch valve that meters powder into the
body of the torch, where it is aspirated by the gases flowing through the torch. Carrier-gas-fed units use externally mounted powder
feeders. External powder feeders use a carrier gas (typically nitrogen, air is also used) stream to transport the powder from the feeder
through a hose to the spray torch. Wire- and rod-fed devices use air turbines built into the torch that power the drive rolls, which pull
feedstock from the source and push it through the nozzle.
Figure 9 Schematic presentation of a flame spray gun using powder feedstock material. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 10 Schematic presentation of a flame spray gun using wire as feedstock material. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
240 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
In the wire flame spraying process, the atomizing air can produce finer droplets, which in turn may produce finer and smoother
coatings. In flame spray processes, fuel/oxygen ratio and total gas flow rates are adjusted to produce the desired thermal output
needed to melt the specific feedstock material. Optional air jets, downstream of the combustion zone, may also further adjust the
thermal profile of the flame. Spray gas speeds typically are below 100 m s1, generating particle speeds up to approximately
80 m s1 before impact.
Figure 11 Postfusing operation for flame-sprayed NiCrBSi self-fluxing alloy coating with oxyacetylene torch. Source: Kuopion Konepaja Oy.
Figure 12 Schematic presentation of an electric arc wire spray gun using two electrically conducting wires as feedstock material. Source: Tampere
University of Technology.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 241
be different material), wire feeding mechanisms, wire feeding hoses, electrical conducting cables, and the arc spray gun. The two
wires are continuously fed to the gun at a uniform speed. A low-voltage (18–40 V) DC power supply is used, with one wire serving as
the cathode and the other as the anode. Coating quality and properties can be controlled by varying the atomization pressure, air
nozzle shape, power, wire feed rate, traverse speed, and spray distance (standoff distance). Arc spraying is generally the most
economical thermal spray process for applying corrosion-resistant metal coatings, including zinc, aluminum, and their alloys.
Energy costs are lower and production rates are significantly higher than they are in competing methods such as wire flame spray.
Figure 13 Enthalpy vs temperature behavior of common plasma-forming gases in plasma. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 14 Schematic presentation of a plasma spray gun using DC power for plasma forming. The powder is injected radially to the plasma jet.
Source: Tampere University of Technology.
242 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 15 Mixing of the surrounding air with the plasma gas as function of distance from plasma gun nozzle exit. Reproduced from Matejka, D.;
Benko, B. Plasma Spraying of Metallic and Ceramic Materials; John Wiley & Sons, 1989; p 280.
usually realized by pneumatically injecting fine spray powder radially to the plasma jet. The electric arc discharge, supported by
a powerful DC generator (80 kW and above) through the connectors heats up by ionization the plasma forming gases. When the
ionized gas returns back to atoms/molecules by recombining, a high amount of energy is released. The gas expands in the atmo-
sphere and forms an extremely hot and high-velocity gas jet. The particles of the powder after being melted and accelerated in the jet
impact the substrate and form the coating. DC plasma guns are intensely water cooled to prevent melting and to minimize cathode
and nozzle wear. The plasma forming gases are introduced through the rear of the gun. Typically, these gases enter the arc chamber
through a gas ring (gas injector) that imparts a spin or vortex flow to the gas. The vortex stabilizes the arc at the cathode tip in the
low-pressure region of the vortex and rotates the arc attachment or arc root at the anode. This is called vortex stabilization. The
plasma forming gases are heated as they pass around and through the arc. The heated gases expand radially and axially, accelerating
as they expand and exit through the nozzle. Depending on the pressure ratio between the upstream arc region and the downstream
nozzle exit of the gun, the gases (plasma jet) either expand subsonically or supersonically. Many gun designs use converging/
diverging de Laval nozzles to achieve supersonic expansion, which increases significantly the particle velocity, thus improving the
coating properties.
Most plasma spray equipment operates in atmospheric conditions, i.e., some air is entrapped into the hot plasma jet causing
some interaction between the fast-flying hot spray powder particles and the surrounding gas atmosphere. Figure 15 shows this
behavior schematically. Therefore, it is apparent that sprayed coatings also tend to react with oxygen from the entrapped air in the
otherwise inert gas atmosphere of plasma spraying. In order to totally prevent the interaction of the molten spray particles and
oxygen from air, special plasma spray processes called vacuum or low-pressure plasma spraying has been developed.
Atmospheric plasma spraying has some separate modifications from the conventional 40-kW level plasma spray processes, e.g.,
high-power plasma spray (HPPS), axial plasma spray, and water-stabilized plasma spray (WSP) processes. These technologies will
be reviewed later in this chapter.
Figure 16 Schematic presentation of a high-power plasma spray torch (Plazjet), which consists of an extended nozzle/anode. Source: Praxair
Surface Technologies Inc.
Table 8 Deposition efficiencies and powder feeding rates obtainable with axial powder feeding plasma torch
Material Feed rate (kg h1) Feed rate (g min1) Deposition efficiency, D.E. (%)
electrode pairs are already worn by arc erosion, which may lead to nonuniform melting of the spray powder. This will lead to
lowered D.E. and changes in the coating quality.
