Key Point: A Matrix Is Suggested As A Good Way To Represent A Course Schedule Including Class, Topic and Requirements

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MAEG1020 Computational Design and Fabrication

Course schedule
Key point: A matrix is suggested as a good way to represent a course schedule including class, topic and requirements
so that students can prepare their own learning before classes. It is useful to highlight important dates for students,
including holidays, dates when assessments are due and/or dates of tests and examinations.

Class/ Date Lectures Labs Note/Requirement

week (if any)
Week 1 7/9/2020 Course Introduction and basis of NO LAB
engineering design and manufacturing
Projection – multiview vs pictorial, first
angle projection vs third angle,
construction of different projection views
Week 2 14/9/2020 Projection (continued) SolidWorks: Zoom for lab
Section and auxiliary view – drawing Introduction and
techniques, hidden features, assembly basic operation
section Homework 1
Week 3 21/9/2020 Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing SolidWorks: Parts Zoom for lab
(GD&T) - dimensioning (Sketch and
Homework 2
Week 4 28/9/2020 Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing SolidWorks: Further Zoom for lab
(GD&T) - tolerancing on Sketching &
Homework 3
Week 5 5/10/2020 Conventional manufacturing – casting, SolidWorks: Zoom for lab
machining, non-traditional machining, Assemblies
polymer, plastics Homework 4
Week 6 12/10/2020 Digital Manufacturing I: Additive SolidWorks: Zoom for lab
manufacturing – different types of AM, Simulation and
principles, applications Animation Project information
Homework 5 will be announced.
Week 7 19/10/2020 Digital manufacturing II: CNC – History 3D printing lab Video recording for
and development, coordinate systems, G No homework lab
code programming (Mandatory)
Week 8 26/10/2020 Public holiday CNC lab Video recording for
Homework 6 lab
1st project deadline:
12 noon
Week 9 2/11/2020 Jigs and fixtures – reference for
manufacturing, fixture design principles,
fixture components, material and
Week 9/11/2020 Material selection – consideration in 3D scanning lab Video recording for
10 terms of geometry, mechanical Homework 7 lab
properties, environment, manufacturing, 2nd project
tooling (optional) deadline:
12 noon
Week 16/11/2020 Reverse engineering – Hardware and AutoCAD: Zoom for lab
11 software, legal restrictions, applications Homework 8
Week 23/11/2020 Micromachining
Week 30/11/2020 Project presentation (Mandatory)
Week 7/12/2020 Make-up class (if any) -

1. The submission deadlines for Homework 1-5 are the 1st Sunday midnight after the tutorial. The
submission deadlines for Homework 6-8 are the 2nd Sunday midnight after the tutorial. Unless there is
valid medical/family reasons, late homework will not be accepted.

2. The tutorial and demonstration for the 3D printing lab, CNC lab, and 3D scanning lab will be recorded
and distributed to students. The homework for CNC lab and 3D scanning lab will involve answering
manufacturing-related technical questions and writing lab reports. More detailed instructions will be
provided during the week of the specific lab.

3. Final project will involve CAD design and 3D printing. Students will be assigned into groups of 5-6
students/group. They will need to design something based on guidelines provided and submit their design
for 3D printing. They will have two 3D printing opportunities with the 2nd opportunity provided so that they
can revise their 1st design to obtain a better 3D printing outcome. Please take note of the two deadlines to
submit your files for 3D printing. More information will be provided when the project is announced.

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