Logical Framework (Logframe) : Lazord Team
Logical Framework (Logframe) : Lazord Team
Logical Framework (Logframe) : Lazord Team
Goal 10% increase in the number of Grades 5-6 Percentage of Grades 5-6 primary Comparison of primary and high N/A
primary students continuing on to high students continuing on to high school enrolment records.
school within 3 years. school.
Outcome Improve reading proficiency among Reading proficiency among children Six monthly reading proficiency Improved reading proficiency
children in Grades 5-6 by 20% within 3 in Grades 5-6 tests using the national provides self confidence
years. assessment tool. required to stay in school.
Outputs 1. 500 Grade 5-6 students with low Number of students completing a Summer camp attendance Children apply what they
reading proficiency complete a reading reading summer camp. records. learnt in the summer camp.
summer camp
2. 500 parents of children in Grade 5-6 Number of parents helping their Survey of parents conducted at Children are interested in
with low reading proficiency help their children to read at home. the end of each summer camp. reading with their parents.
children read at home.
Activities 1. Run five reading summer camps, each Number of summer camps run. Summer camp records. Parents of children with low
with 100 Grades 5-6 students who have reading proficiency are
low reading proficiency. interested in them attending
the camps.
2. Distribute 500 “Reading at Home” kits to Number of kits distributed. Kit distribution records. Parents are interested and
parents of children attending summary able to use the kits at home.