Sec-Erb Engineering Standards: Eastern Region Branch Saudi Electricity Company
Sec-Erb Engineering Standards: Eastern Region Branch Saudi Electricity Company
Sec-Erb Engineering Standards: Eastern Region Branch Saudi Electricity Company
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Eastern Region Branch Saudi Electricity Company
General Revision
By: DB
DATE: 17/8/28
Approved by the Engineering Standards Committee (ESC) on
13 Muharram 1423 (March 27, 2002)
DATE: 17/8/28
DATE: 17/8/28
2.1 General
2.2 Safety Practices
3.1 Location
3.2 Construction
3.3 Fire Resistance Ratings
3.4 Equipment Layout
3.5 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System
3.6 Emergency Exits
3.7 Fire Exit Hardware
3.8 Exit and Emergency Lighting
3.9 Fire Detection and Alarm System
3.10 Fire Suppression Systems
4.1 General
4.2 Fire Hazard of Oil -Filled Equipment
4.3 Transformers
4.4 Outdoor Installation of Oil-Filled Transformers
4.5 Oil-Filled Capacitors
4.6 Oil-Filled Reactors
4.7 Pressure Relief
4.8 Supports
4.9 Oil/SF6 Cable Termination (Sealing End)
5.1 General
5.2 Fire Hazard of Cables
5.3 Cable Installation Practices
5.4 Cable Penetration Fire Stops, Fire Breaks and Coatings
6.1 Batteries
6.2 Combustible Materials
6.3 Heating Equipment
Figure 1-1: Steel enclosure with withdrawable shelf for fire alarm printer and paper
1.1 This Standard provides the guidelines for fire and loss prevention requirements in
the design of substation facilities.
1.2.1. To evaluate the fire and loss prevention requirements of substations and
incorporate the fire alarm and detection systems applicable to substations.
2.1 General
The design of a substation shall incorporate and ensure the safety and protection
features of the substation, such as substation shielding, insulation coordination,
surge protection, relaying, grounding, fire detection and alarm system and other
protective systems and devices intended to ensure the reliability of the substation.
2.2.5 Shielding
2.2.6 Grounding
3.1 Location
The substation building shall be located such that any credible fire from any
potential fire risks (oil-filled transformers, oil-filled circuit breakers,
neighbouring plants) will not involve or affect the operation of equipment within
the substation building.
3.2 Construction
3.2.1 General
c. Fire stops used for cable penetrations through fire rated floors,
walls or partitions shall meet the requirements of ASTM E814 or
UL 1479.
The HVAC duct system shall comply with the applicable requirements of
NFPA 90A, SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s
National Association), related specifications and drawings. The HVAC
ducts, air terminal devices, accessories and supports shall be constructed
of noncombustible or fire resistant materials.
Duct insulation and insulation adhesives shall have a flame spread rating
of not greater than 25 and a smoke developed rating of not greater than 50
when tested in accordance with NFPA 255.
e. All other duct penetrations and openings for louvers and grilles in
fire rated walls and partitions shall be provided with fusible link
operated fire dampers with fusible link rating of 71°C. Fire
damper shall comply with UL 555.
f. The duct penetration shall be sealed on both sides of the wall with
10 gauge galvanized steel sheet metal enclosure.
Doors for emergency exits shall comply with the requirements of clause 3.3.2 or
clause 3.3.3 as applicable.
Any door as a means of egress including door in the battery room shall be fitted
with UL listed/labeled fire exit hardware as per the requirements of NFPA 80 and
NFPA 101.
3.9.1 General
a. The fire protective signaling panel shall have the provision for
remote signaling of fire alarm/fault signal through an interface
connection with SCADA RTU/IFC provided in the substation.
220/127Vac data printer shall automatically print all incoming alarm and
trouble status and faults received by the fire protective signaling panel
with date and time of receipt. The printer shall be capable to print 264cps,
80 columns. A steel enclosure with lockable, clear glass-front per Figure
21-1 shall house the printer and paper. The printer and paper shall be
placed on a withdrawable shelf inside the enclosure for easy access.
b. The fire and smoke in the areas described in clause 3.9.4.a of size
greater than 12m2 shall be detected by a combination of optical
and ionization smoke detectors in 1:1 ratio except for the
following areas where the same shall be detected as noted:
h. All wiring for fire protective signaling systems shall comply with
Article 760 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 and
i. All wiring for fire protective signaling systems running outside the
building shall be installed in SEC-ERB approved direct-buried
3.10.1 General
The type of fire suppression system and the extent of the protection to be
provided shall depend on the following considerations:
1. Battery Room
2. HVAC Room and Mechanical room (i.e. pump room, if
3. Workshops and Offices
4. Switchgear Rooms
5. Communication Room
6. Control and Relay Room
7. Cable basement
8. Security Gate House (if available)
d. The fire extinguishers shall be located near entrance and exit doors
and along the normal path of travel. They shall be visible and
readily accessible. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted on the wall
with its top not more than 1070 mm above the finished floor.
e. At least two (2) wheeled type 56.8kgs Class ABC fire extinguisher
shall be provided in the substation yard, where oil-filled
equipment are present and the extinguisher shall be protected by a
shed. Flooring under the shed shall be of concrete; and the three
sides of the shed shall be provided with walls made of G.I. sheets.
