Mathematics Achievements of Grade-8 Students in Modular Learning Modality: Impact On Their Attitudes and Parental Involvement

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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1

Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2021 | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Mathematics Achievements of Grade-8 Students

in Modular Learning Modality: Impact on their
Attitudes and Parental Involvement
Husin S. Abdulkadil*
Assistant Professor IV, MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School, Mindanao State University-Sulu, Patikul, Sulu, Philippines

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of cannot constantly assist their children. These are some factors
mathematics achievement of grade-8 students in modular learning that can affect the learning of grade-8 students. No matter how
modality on the attitudes of the grade-8 students in terms of much interest and enthusiasm of the grade-8 students to learn
happiness, interest, and enthusiasm and the impact of
mathematics achievement on the parental involvement in terms of mathematics concept in their own way in modular learning
support and assistance. 50 grade-8 students belong to section A modality, still the difficulty come to the surface. However,
were utilized in MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School and their many fast learner students who have good background
parents. The grade-8 students have answered questionnaire on knowledge plus their intellectual capacity to learn mathematics
their attitudes when the achievements are low, moderate and high. found learning mathematics enjoyable in their own way in the
The researcher grouped the mathematics achievement according modular learning modality and much interesting than any other
the average grades bracket such as 90-above as high achiever, 85-
89 as moderate achievers and 75-84 as low achievers. Weighted learning modalities.
Arithmetic Mean was used to determine the average grade. In one hand, modular learning modality allows the grade-8
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to students to repeat and review their learning anytime for their
determine the impact of the achievements on the attitudes of convenience and ask further assistance from their educated
students and parental involvement. (10)20% of the students are parents for further involvement to improve their abilities in
high achievers, (26)56% are moderate achievers and (14)24% are mathematics learning. On the other hand, teachers are giving
low achievers. The high achievers are very happy, highly
interested and very enthusiastic answering their modules. The assessment rating based on the answers of the grade-8 students
moderate achievers are happy, interested and enthusiastic to following module evaluation without teacher’s guidance or
answer their module. The low achievers are moderately happy, consultation anyhow. These ratings manifested the
moderately interested, and moderately enthusiastic in answering achievements of the grade-8 students. Some students would
their module. The hypothesis is rejected, there is positive high react negatively, if happens to have been given low
correlation between high, moderate and low achievers grade-8 achievement where in fact the students are trying hard and
students in terms of happiness, interest and enthusiasm. The
parents highly supportive and exert more assistance to the high expect for higher achievement. The teachers are making
achievers, moderately supportive and exert less assistance to the assessment on their own will without assessing the performance
moderate and low achievers. The hypothesis is rejected, there is in class recitation, homework, and examination. The way to
positive high correlation between the achievements of the grade-8 assess in modular learning modality is a self-assessment or take
students and parental involvement in terms of support and home examination evaluation process. The teachers are
assistance. The study recommended to strengthen the follow-up assuming some parental involvement in the process.
orientation for both parents and students to enhance positive
attitudes regardless of the level of achievements of the students. The teachers are assessing blindly without seeing the actual
The parents should strongly support and assist the students performance the students carried out answering their module.
regardless of the achievement levels. In some instances, the teacher is no longer familiar with the
actual attitudes of the grade-8 students as found in the face-to-
Keywords: Mathematics achievements, Modular learning face classes. No matter how, the teachers makes its assessment
modality, Attitudes of Grade-8 students, Parental involvement. more reliable and valid, there is still remaining doubtful
feelings in the student’s part as to how much efforts, interest,
1. Introduction and endeavors the students exerted to aspire for higher rating or
Mathematics learning is a difficult task for low learner grade- excellent proficiency level of achievement. In this case, there is
8 students. The absence of the teacher’s explanation as impact of the grade-8 students’ achievements on their attitudes.
experienced in the face-to-face learning makes it more difficult So this study will focus on the achievements of the grade-8
for grade-8 students to learn the mathematics concept. Lack of students as it is impacted in their attitudes, feelings, and
learning resources at home even makes it worse where parents conscience upon seeing their ratings made by their teachers in

*Corresponding author:

