Assessment 1

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1. Which of the following refers to a horizontal or nearly horizontal underground passage that is
open to the surface on both ends?
A. crosscut D. drift
B. tunnel E. adit
C. winze

2. Indirect tensile strength is also called what?

A. rapture test D. Brazilian disc test
B. work index test E. ring test
C. tri-axial test

3. In mine ventilation, what do you call the artificial doors that are installed purposely to divert
the flow of fresh air in to the underground workings?
A. chute covers D. bulkheads
B. brattices E. sliding doors
C. automatic doors

4. It is a round and flexible cord whose central core is composed of high explosives and is used to
initiate an explosives charge.
A. none of these D. cartridge
B. dynamite E. seismic wire
C. detonating cord

5. Rock mechanics differs from classical mechanics in:

A. in rock mechanics, the post failure characteristics of rocks is more useful and
significant in mining than the pre-failure ones
B. the strength of rocks compared with steel
C. rock mechanics is applied only in mining
D. seismic forces are not considered in classical mechanics

6. What is the minimum age requirement for underground mine workers?

A. 20 D. 21
B. 45 E. 18
C. 16

7. Which of the following valuation parameters is necessary in evaluating whether a mineral

deposit is feasible to develop or not?
A. ore reserves and applicable mining method
B. environmental effects and expense during and after mining
C. cost of establishing and maintaining social acceptability
D. price of metal commodities

8. In diamond drilling, the very fine and slimey samples collected are called what?
A. chip samples D. sludge samples
B. blasthole cones E. core samples
C. drill cuttings

9. Under RA 7942, which of the following parameters was/were added in then regulation of
mineral resources development in the country?
A. social acceptability
B. multi-partite monitoring of mining operations
C. all of these
D. mine rehabilitation fund
E. environmental control
10. A word commonly used in rock mechanics as collective term for all fractures or features in a
rock mass such as joints, faults, shears, etc. that have zero or relatively low tensile strengths is
A. fracture plan D. lineation
B. fabric E. structure
C. discontinuity

11. In planning and designing open pit mines, the need to optimize the pit limits is for which of the
following objectives and purposes?
A. determine the total mineable reserves, ore grade and stripping ratio that result to the
highest net present value of the deposit
B. establish the optimum drainage applicable
C. determine the total manpower required
D. calculate the total blasting requirements of the mine until depletion of ore reserves
E. establish the best workable bench height given the available mining equipment at hand

12. Which of the following commonly refers to a steeply dipping rod shaped mineral deposit
A. lode deposit D. porphyry deposit
B. placer deposit E. seam deposit
C. epithermal deposit

13. The famous Diwalwal gold rush area is located in what licality?
A. Davao D. Negros
B. Leyte E. Camarines
C. Benguet

14. Which of the following parameters reflects or measures the quality of coal?
A. specific gravity D. density
B. color E. BTU content
C. moisture content

15. In mine sanitation, the disease that results from excessive inhalation of silica dust is called:
A. tuberculosis D. asbestosis
B. anthrocosis E. salivation
C. silicosis

16. Ferrogenous outcrops are usually indicated by which of the following?

A. horse D. footwall collapse
B. overburden weathering E. dike intrusion
C. gossan

17. The strength of a fractured mass is:

A. unlimited D. nil
B. purely frictional E. infinite
C. zero

18. Geochemical prospecting is used to treat metals usually contained in?

A. waste dump samples
B. wind samples
C. flora samples
D. water or stream sediment samples
E. oil samples

19. Which of the following methods is most applicable in mapping or locating wet shears, clays or
gravel deposits and in determining their thicknesses?
A. Gravity C. telluric
B. Magnetic D. resistivity
20. Which of the following parameters is the most important parameter to consider in designing
shafts for ore hoisting?
A. availability of materials for shaft supports
B. tonnage of ore to be hoisted at any given period
C. mine drainage during and after shaft sinking
D. ventilation during and after shaft sinking
E. availability of expert shaft sinking contractors
21. Aside from limestone, what other raw materials are necessary in the production of cement?
A. diorite D. andesite
B. dacite E. granite
C. silica