The conventional technique to ionize gases for plasma spraying is the use of DC plasma configurations. However, induction coils
powered with high frequency can also be used to ionize gases for plasma spraying and other material processing. Besides the type of
power supply, some other significant deviations from DC plasma torches exist in inductively coupled plasma torches. The gas
velocity in induction plasma is significantly lower than that in DC plasma torches; larger powder particles have to be used in
induction plasma processes. The torch design is quite different. Induction plasma spraying systems are not used to such an extent as
DC plasma torches for coating production, due to bulky equipment and the lower coating properties achievable. Examples of
applications are powder spheroidization and production of coatings for highly specific applications.
Table 9 Properties of different fuel gases and a liquid fuel used in HVOF and other similar processes
Maximum flame Heat of combustion Oxygen/fuel ratio Oxygen/fuel ratio Oxygen/fuel ratio
Fuel temperature ( C) (MJ m3) for max. flame temperature for neutral flame for HVOF applications
Reproduced from Kreye, H.; Gärtner, F.; Kirsten, A.; Schwetzke, R. High-velocity Oxy-fuel Flame Spraying State of the Art, Prospects and Alternatives. In 5. Colloquium on High
Velocity Flame Spraying; GTS e.V.: Erding, Nov. 16–17, 2000.
Figure 17 Influence of oxygen/fuel ratio l on flame temperature (l ¼ 1 for stoichiometric combustion). Reproduced from Kreye, H.; Gärtner, F.;
Kirsten, A.; Schwetzke, R. High-velocity Oxy-fuel Flame Spraying State of the Art, Prospects and Alternatives. In 5. Colloquium on High Velocity Flame
Spraying; GTS e.V.: Erding, Nov. 16–17, 2000.
spray processes. Figure 17 shows the influence of normalized oxygen–fuel ratio on the temperature of the flame for gaseous and
liquid fuels in HVOF spraying (20). It is evident that the choice of fuel type has a marked influence not only on the obtained
maximum temperature but also on the cost of HVOF spraying. It should be mentioned that acetylene is seldom used in HVOF
spraying, but in turn is the main fuel gas in powder and wire flame spraying processes. Flame temperatures in HVOF processes can
be easily adjusted by changing the ratio of the fuel gas and oxygen flow rates. Combustion of liquid fuel, and other hydrocarbon fuel
gases, with compressed air in the HVAF process lowers significantly the flame temperature and may result in significant
improvements in coating quality. It is known that hard metal coatings, e.g., WC–Co(Cr), and metallic coatings show in HVAF-
sprayed coatings better properties, such as higher amount of retained carbide phases for improved wear resistance and ductility and
lower level of oxidation for improved corrosion characteristics.
246 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 18 Schematic presentation of an HVOF spray torch. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 19 Influence of type of fuel gas and spray distance from the HVOF gun exit on measured powder particle temperatures and their average
velocities. Reproduced from Nestler, M. C.; Benary, R.; Rusch, W. Innovations in HVOF Coating Solutions. In 5. Colloquium on High Velocity
Flame Spraying; GTS e.V.: Erding, Nov. 16–17, 2000.
Figure 20 An illustration of a third-generation HVAF spray torch (M3 type) using hydrocarbon gas and air as process gases. Source: Uniquecoat
Technologies Inc.
velocities. Since the HVAF uses air instead of oxygen for the combustion, the operating costs are significantly lower due to safer and
more controllable combustion, which also lowers expenses on security, and to the notably lower cost of air compared with oxygen.
Additionally, the powder feeding rates are markedly higher than in HVOF systems. The main advantages regarding coating qualities
arise from lower flame temperatures, which minimizes the amount of dissolved carbides in WC–Co(Cr) coatings and produces less
oxidized metallic coatings. The feedstock used in HVAF guns is powder. In activated combustion high-velocity air-spraying
(AC-HVAF), a hot catalyst is used to stabilize the combustion and make it even. Recent types of HVAF torches such as the third-
generation equipment that utilize supersonic air-fuel technology can have particle velocities well above those of the previous HVAF
torches and other HVOF torches that are still in use. The recognized advantages of this method are high coating density, due to high
velocities, and low oxidation, due to lower temperature, of the coating. An illustration of a third-generation HVAF torch is presented
in Figure 20.
Figure 21 Schematic structure of a high-velocity arc spray torch. Source: Uniquecoat Technologies Inc.
248 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 22 Schematic structure of a detonation gun spray equipment. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
C2H2 O2 N2 Td.p ( C)
38 62 0 2900
33 55 12 2550
28 47 25 2200
24 39 37 1900
20 31 49 1600
Reproduced from Astakhov, E. A.; Klimenko, V. S.; Skadin, V. G.; Zverev, A. T.
Sov. Powder Metall. Met. Ceram. 1982, 21, 307–310.
of nitrogen or air is used to purge the barrel after each detonation. This process is repeated many times a second. The high kinetic
energy of the hot powder particles on impact with the substrate results in the buildup of a very dense and strong coating. The firing
(explosion) frequency of various detonation gun systems can be in the range of 1–50 Hz (shots per second), but is typically in the
range of 5–10 Hz (29,30).
In detonation gun spraying, the flame temperature is easily controlled by varying the oxygen/fuel gas ratio and/or the amount of
diluent gas (nitrogen or air) in the gas mixture. Table 10 shows the influence of a diluent gas (nitrogen) on the flame temperature of
an acetylene/oxygen mixture.