H. S. Abdulkadil et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2021 2

the process of modular learning modality. completion depends on the kind of school, courses, quantitative
Many studies reveled the effectiveness of parental concepts covered, assessment, and teachers teaching methods.
involvement in the achievements of the students during the Guiamalon,, (2021) citing Gonzales, (2015) states that
modular learning modality amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. modular learning is one of the teaching approaches where the
There are parents who struggled to support the learning of their students have to learn everything in the module using their own
children. Parents are proud to see the achievements of their effort at their own pace. The method differs from the traditional
children who can be included in the line of those high achievers one wherein the students just listen to learn the concepts
and included in the list of honors. In fact, most of the parents presented by the teachers in order to surpass the difficulties
are expecting their children are included in the honor rolls, so faced by the students in the traditional classroom situation. The
they are exerting more efforts to support and assist their modular approach may be a good alternative since it is student-
children in learning and answering the questions in the module. centered, self-paced, and requires no note-taking. Using a
Apparently, the students were not assessed according to his module compared to using a textbook in the traditional methods
works but it includes the parental involvement. Both parents meant to increase active learning and improve critical thinking,
and students were given assessment and become proud when problem-solving skills.
the achievements are high, on the other hand, worry and Guialmalon,, (2021) citing Cheng and Bakar (2017)
disappointment would result if the students receive low emphasized standardized textbooks have their own styles, and
achievement. This is very essential subject of researcher, the organization of their contents, depth of coverage of
therefore this research attempt to investigate and discover the materials, may affect the teaching and learning environment,
impact of students’ achievement on their attitudes and parental the use of a module presents a more flexible learning
involvement in mathematics discipline. environment for both instructors and learners.
Bartolome, et. al., (2017) emphasized that parental
2. Statement of the Problem involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has
High Achievement levels of the students in the difficult when it comes to the schooling of his/her children. Some
subject to be learned such as mathematics would serve schools foster healthy parental involvement, but sometimes
psychological motivation. In many cases, both parents and parents has hesitations if they will involve themselves with their
students are happy upon receiving high grades in their children's education. It has been advocated in Western
achievements after exerting efforts and endeavors with countries. However, there is a body of literature that examines
expectation to claim as such. The parents would feel proud and the significance of social and cultural influences and the effects
more enthusiastic to be involved more on the study of their of parents’ involvement in and expectations of their children’s
children. Hence, this study seek to answer the following development and learning. It is important for schools to
research questions: [1] What is the level of mathematics recognize the existence of cultural variations in parent
achievement of Grade-8 students in MSU-Sulu Laboratory involvement because there are differences among parents with
High School using Modular Learning Modality? [2] What is the diverse background on when, why, and how they are involved
level of Students’ Attitudes when receiving low level of in their children's education. Parenting is important in the
mathematics achievement in terms of happiness, interest, and Philippine society because family is viewed as a center to one's
enthusiasm? [3] What is the level of parental involvement when social world.
their children achieved low level of mathematics achievement Bartolome,, (2017) citing Harris and Goodall (2007)
in terms of support and assistance? [4] Is there significant states that parental involvement can encompass a whole range
impact of the Grade-8 achievement levels on the students’ of activities with or within the school while parents view
attitudes in terms of happiness, interest and enthusiasm and parental engagement as offering support to students while
parental involvement in terms of support and assistance? teachers tend to view it as a means to improved behavior.
Bartolome,, (2017) citing Mwai Kimu (2012)
3. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework concludes in his qualitative study on Parent Involvement in
Public Primary Schools in Kenya that a society needs to
To give consideration to the learners in rural areas where the
increase its level of educational involvement and that starts with
internet inaccessible for online learning, the Modular Learning
the support by the parents. Parent-school linkages can be
modality is currently used by all public schools in the
enhanced through the teacher/parent relationship because
Philippines. Modular earning is a form of distance learning that
teachers are the main linkage of parents to the school, the
uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) and is highly convenient
teacher/parent relationship is critical to pupils’ success and
for most of the typical Filipino students. It was also the most
parent involvement.
preferred learning system of the majority of parents/guardians
for their children. The SLM is based on the most essential
4. Parental Involvement Theory
learning competencies (MELCS) provided by the Department
of Education (Guiamalon, Alon and Camsa, 2021). Moggach (2006) theorize that listening to parents,
Guiamalon,, (2021) citing Wenner et al. (2011) found encouraging their participation and giving them more power
the modular approach in a remedial math course was successful, and responsibility – result in better functioning school. Jackson
but that the success of higher levels of student participation and & Davies (2000) parents who participate in decision-making
experience greater feelings of ownership are more committed
H. S. Abdulkadil et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2021 3