22. In interpreting topomaps, overlapping topographic contours represent which of the following
surface formation?
A. basin D. overhand
B. anticline E. syncline
C. dome

23. In quarry blasting, what do you call a piece of rock that has been thrown to an excessive
distance from the blast site?
A. flyrock D. swell
B. throw E. heave
C. muck

24. Which of the following refers to a natural post left behind for the purpose of providing supports
between two or more underground headings or stopes?
A. pillar D. back
B. crown E. muckpile
C. gob

25. This is produced by fires or explosions of gas or dust where carbon dioxide is an important
A. black damp C. fire damp
B. after damp D. white damp

26. The term of small scale permit under RA 7076 is?

A. 10 years renewable for like periods
B. 1 years renewable for like periods
C. 2 years renewable for like periods
D. 25 years renewable for like periods
E. 5 years renewable for like periods
27. Which of the following hand sampling procedures is the MOST accurate or results to the
smallest possible error?
A. chip sampling C. channel sampling
B. cut sampling D. grab sampling

28. Which of the following parameters must be considered in evaluating as whether a mineral
deposit is feasible to mine or not?
A. all of these
B. price of metal commodity
C. cost of establishing and maintaining social acceptability
D. environmental effects during and after mining
E. ore reserves and applicable mining methods

29. Which of the following stages of mineral resource development comes last?
A. prospecting D. blasting
B. exploration E. mining
C. rehabilitation
30. In underground mine development, a horizontal passage driven to gain access from the surface
to an orebody is called?
A. Adit D. sump
B. Tunnel E. drift
C. level

31. An explosive made by mixing sulfuric acid, nitric acid and gelatin is called:
A. nitrocellulose D. nitronobel
B. nitroglycerine E. TNT
C. pexgel
32. Which of the following refers to a surface opening of an underground excavation?
A. level C. shaft
B. adit D. portal

33. It consists of one or more pieces or rocks, usually between 1 to 3 meters long, and taken from a
particular depth thru diamond drilling.
A. dead man D. fish line
B. core E. sludge
C. blasthole cone

34. For accurate logging of diamond dill cores, the core must first be:
A. painted with clear white
B. wetted with clean water
C. pulverized to minus 200 mesh
D. crushed to powder form
E. polished to powder form

35. Which of the following natural materials posses excellent plastic properties?
A. lignite D. anthracite
B. clay E. gypsum
C. limestone

36. The tem duration of Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) under the New Mining
Act of 1995 is how long?
A. 15 years renewable for like periods
B. 10 years renewable for like periods
C. 1 years renewable for like periods
D. 25 years renewable for like periods

37. Which of the following refers to a ferrogenous outcrop?

A. dike D. horse
B. hanging wall E. gossan
C. overburden

38. What do you call the maximum slope at which a heap of any loose material stands without
sliding when dumped in a pile?
A. Tangent angle D. Angle of draw
B. Gradient angle E. Angle of repost
C. Working slope

39. Which of the following refers to the total number of days lost per million manhours worked?
A. total accident rate D. accident frequency rate
B. accident severity ate E. accident prone index
C. total lost time accident

40. Class B mines shall have at least which of the following:

A. 1 part time safety engineer and 1 full time safety inspector
B. 1 part time safety inspector and a deputy inspector
C. 1 full time safety inspector
D. 1 full time safety director only
E. 1 full time safety engineer and 1 full time safety inspector
41. What do you call an explosive component that is used to provide oxygen in detonation?
A. slurry D. oxidizer
B. sensitizer E. booster
C. blasting agent

42. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co. shifted its operation from copper to gold at it Mankayan nin
Benguet. It is currently mining ad deep seated gold deposit called Victoria. The underground
mining method that Lepanto is using in winning gold ore at the Victoria Mine is:
A. small scale mining
B. square set stoping
C. block caving
D. shrinkage
E. vertical crater cone method with trackless ramps