The development of HVOF technology and particularly the availability of HVOF spray equipment has lowered markedly the
industrial importance of DGS. The main drawbacks of the detonation spray technology has been its poor availability, particularly in
the 1980s and the 1990s, and low production rates (low powder feed rates) typical to this process.
Figure 23 Schematic presentation of cold kinetic spray process. Source: Linde AG.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 249
properties. The temperature of the gas is well below the melting point of all sprayed material and thus particles are not melted in the
gas flow. Some preheating of the spray powder particles is sometimes beneficial in order to soften the particles for improved
deformation and flattening. Furthermore, residual stresses are usually compressive due to the shot peening effect of impinging solid
Cold spraying consists of two differing processes, which are high-pressure cold spraying (HPCS) and low-pressure cold spraying
(LPCS) divided by the pressure level used in the processes (40 bar vs max. 10 bar). Generally, cold spraying is based on higher
particle velocities and lower process temperatures than in other thermal spray processes. The coating is formed in a solid state when
powder particles impact on a sprayed surface with high kinetic energy, deform, and adhere to the substrate or to other particles.
Therefore, a high level of plastic deformation and adiabatic shear instability are required for a tight bonding between powder
particles and for the formation of dense microstructures. Moreover, in cold spraying, many factors, e.g., powder characteristics and
compositions, spraying parameters, and posttreatments affect the formation and properties of the coating. Table 11 compares the
two types of cold spray processes and shows their main parameters and characteristics.
Cold spray processes and coatings have been reviewed in several books, journals, and conference papers. The reader is rec-
ommended to search for more detailed information about the topic, e.g., from Refs. (31–38).
Figure 24 Schematic presentation of cold spray gun. Colors indicate temperatures; in the red areas temperature is the highest and in the blue areas
temperature is the lowest. Source: Linde AG.
250 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 25 Schematic presentation of spraying gun in LPCS process. Powder is fed radially to the diverging part of the converging–diverging-type
nozzle. Some LPCS equipment have nearly barrel-type nozzles. Source: Obnisk Centre for Powder Spraying.
The main functions of ceramic powder addition are to activate the sprayed surface and to keep the nozzle of the gun clean. In
addition to these, ceramic particles affect the coating by mechanical hammering of the substrate/sprayed layers or by the so-called
shot peening via particle impacts. The ceramic particle addition in the powder mixtures has also a compacting effect during the
impacts, indicating improved coating properties and D.E. of metallic coatings. The hard phase can also be used for reinforcing and
strengthening the metallic matrix in the LPCS process.
The main difference between the spray guns used in the HPCS and LPCS processes is that in the LPCS process, powder is fed to
the gas flow perpendicularly (radial injection) to the diverging part of the nozzle, as presented in Figure 25. In addition to that,
Papyrin et al. (32) have presented the possibility of injecting two powders, e.g., Cu þ Al, and Cu þ SiC, separately to the nozzle (two
powder feeders at the same time) to form composite coatings. Additionally, another difference between the LPCS and HPCS
processes is that heating of gas is done only in the spraying gun in the LPCS process, whereas in the HPCS process, the gas is
preheated in a separate heating unit and also, in addition to that, in the spraying gun. Although powder feed rates are lower in the
LPCS process, particle concentration in gas flow can be higher than in the HPCS process.
Figure 26 Schematic presentation of suspension thermal spray torch-based plasma spraying with radial liquid feeding. Source: Technical University
of Stuttgart
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 251
Figure 27 Schematic presentation of suspension thermal spray torch-based HVOF spraying with axial liquid feeding. Source: Technical University of
The formation of thermally sprayed coatings is fairly unique compared with many other deposition technologies. In thermal
spraying, the coatings are built up from individual spray material particles that impact on the substrate surface, spread, and solidify
rapidly. The particles can be in fully or partly molten state at the moment of impact in all spray processes where the feedstock
material (powder or wire) is aimed to be melted or in solid state in all cold spray processes. The thermal history that the spray
particles experience when traveling in-flight from the spray torch to the surface of the substrate highly influences the structure and
therefore also the properties of the coatings. Such factors as the type of the spray materials and the spray process, parameters of the
spray torch, kinematic parameters, and coating procedures all have their marked influences on the resulting coating structures and
properties. In the next section, the formation of thermally sprayed coatings for material melting type of processes, solid-state spray
processes, and spray processes involved with posttreatments is presented. Figure 28 shows the variety of process parameters in
thermal spraying influencing the structure and properties of the coatings. It is evident that thermal spraying process consists of
a large number of influencing parameters and factors, which are also in many cases interrelated.
Figure 28 Summary of various parameters influencing thermal (plasma) spray process. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
252 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 29 Thermal history of powder particles in a thermal spray process. Reproduced from Pawlowski, L. The Science and Engineering of Thermal
Spray Coatings; John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2008.
Figure 30 Principle of coating formation in thermal spraying processes from molten droplets. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
formation of the coating from molten droplets. The coatings are formed by this type in most of the thermal spraying processes,
including powder and wire flame spraying, electric arc spraying, plasma spraying, and in high-velocity methods such as in HVOF
and detonation spraying. It is the case even also in suspension spraying process, but, however, in somewhat different size scale.
