Implementation of A Data Transmission System Using Li-Fi Technology
Implementation of A Data Transmission System Using Li-Fi Technology
Implementation of A Data Transmission System Using Li-Fi Technology
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Abstract - Over the years, the overdependence on Wireless As of late, wireless innovation has blossomed, as it were such
Fidelity (Wi-Fi) for data transmission necessitated the need for an that, wireless technology requires huge amount of data to
alternate and more reliable means of communication, hence, transmit each day. These days, wireless communication have
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi). It involves the use of Light Emitting Diode turned out to be significant in the communication process.
to transmit data by blinking (i.e. switching them On and Off) at a
speed not noticeable to the eye. This paper proposed the
The fundamental methods for transmitting wireless
development of the Li-Fi system using off the shelf electronic information is by utilizing electromagnetic waves for
components. The proposed system utilizes an embedded system example radio waves. In any case, radio waves can bolster
with dual-core Advanced Virtual RISC (AVR) microcontroller less data transfer capacity (bandwidth) as a result of
(ATmega16L) interfaced to input/output circuits comprising of the conservative spectrum accessibility and intrusion. The
Light Emitting Diode (LED), LM358N Operational Amplifier and solution to this is data transmission using Visible Light
a photodiode. Also, by developing a user (Receiver PC) interface Communication (VLC). Wi-Fi deals with wireless coverage
using JAVA programming, the sample data (text) transferred was within premises, whereas Li-Fi is perfect for high
monitored and the speed, efficiency, security and capacity of the compactness wireless data coverage in a defined area and for
system was examined and discovered to be top-notch. This would
make the system an indispensable means of communication in the
mitigating radio interference issues. Li-Fi basically focuses
nearest future. This data transmission system is different from on transmitting multimedia data between two terminals using
those in existence because expensive components were not in the LEDs [2].
design, invariably reducing the overall cost of the implementation. Two fundamental functionalities: illumination and wireless
data transmission are combined by fitting a small microchip
Keywords - Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) to every potential illumination device. This relationship
Optical communication, Telecommunication between these functionalities could solve the four essential
problems namely, capacity, cost, efficiency, and security, that
we face in wireless communication nowadays.
I. INTRODUCTION In this work, the issues with unpredictability, various contrary
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a fast, remote correspondence standards, and the subsequent costs in these current systems
utilizing visible light. It falls under the classification of are tended to by providing a simplified Li-Fi data
optical remote communications. Information transmission transmission system using off-the-shelf electronic
happens through Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs whose components.
intensity changes (varies). During this variation in light
intensity, communication takes places digitally. This II. RELATED WORKS
innovation has huge applications where the utilization of Wi-
Fi is restricted or prohibited. It likewise takes out the Harald Haas coined the term "Li-Fi" at his 2011 TED
unfavourable wellbeing impacts of utilizing electromagnetic (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Global Talk where
waves. Except light is seen, information can't be hacked; thus, he introduced the idea of "Wireless data from every light
data transmission is secure. The utilization of light as a way bulb” [3]. Through an organization with the French lighting
to transmit information has been authored Li-Fi. The high- maker Lucibel, pureLiFi manufactured a Li-Fi framework for
speed innovation is like Wi-Fi but is quicker, enabling you to places of business. Incorporated into the Li-Fi framework are
send and get more data in less time. By swapping glowing luminaires that hold the LED bulbs just as the balancing and
bulbs with LEDs - which have electronic properties - Li-Fi demodulating circuits and computerized signal processors
could bring Internet access to more regions and could reform that run the correspondence protocols as firmware. LED
the media communications industry. bulbs installed in the ceilings can be networked into the
company’s IT architecture, so people using a computer or
mobile device outfitted with the LiFi-X dongle can access
data from office LEDs anywhere in the building [3].
D. Switching Transistor (2N222) Since from the datasheet, the output signal from the
photodiode is about 1.4V maximum and it is desired to have
In the proposed design, it is expected that: the switching
an output voltage that would be easily detected as a 1 signal
transistor in the transmitter circuit would operate under hard
when bit ‘1’ is sent, the amplifier is designed to have a DC
saturation i.e. in the saturation region under all conditions.
voltage gain of 3.
