Materials Today: Proceedings: Gowram Iswarya, Beulah M
Materials Today: Proceedings: Gowram Iswarya, Beulah M
Materials Today: Proceedings: Gowram Iswarya, Beulah M
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Concrete is widely used in construction material by the construction industry. It is considered as a vital
Received 3 June 2020 material because of its properties. Different grades of concrete (M10, M20, M30, M40, M50, M60 and M70) are
Accepted 16 June 2020 used in construction and are chosen based on the requirements. Higher grade concrete requires cement of
Available online 23 July 2020
different properties. The manufacturing process of cement, releases a huge amount of Carbon footprints.
To reduce the emission of CO2, usage of virgin cement can be minimized by partially replacing with poz-
Keywords: zolanic materials or industrial wastes like zeolite, metakaolin, silica fume and fly ash. These materials
improve the durability and strength of concrete by filling the pores and reduce the porosity and perme-
Fly ash
Industrial waste
ability of the concrete without compromising on the desired properties. For sustainable development and
Metakaolin protecting the environment, enormous research has been done on concrete by using various industrial
Silica fume waste materials. This article is a state-of-the-art review of research on the use of industrial waste mate-
Zeolite rials to produce High Strength Concrete (HSC). Different materials were studied to prepare HSC by using
distinct methods. Different experimental tests were conducted on concrete when cement is partially
replaced with industrial waste materials and are compared with conventional concrete. It is observed
that the partial replacement of cement with zeolite, metakaolin, fly ash, and silica fume, the properties
of concrete increases up to certain age and mixing proportions when compared to conventional concrete.
It is observed that there is limited research was done on zeolite with the combination of industrial waste
materials for health analysis of the structures at different w/c ratios for large production. So, further
investigation is needed on the technical, environmental, economic aspects and educating the public
through the use of industrial waste materials as a sustainable approach.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.
1. Introduction exceed 60 MPa when cured with water immersion method for
28 days. The compressive, tensile, and flexural strength of hardened
For decades in the construction industry, concrete and its con- concrete were tested [10–12].
stituents are widely used. Though there is much significance of con-
struction materials, but it shows the potential challenges as well as 2. Review of research on the utilization of industrial waste
consequences by overuse of these concrete materials [1,2]. The main materials to produce concrete
challenges are lack of availability of aggregates, cost-effectiveness,
CO2 emission impact on the environment due to cement production The extensive research on the utilization of cementitious mate-
and waste generation by demolition. So, research on concrete when rials [13,14] to prepare concrete can be divided into different cat-
cement is partially replaced with silica fume, zeolite [3], fly ash [4– egories based on the material used: metakaolin [15–18], zeolite
6], and metakaolin [7] was done. The concrete mix proportions of [19], silica fume, fly ash and as detailed below.
high strength concrete were designed according to the ACI method
and the guidelines provided in ACI 211.1 (ACI, 1991) [8,9]. Concrete 2.1. Preparing concrete by partial replacement of cement with
mix proportions were designed to reach compressive strengths that metakaolin
⇑ Corresponding author. To reduce the usage of OPC, it is replaced with zeolite and meta-
E-mail address: (G. Iswarya). kaolin [20–22] which are naturally available in nature. These min-
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.
G. Iswarya, M Beulah / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 116–123 117
eral admixtures are blended and replaced with cement up to 20% national problem with financial, severe environmental and social
and a concrete mix was prepared to study strength and durability. consequences [40]. When fly ash is replaced by Portland cement
The water/cement ratio is kept constant for all the mix designs. The and water it produces a product that is similar to the product
results showed that there are beneficial effects of mineral admix- formed by cement hydration but it has a denser microstructure
tures when replaced with cement and produce environmental- that is of less permeable. According to ACI Committee 211 2008,
friendly green concrete [23]. Metakaolin has a great impact on con- fly ash replacement level is 15–25% recommended for high
crete to resist the penetration of chloride ions due to the chloride strength concrete whereas 50% for normal strength concrete as a
binding capacity of cementitious materials [24]. The combination total binder [41,42]. Accelerated rebar corrosion tests and high-
of 10% zeolite and 10% metakaolin when mixed with 100% micro temperature test experiments were carried out to obtain the dura-
nanobubbles of water is the best design that increased compres- bility performance of different blended cements. The results were
sive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength. At the age of obtained from microstructure analysis where it showed that, under
28 days it was observed that water absorption was decreased at the effect of high temperature the performance of fly ash is better
30 mins, 24-hr, and also chloride permeability when compared than other mineral additives used in the study [43]. Though fly ash
with the control sample [25]. slower the hardening of concrete but it proved that it is the most
economical among all these choices [44]. High-volume fly ash
2.2. Preparing concrete by partial replacement of cement with zeolite (HVFA) concrete with 50% or more than that is replaced by fly
ash with cement and is studied extensively. High-volume fly ash
In China, blended cement is produced by mixing cement with often used to achieve a good slump for self-compacting concrete
natural pozzolanic material [26] like zeolite. This mineral admix- [45,46].