In thermal spraying, it is important to carefully optimize the spray parameters so that adequate melting would occur for high
D.E. without excessive evaporation of the material. In the process, solid particles would easily rebound or remain weakly connected
to the rest of the coating as unmelted ingredients. At the beginning of the coating buildup, particles impact directly onto the
substrate. The phenomena occurring at this stage determine the adhesion of the coating to the substrate. The molten particles
deform, become lamellae, and solidify into columnar or fine-grained equiaxial crystals. The spraying torch moves over the substrate
and the first layer usually composed of 5–15 lamellae, depending on the processing parameters, such as powder feed rate, spray
distance, particles size, and linear velocity of the spray torch, is formed.
Molten particles on impact with a substrate (or a previously deposited coating) transform into lamellae. The transformation is
associated with the processes of deformation and solidification, in turn depending on such factors as (2):
l particle velocity, size, and phase content (totally liquid, partly liquid, etc.) on impact;
l particle material properties in the liquid state (viscosity, surface tension, etc.);
l ability of wetting the substrate by liquid particles;
l temperature of substrate; as well as
l substrate roughness.
The solidification and deformation processes occur more or less simultaneously. The temperature at the particle’s interface with
the substrate at impact, called the contact temperature, influences adhesion of the lamellae and, consequently, adhesion of the
coating to the substrate. The mechanisms of adhesion can be, most probably, mechanical anchorage and, less probably, metal-
lurgical bonding. The temperature in the particle bodies, which can be at present measured by using high-speed and high-sensitivity
sensors, strongly influences the microstructure of the coatings. First, its evolution with time determines material solidification and
cooling rates, which, in turn, influences the formation of crystal phases and crystal size.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 253
The phenomena occurring inside the generated layer determine the crystal structure and size, porosity formation, and formation
of microcracks. The torch returns after a little time, depending on the work piece size, to the same spot. Meanwhile, the surface of the
layer is subjected to the action of the environment, i.e., oxidation (for metals or alloys) and/or cooling. The cooling leads to
generation of residual stresses, which may, eventually, cause the coating to crack. During spraying of one layer of coating, the torch
also heats up the previously deposited material. Additional heat fluxes result from solidification of the particles and their cooling
down to the temperature of equilibrium. The final coating thickness is reached in a few tens to a few hundred passes of the torch
over the substrate. Thereafter, the coating is cooled down to RT. This last stage of buildup is often crucial because of the generation of
thermal stresses. The latter in worst case causes detachment of the entire coating from its substrate.
Spraying conditions and the particular spray material predominantly influence the properties of spray coatings. Coating structure
and the configuration of sprayed coatings determine the characteristics of the coating/substrate system. Spray coatings grow when
individual spray particles impact the substrate surface, deform or splatter, and solidify due to heat transfer into the workpiece.
Thermal spray coatings usually have lamellar and, depending on the spray technique and material, more or less porous, micro-
cracked, heterogeneous, and anisotropic structure. Furthermore, they contain partially molten particles or particles that solidified
before impacting the surface or have reacted with gas from the atmosphere. Figure 31 presents schematically possible features in
thermally sprayed coatings. Figure 32 in turn shows a cross-sectional fracture and surface view of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings.
The coating consists of flattened lamellar particles layered on each other. A typical microstructure of an electric arc-sprayed metallic
coating is shown in Figure 33. Typical thermally sprayed coating features such as individual flattened particles, interparticle regions,
oxides, and some residual porosity is present in the coating.
Novel thermal spray technologies, in which the particle velocities are high, result in coating structures largely without such voids
and other features, illustrated in Figure 31. This is obtained by replacement of part of the thermal energy with high level of kinetic
energy. Figure 34 presents an HVAF-sprayed very dense hard metal coating of good quality.
Suspension and solution spraying has been researched actively during the past years. In suspension spraying, the coating
formation is based on several stages involving evaporation of the liquid carrier, in-flight sintering of some fine solid particles,
melting of the solids and agglomerates, potential evaporation from the melt, and finally, impact of the molten particles to form
the coating. Figure 35 illustrates these stages in suspension thermal spraying process (39). The micrographs in Figure 36 show
the structure of suspension HVOF-sprayed alumina (Al2O3) coating on a steel substrate. Figure 36(b) is a high-magnification
Figure 31 Schematic illustration of the structure of thermally sprayed coating. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 32 Microstructure of plasma-sprayed ceramic oxide coating. (a) Cross-sectional fracture structure of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coating and (b)
surface view of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coating. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
254 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 33 Cross-sectional microstructure of arc-sprayed NiCrMo (Inconel 625) coating showing individual flattened particles, interparticle regions,
oxides, and some residual porosity. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 34 Cross-sectional microstructure of good-quality HVAF-sprayed WC–10%Co–4%Cr coating showing no voids in the structure. Source:
Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 35 Coating formation stages in suspension thermal spraying process. Reproduced from Pawlowski, L. Suspension and Solution Thermal
Spray Coatings. Surf. Coat. Technol. June 25, 2009, 203 (19), 2807–2829.
Figure 36 Microstructure of suspension HVOF-sprayed alumina coating on steel substrate as studied by FE-SEM. (a) General view of the coating
cross-section and (b) detailed microstructure of the coating. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 255
Figure 37 Microstructure of solution precursor HVOF-sprayed MnCo oxide coating. Reproduced from Puranen, J.; Laakso, J.; Kylmälahti, M.;
Vuoristo, P. J. Therm. Spray Technol. 2013, 22, 622–630.
field-emission-scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM) image of the structure of the coating showing areas formed from flattened
molten particles with some unmelted or partially melted particles.