Hence, a base resistance that produces a current gain of 10
Setting the feedback resistor, 𝑅2 , to be 8.2 kΩ; using compare it. The transmitter and receiver's separation can be
equation 5, 𝑅1 is obtained to be : changed, yet so as to avoid the problem of having too small
or excessively high signal, an automatic gain regulator in
𝑅1 = 𝑅2 / (𝐴𝑉 – 1) form of a variable resistor is utilized here. This component
= 8.2 kΩ / (3 – 1) enhances or decreases the digital input voltage signal to a
= 4.1 kΩ desired digital output voltage signal. The LM358 Operational
𝑅1 ≈ 4.7 kΩ ( next closest standard resistor value) Amplifier comparator was used because it has little or no off-
set [9]. The schematic of the circuit diagram as shown in Fig.
With the configuration above, the maximum output 2 was tested on a Breadboard along with the transmitter
voltage to be read a bit ‘1’ is 3.84 V and a bit ‘0’ voltage before being transferred to a Vero Board.
would still be far below - at around 0.6 V after amplification.
This ensures the data sent from the LED to the photodiode is
decoded properly with high precision and the message is IV. METHODOLOGY
deciphered accurately. A. Arduino Setup
The second stage of the receiver circuit is the gain regulation
The Arduino board features a serial communication interface
stage. The second amplifier having input Pins 5 & 6 and
(which includes a Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller on
output Pin 7 is desired to have a unity gain. At the feedback
most models) which was used for loading programs from a
circuit, an automatic gain controller is implemented using a
personal computer to the board. The Arduino IDE was used
variable resistor of value 10 kΩ. This variable gain setup
to program the Arduino. The Arduino via the code was made
helps in boosting the amplified signal when necessary i.e
to perform various tasks like switching on or off the LED on
under improper lighting conditions and ensure that the
the transmitter’s circuit and as well reading the analog signal
photodiode signal from the transmitter’s LED is decoded
read from the photodiode in the receiver’s circuit.
In order not to make the system less bogus and redundant,
F. Software Section
the Arduino board was used as the micro-controller as well as
The Arduino, compared to other families of microcontrollers the Power Supply Unit (PSU) for the circuits. It supplies a
is a very easy microcontroller to use. One of the reasons is voltage of about 5 V from its 𝑉𝐶𝐶 port when connected to the
due to the ease of programming the microcontroller [8]. It PC via the serial connector cable and also acts as the virtual
involves using the Arduino Integrated Development ground [8].
Environment (IDE) downloaded at for free. Codes written for
Arduino are very similar to C sometimes called Arduino-C. B. Hardware Implementation
Programs to be uploaded to the board are called “sketches”
The Li-Fi data transmission system is set up such that a single
and each sketch is divided, mainly into three parts:
Micro Controller - Arduino board is used to encode, decode
and supply power to the transmitter and receiver circuits.
1. Library and variable declarations
2. The setup function and
After the design and calculations of the resistor values in the
3. The loop function
transmitter and receiver, all the components of the circuit
were implemented on a breadboard carefully with the aid of
G. Hardware Design jumper wires and a multimeter was used to test the continuity
The Transmitter of the circuit from point to point.
The conversion digital data into visible light is the basic task
if the transmitter. In view of a LED's moderately linear 1) The Hardware for the transmitter was designed and
relationship between its intensity and current, it becomes a implemented utilizing the accompanying steps:
suitable component. Modulation of the LED’s intensity is the 2) The transmitter circuit design was drawn after
general idea i.e., the symbol transmitted correlates with the design calculations were completed. The software
light intensity. The Arduino ports are not equipped for used for drawing the circuit schematic layout is the
conveying the appropriate measure of current to make the Proteus 8 Professional Design Tool.
light intensity solid and quick enough. To get around this 3) After designing the circuit layout, the components
issue, a transistor is utilized as a switch, which made it were acquired and then connected on the breadboard
conceivable to switch a bigger current quicker. In Fig. 2, a using jumper wires where necessary.
schematic is appeared to give the transmitter's overview. 4) Next, the circuit after a series of tests on the
Breadboard is transferred into a Vero board of
The Receiver appropriate size carefully.
The task of the receiver is to convert the approaching light
into current utilizing a photodiode. Since for a signal that is Then finally, the components were soldered appropriately
digital, the Arduino cannot receive a voltage that is above 5 and then retested.
