Construction and Building Materials: Yimmy Fernando Silva, Rafael Andres Robayo, Pedro Enrique Mattey, Silvio Delvasto
Construction and Building Materials: Yimmy Fernando Silva, Rafael Andres Robayo, Pedro Enrique Mattey, Silvio Delvasto
Construction and Building Materials: Yimmy Fernando Silva, Rafael Andres Robayo, Pedro Enrique Mattey, Silvio Delvasto
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The present paper discuss the results of an experimental study about self-compacting concretes (SCC)
Received 3 February 2016 made with recycled coarse aggregates and a mineral admixture obtained from a residue of masonry
Received in revised form 22 June 2016 (RM). It was evaluated the effects of the use of the recycled aggregate on the properties of SCC. Five types
Accepted 15 July 2016
of SCC mixes were tried, where the virgin coarse aggregate was substituted by the recycled aggregate
between 0 and 100% by volume. The blended cement (Portland cement + admixture) remained constant
at 480 kg/m3 and included 20% by weight of RM. The rheological properties of the fresh SCC were deter-
mined by means of slump and flow tests, V-funnel, and L-box tests. It showed appropriate workability
Self-compacting concrete
Recycled concrete
and resistance to segregation, passing ability, and filling capacity. The mechanical properties were
Coarse aggregates reduced with the incorporation of the recycled coarse aggregate due to the poor adhesion between the
Residue of masonry old mortar and aggregate; however, the results fall within admissible characteristics to be used in several
Construction and demolition debris constructive elements for its acceptable mechanical properties.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
640 Y.F. Silva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 124 (2016) 639644
electricity and fuel during the process of production of the Portland tion and demolition wastes (C&D) that proceeded from some
cement [8]. The emissions of CO2 in the production of the compo- constructive elements with more than 40 years of being built in
nents of concrete mixtures of medium strength using Portland Universidad del Valle (Cali-Colombia).
cement as the only binder fluctuate between 0.29 and 0.32 t
CO2/m3 [9]. Other way to reduce CO2 emissions is the use of additions
2. Experimental framework
from industrial sub-products and recycled materials [10,11]; one of
them is the utilization of construction and demolition wastes
2.1. Materials
The incorporation of masonry wastes [4] and rubbles, resulting
2.1.1. Cement
from construction activities or demolition of concrete buildings, as
A commercial type I Portland cement, complying with the
coarse aggregate in the preparation of concrete is an alternative for
requirements of specification ASTM C150, was used. This cement
the production of self-compacting concrete [1214]. Therefore, the
contains a limestone addition done by manufactory, this is the rea-
recycling of C&D is important, because it minimizes the consump-
son why a high loss on ignition is exhibited. Analysis of the chem-
tion of mineral resources, which require considerable energy in
ical composition of this cement was performed by X-ray
their extraction and grinding processes. The harnessing of C&D,
fluorescence (XRF); the result are shown in Table 1. The particle
results in a reduction of fuel consumption, indeed the demolished
size distribution (PSDs) measured by laser distribution method
concrete is an eco-friendly alternative source of aggregates for pro-
are provided in Fig. 1. It was obtained in the PSD a mean particle
duction of concrete [15]. The objective of this research was the
size D (4.3) of 20.67 lm, which is identified that 10% of the sample
analysis of the properties in fresh and hardened states as the com-
has a particle size less than 1.96 lm, the 50% less than 15.82 lm
pressive strength and splitting tensile strength, and permeability
and (D90) 90% less than 46.82 lm.
properties at curing ages of 3, 7, 28 and 60 days for the different
mixtures incorporating 20% of residue of grinding masonry (RM)
as partial replacement of cement, and different percentages, from 2.1.2. Residue of masonry (RM)
0% to 100%, of recycled coarse aggregate instead of natural aggre- The powder of RM was obtained from a wall of red clay bricks
gate, the recycled aggregate was obtained from crushed construc- cemented with Portland cement mortar, this wall was demolished
in a building of the Universidad del Valle (Fig. 2). These demolition
Table 1 waste were subjected to a milling process to obtain a mean particle
XRF analysis and loss on ignition of cement. size D (4.3) of 26.6 lm determined by laser diffraction granulome-
Oxide/element SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SO3 K2O Na2O L.I try, this mean particle size was similar to the cement used. Its
% mass 19.13 4.42 4.32 57.7 2.32 0.28 0.16 9.78 chemical composition and other main characteristics are presented
in Tables 2 and 3.
