Final Chapter 1 3

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Background of the Study

"For millions of workers, no income means no food, no security and no future.

Millions of businesses around the world are barely breathing. They have no savings or

access to credit. These are the real faces of the work of work. If we don’t help them no,

these enterprises will simple perish."International Labour Organization Director General

Guy Ryder said.This is due to the prolongation and extension of lockdown measures.

Those informal economy workers if they don’t have alternative source of income those

workers and their families will have no means to survive. According to Organization,

International, Labour, (2020) the working hours of informal sectors decline due to the

COVID-19 outbreak it means that 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy that is

nearly half or the global workforce stand in immediate danger of having their livelihoods

destroyed. As a result of economic crisis created by the pandemic almost 1.6 billion

informal economy workers out of a worldwide total of two billion and a global workforce

of 3.3 billion have suffered massive damage to their capacity to earn a living. This is due

to the prolongation and extension of lockdown measures (Organization, International,

Labour, 2020).

In Bangladesh Ukhiya sub-district, the old ones are considered to be the daily

wagers for their families. Their works such as tea seller, vegetable seller, pulling

rickshaw and even security jobs are providing them their daily income and alms. Older

women in their district work as helpers or maids including low profile occupation. As

soon as this pandemic starts many older people have lost their jobs, as they were

considered to be the breadwinner of their families, as well as increasing the groceries

prices have gone up and there is a lack of supplies. Thus older daily wagers in less

income families have been striving to keep their important diet and so this worried most

of them if this pandemic will last a little bit longer then how about the economic

consequences as well as their daily needs of foods and medicine (HelpAge International,


According to a study of Thomson Reuters Foundation, Mumbai (2020) India is a

true representation of many developing countries in Asia, where lockdown is causing for

them other life-threatening situations. Those 5 to 6 hundred thousand migrant workers of

India had to arduously walk to reach their villages. Several of them died from the

exhaustion of the inhumane journey or had been run over by vehicles. The plight of the

workers vividly describes the divide between rural and urban India (Thomson Reuters

Foundation, Mumbai,, 2020).

Human Rights Watch (2020) stated that due to the lack of employment, safe

haven and food availability, the migrant workers needed to take the drastic measures to

return to their villages. Thousand have been stuck at numerous railway and bus stations

without transportation. Those migrant laborers were collected and sprayed disinfectant

through a pipe which might've caused problems to their immunity. This strengthen the

idea that those migrant workers need to suffer this situation for them to have source of

income and they undertake both short and long duration movement to cities to look for

higher wages and work opportunities (Human Rights Watch, 2020).


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Corona virus Disease (2019)

COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on March 11 leads to risky and serious matter to the

global economy. The declaration of the epicenter of the virus that surpassed among all

the other country (except China) regarding confirmed cases and deaths was given to

Europe on March 13 to imply its severity and global coverage and urged countries to take

‘urgent and aggressive action. New cases in Europe even surpassed those of China at its

peak. As of March 19, globally confirmed cases reached 218,823 and 8,810 deaths. In the

Philippines, there are now 217 total confirmed cases, 17 deaths, and 8 recoveries. As a

result, several countries have taken a variety of measures from mass testing, travel/border

restrictions, to lockdowns in a bid to contain the virus. Governments and central banks

have likewise been adjusting the monetary and fiscal policy to mitigate the economic

impact. This guarantee that we are now on second stage of the crisis from pandemic to

economic crisis that is inevitable since part of the response to address the pandemic is to

slow down economic activity. Therefore as the economic crisis has been increasing that it

needed to be addressed immediately (National Economic and Development Authority,


One of the most affected countries by Covid-19 pandemic in Southeast Asian

region is the Philippines. The lost of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Philippines

has been estimated between three to four percent. Hence the increasing rate of COVID-19

cases is most likely won’t be promising to the succeeding economic quarters as the

Philippine economy tend to bounce back. According to the DOLE estimated numbers of

daily wagers may lose their jobs this year due to the pandemic is around 10 million. It

also affect the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) that temporarily or permanently

retrenched in their host country are returning to the Philippines soon. These are some

serious socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that needs attention and

addressed immediately in order to lessen the effect to the most vulnerable sectors of

society like women, children, the elderly, poor households, informal workers/laborers,

ethnic minorities/indigenous groups and communities, and those in post-conflict regions

like the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) (Malindog-

Uy, 2020). 