4.1 General
4.3 Transformers
The spilled oil from a ruptured transformer tank shall be collected and
confined to prevent the spread of fire to other areas or equipment. The
following methods of oil containment shall be applied:
Pits: Various types of holding pit designs are presently in use by the
Utilities. The area below and surrounding the oil filled-equipment
is used as a collecting pit. Pits shall be designed so that the
collected oil and water will not weaken the equipment
foundations. The most common designs include those listed
1. Oil Retention Pit or Oil Catch Basin: The foundation of the oil
filled equipment is designed in the form of an open rectangular
box with the oil filled equipment placed on concrete pier. The
rectangular concrete box below the oil filled equipment is
designed to hold 100% of the equipment oil, with the top surface
of the oil at least 500mm below the top of the retention pit
foundation box. The space around the rectangular foundation box
shall be used as a part of retention pit oil catch basin by providing
interconnection piping to keep the depth to a minimum.
4.4.2 Barriers
When the design and size of the containment facilities utilized are
inadequate, it may be necessary to install some form of barrier to protect
other substation equipment or neighbouring properties. These barriers
shall be totally constructed of non-combustible materials, such as concrete
block, brick, sheet steel and reinforced concrete, and designed to
withstand the thermal shock of the largest credible fire to which they may
be subjected.
4.4.3 Separation
c. Fire Wall: The height of a fire wall shall not be less than 0.3 m
above the height of the oil-filled circuit breaker tank, transformer
tank and its oil conservator (if applicable), transformer bushings,
pressure-relief vents.
The fire wall shall extend at least 0.6 m horizontally beyond the
line of sight between all points on adjacent transformers. The
height of the fire wall shall not be less than that required to break
the line-of-sight from any point on the top of the transformer tank
and its oil conservator (if applicable) to any adjacent transformer
bushing and surge arrester mounted on the transformer.
c. The fire detection and alarm system shall have all components
suitable for outdoor installation and shall be designed in
accordance with SES-B-001.
The discharge from any oil pressure relief device shall be directed away from any
nearby equipment to prevent any damage to that equipment and safety hazards to
operating personnel.
4.8 Supports
Any essential structure or support that may be subjected to an oil fire shall be
constructed of steel rather than aluminum.
5.1 General
An LPOF cable fault resulting from insulation breakdown can rupture the
cable sheath thereby releasing the pressurized oil. A high fault arcing that
follows the insulation breakdown can ignite or burn the oil. Since the oil
in the LPOF cable system is maintained under pressure, burning oil can
spread over a large area creating intense fire and heavy damage to
neighbouring substation equipment or facilities.
To safeguard against fire hazard, LPOF cables used to feed indoor GIS in
substations shall be installed and terminated outdoors including oil
reservoirs and associated devices. The oil/SF6 cable termination shall be
of leak-proof sealing end design.
When PVC or XLPE insulated cable is exposed to fire, the insulation may
burn and can generate smoke and corrosive fumes. Smoke can obliterate
escape routes and could impair the ability to fight the fire. When
materials such as PVC burns, chlorine is driven off which when combines
with water forms hydrochloric acid. This acid can attack the contact or
relays, electronic circuits and wiring terminations, and can prolong the
substation restoration time.
5.3.1 General
The manholes and pull boxes shall be located and constructed in a manner
as to prevent the entry of flammable liquids that can possibly ignite the
Fire stops or fire breaks shall be installed when the trench enters into the
building and/or from one room to the other room or from one floor to the
other floor.
When the cables used do not meet the flame propagation requirements of
ANSI/IEEE Std. 383, fire hazard can be minimized by utilizing fire
6.1 Batteries
The use of combustible materials shall be avoided in the selection of desks, filing
cabinets, storage boxes, display boards, building insulation, air conditioning duct
insulation and mounting boards.
Heating equipment shall not be used in the control building unless the design,
installation and electrical supplies are deemed suitable. Clearances for heat-
producing appliances shall be adequate to minimize the risk of igniting adjacent
combustible material.
All substation buildings shall be provided with first aid box (SCECO-East
material code: 00351075) located in the control room. Posters outlining
emergency treatment for electrical shock, cardio pulmonary resuscitation and
artificial respirations shall be provided. One folding type stretcher shall also be
provided in the control room.
Safety equipment and devices for personnel protection, safe handling and
proper maintenance of batteries shall be provided in the battery room per
SES-P-103.04 and SES-P-119.19.
7.2.3 Signs