Besides suspensions, solutions without solid particles can be used to prepare coatings by thermal spraying. Now the coating
formation mechanisms may involve chemical reactions during spray processing in the gas phase forming reaction products and
chemical vapor deposition or spray pyrolysis-type coating formations on the substrate surface. Figure 37 illustrates the micro-
structure of high-velocity solution precursor flame-sprayed manganese–cobalt oxide coating.
Figure 38 Coating formation in cold kinetic spraying process. Reproduced from Van Steenkiste, T.; Smith, J.; Teets, R.; Moleski, J.; Gorkiewicz, D.;
Tison, R.; Marantz, D.; Kowalsky, K.; Riggs, W.; Zajchowski, P.; Pilsner, B.; McCune, R.; Barnett, K. Surf. Coat. Technol. 1999, 111, 62–71.
It is notable that cold kinetic-sprayed metallic coatings are highly deformed and thus work hardened. The hardness of cold-sprayed
coatings is noticeably higher than that of the corresponding wrought metal. The elongation is low and the coating may show brittle
behavior. Figure 39 presents the microstructure of a fully dense and oxide-free cold-sprayed metallic tantalum coating. Figure 40 is
a higher magnification SEM image of high-pressure cold-sprayed copper coating showing the highly deformed copper particles
(etched structure).
Figure 39 Structure of cold-sprayed fully dense and oxide-free tantalum metal coating. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 40 Structure of high-pressure cold-sprayed copper coating; etched microstructure. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 257
Reproduced from Knuuttila, J.; Sorsa, P.; Mäntylä, T. J. Therm. Spray Technol. 1999, 8, 249. Posttreatments
Thermally sprayed coatings are sometimes posttreated in order to modify the structure of the coating and to improve coating
properties. Such treatments include impregnating the coatings with organic or inorganic sealers, fusing the self-fluxing alloy
coatings, or treating the surfaces by laser beams, induction melting, etc. Machining and grinding of thermal spray coatings is also
a conventional and widely used process, but will not be discussed here. Thermally sprayed coatings fairly often contain a noticeable
amount of residual porosity, which particularly in plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings is also through porosity. Sealants are frequently
used to remove the open porosity of the sprayed coatings and to provide better corrosion protection to the coating. Table 12 gives
some characteristics of several polymeric sealants and one inorganic sealer for plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings (40). Important
properties of the sealants are, for instance, their chemical resistance, capability to fill the pores in the coating, low curing shrinkage,
wetting behavior, and thermal treatment required.
As was mentioned above, there are also other techniques such as laser beam melting of the sprayed coating. Figure 41 presents such
treatment operation for thermally sprayed NiCrBSi coating. In laser surface remelting, it is important to avoid excessive melting of the
substrate material, which would in such case be transferred to the molten coating material and interfere with its corrosion properties by
dilution with iron from the substrate. The coatings can be only partially melted, i.e., only the surface layer of the coating is treated with
the laser beam. The main disadvantages related to laser beam remelting of thermally sprayed coatings are the need of a two-step
process, quality of adjacent treated joints, tendency of crack formation in coatings, particularly in hard coatings, and cost of processing.
As has been already mentioned, thermal spray technology seems to be clearly the most versatile coating manufacturing technology
among all deposition technologies. This claim is particularly relevant when the availability of different coating materials and
structures and the flexibility of using many of these coating materials in the same particular spray equipment are compared. Nearly all
materials can be processed by thermal spray technologies into sprayed coatings; this includes all pure metals and alloys, all hard
258 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Table 13 Main groups of coating materials and their typical properties when sprayed by different common techniques
metal-like materials also named as cermets or carbides (e.g., WC–Co), as well as all ceramic materials with a few exceptions (magnesia
and silicon nitride and carbide as pure compounds), all thermoplastics, and mixtures of these. Due to the very large variation of
coating materials, it is not reasonable to deal with all these here, but to give an overview of typical thermal spray coating materials.
applications where Co is not allowed to be used. Alloying of the metallic binders with Cr leads to marked improvements in the
corrosion resistances in aqueous solutions.
Another noticeable group of ceramic oxide coating materials used in thermal spraying are the TBCs based on zirconia ZrO2.
Zirconia is not used as a pure oxide due to its poor properties under thermal changes, but is instead stabilized partially or fully with
such other oxides as magnesia (MgO), yttria (Y2O3), calcia (CaO), or ceria (CeO2). Other novel TBC compositions also exist. Polymers
Polymeric materials such as thermoplastics can also be processed by thermal spraying. In spraying of polymers it is essential not to
degrade the polymer structure by excessive heating, i.e., burning of the material. Powder flame spraying, particularly using propane
and air as process gases, is the most suitable spray technique for polymers. Such polymers as polyolefines (polyethylene (PE),
polypropylene (PP), copolymers), other low temperature thermoplastics (ethylene vinyl acetate, ethylene-methacrylic acid,
polyamide), high-temperature thermoplastics (polyether ether ketone, polyphenylene sulfide), and some fluoropolymers (ethylene
chlorotrifluoroethylene, fluorinated ethylene propylene, polyvinylidene fluoride) have been reported to be processable by thermal
spraying. Particularly polyolefins such as PE and PP, and polyamides (nylon) can produce dense and corrosion-resistant coatings.