This Pandemic has a great impact most especially to poor communities in

different countries. Many people all around the globe had suffered in this pandemic thus

this affect their livelihood and socio-economic status. Therefore immediate action should

addressed for the people affected by the pandemic so that it could lessen their hardships

in surviving this crisis (Mohamed Buheji, Bartola Mavrić, Katiane Da Costa Cunha, et.

al, 2020).

Most of daily wage earners and those working in the informal sector are affected

by these measures. It scare them in accordance with their survival of this crisis since at all

started. Hence hey understand the safety protocols for everyone to stay at home; they also

realize that this measure could affect their ability to earn a living in order to support their

needs during the pandemic. In return to this matter the government should provide them

both longer term programs to support their jobs and livelihood as well as short terms and

immediate economic relief. Thus in order to have a safety measure for this pandemic

daily wagers are bound to stay at home knowing the consequences of this crisis brought

to their livelihood (Purugganan,2020).


The local government of Zamboanga City had readied some 450 tons of rice to be

distributed to families of daily wage earners and drivers displaced by the enhanced

community quarantine against the 2019 corona virus disease (Covid-19). Land

transportation and works in private and public office, except for front liners, have been

suspended as the Task Force Covid-19 imposed the enhanced community quarantine. The

quarantine is coupled with the imposition of eight-hour curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. (R.

G. Antonet Go, 2020).

This study is focused on the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic to socio economic

status of the daily wage earners. The researchers conduct this study because they want to

gain insights, explore and assess from the daily wage earners about their experiences, and

how it affects them during Covid-19 Pandemic.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on Four theories: Surplus Value Theory: focuses in viewed as

a commodity for trade, Behavioral Theory: focuses influence the wage structure,

Functionalist theory: focuses on the macro-level of social structure and Social Conflict

theory: focuses on the competition between groups within society over limited resources.

The Surplus Value Theory by Karl Marx (2018) adhering to David Ricardo’s

labour theory of value, Karl Marx Labor adds value to the product. The employer did not

pay the full amount so collected from the customer, and instead, only a part is paid to

them as wage, retaining the remaining by the employer. In Marx’s estimation, it was not

the pressure of population that drove wages to the subsistence level, but rather the

existence of a large number of unemployed workers. Furthermore, Marx held that, in


capitalism, labor was merely a commodity: in exchange for work, a laborer would receive

a subsistence wage.

Behavioral Theory by Jonh Watson's (1913) seeks to explain human behavior by

analyzing the antecedents and consequences present in the individual's environment and

the learned associations he or she has acquired through previous experience. This entry

describes the various traditions within the behavioral perspectives like Norms, customs,

goodwill, and social pressure influence the wage structure. Wages are the best motivators

for workers.

The Functionalist theory by Durkheim (2019) emphasizes about affecting in a

society, Social stability and shared public values, Durkheim envisioned society as an

organism since each component plays a necessary role but can’t function alone. When

one part experiences a crisis, others must adapt to fill the void in some way.

Social Conflict theory Marx (2008) claims society is in a state of perpetual

conflict because of competition for limited resources. It holds that social order is

maintained by domination and power, rather than consensus and conformity. According

to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible,

chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless. A basic premise of conflict theory is that

individuals and groups within society will work to maximize their own benefits. Social

conflict theory claims human behavior in social contexts result from conflicts between

competing groups. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold

on it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.


Furthermore, the theories regarding the socio economic status of the daily wage

earners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have been presented above, as the

researcher conducted the study for further insights regarding this research study.

Conceptual Framework

The schematic diagram of the conceptual framework is presented in figure 1. It

consists of three variables which are the independent variables, dependent variables and

moderator variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

COVID 19 Socio-Economic
Pandemic Status


Moderator Variables
Figure 1: The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study
The conceptual paradigm shows that the independent variable is the COVID 19

Pandemic which is believed to affect the socio economic status of the daily wage earners

as the dependent variable. It also shows the moderator variable of the study which is the

respondents’ profile that covers the age, sex, and occupation.

Statement of the Problem


This study determined the effect of COVID-19 pandemic of the daily wage

earners to their socio-economic status.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the socio-economic status of the daily wage earners?

2. What are the effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the daily wage earners?

3. Is there a significant difference of the effects of covid-19 pandemic to the daily

wage earners when the respondents are grouped according to the type of

occupation such as:

( ) Driver

( ) Jeepney Dispatcher

( ) Construction worker

( ) Vendor

( ) Laundry

( ) Others:________(please specify)

4. What are the perceptions of the daily wage earners and their socio-economic

status affected by covid-19 pandemic?