to supporting the school’s mission. Sadiq (2014) citing Taneja (1989) defined module as a unit
One of the psychological motivations to develop the of work in a course of instruction that is virtually self-contained
happiness, interest and enthusiasm of Grade-8 students is their and a method of teaching that is based on the concept of
achievements. When the achievement is high, there is great building up skills and knowledge in discrete. A module is a set
probability that the level of happiness, interest, and enthusiasm of learning opportunities organized around a well - defined
is also high while when the achievement is low there is topic which contains the elements of ordinate dictation,
probability that the happiness, interest and enthusiasm is also categorical objectives, edifying cognition activities, and
low. Parental involvement can also be affected by the level of evaluation utilizing criterion - referenced measures Sadiq
achievement of the students. Precisely, when the achievement (2014) citing UNESCO (1988) A module covers either a single
is high parental involvement in terms of support and assistance element of subject matter content or a group of content elements
is also high and when low it is also low. This study will composing a discrete unit of subject matter or area of adeptness.
investigate the impact of the Grade-8 students’ achievements A module has placidly defined, objectives; preferably in
on their attitudes and parental involvement. Figure 1 shows the behavioral form (Sadiq, 2014) citing Daries, 1981). Varieties of
interaction of the variables. The Grade-8 students’ teaching methods that will fixate on cumulating methods that
achievements is the independent variables. The students’ can best realize the creative and constructive engagement with
attitudes in terms of happiness, interest and enthusiasm as well learning activities that leads to understanding (Sadiq, 2014)
as the parental involvement in terms of support and assistance citing Ramsden (1992). Even very good designed modules,
are the dependent variables. with very well defined learning outcomes, can fail if the
edification strategies employed are infelicitous to inspirit and
support the learners towards meeting the desired learning
Sadiq (2014) citing Toohey (1999) offers the following
definition: “A teaching strategy is a plan for learning, and it
includes the presentations which the teacher might make, the
Fig. 1. Conceptual framework exercises and learning activities designed for students, av-aids
which will be supplied or suggested for students to work with,
5. Literature Review in which they show of their growing understanding and
Modular learning modality is the major discourse and capability will be collected.” Modular teaching is one of the
solution to the continuing education in the province of Sulu most widespread and recognizes teaching learning techniques
includes the MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School. In the in many countries including other Western countries and Asian
research of Silkwood (2000) on the comparison of the region. Modular approach is used almost in all subjects like
traditional teaching versus modular learning, citing Mike natural science, specifically in biology and medical education
Jensen of Paonia (Colorado) High School felt that using and even in social sciences as well as in computers education.
modules to manage classroom and lab environments provides Sadiq (2014) citing David (2001). It considering the
great opportunities for teaching technology, but felt that one of individual differences among the learners which necessitate the
the greatest advantages of this educational reform was the planning for adoption of the most appropriate teaching
ability to more easily manage large classes. Modular techniques in order to help the individual grow and develop at
distribution to the students in large number is manageable by her/his own pace.
the teachers, but to the effectiveness in the learning process In the same research of Silkwood (2000) citing Steven (1996)
remained further studies. from the University of British Columbia emphatically rejected
Sadiq (2014) emphasized that the use of self-learning the veracity of the statement, arguing that modules are not
modules in teaching is another form of individual used student-centered but “module-centered,” and that module
instructions. This is called modular approach of teaching and designs constrict student freedom of choice and expression of
learning (Sadiq, 2014 citing Jayasree, 2004) if self-learning response. He added, “If the end of technology education is to
modules are available on some topics they can be given to the impress students and administration with a glance at someone's
students as assignments for self-learning scientific attitude narrow idea of the future, or train students in the use of certain
refers to an individual’s outlook towards life. Attitude is a narrow-minded technologies, then modules may be effective.
method condition / a stabilized method set which express itself But if the end is technological sensibility and political
in a tendency to react to any member of the class of stimuli in astuteness for students as citizens, then modules are irrelevant".
the same general way. Setting up the aim and objectives of the module instruction is
Sadiq (2014) citing Robert Ebel (1997) Modules are common and considered part of the module preparation. The
increasingly being used in many countries as a way of effectiveness and proper usage of the module may differ
organizing a language curriculum. As a consequence, many instinctively from one student to another. The level of
course books are now structured on the basis of “modules” efficiency may vary from one teacher to another.
rather than “units”. The concept of “module” is strictly linked In the case of the DepEd the module preparation is confined
to the idea of a flexible language curriculum. to some teachers whom the DepEd officials recognized them as
knowledgeable for the subject areas. Couple of teachers are
H. S. Abdulkadil et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2021 4