43. In coal mine, it refers to the sudden spalling or collapse of the coal face due to stress
concentration at the face caused by goaf hang ups and existence of joints near and parallel to
the face>
A. cave-in D. coal bump
B. face break E. face structure
C. none of these

44. Ordinary matches are final products of which of the following?

A. metallurgical chromite D. chemical grade chromite
B. amalgam E. refractory chromite
C. cinnabar

45. In open pit, mine planning and optimization, the optimum limits of an open pit must be
established in order to:
A. determine total manpower requirements
B. determine drainage requirements
C. determine blasting requirements
D. determine the mineable reserves, ore grade and waste to ore ratio
E. determine equipment requirement

46. It is a recovery process of recovering gold which involves the washing of gravel through a
sluice box.
A. rocking D. amalgamation
B. panning E. dredging
C. sluicing

47. In a conventional mine haulage using mine cars and locomotives, what do you call the timber
materials that are used as footings of mine rails and at the same time serve as spreaders for
consistent spacing of mine rails?
A. rail ties D. sill ties
B. post ties E. shock ties
C. track ties

48. A drill pattern (round) used in underground headings with no available free face is called:
A. burn cut D. pre-splitting
B. bench blast E. shock blast
C. sub-grade

49. It refers to a horizontal or nearly horizontal underground passage that is open to the surface on
both ends.
A. adit D. crosscut
B. tunnel E. drift
C. winze
50. It is a type of mine support where the roof, back or walls affected areas are first drilled and
later inserted with bolts or steel cables bolted at the collar of the holes. Sometimes, grouts are
used to secure the bolts in place.
A. Cable splicing C. Rock bolting
B. Timbering D. Steel arc supports

51. In rock mechanics, the ratio of the stress of the strain is called?
A. Tensile strength D. Modulus of elasticity
B. Rapture limit E. Shear strength
C. Poisson’s Ratio

52. When blasting in underground coal mines, which of the following explosives is recommended?
A. slurry explosives
B. straight dynamite
C. ammonia dynamite explosives
D. permissible explosive
E. semi-gelatin explosives

53. Sub-level stoping is most applicable to which of the following orebodies?

A. orebodies that pinch and swell
B. orebodies that are heavily faulted
C. orebodies with regular and well defined shapes
D. poddyform orebodies
E. orebodies that are shallow and low grade

54. In the Philippines, nickel is mined commercially from which of the following?
A. nickeliferous laterite deposits
B. ferrogenous silicates
C. dessiminated porphyry copper
D. epithermal deposits
E. primary nickel-copper sulfides

55. Limestone formations, whether folded or heavily faulted are what type of rocks?
A. Vein types deposits mineable by underground
B. Igneous rocks
C. Sedimentary rocks
D. Volcanic in origin
E. Deposited by man and machines

56. It refers to the total fatal and non-fatal most time accidents per million manhours.
A. frequency rate D. recovery rate
B. incidence rate E. severity rate
C. accident rate

57. Small blocks of ore are systematically extracted and replaced by prismatic skeletons of timber
sets, framed into an integrated support structure and backfilled floor by floor. It can be
operated overhand, underhand or breast and applicable in any shape of orebody.
A. open pit D. block caving
B. square set stoping E. stull stoping
C. cut and fill stoping

58. It refers to the systematic and methodical process of combining two or more materials of
variable specifications to produce a uniform mass of desired quality or parameters, more or
A. blending D. dilution
B. sampling E. coning and quartering
C. salting

59. Which of the following terms is not related to blasting?

A. hydrox C. cardox
B. chorox D. airdox
60. The most common diseases encountered by miners in underground metal mines is:
A. tuberculosis D. parkinson’s diseases
B. hypertension E. AIDS
C. silicosis