The study is guided by the following null hypotheses:

Ho. 1. There is no positive correlation between COVID-19 Pandemic and Socio-

Economic Status of the Daily Wage Earners.


Ho. 2. There is no significant difference on the effects of COVID-19 Pandemic to

the daily wage earners and their socio-economic status in their age, sex and occupation.

Significance of the Study

This study describes and evaluated the socio-economic status of the daily wage

earners which aims to substantiate for the findings of the research will benefit the


For the Government

The findings will help the government to know the daily wage of socio-economic

wages to identify the problem and their situation. It will help the government to know and

have a plan to the given problem.

For the Daily Wage Earners

In this study, this will help them gain some idea on how to survive and earn extra

income in the middle of the pandemic. This can help them to get an idea on how to

manage their business.

For the Students

The data and interpretations of this research can provide students new learning.

The data and interpretation of this research also provide the students insights about the

survival and life status of the daily wagers.

For the Researcher


For the other researchers, this study can help them in further research analysis, as

they conduct similar study in the future. Thus, this research can benefit them through

gaining some evaluation of the said study.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study was limited to the effects of COVID 19 pandemic to the socio-

economic status of the daily wage earners in selected barangays in Zamboanga City: It

covered the effect of pandemic to the daily wagers in accordance with their age, sex,

occupation in terms of their health, psychological and economic status. This study was

conducted during the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021. The respondents

were 20 daily wagers each in selected barangays in Zamboanga City.

This study employed descriptive and correlational research design. This study

mainly focused on the daily wagers affected by the COVID 19 pandemic which were

generated by their economic status specifically their health, psychological and economic

status. The respondents’ profile includes age, sex, and occupation.

Operational Definition of Terms

To have a comprehensive and better understanding of the study, the following

variables are defined operationally:

COVID 19 Pandemic. In this study, this refers to the problem faced by the socio-

economic status of the daily wage earners.

Socio-Economic Status. In this study, this refers to the total measure of the daily wagers

work experience.

Daily Wage Earners. In this study, this refers to the people who work or earn money for

their daily needs during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Age. In this study, this refers to the age of the daily wage earners

Sex. In this study, this refers to the identification of the daily wagers weather they are

male or female.

Occupation. In this study, this refers to the work or job of the daily wage earners during

the COVID 19 pandemic.




This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies which are related to the

Daily wage earners as the effect of this Pandemic to socio Economic status. A study of

relevant literature features the necessary in and out of the country concerning health care

and tention about salary.

Data matters and unpredictable times in Covid-19 lockdown, conduct survey

results shows that AIF offers a snapshot of 2239 parents that were actually daily wagers

among 4403, a population group that is especially vulnerable to economic and health

shocks. The families’ incomes and earning are not just reserved for their well-being but

also for their relatives in rural areas that are actually migrants came from (Bantwal, 2020).

COVID-19 pandemic is a health and socio-economic crisis that transcends

borders. Its impact can be seen specifically at the local level, where the post socio-

economic crisis in our economies is intensified (Manisha P, 2020). Moreover COVID-19

is the first major pandemic in over 100 years, has erupted globally at an alarming pace,

populations have been exposed to lockdowns to contain the virus and avoid

overwhelming health services (Forum, World Economic, 2020). However 350 of the

world's leading risk experts were invited by the Forum to determine the most possible

and most important fallout threats from COVID- 19 over the next 18 months. The results

illustrate the top concerns: the economy, cyber security, the environment and social

anxiety.  COVID-19 has revealed health insurance, digital means and social security

inequalities, but it has also shed light on the assets to be learned from in order to rebuild a

healthier society (Emilio Granados Franco, 2020).


Badger and Parlapiano (2020) added that the state unemployment programs that

were meant to support millions of unemployed people were full of check boxes and

implementation mandates that could not really occur in a pandemic. Moreover Nicola et.

al. (2020) states those more than 4.3 million confirmed cases and over 290,000 deaths

worldwide have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Fears of an imminent global

downturn and recession have also caused it.  Social distancing, self- isolation and travel

restrictions have contributed to a decline in the population  in all facets of the economy

and have led to the loss of many jobs. Schools have closed down, and there is a decline in

the demand for commodities and imported goods.

