Lesson Plan in Values
Lesson Plan in Values
Lesson Plan in Values
The learners demonstrate understanding of…
A. Content Standards
The living culture of Personalism of Filipino Values
The learners should be able to…
B. Performance Standards
form discussion groups to tackle the importance of Living Filipino Values in Personalism
The learners are expected to…
C. Learning Competencies
discuss the importance of the Living Filipino Values in Personalism
A. References https://ncca.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Fil.-Values-Primer-English.pdf
B. Textbook None
D. Other Resources
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
Teacher Pupils
Okay class, who will lead the prayer? (one pupil raise her hand)
C. Motivation Activity
Teacher Pupils
D. Analysis Try to recall what tradition did you do during (The pupils will answer.)
Christmas, semana santa, fiesta?
Decorating Christmas tree, lanterns, cooking
biko etc.
Very Good, Class!
E. Abstraction
Teacher Pupils
Okay class, do you have any idea what is our Yes, teacher! It’s all about the Living Filipino
lesson for today? Values.
Okay, Very Good!
Teacher Pupils
Teacher Pupils
G. Making Generalizations
about the Lesson On your activity, what have you learned? I’ve learned that Filipino Values are the……
(Pupil raise his/her hand and answer the
H. Evaluating Learning/
Formative Assessment Essay (2-3 paragraphs)
How important for us a Filipino to appreciate and Live with the Values handed down by our parents?
Before we end our class today, you have an assignment to be passed tomorrow. In a piece of paper, you draw a picture
I. Assignment
showing the example of being a Real Filipino.
V. Remarks