2.1.3. Superplasticizers
3. Experimental part
A superplasticizer admixture (SP: Sika SikaPlast 326) was used
for all tested self-compacting concretes. This admixture causes a
3.1. Mixture proportions
high reduction of mixing water, it meets the requirements of ASTM
C494 and is classified according to the parameters specified by this
The proportions of the concrete mixtures are shown in Table 5.
standard within the Types A and F, its density is 1130 kg/m3.
The SCC-20% denotes the self-compacting concrete with addition
of 20% of fine material (RM), this percentage of addition of RM is
2.1.4. Natural aggregates selected according to prior investigation [4]. In this concrete was
In this study, the fine aggregate was silica sand of natural origin replaced the coarse aggregate for recycled coarse aggregate
(NS), taken from a river in the region, with fineness modulus of (RCA). Five mixtures of self-compacting concrete were made with
2.55 and a predominance of rounded particles, suitable for con- replacement percentages in volume of virgin coarse aggregates
crete requiring high workability and fluency. Natural gravel as by RCA in a range from 0% to 100%, the total content of cementi-
coarse aggregate (CA), which had a maximum size of 12.7 mm tious binder (cement + RM) was 480 kg/m3. The content by weight
(1/2 in) and a predominance of angular particles, was employed. of fine aggregate (NS) remained constant in 964.8 kg/m3. The
The particle size distribution of aggregates is shown in Fig. 3 and water-to-cementitious ratio (w/c) was set at 0.45 for all mixtures.
their main physical characteristics are seen in Table 4.
Table 4
Physical and mechanical characteristics of aggregates.
Table 5
Dosage of mixtures of SCC with coarse recycled aggregate (dry weight).
Compound SCC-20% SCC-20%-25% RCA SCC 20%50% RCA SCC 20%75% RCA SCC 20%100% RCA
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
Cement 384.00 384.00 384.00 384.00 384.00
Coarse aggregate (CA) 643.20 482.41 321.60 160.80
Coarse recycled aggregate (RAC) 143.08 286.16 429.23 572.29
Natural Sand (NS) 964.80 964.80 964.80 964.80 964.80
Water 216.00 216.00 216.00 216.00 216.00
w/c 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Superplasticizer 2.88 2.88 2.89 2.89 2.90
Residue of masonry (RM) 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00
4. Results and discussion roughness after being subjected to processes of crushing compared
with natural aggregate and, the second one, is that these type of
4.1. Tests on fresh SCC recycled aggregate has a greater amount of fine particles resulting
from the crushing process with the consequent requirement of
Characteristic rheological tests were performed to self- more water. These factors affect the slump of the mixtures, espe-
compacting concrete; they were: Slump flow, V-funnel, L-box. cially when replacement of natural aggregates by RCA is close to
The slump flow test was done using the Abrams cone, in order to 100%. The L-box test determines the passing ability of self-
evaluate the ability of concrete to deform under the action of its compacting concrete to flow through a narrow opening between
own weight with restriction, also allowing to check, visually, the bars (three in this case) without segregation or blockage.
possibility of segregation of the concrete. A range of values for an The mixtures with less to 50% RCA reached the blockage ratio,
adequate slump flow is 550 mm 850 mm [17]. All mixtures under opposite of this, mixtures containing 75% and 100% RCA did not
study were adjusted following the recommendations of the Euro- achieve this ratio, because the ratio H2/H1 was less than 0.75.
pean Project Group [17] and EFNARC [18], because the slump test The V-funnel test was also performed to evaluate the fluidity and
of SCC mixtures was in the range from 590 to 740 mm. The slump stability of the SCC. The time in V-funnel should be lesser than
flow time to reach a diameter of 500 mm (T50) for each of the tried 25 s according to the stipulations of the European Project Group
mixtures was less than 4 s. However, it was observed that the [17]. The flow time in the V-funnel fell in the range from 4 to
incorporation of coarse recycled aggregates slightly affect the 25 s, indicating that this property was satisfied. It is clear, the evi-
slump flow of the mixtures, proportionally to the percentage of dence that adding recycled aggregate affects negatively the work-
replacement; according to Hadiwidodo and Mohd [19], Leite ability of concrete [21]. The test results of the SCC are presented in
et al. [20] and Safiuddin et al. [21], this behavior is due to two fac- Table 6.