Meanwhile Lee, et. al. (2020) asserted that the 2019 Coronavirus disease

pandemic presents a challenge to the mental health of populations. His research

investigated the prevalence of depressive symptoms in the Philippines and described the

variables contributing to the psychological effects. Students report the moderate-to-severe

psychological effects of the pandemic of COVID-19. There is a protective psychological

effect on accurate and relevant health knowledge. Staff in health services is less likely to

be affected negatively as well as home quarantine is related to signs of depression,

anxiety and stress. Shaukat, Ali, & Razzak (2020) on the other hand signify the result of

delivering treatment for people with COVID-19; frontline healthcare staffs are

specifically at risk of physical and emotional effects. Early data indicate adopting

interventions to minimize the chances of illness, shortened shift lengths, and frameworks

for mental health support, although there are few intervention trials, may reduce

morbidity and mortality in health care staff.


Although there are daily wagers that are already working during pandemic a lot of

risks are somehow unavoidable, but precisely this could totally help them earn for living

—considering the risks this could affect them badly if they still continue.

The firs literature entails the daily wagers parents could definitely affect the

earnings and incomes of their families considering some more consequences. Meanwhile

the second, third and fourth literature showed the impact of COVID-19 pandemic to the

socio-economic health and vindications of society that could also affect daily wagers

when it comes to safety protocols. Fifth and sixth literature on the other hand states the

unemployment of daily wagers and the cause of loss of jobs that also involves some of

the safety protocols. The seventh literature implies the psychological effect of COVID-19

that could harm people’s health. On the other hand eighth literature could also affect

physical and emotional health those especially the front liners as well as daily wagers that

could also faced COVID-19 patients somehow.

In spite of the risks of COVID-19, daily wagers are indeed persistent to consider

working during pandemic to earn a living for their families. This could affect the socio-

economic status of the daily wagers in their community indeed.

COVID-19 outbreak pandemic and national unparalleled lockdown has brought

commercial operations to a grinding halt, adversely affecting the livelihoods and lives of

wage workers in the informal sectors. They struggles a lot weather to defend themselves

from the danger of the pandemic or fight for survival due to lack of livelihood

(Economics Observatory, 2020).

Raising the lockdown for safety protocols of Covid-19 Pandemic did not benefit

regular daily wagers in their area. They differ in terms of works and tasks given weather

they manually build the sites to professional workers like carpenters and others who work

in masonry among the others (Nanisetti, 2020).

Governments across the globe are struggling to respond as the COVID-19crisis

unfolds. The arising health crisis that the world is currently facing is still ongoing inorder

to addressed the economic problem the social security have deployed expertise and

information around the globe. Entry to relief initiatives that are intended to mitigate the

economies and people that were actually affected were supported by financial regulators.

Yet considering the responses, including government-to-person (G2P) transfers in more

than 140 countries, supposed the people in need have met the relief programmers but they

couldn’t. In this situation the people aren’t able to receive what they should received and

this kind of problem occur and must be addressed immediately (CGAP, 2020).

This pandemic had aimed long-term care (LTC) in market spotlight. This have

been overwhelmingly affected older person and other healthcare workers. Many countries

have taken steps to contain and mitigate the transmission of infection to vulnerable

opulations. The health crisis is exposing and exacerbating pre-existing systematic issues

and difficult working conditions are taken care by the health care workers. This shows

that daily wagers could be affected by the health risks of COVID-19 if this continues

daily wagers might turn into difficult spot (OECD, 2020).

The cited studies summarize, support and provide emphasis about the effects of

COVID-19 pandemic to the soci-economic status of the daily wagers. Different views

and findings were also presented to further substantiate the study.




This chapter presents the methods and procedures utilized in conducting the study.

It presents a brief description about the design, research locale, the sampling procedure

and instrument used, data gathering procedure and statistical tools.

Research Design

The study is quantitative type of research employing descriptive and correlational. It

is quantitative because this is believed or considered as most suitable method in order to

fully identify the effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the socio economic status of the daily

wage earners.