Special care should be taken when spraying polymers that emit harmful species (e.g., fluoropolymers).
Figure 42 Factors influencing the required properties of thermally sprayed coatings. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
formation, and posttreatment procedures. Figure 42 schematically presents all main factors influencing the needed coating
properties of thermally spray materials planned to fill the specific requirements of the intended technical application.
Several factors are known to have influence on the structure and properties of thermal sprayed coatings:
l feedstock material type and composition;
l powder manufacturing methods;
l powder properties such as particle size, size distribution, presence of small particles, presence of excessive large particles, carbide
size, e.g., in WC–Co;
l wire type and composition;
l thermal spray method;
l spray torch parameters, e.g., gas types and flow rates; electrical parameters such as voltage and current (in plasma); state of
l kinematic parameters, such as surface velocity, distance between passes/increment, spray distance, degree of overlapping, etc.;
l substrate temperature and cooling media and configuration;
l heat load to substrate and temperature cycling during spraying;
l powder/wire feeding rate and layer thickness per pass;
l evaporated species from the process;
l external dust removal and presence air knives and air cooling; as well as
l stability of power suppliers, powder/wire feeding, and gas flows.
The presence of such a large number of thermal spraying parameters gives huge possibilities for tailoring coating properties and
producing excellent coatings with specific properties. However, this also makes the process to some extent sensitive to variations in
spray conditions, which may result in deviation of coating quality. Nevertheless, thermal spray technology can be a highly
reproducible deposition process if all important parameters are monitored and controlled during spraying.
Figure 43 Comparison of microhardness of hard metal-like coatings deposited by HVOF, D-Gun, APS, and VPS processes. Reproduced from
Pawlowski, L. The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray Coatings; John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2008.
Figure 44 Comparison of hardness of different ceramic oxide coatings. Reproduced from Gärtner, F.; Voyer, J.; Qi, X.; Kreye, H.; Richter H. J.;
Krömmer, W. New Challenges for Wire and Rod Flame Spraying. In Proceedings of the 6th HVOF Colloquium, Nov. 27–28, 2003, Erding.
some useful and comparative microhardness data for different hard metal coatings, ceramic oxide coatings, and for APS- and
VPS-processed ceramic oxide coatings, respectively (41). Highest hardness values are usually obtained with high-velocity coating
processes, which simultaneously produce dense coating structures and, with hard metal coatings the highest amount of retained
carbides in the coating.
Figure 45 Comparison of corrosion behavior of some HVOF-sprayed hard metal coatings prepared from different spray powder types. Corrosion
test: neutral salt spray test and corrosion test in salt spray with SO2 atmosphere. Reproduced from Schwetzke, R.; Kreye, H. J. Therm. Spray Technol.
1999, 8, 433–439.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 263
Figure 46 Electrochemical corrosion behavior of fully dense cold-sprayed tantalum coating showing excellent corrosion resistance and protection
characteristics of the coating; results for a porous tantalum coating are also included for comparison. Reproduced from Koivuluoto, H.; Näkki, J.;
Vuoristo, P. J. Therm. Spray Technol. 2009, 18, 75–82.
Figure 47 Abrasion wear of thermally sprayed hard metal coatings compared with wear of hard chromium plating and mild steel. Sand abrasion
test: abrasive 0.1–0.6 mm quartz sand; Fe 52, mild steel; HCr, hard chromium plating; P, plasma sprayed; H, HVOF sprayed; D, detonation sprayed;
CrC, Cr3C2–25NiCr; WC, WC–12Co. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Figure 47 compares the abrasion wear of thermally sprayed hard metal coatings with wear of hard chromium plating and mild
steel. It is obvious that the high-velocity spray methods produce excellent coating properties against abrasion wear by quartz sand.
Sprayed coatings show generally better properties than hard chromium plating, making thermal spraying a cost-effective alternative
to hazardous electrochemical processing. Table 17 is a comparison of wear, hardness, and corrosion properties of some hard metal
coatings manufactured by HVOF spraying. Figure 48 adds further information about the abrasive wear properties of several
WC–10%Co–4%Cr coatings prepared from five different powders of the same composition and by different thermal spray
processes, including plasma spraying, detonation, and HVOF spraying technologies. Comparative wear results of various ceramic
oxide coatings are in turn presented in Figure 49.
Table 17 Comparison of properties some hard metal coatings manufactured by HVOF spraying
Figure 48 Comparison of several thermally sprayed WC–10%Co–4%Cr coatings prepared by APS (Ar/H2 and Ar/He gases), two HVOF processes
(CDS and DJH-2700), and detonation spraying. The five columns refer to five different powders or similar composition. Source: Tampere University
of Technology.
Figure 49 Dry abrasion wear results for different ceramic coatings. Reproduced from Gärtner, F.; Voyer, J.; Qi, X.; Kreye, H.; Richter H. J.;
Krömmer, W. New Challenges for Wire and Rod Flame Spraying. In Proceedings of the 6th HVOF Colloquium, Nov. 27–28, 2003, Erding.
