MBA-Brochure by GEPEA and UNW

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MBA for Executive (EMBA),

Advanced MBA (AMBA),

International MBA (IMBA), Online
Commonwealth MBA (CMBA), Distance
Global Executive MBA (GEMBA)
In Joint Collaborations (GEPEA & UNW)

10-12 Months Online Distance Learning Program [

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA


University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

What is MBA?
The MBA (Master of Business Administration) is an internationally recognized
and geographically portable post-graduate, post-experience academic course in
a number of subjects that together can be said to constitute the science of
It is intended for those who work in business and management who seek career
advancement, business ownership, or technical skills and business knowledge.
The challenges imposed by the 21st Century place a high premium on upgrading
skills and qualifications in order to meet the demands set by companies, customers
and the environment that managers operate in.

Why MBA?

The MBA qualification broadens and enhances

knowledge and should be viewed in a sense of building
up skills. Although the most popular reasons for
undertaking the MBA is to increase salary, other reasons
include widening career opportunities, furthering one’s
career and/or to extend personal networks. There are
other equally important reasons that any prospective
MBA student will state, but by far the most compelling is
to create career opportunities for oneself. The challenges
imposed by the 21st century have made it an essential
component that we upgrade skills and qualifications in
order to meet the demandsset by companies, customers
and the environment we operate within.

This is where the MBA becomes a tool to be utilized in

building up existing competencies - the theory learned
can be utilized to find plausible solutions to concurrent
business issues. At the end of an MBA program, one
emerges with an upper level of functional managerial and
business issues as well as new conceptual skills ready to
meet the demands that are set by the competitiveness
around us.

International Business/Economics
Organizational Behavior
Finance/Financial Management
Major Subject: Major can be chosen from list of specialization subjects *

List of specialization subjects *

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA
 General Management
 Business Administration
 Microeconomics
 Macroeconomics
 Managerial Economics

HR (Human Resources)
 Human Resource Management
 Personal Management
 Public Administration
 Corporate Law
 Corporate Training
 Labour Law

 Operation Management
 Industrial Management
 Production Management
 Project Management
 Total Quality Management
 Plant Operations
 Inventory

Hotel/Tours & Travels

 Hotel Management
 Hospitality Management
 Travel & Tourism Management
 Transport Management
 Aviation

 Material Management
 Supply chain Management
 Logistics Management

 Marketing Management
 International Marketing
 Marketing Research
 Strategic Marketing
 Sales Management
 Export Management
 International Trade
 Foreign Trade
 Industrial Marketing
 Retail Management
 Business Marketing

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

BPO/Call center
 BPO Management
 Customer Relationship Management
 Customer Care Management
 Call center Management

 Banking Management
 Foreign Exchange Management
 Asset Management
 Mutual Fund Management
 Finance Management
 Investment Analysis Management
 Risk & Insurance Management
 Taxation Management
 Investment Management
 International Finance Management
 Takeover & Acquisition Management
 Corporate and Finance Management
 Equity Research Management
 Audit Management
 Cost and Management Accounting

 Advertising Management
 Communication Management
 Information Management
 Mass Communication
 Media Management
 Portfolio Management
 Public Relationship Management
 Telecom Management

 Architectural Management
 Construction Management
 Interior Management

 Software Project Management
 SAP Consultancy Management
 Software Management
 Information Technology
 E-Business System
 Cyber Law Management
 Hardware Management
 E-commerce
 Networking Management
 Fashion Management
 Textile Management

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

 Entrepreneurship
 Innovation
 Leadership
 Rural Management
 Environmental Management
 Family Business Management
 School Management
 Shipping Management
 Safety Management
 Event Management
 Packaging Management
 Entrepreneurship Management
 Agriculture Management
 Strategic Management
 Energy Management
 Risk Management
 Intellectual Property Rights
 Petroleum Management
 Library Management

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA


University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

Why University of NorthWest?
University of NorthWest is an ISO certified international university which is known
for its excellence, creativity and innovative approach to learning. Education is the
power to think clearly, the power to act well in the working world, and the power
to appreciate life. Working in the same direction and ensuring the integrity of career
education, University of NorthWest is offering On-Campus, Off-Campus (Distance
Learning) and Executive Program in various disciplines.

Accreditation & Legal Status

University of NorthWest, USA is an international, privately

What is Accreditation?
owned, for-profit corporation, incorporated in USA. It also
holds certificate of good standing, issued by Department
In the United States, post-
of Treasury.
secondary academic institutions
have established private
associations with the intentionto
gollin/oregon_north_dakota/breyerstate/agc.htm (USA)
create organizational and
procedural standards to ensure (UK –United Kingdom/England)
consistent delivery of academic
programs. These private
University of NorthWest is not accredited by an
associations of member schools
accreditation agency approved by the US Department of
administer the "accreditation"
process in the U.S. All
accredited institutions conformto
All degrees may be verified by US State Department
the standards of the accrediting
and embassy*.
body, thus simplifying the
evaluation and acceptance of
credits among member schools.
The U.S. Department of
Education certifies selected For further details, please contact us at
accrediting associations to
identify the member schools as
acceptable for award of federal
financial assistance. The federal Visit us at
government itself does not [Turkey]
accredit schools, nor does it [USA]
evaluate the quality of schools.