tors: The first is that recycled aggregates have a greater surface
the tested specimens with RCD. This phenomenon is similar to Mix K (kg/m2 seg1/2) m (107 s/m2) Effective porosity
what was found in other experimental studies [22,23]. This behav- ee (%)
ior can be attributed to a better grading [24]. 28 days of curing
The reduction in compressive strengths is considered normal SCC-20% 0.0120 10.01 12.04
due to: The poor adhesion between the old mortar and aggregate, SCC-20%-25% RCA 0.0124 9.59 12.22
SCC-20%-50% RCA 0.0123 9.99 12.37
the presence of transverse cracks and fissures in the recycled SCC-20%-75% RCA 0.0129 9.43 12.60
aggregates produced during their process of crushing, and the SCC-20%-100% RCA 0.0131 9.35 12.44
presence of a weak porous mortar around the recycled aggregate
[20,21]. Moreover, the strength is also affected by the replacement
level of RCA and the w/c ratio [25,26]. Additionally, the character-
RCA on physical properties as density, porosity and absorption
istics of the old interface could influence directly the mechanical
showed that the incorporation of this recycled materials generates
behavior of new concrete, because it could generate high stress
an increase of volume of permeable porosity in function of the
concentrations when this is subjected to loading with the possible
amount of RCA replacing the virgin coarse aggregate, this is associ-
material failure [27]. However, in some cases recycled concretes
ated to the lower quality of RCA due to the presence of numerous
can exhibit an increase in the compressive strength due to the
cracks and pores (aggregates and adhered mortar); because of this,
rough texture and absorption capacity of the adhered mortar in
the SCC with RCA are more susceptible to permeation [30,31].
recycled aggregates, which provides better bonding and interlock-
The results of the density- reported in Table 8- are consistent
ing between the cement paste and the recycled aggregates them-
with those obtained by other researchers [30,31], who attributed
selves compared with natural aggregates [28].
this behavior to the porosity presented in the mortar adhered to
recycled aggregates generating a decrease in the density of the
4.2.2. Splitting tensile strength
SCC, compared with the SCC obtained with natural aggregate. Con-
The splitting tensile strength test was performed according to
sequently, it influences the density of the final hardened concrete.
the standard ASTM C496, in Table 7 is shown the testing results,
where the effect of incorporation of RCA on this property can be
4.3.2. Capillary sorptivity
appreciated. The values of splitting tensile strength decreased
The results obtained by testing capillary sorptivity, following
slightly with the replacement of coarse aggregate by RCA after
the SIA 162/1 (European standard), are presented in Table 9. The
28 days of curing, and this is greatest when the replacement is
curves for self-compacting concrete with RCA show a similar
total, going from 3.05 MPa in the reference mixture (SCC-20%) to
behavior, slightly above the curve relative to the reference SCC
2.30 MPa in the mixture with 100% RCA (SCC 20%100%RCA). Some
(SCC-20%). These results show that the use of recycled aggregates
researchers attribute this negative effect to the quality and the sur-
in the SCC mixtures causes a decrease in resistance to penetration
face characteristics of recycled aggregates, independently of the
m, an increase of effective porosity e and increases the perme-
replacement level [14,29].
ability (K). This behavior is more evident when higher percentages
of RCA are used in the mixtures of SCC. This due to the increased
4.3. Permeability properties
amount of cement paste found on the surfaces of aggregates,
results in increasing sorptivity values [32],
4.3.1. Absorption, density and voids
The results obtained in the test of absorption, density and
porosity, established in accordance to the ASTM C642 standard, 5. Conclusions
are shown in Table 8, where the effect of the incorporation of
Based on the experimental results, the following conclusions
Table 7 can be drawn:
Results of splitting tensile strength at 7 and 28 days of curing.
The results showed that it is possible to obtain a self-
Mixture 7 days 28 days compacting concrete environmentally sustainable using the bulk
Splitting tensile Splitting tensile constituents of demolition debris (masonry and concrete) as a
strength (MPa) strength (MPa) replacement for Portland cement and coarse aggregate the residue
SCC 20% 2.20 3.05 of masonry and concrete respectively.
SCC 20%25% RCA 2.27 2.70 Referring to the fresh properties of concrete, it was observed
SCC 20%50% RCA 2.31 2.71 that when RCA is increased, it is necessary to add more superplas-
SCC 20%75% RCA 1.97 2.35
ticizer to get a concrete that could be considered as self-
SCC 20%100% RCA 1.98 2.28
compacting concrete, according to the specifications done by the
Table 8
Test of absorption, density and voids of the SCC with RCA at 28 days of curing.
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