61. What is the solid petroleum that occurs as a component of shale?

A. Kerogene D. Bitumen
B. Coal E. none of these
C. coke

62. Artificial doors used in the underground to direct flow of fresh air.
A. brattice D. bulkhead
B. automatic door E. chute cover
C. sliding door

63. What is the mining method being used by Rio Tube Nickel Mining Corp. in extracting lateritic
nickel ores at Palawan Mine?
A. In-situ mining
B. In-situ leaching
C. Combined underground and open pit mining
D. Underground mining
E. Open pit mining

64. It refers to any mining operations that are artisinal in nature, surface or shallow underground
and without using any sophisticated mining methods and equipment.
A. Blockcaving D. bucketwheel excavator
B. Longwwall mining E. stoping
C. Small scale mining

65. What is the maximum area of a small scale mining permit that the Local Government can
A. 5 hectares
B. 100 hectares
C. One meridional block of 81 hectares
D. 1,500 hectares
E. 20 hectares

66. Aerial magnetometer surveys are best applicable in prospecting which of the following mineral
A. Calcite deposits D. coal deposits
B. Limestone E. silica deposits
C. Iron deposits

67. Paint pigments are end products of which of the following?

A. Comminution D. metallurgical chromite
B. Flash smelting E. chemical grade chromite
C. Refractory chromite

68. Which of the following underground mining methods is most applicable in driving raises or ore
passes through very loose ground?
A. chinaman chutes D. square set raising
B. alimak raising E. cribbing
C. raise borers

69. Block caving mining method is generally used in which of the following?
A. relatively strong orebodies and strong walls
B. very hard orebodies
C. relatively incompetent orebodies
D. relatively strong orebodies with weak walls
70. What is the most dominant and most common mining method worldwide which is applicable to
shallow seated low grade ore deposits?
A. placer mining D. hydraulicking
B. dredging E. underground mining
C. open pit mining

71. What do you call an underground mine working that is usually driven at the lowest possible
elevation of the mine where water flows out of the mine by gravity and is often used as haulge
A. ore pass D. ventilation tunnel
B. main shaft E. counter drive
C. drain tunnel

72. It is referred to as the change in loss?

A. risk C. injury
B. incident D. accident

73. Under the New Mining Code, what is the maximum area covered by a small scale mining
A. 50 hectares D. 20 hectares
B. 40 hectares E. 81 hectares
C. 30 hectares

74. A steepy deeping rod shaped mineral deposit is commonly referred to as:
A. Placer deposit D. seam deposit
B. Porphyry deposit E. lode deposit
C. Ore shoot deposit

75. It is an undesired event that could result in loss or delays in the operation.
A. hazard D. injury
B. incident E. accident

76. In open pit mine planning, which of the following refers to the tonnage of waste needed to be
stripped to expose a ton of ore?
A. blending ratio D. strip ratio
B. mind head E. mining development
C. waste factor

77. In open pit mine planning, the line that defines the area in which mining can be conducted to
obtain the maximum cashflow in the earliest possible time is called what?
A. working slope D. optimum bench height
B. optimum pit limit E. Bench slope
C. gradient limit

78. Initial reconnaissance exploration is usually conducted on:

A. old waste dumps
B. drainage systems and tributaries
C. city centers
D. old core stockpiles
E. existing mines

79. In open pit development, the initial entry into an open pit involving the cutting of a wedge
shaped prism of rock or soil in ode to establish the first bench face is called:
A. box cut C. echelon cut
B. burn cut D. bench cut
80. The sub-level caving method is a combination of sub-level caving and shrinkage stoping
developed purposely to reduce which of the following?
A. none of these
B. stability problems in sub-level caving as mining goes
C. problems in mining at depth
D. dilution problems in shrinkage stoping
E. problems of mechanized mining

81. One of the elastic properties of rock is:

A. specific gravity D. weight
B. density E. poisson’s ratio
C. porosity

82. It is a capsule containing a very sensitive and powerful explosive used to initiate other
A. black powder D. safety fuse
B. detonator E. ammonium nitrate
C. none of these