ture helps in enhancing the properties of concrete. Natural zeolite
is widely used in the cement industry as a cement blending mate-
2.4. Preparing concrete by partial replacement of cement with silica
rial because it is a type of mineralogical material which contains
large quantities of reactive SiO2 and Al2O3 [27,28]. Zeolite con-
tributes to the strength of concrete mainly by the pozzolanic reac-
Along with zeolite [47–50] other mineral admixtures like silica
tion with Ca(OH)2 like any other pozzolanic materials. The
fume ash also helps the concrete to enhance the performance. High
reactivity of zeolite material in comparison with other pozzolans
strength concrete is being widely produced as an appropriate sub-
is of much interest [29]. The properties of concrete can be
stitute for the normal strength concrete to produce HSC lower W/C
improved by replacing cement with zeolite. This mineral admix-
and higher binder content is needed [51–53]. As a result, high-
ture reduced the porosity of the blended cement paste thus
range water-reducing admixtures (HRWRA) are required to
improved interfacial microstructure properties between the aggre-
achieve the needed workability. To improve the mechanical prop-
gate and blended cement paste in prepared concrete [30]. Replace-
erties and durability of HSC, silica fume is being used [54,55].
ment of cement with zeolite gives strength to the concrete which is
When properly designed for low water/binder ratio, the presence
equal to conventional concrete when mixed with designed mixing
of silica fume explains that the mechanical performance of the high
proportions. Zeolite usage in concrete does not harm the environ-
strength concrete. This silica fume provides good particle packing
ment because of the natural availability [31]. Two types of con-
and increases the resistance of the concrete to aggressive environ-
crete’s hygrothermal behavior were studied i.e. reference
ments because of its strong pozzolanic property [56]. When com-
concrete (without any admixtures) and natural zeolite concrete
pared with other pozzolanic materials silica fume has a high
by 40% cement replacement [32]. Using the computer simulation
specific surface area, thus improve the strength of concrete more
tool HEMOT, the computations were performed that process input
effectively [57–66].
parameters by the finite element method. The simulation was
Chemical compositions of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC),
assumed under the dynamic climatic conditions of Prague. The
zeolite, silica fume, metakaolin and fly ash are given in Table 1.
results obtained by computational simulations showed that natu-
Physical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), zeolite,
ral zeolite was not found related (any positive effect on freeze/
silica fume, metakaolin, fly ash are given in Table 2.
thaw resistance) to unprotected building envelope but the
hygrothermal performance of zeolite concrete will be considerate
to external layers and hence extend their service life [33,34]. The 3. Test on concrete
mechanical properties of the concrete sample that contains natural
zeolite were investigated in many works and durability properties Concrete is tested most commonly by the compressive strength
with blended Portland cement-zeolite binders were analyzed [35]. test. The reason behind this is to understand the fact that this test
is relatively inexpensive and easy too. From the past many decades’
2.3. Preparing concrete by partial replacement of cement with fly ash concrete technology made many changes in bringing HSC which
has been started using for new construction material. Different
For long service life in aggressive environments, the durability tests can be conducted on hardened concrete like compressive
of concrete is a major factor that has to be considered. Concrete strength test for cube, split tensile test for cylinders, and flexural
includes a large amount of natural resources in the form of aggre- test for beams where single point load, two-point load, three-
gates, cement, and water [36]. About 7% of the total greenhouse gas point loading can be applied based on the research requirement
emission in this world is produced by Cement production by con- [10,27,67–69]. There are different standard cube moulds, cylinder
suming huge energy. To increase the durability and sustainability moulds and beam moulds are available in the market. The relation-
of concrete, supplementary cementitious materials like fly ash, sil- ship for strength between cylinder and cube is based on fracture
ica fume, and slag are used in large amounts from the last few dec- mechanics theories. The shape of the specimen influences the crack
ades [37,38]. In the production of high-strength concrete [39] there pattern. The strength obtained from concrete cylinders and cubes
requires a high volume of industrial by-products that are tested in are obtained by the standard relationship between them [30].