Figure 50 Dry abrasion wear results of several different thermal spray coating materials as a function of wear distance. Reproduced from
Houdkova, S.; Zahalka, F.; Kasparova, M.; Berger, L. -M. Tribol. Lett. 2011, 43, 139–154.
Figures 50 and 51 summarize and compare abrasive wear properties of several different thermally sprayed coatings with some
bulk materials and other coatings (45). It is obvious that thermally sprayed coatings can provide excellent wear properties to surfaces
and the results and behavior depends a lot on the specific coating material used.
Figure 51 Dry abrasion wear results of several different thermal spray coating materials as a function of wear distance. Reproduced from
Houdkova, S.; Zahalka, F.; Kasparova, M.; Berger, L. -M. Tribol. Lett. 2011, 43, 139–154.
Thermal spray coatings were originally used in the past only for repair and maintenance purposes; the technology indeed was called
‘metal spraying.’ However, soon the technology was adopted to several other application fields and today thermal spray coatings are
used also much in new production, i.e., components and equipment are designed to have thermal spray coatings for high
performance and durability. Applications in which a thermal spray process is one part of the full manufacturing chain are known.
At present, thermal spray coatings are used in very many different industrial applications and in industrial sectors, for instance in:
l refurbishment of worn or incorrectly machined parts;
l wear protection against abrasion, erosion wear, adhesive wear, etc.;
l corrosion protection against atmospheric and wet corrosion;
l protection against oxidation and high-temperature corrosion;
l thermal insulation at high temperatures, e.g., TBCs;
266 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
l electrical insulation;
l improvement of thermal conduction, e.g., copper coatings;
l providing electrically conducting layers;
l modification of surface properties, e.g., lowering of increasing friction properties;
l abradable coatings to provide tolerance-control coatings;
l bioinert and bioactive surfaces in human implants in medical technology; as well as
l decorative coatings.
Table 19 summarizes with examples industrial applications of thermal spray coatings. It is evident that thermal spray technology
is the most versatile and most widely used among all coating technologies available. Thermally sprayed coatings can be manu-
factured by manual spraying, which finds much use due to its versatility and the importance of operator’s skill on quality. In
particular, conventional thermal spray techniques such as wire and powder flame and arc spraying may often be operated manually.
Figure 52 shows manual spraying in refurbishment of a worn component. Automated spraying using various levels of mechani-
zation and robotics is surely preferred over manual spraying in order to increase coating quality, for reproducibility, and to
eliminate potential health and environmental risks. Figure 53 shows an example of an automated mass production system for grit
blasting and coating of synchronizer rings by wire flame spraying. The capacity of such installation is approximately 500 rings per
hour in three shifts. Large components over 10 m in length, such as rolls and cylinders for paper machines, are frequently coated in
large spray booths such as the one presented in Figure 54. The cylinders are loaded into the spray booth through opened roofs.
Figure 55 illustrates HVOF spraying of a large paper machine cylinder by HVOF spray process. The spraying is done in a separate
spray booth and the spraying procedure is controlled and monitored remotely from the operator’s spray control panel. In the next
Application Material
Corrosion protection of steel structures, steel parts in bridges, ship hulls, exhaust tubes, Zinc, Zn–15%Al alloys; aluminum, Al–5%Mg alloys
offshore oil drilling platforms, etc.
Corrosion protection of parts, rolls and cylinders, pump shafts, pump housings, propeller Stainless steels, Inconel 625, Hastelloy C 276
shaft, etc.
Corrosion and wear protection, sealing surfaces of pumps, sleeves, wear parts, mechanical Chromium oxide
seals, feeding screws, cylinders, rolls, etc. Chromium steels
Stainless steels
Self-fluxing alloys (NiCrBSi)
Thermal barrier coatings; combustion chambers, transition ducts, blades and vanes, piston Zirconium oxide (partly and fully stabilized)
crowns, exhaust valves, etc.
Oxidation, hot corrosion, erosion; heat exchangers surfaces in boilers, superheaters, water FeCrAl alloys
wall tubes, etc. Chromium steels
Self-fluxing alloys
Fretting wear in gas turbines Tungsten carbide (<500 C)
Chromium carbide (<815 C)
Abrasion wear resistance; guider rolls, shafts, piston rings, piston rods, feeding screws, Chromium steels
drawing drums Tungsten carbide
Self-fluxing alloys
Adhesive wear resistance; piston rings, gear guides, synchronizing rings, drawing drums, Molybdenum
drawing tools, etc. Aluminum bronze
Tungsten carbides
Babbitt metals
Erosion and cavitation resistance; blower blades, wear plates, pump housings, etc. Chromium steels
Aluminum bronze
Tungsten carbide
Chromium carbide
Self-fluxing alloys
Nonslip surfaces, friction surfaces, floor plates, rolls, paper feeders, etc. Aluminum
Chromium steels
Tungsten carbide
Electrical conducting layers, heaters, condensators, electrical contacts, etc. Silver, tin, aluminum, copper, nickel–chromium
Electrically insulating coatings, alternator parts, heaters, corona rolls, welding nozzles, etc. Aluminum oxide
Electromagnetic shielding, housings for electrical devices Zinc, aluminum, tin
Clearance surfaces; abradable coatings in gas turbines and turbine compressors Nickel–graphite, nickel aluminum, aluminum–
polyester, nickel–bentonite
Repair of mismachined components, shafts, pump parts, drums, bearing surfaces, etc. Chromium steels, stainless steels, special steel
grades, aluminum bronze, babbitt metals, self-
fluxing alloys
Source: Tampere University of Technology.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 267
Figure 52 Manual powder flame spraying in refurbishment. Source: Kuopion Konepaja Oy.