McCombes, (2019) define Descriptive research method aims to systematically

describe a certain population, and phenomenon accurately. It also aims to answer the

question; what, where, when and how except why. A wide variety used descriptive

research methods are used to investigate variables. Unlike experimental research design,

researchers only observer and measure the variables, but they can’t control or manipulate

them. When researchers are bound to identify trends, characteristics categories as well as

frequency, descriptive research design is the most appropriate to use. It is useful when

seeking more info about the topic or problem. You must understand the question how,

where and why it happens before you proceed to why it happens. Descriptive research

can either be used in both qualitative and quantitative research but it is usually define as a

type of quantitative research though. The research design must be develop carefully in

order to ensure reliable and valid results.


This study also covers Correlational research design is a method that used to observe

two variables to establish relationship statistically between them. Correlational research

design aims to identify the relationship between variable that create change into the other

variable. Correlational research design may also reveal the statistical relationship

between high-income and relocation, that is when the more people earn, the more they

relocate or not (Formplus, 2020). 

Research Locale

This study was conducted among daily wage earners in Zamboanga City during

pandemic using survey method in order to determine the effect of covid-19 pandemic to

the socio-economic status of the daily wagers.

Population and Sampling of the Study

The target populations of the study were the daily wage earners in selected barangay

in Zamboanga City. Table 1 presents the population of the study.

Table 1
Daily Wage Earner’s Population

Occupation Daily Income Population

100 1
200 1
Driver 7
400 1
500+ 4
200 1
300 1
Construction Worker 5
400 1

500 2

200 1
300 1
Vendor 16
400 2

500+ 12

Helper 100 1 1

300 1
Pump Attendant 2
500 1

200 1
Factory Worker 2
300 1

Saleslady 200 1 1

Make-up artist 500 1 1

300 3
Laundry 4
400 1

Welder 300 1 1

Total 40

As shown in table 1, the total population of selected daily wage earners in

Zamboanga City is 40. To determine the respondents, the researchers used quota random

sampling technique. Quota sampling is a method used for non-probability

sampling when the samples are selected based on the probability proportionate to

the distribution of a variable in the population. This sampling method is used so

that the proportion of samples for each category (such as sex, age, and etc.) will

have the same proportion assumed to exist in the population (Rukmana, 2014).

Data Gathering Tools


The research instruments are the effects of covid-19 pandemic that are designed to

survey the respondent’s personal preference. This research instrument typically takes the

questionnaire form to focus on daily wagers choice. The respondents choose the answers

that most closely resemble their own preferences. This survey-questionnaire consist of

two parts; part I contains the respondents personal information such as the name

(optional), occupation and daily income. Part II consists of a 10 item test, each test

construct of five choices which are; very high, high, moderate, low and very low. In

addition the respondents are asked to place check in each choices they prefer.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

The reliability and validity of the research instrument are important; the

instrument that provides the same results over different test refers to reliability. 

Meanwhile validity refers to the measured design in which the instrument was measures

into its extent (Statistics Solutions , 2020). This is based on factor analysis on how daily

wage earners faced their daily lives against Covid-19 pandemic. Hence the instrument

used in this study was validated by three research experts in this field that is suitable in

the conduct of the study. The instrument was used in several studies of different

researchers thus it doesn’t need reliability.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers considered the ethical practices and observed the proper rule of

conducting the study, in accordance with Research Ethics Protocol. The researchers

considered the following: the freedom of disclosing or not the information, the freedom

to stop participating on the conduct of the study if they feel inconvenience, the freedom

to be notified regarding the results of the study, finally the right to confidentiality

regarding their personal information and identity. During the conduct of the study, no

pictures should be taken unless respondents allowed them.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first step prior to the data gathering was to send permission letter which was

verified by the research adviser addressed to the School Principal of Baliwasan Senior

High School for the approval to allow the researchers to conduct a study to the preferred

daily wagers in Zamboanga city through online survey, attached with the approved

permission letter from the school principal to seek formal permission to distribute the

questionnaire to the target respondents. The researchers personally administered the

distribution of questionnaire through online.

The results of the data were then tallied, tabulated and interpreted by the

researcher using statistical tools.

Statistical Tools

To facilitate the analysis of data, the following statistical measures were used.

Frequency Count. It determined the covid-19 effects to the socio-economic

status of the daily wage earners.

Mean Percentage Count. This was utilized in order to determine the effects of

Covid-19 to the daily wagers.

Independent Sample T-Test. It was used to determine the gender of the


One Way-Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA). It was employed to determine the

significant difference of the Covid-19 effect to the respondents and their economic status

given their profile.

Pearson-R. This was utilized to determine the significant relationship between the

effect of Covid-19 pandemic and their socio-economic status

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