the laboratory. High-calcium fly ash and ladle furnace slag as bin- By conducting experimental tests like compressive strength,
der i.e. partial replacement of cement and electric arc furnace slag water permeability, water absorption, electrical resistivity, rapid
as aggregates are the by-products used. This is because of the chloride permeability, and carbonation test at different ages, the
increase in natural resource consumption has led to a major inter- role of zeolite in concrete can be identified [36]. For this replace-
118 G. Iswarya, M Beulah / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 116–123
Table 1
Chemical compositions of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), zeolite, silica fume, metakaolin and fly ash.
Table 2
Physical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), zeolite, silica fume, metakaolin, fly ash.
Material Specific surface area Specific gravity Density Fineness Initial setting time Reference
Cement 3519 – 3.15 – – [3]
355 (m2/kg) 3.1 – – – [6]
0.962 (m2/g) – 3140 (Kg/m3) 11% 125 (min) [7]
– 2.67 – 6.45% – [13]
3520 (cm2/g) 3.15 – – – [18]
339 (m2/kg) 3.15 – – 105 (min) [39]
3807 (cm2/g) 3.14 – 8.98% 141 (min) [40]
Zeolite 3980 – 2.91 – – [3]
750 (m2/kg) 2.16 – – – [6]
10000 (cm2/g) 2.2 – – – [28]
Silica Fume – – 2.29/g cm 3- – – [4]
2*104 (m2/kg) 2.2 – – – [6]
20,000 (m2/kg) – 2.2 – – [30]
Metakaolin 12,680 (cm2/g) 2.62 – – – [18]
Fly Ash 0.938 (m2/g) – 2420 (Kg/m3) 19% 145 (min) [7]
– 2.59 – 2.57% – [13]
ment of cement, the compressive strength, effective fracture concrete is highly influenced by environment and storage condi-
toughness, bending strength, and specific fracture energy were tions that are treated with or without (sprinkling) water indoor
worse when compared to reference Portland-cement concrete or outdoor [72].
whereas frost resistance, de-icing salt-resistance, and chemical By using X-ray diffraction, hydration products of plain cement,
resistance for MgCl2, NH4Cl, Na2SO4, and HCl are improved. For complex binder containing 15% Fly ash microsphere and a complex
hardened concrete mix which contains 20% zeolite, hygrothermal binder containing 15% silica fume at 90 days were mineralogically
performance, water vapor diffusion coefficient, water absorption determined. To obtain yield stress and viscosity values, all paste
coefficient, water vapor sorption isotherms, specific heat capacity samples were subjected to the rheometer test. Hardened concrete
and thermal conductivity are satisfactory [67,70]. samples with dimensions 100*100*100 mm were cast and these
X-ray diffraction analysis helps in determining the active com- samples were cured at room temperature of 20 ± 1 °C and
ponents of the zeolite; SEM helps in determining the particle form 95 ± 5% relative humidity. The compressive strengths test was con-
and size. 5 batches of specimens were made with the zeolite con- ducted at the age of 3, 7, 28 and 90 days. Fly ash microsphere can
tent ranging from 0 to 10% in replacement of cement. The density improve pore structure at late ages which is similar to silica fume.
of concrete, ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength of In addition to this Fly ash microsphere can improve late-age
the concrete is increased. Modified concretes have lower water strength, flowability, and permeability to chloride ions by decreas-
absorption and higher closed porosity, subsequently, both improve ing early-age autogenous shrinkage of concrete [73]. The first part
the freeze–thaw resistance of concrete, it is a very important prop- is the Physico-chemical characterization of zeolite and the second
erty for concrete applications [71]. part assesses its potential as a pozzolan in structural concrete. The
XRD analysis of zeolite is shown in Fig. 1(a) is from [9] and density of clinoptilolite zeolite is determined by a pycnometer and
image of microstructure of zeolite admixture from ALF3 waste found as 2.13 g/cm3. Specific surface and Granulometry distribu-
(50,000 and 20,000 times magnification) is shown in Fig. 1(b) are tion are calculated. The chemical composition of the zeolite is
from [68]. XRD analysis of fly ash is shown in Fig. 2(a) from [9], determined by FRX using Rigaku FX2000 equipment (LOI: loss of
XRD analysis of OPC, Metakaolin, Silica fume is shown in Fig. 2 ignition). Two series of concrete were designed were the first
(b) from [10]. design mix contain normal Portland cement which is replaced with
The high strength concrete properties are highly influenced by 5, 10, 15, and 20% and the second design mix contain compound
environmental conditions and the duration of the curing method. Portland cement which is replaced with 5, 10, 15, and 20%. Other
Thirty years ago it is said that HSC had a compressive strength of concrete ingredients are collected from the parts of Argentina.