sitting together to write for the module. The parents who are Correlation between forms .834. The checklist questionnaire to
expected to assist the education of their children frantically investigate the parental involvement in terms of support and
criticize the measure of difficulty experienced by the students. assistance was validated statistically using split-half method to
Sadiq (2014) emphasized that the system of taking in measure the reliability at Cronbach’s Alpha .923 and
modules has turned into a piece of all level of instructions. Correlation between forms .872. The primary data for the
Teaching through module is a self - taking in bundle managing achievement levels was obtained from the mathematics teacher.
one particular topic/ unit. It could be utilized within any setting The achievement levels were analyzed using the DepEd grading
helpful to the learner and may be finished at the learner's own system such as a grade of 90-above given the proficiency level
particular pace. Sufficient hypotheses further more practices are excellent. The grades 85-89 given the proficiency level very
accessible for the useful requisition of secluded educating in our satisfactory and 80-84 given the proficiency level satisfactory
classrooms. Consequently, a study was directed so as to check and 75-79 given the proficiency level below satisfactory and
the adequacy of modular teaching. Got information was 74-below needs improvement. In this study there was fusion of
investigated, analyzed and results were drawn. the achievement levels such as 75-84 as low achievers, 85-89
Parental involvement has greater implication to the success moderate achievers and 90-above high achievers. Weighted
of modular learning at home. However, not all parents are well Arithmetic Mean was used to analyzed the average grade as
equipped with resources suited to give their children the indicator of the achievement level. Pearson Product Moment
technological needs such as computer, laptop, tablets and Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypothesis on the
cellphone to give them access to social media in the internet. impact of achievement on the attitudes and parental
Students can easily provide answers to the questions in the involvement.
module when they utilize the social media that can be useful to
guide them access the answers to their problems in the module. 7. Results and conclusion
Sadiq (2014) claimed that it’s clear that many university The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of
students with a certain level of interactive technology mathematics achievement of grade-8 students in modular
embraced, but at the same time continually demanding more to learning modality on the attitudes of the grade-8 students in
fulfill their diversified needs of learning. Embrace the terms of happiness, interest, and enthusiasm and the impact of
technology demands of their own class. According to the curve mathematics achievement on the parental involvement in terms
can be applied to today's generation of time university use of support and assistance. 50 grade-8 students belong to section
technology every day and classes. The real challenge faced by A were utilized in MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School and their
university students is that higher inculcation is different from parents. The grade-8 students have answered questionnaire on
school and students cannot expect spoon-feeding. Increasingly, their attitudes when the achievements are low, moderate and
university heads are keen to verbalize about a partnership high. The researcher grouped the mathematics achievement
between institution and students. according the average grades bracket such as 90-above as high
Sadiq (2014) citing Knight (2002) points out that material on achiever, 85-89 as moderate achievers and 75-84 as low
design work for edifiers orchestrating Programmes in higher achievers. Weighted Arithmetic Mean was used to determine
inculcation are insubstantial. He suggests that there is a the average grade. Pearson Product Moment Correlation
desideratum for advice on programmed design and argues for Coefficient was used to determine the impact of the
texts to be developed to target concrete learning skills. The achievements on the attitudes of students and parental
focus is the design of modules which form part of Programmes involvement. (10)20% of the students are high achievers,
in higher inculcation. This study was focused to find out the (26)56% are moderate achievers and (14)24% are low
effectiveness of modular approach in teaching in order to assess achievers. The high achievers are very happy (µ = 4.56), highly
the student learning, performance and achievement. interested (µ = 4.92) and very enthusiastic (µ = 4.67) answering
Assessment of learning determines the level of achievement their modules. The moderate achievers are happy (µ = 4.25),
as usually developed in the evaluation process of the modular interested (µ = 4.32) and enthusiastic (µ = 4.27) to answer their
learning. Students may acquire low, moderate and high module. The low achievers are moderately happy (µ = 2.95),
achievement level based on the modular standard assessment. moderately interested (µ = 3.41), and moderately enthusiastic
In the main time, assessment is associated with the parental (µ = 3.48) in answering their module. The hypothesis is rejected
assistance of some parents who are able to support the students
(r = .732; p = 0.000 at = 0.05), there is positive high
in answering the module.
correlation between high, moderate and low achievers grade-8
students in terms of happiness, interest and enthusiasm. The
6. Method
parents highly supportive (µ = 4.72) and exert more assistance
Descriptive correlation research was adopted in the study. (µ = 4.63) to the high achievers, moderately supportive (µ =
The study is conducted in MSU-Sulu Laboratory High School 3.23; 2.97) and exert less assistance (µ = 2.43; 2.34) to the
utilizing 50 grade-8 students belong to section A. Checklist moderate and low achievers respectively. The hypothesis is
questionnaire was used to investigate the attitudes of the grade- rejected (r = .821; p = 0.000 at = 0.05), there is positive high
8 students in terms of happiness, interest and enthusiasm. The
correlation between the achievements of the grade-8 students
questionnaire was validated statistically using split-half method
and parental involvement in terms of support and assistance.
to measure the reliability at Cronbach’s Alpha .891 and
H. S. Abdulkadil et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2021 5

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