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA


“Adding Value to the Global Professionals & Executives”

Global Educational & Professional Excellence Academy (GEPEA). GEPEA is
accredited, Affiliated and partnered with renowned international organizations which
provides extremely exceptional, distinguished continuing higher education and prestigious
awards via open access to all professionals, adult individuals located around the world.
From its Central Europe office cloud campus to the student’s doorstep via distance learning
or e-campus/seminars/conferences/group meetings for academic & professional diplomas,
degrees, awards, honors, trainings and certifications internationally. GEPEA support
services which offers flexible part-time study, supported distance and open learning for
Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctoral, Diploma courses and professional qualifications.
GEPEA was established supported UN (United Nations) Articles 26 (1): “Everyone has the
right to education……. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and
professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit”.
Secondly, GEPEA follows UNESCO Education guidelines, among them the following ones
is indispensable:
“…………Higher education, accessible to all on the basis of individual capacity and
progressively free, Fundamental education for individuals who have not completed
education, Professional training opportunities, Equal quality of education through minimum
GEPEA welcomes students from anywhere, any race, ethnicity, nationality, class, caste,
religion, belief, sex, gender, language, no discrimination for education. In an age of
globalization driven by exponential accelerating technological, social change, and industrial
modernization push for more creative and context driven innovation, dynamic and
adaptable to anybody, any place and any situation is the need of the day. In this context
education system has gone from local to global, one to many and traditional to modern and
has become borderless.

 Awards, Honors, Recognition, Trainings and Certifications

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

“Approach the studies with an open mindset and let your intentions
be to develop yourself to your full capacity. Accept the program as a
challenge, set your personal as well as career objectives and, most
importantly, utilize the Masters of Business Administration degree
to close gaps that may exist within your skills and qualifications, so
that you can facilitate and expedite your management career.”


University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

Students will have access to our online portal from where all studyMaterial
will be accessed.

Students will be required to do different task. These include:

❖ Quizzes (MCQ)
❖ Distance Learning/Internet based TMA Assignments
❖ Written (OBS) Assignments
❖ Case Studies

Students will be required to write an exam after completion of each of the

subjects through self-study at home.

After completion of all subjects students must write a Thesis on a approved

subject. This Thesis will be the last step in obtaining their MBA.

All learning is e-based and students need to have access to the Internet.

With an MBA, you can:

❖ Advance your career

Whether you're a doctor, an engineer, or an editor for your local newspaper, a graduate business degree can
prepare you to move into a managerial position within your field.

❖ Change your career

If your current career path is a less than perfect fit for your aptitudes and interests, business school can give you
the opportunity to explore your options, and then provide you with the training you need to change careers

❖ Set up your own business

Interested in starting your own business, but not sure that you have the necessary expertise to launch a start-up
in a high-growth industry? An MBA can prepare you to do everything from writing a business plan to acquiring
venture capital to launching an IPO. Research has shown that the failure rate for small businesses started by an
MBA is about 50 percent less than the standard failure rate.

❖ Develop technical skill and business knowledge

Can you advance to a managerial position or launch your own business without the benefit of a graduate degree
in business? Yes. There is much to be learned from on-the-job training and employers certainly value work
experience. However, an MBA program will put you on the fast-track to career advancement by offering you the
chance to develop a wide range of general business knowledge and a broad base of technical skill in a relatively
short period of time.

❖ Become a leader in an emerging field

Innovative education can lead to an exciting career in a newly emerging field, such as brand management,
information technology, e-commerce, or mobile telecommunications.

❖ Network
Networking is another key benefit. Business school teaching styles encourage teamwork and, over the course of
an MBA program, you'll develop important relationships that can serve you well throughout your business career.
And no matter the school, you can often get plugged into a network of alumni working at a wide range of
companies. This is useful for professional conta

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

Fee Structure & Payment Plan
Total Program fee is US$4900 or Euro €4,370.00, payable in three easy installments.
SN Particulars Amount Details
1 Admission US$500.00 or Euro € 450.00
2 Registration & Computing US$500.00 or Euro € 450.00
3 Tuition Fee - I US$900.00 or Euro € 800.00
At the time of admission
4 Examination Fee US$200.00 or Euro € 175.00
5 Transcript US$100.00 or Euro € 90.00
6 Course Material US$200.00 or Euro € 175.00 Sub-Total Euro € 2,140.00
7 Tuition Fee - II US$900.00 or Euro € 800.00
8 Examination Fee US$200.00 or Euro € 175.00 Payable after 03 months of
9 Transcript US$100.00 or Euro € 90.00 enrollment.
10 Course Material US$200.00 or Euro € 175.00
Sub-Total Euro € 1,240.00
11 Graduation US$500.00 or Euro € 450.00
Payable at course
12 Alumni Fee US$100.00 or Euro € 90.00
13 R&D Fund US$500.00 or Euro € 450.00
Sub-Total Euro € 990.00
TOTAL US$4900.00 or Euro €4,370.00
Exemption (Course Exemption): Course Exemption Available, during admission concern student have to
submit their previous transcript in order to approve course exemption from Dean’s office of the University.

Waiver Fees (Partial Scholarship): Partial scholarship or waiver of fees is applicable for the low
economy countries (International students). During admission respective students are advised to consult this issue.
Upon evidence of financial hardship partial scholarship may grant by the University.** This option isn’t available in
all the International campuses of UNW.

Refund Policy: Payments once deposited are not refundable for any reason whatsoever. All fees are subject to change
at any time at thediscretion of the University.

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

“Students are provided e-books, Syllabus
course outline, materials and referral books.” [EUROPE] [Turkey] [USA]

University of NorthWest, USA, Its Turkey branch in collaboration with GEPEA

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