40 MPa. Concrete strength obtained by the reaction between The W/BM (water - binder material) ratio remained constant at
cement compounds and water. The concrete properties are 0.41. Fresh state of concrete was texted with Abram’s cone. The
improved with age by curing conditions by the internal moisture hardened concrete was tested using a compression test for 7, 28,
content of cement which is above 80%. The types of samples, type 90, 180 days. The concrete mixture containing 10% zeolite was pre-
of curing, duration of curing, and environmental conditions are the sented the least resistance to traction, resistance increased gradu-
basis on which the efficiency of curing depends. The strength of ally [74,75].
G. Iswarya, M Beulah / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 116–123 119
Fig. 1. (a) XRD Analysis of Zeolite [9]; (b) Microstructure of zeolite admixture from ALF3 waste (50,000 and 20,000 times magnification) [68].
Fig. 2. XRD Analysis of fly ash [9]; XRD Analysis of OPC Metakaolin, Silica fume [10].
Summary of usage of zeolite and industrial waste materials in concrete.
S. Material % replaced with cement Tests conducted Effects on concrete by using material Number of Reference
No days
1 Cement 100% R–e curve, size effect, crack pattern In cubes, the formation of cracks throughout the hardened specimen 6 months [2]
is denser than cylinders
2 Zeolite 0%, 15%, 25% Compressive strength, degree of reaction of zeolite, porosity of Zeolite cement pastes with a low w/c ratio have more strength. The 3, 7, 28, [3]
pastes. porosity of the paste reduces when 15% zeolite is added. 90,
180 days
3 Silica fume 10% Compressive strength, bending strength, the pore size distribution High bending strength of 30 Mpa regardless of curing temperature. 7 days [4]
of specimens. The pore size distribution for hardened concrete depends on curing
4 Silica fume 0%, 6%, and 10% The compressive strength at a temperature of 200c to 100, 200, and The optimum values of concrete containing SF and w/c are 6% and 7, 28 days [5]
3000c. 0.35 at low w/c at high temperatures in comparison with the OPC
5 Zeolite 5%, 10%, 15%, 30% Compressive strength, slump, initial surface absorption, chloride Increase in compressive strength for all the three materials from 5% 7 and [6]
Pulverized fuel 5%, 10%, 15%, 30% diffusion. till 30%, and chloride diffusion and initial surface absorption 28 days
ash 5%, 10%, 15%, 30% improves with the permeation characteristics of the concrete
S. Material % replaced with cement Tests conducted Effects on concrete by using material Number of Reference
No days
19 Metakaolin, silica 5%, 10%, and 15% Compressive strength tests The estimated strengths at the age of 28 days and above (97% are 1, 3, 7, 28, [24]
fume within 5% of the original value). 56, 90, and
180 days
20 Natural zeolite 7.5%, 15%, 22.5%, 30% Compressive strength, flexural strength, depth of penetration of Zeolite with 22% indicated a very significant increase to resist water 7, 28 and [27]
water penetration 90 days
21 Natural zeolite 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% Compressive strength, tensile splitting strength test, water By the use of zeolite, there was a modification in the transition zone 28, 90, [28]
permeability, capillary absorption, chloride penetrability, electrical and the quality of pastes. 270 days
resistivity, carbonation, microstructure study of the paste, the
microstructure of transition zone,
22 Natural zeolite 10% Mechanical properties, water absorption and water penetration, Good results are observed for zeolite concrete for water penetration, 1, 28, 56, [29]
freeze–thaw resistance, drying shrinkage, freeze–thaw resistance, and drying shrinkage of concretes. 90,
180 days
23 Natural zeolite, 10%, 15%, 20% Chloride diffusion Activation energy value of zeolite concrete was observed higher 450 days [30]
silica fume 5%, 10%, 12.5% when compared to silica fume concrete
24 Natural zeolite 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, 32%, 40% XRF analysis for chemical composition of zeolite concrete For the composite mix design application of natural zeolite gives a 28 days [31]
(continued on next page)
122 G. Iswarya, M Beulah / Materials Today: Proceedings 46 (2021) 116–123
5. Conclusion
90 days
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