83. In underground mine ventilation, which of the following refers to the artificial doors installed
purposely to divert the flow of fresh air into the underground workings?
A. bulkheads D. chute covers
B. sliding doors E. brattices
C. automatic doors

84. Under the MGB Mine Safety Rules and Regulations, what do you call an accident wherein the
injured person is able to report back to work immediately the following day after date of
A. non-lost time accident D. high severity rate
B. none of these E. lost time accident
C. high frequency rate

85. In open pit blasting, water in the drill holes always pose problems. This water, which exist in
the saturated portion of the drill hole, must be pumped out in order not to dissolve the ANFO
which is highly water soluble. This water is technically called?
A. Super-saturated moisture D. Capillary water
B. Underground stream E. Soil water threshold
C. Phreatic water

86. A word commonly used in rock mechanics as a collective term for all fractures or features in a
rock mass such as joints, faults, shears, etc. that have zero or relatively low tensile strengths is
A. fabric D. fracture plan
B. discontinuity E. structure
C. lineation

87. A class C must have at least which of the following?

A. 1 full time safety engineer and 1 full time safety inspector
B. 1 part time safety engineer and 1 full time safety inspector
C. 2 full time safety directors
D. 1 part time safety inspector and a deputy inspector
E. 1 full time safety inspector

88. In trackless underground mining, it is referred to as an underground opening that is driven

downward from surface towards the orebody and used as main access nor haulways.
A. incline D. tunnel
B. shaft E. decline
C. winze
89. It refers to a horizontal or nearly horizontal underground passage that is open to the surface on
both ends.
A. Adit D. tunnel
B. Winze E. drift
C. crosscut

90. Which of the following stakeholders refers to Filipino citizens who, individually or in a group,
voluntary form mining cooperatives and duly licensed by the DENR to engage in the extraction
of minerals from the ground?
A. Phil. Society of Mining Engineers (PSEM)
B. Landowners
C. Chamber of Mines
D. Claim owners
E. Small Scale Miners

91. Which of the following refers to that portion of an orebody that is left in place above an
A. sill pillar C. crown pillar
B. face D. rib pillar

92. Which of the following indicate a ferrogenous outcrop?

A. hanging wall D. dike
B. gossan E. over burden
C. horse

93. In underground mining, a method in which the upper portion of the stope is mined first so that
the broken ore is allowed to self-gravitate towards discharge chute.
A. advance method C. underhand stoping
B. retreating method D. overhand stoping

94. The process of ejecting a mixture of cement and sand into the crevices of rocks, usually
through a borehole drilled into the rock to be grouted.
A. guniting C. shotcreting
B. grouting D. rockbolting

95. Which of the following local terms refer to ore materials in a mine?
A. undersize D. mulok
B. slimes E. nava
C. oversize

96. Which of the following explosives can be recommended for blasting in underground coal
A. permissible explosives
B. semi-gelatin explosives
C. ammonia dynamite
D. straight gelatin explosives
E. high density slurry explosives

97. Small blocks of ore are systematically extracted and replaced by prismatic skeleton of timber
sets, framed and integrated support structure and backfilled floor by floor. It can be operated
overhand underhand or breast and applicable in any shape of orebody.
A. Blockcaving D. cut and fill stoping
B. Open pit E. Stull stoping
C. Square set stoping

98. In open pit planning, bench heights are designed based on which of the following parameters?
A. Optimum intervals (heights) of composited diamond drill hole assays which give the
best grade distribution as defined in a frequency distribution variogram
B. Size of drills
C. None of these
D. Size of haul trucks
E. Size of shovels to be used
99. Which of the exhibits a color anomaly of yellow, brown or red at the outcrop?
A. manganese D. iron sulphides
B. limestone E. arsenic
C. antimony

100. A stratum of coal or coal bed is called?

A. coal seam D. carbonization
B. peat E. coke
C. coal measure

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