V; thus, the electrical circuit between the photodiode and the
Arduino needs to process the electrical signal so it tends to be In other to ensure the proper testing of the system and
deciphered correctly. The receiver's circuit needs to change circumvent its proneness to errors, the transmitter and receiver
over the current to voltage so as to enhance(amplify) and then circuits were implemented on a single breadboard and the
LED and photodiode were in close proximity to one another. 1) The Arduino program is uploaded onto it chip via
After several tests, the components on the breadboard were the serial port and the port number is noted.
then soldered carefully using the same circuit configuration on 2) After successfully uploading the program, the
separate Vero boards. A multimeter is used after soldering to Arduino serial monitor is opened and the text to be
detect dry joints, bridging of joints and test for continuity of sent is typed in the text box of the Arduino serial
lines on the Vero board. This helps to reduce the strain of monitor indicated in Fig. 4 (which was used to avoid
constructing the circuit and detecting causes of error before making the process tedious). The sent text was “Li-
using the circuit. Fi System”.
3) The system module will buffer it and begin
transmitting it through the LED which acts as the
C. Software Implementation input to the channel.
The only implementation of software design carried out is the 4) The Arduino connected to the receiving PC will
creation of the application that decodes the sent message from receive the data transferred over the LED to the
the transmitter and displays it on its output window. The channel i.e. the photodiode and the double stage
application is a Java application created using Net beans amplifier, which in turn decodes it.
Programming interface. The Arduino library was imported to The received text is then displayed using the Java GUI
the Net Beans IDE as this is an external library specially application designed as shown in Fig. 4.
designed to ensure the Java application can communicate
with the Arduino microcontroller effectively.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed from the The final design verification was done using the complete
program has a connect button and a system-generated port list system; transmitter, receiver, and software, and the results are
so as to give the user flexibility in the selection of ports on shown in Fig. 4.
the Receiver PC. The application is opened through its link
stored in the Net Beans IDE used to create it. The application A. Transmitter
prompts the user to connect the Arduino microcontroller to The transmitter gets a signal from the PC utilizing USB Cable
one of the ports from the drop-down list of ports. The port to then from Arduino's GPIO connecting pins. The transistor
be chosen can be determined by carefully viewing the port which works as a switch to the LED's power supply is
number from the Arduino IDE used to upload the regulated by this signal. A Test data sent – a text (“Li-Fi
microcontroller encoding program onto the Arduino board. System”) encoding involved determining the characters of
The port to be connected to is automatically chosen. Any
error in connecting to the right port would impede the user
from viewing the message sent from the first computer.
D. Implemetation Procedure
The practical execution of the work comprises of the
following parts:
1) Data packaging and encoding: This is done by the
Arduino connected to the transmitter. It converts the
text to bits and sends sequentially as a Low or High
voltage signal.
2) Hardware control;
3) Transmission synchronization;
Fig. 4. Encoding and Decoding Monitor
4) Transmission decoding: This is done by the
photodiode which converts the light signal to an the text individually in ASCII codes and then converting
analog signal of varying magnitude and then passes them to binary bits individually before being transmitted as
it to the amplifier for amplification and light signals. Here it tends to be noticed that both 5 V and 12
differentiation of the bits. V supply can be utilized in the transmitter for powering the
5) Error handling: This is performed by the automatic LED yet for straightforwardness and less complexity of the
gain controller which is immediately after the circuits, 5 V supply is favoured for low power operation.
photodiode. It ensures that a “1” is clearly
differentiated from a “0” bit.
B. Receiver
At whatever point a user needs to send information (data) to The incoming signal (light) is converted to a signal (in
another user, the following steps will occur: electrical form) by the receiver using the photodiode and
feeds it into the microcontroller via the operational amplifier can be connected to the computer system just like a modem
- which filters and amplifies the signal. ADC operation is and would get its power supply from the USB port of the
carried out on the signal before giving it to the Arduino computer. This set up would greatly improve the portability of
because it is in analog form after amplification. Fig. 4 shows the device as well as prevent its proneness to error. The major
the measured analog signal in parenthesis at the output of the improvement on this system should focus on the process of
amplifier when a bit ‘1’ or ‘0’ is received. The generated transferring data to and from a PC either in half-duplex mode
current by the photodiode is exceptionally low; hence, it is or even simultaneously.
converted to voltage by a high-value resistor. Subsequently,
this voltage is additionally enhanced for the comparator to
give appropriately transmitted bits. Finally, on the receiver VII. REFERENCES
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at the receiver to decode data sent in bits and interpret it
correctly without the aid of the whole Arduino board which
makes it look more bogus and less portable. This special chip