Figure 53 Automated production system for grit blasting and coating of synchronizer rings by wire flame spraying. Source: GTV mbH.
Figure 54 Thermal spraying booth for coating large paper machine rolls and cylinders. Source: Vaahto Group Oy.
268 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 55 Spraying of a large paper machine cylinder by HVOF spray process. Source: Metso Paper Inc.
section, some industrial examples of thermally sprayed coatings are reviewed. The aim is not to present all possible applications, but
instead to show the high versatility of thermal spraying in very diverse industrial sectors.
Figure 56 HVOF-sprayed WC–10Co4Cr coatings on valve parts prior to surface grinding and polishing. Source: Tampere University of Technology.
these applications is also large. Examples of applications in the pulp and paper industry are pulp digesters, blow tanks, suction rolls,
calendar rolls, center press rolls, dryer rolls, yankee dryer cylinders, coater blades, and creping blades. Several other applications exist
including water removal elements etc. Figures 57–59 presents HVOF spraying of a large center press roll with HVOF, ceramic-coated
center press roll, and on-site coating of a large yankee dryer cylinder, respectively.
Figure 57 HVOF spraying of a center press roll with corrosion-resistant metal alloy coating for bond layer of ceramic top coating. Source: Metso
Paper Inc.
Figure 58 Paper machine center press roll with a thermally sprayed ceramic coating. Source: Metso Paper Inc.
270 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 59 Thermal spray coating of a yankee dryer cylinder. With permission of Tocalo Co. Ltd.
Figure 60 Section of gas turbine with abradable coating for clearance control. Source: Patria Aviation Oy.
Figure 61 Thermal barrier-coated surface in a military aeroengine afterburner. With permission of Patria Aviation Oy.
Figure 62 Robotized plasma spraying of a transition duct of an industrial land-based gas turbine power plant. Source: Patria Aviation.
272 Thermal Spray Coating Processes
Figure 63 Wearing parts with plasma-sprayed coatings for textile industry applications. Source: Advanced Coating S.A.
Another application is coating of the anilox rolls. Such roll is a cylinder usually constructed of a steel or aluminum core that is
coated by plasma-sprayed chromia and laser engraved to contain millions of very fine small cavities known as cells. The function of
the anilox roll is to transfer ink in the printing process.
Figure 64 Coated rolls for continuous annealing lines used for the production of sheets. Source: Advanced Coating S.A.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 273
Figure 65 Thermally sprayed sink rolls for continuous galvanizing of steel sheet metal. Source: Advanced Coating S.A.
Figure 66 Hip implants with thermally sprayed coatings. Source: Sulzer Metco Inc.
Figure 67 Manual arc spraying of boiler tubes on-site. Source: Telatek Oy.
Figure 68 Mechanized spraying of boiler tubes with three wire flame spray torches. Source: Tocalo Co. Ltd.
Figure 69 Ball bearings with electrically insulating coatings. Source: Tocalo Co. Ltd.
Thermal Spray Coating Processes 275
Figure 70 Plasma spray-formed free-standing part for lambda sensor. Coating material is magnesium aluminate spinel ceramic. Source: Advanced
Coating S.A.
Thermal spray technology is continuously developing and new applications are seen for thermally sprayed coating materials and
structures. Main development trends are in the following technical areas:
l thermal spray business is smoothly growing in all sectors of use;
l thermal spray processes used are becoming more cost-effective, more robust, less operator dependent, and more productive;
l coatings are more reproducible and properties are more predictable;
l new functional properties are used in applications, e.g., electrical properties, photocatalytic properties, etc.;
l novel spray technologies have been recently taken into research stage and industrial use; examples are HVAF, cold spraying,
suspension plasma spraying, high-velocity suspension/liquid spraying, direct write process, etc.;
l thermal spray coatings are found in new applications, e.g., in fuel cells, as hard chromium alternatives, etc.;
l novel coatings materials and structures are studied and used; e.g., novel nano/submicron-sized carbides, coatings with nanosized
crystals, nanocomposite materials, cost-efficient spray materials, liquids as feedstock materials, suspensions, etc.;
l hybrid processes are studied and used; these include, for instance, combining thermal spray processes with laser novel laser
materials processing; and
l life cycle assessments, environmental considerations, and sustainable use of spray materials and processes.
The present overview of thermal spray coating processing is a generic summary about the topic trying to comprehensively cover
many important related aspects and to give the reader a general knowledge about the technology, formation of the coatings, coating
materials with their properties, and industrial applications of the coatings. The numbers of available processes, coating materials
and properties, and applications for thermal spray coatings are practically endless and cannot be perfectly covered in the frame of
this chapter. Additional information is available from high-level journal papers such as Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (ASM
International) and in related conferences, e.g., ITSC and in its proceedings. Societies such as ASM/TSS, German Gesellschaft
für Termisches Spritzen, and ETSA promote the thermal spray technology and its science, technology, and application.
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