1 Type the Password as admin in the bars to login the setting page.
The password and username it depend on the default username and password of device
Prepared By:
Roland Abrigo Delpilar
CSS Instructor
2 Click on Advanced on the home page to login the advanced setting page 4 Click on Wireless, then click on Wireless Security and choose the Security
mode as WPA-PSK, and then open the drop down menu of the WPA Algorithms option
then select the type as AES and set a Security Key as you want. At last, let the other op-
tions as defaulted and hit on the Save button to save the settings.
3 Click on Wireless, then click on Wireless Basic Settings and making sure that wireless is
Enable. Making sure the SSID Broadcast was checked, otherwise the wireless signal will
not be found in your wireless bar of your computer. Also you can change the Primary SSID
as you want.
SSID (Service Set Identifier is simply the technical term for a Wi-Fi network name. When
you set up a wireless home network, you give it a name to distinguish it from other net-
works in your neighborhood. You'll see this name when you connect your devices to your Note: Security Key should be at least 8 characters.
wireless network.
B. Explanations 10pts
1. Why we need to change the WIFI name Or SSID and Password of a router?
2. What does router do in the network?
How to set a Static IP Address
INFORMATION SHEET 4.1 Normally, your computer’s IP Address has a dynamic IP Address. To find out
What is an IP Address? your computer’s Dynamic IP simply click the Start button, type cmd and press Enter.
Then, enter the command IPCONFIG and press Enter.
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) in layman’s terms is basically the address giv-
en to your computer when it’s connected to a network. Technically speaking, an IP ad-
dress is a 32-bit number that signifies the address of both the sender and receiver of
packets on a network
Dynamic IP Address
On the other hand, a Dynamic IP address changes each time the device logs in to a net-
work. This kind of IP address is very tough to trace and are thus used by companies and
business firms.
You must be thinking as to who or what allocates this Dynamic IP address every time the
device logs in. Well, these IP address are assigned using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configura-
tion Protocol). Talking about DHCP in detail is beyond the scope of this article and we
will take it up in a future post.
4. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on Properties SELF CHECK 4.1
B. Classes of IP Address
5. Select Use the following IP address and enter the IP addresses from the com- 2.
mand prompt (IPCONFIG).
Note: If you change the default gateway and preferred DNS server, you will lose your in-
ternet connection.