NCM 117: Psychiatric Nursing Mental Status Exam
NCM 117: Psychiatric Nursing Mental Status Exam
NCM 117: Psychiatric Nursing Mental Status Exam
WHAT IS MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION? communicate effectively with culturally diverse clients with mental health
- part of clinical assessment that describes the sum total of examiner’s
provides important information for diagnosis and for assessment of the
observations and impressions of the pt at the time of interview
disorder’s course and response to treatment
- involves observing the patient’s behavior and describing it in an objective
utilize the teaching/learning process in providing safe and effective nursing
and nonjudgmental manner
care for the psychiatric client across the life cycle
- MSE: Psychiatric nursing while Physical Examination: General medical
- Psychiatric tool to objectively and descriptively and thoroughly describe the COMPONENTS OF MENTAL STATUS EXAM
mental state at the time of interview
I. Presentation/ Appearance
- Interpreted in conjunction with patient’s history pe and lab studies
II. Stream Of Talk/ Behavior And Speech
- Consideration is given to all aspects of mental fx-ing
III. Emotional State And Reaction
- Describes the mental states and behavior of person
IV. Disturbances In Thinking
- Has a standard format but not rigid planned for interviewing the patient
V. Disturbances In Perception
- Guide to interviewer
VI. Neurovegative Dysfunction
- structured assessment of the patients behavioral and cognitive function
VII. General Sensorium And Intellectual Stats
- it includes descriptions of the patient’s:
VIII. Insight/ Judgement
o appearance and general behavior
o level consciousness and attentiveness
- Interpretation
o 24 ≥ = normal cognition
o 19 – 23 = cognitive impairment
o 10 – 18 = moderate
o ≤9 = severe